[Q] Need help getting past web login - HTC EVO 3D

Okay. So it seems like this has been asked before but nobody was sure of how to do it.
At work I can connect to a open wireless network, however there is a web login required to get connected to wifi. I have a company login/password for this but was wondering how to get past the login webpage. I've tried all the setup and options in settings > wireless. I am forced to go to a Cisco login screen and enter my username/password every time. This is a problem because every once and a while I go into a area where the building has no wifi signal and am forced to enter my credentials over and over.
A app that manages networks, or anything would be better than entering my login/password about 10 times a day. Thanks in advance wise XDA masses!


[Q] How to diasble Credential Storage?

My university Wi-Fi uses WPA2 Enterprise for security and we authenticate using the following settings:
EAP Method: PEAP
Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
CA Certificate: Thawte Premium CA
and identity and password being our student credentials.
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I've copied that from an old unanswered thread because I have a similar issue.
How do I disable Credential Storage so I don't have to re-enter the password every time I'm back on campus. Since I'm back and forth multiple times each day, I end up having to re-enter it constantly. On my home network I used WEP, and the HTC Inspire I use connect automatically.
I'd like to be able to connect automatically to the university network as well.
audiophan said:
I've copied that from an old unanswered thread because I have a similar issue.
How do I disable Credential Storage so I don't have to re-enter the password every time I'm back on campus. Since I'm back and forth multiple times each day, I end up having to re-enter it constantly. On my home network I used WEP, and the HTC Inspire I use connect automatically.
I'd like to be able to connect automatically to the university network as well.
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Bump. This is very annoying, and every search on Google seems to suggest you only have to specify this information once. Every single day I disconnect from my office wifi I have to put in this stupid credential storage password when I come back, which is really quite annoying.
if you do not restart the phone then the credential storage should not bother you
Looking for the same answer. Found this if your phone is rooted:
And this is it is not:
Hope that helps.

[Q] Market and Other apps not working over wifi?

Hi frnds,
I am having prob. with my college wifi. THe college wifi is 802.1 EAP secured network. So after connecting to the wifi. When i open the browser the browser first open the university's login page where i have to enter my username and pass.
And after clicking on login then i can open any site using the browser only.
But when i open any other app like market it does not connect it shows not network connection.
So the problem i think is that before connecting to the net, the wifi first verify the user identity. That can be done only in browser but entering details but not in case if market.
Hence does anybody know a method by which i can verify the wifi for the whole phone and hence can use any app on it.
Many college WiFi networks are configured not to allow second party apps (for example Android Market) to exchange data via that netowork. U would have to ask your network supervisor on your college if the "blocking second party apps" is true.
The proof, that the WiFi is working correctly is, that u can open any other site via the phone browser.
If u are willing only previews of apps in the market, try to connect to the market site via the phone net browser :]

No Account Sync + WiFi Failure

Until 2-3 days ago, both my Google account sync on my phone and WiFi connectivity worked. However, both of these have now failed. I am not sure they are linked, but I assume they are considering the problems surfaced at a similar time.
1) Gmail doesn't work - the app opens, but does not download or send emails. No error message appears, it just does nothing. I press refresh to no avail. Going onto the Play Store and again encountering account sync failure made me realise it was an account wide and phone problem and not just Gmail.
2) Whilst my data connection works (and therefore the above account sync problem is not one of connectivity), the WiFi connection that worked up until 2 days ago does not work anymore. It is a hotel network, but rather than redirect me to a login page it sends me to a single page (not the login page) and does not allow any other sites. The problem is most probably down to my phone as the WiFi network and login works fine on my PC and for everyone else in the hotel.
Any ideas as to how to resolve this?
SeaTan said:
Until 2-3 days ago, both my Google account sync on my phone and WiFi connectivity worked. However, both of these have now failed. I am not sure they are linked, but I assume they are considering the problems surfaced at a similar time.
1) Gmail doesn't work - the app opens, but does not download or send emails. No error message appears, it just does nothing. I press refresh to no avail. Going onto the Play Store and again encountering account sync failure made me realise it was an account wide and phone problem and not just Gmail.
2) Whilst my data connection works (and therefore the above account sync problem is not one of connectivity), the WiFi connection that worked up until 2 days ago does not work anymore. It is a hotel network, but rather than redirect me to a login page it sends me to a single page (not the login page) and does not allow any other sites. The problem is most probably down to my phone as the WiFi network and login works fine on my PC and for everyone else in the hotel.
Any ideas as to how to resolve this?
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Clear data from Google framework services..delete your google account..reboot ..add your Google account again..and do this on your data network..coz for WiFi you need to contact the admin of your hotel..
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app

[Q] Getting web authenticated wifi to stick without reauthenticating

Howdy all. I have a wifi at home which works with web authentication i.e. you connect your phone to wifi and on opening a browser, it redirects you to an authentication site wherein upon entering your username and password, you get connected. The authentication page requires you to keep the tab open and work with another tab, otherwise you lose the connection. When working on a PC, it works like a charm. I keep the tab open and wifi sticks for long even when you're not active. But on a smartphone (I have a Galaxy S3 here), it's a living hell trying to keep it stay connected. I've tried keeping the browser app resident in memory, created a tasker script to browse the URL and reconnect on certain intervals which honestly is too tedious and needs a better solution, used wifi web login apps which don't work to my satisfaction i.e. don't connect just when connection is lost; but in all these cases, the connection just seems to disconnect making me reconnect time and again :/. I would be utterly grateful to anybody who could suggest a solution for me for this as this is seriously making me lose my sleep.
ubz91 said:
Howdy all. I have a wifi at home which works with web authentication i.e. you connect your phone to wifi and on opening a browser, it redirects you to an authentication site wherein upon entering your username and password, you get connected. The authentication page requires you to keep the tab open and work with another tab, otherwise you lose the connection. When working on a PC, it works like a charm. I keep the tab open and wifi sticks for long even when you're not active. But on a smartphone (I have a Galaxy S3 here), it's a living hell trying to keep it stay connected. I've tried keeping the browser app resident in memory, created a tasker script to browse the URL and reconnect on certain intervals which honestly is too tedious and needs a better solution, used wifi web login apps which don't work to my satisfaction i.e. don't connect just when connection is lost; but in all these cases, the connection just seems to disconnect making me reconnect time and again :/. I would be utterly grateful to anybody who could suggest a solution for me for this as this is seriously making me lose my sleep.
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what is the reason you don't want to use wpa2 for a home network?
mjz2cool said:
what is the reason you don't want to use wpa2 for a home network?
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Dunno much about wifi security protocols but this is as my ISP provided. I've tried modifying the router protocols but nothing seem to make the web authentication go away.
ubz91 said:
Dunno much about wifi security protocols but this is as my ISP provided. I've tried modifying the router protocols but nothing seem to make the web authentication go away.
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ah, ok, what kind of router is it?
mjz2cool said:
ah, ok, what kind of router is it?
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A Motorola SBG901 wireless router.
ubz91 said:
A Motorola SBG901 wireless router.
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is there any security settings tab? or maybe it's under the wireless settings tab
mjz2cool said:
is there any security settings tab? or maybe it's under the wireless settings tab
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Nope, even setting security protocol to open shows the auth page. Might have to find a different solution for this.
ubz91 said:
Nope, even setting security protocol to open shows the auth page. Might have to find a different solution for this.
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it could be the provider is forcing it, have you tried another router? normally, the web authentication is a proxy, so that could be the modem, or at the provider's end
mjz2cool said:
it could be the provider is forcing it, have you tried another router? normally, the web authentication is a proxy, so that could be the modem, or at the provider's end
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Don't think the router has anything to do with this. Only the provider URL loads in the browser for authentication. So yeah, would know if it had something to do with the router.

Disable Wi-Fi detection of poor connections / disconnecting when no Internet Access

Hi Guys,
i've got a problem with several different Android Tablet, which I use for a project inside my company.
The Tablet (for example Trekstor xintron 7 on Android 5.1.1) is connected to a special Wi-Fi Network. It is not possible to access the internet through this wifi for security reasons.
The Tablets are locked down by a Kiosk App, which forces to show an internal intranet website in Full Screen mode.
All this is working great until the Wi-Fi Service detects that there is no good Internet connectivity when using this wifi-network.
So after some hours it disconnects from my network and won't reconnect to it.
In Wi-Fi settings I can see the reason, it says something like "Network can not be joined automaticaly, there is no internet".
I know that some manufacturers UIs (for example Samsung), theres a special switch inside the advanced menu, to disable this "poor signal detection".
In my case there is no setting for that.
Does anybody have an idea how I could force my tablets into a wi-fi network without internet-access? Do you see a way to disable this "scanning for internet-behaviour" permanently? Even if i don't have the menu for this?
Any help would be appreciated.
No Ideas?
I for myself thought about 2 possible ways:
Getting the settings APP from another device which makes it possible to disable the "detect Bad wifi connection" Option. Dont know if something like this can be done, so i am hoping for the developers.
Or just find out which Servers are contacted to check if the Internet connection works, and Kind of fake the Server response...
Sent from my ONE A2003 using XDA Free mobile app
I am living in China and this is a huge problem. Please help. I keep getting the message "No internet access detected won't automatically reconnect. I have tried all kinds of things. My router is only two years old. I can manually connect but it will not do so automaticaly.
I got this problem too

