help with default recovery - Galaxy Ace S5830 General

got my phone back from repair and im unable to do anything because within the default recovery i cant move up or down :S help ?

Volume buttons?

oh i no how to but it just wont move??

[email protected] said:
oh i no how to but it just wont move??
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Then back to service, I think. SORRY!
Or if see what FW you on, then you can try to REFLASH it and see dose the problem exist. But I suggest you, BACK TO SERVICE and tell them, what you talked here(cant move in recovery).

Cant get to download
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[email protected] said:
Cant get to download
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA Premium App
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Go back to SERVICE!!!



I recently had to odin my vibrant cuz I isntall the 19000 friyi by mistake... But now tht I went backo the original stock rom my youtube is nkt working, camara not working, my playlist wont work... How can I fix this... And if possible can I fix it without a computer. Cuz I have a mac....
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
ronnyzilker said:
I recently had to odin my vibrant cuz I isntall the 19000 friyi by mistake... But now tht I went backo the original stock rom my youtube is nkt working, camara not working, my playlist wont work... How can I fix this... And if possible can I fix it without a computer. Cuz I have a mac....
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Just root it & flash a custom ROM..
And then take an English lesson
Thanks for the advice
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ronnyzilker said:
Thanks for the advice
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If that did not work.. boot into recovery and wipe data/factory reset.
You will lose information if you do this. You will be starting fresh! So back up what ever you want to save before doing it.
ipeench said:
If that did not work.. boot into recovery and wipe data/factory reset.
You will lose information if you do this. You will be starting fresh! So back up what ever you want to save before doing it.
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If you do this will the files in the sd be removed also?
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iynfynity said:
If you do this will the files in the sd be removed also?
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Naa the sd should be fine, but as I like to say... when in doubt.. back up anyways!
It can never hurt to have a backup.

[Q] market problem

Hello, whats wrong with my market?
When i try to download app from it, often says "cannot download due to an error".
It's so annoying, anyone knows how to solve it?
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium
Up up
Nobody knows???
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium
chepoz said:
Up up
Nobody knows???
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium
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You are in which rom..:thumbup:try to reflash your rom..
Sent from my ST15 using xda premium
hope yur settings is correct???
Sometimes this fixes it: go to applications/manage, find Market
-clear cache
If this does not fix it, you can also try clearing data and/or downgrading it.
check if your date settings are correct
sirmarcelot said:
Sometimes this fixes it: go to applications/manage, find Market
-clear cache
If this does not fix it, you can also try clearing data and/or downgrading it.
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It seems to me that he/she is NOT alone, it maybe a bug from Google or SE, please a couple of days to see if it works again. I got a lesson, upgraded it to .62 fw, flash it back to .58, rooted again, installed ROM Manager, upgraded back to .62 to let Market works till now.
I spent one whole night to overcome the problem, you may wish to wait for a while.
Thanks for replies.
I'm currently on 62 firmware, unrooted.
And all settings are correct.
I also recently clearing all caches app,
but still the same.
I'll try to reset later, if not work,
then i'll try to unlock BL n flash other ROM.
Thank u all...
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium
chepoz said:
Thanks for replies.
I'm currently on 62 firmware, unrooted.
And all settings are correct.
I also recently clearing all caches app,
but still the same.
I'll try to reset later, if not work,
then i'll try to unlock BL n flash other ROM.
Thank u all...
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium
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Am using .62 also, BL Unlocked, Rooted & Flashed with NeroDroid Rom/Kernel... Market working nicely!!!
Have you ever tried flash with Wotan server flash tool or not?
Still on stock ROM until now...
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium
maybe yu should remove yur market & download another one....
whalesplaho said:
maybe yu should remove yur market & download another one....
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My phone is unrooted man...
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium
chepoz said:
Thanks for replies.
I'm currently on 62 firmware, unrooted.
And all settings are correct.
I also recently clearing all caches app,
but still the same.
I'll try to reset later, if not work,
then i'll try to unlock BL n flash other ROM.
Thank u all...
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium
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Without rooting it, you may still wish to do you yourself an experiment to download ROM Manager in order to get the OTA , to see if it works by Wifi. Remove that manager afterward. It won't harm, will it?
BTW, don't forget to let us know the outcome.
Sent from my SK17i using Tapatalk
chepoz said:
My phone is unrooted man...
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium
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Try a settings restore(not factory restore)
Annoymous Man said:
Without rooting it, you may still wish to do you yourself an experiment to download ROM Manager in order to get the OTA , to see if it works by Wifi. Remove that manager afterward. It won't harm, will it?
BTW, don't forget to let us know the outcome.
Sent from my SK17i using Tapatalk
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No, i don't want to experiment with that rom manager with unrooted phone.
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium
T3sla said:
Try a settings restore(not factory restore)
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Tried, n still the same -..-"
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium

[Q] Did I just brick my phone?

Well, I just received my phone today and I decided to root it by following a guide. Little did I know that firmware I was rooting was not meant for this phone. Now the phone shows the Samsung screen for a split second and then it turns off.
Is there anything I can do to restore it back to normal? I only have access to download mode right now.
Pm howtomen hrs helped someone earlier today in irc. not sure how. But you're still ok
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
He helped me...long story short, there's not much we can do until a stock ROM is available.
Sent from my X10i using XDA
Ohh ok thank you both for the quick replies. This sucks, I don't have a phone now untill I can get this fixed :\
So where did the dev forum for our phone go? Is it mixed in with the other major 4 US carrier versions?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using XDA
It seems to randomly disappearing and reappearing.
Sent from my X10i using XDA
If you can get into download mode you're ok. You need to flash a stock rom and you'll be back to normal. Don't flash chainfire's root from the international thread because the kernel is not the same.
maladju said:
So where did the dev forum for our phone go? Is it mixed in with the other major 4 US carrier versions?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using XDA
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Oops, guess it's just not showing in the XDA app for me.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using XDA
Very silly. I've been kicking myself all day.
Sent from my X10i using XDA
kensshin said:
Well, I just received my phone today and I decided to root it by following a guide. Little did I know that firmware I was rooting was not meant for this phone. Now the phone shows the Samsung screen for a split second and then it turns off.
Is there anything I can do to restore it back to normal? I only have access to download mode right now.
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have you try visiting DSC near by. they might be able to help you recover your device with the tool they have.
That was quick
junglizste said:
That was quick
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Any fixes yet? I did the same thing and all I get is
Firmware upgrade encountered an issue. Please select recovery mode in Kies & try again.
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kensshin said:
well, i just received my phone today and i decided to root it by following a guide. Little did i know that firmware i was rooting was not meant for this phone. Now the phone shows the samsung screen for a split second and then it turns off.
Is there anything i can do to restore it back to normal? I only have access to download mode right now.
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flashing the sprint clockwork recovery works! Also lets you go into recovery mode
Thank you TheSoberRussian and HowToMen. From soft brick to root thanks to you two guys. I really appreciate your help lol.
If anyone is soft bricked, there is a solution that works already!
Please elaborate. Flashing the sprint cwm allowed revovery to boot. But android wont. What is the fix for soft brick please help..
Sent from my Xoom using xda premium
mscott998 said:
Please elaborate. Flashing the sprint cwm allowed revovery to boot. But android wont. What is the fix for soft brick please help..
Sent from my Xoom using xda premium
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Try flashing this It's fixed other bricks earlier.
Ty ty ty ty... worked like a charm. Someone needs to put a how to thread in the deav section for fixing soft brick
Sent from my Xoom using xda premium
mscott998 said:
Ty ty ty ty... worked like a charm. Someone needs to put a how to thread in the deav section for fixing soft brick
Sent from my Xoom using xda premium
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Already done

2.3.5 soft bricked

Phone wont boot up from the Motorola logo how can I fix this
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What were you doing prior and tried factory resetting?
hoslayer13 said:
What were you doing prior and tried factory resetting?
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I was trying to add a font using root toolbox and yes I did a reset but nothing I also have a backup but that's on bootstrap and only I can get into that is my phone being able to boot up
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thabest85 said:
I was trying to add a font using root toolbox and yes I did a reset but nothing I also have a backup but that's on bootstrap and only I can get into that is my phone being able to boot up
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you should always have a backup on your computer... you'll need to flash a system image through fastboot or something to get it to work since there's no SBF for 2.3.5
na7q said:
you should always have a backup on your computer... you'll need to flash a system image through fastboot or something to get it to work since there's no SBF for 2.3.5
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How do I do that stuff
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na7q said:
you should always have a backup on your computer... you'll need to flash a system image through fastboot or something to get it to work since there's no SBF for 2.3.5
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Can he copy his Bootstrap recovery files from his micro sd card to his computer using a card reader then flash those image files through fastboot?
thabest85 said:
How do I do that stuff
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well i'm not sure if anything besides img files can be flashed via fastboot. so you need to find the system image file from someone who has it? i don't as i have the electrify.... but maybe you could temporarily reflash the electrify rom to it then restore your bootstrap backup... let me find a link. i sent you a PM.
na7q said:
well i'm not sure if anything besides img files can be flashed via fastboot. so you need to find the system image file from someone who has it? i don't as i have the electrify.... but maybe you could temporarily reflash the electrify rom to it then restore your bootstrap backup... let me find a link. i sent you a PM.
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I don't have any pms
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thabest85 said:
I don't have any pms
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you do now! haha, i sent it to the wrong person........ i'm a failure...
na7q said:
you do now! haha, i sent it to the wrong person........ i'm a failure...
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na7q said:
you do now! haha, i sent it to the wrong person........ i'm a failure...
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Nope still nothing
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stupid XDA won't send my messages and i don't know why! this happens to me all the time.
so go here instead
try and follow the directions and you should have your photon booted up in no time.
na7q said:
stupid XDA won't send my messages and i don't know why! this happens to me all the time.
so go here instead
try and follow the directions and you should have your photon booted up in no time.
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Lol thanks bro ill be back with results (hopefully)
Edit : in just got your pm lol
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I have my photon back thank you
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thabest85 said:
I have my photon back thank you
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so did this method work for you with no issues? if it did i would like to know so i can make a page dedicated to this issue that a lot of users are having.
na7q said:
so did this method work for you with no issues? if it did i would like to know so i can make a page dedicated to this issue that a lot of users are having.
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it worked for me but who knows maybe I just got lucky
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thabest85 said:
it worked for me but who knows maybe I just got lucky
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awesome. that's good news. that system image was pulled from a "magical photon" with a completely unlocked radio. literally a one of a kind photon. so i wasn't entirely sure it would work alright. i should try and get an image of the stock 2.3.5 standard... thanks for the report! enjoy your working phone
na7q said:
awesome. that's good news. that system image was pulled from a "magical photon" with a completely unlocked radio. literally a one of a kind photon. so i wasn't entirely sure it would work alright. i should try and get an image of the stock 2.3.5 standard... thanks for the report! enjoy your working phone
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Thanks bro
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[Q] How to trick the phone manufacturers?

Hey guys,I hope to solve my problem.I read threads regarding this but couldnt understand.
So here it is,I got a micromax A87 phone a month ago,then I rooted it.I removed the manufucturers RAM hungry apps.Everything was fine,but from yesterday on call(both incoming and outgoing) I cant here the voice,but they can hear mine.Though I can hear them on speaker and headphone.
So now I want to give to company service center so what should I do?
1.Flash the phone with custom rom or
2.Unroot and install all those preinstalled manufacturer apps
I would like to do the second method.So my question is in which method I can fake that device was not rooted so I can reclaim my warranty? suggest if there is another method and how does the manufacturer come to know if i rooted the phone?
Try a factory custom rom. Then remove root. Most manfacturers dont care though.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
weeo said:
Try a factory custom rom. Then remove root. Most manfacturers dont care though.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
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I dont think custom rom is available:crying: for my phone
vishine said:
I dont think custom rom is available:crying: for my phone
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Factory reset
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weeo said:
Factory reset
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but that wont help right?because preinstalled apps wont be back since i rooted and deleted them?
Just install a stock rom again.
Sent from my GT-I9003 using xda premium
TheSG said:
Just install a stock rom again.
Sent from my GT-I9003 using xda premium
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custom rom is not available for my phone
vishine said:
but that wont help right?because preinstalled apps wont be back since i rooted and deleted them?
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Well put them back then. And then find a zip or an app that unroots the phone.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
vishine said:
custom rom is not available for my phone
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Unroot your phone and give it to service center.
Sent from my GT-I9003 using xda premium
There are two solutions could find another member with your phone and get the apps that you deleted and unroot and give it to service!
2. You could flash stone random rom and brick you device completely and give it back to service saying that it won't start up and hope they don't find out!
Personally I'd suggest you go for 1
Sent from my GT-P3100 using Tapatalk 2
U have a hardware problm
Why would they count the number of stock apps
Just unroot
And do a hard reset
Dun worry
drsanket_xperia_u said:
U have a hardware problm
Why would they count the number of stock apps
Just unroot
And do a hard reset
Dun worry
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Is unrooting process same for every pjhone?.....i did it using unlock root app

