sound volume vibrant - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello all,
I've tried searching via post new similar topic suggestion box but did not find anything.
But my question is this.
my vibrant sometimes randomly resets the sound volumes- incoming call/media/system/notification all of them.
Sometimes they are jacked all the way up sometimes really low.
does anyone have the similar experience? anyone know what's going on?

have you tried either
1.flashing a new rom
2.odin back to stock

So are you saying that for example you go to sleep and the volume setting is at maximum, but when you wake up its mysteriously set to low, then you look at it in an hour or so and its back up to maximum again? Thats how I understood the OP am I correct?

i'm on bionix 1.3.1 and i've done a fresh install. I ODIN'd to stock and flashed bionix.
Yes that's right, the volume randomly would be changed. It seems to occur at random. I guess I'm the only one with this issue....

I know its a little joke with all our devs who like to set our default sound notifications to silent on the initial flash. Thats what I was originally thinking was happening to you. But I never heard of this problem ur experiencing. I would think if a fresh ODIN & install didn't correct your issue it might be hardware defect, but even thats hard to believe. Good luck!


FIXED: Answer button doesn't answer, data connection turns off after call

earthtodigi said:
Yes, this is a known issue with Advanced Config, perhaps some other apps as well. Try this fix.
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That post fixed my problem, as well as fixed the problem which the data connection turns off after a call.
Hey guys, sup?
I have a huge problem with my TELUS Touch Pro. Great phone, but just one problem...
Whenever somebody calls me, I can't answer the phone. The onscreen "Answer" button doesn't work, the Talk button doesn't work, pressing the Select button doesn't work...pressing the headphone button does, but sometimes my headphones are in my pocket, or sometimes they're not with me at all!
The only way I can answer them is by ignoring the call, and calling them back. It sucks big time.
Anybody have a solution? And no, I'm not hard-resetting my phone. It started doing this for my first call, so I'm pretty sure it's not my fault.
Is this the stock ROM?
Do you have BT on and connected?
Mine started doing that yesterday. I did a hard reset and so far everythings back to normal. Still do not know what it was tho
I just had my TP replaced and the new one did the same thing, I did not notice until a few days later as I use a bluetooth headset and pushing the answer key on the headset worked. I had to RTN the device to make it work properly. Have not had a problem since. it has been aabout a week and a half.
Sometimes I've noticed this happens when my memory is tied up elsewhere, ie media player or something. Try soft resetting your phone every morning that might help clear it up.
I have had this happen with me on my Titan which I recently traded in for my Touch Pro, and also on my Touch Pro. I noticed it coincided with installing iGo8 GPS software on both. A hard reset was the only way I found to fix it. Uninstalling the software did not do the trick. I could be wrong about the software title I am blaming, but I have everything reloaded on my phone except that, and all is well. I do have a Slide To Answer incoming call screen now with the MightyRom 4.9.5 rom installed, maybe this is a work around, don't know for sure. If anyone else has more feedback, let me know. I would love to find a fix for it so I can use my GPS software.
Mine started doing this crap last night. I reinstalled the S2A cab and just let it go.
I am starting to think it might just be the telus network being a boatload of suck. Mine does it with the stock rom without any programs loaded from time to time. I am thinking it must be the tower failing to acknowledge that you want to answer the call, so the phone keeps ringing becuase it sees there is an incoming call but the tower ignores that you are trying to answer it. This is just my guess based on what I have read about CDMA, I wonder if any GSM users have the same issue.....
Do any of you have Advanced Configuration installed? This is what caused this problem for mine and my brother's TP. Uninstalling didn't fix it. Had to hard reset.
Yes, this is a known issue with Advanced Config, perhaps some other apps as well. Try this fix.
earthtodigi said:
Yes, this is a known issue with Advanced Config, perhaps some other apps as well. Try this fix.
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I can tell you that this will more than likely fix this for you. Mine was doing the same thing, applied this, done and shut! Good luck.
OMG OMG OMG thanks!!!! That also fixed the problem where it ended the data connection after the call.
Sorry I took so long, I THOUGHT I was subscribed to the thread...
Thanks again!

Help ... Random sonar notification noise!

Hi, Sorry if this has been asked, i didn't see anything in the forums specific to this, but i have a random sonar type noise that goes off every so often, probably about 10-15 times a day in fact, annoying at night, it has no notifications or any indication what it could be.
It started when i updated to 4.0.4 with I9300XXLG8 and the Siyah -s3-v1.5rc1 kernel. I had installed and tried the AOSP jelly bean, didn't like it, did full wipe and reverted back to 4.0.4, but had installed the latest modem and kernel.
after this i restored all my apps and settings from my backup and i was happy. since i did this i have had random sonar noises that didn't happen before with other firmware, and i have no idea what to do to stop it.
Is there any way to find out what notification sounds are assigned to which programs? or could it be something to do with the kernel?
has anyone else experienced this?
no worries if nobody has any suggestions, there are worst things that could happen, its only an annoying sounds every now and then, but any help would be appreciated!!!
Weird lol, try a factory reset, if it stops then probably it's some kind of app, start installing apps one by one (or 10 by 10) and try to pinpoint which app is causing the sound.
have you checked if you have nfc active? i had a similar situation on my phone and it would play a notification sound randomly (i assumed randomly, but it wasn't).. only a few months leter i realised it only played that sound when i was holding the phone and my wallet together.. i happened to have a card with an nfc chip from my football team..
I checked all that stuff, nfc is off, even while airplane mode is on and there should be no network activity, it still makes the noise, there is no set pattern either, I did want to try and avoid a full reset, but ill have to try it out, maybe if i do that ill try the latest JB leak.
thanks for your responses guys!.
Figured it out in the end!, it was a HTC animated clock widget i had installed! it made a notification noise every time the location changed!!
deleted and noise now gone!..
Does anyone know where i might be able to find a good HTC animated clock widget that has a smooth flip animation?
i tried a few and dont seem to be getting any joy! I have it on my work phone which is a HTC Wildfire S. i like that clock.

Ringtone keeps changing on its own....

Guys I have an issue that I don't believe is rom related but I'm not sure (I'm on the collective's cp3) or it might be be a random act of insanity from my phone.
My phone has started changing the default ringtone and notification sound on its own 1-2 times a day randomly. This just started about 4 days ago and I've been on cp3 since the 2nd (this leads me to believe it's the phone not the Rom). It always picks the same sound for each. I have tried a couple different methods for my own tones. I have loaded my tones into the system / media folder and I have also used tone picker, but the phone reacts the same either way. I did a full wipe re-flash to see if that would fix it which did not.
The phone always chooses scarabaeus for the ringer, usually after messing with the volume levels.
Has anyone experienced this issue and / or have any suggestions.
2nd edit: just wanted to post in case someone else experienced this..... I think the issue is the app volume ace, when changing profiles it reset the ringer, but messing with the volume levels through settings had no effect on ringer. I uninstalled and hopefully this will fix it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
slix71 said:
Guys I have an issue that I don't believe is rom related but I'm not sure (I'm on the collective's cp3) or it might be be a random act of insanity from my phone.
My phone has started changing the default ringtone and notification sound on its own 1-2 times a day randomly. This just started about 4 days ago and I've been on cp3 since the 2nd (this leads me to believe it's the phone not the Rom). It always picks the same sound for each. I have tried a couple different methods for my own tones. I have loaded my tones into the system / media folder and I have also used tone picker, but the phone reacts the same either way. I did a full wipe re-flash to see if that would fix it which did not.
The phone always chooses scarabaeus for the ringer, usually after messing with the volume levels.
Has anyone experienced this issue and / or have any suggestions.
2nd edit: just wanted to post in case someone else experienced this..... I think the issue is the app volume ace, when changing profiles it reset the ringer, but messing with the volume levels through settings had no effect on ringer. I uninstalled and hopefully this will fix it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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I Know its been along time but I am having this same exact problem with my Galaxy S5. Did you ever get it solved by uninstalling Volume Ace? I use the Volume Ace as well so I think its the culprit as well. Let me know couse I love the app and don't want to uninstall if its not the problem.
In my case it was definitely the app. I've never gone back to it due to the issues I had.

[Q] No system or Call sound

I have been rooting and installing custom roms for a while. I'm no expert, but now newb either. I recently rooted my S4. It's running on the stock verizon ME7 build.
The problem I have been having is that a few minutes after I reboot it all the sounds stop working. No music, notification or in call sounds. If I restart it goes away for a little while, but soon comes back. I tried factory defaulting it, which worked for a little while, but it recently started doing it again. The only thing I can think of is I installed avast Anti-theft with root access recently. Has anyone else had this problem & do you know of a solution? I can always try factory defaulting it again to see if that helps, but I would like to know if anyone else has any ideas.
Odined back
I tried everything I could thing of, then decided to Odin back to stock. Same problem started almost immediately . There are no system sounds and I can not hear anything when I call. Also it does not pick up sounds from my voice via voice commands & the person on the other end of my calls can not hear me. At this point I wonder if blocking is some how activated. Since Verizon was nice enough to prevent me from making changes to it I can't check.... Upwards on onward. I will keep this updated in-case someone else has this problem.
I have noticed that when I am in recovery, if I try to wipe the cache partition. I get a android on his back with a triangle exclamation point & then it reboots itself... Is this normal. I have never experienced this behavior before.
I installed the blocking mode MOD. It does not seem to be the problem. No sounds after using the phone for a few minutes. I guess its time to send it back. I really enjoyed the phone. But I seems like a received a bad one. Unless anyone has anythoughts.
When your sound stops have you tried to see if it is working with headphones or Bluetooth? If there is no sound using headphones or a Bluetooth device there's probably an issue with the phone itself. If you've done a stock Odin flash and its still doing it, I would have to guess the phone is bad. Send it back. The only problem you might have is if they check the flash count, you may end up paying for a new phone. I've never had to use Triangle Away to reset my flash counter, but I believe it needs to be flashed in a custom recovery (which you don't have).
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 4

Ringtone Reverts to "Silent"

Hey all,
A few days ago, I noticed my phone was only vibrating during incoming calls. I checked the Ringtone section in the sound settings and found that the selected "Tone" was "Silent."
I've tried changing the ringtone to various different sounds, but it continues to revert back to silent. The ringer, itself, ISN'T on silent. It's just the ringtone that seems to get changed somehow.
Anyone else encounter this issue and know how to get it resolved?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Are you trying to set it to one of the built-in ringtones, or a custom one you added? If it's a custom one, is it on the SD card? I've had problems in the past with phones "losing" ringtones that were installed on the SD card, rather than internal memory.
meyerweb said:
Are you trying to set it to one of the built-in ringtones, or a custom one you added? If it's a custom one, is it on the SD card? I've had problems in the past with phones "losing" ringtones that were installed on the SD card, rather than internal memory.
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I thought you might be on to something there, so I made sure that all of my ringtones and notifications were copied to internal storage and deleted all sounds from my SD card.
I rebooted, setup my sounds again, and had my wife call me a few times over a period of about 2 hours. Rang every time.
Then, just now, I noticed I had 3 missed calls from clients. NOT good. Checked the ringtone settings and it was back to "Silent" again! Infuriating.
It's not the location of the file. And, now that I think about it, if it HAD been the issue, I would've been experiencing loss of notification tones in all of my other apps too.
This problem has seemingly arisen out of nowhere. The ringer worked perfectly fine during the first few weeks I've had the S9+. It just started doing this to me a couple of days ago. I'd really rather not go through the annoyance of a hard reset...
Damn it, this is getting REALLY annoying
I'm having the same issue on my Samsung Note 8. Began happening after the device received the Android 8.0 update. I've tried everything and it seems to happen completely randomly. HELP!
Mine is working fine. I have mine on the internal storage in the Ringtones folder /0/Ringtones/ it's an mp3 less than 2MB in size. Not that I know any of that makes any difference.
Mailbrat said:
I'm having the same issue on my Samsung Note 8. Began happening after the device received the Android 8.0 update. I've tried everything and it seems to happen completely randomly. HELP!
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I hated doing it, but I just performed a factory reset. Been setting up my phone again for hours and I'm not yet done.
So far, it's ringing, but I'm going to be really disappointed if it reverts to silent again. I'll keep you posted.
yuppicide said:
Mine is working fine. I have mine on the internal storage in the Ringtones folder /0/Ringtones/ it's an mp3 less than 2MB in size. Not that I know any of that makes any difference.
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Tried that too. It worked for a while then randomly went to silent again. It will stay on the ringtone I set for sometimes as long as a day, but eventually it reverts to silent.
Mailbrat said:
Tried that too. It worked for a while then randomly went to silent again. It will stay on the ringtone I set for sometimes as long as a day, but eventually it reverts to silent.
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So far so good. I've had 7 incoming calls and the ringtone I've selected has stayed in place. For me, before the reset, it would revert to "Silent" after the 2nd call. Fingers crossed.
Same exact thing is happening to me on my HTC U11.
It started happening right away after a full wipe and install of Bad Boyz ROM (Android 8.0). No one else in that ROM thread seems affected.
I have tried just picking a built in ring tone too, and that will also revert. Sometimes it happens within a few minutes, sometimes it takes hours.
ccs86 said:
Same exact thing is happening to me on my HTC U11.
It started happening right away after a full wipe and install of Bad Boyz ROM (Android 8.0). No one else in that ROM thread seems affected.
I have tried just picking a built in ring tone too, and that will also revert. Sometimes it happens within a few minutes, sometimes it takes hours.
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That is exactly what happens to me. Custom ringtones make no difference. I've assigned rintones to all my important contacts and those ring through no matter if on silent mode or not. Like you, sometimes it stays put for hours and other times it changes back after a few minutes. Rebooting seems to help it last longer, but I find myself checking my phone all the time to be sure it hasn't gone to silent ringtone. Frustrating!
Hard to blame Samsung if you're not running their software.
meyerweb said:
Hard to blame Samsung if you're not running their software.
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I don't believe anyone is *blaming* Samsung although the thread did begin in a Samsung forum. We're just trying to find out why our phones are behaving badly and hoping to find a way to fix a really frustrating problem. Do you have a suggestion on where we might look?
Well, I think it's safe to say that the hard reset did the trick. Ringtone is sticking now. Hooray.
pieces of cake said:
Well, I think it's safe to say that the hard reset did the trick. Ringtone is sticking now. Hooray.
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Glad to hear this seems to be working, but not glad that the answer is factory reset. I really, really don't want to go through that. I think I'll suffer along a bit longer and see if someone comes up with a work around or perhaps an app that can lock the ringtone. One can hope.
Mailbrat said:
Glad to hear this seems to be working, but not glad that the answer is factory reset. I really, really don't want to go through that. I think I'll suffer along a bit longer and see if someone comes up with a work around or perhaps an app that can lock the ringtone. One can hope.
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Yeah, it was a bit of a pain in the a$$, but worth it. Reset definitely did the trick.
I have the same problem on my S9+ since the last update. the basic sound settings revert to Silent as do custom settings. Has anyone contacted Samsung to dee what their excuse is?
Hi Folks, I've been having the same issue since 3 weeks ago. Called Samsung and was told to delete my customized settings. That DID NOT WORK. Finally a Fix. I wipe my cache partition and it worked.
Turn off your phone. Turn it on while holding Power, Bixby, and Vol. Up buttons until you get the menu. Use volume down to get to Wipe Cache Partition (NOT wipe Personal data/factory reset.) Press PWR to accept.
This does not erase anything and it's worked problem free for about a week. I read in other forums that changing the SIM has fixed this issue, but changing your SIM will clear the Cache as well.
Hope this works for you.
The solution is to quickly remove the old ringtone and replace the new ringtone for the phone

