[Q] Signal strength :( - HTC EVO 3D

Question for people who switched from Evo 4G to Evo 3D.
Is anyone else noticing markedly weaker phone/3G signal strength as compared to their old 4G?
Mine is showing next to no signal in placed that my 4G showed full bars, and it pops in and out of roaming in places where I previously had decent Sprint signal.


I am having horrible reception problems. I have to sit on a window sill to get reception at my apartment where my Evo 4g got atleast one bar. Driving on a major highway here in Rochester NY, l watched my phone have one or no bars all the way into downtown. Roaming has been turning on and off.
Went to Sprint Store and the Rf tested my phone and said everything was fine, but my phone still seems to bounce around signal strength wise and usually ends up with one bar or less in areas where I have never had reception problems before.
As for 3G, it was running really, really slow until I called sprint and did a factory reset which has seemed to fix the problem. I'll know later if it fixed the signal strenth problem as well.

Sprint store and RF test just dont sound like they go togehter.
Definately sounds like your device is having some issues with CDMA.


3G in a 1x area

My wife and I both have the Eris with the V3 leak. We live in a bad are in Pennsylvania as far as mobile signal is concerned and even our phone coverage is through an extended network. We have always had 1x mobile signal in our house and starting yesterday, I have started getting a 3G signal at home but she still gets 1x. Has anybody experienced this before? I live in 18337 are code. I have tried turning her mobile on and off, turning the phone off, but hers comes back to 1x. We have had the phones for about 6 months and have always had really slow 1x signal at home.

WiFi reception seems weak

Was utilizing my home wifi signal to connect to a web site, but it would time out and not connect. Check and saw the wifi signal strength indicator with only the bottom dot illuminated. My laptop, right beside me, had all five bars illuminated. Switched the phone from wifi to data and it connected right away.
I ha e the same issue! But I am rooted. Is there any kind of a fix out there?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
Same. It's weaker than the Infuse i have
The international SGS2 doesn't like D-Link routers. I don't know if the AT&T version's the same. There's less range with a D-Link for some reason and it wreaks havoc on the battery. It likes Netgear routers.
Wifi is weaker than my captivate was, but the GPS is really good. I got a solid lock in some pretty dense woods while on a hike. Whereas my captivate got awesome wifi but crap gps. I wonder if its a trade off with the antennas.
How's the signal on a 2Wire router from ATT for DSL service?
Sent from my HTC Inspire 4G using XDA app
Same issue here. My captivate had a much better reception. I checked at home and at school. Both places it had only one bar in the signal while being only 35 feet away from the router with only one wall in the way. It looses signal when further away while my laptop still has it. I'm connected on 802.11n in both places so maybe its something with that?
I also see lower wifi signals compared to iPhone 3gs.the difference isn't huge but definitely noticeable.
I noticed that too. It is weaker than my ex 3GS iPhone as well.
Weaker? Indicator?
Has there been any test on SIGNAL STRENGTH versus the number of bars? I don't mean to take a page out of ANTENNA GATE, but just having a fewer number on the display, doesn't actually indicate poorer reception.
For the guy with the 3gs, can you measure with something like speedtest.net? Since transfer speed descrease respective to signal strength, this seems like a good test.
I just bought a SGS II and would really like to know if the indicator is accurate and comparable to other devices and it does have a weaker antenna.
I didn't wanna make a new thread but same here. Wifi is pretty weak on this phone . Fairly disappointed at that.
To beat a dead horse, I am always at 1 or 2 wireless bars versus my IP4 being at full wifi bars. Not sure how its effecting the actual browsing though.
I will say that my GS2 consistently shows less bars than my iPad and previous iPhone 4(1 or 2 compared to full).... BUT I have yet to have a single issue browsing or accessing anything and speed is still excellent. So it could just be a display issue.
My only problem with that is that if I do really have a bad signal and have a crappy connection I'll never really know - because I'll aways asume the connection is good even though it's reporting low strength.
I've sometimes had my GS2 show extremely weak wifi signal even when sitting right next to my router - but the wifi still works just fine, inconsistently with the displayed signal strength.
So if it's showing weak but working fine, don't worry.
Entropy512 said:
I've sometimes had my GS2 show extremely weak wifi signal even when sitting right next to my router - but the wifi still works just fine, inconsistently with the displayed signal strength.
So if it's showing weak but working fine, don't worry.
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I can agree with this. My router is located very close to my phone and sometimes my phone shows only 1 bar of signal but the overall performance is still snappy and quick. no worries
I'm coming from a iPhone 3G. While the SGSII displays less bars it also seems to pick up wireless signals that my iPhone never detected (free wireless downtown).
Also at home in some rooms it shows less than full while my iPhone always showed full but I never noticed it being slow. I think it just displays differently.
From AnandTech
Referring to Cellular connectivity:
"In addition, Samsung makes the mistake of going with a signal bar visualization with very compressed dynamic range. Since the whole iPhone 4 debacle, I’ve seen something of a trend towards a strict linear scale (which makes more sense), but SGS2 definitely doesn’t go that route. It’s not a huge deal however, just something to be aware of. I’m willing to overlook that issue considering that getting the real story on connectivity is no harder than dialing *#0011# and looking at the real number."
Referring to Wifi:
"As with every other radio, we have to do the receive sensitivity dance and make sure nothing is broken. I tested the SGS2 alongside an SGS 4G at my house with both an Airport Extreme (5th Gen) and WRT54G-TM boosted to 184 mW. SGS2 WiFi reception on 2.4 GHz is darn near identical to the previous generation.
There’s something deceptive about this however, and it’s that although Samsung has chosen to go the usual compressed-dynamic-range route with cellular bars, the WLAN bars seem to be more linearized. Thus where I’m used to seeing every other smartphone show max (until you’re right about to fall off), the SGS2 actually doesn’t lie to me and shows fewer bars. Until I ran around and looked at RSSI in dBm, I suspected SGS2 had WLAN sensitivity issues where there don’t appear to be any. One small thing I did notice is that SGS2 (and BCM4330) seems to only connect at long guard interval (eg 65 Mbps maximum for single stream, 20 MHz channels), where SGS1 and BCM4329 connected at 72 Mbps short guard interval."

Poor signal

My i9205 have generally poor signal compared to my note1. It doesn't seem to make any difference to turn of LTD. I have not experienced any call dropping, only referring to the displayed signal. My note shows full signal while i9205 shows minimum signal. And in battery usage the "Cell Standby" is quite high and normally with 10-20% "Time without signal" even if I have not noticed any time without signal.
Anyone have similar issue ?
I have the Mega GT-I9200 and experience spotty signal as I drive around. I am on T-mobile in New York. Within a 15 mile radius in New York City my signal will fluctuate between HSPA+, Edge, G (1st generstion GPRS), and sometimes complete loss of both data and cellphone signal. I think the issue is I might need a modem to be ported from a t-mobile device to give me a consistent signal. Not sure if anyone could do that or if there's even a t-mobile device whose modem would be compatible at this point.
Sent from my GT-I9200 using xda app-developers app
Yep! I'm definitely getting this too. The phone very rarely shows the full 4 bars of reception, and in low signal areas (1 bar or less) the phone starts flipping between GSM/WCDMA (UMTS) constantly, giving very poor reception. Also, signal strength in general isn't as good as my nexus 4 was. I sometimes am unable to reliably maintain a signal at all in areas that I know my N4 could reliably hold 1 bar of strength, with the phone disconnecting from the network completely and then reconnecting all the time.
As I'm in the UK and without LTE anyway, I've switched the phone to WCDMA mode only, which has helped though the phone now just flips between HSPA and HSPA+ when in poor signal. Its certainly much more usable this way at least.
On the upside, yesterday night with 3 bars reception I was consistently able to get over 15Mbps download, with my best result of nearly 19Mbps! So it doesn't look to be a hardware issue.
I'm speculating wildly here but to me this looks like a SW issue in one of two areas: signal strength isn't being reported correctly (too low), causing the phone to take action to try and obtain a better signal (by flipping to a lower bandwidth protocol or disconnecting and trying to detect a better macro, for instance) when it isn't really necessary OR maybe the phone is just too aggressive in switching from HSPA+ down to GSM to save battery.
Is there some way to take control of the mechanism, and try to force the phone to stay in hspa+, or to spoof a higher signal strength?
EDIT: This phone is packaged with very thin plastic wrapping over the metal band that runs around the circumference of the device. I accidentally left a lot of this wrapping on for the first few days. It may be complete crap, but I think my signal might have improved since I removed it all! I certainly seem to be able to maintain a connection in places that I wasn't able to last week, and maintain a constant (4-5Mbps) HSPA+ link in areas that I couldn't before...
Time will tell...
I have the same encounter, I have two sim cards belong to the same number one for phone and one for tablet. The one in Mega 6.3 give me three bar signal but the one in Galaxy tab plus 7" give me four bar signal :crying:
I am also having reception issues with my mega 6.3 I get worst reception than any of my other phones sitting in the exact same spot. I am on ATT in the US. I removed all the plastic around the phone. I am wondering if it is my APN settings. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this or there is something eles going on.
The Mega has an issue with the radio. I bought two of these an i9200 and i9250. Both Mega's would lose signal completely. I don't have the greatest signal here at my home, but it has never been an issue with any other phone such as Note 1 and Note 2 and many others. If you are in a weak signal area more than not, you may wamt to hold off until the radio issue is resolved with software or whatever. They were unusable for me and I re-sold them.
Sent from my GT-N5100 using xda premium
I have an i9205 and it's fine with the signal. I'm in the UK though
The big problem about this is that the phone uses much more battery when signal is low and using 3G. I can get 6-7 hours screen on time on one charge while wifi is on. But when using 3G with low signal I get 3-4 hours.
I hope this is a radio firmware thing, and not a hardware thing, so that it could be improved with updates.
so any updates?
Same problem here with my new Mega 6.3! My phone have only 1 or 2 bars signals while my brother's Samsung Grand has full antenna easily. It's very annoying. What should we do?!
Same ****ty reception going on with mine. I returned it.
I changed it too. New one is working fine.
hi. ah really? changnig phone u noticed a consistent improvement in reception?
but... i can say that i and my girlfriend, using a DIFFERENT SELLER...... we have the same problem of cell standby
I found that all phone models are inconsistent in radio reception, not sure why...
Sometimes the updates can do a little better, but I believe the hardware is the most limiting factor.
Maybe Mega isn't for you where you live, just return it then get another phone
i have poor signal Too
Any news or solution ?

{Q} Why does my phone jump off LTE as soon as I touch it?

This might seem like an obvious case of signal strength, but I have to ask because it bugs me. If i'm inside my house and my phone is sitting on the arm of the couch or something where I'm not touching it, I'll turn it on and it says I have 4G LTE with 3 bars. Less than a minute later, it jumps off of LTE and goes to 4G with the same signal strength. I thought it might be the radio, so I updated to the 4A.16.3250.24 radio suggested in the radio thread, and it still does the same thing.
Any ideas, or is this just a signal strength issue?
EDIT: Happens outside, too.

Signal reception problem

I just got this phone a few days ago and performance wise I am very impressed. However, the signal reception isn't really satisfactory.
I live in the Philippines and my carrier is SMART. When I'm outside the signal is fine, 4-5 bars. But when I go inside buildings it becomes 1 bar and sometimes becomes no service (especially when I put it in my pocket) Also even though my sim is LTE capable, I never seen it connect to LTE networks. Only 3G and H+.
Have you guys experienced this problem? Is it a hardware/software bug? Or is it a defect?

