Is the htc mail capable of push e-mail? Has anybody able to use it (push wise)?
I can only get it to poll, which means it keep syncing every few seconds (battery drain).
This seems to only be possible for Exchange accounts, even though it is supported by the IMAP protocol.
Hey all,
did I miss something or are we still stuck with the same crappy IMAP support
that was there in the initial release?
I'm using hMailserver and get No Mails although I am getting the folder names
downloaded. This issue was due to the HTC client not supporting IMAP Prefix.
Did anyone solve this or does HTC need a kick in teh behind?
Tried with my Google account as well (which you'd think would work) for testing
purposes and no go...
I'm using two IMAP accounts (one is a Google) just fine.
In the HTC client (not K9)?
How did you configure GMail?
The missing folder-path preference has been acknowledged by HTC support, along with a number of other problems with htc-mail. Except from that IMAP has worked well for me, at least with the recent upgrade.
My worst problem with HTC-Mail is that it refuses to display signed messages. That's a big issue with 1/3 of all my incoming messages having GnuPG signatures.
HTC Mail never worked for me, when I configured it for access to a unsecured IMAP account on the local (WiFi connected) network it didn't pull down any mail automatically and whenever I manually forced it to sync it would force close.
In the end I decided resitance was futile and allowed myself to be assimilated into the Google collective. All my incoming mail from all my accounts is now collected by my GMail account, and I access it using the GMail app on the phone (which does push email, unlike the HTC Mail app). The ability of GMail to use multiple SMTP servers and/or set the 'From' address combined with automatic selection of the address to use for outgoing mail means my sent mail still appears to originate from my original accounts.
Stop whining and install k-9 mail. I found the newest 1.006 to really work well. If it had a homescreen widget then it would be perfect.
Did install K-9 the day I got the device, works okay.
My point is, when a device is sent out with an e-mail app
with such crappy compliance, it's sad...
... and to quote you... "If it had a homescreen widget then it would be perfect"
this would be nice...
i am using htc SXL and wondering which one of the above is the best (quick) one to receive emails? (push email).
You can google the differences between POP3 and IMAP.
Basically POP3 will delete messages from the server once they are downloaded to your device where as IMAP will keep them on the server but mark them read. Only if you delete them youself will they be removed from the server. So if you also read your email on another computer/device and want to see all your messages new and old, IMAP is the better choice.
Exchange works similar to IMAP as far as mail goes but also allows you to sync calendars as well. I use a calendar for work in Outlook via an Exchange server and it syncs nicely with the Android calendar app.
What is better for the battery life, to have my email accounts to push or to auto synch every 5 minutes or 1 hour?
I have Google it but I can't find a clear answer.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Nobody Knows ? any suggestions?
Why don't you try it your self? and see which is better?
Are you talking Gmail accounts, Imap email accounts (through additional app) or Exchange account?
At least on ALE8 stock ROM, stock Exchange had a huge battery drain... something was terribly wrong with the email client.
Some exchange providers do not let you pull the email and enforce pushing.
With proper Exchange client implementation and an acceptable Exchange configuration on server-side, Push will need less battery since it doesn't require any interaction on the part of your phone except if new emails arrive.
(Except to re-open the data connection on timeout)
Hey folks
I posted this under the general Android Q&A section but thought it would be better here. I am having an issue with my HTC Evo 3D where I am unable to have more than one active Exchange Activesync (EAS) account syncing. I'm trying to have my work e-mail and my hotmail account with push using EAS.
What I have tried:
- Setting up my work e-mail, then my hotmail. Can receive work e-mails instantly, but not with hotmail.
- Setting up my hotmail, then my work e-mail. Can receive hotmail e-mails instantly, but not with my work e-mail.
- Setting up my work e-mail in one mail client, and my hotmail in a separate client. Same issues as above, one receiving push e-mail and the other not.
And here's something funny: If I set up one and then the other in the default HTC mail client, the first one will work with push the but second one won't. BUT, if I then do a manual sync to make the second one "catch up", that second one will start receiving with push but the first one no longer does. I can keep doing this, and it seems like only one can be "active" at a time.
I've tried different clients with the same results, and tried Touchdown which many people recommend, but Touchdown is built to allow only one active profile at a time (so only one EAS account pushing or polling).
I'm beginning to think it's a device limitation on the Evo 3D but it would be great to get around that - I've seen bits and pieces around saying that, due to licencing, iPhones can have up to 5 EAS accounts at a time, and different Android phones can have varying numbers, but haven't seen anything particularly clear or definitive.
Any help would be much appreciated. I'm running stock ROM, ICS 4.0.3.
The doze mode introduced with Marshmallows breaks push email because email apps will no longer check for email when the phone is in doze. Specifically, push email with imap idle no longer works, because email clients do not have access to the network when the phone is in doze.
AFAIK the only way to get push email to work when the phone is in doze is to have an email client which receives high-priority GCM notifications, as they are one of the very few things which can wake a phone from doze. However, as of now I have not found a single email client which receives high-priority GCM notifications. Leaving aside the fact that I prefer imap idle because I don't like the idea of having a third-party server, which I somehow have to pay for, with access to my emails...
My question is: how on Earth are we supposed to get push email when the phone is in the doze? Or has google effectively decided that Android will no longer support real push email?
Rooting is not an option because the app I use to read my work email (Good by Blackberry) does not work on rooted devices.
PS Details of doze breaking push email are on another forum: