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How can I convert system partition from "ext4" to "rfs"???

molimo said:
How can I convert system partition from "ext4" to "rfs"???
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With ext4 app, there is option to convert it to rtf. Why you asking? Something wrong? Explain little more.

i just install FirstUA v1.1 but i don't like it, i want to change my rom and back to 2.3.4xxxKPH. may occur a problem?

molimo said:
i just install FirstUA v1.1 but i don't like it, i want to change my rom and back to 2.3.4xxxKPH. may occur a problem?
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Just flash to 2.3.3. KPN via Odin and will automatically convert the filesystem to rfs.
However, if you still want to insist on using the buggy 2.3.4 KPH, then that will do the same as well.

tank you for your help, tanx.


[UPDATE ZIP] Stock 1.2 flashable from CWM

I modified the official 1.2 update to allow CWM to flash them. You can use these to upgrade to 1.2 or to return to stock.
There are two files. One replaces CWM with the stock recovery (good for going back to stock). The other doesn't replace CWM (but will replace uboot).
Other than that they are identical to the update from B&N.
Please note neither one of these are rooted yet.
Just curious as to if this is rooted or just fixed to allow use of CWM?
Nevermind just read the full post!!
So just to make sure, I could use the one zip to return to full stock but with the 1.2 update? Also will this work if I have CM7 and CWM on my emmc? So reboot into CW, format \system and \data then flash the, then Reboot. At that point, I should be 100% 1.2 stock, sound about right?
I thinking about returning to stock and just run CM7 for my SD if this is an options.
DGarmon said:
So just to make sure, I could use the one zip to return to full stock but with the 1.2 update? Also will this work if I have CM7 and CWM on my emmc? So reboot into CW, format \system and \data then flash the, then Reboot. At that point, I should be 100% 1.2 stock, sound about right?
I thinking about returning to stock and just run CM7 for my SD if this is an options.
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Assuming you haven't fooked up any paritioning by using the "dual-boot" stuff you can return to 100% stock by doing the folllowing:
Download the above
Flash the zip with CWM (either from emmc or sdcard)
Use CWM to factory reset the device (wipe /data and /cache)
Reboot into 100% stock froyo
If you have modified your partitions this will not work.
This won't work off of an sd right?
I'd like to modify this so it just installs to my dual boot partition.
I've done this before with flashing kernels, but there are more partitions here to take care of.
I figure if I'm going to change the updater script to mount the correct block partitions then I should also have it wipe /data and /cache on the secondary partition.
Any ideas on syntax?
Once we have a rooted version I'll probably check it out for fun.
nemith said:
Assuming you haven't fooked up any paritioning by using the "dual-boot" stuff you can return to 100% stock by doing the folllowing:
Download the above
Flash the zip with CWM (either from emmc or sdcard)
Use CWM to factory reset the device (wipe /data and /cache)
Reboot into 100% stock froyo
If you have modified your partitions this will not work.
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But then I'm stuck with stock froyo - I can't go back to CM7 after I've satisfied my curiosity, right?
Hmmm, have to think about that......then, again, maybe not.
nemith said:
There are two files.
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Many thanks for these.
Please post MD5's of these so that we can be sure that the download was successful (some may want to store the file for later use).
BTW, free MD5checker can be found at
HarleyChick said:
But then I'm stuck with stock froyo - I can't go back to CM7 after I've satisfied my curiosity, right?
Hmmm, have to think about that......then, again, maybe not.
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Create a backup first.
Thanks for the files nemith. Much appreciated.
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
Hey nemith, would it be okay if I used this as a base for a rooted version? Give you full credit of course, just dont feel like going through the hassle of the updater script and what not.
msgnyc said:
Create a backup first.
Thanks for the files nemith. Much appreciated.
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
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I guess I wasn't clear the first time: if I use this method, am I stuck with B&N's version of Froyo until someone figures out how to root this one, or can I just reflash CM7? And I'm not sure I understand the difference between both of the zips that nemith has produced.
In any case, thanks nemith - I always appreciate the work that the devs do!
HarleyChick said:
I guess I wasn't clear the first time: if I use this method, am I stuck with B&N's version of Froyo until someone figures out how to root this one, or can I just reflash CM7? And I'm not sure I understand the difference between both of the zips that nemith has produced.
In any case, thanks nemith - I always appreciate the work that the devs do!
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If you dont like this, just boot into a bootable clockwork recovery and flash cm7 or whatever you want. You wont be stuck on this.
One zip removes Clockwork Recovery and puts the stock recovery back. The other leaves Clockwork Recovery intact.
I'd assume, leaving it intact allows you to flash back to any backups or any other Rom if incase you do not like the official build.
I'm at work so I'm unable to test it out.
Or you can always just use a bootsble SD with clockwork on it to reflash whatever ron or backup you have.
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
nemith said:
I modified the official 1.2 update to allow CWM to flash them. You can use these to upgrade to 1.2 or to return to stock.
There are two files. One replaces CWM with the stock recovery (good for going back to stock). The other doesn't replace CWM (but will replace uboot).
Other than that they are identical to the update from B&N.
Please note neither one of these are rooted yet.
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My rooted BN1.1 with auto-nooter 3.0 does NOT have CWM in emmc. Can I use to go to 1.2 unrooted?
nemith said:
I modified the official 1.2 update to allow CWM to flash them. You can use these to upgrade to 1.2 or to return to stock.
Please note neither one of these are rooted yet.
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Any way you could make something would allow you to flash 1.2 onto a secondary parttion for those of us who are dual booters?
So Ive got this thing rooted but I for the life of me cannot get the market to work. I have the vending.apk and googleservicesframework.apk under /system/app but market will not show up in my app drawer on the stock or adw launcher. Under manage applications, market or googleservicesframework arent there either. Does the nook have other dependencies? If anyone with some experience could throw some suggestions my way. ADB isnt currently working without the driver. Ive added other apps that are showing up and working perfectly.
Did you modify the build.prop?
Sent from my Nook Color using XDA App
scoutcamper said:
Did you modify the build.prop?
Sent from my Nook Color using XDA App
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Nope didnt touch it, im usually devving for the evo, so modding that isnt normally needed for gapps. What would need to be modified in the build.prop?
The device code will have changed and prevent market access. Try pulling the device code from a froyo device with market access like Droid X.
Sent from my Nook Color using the XDA App

[Q] (Q) problem installing 2.3.5 kernel on droid x2

When I go to the android recovery I have a problem installing the .2.3.5 kernel . I get a
assert failed: apply_patch_check("/system/app/Slackerradio.apk", "f7cd95404f139f630f031c1b8b82f86f115b40f4", "028c71f03cb75e8770845873ba3f050553fe84e4")
E:Error in /sdcard/
(Status 7)
What can I do so I can install it or fix it ?
Did you remove a bunch of apps? sbf tto stock 2.3.4 and retry
mastafunk said:
Did you remove a bunch of apps? sbf tto stock 2.3.4 and retry
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no i did not i was told to remove slacker and install it from market and it should fix but it didnt its still giving me this problem , im rooted no custom rom just stock
rufftouch said:
no i did not i was told to remove slacker and install it from market and it should fix but it didnt its still giving me this problem , im rooted no custom rom just stock
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Yeah u will either need to push slacker to /system
Or u might have to sbf.
Just FYI-- Sbf will not wipe ur data away if that's what u r worried about.
BUT if u bootloop after sbf u WILL need to data wipe.
I can't day for sure whether or not u will bootloop.
I never bootloop after sbf UNLESS I have mods or tweaks or custom rom installed
ashclepdia said:
Yeah u will either need to push slacker to /system
Or u might have to sbf.
Just FYI-- Sbf will not wipe ur data away if that's what u r worried about.
BUT if u bootloop after sbf u WILL need to data wipe.
I can't day for sure whether or not u will bootloop.
I never bootloop after sbf UNLESS I have mods or tweaks or custom rom installed
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How do I push it to /system/app ?
rufftouch said:
How do I push it to /system/app ?
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Use root explorer
Go to data/app
long press slacker.apk(might not be the exact name but u should see the slacker icon next to it
choose "move"
Navigate to /system/app
Press the grey button at top of screen that says "Mount r/w"
Press Paste.
U can also use other file explorers as long as they have root abilities and u can mount /system as r/w (read/write)
Root explorer is simplest and easiest to use IMHO for this
ashclepdia said:
Use root explorer
Go to data/app
long press slacker.apk(might not be the exact name but u should see the slacker icon next to it
choose "move"
Navigate to /system/app
Press the grey button at top of screen that says "Mount r/w"
Press Paste.
U can also use other file explorers as long as they have root abilities and u can mount /system as r/w (read/write)
Root explorer is simplest and easiest to use IMHO for this
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I don't have the slacker apk at all
rufftouch said:
I don't have the slacker apk at all
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Then u need to download it from market
if u have it installed from market
it will show up as in /data/app
I don't know if this would work anyway beings the STOCK slacker may be slightly different. I.e. signed by moto or something.
in which case u will need the slacker.apk from a stock x2 system if anyone running stock could copy it for ya and upload. And u also may need the odex file if it has one.
ashclepdia said:
Then u need to download it from market
if u have it installed from market
it will show up as in /data/app
I don't know if this would work anyway beings the STOCK slacker may be slightly different. I.e. signed by moto or something.
in which case u will need the slacker.apk from a stock x2 system if anyone running stock could copy it for ya and upload. And u also may need the odex file if it has one.
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not to sound stupid but whats the odex file ?
rufftouch said:
not to sound stupid but whats the odex file ?
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Go take a look at /system/app real quick.
U will see that some apks have a odex file beneath it.
They allow quicker access to apps by having bits of code readily available to system or something similar to that.
ashclepdia said:
Go take a look at /system/app real quick.
U will see that some apks have a odex file beneath it.
They allow quicker access to apps by having bits of code readily available to system or something similar to that.
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Can there also be an issue with the slackerradio.apk in the 2.3.5 ?
now ive got E:Error in /tmp/sideload/ , and still same thing with slacker error
rufftouch said:
now ive got E:Error in /tmp/sideload/ , and still same thing with slacker error
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Click to collapse thinking u gonna need the stock apk and odex.
I can get what u need but it will be after flyers game...
Can u wait bout an hour?
Unless someone beats me to it ill upload what u need ...
ashclepdia said: thinking u gonna need the stock apk and odex.
I can get what u need but it will be after flyers game...
Can u wait bout an hour?
Unless someone beats me to it ill upload what u need ...
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i sbf and redid the whole phone now im installing eclipe thx for the help
rufftouch said:
i sbf and redid the whole phone now im installing eclipe thx for the help
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That works too lol.
flyers just ended...should won...close game...
Glad u got it working.
An sbf to the leaked 234 is a good place to start as you need to be bone stock to ud and did not say where you started. Then ud to 412 or 413 I think ether or in tandem.
now ive got anther problem i some how got eclipse to bootloop
rufftouch said:
When I go to the android recovery I have a problem installing the .2.3.5 kernel . I get a
assert failed: apply_patch_check("/system/app/Slackerradio.apk", "f7cd95404f139f630f031c1b8b82f86f115b40f4", "028c71f03cb75e8770845873ba3f050553fe84e4")
E:Error in /sdcard/
(Status 7)
What can I do so I can install it or fix it ?
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First and foremost, have you tried downloading the 2.3.5 zip file again? It's telling you that is has an error in the file, so it's probably a corrupted zip file.
Go here and get the OTA 2.3.5 update and push that to your phone ->
If Eclipse is boot looping, you need to go back into recovery (I would suggest the stock recovery, but BSR is fine as well) and wipe data, cache and dalvik cache. Any time you flash a new ROM, you should always do that before rebooting.
iBolski said:
First and foremost, have you tried downloading the 2.3.5 zip file again? It's telling you that is has an error in the file, so it's probably a corrupted zip file.
Go here and get the OTA 2.3.5 update and push that to your phone ->
If Eclipse is boot looping, you need to go back into recovery (I would suggest the stock recovery, but BSR is fine as well) and wipe data, cache and dalvik cache. Any time you flash a new ROM, you should always do that before rebooting.
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Actually the wipe should be done BEFORE flashing the rom. No need to wipe after flashing when u just wiped before...
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App
ashclepdia said:
Actually the wipe should be done BEFORE flashing the rom. No need to wipe after flashing when u just wiped before...
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App
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Call me anal, but I usually do it before AND after the wipe.

[FIX] A2SD Amarullz

Well, all of you know that A2SDX by Amarullz didnt work for us!
I got it working very well (not buggy) on my Play here are the steps you have to do:
1. Make a clean Flash of your FTF .42 or .62
1.1 Format your SD Card with EXT4 as Primary
2. Boot Phone completly
3. Flash DoomKernel or any other kernel with init.d support
4. Boot Phone completly
5. Install BusyBox ( I have 1.18.2 its quiet good )
6. Reboot into Recovery
7. Flash Amarullz Script
Hope it works for you!
Does it still need to fix permissions after you reboot?
What is this? Is it like link2sd? I use link2sd right now
Sent from my R800i using xda premium
I hope not. That was my issue along with multiple force closes. Im gonna give it a try thanks for sharing!
Sent from my R800i using XDA
hitman980206 said:
What is this? Is it like link2sd? I use link2sd right now
Sent from my R800i using xda premium
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Yes in a way but even better with this mod you can use ext4 from sd card (any size you want i believe)as internal memory. Last time i used this on gb i had 4gb internel!
Sent from my R800i using XDA
Magnumutz said:
Does it still need to fix permissions after you reboot?
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Maybe if you restart your device at second time, but with doomkernel v13 i dont have to fix permissions every boot again
evo_racer said:
Maybe if you restart your device at second time, but with doomkernel v13 i dont have to fix permissions every boot again
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im gonna test on ics beta with doomv2 ics kernel and report back results
EDIT: DIDNT WORK ONLY GOT BOOTLOOPS. but im gonna try wit doomkernel v14 as that update has zram
Make a NAND befor you do this
strange enough, the first boot after flashing this i lost all network connectivity, and after i rebooted it again i got random reboots
Reboot again and Fix Permissions.. Do you have EXT4 Partition as Primary??
The last time i used Amarullz's A2SD, i had to fix permissions every time i rebooted, or else i wouldn't have any network.
That's a major inconvenience.
Has this been fixed?
i dont know.. i have installed busybox before installing this script and it worked fine for me... sometimes you have to read the original thread complete
evo_racer said:
Well, all of you know that A2SDX by Amarullz didnt work for us!
I got it working very well (not buggy) on my Play here are the steps you have to do:
1. Make a clean Flash of your FTF .42 or .62
1.1 Format your SD Card with EXT4 as Primary
2. Boot Phone completly
3. Flash DoomKernel or any other kernel with init.d support
4. Boot Phone completly
5. Install BusyBox ( I have 1.18.2 its quiet good )
6. Reboot into Recovery
7. Flash Amarullz Script
Hope it works for you!
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please how i can flash it??
beacause it's not a flashable .ZIP??
fuuma said:
please how i can flash it??
beacause it's not a flashable .ZIP??
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Use the ADB commands mentioned in the first post of the original thread.

int sgs3 XXLFB bootloop - framework.res.apk

Hi there. I've installed framework.res.apk from this thread, but suddenly got a bootloop. I can boot into cwm, but how i can install stock framework.res.apk? mb form odin? and also, where i can get it?
I know, i must do backup but im an idiot i know.
If someone can help me, i'll be appreciate it, thanks.
lobzison said:
Hi there. I've installed framework.res.apk from this thread, but suddenly got a bootloop. I can boot into cwm, but how i can install stock framework.res.apk? mb form odin? and also, where i can get it?
I know, i must do backup but im an idiot i know.
If someone can help me, i'll be appreciate it, thanks.
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Try a factory reset .
You can not install framework via Odin .
JJEgan said:
Try a factory reset .
You can not install framework via Odin .
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Already done, nothing changes.
Thats bad, but if i install a full ROM from odin, will it replase framework.res.apk?
lobzison said:
Already done, nothing changes.
Thats bad, but if i install a full ROM from odit, will it replase framework.res.apk?
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Yes, new rom replace all things
well since you have already done factory reset (and lost all your data) no point in whats written below
But if it happens next time and you want to preserve data, please mention if you are running an odexed/deodexed rom. Someone nice here can upload the file(s) you need and you can push them to your phone using adb
watsa said:
odexed/deodexed rom
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I think stock rom was odexed How i can check is my rom odexed/deodexed?
Also, thanks you guys for so fast help, now i must just w8 when i can download a new ROM, i cant afford to download it now.
lobzison said:
I think stock rom was odexed How i can check is my rom odexed/deodexed?
Also, thanks you guys for so fast help, now i must just w8 when i can download a new ROM, i cant afford to download it now.
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Yes stock rom will always be odexed. to check you can go to app or framework folder in system/ and see if you have corresponding odex files for apk or jars.
Edit: Also a suggestion. Don't flash mods that do not specefically say that they are for odexed roms (if you are on stock). For brightness control you can use lux brightness free from market. it gives you control on how much brightness you need
One guy from local forum gave me a restore zip file. Any ideas how can i push it on phone, if it loads only in cwm and download mode?
lobzison said:
One guy from local forum gave me a restore zip file. Any ideas how can i push it on phone, if it loads only in cwm and download mode?
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You should be able to mount your sd card from CWM. there is a option to do just that
watsa said:
You should be able to mount your sd card from CWM. there is a option to do just that
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Pretty obvious and easy Kind of ridiculous, but TODAY i forgot my tab with sd card so, i'll fix that later
Thanks for answering my silly questions, ill upload a fix file here later, maybe someone have same problem.
No no you should be able to mount your phone' internal memory too. I am on AOSP 4.1.1 else i would have helped more
watsa said:
No no you should be able to mount your phone' internal memory too. I am on AOSP 4.1.1 else i would have helped more
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Hm, when i choose "mount /sdcard" nothing happens, screen just refreshes, no errors, but i cant "unmount /sdcard"
Thats strange.
add: But i can "apply zip from /sdcard" and can see all directories in /sdcard

[Q] Xperia S android upgrading during every reboot.

So im not sure when this started. Has been a while now. Everytime I reboot my xperia s its applications are optimizing, its really annoying since there are 100+ of them.... Im running rooted ICS with stock rom.
Any thoughts how to fix this?
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
hm.. Sounds like the /cache partition keeps getting wiped.. Just to be sure, take a nandroid backup with cwm and try a new rom installation (Stock ftfis fine too ) Odds are some config. in your preset rom got corrupted Let me know how this works out
Min3r said:
hm.. Sounds like the /cache partition keeps getting wiped.. Just to be sure, take a nandroid backup with cwm and try a new rom installation (Stock ftfis fine too ) Odds are some config. in your preset rom got corrupted Let me know how this works out
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Yes this did work. Thank you. Everything that was bothering is now clean as a whistle.

