[Q] Email Configuration allover the place -PLEASE HELP ! - Optimus One, P500, V General

Good Morning,
I currently have several email accounts set up with K9 email but I seem to have a bit of an issue here and there.
I have;
Two Hotmail accounts ; I am receiving emails that come to the Hotmail addresses into both my hotmail account AND into the K9 accounts on my droid. NO ISSUES.
One Gmail account which is my business email. I have my @gmail.com configured to forward to my @.customdomain.com. I am receiving all emails sent by people to my K9 account on my Droid but it does not arrive into my outlook . When I send an email to my @custom.domain.com account from my own outlook package, it does arrive back in my outlook inbox . So gmail seems to be routing my own outlook mail ok but not anything coming from third parties via gmail.
I am guessing it is a simple setting but where ? I have all the "delete from server" etc UNCHECKED in the account settings ....
Can anyone shed a light with what info I have given >??
thanks very much

Ok may be when k9 gets updated it sets email as already poped or read to your domain that's why outlook doesn't retrieve them. But when you send them through outlook may be due to internal routing it comes to your inbox and not through server. Try this deconfigure your k9 and see if it pops in outlook or set outlook to retrieve all mail read unread deleted poped. I don't know how.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App


HD2 and Gmail

Hello! I set my gmail account at my hd2! When I hit send/receive button to check if I have a new mail, all previous mails on my database dissapeared! Leo shows me only unread messages but I want to be able to view my "old" mails at my database too! What can I do to solve that? Any help please? Im with Energy rom
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy tab using Tapatalk
Use IMAP rather than POP3 should resolve it.
If you want POP3 only option is a software to move mail to another folder within that mail account as it only removes mail from inbox.
I use POP3 & POMO to move my important mail to folders created by me & delete junk or leave it in inbox, works well for my usage requirements.
Thanks but gmail is already IMAP as far as I know! Am I wrong? So what can I do? To set again from the beggining my account and choose IMAP server? In what software did yoy refer to? sorry for my bad english
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy tab using Tapatalk
default setup is IMAP.
when I used IMAP all mail stays present in inbox.
I use POMO to organise mail with simple rules & move mail to another folder in my POP3 accounts so they are not deleted on next send/receive.
I managed to fix that! I didnt use that programm but with many "magic" and with little bit luck I fixed that prob in gmail an hotmail too! Thanks for help
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy tab using Tapatalk
If you gMail set as an IMAP account, you can use it as an Exchange server. In ActiveSync on your HD2, select 'configure server' and enter 'm.google.com'. Use your gMail account details as the user. Remember to de-select calendar and contacts etc unless you want to sync those with Google as well. The advantage of this setup is that you can set the email schedule to collect mail as it arrives. It does use more power so I use it during work hours only.

[Q] Push for Gmail

Is gmail push mail? I know my hotmail account which is setup on the email app is.
But when I send a mail to both accounts, the hotmail one always arrives before and the gmail one waits until auto sync.
Im no expert on this, so any clarification would be appreciated.
Yes It has push mail. Just mark auto sync from accounts and sync. But there is a problem when using it in wi-fi connection. You can fix it like this way:

[Q] push yahoo emails to phone setup?

How can I setup my yahoo email account to push the emails to my phone instead of having the phone checking for them every 15 minutes?
pushing emails to the phone is better for battery life so that is why I am asking.
maybe there is a way to connect my yahoo email to the gmail app, so that way emails will be pushed to my phone through gmail..?
Yeah, you can use POP or IMAP, I forget which to have gmail grab your yahoo mail for you. You set it up through gmail.
I don't think yahoo has exchange settings.
Sent from my SGS II
use IMAP
here are the settings that have always worked for me:
Edit: nevermind, read the OP incorrectly... my badd
Yahoo doesn't use the standardize IMAP - Idle. It's a variation of P-IMAP that Apple and Yahoo "made up" with various protocols
Long story short... there is only ONE app I know that works with Yahoo's Push. Maildroid
There is a Yahoo email app in the market. Not sure if it's what you're looking for though, as I haven't used it.
I think you can do one of two things:
1) setup your gmail to pull emails from your yahoo mail account. Problem is that you can't send via yahoo mail account, using this method.
2) you can download the Yahoo Mail app but reports show that its a battery killer.
I think Yahoo wont let you push mail directly from them unless you pay for their premium service or use their own Yahoo app
OP, go to GMail settings on your desktop. Set it up to retrieve emails from your Yahoo mail account. You can also set a label for all the email from Yahoo. It will then push them into your Gmail app with proper label. Gmail server will automatically figure out the interval it will check for the mail from Yahoo so your phone don't have to do it.
Yahoo mail is one of the worst mail servers for Smartphones.
foxbat121 said:
OP, go to GMail settings on your desktop. Set it up to retrieve emails from your Yahoo mail account. You can also set a label for all the email from Yahoo. It will then push them into your Gmail app with proper label. Gmail server will automatically figure out the interval it will check for the mail from Yahoo so your phone don't have to do it.
Yahoo mail is the worst evarr
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there, fixed it for ya
ugh, it won't let me set it up through gmail because i dont have the yahoo! mail plus.
any other ideas on how to push yahoo email to my phone?
i know moving to using just gmail would be an option, but that would take entirely too long to change all my email addresses on all the sites i visit to a gmail address.
pistolberserk said:
ugh, it won't let me set it up through gmail because i dont have the yahoo! mail plus.
any other ideas on how to push yahoo email to my phone?
i know moving to using just gmail would be an option, but that would take entirely too long to change all my email addresses on all the sites i visit to a gmail address.
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I remember I had this issue setting up yahoo mail on my captivate with the stock email. I never use my yahoo account, I don't even know why I have one. I figured I would give it a try on the SGS II for kicks. The settings look like they are specific for Samsung phones (and different than the previous screen shots). Can you manually enter these settings into gmail?
Incoming settings:
Outgoing settings:
Of course replace my email address with your own.
My other suggestion would be yahoo settings. Can you set a yahoo account to auto-forward?
Sent from my SGS II
figured it out using this tutorial:
instead of using Asia location, use UK.
worked and now yahoo mail is being forwarded to gmail!
soooo relieved. thanks for your help

[Q] Outlook Email to Android

I am new to Android and coming from a Blackberry. How can I sync the emails in outlook with my new phone? I don't have an exchange server and I would prefer to do it with the mail app that came with the phone. I would like the emails to delete from outlook when I delete them on the phone and show as read when I read them on the phone and vice versa. I would prefer not to have the emails and information sent into the "cloud" also if that is possible, but if it is the only way so be it.
I know that I can have the two different email addresses sent to my phone through the included mail app by setting them up separately, but would the emails show as read, deleted, etc in outlook if I did that?
If it makes a difference I have two email addresses that feed into outlook. One of them is pop and one is imap. The phone is an HTC Amaze.
Could I just convert my pop email to imap and set up the two email addresses separately on my phone? Wouldn't that make it so when I delete email from outlook or the phone, it will be deleted on the other?
The problem with this is my isp does not offer imap so I will have to use google email to sync with it and make it imap.
If I do this I will have to add the gmail account to outlook and my phone, but wouldn't I have to delete the pop account from outlook and the phone in order to avoid duplicate emails showing up? I think this might happen because right now if I check the pop account without using outlook the emails show up that were received after I last opened outlook. The issue with deleting the pop account from outlook and phone is I still want to be able to send emails from that address.

[Q] Microsoft Exchange vs POP3 vs IMAP

i am using htc SXL and wondering which one of the above is the best (quick) one to receive emails? (push email).
You can google the differences between POP3 and IMAP.
Basically POP3 will delete messages from the server once they are downloaded to your device where as IMAP will keep them on the server but mark them read. Only if you delete them youself will they be removed from the server. So if you also read your email on another computer/device and want to see all your messages new and old, IMAP is the better choice.
Exchange works similar to IMAP as far as mail goes but also allows you to sync calendars as well. I use a calendar for work in Outlook via an Exchange server and it syncs nicely with the Android calendar app.

