[Q] After kernel - Android

Hi everyone
After editing the android kernel beyond recognition what do I do now I started programming last week but am a quick learner a few websites would help thx in advance


[Q] How do you implement multi lang in a CM6 build?

I'm working on a CM6 RC2 build. The problem is the base of it is only supported in English. I wanted to reach out to the community and see if you guys new the answer to my dilemna. I've searched countless times through XDA and Google without any luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks.
Bump. Anybody know?
Nevermind found it http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=8268893&postcount=3

[Q] BIOS of Android Phone

Hi All,
I want to know the BIOS of Android Phone.
Can you provide me some knowledge based links related to this..
so it helps me in my study.
- Jitu.

[Q] Did I lost something ? Dev on device

Hello everyone ! Is it me or I never really find a way to do programming directly on my tab ?! I mean.. apps already running into java virtual environment so it should be able to compile it's own language. If somebody know how to programming on android device please tell me how !!!
Nobody have a clue about my post ?
hmm would be interesting to know aswell
I exhausted all of my Google searching skills and could not find an app for programming directly on an android. Seems weird that something isn't available. I will keep digging.

[Q] Starting to code to android

hi iam starting to lean to do coding for android but iam a littel confused
shall i use Eclipse or mono for android or adobe flex or HTML5
can some onw give me hint on what to do
maybe it depends on the software that iam making but i want someone who has experiance to advice me thanx a lot

[Q] Android and Zedboard

Hello guys!
Last week I've managed to successfully put Android on a Zedboard, a Development Board (www zedboard org), and everything is working just fine (Network, Video, Mouse, Keyboard ecc...)
I have some doubts when it comes to handle GPIOs and other custom made peripherals.
How can an android application knows when an interrupt is generated? That is, how can interrupts flow from the Linux kernel up to the application?
Thank you all in advance for your help

