[SOLVED] 5 Lockscreen Mod on JPQ with no Browser force closing - Galaxy 3 Themes and Apps

Hi All!
After I had deodexed a stock (only rooted) XXJPQ rom, I tried to apply the 5 lockscreen mod on it. Seemed like everything was good... But when I had opened the "Internet", it force-closed immediately (nor factory reset didn't help).
So I had started to search the reason of this issue. After a while I figured out that the FCing of the Internet app was because of the "non-JPQ" framework.jar. So I took the JPQ's framework.jar and added a .smali file to its classes.dex what is neccesary for the extended power menu (com\android\internal\app\ShutdownThread.smali).
The result: working 5 lock screen mod with extended power menu on JPQ without crashing of the Internet app!
If interested, you can download it from here. Framework-res.apk and Settings.apk are stock themed files, so you can delete that lines from the batch... Actually, the relevant file is the framework.jar.

I'm with i5801DDJP(x)
I modified android.policy.jar and framework.jar for 5 Lock screen mod and reboot/recovery/download menu
The browser.apk doesnt force close on starting it.. but after some point it FC
17:12:09.294 Error AndroidRuntime 3931 FATAL EXCEPTION: http1
17:12:09.294 Error AndroidRuntime 3931 java.lang.NullPointerException
17:12:09.295 Error AndroidRuntime 3931 at android.net.http.CertificateChainValidator.doHandshakeAndValidateServerCertificates(CertificateChainValidator.java:194)
17:12:09.295 Error AndroidRuntime 3931 at android.net.http.HttpsConnection.openConnection(HttpsConnection.java:308)
17:12:09.295 Error AndroidRuntime 3931 at android.net.http.Connection.openHttpConnection(Connection.java:358)
17:12:09.295 Error AndroidRuntime 3931 at android.net.http.Connection.processRequests(Connection.java:219)
17:12:09.296 Error AndroidRuntime 3931 at android.net.http.ConnectionThread.run(ConnectionThread.java:113)
17:12:09.296 Warning ActivityManager 2840 Force finishing activity com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity
17:12:09.296 Verbose browser 3931 BrowserActivity.onPause: [email protected]
17:12:09.296 Info 2840 dumpmesg > /data/log/dumpstate_app_error.log
17:12:09.297 Info dumpstate 4040 begin
17:12:15.520 Debug VoldCmdListener 2545 asec list
17:12:16.940 Info dumpstate 4040 done
17:12:17.161 Info Launcher 2914 onResume(). mIsNewIntent : false
17:12:17.161 Info Launcher 2914 onResume() ended
17:12:17.265 Debug Launcher.Workspace 2914 WorkspaceDraw: Workspace drawWallpaperImage()
17:12:17.381 Warning Resources 2840 Converting to boolean: TypedValue{t=0x3/d=0x5253 "res/anim/accelerate_decelerate_interpolator.xml" a=1 r=0x10a0004}
17:12:17.705 Verbose browser 3931 BrowserActivity.onStop: [email protected]
17:12:17.815 Verbose browser 3931 BrowserActivity.onDestroy: [email protected]
17:12:17.815 Debug webviewglue 3931 nativeDestroy view: 0x108c18
can anyone read this logcat


[Solved] Compiling Apps Problem

I've been trying to compile AOSP apps individually and that doesn't seem to work. These are the steps I took:
1. Install GCC and Java
2. The repo commands (sync from android git etc)
3. make Gallery3D
4. push Gallery3D.apk /system/app/
So as you can see, compilation went on fine. And pushing to my phone also went fine (CM However, when I try to run Gallery3D, I got FC. Here's my logcat:
I/ActivityManager( 93): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.cooliris.media/.Gallery }
V/RenderScript_jni( 6329): surfaceDestroyed
V/RenderScript( 6329): setSurface 0 0 0x0
D/ViewFlipper( 6329): updateRunning() mVisible=false, mStarted=true, mUserPresent=true, mRunning=false
D/LocationManager( 6198): removeUpdates: listener = [email protected]
D/NetworkLocationProvider( 93): removeListener(): wallpaper
D/NetworkLocationProvider( 93): enableLocationTracking(): false
E/NetworkLocationProvider( 93): releaseCheckLocationLock: wake lock has already been released
D/SensorManager(18699): found sensor: BMA150 3-axis Accelerometer, handle=0
D/SensorManager(18699): found sensor: AK8973 3-axis Magnetic field sensor, handle=1
D/SensorManager(18699): found sensor: AK8973 Orientation sensor, handle=2
D/SensorManager(18699): found sensor: CM3602 Proximity sensor, handle=4
D/SensorManager(18699): found sensor: CM3602 Light sensor, handle=5
W/ResourceType(18699): Failure getting entry for 0x7f02003a (t=1 e=58) in package 0: 0xffffffb5
D/AndroidRuntime(18699): Shutting down VM
W/dalvikvm(18699): threadid=3: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001b178)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.cooliris.media/com.cooliris.media.Gallery}: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x7f02003a
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2496)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2512)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$2200(ActivityThread.java:119)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1863)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4363)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:521)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:860)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:618)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): Caused by: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x7f02003a
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at android.content.res.Resources.getValue(Resources.java:891)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at android.content.res.Resources.getDrawable(Resources.java:579)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at com.cooliris.media.HudLayer.<init>(HudLayer.java:121)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at com.cooliris.media.GridLayer.<init>(GridLayer.java:134)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at com.cooliris.media.Gallery.onCreate(Gallery.java:78)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1047)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2459)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): ... 11 more
I/Process ( 93): Sending signal. PID: 18699 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm(18699): threadid=7: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm(18699): Wrote stack trace to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/DumpStateReceiver( 93): Added state dump to 1 crashes
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Besides this, I noticed that my Gallery3D.apk is smaller size(~500kb) than the one which comes with CM (~700kb).
Any help guys? Been trying to figure this out and googling. What did I miss?
arctu said:
I've been trying to compile AOSP apps individually and that doesn't seem to work. These are the steps I took:
1. Install GCC and Java
2. The repo commands (sync from android git etc)
3. make Gallery3D
4. push Gallery3D.apk /system/app/
So as you can see, compilation went on fine. And pushing to my phone also went fine (CM However, when I try to run Gallery3D, I got FC. Here's my logcat:
Besides this, I noticed that my Gallery3D.apk is smaller size(~500kb) than the one which comes with CM (~700kb).
Any help guys? Been trying to figure this out and googling. What did I miss?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Q&A section ma man
I believe this is the right section, it's a question on compiling/development. I believe Gallery3D might be lacking mdpi images, and you're compiling for mdpi devices (may be wrong, not able to check now).
What you can do is to do a search for "PRODUCT_LOCALES", within all your files, I think it's in build.mk or product.mk. You will see that the default is mdpi, follow by <something> (can't remember now) += nodpi. Add a <something> += hdpi after the nodpi line, and compile and push again. I had a similar issue and was able to fix it this way, with advice from cyanogen.
Thanks Wysie. That helps!
To those facing the same problem here are the exact steps I took (using terminal and nano):
1. Open/Edit build/core/product_config.mk:
nano build/core/product_config.mk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
2. Find:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
3. Add in after that line:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
4. Save and Exit: Ctrl+X
5. Run make again:
make Gallery3D
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you did everything correctly, and have compiled before, the compiler should write this at the beginning:
*** Build configuration changed: "generic-eng-{mdpi,nodpi}" -> "generic-eng-{mdpi,nodpi,hdpi}"
*** Forcing "make installclean"...
*** Done with the cleaning, now starting the real build.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It works now. Hope this helps the others.
arctu said:
Thanks Wysie. That helps!
To those facing the same problem here are the exact steps I took (using terminal and nano):
1. Open/Edit build/core/product_config.mk:
2. Find:
3. Add in after that line:
4. Save and Exit: Ctrl+X
5. Run make again:
If you did everything correctly, and have compiled before, the compiler should write this at the beginning:
It works now. Hope this helps the others.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
cheers, helped me out
after quick grep to confirm I used sed
sed s/PRODUCT_LOCALES\ \+\=\ nodpi/PRODUCT_LOCALES\ \+\=\ hdpi/ build/core/product_config.mk -i

[Q] Installing AOSP ICS launcher

I'm trying to install the AOSP ICS launcher on my Galaxy S3 via adb install, but I'm getting a INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT error. The device logcat is as follows
D/AndroidRuntime( 5431):
D/AndroidRuntime( 5431): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 5431): CheckJNI is OFF
D/AndroidRuntime( 5431): setted country_code = France
D/AndroidRuntime( 5431): setted countryiso_code = FR
D/AndroidRuntime( 5431): setted sales_code = XEF
D/AndroidRuntime( 5431): readGMSProperty: start
D/AndroidRuntime( 5431): readGMSProperty: already setted!!
D/AndroidRuntime( 5431): readGMSProperty: end
D/LibQmg_native( 5431): register_android_app_LibQmg
D/AndroidRuntime( 5431): Calling main entry com.android.commands.pm.Pm
W/PackageManager( 2093): verifying app can be installed or not
I/ApplicationPolicy( 2093): isApplicationInstallationEnabled
D/dalvikvm( 2093): GC_CONCURRENT freed 7885K, 31% free 32346K/46791K, paused 2ms+6ms
D/dalvikvm( 2093): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1834K, 31% free 32555K/46791K, paused 3ms+5ms
E/PackageManager( 2093): Package XXX.XXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX has mismatched uid: 10130 on disk, 10131 in settings
I/PackageManager( 2093): Running dexopt on: XXX.XXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX
I/PackageManager( 2093): Linking native library dir for |XXXX|XXX|XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXX
W/dalvikvm( 5442): DexOptZ: zip archive '/data/app/com.android.launcher-1.apk' does not include classes.dex
W/installd( 1907): DexInv: --- END '/data/app/com.android.launcher-1.apk' --- status=0xff00, process failed
E/installd( 1907): dexopt failed on '/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected]' res = 65280
W/PackageManager( 2093): Package couldn't be installed in /data/app/com.android.launcher-1.apk
Is there something I'm doing wrongly?
Did you try direct install?
You can try to install the apk by directly putting it to your sdcard, see if similar error comes.
do you really need the aosp launcher? i would recommend you apex or nova from playstore, many possibilities to customize and easy installable
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Yes I need it because I'm modifying certain parts of it. If Apex or Nova are open source they might be possibilities though.
psycoder said:
You can try to install the apk by directly putting it to your sdcard, see if similar error comes.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What do you mean by direct install? You mean putting the apk into my sdcard, and using some file manager to install it? I've tried that as well, it failed with an "application not installed" error.
why dont u push it to /system using some root explorer and then set permissions?
rebairo said:
why dont u push it to /system using some root explorer and then set permissions?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
How would I do that? You mean adb push the apk file into /system without installing? What permissions would it require, and would it just replace the default launcher after that?
Edit: I tried pushing the apk and odex files into /system/app of my Desire Z running Mimicry 1.5.0 (since my S3 isn't rooted), where all my other system app apks are. I then chmod 644 the 2 files to match the others, and did a reboot, but nothing changed. Apex is still the default launcher, and I'm not sure how to change it.
Anyone? Thanks!

[Q] [dev's please]Help needed in porting rom

Hey guyz having a doubt,
If i try to port a rom of a single camera smartphone to a dual camera phone
what are the changes to be made to the files???
is it relared to modules or kernel changes??
Also tell what are the files needed to be replaced from base to port??
i tried replacing the libs and i personally think some issue with boot.img if so tell me what are the changes to be made to init.rc of the boot.img??
thx in advance !!!
This is the logcat when i tried opening camera
Logcat :
E/CameraClient(111): Invalid setDisplayOrientation degrees=40
E/AndroidRuntime(1593): FATAL EXCEPTION: Camera Handler Thread
E/AndroidRuntime(1593): java.lang.RuntimeException: set display orientation failed
E/AndroidRuntime(1593): at android.hardware.Camera.setDisplayOrientation(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime(1593): at com.mediatek.camera.AndroidCamera.setDisplayOrientation(AndroidCamera.java:111)
E/AndroidRuntime(1593): at com.android.camera.CameraManager$CameraHandler.handleMessage(CameraManager.java:199)
E/AndroidRuntime(1593): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
E/AndroidRuntime(1593): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:153)
E/AndroidRuntime(1593): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:60)
E/AppErrorDialog(489): Failed to get ILowStorageHandle instance
Main culprit :
E/IspHal(111): [init]Err( 461):mpMcuDrv->init() fail

[Q] Problem with fragments in my application..

Hi at all guys.
I'm trying to make a kernel manager for my phone (i9070) . I've already made a kernel manager but this time I wanted to change the theme and I tried to do something with fragments...silly
The app is made of a main layout and a sliding menu, swipable from left to right, this has 5 buttons. Each button opens a different fragment.
Well the layout works good but I'm having problems with checkbox in a fragment. When I click on it, the app force close. When I click on the checkbox the app should set a value in a system file but in this case the app fc. I really don't know what to do.
Can anyone take a look on these files? And maybe to say to me what's wrong..help me
Here is the terminal log:
Process: info.androidhive.slidingmenu, PID: 2458
java.lang.RuntimeException: An error occured while executing doInBackground()
at android.os.AsyncTask$3.done(AsyncTask.java:300)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.finishCompletion(FutureTask.java:355)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.setException(FutureTask.java:222)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:242)
at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$1.run(AsyncTask.java:231)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1112)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:587)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:841)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()
at android.os.Handler.<init>(Handler.java:200)
at android.os.Handler.<init>(Handler.java:114)
at android.app.Activity.<init>(Activity.java:765)
at info.androidhive.slidingmenu.Cpu.<init>(Cpu.java:20)
at info.androidhive.slidingmenu.SU.doInBackground(Utils.java:131)
at info.androidhive.slidingmenu.SU.doInBackground(Utils.java:118)
at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:288)

[Q] SDK: Install_Failed_Dexopt. Solution?

Hello all
I am having some trouble with SDK installing apps to my Android. I've tried to find many forums about my issue, but I've hit a brick wall every time. My rooted device is an LG Optimus C running Android 2.2 (ancient lol). My issue is that I'm getting the error: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT] for every app I try to install. I've wiped the device twice and then found out that this error happens every time after I've installed a good amount of apps...which I read somewhere that this will happen because of not having enough space in Dalvik..or in the data area and won't allow the install to write anything else..correct me if I'm wrong on this I've also cleared all caches multiple times, including Dalvik.
I've also tried the work around where you try and skip that all together and put the app straight into /system /app. That came up with no resolution, even with the correct properties selected (read/write/execute etc). So now, I really have no other avenues left but to come here and ask.
Here is the Logcat results I get using adb install -r app.apk no matter what app it is. I will use tumblog.apk (compatible with device) for this example:
D/AndroidRuntime( 4201):
D/AndroidRuntime( 4201): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.Run
timeInit <<<<<<
I/AndroidRuntime( 4201): Heap size: -Xmx32m
D/AndroidRuntime( 4201): CheckJNI is OFF
D/AndroidRuntime( 4201): Calling main entry com.android.commands.pm.Pm
W/ActivityManager( 1356): No content provider found for:
W/ActivityManager( 1356): No content provider found for:
D/PackageParser( 1356): Scanning package: /data/app/vmdl-166230949.tmp
D/PackageManager( 1356): Scanning package com.luckydroid.tumblelog
E/PackageManager( 1356): Package com.luckydroid.tumblelog has mismatched uid: 10
060 on disk, 10061 in settings
I/PackageManager( 1356): Linking native library dir for /data/app/com.luckydroid
D/installd( 1256): DexInv: --- BEGIN '/data/app/com.luckydroid.tumblelog-1.apk'
D/dalvikvm( 4211): Zip inflate: partial write (will retry): (24536 of 32768)
E/dalvikvm( 4211): Zip inflate: write failed: No space left on device
W/dalvikvm( 4211): DexOptZ: extraction of classes.dex from /data/app/com.luckydr
oid.tumblelog-1.apk failed
W/installd( 1256): DexInv: --- END '/data/app/com.luckydroid.tumblelog-1.apk' --
- status=0xff00, process failed
E/installd( 1256): dexopt failed on '/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@com.luckydroid.
[email protected]' res = 65280
W/PackageManager( 1356): Package couldn't be installed in /data/app/com.luckydro
D/AndroidRuntime( 4201): Shutting down VM
I/AndroidRuntime( 4201): NOTE: attach of thread 'Binder Thread #3' failed
D/jdwp ( 4201): adbd disconnected
I really have no clue what any of this means lol...pretty new to logcat. I am aware of the file name not matching the original name of the apk..shouldn't matter considering I've installed many apps with shortened names. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
EDIT: Looks like "E/dalvikvm( 4211): Zip inflate: write failed: No space left on device" is the problem. Not enough space in Dalvik. Still have no idea how to work around.
Is this not posted in the correct forum? I'm just guessing no one knows of a solution?
Çözüme Yakın
Sizin sorununuz apk~classes.dex~.smali dosyalarının içinde gereksiz kodları siliniz. "Ayrıca Facebook klasörünü bulup siliniz (her clasess.dex'te bulunmaz)" ayrıca kimi classes.dex boyutu 9MB iken yükleniyor bazı clasess.dex dosyaları ise 7,8*MB olunca yüklenmiyor. Tabikide kodlar içinde dexOpt= dex options ayarı vardır ama ben bulamadım sadece bunları biliyorum. Umarım çözüm bulan çıkar. TR

