What's a good memory stick to buy for the fascinate? I'm on jt's vanilla gb, my memory stick fried lol I would like to avoid my next memory stick suffering the same fate
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Yea I was wondering if it would be possible and would it run fast?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Maybee...because thats about 30 mbs and my rom is about 300 mbs
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
Hmm it would be kind of cool
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
That's an intriguing question. Maybe a developer would like to chime in on this cuz I sure as hell don't know.
Would certainly be interesting. I wonder if there would be some hardware issues that would need fixing based on the old software (similar to XP only recognizing 4gb of ram).
still would be an awesome retro theme!
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Ive been around since 1.1(did g1 release with .0? I got it two months late) and let me tell you its not worth the time and effort. Andy was a rough child at first. Also the core frameworks have been optimized so much now thay any speed gains you might gain from lightness of rom, are completely negated.
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Can someone take my ps3 and turn it into a sega genesis?
No its just a wonder since it was pretty fast on a 1st gen device.
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jamesd86 said:
Ive been around since 1.1(did g1 release with .0? I got it two months late) and let me tell you its not worth the time and effort. Andy was a rough child at first. Also the core frameworks have been optimized so much now thay any speed gains you might gain from lightness of rom, are completely negated.
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G1 was released with android 1.0 RC28
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just wondering, considering it has 429 mb of available ram stock.
If the talon kernel can be ported over by Simone for the vibrant, is it possible to port over the kernel for the infuse?
340mb is nice, but 429 would be even nicer.
Any input would be appreciated. I am not a dev, so I wouldn't know where to start. Just wondering if this is a possibility.
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thachosenone said:
just wondering, considering it has 429 mb of available ram stock.
If the talon kernel can be ported over by Simone for the vibrant, is it possible to port over the kernel for the infuse?
340mb is nice, but 429 would be even nicer.
Any input would be appreciated. I am not a dev, so I wouldn't know where to start. Just wondering if this is a possibility.
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Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
You can't magically create ram you don't have. Even though the infuse kernel has.more userland memory, it (I'm assuming) has more built in memory as well. And the two are way to different in the first place to even try to port...
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geoffcorey said:
You can't magically create ram you don't have. Even though the infuse kernel has.more userland memory, it (I'm assuming) has more built in memory as well. And the two are way to different in the first place to even try to port...
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If you look at the specs, it's got 512 ram, just like the vibrant, and any other galaxy s variant. So it's just the amount of usable ram. And the talon kernel is a port from an I9000 and/or AT&T captivate...so why wouldn't someone be able to port the infuse kernel?
Here are the specs:
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
thachosenone said:
If you look at the specs, it's got 512 ram, just like the vibrant, and any other galaxy s variant. So it's just the amount of usable ram. And the talon kernel is a port from an I9000 and/or AT&T captivate...so why wouldn't someone be able to port the infuse kernel?
Here are the specs:
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Because it's an infuse and not a captivate/i9k, that's why you can't port it..
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App
geoffcorey said:
Because it's an infuse and not a captivate/i9k, that's why you can't port it..
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Real descriptive
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thachosenone said:
Real descriptive
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It was wasn't it? But he is on an HTC, not an infuse or even an i9000.
Fact is, the kernel probably could be ported over to a vibrant especially since the infuse can take advantage of hspa+
But the hardware internally is probably a lot different. You wouldn't Need to port the whole kernel prolly. Just got to figure how it manages its ram.
Maybe its just me but it seems like my ram availability has gone down after flashing imo 6.2 sense kernel. Is that normal?
Sent from my ADR6400L using xda premium
Alright guys so here's the story. My friend gave me his galaxy s to put a custom rom on (cm9) he got me to do it because his galaxy s froze and was quite laggy on froyo. He doesn't know anything about how Any of this works though so he got me to do it.
Everything went perfect but he is telling me that it keeps turning off and cant be turned on without a battery pull. So basically SOD....
It just dawned on me today while I was under volting that maybe voltage was the reason for all of this. All processors are made different and maybe his was power hungry. Cause if it doesn't get right voltage, it freezes. (Just like mine with to much undervolt). That explains stock freezes??. And now on cm9, with deep idle, we get SOD instead. So I am thinking of raising the 100mhz and 200mhz voltages to fix it.
But I want to cover ALL my bases cause it isn't my phone and is pretty bad, so I want to know if you think that will fix it and what else i can do to ensure it doesn't happen again.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
If I were you I would just try a different rom
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Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
try a different Rom :fingers-crossed:
Its not a rom issue but thanks anyway...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
format ur sd card with sdformatter and see if it helps. have read many cases of SOD issue solved by formatting sd
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
Interesting. Format the internal SD? The device has devil kernel could I just format the SD from there?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
oh urs is internal sd??? i thought it was external... sorry.
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
No problem man, thanks for the suggestion other than try a new rom haha
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
Has anyone used SD swap with this lg of card. I was using my32 GB card with SD swap but after only a month the stupid card stopped working. Just wondering if anyone has had good luck.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
deadfrog82 said:
Has anyone used SD swap with this lg of card. I was using my32 GB card with SD swap but after only a month the stupid card stopped working. Just wondering if anyone has had good luck.
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I have a 64gb swapped in my n2 & n10.1. Only problem is I need more room.
Also certain kernels require certain formats. That's about the only issue I've seen....
TaPpEd from my TwEaKeD N2
Funny. So no issues? How long and how many apps do you have running on it? Sorry I just don't feel like wasting money to once again have it crap out after a month.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
deadfrog82 said:
Funny. So no issues? How long and how many apps do you have running on it? Sorry I just don't feel like wasting money to once again have it crap out after a month.
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The one in my n2 I used before in my razr maxx so its about a year old.. over 300 apps installed, HD games, GPS maps, nandroids, music.. I prefer class 10
TaPpEd from my TwEaKeD N2
Alright thanks man
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
Alright so I ordered
**SanDisk Ultra 64 GB MicroSDXC Class 10 UHS-1 Memory Card with Adapter (SDSDQU-064G-AFFP-A). From amazon hope this works with my note 2 with no problems.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
deadfrog82 said:
Alright so I ordered
**SanDisk Ultra 64 GB MicroSDXC Class 10 UHS-1 Memory Card with Adapter (SDSDQU-064G-AFFP-A). From amazon hope this works with my note 2 with no problems.
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Should work great, just install and format
TaPpEd from my TwEaKeD N2
has a method been created to achieve SD card swap in 4.2 AOSP roms?