Anyone have htccamera apk. - HTC EVO 3D

Anyone have the htccamera.apk. I removed it to try the panoramic htccamera. And now I can't reinstall the original htccamera apk
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

Anyone? Please
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

Be careful when deleting apps that you know aren't easy to get back. Make backups.
Here you go
Sent from my BEASTO 3D using XDA Premium App

Thanks but says application not installed
Noiro said:
Be careful when deleting apps that you know aren't easy to get back. Make backups.
Here you go
Sent from my BEASTO 3D using XDA Premium App
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jzmjr said:
Thanks but says application not installed
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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Copy and Pasted using Root Explorer then Reboot
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I did but not happens after I reboot. I even changed the permissions.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

try adb push?

jzmjr said:
Thanks but says application not installed
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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Push it via adb or copy it into system/apps via root explorer. Make sure to set the correct permissions. (Click and hold, select permissions.) To check how permissions should look like, click and hold on another app (in root explorer) and select permissions. Just duplicate those permissions on the camera. Should work.
Sent From My HTC Evo 3D Using Tapatalk On The Now Network From Sprint!

Can't believe it. But none of these methods seem to work.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

Maybe you deleted the .odex file too? You'll prolly need to put that back as well.

Yep. I tried it with the odex file. But for some reason it won't install.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

You don't need it to install all you need is to put the file there and reboot
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rockypr said:
You don't need it to install all you need is to put the file there and reboot
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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Did.that but it still doesn't show up
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

Are you running a custom Rom? if so reflash the one you have running on your phone if not download one of the basic Roms that dont have much done to then make sure you wipe cache and dalvic but do not wipe all user data flash that Rom on top of yours and you will get it back with out having to set up your phone again

by the way those who want the panorama htc camera i got it working

JoelZ9614 said:
by the way those who want the panorama htc camera i got it working
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How you did it share!
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edited some smali in the htccamera.apk

JoelZ9614 said:
edited some smali in the htccamera.apk
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I needs it
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JoelZ9614 said:
edited some smali in the htccamera.apk
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Less tease, more goods. Mailing my "Thank you" in advance.

Noiro said:
Less tease, more goods. Mailing my "Thank you" in advance.
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lol its in my next release for my rom


Hulu Mod (Hex edited lib file & Flash10.2 + Hulu.apk)

Thanks Laie and Raymond4 for suppling the files!
-UNINSTALL system flash FIRST. BUT Back it up through TB just in case. (if that doesn't work try getting the latest flash update in market.)
-Push the lib file at the bottom of the thread to data/data/com. Adobe flash player /lib. PERMISSIONS NEED TO BE.. rwxr xr r
-Then Push the .apk to system/app
-Reboot will remove the lib file. =/ but it takes 3 minutes to do
If something doesnt work please make suggestion and or ask questions.
Im not the best at editing flash to work with required .apk (lib file) (Flash10.2 + Hulu.apk)
We might have to offer up some paypal cash to get this one
Is there anyway of making the Hulu plus apk to work on EVO 3d. It works on ogevo
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
I have the one from the og evo, but i can't host. Pm me and I'll send it if you can put it up
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Pm sent
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johncjenc said:
I have the one from the og evo, but i can't host. Pm me and I'll send it if you can put it up
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sent you a pm
Pmd back but my service is terrible where I am right now
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Don't we need a modded kernel to make the hulu app work
Awaiting assimilation
No, you need the hex edited lib file
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
johncjenc said:
No, you need the hex edited lib file
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How do I go about getting the hex edited lib file ?
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Look here. Let me know when ya dl so I can remove them from my db. Thanks.
Hulu file.
Locked & Loaded
laie1472 said:
Look here. Let me know when ya dl so I can remove them from my db. Thanks.
Hulu file.
Locked & Loaded
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Thank you finished downloading it
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laie1472 said:
Look here. Let me know when ya dl so I can remove them from my db. Thanks.
Hulu file.
Locked & Loaded
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got it!
push to data/data?
EDIT: do you know which version of flash we have to run?
coffeehandle said:
got it!
push to data/data?
EDIT: do you know which version of flash we have to run?
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Try this one let me know if this worked for you
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raymond4 said:
Try this one let me know if this worked for you
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do i still need to push the lib?
I would still push it
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raymond4 said:
I would still push it
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Blah pushed your hulu apk you gave me to system/data (cause a normal install wouldnt work, then pushed lib to data/data/
Rebooted phone and the lib and apk is no where to be seen??
i have flash 1.3? (well the latest official)
dowe need to downgrde it
coffeehandle said:
Blah pushed your hulu apk you gave me to system/data (cause a normal install wouldnt work, then pushed lib to data/data/
Rebooted phone and the lib and apk is no where to be seen??
i have flash 1.3? (well the latest official)
dowe need to downgrde it
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Did you unistalled the system flashplayer first ?
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raymond4 said:
Did you unistalled the system flashplayer first ?
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bloody hell. im so tired, i forgot.
Ill do it tomorrow, got church.
So uninstall system flash
Push app to system/app
push lib to data/data
And thats it?
coffeehandle said:
bloody hell. im so tired, i forgot.
Ill do it tomorrow, got church.
So uninstall system flash
Push app to system/app
push lib to data/data
And thats it?
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Yep gdnight
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App

Looking for the new updated 3.0 htcclockwidget.apk!

Thanks in advance, been searching no luck!
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All these super smart people and no one can help???
bigmase23 said:
All these super smart people and no one can help???
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you looking for this one 2.17 base
press here
you can also pull it from any 2.17 base rom
Thank you sir!
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Ok, next dumb question, where do i paste it too, using root explorer..
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bigmase23 said:
Ok, next dumb question, where do i paste it too, using root explorer..
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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i can't install it
bigmase23 said:
Ok, next dumb question, where do i paste it too, using root explorer..
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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it goes to system/app
make sure the permissions are rw-r-r
or you can use adb and type adb push HtcClock3DWidget.apk /system/app/ (hit enter)
jasl191 said:
i can't install it
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can't install have to use adb or a file explorer to push or paste
here is a flashable one
(flash in recovery)
dased14 said:
here is a flashable one
(flash in recovery)
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thanks so much
Better hit his thank button lol
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bmtdan said:
Better hit his thank button lol
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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Lol. I hit it for him.
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using Tapatalk
dumb q = what's different about this than the one from older RUUs?
il Duce said:
dumb q = what's different about this than the one from older RUUs?
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Not sure myself
I want to be just like you when I decide to grow up!

Asus weather widget

I liked this weather widget on my gslate, so installed it on my note.. Not bad
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
Looks nice. Share it?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
Yes...please share.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
Here you go buddy. .. I take no credit in this. .here's all you...
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
CXENTE said:
Here you go buddy. .. I take no credit in this. .here's all you...
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
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OK, I like it, thanks for posting. But whats up with the Fahrenheit not sticking? Found a way around it?
jpeg42 said:
OK, I like it, thanks for posting. But whats up with the Fahrenheit not sticking? Found a way around it?
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Same issue here. Want this widget but need the F! Lol
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ryanbmw51 said:
Same issue here. Want this widget but need the F! Lol
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The save button is outside the viewable window
twack said:
The save button is outside the viewable window
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Can't get to it. Tried moving it around but no dice. S O L ???
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LOL i still tryin to figure it out. .. Maybe if we adjust the ppi density?then change it /save it/ then change back the density?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
Can you explain in detail how you installed? Using stock rom: I download the file, renamed it .apk, used rootexplorer to copy and then pasted in system/app and changed permissions to rw-r-r . Nothing shows up in widgets nor programs...what did I do wrong?
Well I didn't rename it. Just download and move into the system/app folder and changed permissions. But I should tell you I also DL the "signed" one. When I tried the other it didn't work. Also it will be in widget list as Asus weather widget. So should be near the top of the list. I couldn't find it either thinking it would be near the bottoms in the W's. Anyway I hope you don't mind temp in Celsius because so far I don't think anyone knows how to make it Faren... let me know if you figure that out!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
Are you using a custom rom or stock rom? Still can't get it to show up in widgets
axel06 said:
Are you using a custom rom or stock rom? Still can't get it to show up in widgets
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Collective ics seraphim...
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Anyone have any ideas why this wont change to Fahrenheit?
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I tried pretty much everything i can think of.. It changes well on my tablet,, same apk...
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axel06 said:
Can you explain in detail how you installed? Using stock rom: I download the file, renamed it .apk, used rootexplorer to copy and then pasted in system/app and changed permissions to rw-r-r . Nothing shows up in widgets nor programs...what did I do wrong?
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Did you reboot after fixing permissions.
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CXENTE said:
I tried pretty much everything i can think of.. It changes well on my tablet,, same apk...
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Too bad. Would love to have this on my note. But need the F
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ryanbmw51 said:
Too bad. Would love to have this on my note. But need the F
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Its almost as if it's missing a permission? No save options...
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When you add on your tablet is there a "save" option or you just change it to F and back out and it sticks?
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ryanbmw51 said:
When you add on your tablet is there a "save" option or you just change it to F and back out and it sticks?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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Yea in the low right hand corner... simply just change it ,save it, done,
Sent from my LG-V909 using XDA

Awesome Beats...for your Note

Essentially this is a DSP Manager better supported with beats audio...clarity and SQL...
copy AwsomeBeats.apk to /system/app/...make sure to fix permissions to rw-r-r
Just install the
"turn that **** up!"
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
Anyone confirm working on ucle2? The other threads regarding this mod or app all mention cm9/aokp/aosp
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immor2al said:
Essentially this is a DSP Manager better supported with beats audio...clarity and SQL...
copy AwsomeBeats.apk to /system/app/...make sure to fix permissions to rw-r-r
Just install the
"turn that **** up!"
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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Trying now, thanks!
EDIT: the links are not working..
I got an: "There is an error parsing the package" when trying to install the .apk.
TeldenW said:
I got an: "There is an error parsing the package" when trying to install the .apk.
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You have to push to system/app using RootExplorer or something equivalent
babymatteo said:
You have to push to system/app using RootExplorer or something equivalent
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The error is because the files being downloaded are corrupt, as I said before the download links are not working.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
Links are definitely not working.
immor2al said:
Essentially this is a DSP Manager better supported with beats audio...clarity and SQL...
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Can you clarify on the SQL part here please? I'm curious on what would it mean here, since the usual meaning of SQL as in the database query language doesn't seem to apply here.
Does this work on stock rom
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i_max2k2 said:
The error is because the files being downloaded are corrupt, as I said before the download links are not working.
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Files are fine
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HQRaja said:
Can you clarify on the SQL part here please? I'm curious on what would it mean here, since the usual meaning of SQL as in the database query language doesn't seem to apply here.
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"SQL" isn't a real term - it's just made up baloney. It's just a colloquial term to describe the concept of a SQ system that can play at a loud volume. Structured Query Language wasn't what I was referring to. I take it you haven't been to many sound competitions.
Nothing is working like it should in XDA for me today... oh well.. guess ill light off one of my 1/4 sticks and kick off the 4th!
immor2al said:
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Does this work on stock root? I can't see what you have there through Dsp Manager.
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Envy Diz said:
Does this work on stock root? I can't see what you have there through Dsp Manager.
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I haven't tried...but I don't see where there would be an issue, I would try it.. I do believe you need music effects.apk...not sure if beats audio installs that or not.
What folders can I look at to make sure it installed
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Bataga said:
What folders can I look at to make sure it installed
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look in /system/app
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immor2al said:
I haven't tried...but I don't see where there would be an issue, I would try it.. I do believe you need music effects.apk...not sure if beats audio installs that or not.
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How do I get the music effects apk file? Can I just search google to see if there's an apk file?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
work on my note ics
thanks so much..i enjoyed it... :good:
immor2al said:
look in /system/app
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I meant which folders does it install or modify
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Sense 4.0 video editor

I've ran lots of sense 4 roms, but I've settled with ViperS, only problem Is that the video editor is missing.
Does anyone have the .apk for it?
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Not off hand but if you could extract it from chubz
NineInchNails said:
Not off hand but if you could extract it from chubz
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I did, and I pushed it to system/app and changed permissions and it doesn't show its installed
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Datguy_n_Disguy said:
I did, and I pushed it to system/app and changed permissions and it doesn't show its installed
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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NineInchNails said:
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Yes. Reboot=nothing. Reboot » wipe cache/dalivik cache=nothing.
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Datguy_n_Disguy said:
Yes. Reboot=nothing. Reboot » wipe cache/dalivik cache=nothing.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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Is one odex and the other deodex? Also, maybe there is a secondary apk that you need too.
Sent from my ICS 3VO with Tapatalk 2
coal686 said:
Is one odex and the other deodex? Also, maybe there is a secondary apk that you need too.
Sent from my ICS 3VO with Tapatalk 2
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Yes, ViperS is deodexed and VilleC2 is odex. And I don't know what else is needed.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Datguy_n_Disguy said:
Yes, ViperS is deodexed and VilleC2 is odex. And I don't know what else is needed.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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look for a deodexed rom to pull it from
Datguy_n_Disguy said:
Yes, ViperS is deodexed and VilleC2 is odex. And I don't know what else is needed.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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I just learned about this last week!
Apparently an odex Rom separates the app into the apk and an odex file (which is why odex is faster). A deodex Rom has the apk as one file (which is why deodex is easier to theme). So, you need a deodex Rom to pull from so you get the whole app.
Sent from my ICS 3VO with Tapatalk 2
Should have specified that when I originally answered his question. I knew they were different but just didn't hit me.. too damn tired
coal686 said:
I just learned about this last week!
Apparently an odex Rom separates the app into the apk and an odex file (which is why odex is faster). A deodex Rom has the apk as one file (which is why deodex is easier to theme). So, you need a deodex Rom to pull from so you get the whole app.
Sent from my ICS 3VO with Tapatalk 2
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Those are the only 2 sense 4 roms I know.
Is there a deodexed sense Rom with the video editor?
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Datguy_n_Disguy said:
Those are the only 2 sense 4 roms I know.
Is there a deodexed sense Rom with the video editor?
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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there are plenty in sensation forum.

