[Q] data usage app? - HTC EVO 3D

does any one know of a good app that tracks 4g,3g,and wifi? also i would prefer a app not a widget

Have you tried spb wireless monitor? I used it when it was in beta and was decent enough.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

no i have never tried it but i will give it a shot!

nuvens said:
Have you tried spb wireless monitor? I used it when it was in beta and was decent enough.
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damn that app is 7 dollars not worth it to me since i just want to track my data for myself i get unlimited of course

Droidstats is a great one
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App

ive tried a bunch of ones one the market and i always end up going back to Stats Free

I've been using My Data Manager free, and its perfect. For what I need anyway.
Sent from another dimension!

My favorite is the miui built-in app for it but obviously we can't use it.
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I use netcounter. Seems to work pretty well.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

i have tried most of those the key thing i looking for is a app that will seperate wifi and 4g none of the ones i have tried can do that



Does anybody use this app? If so, has anyone noticed a bad lag when using it to download videos, especially when dragging down the status bar?
Been using it for a while now. Haven't noticed any lag but I usually don't pay too much attention. Gonna D/L something now.
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What is this?
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wilderckw said:
What is this?
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App that lets you download videos from YouTube.
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klbjr said:
Been using it for a while now. Haven't noticed any lag but I usually don't pay too much attention. Gonna D/L something now.
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Cool, let me know.
The only thing that really lags is when I try to pull down the notification bar when it's downloading. Scrolling through the home screens seems fine.
clankfu said:
Cool, let me know.
The only thing that really lags is when I try to pull down the notification bar when it's downloading. Scrolling through the home screens seems fine.
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Well I just download about 10 different videos over 3G, 4G & Wifi. Didn't see any lag when pulling down the notification bar or the phone in general. Maybe you need to do a restart maybe? Sorry I couldn't re-create the problem you are having.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
I've used it for years. No problems here
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Still having the problem even after rebooting, uninstalling and reinstalling. Is there any advantage JetVD has over TubeMate?
So uninstalled JetVD, installed TubeMate and downloaded a Youtube file without any lag. I like JetVD's interface a lot better but I can't deal with the notification bar freezing up so I guess I'll keep TubeMate unless there's a better option.
I've been using FreeDi Youtube Downloader since I got my OG Evo 4G and I've loved it. Now continue to use it flawlessly on the Evo 3D.
I prefer to get vd slow, I would not like it jet fast
davec1234 said:
I prefer to get vd slow, I would not like it jet fast
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Lol + 1
sent from the Affliction EVO 3d

App screen size?

Some apps are not normal size, they are very small when opened, so I was just wondering if anyone had that problem with some apps?
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Yup. They need to update their apps.
Sent From My HTC Evo 3D Using Tapatalk On The Now Network From Sprint!
That sucks so bad....
Is there no app that can resize for you?
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
You're not alone. Some apps can be made to fit the screen by installing spare parts and unchecking the compatible mode.
Thanks a lot this worked on like half my apps
oohaylima said:
You're not alone. Some apps can be made to fit the screen by installing spare parts and unchecking the compatible mode.
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Anytime. That's what we're here for.

Radio. Com

Has anyone tried the radio. com app with the Photon? It does not work well for me. The audio is very choppy. My brother has an old lg optimus that it works fine on. Emailing the dev has been useless. The app is up to date. Ideas?
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
I've tried it too, same issue...audio is very choppy so I decided to just use tune in radio.
I've been using the built in app for internet radio and my general music use. Used tune in radio for 2 minutes before uninstalling it. Lets just say the iphone version got a whole lot more love than the android version.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
devilsshadow said:
I've been using the built in app for internet radio and my general music use. Used tune in radio for 2 minutes before uninstalling it. Lets just say the iphone version got a whole lot more love than the android version.
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Have u tried it lately? I think the latest version of tune in is alot better
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bigj225 said:
Have u tried it lately? I think the latest version of tune in is alot better
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Tried it a couple of weeks ago last. The interface was pretty bad.
I think tune in is great. I always have. It is NOT the problem. Radio. Com is. My local station put their stream on radio. Com otherwise i wouldn't care
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
devilsshadow said:
I've been using the built in app for internet radio and my general music use. Used tune in radio for 2 minutes before uninstalling it. Lets just say the iphone version got a whole lot more love than the android version.
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Paid version is great
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium

Pandora Unlimited App?

I can't seem to find a Pandora Unlimited App that is still current...any suggestions?
anyone have any suggestions?
I don't think there has been a working one in a long time. And i think even a Pandora paid account has limited skips. So i think you are out of luck on this one.
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Sent you a pm
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After seeing that someone must have one, i googled "android pandora unlimited skips" and the first link takes you to one that i just tried and works. I guess i might use it again now.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk

Sprint charging for GPS (navigation) now?

I was considering adding the ONE to my current plan and noticed they charge for navigation now 9.99/ mo. Is that normal? Never added a line before and never been charged before for navigation. This was online BEST BUY for reference and didn't see it mentioned anywhere else.
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waterbound said:
I was considering adding the ONE to my current plan and noticed they charge for navigation now 9.99/ mo. Is that normal? Never added a line before and never been charged before for navigation. This was online BEST BUY for reference and didn't see it mentioned anywhere else.
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There should be a box you can untick to not add that option. It should just be their paid app of Sprint Navigation.
Okay. So they are charging for their Sprint specific navigation app and I could continue to use Google Maps as always? The way they write it makes it look like they want to charge for navigation.
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waterbound said:
Okay. So they are charging for their Sprint specific navigation app and I could continue to use Google Maps as always? The way they write it makes it look like they want to charge for navigation.
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Sprint has always done this ... I've been with sprint for 8+ years this has always been the case.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Verizon does it too. They want you to pay 10 bucks a month to use their terrible VZ Navigator app, which makes no sense at all when you can use the far superior Google Navigation for free.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Thanks for all the replies! Years ago I used their app (Telenav?) when Google was on the fritz but didn't remember being charged for it, I guess that's changed..but now I know so thanks!
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waterbound said:
Thanks for all the replies! Years ago I used their app (Telenav?) when Google was on the fritz but didn't remember being charged for it, I guess that's changed..but now I know so thanks!
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Telenav is free, Telenav premium is not.
Thank you all for explaining this. I just got my first smart phone with Sprint at Best Buy, and they asked if I wanted to pay to add GPS to my plan. I said no of course, but didn't understand why I would have to pay to use the GPS from my phone in the first place...
cruise350 said:
Telenav is free, Telenav premium is not.
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Basically! Bumping this because it seems ppl are still confused by this. You have a choice to add it to your plan outside of the telenav app which is why sprint ask if you want to add it. It's the same as going premium from the app itself..
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