I forced 2.2 onto the phone with Kies Mini and ever since then battery life has been atrocious and bluetooth will no longer connect to my stereo. Tried every single route to flash a custom ROM on the phone and nothing will get it to work. I just want to go back to the way it was with 2.1 and unroot it. Can anyone point me in the right direction before this phone ends up in a million pieces? Odin? I thought uninstalling Kies Mini might do the trick but I dont see it in my app list
Download AIO :
1. Connect your phone with debugging enabled
2. Open Flash to stock
3. Find Pit file
4. Find PDA file
5. Click start
then you're done! Goodluck
Video here :
used them last night and all working.
Here, all in one place, files are confirmed working since I used them last week.
Go back to stock:
Then you root:
So the official froyo update isn't worth it?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
No way, it's hell. Go custom 2.2, im with Trigger 2.6.2 and super happy.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Oh ****. I can't even do the supposed easy task of installing the official version let alone a custom one. Im ****ed.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Abu-7abash said:
Oh ****. I can't even do the supposed easy task of installing the official version let alone a custom one. Im ****ed.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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What's happening?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
Nothing its just that im a noob in this developing departement TBH, and so limiting an actual upgrade to a custom version means no upgrade at all in my case. Hence me being stuck with this oldie 2.1
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
You should do it, it's not that bad. Find the Bible and use it...
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
roumenjr said:
No way, it's hell. Go custom 2.2, im with Trigger 2.6.2 and super happy.
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These are my feelings precisely. When a customer comes in my location and asks for us to hook their phone up to Kies and update it I have to resist the urge to root their phone for them.
rjwisniewski said:
These are my feelings precisely. When a customer comes in my location and asks for us to hook their phone up to Kies and update it I have to resist the urge to root their phone for them.
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Lol, that's a good one, I don't think you're supposed to do that.... lol
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
Abu-7abash said:
Nothing its just that im a noob in this developing departement TBH, and so limiting an actual upgrade to a custom version means no upgrade at all in my case. Hence me being stuck with this oldie 2.1
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I was scared as hell when doing my first rom flash also, but it is TOTALLY worth it. You'll have a completely different phone depending on what you flash. Just follow all the instructions and there's plenty of help along the way if something goes awry
rjwisniewski said:
These are my feelings precisely. When a customer comes in my location and asks for us to hook their phone up to Kies and update it I have to resist the urge to root their phone for them.
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My buddy works for T-Mo and he refers customers with Vibrants to this website. The Vibrant with the stock firmware is junk.
CrazyCharlie said:
My buddy works for T-Mo and he refers customers with Vibrants to this website. The Vibrant with the stock firmware is junk.
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I refer everyone to this website even if all they have is a rough stretch of a smart phone on a brick. I haven't looked, but I'm sure there's even a forum for that here!
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Droidificator said:
I refer everyone to this website even if all they have is a rough stretch of a smart phone on a brick. I haven't looked, but I'm sure there's even a forum for that here!
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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That post made my day. LOL.
or can it only be done through ODIN?
Thanks in advance.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
As far as I know, no. I wouldn't even try it myself but I think if the file is not cwm flashable, it will be rejected and no damage.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
Thanks so I guess cm7 is out of the question 4 me
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Hdub said:
Thanks so I guess cm7 is out of the question 4 me
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It has step by step instructions.
You don't like using ODIN??
Sent from my Vibrant using XDA App
ODIN ?????
ODIN is flaky as hell! I used ODIN for many flawless flashes with 0 defects until disaster struck 2 days ago, doing something as simple as a modem swap, trying to improve my data and signal acquisition! On Axura
Heimdall's program is supposed to be more reliable, but the true shining star for doing
Tar's is BayWolf's Toolbox 2.5 It not only got my phone back into running form by
restoring it back to Eclair 2.1.1 then re-flashed Axura [I couldn't get back into restore or DL nothing] but it was the only thing that allowed my phone a USB connection, ODIN or Heimdall's would NOT!! Had this program not allowed me a USB connection, I'm not sure how I would've done a restore, JUST saying this program is the ****, and if you have a tar file to do use this program!! Instead of ODIN acting like a mad ***** and making you wish you had never had messed with her!
Ironically though it does use ODIN , but with way more control over it, if you screw up you can go back and redo the phone while its still connected and start over again, as opposed to resetting ODIN and hoping for the best, and risk losing USB connection when doing so!!
I have no pc so that's why I said cm7 is out of the question 4 me
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I want to root my device but I'm wondering what some down sides may be. Also what would be the best way to root? Mashi or what? And I'm looking to increase performance and add additional features like nfc and scrolling wallpaper to name a couple. Thanks for any help!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
corey_r said:
I want to root my device but I'm wondering what some down sides may be. Also what would be the best way to root? Mashi or what? And I'm looking to increase performance and add additional features like nfc and scrolling wallpaper to name a couple. Thanks for any help!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
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no down side to rooting, benefits are more access to different areas of the system, and able to modify parts not accessible before rooting. Now the best way will depend on what you want, if you care about the flash counter then go to my thread in the dev section, if you don't care about the flash counter or warranty then I definitely recommend Da_G's overclocking kernel that also roots the device.
Wifi tethering, removing bloatware, blocking adds from free apps, are a couple and flashing custom roms/kernels which enhance performance. You also run the risk of bricking your device... Rooting also voids your warranty. So think carefully before jumping into it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA App
The only downside is losing warranty, really.
I read too quick and listed some benefits of rooting sorry
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What exactly does.increasing the flash counter so? And if I do choose one can I revert back to stock?
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corey_r said:
What exactly does.increasing the flash counter so? And if I do choose one can I revert back to stock?
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Samsung added a flash counter that when you flash any custom rom /kernel/recovery will keep track of how may times you have flashed firmware supposedly to decide who deny warranty to. You can revert back to stock but not the counter.
Sent from my 1.8ghz Galaxy Note!
Double post sorry
As Android is based on a linux kernel, rooting your device is allowing yourself access to the very lowest level of system files. Doing so allows you to make alterations that are to your benefit, but of course this is also a vulnerability. These same system files control the well being of your device, and thus malicious applications are capable of corrupting it's files.
Nothing once we get ICS the counter can be reset to 0.
Sent from the Almighty Note!
Amazon Video might be detecting root and not allowing me to log in. Not sure if thats it or not though.
I rooted using da g method and the only downsides i have seen so far are fc's on the xda app, random reboots, and the flash counter issue. However, since the cwm zip came out, all of the above issues except for the flash counter have been corrected.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
I forget, did they ever manage a work around for android market video rentals? If not, can't rest movies from there... But i personally never had the desire.
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I think I would like to root using da g method but I am a huge noob and would like to know how to do so with steps very easy to follow on what to do first. Can someone give me a thread or possibly there own info on how to do so? I really need simple directions (or as simple as possible) because I don't want to mess my device up.
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Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
The directions in DaG's thread are super simple. Just take it slow and read it good and it should be pain free.
Another app that doesn't work when rooted is the UltraViolet application for watching movies that offer the UltraViolet digital copies. I think there is mention that Amazon Prime Video streaming also doesn't work due to root.
Learic said:
Another app that doesn't work when rooted is the UltraViolet application for watching movies that offer the UltraViolet digital copies. I think there is mention that Amazon Prime Video streaming also doesn't work due to root.
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Is that just the root only? or root with over clocking?
---------- Post added at 12:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 PM ----------
modiand said:
I rooted using da g method and the only downsides i have seen so far are fc's on the xda app, random reboots, and the flash counter issue. However, since the cwm zip came out, all of the above issues except for the flash counter have been corrected.
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Is that just the root only? or root with over clocking? I did the original root only method and have never had any of those problems. I'm just wondering if it is from the over clocking method and not the root by itself?
Do I do his through my phone or computer? I'm still confused so any help is appreciated.
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droidal said:
Is that just the root only? or root with over clocking?
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It's root only. The benefits of rooting are far more advantageous though. I just deal with the issue above! I can use something like DVDFab and make my own movie files that play fine.
What part of "DO NOT POST QUESTIONS IN GENERAL SECTION" is so hard to understand
Post Questions in the Q&A........ Thank you..... Moderator
First, can you get into download mode? If so Download the stock att Rom and flash it through odin
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
no i can't. i can't get into download mode.
the phone is basically 100% unresponsive. it's just turned off and doesn't respond no matter what i try (download mode, etc.).
usb jig? i don't have one but is it worth a shot (buying one)?
Flashing anything for a different device will definitely brick it. I think you're going to have to get it replaced.
If you fire up Odin and plug it in, wait a few mins, hold Vol down and power - does com port on Odin read anything even if the screen is off?
Sent from my SGH-I717R using xda premium
The way you mentioned in your post Look like You have a hard brick your phone. If you cannot get into download mode in any kind of way That means you have brick your phone in a hard way. You will have to return the phone to the Samsung for repair.
Sent from my SGH-I717R using xda premium
This have happened with me already two time on my Samsung Vibrant. completely dead. Send it to Samsung for repair or return the phone if you can.
Sent from my SGH-I717R using xda premium
If you do manage to recover or get it fixed otherwise... Don't flash zImages at all. The non intl note uses a complete boot.img file containing the zImage, ramdisk, and a header, all packaged together.
That done with... Not sure how flashing just the zImage could have hard bricked unless you flashed over the recovery partition or wherever the bootloader (contains dowload mode) resides.
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RVD said:
i didn't not have clockworkmod installed so i used adb to load in a zImage. however, the zImage was for a N7000 galaxy note, not the ATT one.
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i would be interested what exactly you did,
like commands or so for the "loading" of a zImage
yeah, ur phone's a paper weight my friend. only debricking service qsload usb will fix it.
I read about this yesterday, supposedly there is a jig setup that will work. I'm not 100%, because I haven't had to do this (knocks on wood), check the forums, someone just did this yesterday. I think I read too that there's JTAG services for it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
Haha seems like you went way out of your way to brick your phone. When Odin is throwing up errors you should know something is wrong.
Either way, you should always read up an entire post of a Rom. It usually states exactly what phone it was made for and should only be flashed on that phone model.
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Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium[/QUOTE]
Re-reading my post, it looks to me like it boils down to loading the zImage "" that bricked my phone.
RVD said:
Re-reading my post, it looks to me like it boils down to loading the zImage "" that bricked my phone.
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Yeah, wrote over recovery partition, and who knows what else. I know from my sprint days, we had to backup Wimax just in case. Some phones are partitioned differently than others, flashing any low level stuff like that might write over a different partition
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
ok lesson learned. i don't do anything that doesn't specifically call out the AT&T I717 from now on.
thanks everyone. AT&T sent out my replacement phone. looks like it'll be a week or so before i get it though. until then, back to my old dell streak running one of dj_steve's ROMs.
This is what happens on this site. There are many people who are happy to help, but many who like to make you feel like a tool for asking for help. On the other hand, op should have done a lot of research before screwing around with the phone.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
Hello, I have a SGS2 I7777 with 4.0.4 and my USB port is broken. I am resorting to mobile Odin and want to confirm to avoid total brickage because my USB port is toast.
Below are some screenshots. Here are the questions:
Filename look good?
No data partition. Is that an
Everything look good to go?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
Here are the files. Why I ask the filename is because I downloaded it from a YouTube video, haha. Thanks.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
HeatSeekerism said:
I am using the pro version that I downloaded NOT FROM THE PLAYSTORE. I made sure it was up to date.
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What is this, are you admitting to pirating the app? That is %100 against XDA rules, so you're not getting support on that.
And anyone who downloads files from YouTube and expects them to be legit, especially when we have so many great guides and stickies on how to do things here, is asking for trouble.
Sent from the i777
HeatSeekerism said:
Hello, I have a SGS2 I7777 with 4.0.4 and my USB port is broken. I am resorting to mobile Odin and want to confirm to avoid total brickage because my USB port is toast.
Below are some screenshots. Here are the questions:
Filename look good?
No data partition. Is that an issue?
I am using the pro version that I downloaded NOT FROM THE PLAYSTORE. I made sure it was up to date.
Everything look good to go?
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If you havn't paid chainfire for the Pro version of his app, then you need to go onto the play store and pay him immediately. It's only five bucks, not a bank breaker. Or if not, delete it and go onto xda and get the free lite version.
Get the files you need from the Download Repository.
Alright. Anyway I did download it externally because I wanted to make sure I had the right kernel flash. I will purchase it
edit: PURCHASED!And I will download the official firmware from Samsung. I'm locking this thread to make a new one.
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