[Q] Google talk drops sound when the other person is talking - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am sure that many of you have had the chance to play with the video-chat sessions of GTalk in 2.3.4.
I have noticed that when someone is speaking on the other end and I start to reply, my sound is not delivered (likely because my mic cuts out).
In other words, if there is a situation where both parties are talking, only the sound from the other party is picked up.
Has anyone else seen this? Are there any fixes?

Bump. Lots of views and no replies.
Am I the only one experiencing this GTalk strangeness or is nobody checking?


Skype mic input audio distorted on Atrix

Noticed the skype app runs ok, but doesn't like the microphone input, sounds overdriven and noisy, unusable. I have all EQ and noise reduction setting off.
This was in a quiet environment.
Hope its just a minor tweak needed, the test call receive audio was excellent.
I observed this too.
Mine too. Hope someone reports this so they will fix it.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Thanks for the confirmations.
Skype Devs... help!
Skype is unusable for me as well due to this.
Skype is absolutely not usable for me. Other party only hears noise and nothing else. Waiting for a fix ASAP coz this is one of the main features I been looking for.
Does anyone know if there are plans to fix Skype on the atrix? This is a pretty major screw up on their part...
Has anyone tried Skype with the second microphone disabled?
I just got off the phone with Motorola tech support and their answer is that they don't support Skype and suggested using Qik instead. Doesn't seem like they plan on making any fixes for it as of now.
shawnbuck said:
Has anyone tried Skype with the second microphone disabled?
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And how can we do that?
In settings / call settings / noise suppression.
shawnbuck said:
In settings / call settings / noise suppression.
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Click to collapse
Does not help.
In fact ALL VOIP apps i tried simply do not work.
Motorola really messed this up. i tried cSipsimple, spidroid, fring, tango, Skype, line2....nothing works like it should.
Has anyone tried using a microphone through the headphone jack? This way we can find out where the error is.
have downloaded skype, pretty dumb that i am unable to make calls over hspa+, whenever i try to make a call it states:
Did not experience any of the background noise yet, the device is fairly new, trying to find out info myself to help others out, will follow up on any info i find out.
Re: Skype audio distorted on Atrix
I have tried with the NR turned off which should stop the second mic. No difference. Interestingly the Audio Tool app has an oscilloscope that shows seriously overdriven input- noise and clipping. Mirrors what I hear in test calls to my voice mail via Skype. If Qik works,but Skype does not, it must be how the app is accessing the inputs.
no update on this post in several days. do we know of any more updates? i am assuming Skype is fixing something and will come out with an update soon?
any time frame of this update?
tha5150 said:
no update on this post in several days. do we know of any more updates? i am assuming Skype is fixing something and will come out with an update soon?
any time frame of this update?
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It is not a skype problem. it is a Motorola software problem as all VOIP apps on the market simply don't work on the Atrix.
Any application that is trying to access the sound drivers is having issues on this phone.
clubtech said:
It is not a skype problem. it is a Motorola software problem as all VOIP apps on the market simply don't work on the Atrix.
Any application that is trying to access the sound drivers is having issues on this phone.
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Click to collapse
i guess i stand corrected. thank you for pointing this out to me.
is there an update in the future that we could be expecting?
This drives me nuts. I need skype so bad.
Not just Skype, Basically ALL VOIP apps aren't working because of how Motorola changed the api for the mic. Qik is the ONLY one that works.
Motorola acknowledge the problem and Motorola has to fix this ASAP!

[Q] Video chat reciever quality

Howdy fellow atrix owners
I was wondering if anyone else is having issues with the outgoing video chat volume. The person on the other end can barely hear me. I can hear them loud and clear. Ive used Fring tango and Skype and they have the same issue. My regular phone call volume on the other end is clear. some one please help! The video chat option is one of the main features that convinced me to buy this device.
So im guessing everyones video chat is working good then? Everyone i video chat with complain that they cant hear me even though i am yelling and close to the speaker.
Can someone please confirm that my problem is normal or not.
Qik and Fring both had significant issues with audio levels for me. Call recipients could not hear the audio, no matter how loud they set their volume.
Tango worked well for me, and Skype's audio has been fine, although both video and audio seem laggy on it.
Skype tells me that my device is not certified for video chat but lets me enable it. Video quality is horrible and sound still very low on the reciever end. I think my atrix hates me. Any one else have these problems?
Still haven't been able to get video chat working. Has anyone had this problem before? This is very frustrating.
Try with Google Talk
I don't video chat.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

[Q] Google Navigation muting streaming apps

Hi guys,
I'm new to the Android platform, I have a noobish question:
I use a couple of music/video streaming 3rd party apps while driving, anyone know if it's possible to have the Google Navigation mute the audio of the streaming app when it needs to give voice directions, and then unmute when the voice directions are done?
Right now, if I have both Navigation and audio streaming going at the same time, the Navigation directions are barely audible over the music that is playing.
Any suggestions?
My T-Bolt already does this. I'm just using Sense 2.1 over GB. I was using Pandora and it works great. I just tried it. Sorry if you're having a problem. It could be poor coding of the program but I think it strange that your phone would do that. So I think it's weird that your phone doesn't do this. You'd have to get the attention of a dev probably and they are going to want more information like what specific apps you are using. Is it all 3rd party apps or just one in particular. I'm willing to see if i can duplicate your results if you let me know what 3rd party app it is and I don't have to pay anything to help you fix your problem. Cause..well...I'm cheap.

[Q] Sharing audio during a phone call

I have posted it 2 months ago on "apps and software" and got nothing. So I'm trying again here.
Hello everyone!
What I'm looking to do is really simple, a LOT of people are interested in these feature, however, no one has a clear solution.
There has been a lot of post about this subject but they are most old post and there's nothing help full.
Here is the problem - whenever I'm talking over the phone, I can play any music I like and I can hear it perfectly, but the other side cant hear anything! even if ill let the music play using the phone speaker - the other side is silent (witch is strange cause when the speaker play, the mic should transfer the sound and shouldn't "care" who is making it).
So after a lot of searching for apps and different ways, I found out something interesting.. If I make the call using an VOIP (skype, viber and so on) and Ill play music at the same time - THE OTHER SIDE CAN HEAR IT PERFECTLY!!! witch means the phone is fully capable of doing it.
What is going wrong when I'm using the cellular network instead of VOIP? is there a way around it?
Ive noticed some people don't get WHY would I want to do it.. well, I'm working using my phone (sales) and using the exact same pitch. I would like to be super lazy and play a recorded version of me, and when its done, be able to just keep talking to the person without him being able to notice the difference.
Since I'm doing it for work, I cant use VOIP for regular calling.
I'm using Nexus 4, chroma rom (lollipop)
ANY help at all will be appreciated
Something to think about..
Since I didn't found any software to do it (yet), I'm experimenting with a different direction.
I currently use a PC headphones with a simple Y adapter from eBay. So I'm thinking "all I need is another microphone. One for the talking, another to sit between speakers that will play the sound for the caller.
I've gone through eBay again, this is a tough one to find cause I need 'audio input' splitter and most splitters are 'audio output'.
If you guys know something about it, please share.

Question Calls not working properly on calls and whatsapp calls.

Hi there people.
I've got the following issue. If anyone has this issue or has fixed it let me know.
Calls seem to be interfering with my mic. Sometimes my voice doesn't go to the other end even though normal call or whatsapp call. They might hear 1 word then nothing from me for a few seconds then a word or two and it sometimes sounds like a clicking noise.
I've called my self too and I can't hear anything on my RM7 but whoever I call can hear the clicking noise and sometimes nothing from me.
Sometimes I can't hear the other person too. It cuts out.
Same with normal calls and whatsapp calls.
Continuing my testing, I can send voice notes without issue and receive them and play it via rhe earpiece without issue too. Even voice recording and video recording the microphone does a good job only in calls it bugs out.
Continuing my testing
Works fine with headphones connected. But mic and earpiece work fine when used by voice notes and video ect
I don't know if it's a coincidence or not but I have the same issue. It started around last week.
I cleaned my speakers and mic thinking I got dirt build up. But it's still the same.
It seems like a software issue. Looking at the patch notes in latest OS update (NX679J_UNcommon_V3.16) for me, they have listed "Repair: possible issues with calls in some scenarios". I don't know when they released the update and when I applied it to my phone but that could be the reason for this issue too.
After reading your post I tried regular calls with headphones, speakers and video call with Google meet. They all work fine.
For call on speaker, as soon as you turn the speaker off it starts acting up again.
Hopefully they will fix this issue soon.
From my testing it seems like its an app or something interfeering with the calls. I started the phone up in safe mode (no 3rd party apps only stock ones) and the issue was gone, so the issue is a app related issue, thinking its a virus I just reset the phone to factory and all is good now. I didnt find what was causing it.
Thanks for an update.
I will play around a bit and if it doesn't work out then will do the same.

