[Q] Standby drain WiFi vs. 3G - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

im just curious how much drain are you experiencing in standby with WiFi vs. 3G?
For me its like:
3G - 0.3% / hour
WiFi - 1% / hour
Running on Stock KE2 DBT
I also noticed that my WiFi drain raised up to 2.5% when using Custom ROMs like Villain or Cognition. Is it possible because they are for XEU phones instead of DBT - which I have.
any comments are welcome!

Whaouuu 0.3 % per hour with 3G in standby... This is very small. Usually, I have around 1% but not all the day

While working from home I had WiFi turned on & found the battery went down pretty quick as in a day or near enough to.Turned off WiFi & now after over 2 days & still 70% battery left.Not scientific I know but a good rough guide.

it is the opposite for me, tonight with wifi on, it took 4% in 7 hours with it all syncning running, automatic updates of widgets, etc.

it got worse.
wifi at home over night:
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wifi at work:
the drain increased from 0.4 to 6.5% per hour (both in standby only with wifi on). this is 16 times as much.
this happened yesterday and today....


[Q] Battery life

It seems a lot of people were saying the Atrix had very good battery life, but after flashing one rom and kernel then back to stock with stock kernel. It seems my battery life isn't the best, it may just be me or actually the phone.
So, is it just what I did to the phone or the phone?
I'm at 60% with 5 hours and 12minutes of use.
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You used a lot of wifi and 3g. It looks like your phone could make a workday from morn til night on a single charge. How much battery did you expect? 3days? You can 5 days if you just leave it in your pocket in airplane mode.
I voided my warranty and your mum.
My Atrix 4G drop 30% after 1 night (2am - 7 am)...
I checked batterymix software, the fingerprint service comsumes about 70% of the TTL energy eventhough i disable the service and set security screen to none.
How can I turn the service off permanently?
I'm using (3.14) CRUST v0.7 with [email protected]#1 kernel....
Srry because I just bought the phone (used) yesterday!
Guys, is there really a need in creating yet another battery life thread?
I have personally wrote a complete thread with all known fixes, as did a number of other forum members.
Your problem isn't unique, please look at what others wrote before starting from scratch.

[Q] Is it a heavy battery drain?

since i am not sure what does good battery backup means for our LG Optimus One, i have decided to ask you instead.
The flat line in picture is when the mobile was in standby mode almost 7 hours. Mobile was at 90% when i woke up mobile from standby mode. I have no problem for battery drain in that period.
My proble starts when i started using data on my mobile. I used data for almost 3.30 hrs and mobile reached at 5% battery level.
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I wanted to ask you is that is it considered as bad battery backup? For me i sould have used the data 2-3 hours more. For my normal use also i cant get past 15 hrs in a day.
And why does Cell Standby and Phone Idle consume so much battery. I checked in Application/Running services "Settings, Juice defender, DSPManager, Google services and Android Keyboard" were running.
My battery health is Good.
I am on new bb. and on latest Nightly. With all other ROM even Oxygen gives me the same backup.
Help me to get better battery guys. How much battery backup you guys get.
No that is completely normal....with data of course battery life goes down the drain. I get about 3-4 hours too so it's normal. Even on a Galaxy nexus it is the same thing.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA
which font u using ???

battery level ?

People usually talk about battery life for continuous usage, but i want to ask about battery life when leaving the phone off ?
After a few tweaks, i noted that betterbatterystats shows my phones has been booted on for 5 days 15 minutes, out of which it's been 4 days 5 hours 20 minutes in deep sleep; and only seen 1 hour 59 minutes of actual usage (screen on basically means when i'm actually actively using it)
unplug means when i unplug it from usb charging after it was already 100% fully charged.
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So how does my phone battery stats compare to the normal life time for the Samsung S3 when not in use ? just wondering.
I give most credit to greenify for helping keep my phone in deep sleep mode most of the time. Apps that are waking my phone is mostly googlemaps, and greenpower (left this ungreenified because it managed when to turn on/off my wifi, when i open screen .... which it probably can't do if i greenify it)
other than the few wake locks; the wifi on is mostly due to syncs. I usually set my apps to at most only sync when i turn on the app, or at max once a day. Greenpower will trigger to turn on wifi when the app requests access :X
PS: i'm using wanamlite and adam kernel. As well as philz CWM touch for root.

Help in understanding the cause of battery drain

I am using Nexus 6P with the unrooted N6F26Q build of Pure Nexus ROM. I have always had decent battery performance of this phone with my general usage. Recently I have moved to a new geographic location and I see a rapid battery drain while the phone in a particular building. I do not have cell phone network here, so I have AirPlane mode turned on, but I use WiFi for internet connectivity. My observations are as follows:
1. During the day time, when I am in building A, there is no battery drain. I don't use my phone much and the battery level does not drop by much.
2. During evening and night time, I am in building B, which has a different WiFi, the battery immediately starts to deplete rapidly and in the morning I wake up with a dead phone.
3. Suspecting that the WiFi might be the cause, I tried to switch WiFi off at night, but I still found my phone to be dead in the morning.
I captured the bug report data and tried to analyze it with battery historian, but I don't have enough experience to point out the cause.
This is what the battery historian graph looks like.
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Same graph from another bug report, when the WiFi was turned off during the night:
Can someone see something unusual in the graphs?
I can share the entire bug report via PM if someone wants to take a closer look.
Thank you.

Question about battery life issues (VS996 version - Verizon)

I bought a used but mint LG V30 on Swappa several months back, which replaced a Note 3 that I bought brand new basically the day it came out (so yes, I was using a 5 year old Note ). Battery life was excellent (obviously, compared to the Note, which had gone through three batteries in its life). Lately, however, I have hit a snag. When I'm outside in the daytime using the phone, the battery drops very quickly. Inside, in the evenings, on an airplane, it's seemingly fine. It also does amazingly well on stand-by. It seems like it'll stay charged for two days if I don't touch it.
This daytime thing though... Here is an example from today, just a few hours ago.
This was after not charging it at all last night, and then leaving it on a wireless charger at the office for a bit (the two spikes). You can see that any use causes an immediate drop. This is autobrightness on, and it's at 100% outside
At 83%
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2 min later, 82%
2 min later, 81%
Then I took it off auto-brightness and stuck it on 48%. I was able to get 6 min out before a 1% drop.
Unfortunately, outside, anything short of 75% or so is essentially unreadable.
Any ideas on what could be causing this? Here's everything been running (and yes, I lost another 5% with 10 min of use.

