Cm7 questions - Fascinate Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

1. Swype work?
2. I restored apps with titanium backup but I'm getting force closes on some apps?
3. Anyway to check what leakage kernel you are on?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

exzacklyright said:
1. Swype work?
2. I restored apps with titanium backup but I'm getting force closes on some apps?
3. Anyway to check what leakage kernel you are on?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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1. Yes swype works but you have to delete your current version of swype and install the new swype this from swype's website, sorry don't have the link handy, but it is an improvement from the previous version that comes with our phone can restore apps with TiBu but do not restore system apps, and when you do a batch restore, make sure you select apps only not data...not doing that well get you!
3.I just downloaded all three and start with hl and work my way down to ll...not sure of a way to see the kernel leakage, all I can ever find is the version name, never if its hl,ml,or ll?? So I start with high and work down so its easy for me to remember
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

I restored "missing apps + data" but it still didn't restore everything. I had to go through manually and restore the apps I was missing. I don't even know if I restored them all now.
But anywho I tried installing my transparent themed google search bar but it just FC'd on me. So i tried reflashing gapps but now I can't re-install it. From the market it force closes too.

exzacklyright said:
I restored "missing apps + data" but it still didn't restore everything. I had to go through manually and restore the apps I was missing. I don't even know if I restored them all now.
But anywho I tried installing my transparent themed google search bar but it just FC'd on me. So i tried reflashing gapps but now I can't re-install it. From the market it force closes too.
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From all of your force close issues it sounds like you missed wiping something when you made the switch to cm7...honestly I would take the time now and odin back to stock and reinstall it shouldn't take more then 15 mins or so since you already should have all the files you need.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

i just want to know how i can re-install google search...

exzacklyright said:
i just want to know how i can re-install google search...
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Thats why I think you should re flash...I've never had to install google search it's just there when I flash the rom, I always flash the after the rom and never actually checked to see if it was on my phone prior to flashing the gapps...did you do that?? If you did I'd try flashing the again
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

Well I reinstalled it but it looks to have messed up my back ups in titanium. Look. I'm missing apps too!
Why would it say I have no back ups? ? I have no idea what apps I've lost now.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

Clear your filter... it is set to "swype"

nunyazz said:
Clear your filter... it is set to "swype"
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Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

nunyazz said:
Clear your filter... it is set to "swype"
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**** lol. Thx
Sent from Megan Fox

I batch restored. Once google apps was done installing everything market started restoring a bunch of apps (not all). After that was done I went to titanium and installed
Missing apps + data.
One key difference is that I ticked the option in settings for support for moving data between incompatible roms.
I was having some issues though. Turns out when I upgraded from the old to recent version of glitch kernel I unknowingly put low leak over high leak and with out the removal script. It was almost perfect except every now and then a program would crash.
I wiped data, dalvik and cache. Reinstalled the rom. Let it boot. Installed glitch. Let it boot. Installed google apps and went from there. haven't under volted but that's more about which version of the kernel I have and the battery and speed are so goods already, I'm not worried about it.
I also went through my app list and manually restored data for previously installed apps that I needed. Also eliminates problems with data you don't even need. Then sms restore to restore sms and call log.
The in call sound is still a little quiet though. Luckily my friends, colleagues and I don't use voice calls.
Only a 4 chan app force closes now but it's crappy so that's not surprising.
I hope that helps someone.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App

I'm getting constant force closes now. Just randomly out of the blue. Sad day . Also reboot locks up my phone and I have to pull the battery
Sent from Megan Fox

I had that. Reboot into recovery. Sounds like you need to do that through adb now. Wipe cache and dalvik. Fix permissions and reboot. Worked for me when that happened. I almost thought I couldn't reboot but I was patient and eventually thw fc tapered off to just google framework and I was able to get the power menu.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App

dividebyzero said:
I had that. Reboot into recovery. Sounds like you need to do that through adb now. Wipe cache and dalvik. Fix permissions and reboot. Worked for me when that happened. I almost thought I couldn't reboot but I was patient and eventually thw fc tapered off to just google framework and I was able to get the power menu.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
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Yeah I did that. But now it's back again. It seemed to have only momentarily fixed it. I wiped again and more force closes. I'm beginning to think it has something to do with titanium backup!
Sent from Megan Fox

I've been on fence about trying CM7. I run it on my Nook Color and like alot. But I depend on my phone for work and I'm worried about all issues I read people are having, particularly call volume. I can't afford to annoy a client with phone issues in this economy!
What is consensus - is this a dependable daily driver?


Phone icon and ability gone

hey guys so i just restored my backup of DarkRevenge v 3 from aosp froyo and now that everything is back up and running i noticed a major problem my phone icon and app is missing i had it on my dock bar so when i clicked it it for some reason would take me to messaging. Then when i get a call i can answer and like normal but i look in my system app's and dialer and phone are there. When i attempt to install it says not installed and my phone app is not in my app drawer or my home screen and when i try and make it a icon on my dock and it asks which i go to applications and its not in there any help is appreciated.
Try wiping cache and dalvik cache before you restore it
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Links of did already restore I mean
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
BlackHoleSlam said:
hey guys so i just restored my backup of DarkRevenge v 3 from aosp froyo and now that everything is back up and running i noticed a major problem my phone icon and app is missing i had it on my dock bar so when i clicked it it for some reason would take me to messaging. Then when i get a call i can answer and like normal but i look in my system app's and dialer and phone are there. When i attempt to install it says not installed and my phone app is not in my app drawer or my home screen and when i try and make it a icon on my dock and it asks which i go to applications and its not in there any help is appreciated.
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darkrevenge v3 had an issue (my fault prolly) with the dialertabactivity.apk having a bad manifest...that download was only up for like 10 minutes before it was fixed...but it could be thats your issue if thats what was backed up
It was how should I go about fixing it
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
bump for a fix
Nit any ideas on a fix I have alteady restored.and I then wiped. Dalvik after I restores
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App

Whole system going haywire?

I'm running Cyanogenmod 7 build 7/18, and all of the sudden every other app is crashing upon loading. I did a reboot and they continue to crash. What could be the problem?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
This is utterly rediculous, my phone is unusable now!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
So you should Odin and start clean, make sure to repartition using the pit file. This is part of running a work-in-progress Rom.
I ended up cleaning out the cache partition and it seems to have helped a great deal. I'll make sure to do a clean install later this week with one of the nightly builds, though, thanks for the advice.
If you get more force closes than a chain of Circuit City stores again, try running "fix permissions" from clockwork recovery advanced menu...
Another Fascinating post by my XDA app...
skynet11 said:
If you get more force closes than a chain of Circuit City stores again, try running "fix permissions" from clockwork recovery advanced menu...
Another Fascinating post by my XDA app...
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Alright, will do if/when the problem arise again. Thanks!
Did you restore apps using Titanium Backup? All of my gapps force closed when I restored them from TiBu.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
papstar said:
Did you restore apps using Titanium Backup? All of my gapps force closed when I restored them from TiBu.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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Oh, yes, I did do that. That might be the problem.

[Q] Using TB with 2.3.x

Is there any 2.3.x roms that will not start FCing like its their job after restoring thru TB? I've been using redux and just put a hole in my wall. I refuse to lose my apps and data.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
I've had zero problem restoring my apps on 2.3, just don't restore any system data/apps and you should be fine.
Every single time I wait almost a full battery cycle to let everything settle in, then I only restore the crossed out apps that are strictly not system. Now I can't use my browser for more than 1 min. Facebook ****s out as soon as data starts pushing thru my phone. Xda seems fine. But still, the same damn problems. I have an older PM from Roman himself with his step by step method that I use everytime I flash anything cm7 based and this continues to happen. I'm about to blame it on my phones hardware and break this piece of **** in 2.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
I think you need this
bfranklin1986 said:
I think you need this
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i was thinking you were going to link to some ODIN thread but LOL
thanks for the laugh haven't had a good one in a while hahaah
-Do a data/factory reset in recovery
Lol. I literally would install 5 apps + data with 1 min intervals between each, then reboot and repeat. Took forever but everything is working A.O.K. I skipped swype though. I'm afraid of that *****. Yea I'm not clicking ur link there buddy, I know better. Never feed a troll.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
I just went from System V to Trigger Redux (build 17). TB was not able to restore my WIFI access points or my bluetooth connections. I still have not figured out why.
BC they are linked to froyo and the "data" is not gingerbread compatable.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App

Settings keep force closing?

My settings keep force closing on me whenever I try to click on something to get more information. For example when I went to motion and clicked the smart alert button to learn more it would freeze and then force close on me every time. Is anybody else experiencing this? I'm on stock rooted rom.
(Also the xda premium app force closes a lot too.. Just a side note.)
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Did you freeze or uninstall any system apps? That could be it
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
circuit.007 said:
My settings keep force closing on me whenever I try to click on something to get more information. For example when I went to motion and clicked the smart alert button to learn more it would freeze and then force close on me every time. Is anybody else experiencing this? I'm on stock rooted rom.
(Also the xda premium app force closes a lot too.. Just a side note.)
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
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boot into recovery and clear cache and dalvik cache and that should fix it. Also, what rooted rom are you running?
I pretty much on stock rooted rom, it's actually Whitehawks debated stock rom. And all I did was flash that rom and use Robinsons aroma debloater full debloat. That was a long time back and then I just installed my regular market apps. The setting things I just noticed a couple days back. I didn't go into settings much. Gapps also frequently force closes too, I don't know what's causing it.
The xda force close is because I think something is wrong with the app. I saw reviews on play saying the same thing.
But yeah I didn't mess with freezing or un installing with tit bacmup.
I'll try and do the dalvik wipe and see what happens.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Tried doing the dalvik and cache wipe problem persists. The settings just force close when I learn more about smart alert and like try it and others like it, also on phone status. It just bugs me.
I really don't want to wipe and install again
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium

Multiple WatchOn FCs throughout the day. [Stock/Never rooted/MI5]

Just like the title says, any chance it's associated with faulty hardware?
Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk now Free
thekingofmean said:
Just like the title says, any chance it's associated with faulty hardware?
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Ben getting this as well. Also fc's in Lumen Toolbar.
GAPO said:
Ben getting this as well. Also fc's in Lumen Toolbar.
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Same here... by any chance did you notice these things start happening after you modded the pen window or the multi window(assuming you may have).Im not sure but I just when into twrp and cleared my cache and delvik and reinstalled the deodexed m15 rom and then cleared cache and delvik again. Now my phone is running good with no more force closes... give it a shot, you dont have to clear the data as long as its the same rom..
aparasg1 said:
Same here... by any chance did you notice these things start happening after you modded the pen window or the multi window(assuming you may have).Im not sure but I just when into twrp and cleared my cache and delvik and reinstalled the deodexed m15 rom and then cleared cache and delvik again. Now my phone is running good with no more force closes... give it a shot, you dont have to clear the data as long as its the same rom..
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I am all stock. No apps, no nothing. I do plan on routing the phone, but I want to know what it's like out of the box first. the force close issue is apparently an issue across all carriers. specific to that watch on app.
Second that! No modifications, at all. I just wanted to make sure everything was working fine before rooting.
I had the same thing happen to me Watch On would fc like every 5 min. but then I went into Watch On and set it up for comcast and no more fc's from then on.
Sent from my SM-N900P using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I Cleared data on WatchON, and i havent seen the FC since then.
Yeah, I've found either clear the data on watchon, or go ahead and set it up, and the force closes will stop. Good old Sammy software lol
Sent from my SM-N900P using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Yuhfhrh said:
Yeah, I've found either clear the data on watchon, or go ahead and set it up, and the force closes will stop. Good old Sammy software lol
Sent from my SM-N900P using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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I had several watchons and one my magazine fc's.
Will try clearing the data on both, ty.
I get FC's for Apps I don't use Lumen Toolbar & WatchOn, for Apps I didn't know I had until they FC'dMy Magazine
Those are mildly annoying but since I never use the apps I can deal with it pretty well. I'm confident these kinks will be straightened out eventually.
It's when it's an app I use all the time like XDA Premium App FC's everytime I open it I get annoyed!! LOL
I'm expecting these inconvenience are only temporary and things will get optimized hopefully sooner rather then later. :good:

