[Q] Internal storage - Galaxy Ace S5830 General

My Galaxy Ace keeps saying that my internal storage is full and that I need to uninstall applications. Also my sms inbox often full.
I got the latest firmware (XKPH) and apps2sd enabled.
All the apps work wit apps2sd are on the sd but still I have < 20mb internal storage free and can't add more app because then I get the message.
What is the best way to get more internal storage? I read some people are still havind 181mb interal storage free with lot of apps installed...

superples said:
My Galaxy Ace keeps saying that my internal storage is full and that I need to uninstall applications. Also my sms inbox often full.
I got the latest firmware (XKPH) and apps2sd enabled.
All the apps work wit apps2sd are on the sd but still I have < 20mb internal storage free and can't add more app because then I get the message.
What is the best way to get more internal storage? I read some people are still havind 181mb interal storage free with lot of apps installed...
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Before posting thread, PLEASE use search. Like here is ONE THREAD about that kinda problem. Or PLEASE more info: dose your SD partitioned right(first FAT32, second ext2)?


HTC HD2 - Android Nexus - Apps won´t install to SD?

Hey guys,
My phone is troubling me at the moment. Its a rooted HTC HD2 running the Android Nexus.
Now the problem is, that when I install an app from the marketplace it always installs it to my internal memory (approx 128mb) which by now is full.
My SD card has 10GB free space and only has music, videos etc on it but no apps.
I thought that once my internal memory was full it would automatically install the apps to my SD card but it doesn´t do that. It just wont let me download anymore apps and tells me there is insufficent memory.
How do I get it to install the apps to my SD?
Thank you!
Bump! .....
Cheesus182 said:
Hey guys,
My phone is troubling me at the moment. Its a rooted HTC HD2 running the Android Nexus.
Now the problem is, that when I install an app from the marketplace it always installs it to my internal memory (approx 128mb) which by now is full.
My SD card has 10GB free space and only has music, videos etc on it but no apps.
I thought that once my internal memory was full it would automatically install the apps to my SD card but it doesn´t do that. It just wont let me download anymore apps and tells me there is insufficent memory.
How do I get it to install the apps to my SD?
Thank you!
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Use this: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.a0soft.gphone.app2sd&hl=en.

[Q] Internal memory usage increases even after linking app to sd through Link2SD

I have a rooted/Jailbreaked Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830i in which I have literally linked all my installed apps to SD. The available internal memory became around 130 MB now. While I install Skype & Instagram, even after linking these apps to SD card, the size of the internal memory decreased and the available free IM is 112 MB. I checked the SDcard EXT2 folder through RootExplorer and all linked apps are present there. But while I check the Root directory- Data/app, I see the same app present there.
Now can anyone please explain, why on earth these apps are present in two locations? Is that the reason my internal space is utilized and reduced?
Every time I install a new app, Link2sd automatically link the apk to SD card. But at the same time, my internal memory is reduced. Am I missing something here ?
Please Help !!
What you did was just linking them, but not moving entire app to your sdcard. I couldn't give you further explanation due to lack of android knowledge. Actually you can move your entire app to sdcard with link2sd but I find some of them unstable after moving.
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda app-developers app
Applications' data isn't linked, that's what taking up space.
You can move all the apps to micro SD using link2SD that'll increase your internal memory, but you can't create any link of apps to SD which are already installed in SD card. If you do, the apps will automatically be moved to internal & then they'll link to SD. In that case some apps takes more internal memory. Maybe that's what causing your problem.
So, I'll suggest you to move the apps to SD card one by one & if one can't be moved then link it to SD card, disable auto link to SD & select install location to SD card.
Vía xÐÆ Øffícíal™
mydrandroid said:
You can move all the apps to micro SD using link2SD that'll increase your internal memory, but you can't create any link of apps to SD which are already installed in SD card. If you do, the apps will automatically be moved to internal. Maybe that's what causing your problem.
So, I'll suggest you to move the apps to SD card one by one & if one can't be moved then link it to SD card, disable auto link to SD & select install location to SD card.
Vía xÐÆ Øffícíal™
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That's wrong, they're moved to internal storage then linked automatically.
The storage info might take a while to update, though.
GermainZ said:
That's wrong, they're moved to internal storage then linked automatically.
The storage info might take a while to update, though.
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What's wrong ?? After apps are moved to Internal, yeah then they do get linked to SD. Sorry I didn't mention that
But I didn't say anything wrong, did I ??
Vía xÐÆ Øffíçíal™
Thank you all for the help. Im trying to make the default installation location as SD card.Then move all app to SD. Hope that will increase the internal memory.Isn't it ?
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda app-developers app
Not Helping !
mydrandroid said:
You can move all the apps to micro SD using link2SD that'll increase your internal memory, but you can't create any link of apps to SD which are already installed in SD card. If you do, the apps will automatically be moved to internal & then they'll link to SD. In that case it takes more internal memory. Maybe that's what causing your problem.
So, I'll suggest you to move the apps to SD card one by one & if one can't be moved then link it to SD card, disable auto link to SD & select install location to SD card.
Vía xÐÆ Øffícíal™
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I did a factory reset, installed Link2sd to check available memory. It showed IM used as 30 MB. I moved Google Play to SD card, IM now used is 20 MB.
So, as u said, I installed new app to SD by default. Simultaneously, my IM is also reduced. By the time I installed almost all my required apps to SD, IM used became near to 50 MB.
I am totally confused. Is Link2SD meant for this ?
guys u r wrong!
just link the app you want, doesn't matter if its installed in internal or in the SD card,
if you find that the free internal space decreased instead of increasing (and that happens a lot with Link2SD), just reboot your phone, and you will find that it have been fixed.
-dun forget to press tnx if I helped -
Even if you move the apps 2 sd some of the apps data will stay on internal & that will decrees your internal slowly.
Ok... Let me give you guys some practical example ( try them on your devices )
1. UC browser :
» linked 2 sd - takes 10.08 mb of internal
» moved 2 sd - takes 4.19 mb of internal
2. XDA Official app :
» linked 2 sd - 4.70 mb of internal
» moved 2 sd - 1.57mb of internal
Vía xÐÆ Øffíçíal™
Finally !!
mydrandroid said:
Even if you move the apps 2 sd some of the apps data will stay on internal & that will decrees your internal slowly.
Ok... Let me give you guys some practical example ( try them on your devices )
1. UC browser :
» linked 2 sd - takes 10.08 mb of internal
» moved 2 sd - takes 4.19 mb of internal
2. XDA Official app :
» linked 2 sd - 4.70 mb of internal
» moved 2 sd - 1.57mb of internal
Vía xÐÆ Øffíçíal™
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Finally, I linked all my apks' to SD and now, I got 150 MB IM free. It is reducing slowly when I use Instagram n Skype. Once I close those, I manually go to Link2sd and clear the cache. It brings back the free IM.
Somehow, it is fixed, atleast for now. My phone now runs smooth...
Gracias !!
mydrandroid said:
What's wrong ?? After apps are moved to Internal, yeah then they do get linked to SD. Sorry I didn't mention that
But I didn't say anything wrong, did I ??
Vía xÐÆ Øffíçíal™
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Here's what you originally said:
mydrandroid said:
You can move all the apps to micro SD using link2SD that'll increase your internal memory, but you can't create any link of apps to SD which are already installed in SD card. If you do, the apps will automatically be moved to internal. Maybe that's what causing your problem.
So, I'll suggest you to move the apps to SD card one by one & if one can't be moved then link it to SD card, disable auto link to SD & select install location to SD card.
Vía xÐÆ Øffícíal™
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The parts in bold, as well as your suggestions, make it sound like you didn't even mean that, not just didn't mention it.
Arus Chandran said:
Finally, I linked all my apks' to SD and now, I got 150 MB IM free. It is reducing slowly when I use Instagram n Skype. Once I close those, I manually go to Link2sd and clear the cache. It brings back the free IM.
Somehow, it is fixed, atleast for now. My phone now runs smooth...
Gracias !!
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The cache is usually cleared when needed tho, so you don't have to keep doing that. If it's not, there are many apps that take care of automatically clearing the cache every now and then. Otherwise you could write a little script and have it run at startup.
Gracias !
GermainZ said:
Here's what you originally said:
The parts in bold, as well as your suggestions, make it sound like you didn't even mean that, not just didn't mention it.
The cache is usually cleared when needed tho, so you don't have to keep doing that. If it's not, there are many apps that take care of automatically clearing the cache every now and then. Otherwise you could write a little script and have it run at startup.
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Thank You Very Much for the support !!!
increase your internal memory
flash a kernel with init.d support, partition sd, install a2sd choose partition n enjoy your new space, stop suffering!:good:
err, im confused
Hi there, I am in a problem, please help !
I use a samsung galaxy ace s5830i phone, and I have recently rooted it. I had no idea what a root is though. I did it to increase my phone's memory for installing apps which my phone has a very low internal memory. After I rooted the phone, I installed link2sd app as one of my friend suggested me to. . So, after this I opened the app and tried moving the apps to the sd card, yes it moves them, not a big deal, I thought but I went back to check the phone's free internal memory, it still is the same, and the link2sd says I need a second partition to link the app to sd card, what is this? I have no idea how to make a partition of sd. And I still have a question, even if I did partition, will it free my internal memory?
agleetizer said:
Hi there, I am in a problem, please help !
I use a samsung galaxy ace s5830i phone, and I have recently rooted it. I had no idea what a root is though. I did it to increase my phone's memory for installing apps which my phone has a very low internal memory. After I rooted the phone, I installed link2sd app as one of my friend suggested me to. . So, after this I opened the app and tried moving the apps to the sd card, yes it moves them, not a big deal, I thought but I went back to check the phone's free internal memory, it still is the same, and the link2sd says I need a second partition to link the app to sd card, what is this? I have no idea how to make a partition of sd. And I still have a question, even if I did partition, will it free my internal memory?
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Here is the guide on how to setup Link2SD,
[Guide] partition and link2sd [pictures included for each step]
With Link2SD, you can link the app and its data to ext partition of the SD Card. You will still have few link on the internal memory which takes up some space but the rest is moved to ext partition of SD Card. While using Link2SD, if you want to check your storage, just use Link2SD>Storage Info. If you go to Settings> Storage of your phone, it will just show you the usual memory. Hope I Helped
agleetizer said:
Hi there, I am in a problem, please help !
I use a samsung galaxy ace s5830i phone, and I have recently rooted it. I had no idea what a root is though. I did it to increase my phone's memory for installing apps which my phone has a very low internal memory. After I rooted the phone, I installed link2sd app as one of my friend suggested me to. . So, after this I opened the app and tried moving the apps to the sd card, yes it moves them, not a big deal, I thought but I went back to check the phone's free internal memory, it still is the same, and the link2sd says I need a second partition to link the app to sd card, what is this? I have no idea how to make a partition of sd. And I still have a question, even if I did partition, will it free my internal memory?
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Go to cwm recovery and make second partition and use link to sd plus app for link apps..link to sd plus is linking data also
Sent from my GT-S5830i using Tapatalk 2
Hi, I am using a rooted Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830i with Jellyblast Rom. I have linked all my apps to sd card after moving them to the 2nd partition of my sd card as well.
I also linked the application data, expecting to free up my internal storage.
This significantly reduced the memory usage, but not completely.
For example, my whatsapp earlier consuming 30mb now consumes only 10 mb of internal.
But why that 10 also, when it should not be using up any of the internal storags? What's wrong here?
Just Simple!!!
jasliau said:
What you did was just linking them, but not moving entire app to your sdcard. I couldn't give you further explanation due to lack of android knowledge. Actually you can move your entire app to sdcard with link2sd but I find some of them unstable after moving.
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda app-developers app
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Just simply boot to recovery mode. And wipe cache partition..
And reboot ur device.
Note: Dont wipe dalvik cache partion since it will resets all the application that are installed.
And its only for rooted phones
Battery problem
Guyz when im linking apps to sd card my battery is draining.Keeps my phone awake.When not linking and turn normal it's fine.Do u guyz know why? Thanks btw.

Internal memory up-partition

I got a strange request
I want to un-partition my internal memory. Its been giving me trouble as i wanted to move apps to sd card but apps like apps2sd and link2sd show failed as internal memory is partitioned or something. Plz help me out or just tell some method to move the apps
Anirudh9000 said:
I got a strange request
I want to un-partition my internal memory. Its been giving me trouble as i wanted to move apps to sd card but apps like apps2sd and link2sd show failed as internal memory is partitioned or something. Plz help me out or just tell some method to move the apps
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Flash a kernel with swap enabled

Move App Data to Adoptable SD, How??

Hey there, i have a problem with my h850 LG G5!
I want to move all my app data (asphalt8,...) to my adopted SD whitch i created with ADB. But when i say Migrate Data, it stops with "not enough space" but thats wrong. How can I move it without Root? IS there any other method? Does editing the build.prop with the ro.lge.adoptable_storage thing help too?
Hope you can help me fast.
Thanks in Advance!!!
What does your Storage saying?
I've splitted the sd in 2 parts: adoptable Storage and a part as portable storage.
I can move apps to my adoptable Storage which works, but when I move asphalt, it only moves 50mb (the apk itself) and the /data for asphalt (1,2gb) stays and chills on my fu***ng internal memory. Migrating the data would fix this, but it doesn't work. It copies the full internal sd on my adoptable Storage BUT it doesn't delete it from the internal storage with the error "not enough space", which is not true because I have 12gb left on my internal storage. Now I have duplicated 2gbs on my adoptable Storage and I can't delete those. I don't want to try it again because then 8gbs are full. I tried that 3 times and in the German forum Android-Hilfe the other guys have the same problem.

Memory card vs Internal Storage

i, my current internal storage is almost full (80%) and that has made my phone quite slow. I dont have anything major in internal storage except the apps and whatsapp data. All pictures and music are on the 8gb memory card. I was wondering if i could transfer all my apps to the memory card. Is it possible to do that and install new apps on memory card rather than internal storage?
P.s My phone isnt rooted
asad.kazmi7 said:
i, my current internal storage is almost full (80%) and that has made my phone quite slow. I dont have anything major in internal storage except the apps and whatsapp data. All pictures and music are on the 8gb memory card. I was wondering if i could transfer all my apps to the memory card. Is it possible to do that and install new apps on memory card rather than internal storage?
P.s My phone isnt rooted
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There's absolutely no problem with pushing apps to the SD card. Open Settings -> Apps -> Choose the App you want to push to SD card -> storage -> change. With this process you can nearly move all of your Apps to the SD card. This will free up your space ^^
EinBier said:
There's absolutely no problem with pushing apps to the SD card. Open Settings -> Apps -> Choose the App you want to push to SD card -> storage -> change. With this process you can nearly move all of your Apps to the SD card. This will free up your space ^^
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Hii, thanks for your response, tho i couldnt find the change option in storage
Do you run Android 6?
EinBier said:
Do you run Android 6?
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This is because some of the apps are pre-installed like Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Clean Master... for these you won't be able to see the "Change Storage", in this case you can uninstall the pre-installed Apps and re-install it. But make sure your default Storage location is selected as "SD Card" instead of "Internal Storage".
For the rest of the Apps you can change the Storage... I have also done the same with many apps and freed up almost 2 GB of Space.
I hope it will be helpful to you.
asad.kazmi7 said:
i, my current internal storage is almost full (80%) and that has made my phone quite slow. I dont have anything major in internal storage except the apps and whatsapp data. All pictures and music are on the 8gb memory card. I was wondering if i could transfer all my apps to the memory card. Is it possible to do that and install new apps on memory card rather than internal storage?
P.s My phone isnt rooted
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i dont think emui will allow you to change app download storage to sd card, you have to root and be running on a custom rom (based on stock android, may be.) to easily move apps to sdcard, .
or you can manage the sapce by clearing app datas for not so important apps, clearing junk files, move all your media to sdcard , thats the best option..
thilak devraj said:
i dont think emui will allow you to change app download storage to sd card, you have to root and be running on a custom rom (based on stock android, may be.) to easily move apps to sdcard, .
or you can manage the sapce by clearing app datas for not so important apps, clearing junk files, move all your media to sdcard , thats the best option..
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Is there any custom rom based on stock android available?
asad.kazmi7 said:
Is there any custom rom based on stock android available?
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i dont think so,
asad.kazmi7 said:
Is there any custom rom based on stock android available?
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LineageOS13 is available for Honor 7.
Sent from my Honor 8 using XDA Labs

