[Q] WCDMA only mode = no wifi connection - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

In my area I find that I keep jumping from HSDPA to Edge and back constantly, which breaks my data connection briefly. It's very annoying.
I found that changing the setting to WCDMA only fixed this, and did not result in loss of data connection - it just kept me where I needed to be.
Only problem is at my house, suddenly I could not connect to my wireless internet no matter what I tried. I could connect to the neighbors slower open internet connection, but not my own. Tried everything. When I set it back to Auto mode, I could connect again with ease.
Any suggestions for a way to be WCDMA only and still connect to my wireless? I don't understand networking well enough to help myself.


[Q] Optimus one Wifi issues - please advise

Hi guys, so here's the deal : Just got a brand new Optimus One and the Wifi dosen't really work. It took me ages to get it to detect my home network ( Realtek RTL8187, used as a hotspot via win7's wireless miniport adapter - so basically virtual hotspot) Once I managed to get a connection the device would either be stuck at "obtaining ip adress from..." or would simply disconnect and reconnect in a quick burst. I finally managed to get it to connect by manually assigning the internet sharing permissions for the virtual miniport, but the speed is abysmal! We're talking to the order of bytes/s, measured both by attempting a small download from the phone and by reading the in/out data on the pc connection info. Upon some further poking around, a few wifi adapter and phone restarts later, I notice that when I connect to my hotspot the phone's wifi manager reports a normal speed of 54mb/s, but when I actually try to use the connection (say, the youtube app) it works fine for a second or two (it usually loads a bit of a vid, or half of a big webpage) and then drops down to the aforementioned speed and the phone's wifi manager indicated that the connection is 2mb/s
Also, I went out before setting up my home network to a mall and tried to connect to one of the free hotspots available. On some, it would connect straight away, but be very slow (signal wasn't great) and on one (max signal) it would disconnect/reconnect in very short bursts (10-15 times a minute) and it would eventually establish the connection. Then the same speed issue as above: works fine for a few seconds, drops down to unusable. Didn't think about checking the connection speed there, simply thought the public network was overused. In hindsight, the problems were similar to the ones experienced at home
A few side notes: The 3g speed is fine, consistent and problem-free
I have tried changing my home wifi's frequency to a number of settings (there are quite a few other wifi's around, I know it could cause issues if they overlap)
My wifi connection was actually not detected by a friend's laptop wifi, but we could connect our computers just fine via ad-hoc (which from what I've heard is a no-go with android at the moment - and the phone does not see ad-hoc)
The phone is brand new, only installed a handfull of apps on it, didn't change any relevant settings (I think)
Set wifi sleep policy to "never"
My pc wireless adapter worked just fine in the past, used it for a few months as the main internet connection, and even with half-signal it would achieve good speed. I also moved the antenna away from the PC itself to avoid interference
I set my PC to use only 802.11b since I've read around that some phones prefer this to 802.11b/g
That's about all I can think of right now. (oh, and It's my first android, so I don't know my way around the OS that great yet)
I appreciate any advice you can give me. Basically I'm trying to find out if it's an issue with my Wifi adapter, it's settings, the phone's settings, or if the phone itself might be broken, so I can send it back to warranty.
Thanks in advance.
Try switching from b to g.
it was initially on b/g

Data Connection Problem

I am having problem with my internet (data) connection on my phone.
What's happening is that i start using the internet connection with no problems then at one point i lose data connection - all other serviced work well - sms / calls.
In order to get my data connection back i either have to restart phone or else go to flight mode and off flight mode again.
Is anyone experiencing a similar problem?
same issue, also with WIFI hotspot as well. really frustrated.
Hi Anyone else having the same issue or not having such an issue?
Since i am still not sure whether this is a phone problem or a service provider issue?
similar issue here.
i can only conncet to Edge buy setting the network mode to GSM only
using GSM/WCDMA auto results constant switching between H+ and 3g and then the device enters flight mode.
Any idea!!!!!!!!

[Q] Flaky WIFI alternative solutions?

I've tried disabling WIFI powermode (which I do everytime I reboot), but my wifi seems pretty flaky. Speed is great, but it sometimes disconnects (not THAT often).
I have two APs, both set on same channel / SSIDs etc. Looking at wifi analyzer, it seems like the phone doesn't really handle switching between APs very well.
Is there a kernel or mod that would help with that? Or perhaps a better way to set my APs? (DD-WRT and Tomato, all 2.4G). Should I try the modems or is that just for cell network performance?
Especially annoying when using Talkatone or Skype to phone someone and then it drops in the middle of a call.
Thank you!
Setting to AP's within range of each other to the same frequency is asking for trouble.
Having them both broadcast the same SSID more so.
The kernel handles Wifi-related stuff, modem is only for cell communication.
Wifi has no handover protocol such as 2G/3G/4G does, so you'll stay connected to an AP until you loose the connection and then reconnect through the whole connection protocol (including Handshake, Authentication, DHCP, ...) on the next one. So it's a pretty bad protocol for moving around with a constant data stream.
I was under the impression I HAD to have them use the same SSID since this AP is there to extend the range of my home wifi (as per: dd-wrt WAP website I can't post link to since I'm a noob), I'll try setting them to channels 1&11 see if it gets better...
I had issues at work. But not at home.
Today I told it to forget my B/G radio and to connect to the N radio. No disconnects, none..
No changes made to the phone at all..

phone issue, wifi, network

hi guys,
im looking for a little help if you dont mind. my z ultra is having issues when i dont have a wifi connection. while i have a wifi connection all is good but when i lose the wifi i am unable to access the net and browse unless i manually go into my setting and turn wifi of so the phones network ( three ) takes over and again then all is good.
do i have a setting wrong on the phone as surely when the phone loses a wifi connection the network ( in my case three ) should automatically take over and i should not have to manually turn the wifi off for the network to kick in.
any help would be great please.

[Q] Force reconnect to 3G network?

Is there anyway to force a reconnect to 3G network without switching to 3G only? Say i'm in a bad reception spot and i'm only getting 2G/EDGE, then i'm moving to a spot I know I can get a 3G/4G connection but my phone takes a really long time to switch over? Is there any command you can use in terminal or in the dial pad to force a recheck for a better network? I still want to use the network mode "2G/3G/4G auto".

