Lock Screen Time. - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Simple question really, is there any way to make the interval before the standard lockscreen applies itself longer than what is available in the settings?
I've it set at max but still find it irritatingly short.

Why don't you use No Lock from market?


Questions concerning lockscreens and security input

The new Gingerbread pin/password input seems painfully slow compared to the old one. Typing the numbers/letters seems to give more lag. Even so, when you go to set your password/pin in the settings that screen is blazing fast compared to the actual input. I would assume this is due to that new wallpaper fading and shadowing effect.
Concerning Widgetlocker. I have root which let's me unlock the system slider.
Onto the questions:
- Is there a way to change the security input screen?
- Is there a way to change the wallpaper shadowing effect?
- Is there a way to not see the system slider screen at all but still have a security pin using Widgetlocker?

[Q] Screen lock at certain times of day?

Is there an app out there that allows you to have the pattern lock at certain times of the day? Like for example, during the day I don't want the pattern on because I am constantly using it. But at night, while I am sleeping, I would like it on. Is there an app that will turn it on and off at certain times? I have tried Delayed Lock, and not exactly what I am looking for So, is there such an app?
Thanks and Merry Christmas!!
I use Tasker combined with the Locale Secure Settings Plugin to disable my pattern lock when i'm connected to my home WiFi network. In your case just set up 'Time' as the first context and you'll be able to disable the lock at whatever time(s) of the day you want.
This thread from the Tasker Google Group should help you out

[Q] Automatically switch between pattern and slide to unlock?

Hi all,
Does anyone know if there is a way to automatically switch between pattern and slide to unlock based on location? I know there are automation apps out there, such as tasker and setting profiles. I tried the LITE version of setting profiles and it does have an option to disable the lock screen completely, but not to switch between pattern and slide lock screens. I'd like to have a slide to unlock while at home, but have it change to a more secure pattern unlock when I leave home.
My guess is that this would be difficult because whenever you manually change between slide to unlock and pattern it asks you for your pattern, i.e. it doesn't seem to store your pattern if you ever disable it. I haven't tried tasker because it doesn't have a free demo version, but I would assume that if tasker (or another automation app) does have this ability, it would have to somehow store your pattern so that it can re-implement it, making it possibly insecure?
I'm not sure if there is a custom ROM that will do this. I'm currently running 4.0.4 plain vanilla rooted and unlocked on Verizon LTE Gnex.
In case anyone else was wondering about this, I found a way to do this:
You can make this work using tasker (paid app) in combination with an app called secure settings in the market (free). you need busybox installed, it will check. works perfectly, i have tasker automatically switch pattern lock off when i'm at home (based on cell towers) and automatically turn it back on when i leave home!
I see that this thread has been dead for a little while, but I found it through a Google search since I'm looking for a non-root alternative to Secure Settings on my new, non-rooted phone. I'm currently using Llama, which is a free, location-aware automation app in place of Tasker until I root my new phone. Llama works with Secure Settings, but I can't try the pattern unlock switch since it requires root.
I can confirm that Tasker will switch from pattern unlock to swipe unlock automatically with Secure Settings. I set pattern lock as the default, and had Tasker switch to the swipe unlock if I was connected to any Wi-Fi network, but you could specify which network if you wanted to. In this case, Llama might work better if ask you want to do is automate based on location. Llama has triggers other than location, but it's primary focus is location based triggers.
Just an addendum to this, but when you disable pattern lock, the phone will revert to whatever the last lock method was. If it was "None" the phone will turn straight onto the homescreen. If it was "Slide" you'll see the side to unlock keyguard.
If you want to change this, go into Settings > Security > Screen lock > Slide then repeat but choose Settings > Security > Screen lock > Pattern. This effectively sets the 2 lock types the phone will toggle between.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Is there a way to disable the lockscreen on rooted stock?

Curious, as I find it rather annoying and rather pointless to have.
[Q] News & Weather Stock App - Rooted v1.4.3
I have not found a permanent way to disable the lock screen. There are several apps in the app store that will temporarily do it, I use a widget app called Widgetsoid where that is one of the controls you can set to have on the screen. I have found that the OS turns it back on at random intervals.
If you use CM7 there is an option in the settings to turn off the lock screen though.

Widget for switching between new location options

Hi all,
I'm not sure if this is in the correct forum.
I was wondering if anyone can recommend an app or widget which makes it easier to switch between the options in location settings? I can't seem to find one anywhere.
Just something I can place on the home screen instead of having to go all the way into settings to change from power saving to high accuracy when I want to use navigation for example.
Thanks in advance for your input

