New ota. Beware. - HTC EVO 3D

Some have been saying that it was safe to take the ota... But there is another new one. I am betting it closes the hole. So be careful.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

Not taking it.....

edufur said:
Some have been saying that it was safe to take the ota... But there is another new one. I am betting it closes the hole. So be careful.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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From what they've said, it's not recommended to take future OTAs, so a new one probably won't be safe... but I doubt it closes the hole as I would bet that they don't know what it is yet.
Just because someone discovered it, doesn't necessarily mean that HTC already knows where to find it.
I won't be taking anymore updates, because I don't want to lose the opportunity for root, but I bet this one wouldn't close the hole.
But, thanks for the heads-up about the new one. I haven't noticed it yet. Too busy tearing my phone apart lol.

Harfainx said:
Too busy tearing my phone apart lol.
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whatudoin ? hmmmm?

Not taking any ever... Doesn't anybody ever learn?
Aside from the random FC i have absolutely no issues... Aside from a weak 3g radio, but, there have been no radio updates as far as I know.
Also sense blows. That is all.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

i just checked and their wasn't another OTA.
Nothing new sense the Launch Day Updates

That's odd because I certainly got a new OTA prompt. And it is the first time that when I decided... The prompt went away.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

What was the original one? Because I think this one that prompted me was 1.13.651.7
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

I don't think that this a new OTA you are getting. There were 2 that were pushed so far, and that is all Sprint lists on their website.
Something even more interesting though, and looked for the Evo3D Support section and it doesn't exist... I know that it was there about a week ago, just seems odd that there isn't any support section and they don't even show a link for the Evo3D to select as a phone in the support section..
Don't jump to conclusions on the phone not being there, but I would guess that it isn't there for a reason.. Hopefully something good!
OP: The one you were prompted for was the 2nd one.

no new ota atm

No new update for me either.

Is there a way to see the change log for HTC updates?

phatmanxxl said:
Is there a way to see the change log for HTC updates?
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I think the closest you will get is on Sprint's website. Like I said a few posts back HTC doesn't have the EVO 3D listed anymore on there support section. That is where they used to show you what was in it, a little more detailed than Sprint..
Whats going on there... We can only wonder.

Any word on the ota
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ttieder said:
Any word on the ota
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There wasn't one.
Please read through a thread before posting a question that has been answered 5 times already.
In the long run you will find that reading and searching work much better than asking a question that has been answered already.

Anyone else having issues with slow ota download speeds. I'm using wifi and it only got 5 mb done total after leaving it to download overnight.

XxDjbluexX said:
Anyone else having issues with slow ota download speeds. I'm using wifi and it only got 5 mb done total after leaving it to download overnight.
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Nope, I just installed the OTA (1.13.651.7 from the 24th.)
downloaded fast over WiFi.

No new OTA here. Last time the 3vo had an OTA was the day of public release.

I was wondering if there was one in the making or not
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

felacio said:
Nope, I just installed the OTA (1.13.651.7 from the 24th.)
downloaded fast over WiFi.
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So how is ur phone running with the update?
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[Q] Should we apply the OTA?

Does anyone know what the OTA does/changes? I would hate to apply it for no significant reason and cost myself a chance at root in the future.
Not until Leo, tmartin, toast, or haus says so. They are working on root
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
So in other wordss, don't apply it??
HTC EVO = my best friend
Do not apply it unless you want to wait for root.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
killakarl said:
Do not apply it unless you want to wait for root.
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You and anybody else saying that is just as useful as me saying if you take the OTA, you wont have to wait.
At this point everything looks like its just pure speculation, nobody knows for sure.
When would you ever apply an OTA~ I don't recall a situation where it was a good idea LOL
Can't watch the Green Hornet until I update the software. No thanks.
I didn't update mine yet and it played green hornet just fine. It's a shame they didn't put a better movie on here it actually looks pretty darn good. It's the most impressive 3d content I've seen so far on the 3vo
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Where did you get your phone, Best Buy?
I applied the update and now my phone shortcut is missing from the lockscreen and the app drawer. I searched online and apparently it's a common issue and HTC is working on yet another update to fix it. Apparently the first OTA update allowed you to connect to the phone via ADB.... so it looks as if they MAY be in the process of unlocking the bootloader for us.
Either way, there are a few small bugs to work out.
I wouldnt apply the OTA.. i know that its not confirmed it will do anything to affect root. However my understanding is the devs working on root didnt do it and im not going to either. Id like my phone to be as similar to the ones they are working on as possible just in case it matters.
On top of that i dont see any problems from not installing the OTA.
Too funny. You guys say you don't trust the OTA but you trust the software that came on the phone to begin with? Anyhow, HTC put out an update for a reason- it fixes things that are broken. If you want a partially functioning and buggy device, do not apply the update. If we had root I could see why people would be so concerned about losing it. However, we do not have root and who knows when we will. So, if until then you want a phone that works properly, apply the update which probably isn't going to change a whole lot in regards to your ability to root.
So if I did apply the update I'm f'ed??
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
OTA - KIA my 3VO
The OTA has screwed up my phone. It is stuck in a boot loop; I was able to go to the bootloader but the factory reset did not fix it. I am headed to the store to swap out my brand new phone.
S_rob7488 said:
So if I did apply the update I'm f'ed??
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Nope. Its all speculation at this point.
mine worked fine did you give it some time?
I'd hold off on updating for the simple reason HTC is trying to fix their last OTA lol
My phone arrives Monday but I'll wait unless theres a bug that is really bothering me, otherwise I can hold off. If you want to update for the sake of updating then don't whine if it prevents you from rooting later.
mlin said:
Nope. Its all speculation at this point.
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I sure hope that i didn't just ruin my chances of getting root!
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S_rob7488 said:
I sure hope that i didn't just ruin my chances of getting root!
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not likely, they said they are giving us root .. i kinda believe them since i doubt they want another backlash like they had
mlin said:
Too funny. You guys say you don't trust the OTA but you trust the software that came on the phone to begin with? Anyhow, HTC put out an update for a reason- it fixes things that are broken. If you want a partially functioning and buggy device, do not apply the update. If we had root I could see why people would be so concerned about losing it. However, we do not have root and who knows when we will. So, if until then you want a phone that works properly, apply the update which probably isn't going to change a whole lot in regards to your ability to root.
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But it could and often does patch up holes that COULD be used to rout root...
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

Update OTA_Shooter_S_Sprint_WWE_2.08.651.3-2.08.651.2_release_2201598na37g8l1af4e904

Here you guys go. Just downloaded it a few sec ago.
New Update just came guys! Pulled this off my phone this morning. Figure its our security update but i have no clue yet as i have yet to even dig into it. wanted to put it up soon as i got it for the devs to take a crack at and see what it all has for us.
This is NOT a ROM. DO NOT FLASH. This is for the DEVS.
sgt. slaughter said:
Here you guys go. Just downloaded it a few sec ago.
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Good Job.. thanks..
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jetbluebob said:
Good Job.. thanks..
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Is this another new update?
Is this a rooted stock Rom or just the latest update?
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
only 9mb? what is this? Where is the info
This is the Security update that removes the spyware.
Sent from my Evo 3D via Tapatalk
Just flash over current ROM?
I think ill have treve look at it first LOL
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XsMagical said:
only 9mb? what is this? Where is the info
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my bad forgot how flash happy ppl get here. This was pulled this morning off my phone. Its the new OTA update Sprint/HTC pushed out today for us. Figure its about the same as the Sensation got before but haven't gone through it at all yet.
This is for the Devs to add to their ROMs as I pulled this off my phone this morning.
so now they are removing CIQ? thats odd, oh well, thanks for the post. I shall check it out
Hope somebody makes this flashable. Don't want a whole Rom update for a few file changes.
Via My HTC Evo 3D On The Now Network From Sprint.
XsMagical said:
so now they are removing CIQ? thats odd, oh well, thanks for the post. I shall check it out
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dunno haven't looked into it yet myself. i assume its along the lines of the sensation update they got weeks ago, but dunno. And likely Treve will have the answer before most get a chance to look at it.
Hell i haven't even looked at all the files that were included in the OTA zip myself. I saw there was an OTA update for today and went ahead and downloaded it to post up for the devs.
Also remember if its still in there it might not be a big deal. The big issue with it all before was the fact that anyone could create an app and pull very important information off peoples phones b/c HTC/Sprint/whoever didn't secure everything well. Also they didn't have the "opt out" stuff working correctly or at all.
They could have at least fixed the missing mirror app, and the shutter sound in the camera. Were the only HTC phone that they removed those from.
Via My HTC Evo 3D On The Now Network From Sprint.
Rydah805 said:
They could have at least fixed the missing mirror app, and the shutter sound in the camera. Were the only HTC phone that they.removed those from.
Via My HTC Evo 3D On The Now Network From Sprint.
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Totally agree! They didn't even fix the photo widget frame that's all white... how lazy!!!
kwheaties said:
Totally agree! They didn't even fix the photo widget frame that's all white... how lazy!!!
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Lol have to agree been what a good month probably and it took that whole time to make a 9mb file lol.
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Can I flash this over a custom ROM?
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bleichtman said:
Can I flash this over a custom ROM?
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Re read the first post or just read it said IT'S NOT TO FLASH FOR DEVELOPERS ONLY...
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
bleichtman said:
Can I flash this over a custom ROM?
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Read the OP?? lol
Id wait to hear from a dev on this OTA update, bud.
A: don't flash this. B: stop complaining about what is/is not included in it.
i know for sure it doesnt fix the camera/mirror, or photo frame widget. i ran the update on my girlfriends 3vo

In Regards to the Update Coming Soon

Seeing that there is a boatload of work to install this leak, I decided that its probably time to do homework instead of trying to play with my phone at 2AM.
However, I have noticed a lot of people saying that the release cannot be too far behind since the leak came out.
I'm a bit skeptical on this idea, because didn't a leak come out for the HTC Sensation ages ago? Now, I did not research much, but as far as I know (again, I may be wrong), the Sensation didn't have an official update either.
Its definitely not too far-fetched to think that the update might be delayed even further. HTC did promise that the updates would be early 2012 and as we all know, "early 2012" was a long time ago. Some said the updates would be during MWC, some said otherwise. What do you guys think?
As for development, this is definitely a very good sign as the interest and traffic for the HTC Amaze the past two days were quite phenomenal. The CM9 builds and Evervolv builds never really got anywhere for months. Do you guys think its worth downloading the leak now? Or would waiting be a better option? From what I heard, you have to re-root your device simply downloading the update.
bri.kwong94 said:
Seeing that there is a boatload of work to install this leak, I decided that its probably time to do homework instead of trying to play with my phone at 2AM.
However, I have noticed a lot of people saying that the release cannot be too far behind since the leak came out.
I'm a bit skeptical on this idea, because didn't a leak come out for the HTC Sensation ages ago? Now, I did not research much, but as far as I know (again, I may be wrong), the Sensation didn't have an official update either.
Its definitely not too far-fetched to think that the update might be delayed even further. HTC did promise that the updates would be early 2012 and as we all know, "early 2012" was a long time ago. Some said the updates would be during MWC, some said otherwise. What do you guys think?
As for development, this is definitely a very good sign as the interest and traffic for the HTC Amaze the past two days were quite phenomenal. The CM9 builds and Evervolv builds never really got anywhere for months. Do you guys think its worth downloading the leak now? Or would waiting be a better option? From what I heard, you have to re-root your device simply downloading the update.
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Installing it is easy and its worth it
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sportsstar89 said:
Installing it is easy and its worth it
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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There had been so many issues for me, such as getting S-Off to try and make things easier but there were errors for backing up. Instructions said if I wanted to install with S-On, I'd have to lock and unlock my phone again. How did it work out for you? I haven't even seen screenshots of this update. Is it sense 3.5?
bri.kwong94 said:
There had been so many issues for me, such as getting S-Off to try and make things easier but there were errors for backing up. Instructions said if I wanted to install with S-On, I'd have to lock and unlock my phone again. How did it work out for you? I haven't even seen screenshots of this update. Is it sense 3.5?
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It's sense 3.6 if you were getting the bin/sh issues look in the thread about phone won't turn on that's below this one in general I helped someone fix it
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
sportsstar89 said:
It's sense 3.6 if you were getting the bin/sh issues look in the thread about phone won't turn on that's below this one in general I helped someone fix it
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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Lol so much for doing my homework, I'll look in the thread. Do you know anything about an error that says "Backup failed" and hitting enter to exit? That's what I got.
bri.kwong94 said:
Lol so much for doing my homework, I'll look in the thread. Do you know anything about an error that says "Backup failed" and hitting enter to exit? That's what I got.
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Did you run as admin and did you're phone have USB debugging enabled and was plugged in before running in charge only node
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
sportsstar89 said:
Did you run as admin and did you're phone have USB debugging enabled and was plugged in before running in charge only node
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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I did not run as admin, I have USB Debugging Enabled, it was not plugged in before running in charge only mode.
I tried again before I read your post and it said my device was offline when it worked before. Very odd.
I found out the problem, I now have S-Off, thank you so much
I still don't think they're going to be pushing any official releases anytime soon
bri.kwong94 said:
I still don't think they're going to be pushing any official releases anytime soon
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I agree
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
bri.kwong94 said:
Seeing that there is a boatload of work to install this leak, I decided that its probably time to do homework instead of trying to play with my phone at 2AM.
However, I have noticed a lot of people saying that the release cannot be too far behind since the leak came out.
I'm a bit skeptical on this idea, because didn't a leak come out for the HTC Sensation ages ago? Now, I did not research much, but as far as I know (again, I may be wrong), the Sensation didn't have an official update either.
Its definitely not too far-fetched to think that the update might be delayed even further. HTC did promise that the updates would be early 2012 and as we all know, "early 2012" was a long time ago. Some said the updates would be during MWC, some said otherwise. What do you guys think?
As for development, this is definitely a very good sign as the interest and traffic for the HTC Amaze the past two days were quite phenomenal. The CM9 builds and Evervolv builds never really got anywhere for months. Do you guys think its worth downloading the leak now? Or would waiting be a better option? From what I heard, you have to re-root your device simply downloading the update.
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The only htc sensation(the original one, not the xl) that doesn't have ics is the sensation 4G (T-mo version)
I honestly wouldn't be too surprised if Tmo is sitting on the update to push sales for the One-S. Not that I am a marketing expert or anything, but so far the release seems very stable and I can't figure out why they are holding off on it
I have a stock Amaze and installed it easily. All I did was rename the file and drop it on the drive.
rasstar said:
I have a stock Amaze and installed it easily. All I did was rename the file and drop it on the drive.
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People have trouble doing this
Sent From HTC Amaze Speed Rom 2.0.0 ICS Sensless Alpha 1
will any update they do release still install after installing this leak?
I'm unsure but this leak stinks of a disgruntled employee with our phone "righting a wrong" about to occur... I'm suspiciously expecting a "official letdown"
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
sportsstar89 said:
It's sense 3.6 if you were getting the bin/sh issues look in the thread about phone won't turn on that's below this one in general I helped someone fix it
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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Yes you did and you are awesome for that
Only thing I haven't done yet is SuperCID.
qdewolf said:
will any update they do release still install after installing this leak?
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Yes and no is my uneducated opinion. I feel like they're update the firmware yet because the radio seems finicky. With s-off, I think that they'll just be able to update the firmware through hboot, but with s-on I think we'll need to go stock, download the update, then do the reroot process....I could be off, but in the end we'll still be ok for any updates either way.
I think that pushing One S sales definitely sounds likely.
Meanwhile, I just think T-Mobile is bad with updates and this sucks for the development community because it means less resources to help people. There are so many devices out there getting updates anyways. Its not like updating the Amaze is going to hurt their revenue either. Its just frustrating. I definitely advise against waiting for an update from T-Mobile. Definitely update now. There are already great ROMs that were made.
rasstar said:
I have a stock Amaze and installed it easily. All I did was rename the file and drop it on the drive.
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Same here
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium

S off development

My question is is anyone working on getting s off working for the new update?
I updated cause I Did not feel safe flashing and stuff with google wallet in an unknown state since I couldn't run the app at all. Now it seems the new update broke the old way of getting s off..thanks for the info
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Probably, but who knows? A new exploit or something will be required since the exploit lazypanda uses seems to have been patched. Only time will tell. And for future reference, questions like this should go in Q&A
cherylbaker said:
My question is is anyone working on getting s off working for the new update?
I updated cause I Did not feel safe flashing and stuff with google wallet in an unknown state since I couldn't run the app at all. Now it seems the new update broke the old way of getting s off..thanks for the info
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probably not top one told you to update.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
cherylbaker said:
My question is is anyone working on getting s off working for the new update?
I updated cause I Did not feel safe flashing and stuff with google wallet in an unknown state since I couldn't run the app at all. Now it seems the new update broke the old way of getting s off..thanks for the info
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I'm sure it'll come sooner or later. For future reference, I would.t flash anything OTA until bootloaders and such have been stripped out as they can cause root and s-off exploits to be lost, as you now know ;-)
Sent from my HTC EVO using Tapatalk 2!
cherylbaker said:
My question is is anyone working on getting s off working for the new update?
I updated cause I Did not feel safe flashing and stuff with google wallet in an unknown state since I couldn't run the app at all. Now it seems the new update broke the old way of getting s off..thanks for the info
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One would assume this SHOULD be in Q&A as it is a question....since this does not show any actual development and all.
klept0 said:
One would assume this SHOULD be in Q&A as it is a question....since this does not show any actual development and all.
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Of course, but let's just let the mods take care of these things. K? Okay.
Sent from my HTC EVO using Tapatalk 2!
swaze said:
probably not top one told you to update.
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Gotta love helpful answers like this ^^^
Yes well I always expect I've or two of those around here.. But seriously new phone are going to come out with this update already installed so it seems there would still be a need for it.I hope someone is working on it even If no one a will post so here..hopefully they are busy working on it.
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Panda guys are working on it, got confirmed by someone but don't remember the thread
My EVO Ways
Its funny because I went to lazy panda site and it really does not say what hboot it is for.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app

Update confirmed

Just left a corporate Sprint store issues with not making calls( NETWORK OF COURSE) anyways asked tech guy if he heard of update coming anytime soon. He said yes that his boss keeps asking him if he got the update yet and that he had gotten it already. Guy at store has not gotten it yet, but at least it is confirmed, kinda. So we'll see.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
What update?
Sprint stores don't know a whole lot more than people here. And "update is coming soon" could be just a way of getting you out of the store.
Meanee said:
What update?
Sprint stores don't know a whole lot more than people here. And "update is coming soon" could be just a way of getting you out of the store.
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I can come on here and say I got the update myself, and I'm the only one that Sprint is letting test it right now in the real world. It doesn't really hold water. Unless there's a press release saying that it's "coming" or is being pushed, there's no way to confirm this is true.
---------- Post added at 02:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:05 PM ----------
But, to bubble this up a little. The HTC One X has Jelly Bean rolling out right now, Android version 4.1.2. News is hitting Google within the last hour.
Hey just letting you know what I was told. Guy didn't want me out of store we talked for a while he was a cool dude. He has evolte and seemed genuinely honest and so there you go. Should have changed title to maybe confirmed. I think everyone knows there is some sort of update coming down the pipeline. I'm not the first to say there is. Just one of the many that had heard rumblings from unconfirmed source.
Peace and chicken grease yall.
Sent from my EVOLTE using xda premium
cazman420 said:
Hey just letting you know what I was told. Guy didn't want me out of store we talked for a while he was a cool dude. He has evolte and seemed genuinely honest and so there you go. Should have changed title to maybe confirmed. I think everyone knows there is some sort of update coming down the pipeline. I'm not the first to say there is. Just one of the many that had heard rumblings from unconfirmed source.
Peace and chicken grease yall.
Sent from my EVOLTE using xda premium
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There is always an "update" in the pipeline. The question becomes are we talking 2 weeks, 2 months or 2 years?:silly:
njfoses said:
There is always an "update" in the pipeline. The question becomes are we talking 2 weeks, 2 months or 2 years?:silly:
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What confused me is that it looks like one of them had the update... I'm going to guess that it was for Android 4.0.4 and Sense 4.1
eXplicit815 said:
What confused me is that it looks like one of them had the update... I'm going to guess that it was for Android 4.0.4 and Sense 4.1
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Have never yet walked out of a Sprint store without being told "an update is on the way" just nobody knows when!
Sent from my EVO using XDA
Hhhmm well one x in taiwan getting update sounds like good news. Hopefully sprint is full of surprises and fixed this dang 4g connection issue. Fingers crossed.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Guess it is better than "the LTE connectivity is working as designed. We have no plans on modifications."
I received some update this morning. I had a message popup which stated that my update was successful. I do not have check for updates selected either. I never was asked if I was ok with the update, it just did it on its own. I am rooted with meanrom 4.8. Quickly looking, I couldn't see what it actually updated. All the software seems the same.
I wonder if this is the same said update. If it is, what was updated?
Sent from my EVO LTE using xda app
sslbaron said:
I received some update this morning. I had a message popup which stated that my update was successful. I do not have check for updates selected either. I never was asked if I was ok with the update, it just did it on its own. I am rooted with meanrom 4.8. Quickly looking, I couldn't see what it actually updated. All the software seems the same.
I wonder if this is the same said update. If it is, what was updated?
Sent from my EVO LTE using xda app
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Probably a profile/prl update. Sprint auto pushes this type of update from time to time.
njfoses said:
Probably a profile/prl update. Sprint auto pushes this type of update from time to time.
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Maybe it was a profile update. Is there any way to tell? My prl is and has been 25006. Makes you wonder though.
Here's a pic of the Prl page:
Sent from my EVO LTE using xda app
This is great news! The reps also told me that 4G (Wimax) was coming in a few months back in 2010 I believe. *Checks watch* I can't wait, any day now I will have all kinds of 4Gs.
sslbaron said:
Maybe it was a profile update. Is there any way to tell? My prl is and has been 25006. Makes you wonder though.
Here's a pic of the Prl page:
Sent from my EVO LTE using xda app
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Did u get the update that supposedly fixed ringtone assignment? Because that was the last real update.
Haters hate. Just passing information. But as usuall people use that as an excuse to troll.
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Anthonicia said:
Did u get the update that supposedly fixed ringtone assignment? Because that was the last real update.
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I don't take any of the OTA updates, so I've got to say no on if I ever received the ringtone one. I'm assuming there's no way to check to see if I did?
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cazman420 said:
Haters hate. Just passing information. But as usuall people use that as an excuse to troll.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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Not trying to hate...just trying to say, by posting in this forum you probably know more about updates then 99% of Sprint employees. Not only that but we're not sure what kind of update is being talked about. Honestly I hope you're right and there is some update, any updates are welcomed.
sslbaron said:
I don't take any of the OTA updates, so I've got to say no on if I ever received the ringtone one. I'm assuming there's no way to check to see if I did?
Sent from my EVO LTE using xda app
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It should've said it was contact ringtone update. Read other thread and seems like it is something different. Idk what it is. Don't get message even when I try to update firmware manually.
I haven't heard anything about an update. Nothing from corporate, either.
Sent from my Genesis that does what Nintendon't
Removed. My original post said nothing about rooting or achieving S-Off. I have no desire to do so.

