[ROM] GinTonic.SE | v2.5.1 - 10/25/2011 - Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 Mini

Gingerbread 2.3.7
GinTonic SE 1.4 (Revival of GinTonic) is best to be used with ZombiePanicKernel
I have used doixanhs public repo build GinTonic so alot of the improvements are his work the source can be found here : Github and his thread here : Thread credits goto doixanh! He is excellent at what he's doing! Thanks mate for permission!
native keyboard light (no need for script or app)
very good battery life
fully working touchscreen even without kernel
complete new build I put a lot of work into
almost working usb tethering (still stuck on RNDIS maybe its lun1 and not lun0??)
full working camera
rewrite PointingDevice Interpreter -> No Touchbug!
Droidwall Ready
Every Flashlight/Torch app from the market works now
complete LDPI build (also Lockscreen,LatinInputMethod,etc..)
SEMC new 4 Corner launcher or ADW or whatever you want
latest CM source (last sync 24 October 11)
finally fixed Statusbar and Statusbarflashlight button
480p recording without issues (remember please 480p is "only" 640*480)
alot of small bugfixes/performance/stability (locale, i/o,libservices, libui, etc)
fully working automatic brightness for display (Settings -> Display -> Automatic Brightness)
Features in the future:
USB Native Tethering
Wifi AP/ Tethering fully native
With ZombiePanicKernel no Chroot
native Keyboard App to replace SuqashiInput
uploading sources to git
add ZombiePanicKernel to ROM
add Kernel Features into ROM
-FMRadio App cannot be set back to speaker once set to Headphone (present since 2.5.0)
If you don't use ZombiePanicKernel you still need to flash the modules provided in the Modules zip. If you have Zombie Panic Kernel you dont need this
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FlashPlayer is not working after ROM Flash
Unfortunately Flash Player needs to be installed by hand. Use The FileManager goto /system/app/FlashPlayer.apk click on it and select install
2G/3G drains battery bad and also I cannot search operator
Considering you have previously flashed 2.1.1.C.C.0 from Sony please flash this libril for your Radio OTA Version
I flashed modules and dualtouch not working and have touchbug???
Please see this post and replace the file : Different Module
Native Keyboard Light not working correctly???
Goto Settings -> Cyanogen -> Display -> Automatic Backlight -> please turn off Light Sensor Filter
I dont have overclock or dualtouch whats the matter???
Please flash the module zip if you have Stock Kernel (if you never have done anything about kernel then you most likely have Stock)
GinTonicSE v2.5.1
Additonal Downloads
[MODULES] Modules GinTonic v2.5.1 (only if no Zombie Panic Kernel is used)
[PATCH] Gintonic v2.5.1 3G/2G libraries for 2.1.1.C.0.0
[PATCH]Gintonic v2.5.1 Restore KeyboardLight Script
[APPS]Gintonic v2.5.1 GApps (CarHome, LatinImeTutorial,Setup Wizard, Talk, Genie Wiget)
ZombiePanicKernel v1.63 Thread
-restored automatic backlight and also keyboard light functionality should be better (please report)
-Statusbar lag should be fixed
-updated to Adobe Flash Player 10.3
-next update will include resized smart dialer, recent apps a bit bigger and hopefully if i find it the audio routing issue with fm radio only playing on headphone
v2.5.0 LibRil for 2.1.1.C.0.0
-I have been investigating a bit to understand the heavy drain for some users and it seems Sony has different Radio versions flashed between 2.1.1.C.0.0 and 2.1.1.C.0.0, currently libril for is in the ROM if you have 2.1.1.C.0.0 please flash the zip provided
-synced with CM (thanks to CM Team)
-fixed lockscreen background -> now working
-fixed left handed option crashing phone
-added recent apps to statusbar
-revamped lockscreen layout (ring layout)
-reduced battery drain
-updated few libraries
-smart dialer added (but layout switch not yet working 100% so you only see top of it, working on it though)
-fm radio now black frequency color
-Green LED while charging now shows at 100% instead of battery full as some people did not seem to reach battery_full. if you get green led while charging you don't really need this
-tiny bug fix when wlan turned on the wifi hotspot was showing in notification bar for a second now back to normal
-fixed crashing on slider and ring lockscreen if custom app icon was grabbed and then screen orientation changed
-fixed incoming call sliding tab
-reworked some part of keyboard light
-led while charging only shows green if 100% battery reached
-exchanged wifi and sdio module (please report if you have any issues. sdio is freshly cooked but working fine for me so far)
-updated google framework/apps (added Genie Widget)
-connections to 802.1x and edoram should function properly now (tested at my university)
-i also added the missing gapps to a flashable addon see link above
-lots of small things fixed
-due to many requests added the original livewallpapers (which adds about 4 mb to the zip if you don't want them i suggest deleting them from the zip before flashing)
-restored FM Radio funcionalty
-updated the flash player to 10.2
v2.4.2 Flash Player
-forgot to update to FlashPlayer 10.2 flash if you want or install from atquila78 thread
v2.4.2 Modules
-updated the hw_config
-reworked some part of keyboard light should now work completly in darkness
-quickpic issue resolved also for other programms with this issue
-completely rearranged sliding tab and ring lockscreen in landscape mode, also sense lockscreen in portrait has small improvment in showing clock
-fixed lockscreen background color can now be applied accordingly (next step background wallpaper)
v2.4.1 Hotfix
-restored one line in hw_config for native keyboard light to work properly if keyboard script is not being used (for Stock and ZP Kernel)
v2.4.1 modules
-updated hw_config.sh
v2.4.1 keyboard script restore
-updated hw_config.sh
-corrected ramdisk for eclipse developers
-corrected ramdisk not interfere in very rare occasions with boot
-lots of cleanup in hw_config.sh
-adjusted keyboard light works much more efficent now (you can still flash the keyboard script zip under modules)
-still looking into quickpic, i cant see issue so far on rom side (maybe need to wait for update on quickpic side? but i'll kepp looking)
v2.40 modules
-update hw_config in zipfile
-updated flashplayer to 10.2 thanks to atquila.78 for finding it: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1300298
-lowered maximal automatic brightness (can still be changed by cyanogen settings if you want) please let me know if it can be even darker currently 15 lowest i tried was 5 but its really dark then
-keyboard light working without script (like stock i would say, it will turn on exactly when opening it no delay well actually 100ms for lightsensor to warm up) if you still want script remove commented line in /system/etc/hw_config.sh
-no more network unlock dialog after entering pin
-not yet able to test but 802.1 EAP should now work i hope
-fixed lense lockscreen alignment
-due to many request also changed sense lockscreen alignment
-next release might include wlan tether got pretty far with it thanks to jerpelea
-very proud to announce the fully fixed touchbug! no touch bug in rotation at any angle anymore!!!!!
-fixed whatsapp (i didnt include the change in 2.3.8 i havent noticed that sorry)
-fixed settings -> display manual settings now the lowest display settings is the lowest display brightness
-two bugs left lockscreen background not changing and smart dialer but getting there!
-usb sharing working again
-livewallpapers work
-no more bootloop on changing lockscreen background (doesnt change background yet though)
-ringselector widget works now
-only thing left is to fully fix lockscreen background and smartdialer please disable smart dialer for now
-super user issues gone (thanks Eyama)
-restoring the USB Device Connection
-resynced to android 2.3.7 CM 7.1.0 (thanks to CyanogenMod Team)
-included ring lockscreen
-working dsp manager
-updated market
-updated binaries
-updated libs
-working cmparts selection of cpu speeds
-included phone ring answer screen
-fixed G-Sensor
-new CM Camera (fullscreen viewport now)
-updated gmail and market
-whatsapp not crashing anymore
-overall video decoding performance increased (moboplayer rocks) (thanks to android 2.3.7 and cm7.1.0)
-resolved (hopefully) reboot issue (thank you everybody for participation)
v2.0 Module Update
-exchanged the dualtouch driver module
-now fully featured ldpi
-latest cm sync
-fixed bluetooth being a bit** to connect to pc, now working without issues
-all libraries and bins and xbins are updated
-working touchscreen (with or without) kernel
-fixed modules zip (please flash new one) with missing ext3/ext4 modules
-fixed ramdisk to insmod the modules if present
-fixed issues with statusbar
-a bit improved battery consumption (probably due to new libs (codec, dvm etc..)
-since framework/libs/bins and all apps are updated i as always advise a fresh and clean install
-cool new feature created by Mr.Krypton you'll know when you see
-smart dialer fixed thanks to Carpe-Dimi
-changed sensitivty of motion sensor (whoever wanted to play doodle jump its working like a charm now )
-improved FM Radio should start up/search stations/power off faster than before
-fixed icons (indeed it was SystemUI I didnt compile from scratch yet so i'll just call it bugfixed for now)
-statusbar no gap to the bottom of the screen
-fixed a bug I discovered by to DJxSpeedy that the battery was not fully charged (offline or online) resulting in a much lower battery life. i suggest you charge fully offline after you flash the rom
-recompile now with real dpi thanks pfonck for pointing (forgot to set productlocales += ldpi mdpi) so icons dont look blurry anymore.
-reboot options to cwm/xrecovery work now
-mediaprofiles changed (credits to htc legend port and paul-xxx)
-reverted to keyboard script and kfix deleted for now
-ramdisk updated (boot time should be a bit better also includes madbulls missing lines he pointed out)
-updated modules.zip thanks DanielFan so please download new one for 1.65
-same as 1.61 but with added missing lines to hw_config which madbulls pointed out see here : madbulls Post
-fixed the last automatic brightness bug when it was dark and keyboard was slidout now you can finally fully use automatic brightness from settings->display->automatic brightness
-clean up
-huge increase in 2D Performance (FPS2D Value stdev between 5-6 try it on 2D Games)
-Patched some locale erros (only german sorry)
-some corrections on build.prop
-lots of small things
-for ZombiePanicKernel users, set your CPU to 600 MHz its way faster than overclocked! (ZombieKernel Overclocking still needs patched PLL thanks to doixanh for pointing this out)
-added 480p recording with using hardware encoder (performance is very nice while recording perfectly av/sync)
-changed InputReader to recognize our display size correctly so no touch bug anymore
-flash now available in camera app
-fixed CMParts not showing CPU Frequencies
-fast,working and stable as rock combined with ZombiePanicKernel
-almost done with wifi and usb tether
-updated modules zip since it got broken on upload i guess for non ZombiePanic users
-some clean up
-complete new recompile only a few features added to GingerDX (LDPI, Flashlight now system wide integrated, patched sensorservice light sensor shouldnt return wrong values, etc.)
-removed MiniCM Theme
-fixed ThemeManager
-included Hotfixes
-for me touchbug is fixed now
-partialy fixed bad touch(on the sides)
-Phone.apk thanks to Carpe-Dimi
-build.prop fixed for rom manager
-FMRadio fixed
-DigiClock Widet fixed
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Parts used
Juwe11 Ramoptimzation Script
Wallpaper by Mr.Krypton (thank you)
Chargemon/Kfix/ramdisk/77tweaks in init from D4rKn3sSyS
mount_system source from nobodyAtall
CWM/Xrecovery from z and j and everybody else who helped
doixanhs repo
Sources used
Juwe11 RAM script
https://github.com/CyanogenMod Cyanogen Mod
https://github.com/gdxpub from doixanh
https://github.com/nobodyAtall from nobodyAtall
credits goto: Z and J, Blagus, doixanh, D4rKn3sSyS, nobodyAtall, the_laser, Juwe11, Mr.Krypton and Cyanogen Mod Team!!

Nice to see you again!. btw, no more updates for ROM manager?, you should build latest changes i did commit .

I am happy for you back.
Thank you very much

It's good to see you alive slade!
and thanks for this, i'll be sure to try it out

great to see you back on forum and much more for releasing new rom
Welcome Back!

thanks for the rom. can't wait to try it out.
welcome back. your legendary reputation precedes you.

Great to see you again!
Great to see you again! Will check out you're Rom now. No doubt it's immense like the rest of your work. Thanks in advance!

Welcome again Slade. I suggest "Just have fun" do it a Rom without pressing.
Saludos From Chile

Welcome back Slade!
Wonderful ROM, no bugs detected yet! pretty smoth and good looking! +1!!
Edit: well the only bug I see at this moment is the same bug every ginger have, tue pull back clock bar, we always need to press back button to do that xD!... but isnt a problem =P

thanks , downloading now

screenshots guys, if it isnt too much.. thanks.. =D nice to know your working back..

ocovarr112 said:
Edit: well the only bug I see at this moment is the same bug every ginger have, tue pull back clock bar, we always need to press back button to do that xD!... but isnt a problem =P
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i'm assuming that you are talking about the status bar. it works but it's very finicky. you just have to hit the right spot. keep trying.
fm radio and theme manager (sony launcher > desktop > menu > theme) keep crashing. also, digital clock widget is not working properly; the last digit is so small that you almost can't see it. very minor issues. overall, the rom seems to be performing very well. super fast, super smooth. my main concern when i'm choosing a rom for the mini pro is battery life. i will try to report back tomorrow night after a full discharge cycle to give you my impression.
here are a couple screen shots for those of you wondering what the rom looks like (obviously, i'm using the sony launcher as opposed to the regular launcher).
edit: theme manager works, as long as you access it through the launcher.

What the F.. K is this really you. Nice to see you back friend with a present...
Sent from my U20i using XDA Premium App

Sent from my X10mini using XDA Premium App

OMG... can't believe ur back slade, congrats definately a good rom
Sent from my X10mini using XDA Premium App

Excellent to have you back slade!

thank's for this rom slade, I'll test it
edit: lol, I see pacman in system/app, cool

syc7090 said:
i'm assuming that you are talking about the status bar. it works but it's very finicky. you just have to hit the right spot. keep trying.
fm radio and theme manager (sony launcher > desktop > menu > theme) keep crashing. also, digital clock widget is not working properly; the last digit is so small that you almost can't see it. very minor issues. overall, the rom seems to be performing very well. super fast, super smooth. my main concern when i'm choosing a rom for the mini pro is battery life. i will try to report back tomorrow night after a full discharge cycle to give you my impression.
here are a couple screen shots for those of you wondering what the rom looks like (obviously, i'm using the sony launcher as opposed to the regular launcher).
edit: theme manager works, as long as you access it through the launcher.
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Click to collapse
Damn it i uploaded the old version with fm crashes and wrong desk clock. I'll upload my phone dump again later today.
Sent from my X10 using XDA Premium App

He he he u were just kidding lol got me lol

Any thoughts on Keyboard switching, need 'qwerty-no-dk'.


[ROM] FroyoBread | v023b FINAL | 27-07-11

I'm sorry to say that v023b is the FINAL version of FroyoBread. There will be no update anymore.
Thank all of you for supporting me in the previous 2.5 months. We DO have lots of fun in developing and using FroyoBread.
Thank you racht, always. Without you there will be nothing in CM development. I also want to thank to all donators for your beers. It's damn hot here in the summer
All future developments will be done in my GingerDX. We will have more fun there!
This is my personal ROM in my device. This is also my first attempt to build and release a ROM I didn't plan to make this, but because of the screen on/off animation, I had no choice but to make a CM6 build. And here it is, a mostly original and latest CM6. This build version is CM6.2.0 RC 0.
The ultimate goal is a fast, smooth and lightweight Froyo having GingerBread (and some of my customized/unique) features. I will gradually port Gingerbread's feature to this Froyo. Yeah I know, many people want a fully working Gingerbread, not a mix like this. We have lots of difficulties to bring Gingerbread to X8:
Adhoc with WEP is not supported in CM7 at the moment. It's very important to me though
Rewrite of libcamera needs lots of effort
(My personal opinion) Most important fact: GB is not as smooth as Froyo. I don't know but I still have a feeling that Froyo is smoother than Gingerbread, especially in menu scrolling.
I had to take some libs and configuration files from racht's ROM. (Thank you racht, and I also thank you for your great compiling machine! You're our hero!).
Many things should work and it should be smooth. However I didn't test it carefully, it may contain some bugs.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
These screenshots are only available for XDA's registered and logged in users, because I uploaded as attachments.
Features: We almost have a Gingerbread with special things now!
Clean stock CM6: Smoothness. Stability. Working Camera.
Minimal number of apps are installed. This brings you the choice to install and use only what you want.
Lightweight: I got maximum 107MB of free RAM.
My favorite modules: X8Gesture v007, X8Undervolt v001, X8MDDI v001
The usual things with other ROMs: wifi / bluetooth / usb / sensors / 3d / video / camera / rooted / jit / zipaligned / app2sd / ...
Gingerbread's theme with some improvements
Gingerbread's CRT screen on/off animation
CM7's Edge Glow effect.
CM7's Froyo/Rotary/Revamped/Lense lockscreen
Random lockscreen
Gingerbread's cursor handler
Gingerbread's improved copy/paste
Random CM6 or CM7 bootscreen
Better Arabic and RTL languages rendering
Gingerbread's localization
Improved Flipping down mutes ringer
Flipping down snoozes alarm
Gingerbread's LatinIME keyboard
Fully working T-Mobile's Theme Engine
Built-in Transparent Status Bar support
Hiding avatar in SMS
Quick Copy / Quick Paste
CallMeLouder: Louder ringer when the phone is inside bags.
Custom operator text
View.measure() method caching for improved 2D performance
Built-in loop ringtone support without OGG editing
Optimized ("smoothened") scrolling/flinging
Dual Recovery support
Xperia Active Launcher support
Configuration section
XDA member Disastery has made a quick review for v007 of FroyoBread (left clip). Another Philippino XDA guy mhyke13ph did a more throughout review (right clip). Thank you Disastery and mhyke13ph!
Known bugs
Auto brightness works incorrectly? I need test and feed back.
DSP Manager works incorrectly
- Rooted
- xRecovery
- Latest kernel and latest baseband xxx015
Downloads: Note: If you have any bugs, try full-wipe.
Old downloads
v021 | v021b color Hot fix (need v021)
v013 BETA 2 (hotfix for LatinIME's FC, need v013)
v013 BETA
CM6.2.0.RC.0b and Menu background fixes
Install instruction
1. Download
2. Copy to sdcard
3. Reboot to xRecovery
4. Install custom zip
5. Reboot
All versions, except RC0, will preserve your DATA partition. Unless you're flashing RC0, you don't need to worry about your data. It is recommended (but optional) to make a full wipe after flashing (step 4).
Themes (Note: I am not responsible for system instability caused by these themes)
v013+: Starting from v013, FroyoBread supports T-Mobile's themes. You can find list of available T-Mobile themes in XDA Android's theme sticky. Download theme to your phone and use Theme Chooser app (included in FroyoBread v013+) to select theme. All themes for v012 and below are not supported (however, they should work when you choose System in Theme Chooser, I guess). As a a result, themers should switch their works to Theme Engine standard apk for better theme support.
For v012 and below
AChep is making CM6 A-Theme for FroyoBread. Check it out!
Here is GreenFroyoBread theme by alfsamsung.
Also, BlueFroyoBread theme is a blue theme made by mcpaddington
Another theme blueMODwhite made by Frogy Furnetal.
Yet another blue theme made by dave-blue
This is FLYNN Theme, made by Azat77.
Notice: Very important. Read all before posting questions!
1. This is my personal ROM. I just want to share it with everybody. You can report bugs here, but don't force me to fix them. I fix what I need. For example, I don't use FM Radio, so if there's a problem with it, I will probably never fix.
2. FroyoBread comes with Gingerbread theme. v013+: You can change theme with Theme Chooser! After changing theme, you need a reboot to make CM power widget works again.
3. Anyone who needs overclock module can simply copy x8oc.ko to /system/lib/modules and reboot. No need to change hw_config.sh. It will be loaded automatically.
4. I am not responsible for any bugs caused by your custom fixes. Use custom fixes at your own risk!
5. Regarding the texts in bottom Lockscreen, I will NOT remove them nor provide any option to disable them. Don't PM/post to ask for the removal. See Notice #1.
6. If you have problems with LED notification, try resetting LED Notifications in CyanogenMod Settings/User interface/Advanced/Reset
7. Start from v018, FroyoBread no longer includes Google Maps "ownhere" because of instability. Anybody who wants it can download it here, then push to /system/app.
8. FroyoBread, starting from v020, is ready for ax8mt (MultiTouch for Cypress digitizer) and ax8_smartass (smartass governor for cpufreq): Just push/copy the corresponding module to /system/lib/modules, it will be automatically loaded by FroyoBread.
9. If you want to install standard Maps on the Market:
Clean old Maps data, clean Street View data
Uninstall Street View
Install Maps using Market
Install Street View
I need help!
I've been spammed with many simple questions, even most of them were answered in this FAQ thread already. Please watch this and check the Frequently Asked Question thread before sending any PM to me. Your questions will most likely not be answered with PM. Post your questions in this FAQ thread instead. Thanks.
Thanks go to racht, nobodyAtall, zdzihu, jerpelea and lots of other contributors...
Oops I forgot to thank Cyanogen and CM team for their unbelievable efforts!
I'm not responsible if this ROM bricks your lovely phone. Use it at your own risk!
You like my ROM? Feel free to
. I'd like some beer in this hot summer!
Release history
July 27 v023b. Fix.
Disabled fps in every frame and removed Profile Scrolling/Flinging. I forgot to remove them in the release.
July 27 v023. Minor update.
Support for Xperia Active Launcher. Everyone can try it
July 23 v022. Improved 2D scrolling/flinging performance for ALL ListViews.
Experimental: Optimized all ListViews. Results in a better and smoother scrolling/flinging everywhere!
Two nice FroyoBread boot animations by Nikkopt. Thanks mate!
Included built-for-FroyoBread A-Theme (but not defaulted) by AChep. You can activate it in Theme Chooser.
Reverted back to racht's wifi libs. Hopefully this will fix wifi "connecting" bugs for some people.
July 18 v021. Improved 2D scrolling/flinging performance.
Experimental: Greatly improved Preference Screen speed. There is almost no lag in Preference Screens scrolling/flinging now, much like scrolling/flinging in File Manager!
Dual Recovery: xRecovery and ClockworkMod Recovery (compiled for x10 mini by nobodyAtall. Thanks mate!) . Chargemon was based on dual recovery script provided by puppet13th, and was improved for "init" process protection and reduced boot time. Thanks puppet13th.
Reboot to xRecovery & ClockworkMod
Fixed text color in menu. This fix is provided by dulemilosevski. Thanks!
Updated latest Facebook app
Updated latest Market
July 14 v020. Another big update with lots of new and improved features. Let's celebrate France's Independence Day!
Removed "Profile scrolling" and "Profile flinging" in FroyoBread. I forgot these things ~.~
Added CM7's feature "Hide the notification widgets indicators".
Improved measure() dimension cache. This also fixed FCs for Opera, PowerAMP (and more).
Improved app compatibility (especially video players/recorders) by switching mSurface into mNativeSurface in dalvik vm
Improved accuracy for flipping down to snooze alarm
Fixed battery drain with flipping down to snooze alarm. The accelerometer sensor wasn't properly freed in previous releases. Anyone who uses this feature may have better battery life.
CallMeLouder: Louder ringer when the phone is inside bags (similar to HTC's "Never miss a call")
Get ready for AX8MT and AX8 smartass
Removed this annoying message in logcat: "E/Tethering( 1769): active iface (usb0) reported as added, ignoring"
Loop ringtone. It works with whatever format of your ringtone is: MP3/OGG/...
Brought back Maps ownhere 5.7.0, since there were too many demands for it.
Custom operator text
Reorganized FroyoBread Settings
July 08 v019. Big update (?) with fixes, updates and new features.
WARNING: Don't check "profile scrolling" and "profile flinging" in FroyoBread settings. It's supposed to be used by only me to analyze the Preference Screen performance. Ticking them will caused your phone LAG A LOT. I forgot to remove these settings before release ~.~
Boot logo. Designed by myself
Fixed Bluetooth icon in status bar
Fixed a memory leak in PreferenceScreen (thanks to the Redux project)
OpenIntent's latest FileManager 1.1.6, built from source
Some improvements (fixes to status bar, power management, and auto brightness) suggested by alfsamsung.
Much better application compatibility with dynamic sdk version. Battleheart (as an example) is running fine now
"Now playing" in lock screen (again, thanks to the Redux project)
Experimental: Measure() dimension caching to improve 2D performance a bit.
Reverted SD Cache back to default.
July 03 v018. Some more features.
Quick copy / Quick paste
Froyo/Rotary/Revamped lock in call
Removed Maps "ownhere". It caused some FCs.
June 29 v017. Minor change with fix, feature and updates. Note: After this update I will spend some time resting and enjoying the summer. Future update will not be frequent
Fixed HSPA icon.
Updated Google Maps "ownhere" to 5.6
Updated File Manager to latest 1.1.4 from CM7 source
Hiding avatar in SMS (and its configuration in FroyoBread settings)
June 26 v016. Some improvements and fixes.
Gingerbread 2.3.4's latest dalvik VM. Better performance and more stability.
Transparent Status Bar support for themes! Note: There is limitation for transparent status bar, caused by different launchers. Live wallpapers work flawlessly. See here.
Configuration section for transparent status bar support: Disabled, Theme (you must use themes that have transparent statusbar_background.png), Semi-transparent (use built-in semi-transparent status bar), Gradient (use built-in gradient status bar).
Restored original GB's battery icon. We have some theme compatibility problems with current percentage battery icon.
Updated latest Facebook app 1.6.0
Removed two themes Androidian and Cyanbread. Anyone needs them can download them from here and here.
June 23 v015. Mostly fixed bugs and add configuration sections.
Fixed black screen bugs and FCs in YouTube, Video Recorder and Video Player.
Fixed downloading icon for Market and Browser.
Bottom status bar, like CM7.
Configuration section for status bar (in FroyoBread settings, not in CM settings!)
Removed the annoying "D/dalvikvm( 2003): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed xxx objects / yyy bytes in zzz ms" in logcat.
June 21 v014. Another big internal update, mainly separation of the notification bar app.
KNOWN BUG: Video recorder and player don't work. Youtube may not work. Market download progress doesn't have icons in notification bar.
Theme Engine supports SystemUI app (for handling notification bar)
Back button ends call (everywhere, even not in calling screen) and its option in FroyoBread settings. This makes some people happy
"Night time" configuration for disabling LEDs.
Fixed proxy settings. I was having some experiments with it and forgot to revert back.
FroyoBread logo (thanks Gesbleg!) and FroyoBread wallpaper (thanks AChep!)
Note: all status bar settings in CyanogenMod Settings will mostly NOT work because it's a new app and using new configuration. I will do it later
June 16 v013 BETA. Lots of internal code changes, so expect bugs
Partially working T-Mobile's Theme Engine 2.3: Notification Bar is not themed. Reboot after switching themes to get icon changed.
Disabled WIFI N. Maybe it caused WIFI instability. Need more test result.
Dithering enabled by default
June 10 v012. More features, fixes, updates and options.
Flipping down snoozes alarm. Somebody is gonna be fired, sooner or later! Heheh
Options for "Flipping down snoozes alarm" and "Flipping down mutes ringer" in FroyoBread settings
Reorganized FroyoBread settings
FM Radio text fix (provided by alfasamsung)
No more dropbear at boot. It might be the reasons for some incompatibility.
Updated hardware libs from 2.1.1.C.0.0. We should have an slightly improved performance.
Ported LatinIME from Gingerbread
June 07 v011. Something fun!
HTTP Proxy via USB cable using ssh tunnel, currently only works with Browser, Maps, and any other apps that support HTTP proxy. (no, Market and Facebook don't support HTTP proxy, as some of you may ask). See tutorial.
Updated CyanogenMod Settings. I was using an older version of it. Brought back LED notifications and some other things.
Dropbear at boot, useful for reverse port forwarding and proxies
Flipping down mutes ringer. It's fun! Yeah, I've just known that CM6 has it already, but FroyoBread's feature is more accurate and easy to customize (later)
2MB read_ahead_kb for better sd card performance
Ported CM7 Wallpapers
Fixed OpenGL version in build.prop (thanks alfsamsung for the suggestion)
June 04 v010. Small improvements, mostly fixed bugs!
Hide lockscreen clock option in FroyoBread settings
Hide lockscreen clock with Lense.
Fixed video player bugs
Fixed H/3G icon (hopefully!)
June 01 v009. Big things happened in International Children's Day!
Lots of different language supports from CM7
Mute in calls.. (thanks alfsamsung for the xml fix)
EdgeGlow option in FroyoBread settings
Hide lockscreen arrow option in FroyoBread settings
Updated Facebook app
Auto update lense clock
Android version changed to 2.2.9. FroyoBread isn't 2.2.1 anymore. We almost have a Gingerbread by now.
May 30 v008. Small improvements.
Fixed weird reboot progress.
Colorful Settings icons. Thanks tibob77 for your icon base.
Copied libwebcore for Arabic rendering. I forgot to replace in v007 ~.~
Options for disabling LED Notifications during night (11:00 pm to 5:59 am) for better battery. Notice: it will disable any LED notifications during this period, not the ones happened before. Also, it will not re-enable LED notifications after the period ends.
Fixed Setup Wizard run twice.
May 27 v007. Some other improvements.
Reboot to xRec
Maps 5.5.0. (thanks sanefirst for the update info)
Battery stats. Again. (thanks alfsamsung for better battery xmls)
Remove Dev Tools, Spare Parts and some other apps in future releases
FM Radio
LauncherPro (Free) instead of laggy ADW Launcher
Better Arabic and RTL languages rendering (thanks ali313 for the info!)
Some build.prop tweaks for Timescape compatibility.
May 25 v006. Reverted back to old-style battery.
May 25 v005. A pretty big update.
Textbox's cursor handler
Fixed "dark screen" bug
Improved copy/paste functionality
Added Rotary and Lense lockscreen
Random choosen lockscreen: Froyo / Rotary / Revamped / Lense
Random boot animation (CM6 or CM7)
Changed alarm (thank racht) and battery (thanks RaitR) status icons
Added FroyoBread configuration section
May 23 v004. Some improvements:
Fixed screen off animation (and auto brightness? anybody confirms?). It should work like GB, needs more tests from users.
Updated Vector Maps (thanks sanefirst for the fix).
CM7 bootscreen.
Fixed music control position in Lockscreen.
Wifi libs taken from MiniCM6 1.0.1 (thanks nobodyatall), hopefully it will fix bugs for some users.
May 20 v003. Ported CM7's Edge Glow. Fixed Camera button. Thanks nobodyatall for this fix. Fixed Compass in Maps. Thanks sanefirst for this fix.
May 17 v002. Ported Gingerbread's revamped lock screen. Fixed VGA video recording. Thanks racht and ponanovn for VGA video recording.
May 15 CM6.2.0 RC 0b. Updated with default Gingerbread theme. Fixed menu background (see download above)
May 15 CM6.2.0 RC 0. First release. Ported Gingerbread's screen on/off animation. Auto brightness turned off.
Development (What has been done in my development ROM)
Nothing now
Future plans
CM7 121's Screenshot on global menu
Fix reboot menu in different languages.
the module man strike's again
So that's basically an evolution of Racht s FLOYO Rom?!
Sent from my X8 using XDA Premium App
Welcome aboard doixanh, you and racht dev'ing, awesome
Blitzkri3g said:
So that's basically an evolution of Racht s FLOYO Rom?!
Sent from my X8 using XDA Premium App
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Not really. I used racht's Floyo libs and configurations to make the device boots and to support hardware (like bluetooth, wifi...).
Everything else is compiled from latest CM6 source.
racht's Floyo is based from eramux's Floyo (which is also based on CM6, but from an older version).
nice work. btw, does this have the "tun.ko" module?
Doixanh, I can't say I love you enough
I've always wanted a ROM like this, just clean CM6 built from the latest sources.
hmm no overclock module implemented?
congratulation for this rom.....
can i just update the system only from racht floyo?
lol Man...you are simply amazing and your love for x8 xperia users.
hey doixant..the screen off animation does not work for me..only the screen on..why is that?.nice work btw..
edit:..it works..but sometime it does not..really awesome though..
EDIT2:i always put the brightness of my phone to the lowest..but after screen on,the display will be brighter than before..
thanks doixanh!
this rom really smooth and fast...
just the brightness give me some problem ..
cam on !
someone has made ​​the QUADRANT Benchmark??
What is your result??
thanks DOIXANH!!!! you and your modules are GREATS =O)
Sooo Smooth + screen on/off animation
Fantastic 2.2 rom !!
Thanks for making this ROM...good work doixanh aka module man!
Great Job d, will follow this thread for a while before I switch to your version.
CaptainZap said:
Great Job d, will follow this thread for a while before I switch to your version.
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Click to collapse
Almost everything is working except Camera button (MiniCM fix will probobly work), FM radio force closes and there are some bugs with brightness.
EDIT: the mute in call does not work ether and it can only shoot video in 352 x 288.
ponanovn said:
Almost everything is working except Camera button (MiniCM fix will probobly work), FM radio force closes and there are some bugs with brightness.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
can you fix it?
Very thanks! Please reupload rom, i have eror 404.
i think this is based on mincm rc version :0

[ROM][2.3.6]UCKK6 "SHOstock" [1.9.4][03/02][SuperHighOutput!] FINAL

No Bling here.... Just like it fast!
Thanks to:
Donaters: mjgspr95-paleman27(x2)-Xpakage(x2)-K Rich-phjnky-coreyM-hchxoom-Ryukou-stevehkim-sd7318-Evodon84-k1ska-nathanmurray (x2)-Jank4AU-Captpt-joeybear23-dschreiber69-jhermit-AraboDroid
Entrophy for Kernel
lindroid for 14 toggle mod
gtg465x for his github and general help.
DAGr8 and mikeymike01 for sometimes helping me with my newbness
Jivy26 just cause
vlara for testing.....
Thanks SAM for this video review:
New Base: UCKK6 Official AT&T
UCKK6 Modem
Entropy512's DD 2/18A
14 toggle mod w/press and hold ShortCuts
Extended power menu W/ removed header (reboot/recovery/download)
Accurate battery mod/charge (gray circle icon) to match the rest of the status bar.
Wifi fix to use 2.3.4 based kernel
Host file for ad blocking
Some Bloat Removed
Added lib files from i9100 to improve data speed (IMO)
Added User agent in browser. (desktop/android/iphone)
Updated MMS.apk (Increased sending users from 10 to 200 and 6 to 20 before converting to mms; Increased sending limit to 1MB and 3.2mp resolution)
Updated Camera (Hack VOL + / - Hold Volumekey to focus and release to shoot; Tap Volumekey will take a direct snapshot; Removed low battery and incall limit; *1080p/720p and 44100 khz/128 kbit Audio Recording
lights.SGH-I777.so to support BLN (Need BLN app from the market)
Services.jar for full BLN support (SMS/MMS)
Updated Gmail, Market, Google Search, Superuser, VoiceSearch, YouTube to latest
Removed Tetheringmanager2.apk (enables tethering)
Added Droid Boot Animation (By chetan_mohanty)
Added loopy script (By lpy)
Added zipalign on boot (Darky's script)
Added ICS Transitions
Disabled Fully Charged Audio/Visual notification
Added CRT off/on animation
Removed Vibration Icon
Removed SMS/MMS in call log
Enabled Screen mode (movie/standard/dynamic)
Added display timeout settings (30min/Never)
Added script (CPU Governor to default to "ondemand")
Added script (I/O scheduler set to "DEADLINE")
Added Preferred install location for apps. (Located under Unknown sources tic)
True Connection mod (shows true data connection)
Added EDT statusbar options.... Clock and battery toggle and customization. <--Thanks Romanbb
SmoothScrolling Mod and Volume Mod. Now incall volume has 6 increments vs stock of 5. <-- Thanks to AndroidON
Lowered Low battery notification to 10%
Enabled AFTR CPU Deep Sleep Script
Calendar Notification Wakelock Fixed
Enabled SIP over 3G
Disabled wake when unplugging from Charger/USB
Added Swipe to Remove Notification <--Thanks to hansip87
Added MIUI Battery Bar w/customization app <--Thanks to pvyParts
Lowered Auto Brightness a little and added 2 levels that make the changes less abrupt.
Added Call Record function (saves to /sdcard/sounds) Thanks LeoMar75
Smooth Spinner Animations
Build.prop tweaks (Battery saving and proximity tweak when in call on how quick the phone wakes up.)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
-Removed more bloat
-Removed sms/mms for call log
-removed vibrate icon in statusbar
-removed full charge notification completely
-SMS/MMS app mods were missing as listed above.
-Added latest Market 3.3.12
-Removed Bravia Mobile. Doesn't work on our phone.
-Added lib files from i9100 to improve data speed
-Added User agent in browser. (desktop/android/iphone)
-Changed Browser menu to say "Select user agent" instead of "UA string"
-Changed Browser default homepage to Google
-Enabled Screen mode (movie/standard/dynamic)
-Added display timeout settings (30min/Never)
-Added script (CPU Governor to default to "ondemand")
-Added script (I/O scheduler set to "noop")
-Updated Market to 3.4.4
-Added back Samsung weather widget but 50% transparent.
-Fix FC's with settings apk
-Added Preferred install location for apps. (Located under Unknown sources tic)
UPDATE; v1.4
-CRT ON Animation and cleans up CRT off animation
-TW4.5 (5-Dock) Launcher by fr4gg0r with TW4 manager app
-New boot animation... Bad ass
-Camera mod; works while on call
-TW4.5; Fixed some text to not cut off in dock. (made the text smaller)
-Changed browser to Maxthon Browser (2.4.0) (Themes, no glow, fast)
-True Connection mod (shows true data connection)
-Full ROM noWipe
-Added Stock Browser (needed for full wipe)
-Added TW4 and TW 4.5 Launchers
-Added NFC support
-Added StayAwake option
-Fixed Wifi permission issues with not being able to change mobileAP
-Reverted to Entrophy's Daily Driver 12082011 (Fixes delay when screen awakes) -No performance difference but battery is a little better on this update. Not sure if its kernel related or just everything.
-MMS send a true 3264x2448 (about 450KB) res, fixed multiple users FC's.
-SmoothScrolling Mod and Volume Mod. Now incall volume has 15 increments vs -stock of 5. <-- Thanks to AndroidON
-Updated Maxathon Browser Add ON
-Fixed progress bar in MMS when looking at photo...
-Fixed black text in dropdown while DLing using Maxathon Browser
-Modded 2.3.6 Camera. (128kbps/44.1khz in 1080p/720p)(Removed low battery -and in call blocks. Volume shutter button)
-Added EDT statusbar options.... (So far Clock mod works) Partially done.... I only care about disabling the Clock.
-Added EntrophyDD (1-2-12)
-Updated browser mod (shows white text while downloading in drop down)
UPDATE; 1.8.1
-Removed Software Update from settings and removed apk's for them.
-Removed SWYPE so you can install what you want.
-Fine tuned systemUI as it was causing FC on first boot of a full wipe.
-Reverted to DD 12/08/2011
-Removed TW4.5 and manager app
-Upped MMS limit to 1mB vs 600kB
-Latest SuperUser
-Latest GoogleSearch
-Removed 15 step volume mod (broke Google Voice and incall alerts maybe more)
-Added 6 step volume mod (up from 5)
-Removed VM button in dialer added sendto text message button.
UPDATE; 1.9.1
-Enabled SIP over 3g
-Reduced MMS send image size to 3.2MP which allows multiple pics at one time again and also allows the FFC camera image to attach.
-Calender alert service wake lock fixed
-Disabled wake on unplug from USB/Charger cord.
-Default Kernel: Siyah 2.6.11
-Default Scheduler via script: CFQ (Best for Siyah IMO)
(If using EntrophyDD IMO Deadline Scheduler is best)
-Enabled AFTR via script: AFTR is a deep-idle state supported by Exynos CPUs
-Low battery warning now at 10% (stock was 15%)
UPDATE; 1.9.2
-Added Swipe to Remove Notification <--Thanks to hansip87
-Added Battery Icon Toggle via EDT App
-Added MIUI Battery Bar w/customization app <--Thanks to pvyParts
-Added Siyah 2.6.12 Kernel
-Lowered Auto Brightness a little and added 2 levels that make the changes less abrupt.
UPDATE; 1.9.3
-Adjusted Swipe to Remove Notification (more like ICS)
-Call Rec function (saved in /sdcard/sounds) <Thanks LeoMar75
-Smooth Spinner Animations
-Added Entropy512Daily Driver (2/18-A)
-**I enabled HAC in phone.apk and it seems louder but I may just be hearing things. I'll see what you guys think.**
-Updated apps (YouTube; VoiceSearch)
-Updated Hosts file for add blocking
-Build.prop tweaks (Battery saving and proximity tweak when in call on how quick the phone wakes up.)
UPDATE; 1.9.4
Fixed Stereo BT and Notification volume issue
Fixed .mp4 video playback studdering. (Deadline Scheduler is now default)[/SIZE]
DOWNLOAD SHOstock v1.9.4 <<--FULL WIPE REQUIRED when coming from another an earlier SHOstock v1.7/earlier or another ROM.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You must be running a kernel with CWM.
~Download SHOstock ROM and place it on your internal SD card.
~Boot into Recovery
~Install SHOstock by navigating to the location on the internal SDcard.
~Reboot the phone
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Remove CRT Animation w/Fancy Rotation
Download for v1.9.4
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
shoman94 said:
Thanks to lidroid for his original MOD HERE.
I'm liking how UCKJ4 is running so wanted to add this mod and decided to share.
Download is attached.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Nice! thanks. Is this for the KJ4(2.3.6) leak that DG posted a while back in the general section?
eep2378 said:
Nice! thanks. Is this for the KJ4(2.3.6) leak that DG posted a while back in the general section?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes this is for the at&t leak UCKJ4 (2.3.6) but deodexed.
Added Extended Power Menu
Will this work on odex?
Is there a deodexed j4 out there? I have not seen one
ROM: i777 uckj4
Kernel: uckj4
Theme: blue monkey (pieces)
tegrack oc/uv
mjgspr95 said:
Will this work on odex?
Is there a deodexed j4 out there? I have not seen one
ROM: i777 uckj4
Kernel: uckj4
Theme: blue monkey (pieces)
tegrack oc/uv
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'll be posting it with the mods.... 1 hour upload
Decided to post the whole rom....
You Rock!
ROM: i777 uckj4
Kernel: uckj4
Theme: blue monkey (pieces)
tegrack oc/uv
could you elaborate on this:
shoman94 said:
lib files to improve data speed
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
what exactly was changed?
also, what about the bloatware?
vladm7 said:
could you elaborate on this:
what exactly was changed?
also, what about the bloatware?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
They are ril objects pulled from the i9100 roms. In my area with stock ones my DL speed are 4mbps max. Once I changed these and rebooted..... I'm up to 7.5mbps max.
No bloat apps were removed. User can delete them. Just wanted to provide a close to stock experience. The rest are for devs.
Thanks, going to try this out right now!
This rocks! I was bouncing around whether or not to try the KJ4 leak for a while now, but now you've already tweaked it a bit I may definitely take a it for a spin soon!
Any comparisons on battery life vs stock? I'm just curious if you've seen any noticeable difference or not.
This has KJ4 modem? Are you getting good results with it in Maine ?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
This is really smooth and fast. Excellent job.
Here is a digital battery mod (green to 40%, then yellow until 20% then red to 0%).
Running well, however I have experienced some lag/delay and slight choppiness and quite a bit of heat. Other than that, running well!
The 5 Button Home mod works too!
eep2378 said:
This has KJ4 modem? Are you getting good results with it in Maine ?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
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Click to collapse
Yes very good result coupled with the ril objects from the i9100 I included with the rom.
highaltitude said:
Running well, however I have experienced some lag/delay and slight choppiness and quite a bit of heat. Other than that, running well!
The 5 Button Home mod works too!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm not experiencing any of that. Been running it for a few days.
Hmmm. I might give this a shot... though I really am enjoyed UnNamed quite a bit.
Flashing this now. Hope that nothing is broken. XD I'll post back with my initial responses to the ROM shortly.
Alucardis666 said:
Hmmm. I might give this a shot... though I really am enjoyed UnNamed quite a bit.
Flashing this now. Hope that nothing is broken. XD I'll post back with my initial responses to the ROM shortly.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
There shouldn't be...
Well so far everything seems to be working. had a few FC's after restoring my apps with titanium backup but after repairing permissions it seems to have subsided. ROM is super fast and very responsive, on par with Cyanogen's stuff... it reminds me of UnNamed, in that a lot of the features I've come to expect and like from that ROM are integrated into here. I like a lot of what this has to offer. I'll keep testing and reporting as I go.
Only gripes I have is for the 14 toggle mod. I personally don't care for it. but w.e. doesn't hurt me one way or the other. Thanks again for the ROM and your time.
EDIT: How long till we have a MattedBlues theme for this baby?

[ROM][GB] Hybrid (Stock/CM7), Multilingual, Deblur

This is Electrify rom, completely deblured, except phone and hdmi features, with added cm7 and other apps and features,
to minimize phone and hdmi issues and maximise usability of the hardware, using lightweight software,
without needs to sync anything, like Blur. Google sync is enough and there are plenty of apps in Google play.
And that all in many languages, which are included in AOSP, but someone took them out.
But still, it's not perfect and never will be.
Made on my own unlocked GSM Photon, but works well on CDMA (Sprint) and Electrify (US Cellular) too.
Locked version also available. But still no 4g!
I am not responsible for any software or hardware damage or not working emergency calling. You don't have to use this.
If I am posting something I should not, tell me and I will delete it. I am just sharing this, because it´s good for me and could be good for someone else.
If anything does not work right after installation, do one more restart please.
- based on Electrify 2.3.5_USC_19 firmware
- 1.0 GHz stock 2.3.5_254_13 kernel
- fully deblured (no support for anything using blur account and no social apps or widgets or features)
- modified UI in many places (framework, statusbar, notification, settings and many remaining apps)
- framework and most of apps translated to various languages (used translation from CM7) ...
... Russian is fully translated, Arabic support (not perfect)
- updated zone info and ICU (8/12)
- CM7 apps - SMS and MMS, Email, Calendar, Voice Dialing, Torch, File Manager, Sound Recorder, Keyboard, Screenshot
- Nemus Launcher (Nenustech), Gallery ICS (Moblynx), Play Music (Google) ...
... FMRadio (Moto Froyo Defy but modified), My Phone Number (Lytsig), Resolution Changer (djeman) apps added
- stock camera connected with Gallery ICS with 1080p video recording
- 1% battery steps in statusbar, battery usage - everywhere
- advanced Global Actions Menu - reboot, recovery, screen capture
- CM notification toggles (10), with long click handling
- HDMI mirroring with Resolution Changer and Webtop, both working without docks
- automatic brightness levels modified, activated automatic backlight decreasing
- CM download management without restrictions in downloading
- unlocked APNs (you can edit them) accessible also for CDMA (Accounts & Battery & Data)
- some little theming, including notification led
- Moto data counter accessible (Accounts & Battery & Data) and fixed
- lowered battery low notifications - 10% first, 2% second
- volume wakeup, SD card switch, OC kernel and others - available as addons (flashable zips)
- bootsound
- fonts, zone info from latest CM7 - arabic should be fine
- lowered bootsound volume
- more translated apps
- included Russian from [B]Olegfusion[/B] - much more translated
- arabic should be fine now
- [B]advanced power menu[/B] - reboot, recovery - from Olegfusion
- changed the keyboard for cm7 keyboard with bigger dimensions
- included better rtl patch for arabic from jam97 post
- included more compact [B]notification toggles[/B] - first ported to Photon by [B]Rangerbry[/B] - thanks for that
- made theme changes to notifications to unify colors
- [B]HDMI mirroring[/B] with resolution changer from "[B]djeman[/B]" - [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1501414"]this thread[/URL] - thank him
- BlurSetup is out of the rom - you can access your accounts from settings and contacts - now it is fully deblured
- added Talk with video calling
- don´t remember
-[B]webtop works[/B]
-kernel from new Photon 2.3.5 leak
-did some cdma changes, like eri.xml banner, setting Sprint and USC in build.prop, changed apns to match those in fixes thread - mms could work
- some minor changes - changed wallpaper, added ringtones from cm7, some framework changes
-Sprint fixes - apns - sending and receiving [B]MMS works[/B] - thanks to [B]bricky23[/B] for helping with this
-CDMA - access to apn settings from Accounts&Battery&Data settings - no need for voice dialer
-CDMA - changed carrier banner from US Cellular to "Home Network"
-[B]Disabled scrolling cache[/B] - much improved scrolling and animations - applied the mod from this [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1411317"]thread[/URL] - many many thanks to [B]AndroidON[/B], for this
-Enabled [B]automatic backlight decreasing[/B], based on light sensor
-Changed autobrightness levels
-changed some core libraries from cm7
-[B]Sprint mms[/B] fixed again (hopefully) - thanks [B]bricky23[/B]
-some small changes in Blurphone.apk, and maybe something
-added CMScreenShot.apk and added the [B]Screen Capture[/B] option in the power menu
-some fixes, cleaning, lib changes, etc.
-please install adobe flash from market
-usb media sync fixed
-reverted some lib changes, because of stability issues
-repaired Speed dialing editing
-repaired some games not running on v11
-repaired bad looking gradients in pictures, by updating Gallery - I knew it was always there (in cm7) ;)
-5 bars signal strength mode (GSM) (CDMA? - who knows)
-changed notification toggles - used different cm7 like toggles, scrollable with longclick handling - ported from SGS lidroid mod - thanks to them, with cm7 and my modifications
-modified 1% battery steps - now it's used everywhere in the system
-fixed lockscreen - no more simcard warning
-reverted back to Electrify 2.3.5 kernel - seems more stable and battery friendly to me
-changed gapps (razr 2.3.6, I think it's the newest)
-changed gallery 3d sorting items to descending (videos are still the first, don't know why yet)
-changed download management from cm7 - no need for 3rd party app, to download anything
-unlocked APNs, so you can edit the default
-added Toggle 2g app from [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=739530"]here[/URL], you can somehow use with CDMA too, but don't know, if it's useful there
-changed default notification led to blue
-removed ModemCutback (seems like it is not doing anything useful)
-removed PolicyMgrService and Provider (it is for data saver and data saver is for Blur social apps and Market (Market has its own settings) - to do - removing from settings menu)
-and some other minor changes (Google backup fixed, etc.)
-repaired icons in Email.apk and Mms.apk
-added support for volume and camera button wakeup - now you can just edit /system/usr/keylayout/tegra-kbc.kl for any key you like
-repaired some settings texts for some languages (screen timeout, animations) + some cleaning
-repaired flashlight button reboot by aquiring full wakelock, after 10 minutes of flashlight shining, there was no restart (I was a little feared, that I will burn those LEDs)
-some more little changes to powerwidget (order, brightness button,...)
-activated data meter with daily and tasks usage, but data meter resets on mobile data turning off (wifi on) - caused by not persistent ppp0 interface
-repaired data meter - no more resets on mobile data disconnection
-activated development options in Browser (user agent, rendering, etc...)
-removed panel with groups, search, add, from Contacts (groups are usable only with Blur apps, use search and menu button)
-updated Nemus Launcher and Play Store
-some minor tweaks
-updated to Photon 254_13 kernel
-removed Toggle 2G app
-repaired sleep mode while charging
-no more formating when flashing, only recursive deleting (I do not suggest to format system, it's not necessary)
-3g data should be fine (persist.ril.uart.flowctrl)
-libaudio.so from 254_13 ota
-format /system for unlocked is back, because of problems when installing after CM (ext4) roms
-updated Mms app, Music app, Nemus Launcher, Play Store
-some fixes in FM Radio app
-changed wallpaper (even more blue color)
-notification fix (ongoing)
-removed Gallery 3D
-added Gallery ICS from [B]Moblynx[/B] developer with his permission - works much better (better sorting of images, faster and prettier)
-Blur Camera fixes (gallery, multishot upload removed, Czech translation just for me :P)
-ICU and zone info updated
- Motorola and US Cellular specific texts are not translated
- sms delivery reports not working
- sim toolkit is not executable
- don´t know ...
Programming menu code: #073887*
Another codes: ##95*
Thanks belong to CyanogenMod team, XDA people, Google, Motorola, Nemustech, Moblynx
Do not forget to calibrate the battery - it means - install, boot, (maybe reboot), charge 100%, wipe battery stats and /data/battd folder, discharge to 0% without any reboot (but you can use it ofcourse), plug your charger while holding power button to bypass charge only mode, do not unplug your charger or do not reboot, until it is 100% and use it anyhow you like...
Then you can complain about battery. It means, not sooner than 2 days after installation.
This calibration is not needed because of battery (it is lithium battery), but because of not very good Moto power statistics management. Battery can be charged anytime you like, but the phone can show only estimated battery values, based on charging and discharging.
You can use this Battery Fix app for wiping.
Sorry for my English.
ROM - unlocked version (no 4G):
Download v19
Download v20
ROM - locked version (no 4G):
v20 for locked - ready for 254_13 ota, but flash 254_12 libmoto_ril.so after flashing the rom
Signed 198_7 kernel with modules - only for 2.3.4 sv1 locked or unlocked users
2.3.5_USC_19 modules - for locked 2.3.5 Electrify users (same like in v16)
KERNEL - unlocked:
Overclocked MB860 mainline kernel - from Olegfusion - problem with webtop touchscreen
Overclocked 198_7(6?) kernel - from Jokersax - I hope he don´t mind - no thanks for me - problem with setting your own frequencies
Stock Electrify 2.3.5_USC_19 kernel - problem with lowmemorykiller module - missing or wtf? - never noticed before
Stock Photon 2.3.5_254_13 kernel - looks like it´s the most stable
ADDON - locked and unlocked:
Volume keys wake-up
BlurCamera with gallery choice - mainly for Quickpic (pictures must be on internal SD)
Blur keyboard
SDcard switch - use only if you know and don´t mind, what switching cards does
Possible VVM fix - just scroll down there, you will find it
No notification toggles
RIL - locked and unlocked:
Atrix - found helpful by matriX1218
THEME - locked and unlocked:
Full ICS like theme - from Planters76
Black and white - from murrun
Thanks for this ROM. A lightweight 2.3.5 was really needed. Sorry I wasn't able to help you out more than I did as things have been crazy lately.
downloaded will be flashing later tonite after a good nandroid back up! will let you know how it goes..
Lokifish Marz said:
Thanks for this ROM. A lightweight 2.3.5 was really needed. Sorry I wasn't able to help you out more than I did as things have been crazy lately.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No problem, you can take it and modify, as you like.
May be you can solve the ussd code issue for us gsm users huh?
You mean unlock gsm for usage with any US provider? I cannot do this.
So can sprint photon users use this. Would we have to flash anything to get sms/mms working? Just want to make sure since I'm on sprint I don't brick the device by flashing ussc rom.
Arabic Language Problem?
Thank u man...
wow... FM radio + video recoding at 1080p.
It's a very good rom except the Arabic words shows in wrong way(disconnected letters)
like in :
ال ع ر ب ي ة
instead of العربية
we need to Enable RTL language ( Arabic, Hebrew and more) support
Could u help in this please.
Thank u again.
I think, there will be no problem with sprint, except maybe mms, you will need to use go sms, but I changed apns, so I don't know.
I am uploading with updated zone info and icu, so it could help with Arabic, if it works well on cm7.
+1((ussd code issue for us gsm)
jam97 said:
+1((ussd code issue for us gsm)
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Click to collapse
Not sure, what's going on here with us gsm. Don't know, how it works. I just plug in the simcard here in Czech and it connects automatically. But if I start it without simcard after wipe, some activation menu comes out.
ussd codes bug in the baseband. so, now we have no way to use ussd.
---------- Post added at 09:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:13 PM ----------
I worked on updating localization several last hours.
The updated apps for this work for Russian people is posted at the bottom of post.
Simply flash in CWM. There was translated a LOT.
First post updated
And I learned, what is ussd code (I have contract with provider, so not using it) and that it was never working on Photon properly.
Reuploading to mediafire.
Dropbox doesn't like excessive traffic. Lol.
Yea fix ussd code pls.. :-(
Really its hard to track our call charges
Sent from my Motorola Photon 4g
bondarun said:
Yea fix ussd code pls.. :-(
Really its hard to track our call charges
Sent from my Motorola Photon 4g
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Click to collapse
I've been waiting for this... I've requested many times but no go.
Sometimes I exceed my data usage and can't track my prepaid balance.
OP, u seem to be on GSM.. please try to look into it.
For eg, I need to use *123# or *567# etc
So, I googled something about it and I found, that it's a problem of many world phones, including blackberry.
One solution I found, is using ussd dialer from market.
I didn't find other solution yet. ;-)
still waiting for another working download link.thanks for this nice rom
It is there, 3 hours of upload... omg
Edit: Olegfusion made "reboot" and "recovery" options in power menu, for this rom. I am waiting for his post to add it as another addon.
I have to work on adding reboot and reboot to recovery options in menu on pressing power off button for this 2.3.5 rom. You can combine it with my previous Russian pack, but please be sure you flash attached here zip after russian pack in previous post.
and here is the updated version of Russian pack. I think about 98% translated. Reboot and recovery were integrated into this zip.

[DEV][psyke83] CyanogenMod 9 - Galaxy5 Port

CyanogenMod 9 Galaxy 5 Port [psyke83 build]
Latest release: 20120605 [v0.4] <--- learn what "RTFM" means before embarrassing yourself ಠ_ಠ
Latest Google Apps package: gapps-ics-small-20120429 <--- you must only use my custom "gapps-ics-small" package, as the standard releases will be too large to fit on our device. Don't try to use a gingerbread version either.
Hey folks,
This is a port of CyanogenMod 9, a community-developed Android ROM based on Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.4, for the Samsung Galaxy 5 I5500 (Europa) phone. The current port status is alpha (not recommended for everyday use). See post #2 to see the most up-to-date ROM status.
Special thanks to Motafoca for starting CyanogenMod development, DrMacinyasha for the hosting, OuNao for the fake dual-touch module, sensor work and general assistance, mikereidis (author of Spirit FM Radio app) for helping with FM audio issues, tilal6991 for his work on CM9 for Huawei, alanorth for being a badass, and of course, thanks to all of you for testing!
Visit the Basebands thread and make sure that you are using a baseband that is recommended for CyanogenMod. If you are still using an Eclair ROM, you must update your baseband or you will experience boot loops.
Visit the ClockworkMod thread and install the latest ClockworkMod build via Odin.
Install the GooManager or MAD Manager application from the Google Play store... or, download the ROM manually via PC using the link that you will find after RTFM'ing.
Installation (first time/new users):
Open the GooManager application.
Navigate to psyke83 -> roms -> galaxy5.
Click on the build you wish to install from the list.
Click on the Download button to download the rom.
Once the download(s) are complete, reboot into recovery and install the update package, followed by the Google Apps package.
Important: if you are updating from a stock ROM, CM7 or any other ROM that is not my personal CM9 build, choose the data wipe option before rebooting!
Latest Changelog:
20120605 [v0.4]
md5: 8d85095380f1106c883a86c2ea8fc457
Update CyanogenMod source
Switched to new kgsl driver & Adreno ICS libraries. This resolves the image corruption issues seen in v0.3, but the kernel drivers may not yet be fully stable. Needs more testing.
Basic camera functionality: preview & taking snapshots work properly. Barcode scanners show preview but do not recognise barcode. Camcorder preview works normally, but recorded video will be corrupt (due to encoders).
20120602 [v0.3] [rebuilt - check md5sum]
md5: 59e44aa9d0424d7835587556e3f4adb5
Update CyanogenMod source
Full HWA (hardware acceleration) enabled
Enable hardware acceleration support in Trebuchet
Enable "force GPU rendering" option by default (allows more apps to use HWA)
Fix & enable window & transition animations (1x) - now completely smooth
Fix a small bug caused by compcache that prevented userinit.d scripts (such as simple2ext) from executing
Ensure that userinit.d folder is created if needed
Adjust lockscreen layout so that the lockscreen weather widget doesn't cause lockscreen buttons to be obscured.
20120527 [v0.2]
md5: 1be4cbefec95259f292aeb5d4080d25d
Known issue: If simple2ext fails, it's because the /data/local/userinit.d folder doesn't exist. To workaround this issue, run su and then "madconfig blah" ("blah" doesn't really do anything, but by coincidence the madconfig script always creates the userinit.d folder when parsing any option).
Known issue: Apollo doesn't associate with .mp3 files properly yet. Install the old Music app (to /system/app or simply by installing as a user app): http://goo.im/devs/psyke83/roms/Music.apk
kernel: backported xt_quota2, xt_qtaguid, iface_stat drivers to allow proper networking stats and prevent recurring framework crashes
libaudio: fix for wrong microphone being used during calls, added audio attenuation support (enabled on speaker), added Samsung extamp filtering support to fix distortion in FM audio & headset in-call audio. Added new system property that lets users disable extamp filtering if wanted (no extamp filtering + 0db attenuation on speaker = identical audio volume to v0.1 release's audio)
boot: remove corrupted initlogo that was displayed before bootanim started (no longer needed)
framework: fixed cpu deep sleep issue that was caused by wakelock in hs serial device (Bluetooth quick switch) - should drastically improve battery life (may now be similar to CM7)
framework: optimizations to 2D rendering speed
framework: disable UI touch sounds (was just slowing down presses + increasing battery drain)
switch from old Music app to new Apollo music player
add VoiceDialer, SoundRecorder
Trebuchet: change drawer animation back to default (looks nicer, no change in performance)
fix simple2ext compatibility issue. Note: you will need to enable the "mount as ext4" option in the app settings, as CM9 does not auto-mount /sd-ext on boot.
wifi: change wpa_supplicant driver from wext to ar6000
increase VM heap to 32MB - should reduce ANRs
fix for keypad layout not following orientation changes
20120525 [v0.1]
md5: 530a2bc7a7a53d7ef0764561ba9675ad
Initial build, based on Huawei U8160 ICS source base.
Using codeaurora_gio2europa kernel (same source as CM7)
Confirmed working: 2D, 3D, wireless, BT & BT tether, touchscreen (including fake dual-touch), sensors, lights, SD card & mass storage, all telephony, audio, MAC addresses for BT & wireless, compcache, swap (disabled by default), GPS
Confirmed broken: camera/video recorder, USB tethering, wireless hotspot, FM, video codecs (Youtube HQ, etc.), battery drains (most likely).
Added CM7's File Manager, since CM9 doesn't yet have one.
Supports GooManager and Mad Manager downloads & OTA updates.
Source Code:
Kernel: https://github.com/psyke83/kernel_samsung_gio2europa
Device: https://github.com/psyke83/android_device_samsung_galaxy5
Goo.im ROM folders:
Current status (20120605 / v0.4):
Full HWA (hardware acceleration) using ICS Adreno libraries & new kgsl kernel drivers
Camera - basic functionality
Telephony - calling, messaging, mobiledata
Touchscreen - including OuNao's fake dual-touch, configurable via madconfig
Bluetooth & Bluetooth tethering
Correct MAC addreses for BT & WiFi
SD card & USB mass storage
Sensors - via OuNao's g5sensord and sensor library, which means no lag in games, etc.
Compcache & swap - the latter available via madconfig, but disabled by default
Good battery backup (needs more testing to be sure)
Not working / todo:
Bluetooth prevents deep sleep - do not leave enabled when you have no need to use it
Camera - barcode scanner - preview works, but barcodes not recognised
Camcorder - works, but doesn't encode video properly
USB & Wifi Tethering - you may be able to use third-party replacements
FM Radio - no CM9 radio app yet exists, but Spirit FM may work
Video acceleration - video decoders will use software rendering, which uses more battery, and is too slow for HQ video playback.
Useful commands:
Note: make sure you are superuser by typing 'su' in terminal before running any command.
Enable swap (disabled by default): madconfig swapon
Disable swap: madconfig swapoff
Enable fake dual-touch (disabled by default): madconfig dton
Disable fake dual-touch: madconfig dtoff
Audio driver customization - replace X with desired value explained for each entry:
Samsung extamp filter - X is bool value (0 = off, 1 = on)
setprop persist.sys.extamp-filter X [default 0]
Attenuation properties - X is value in decibels
setprop persist.sys.speaker-attn X [default 6]
setprop persist.sys.headset-attn X * [default 0]
setprop persist.sys.fm-attn X [default 0]
* Attenuation of audio on the headset does not work when in-call.
Only the Samsung extamp filter can reduce the volume for headset calls.
I saw this on mad team forum. Currently running it now and it runs really well. Can't wait for the next build well done pal!
Sent from my Galaxy5 using Tapatalk 2
Great job!
It´s working fine, the only thing i miss from CM7 is pressing the back-button to kill an app. That was my most used feature!
jasconildo said:
Great job!
It´s working fine, the only thing i miss from CM7 is pressing the back-button to kill an app. That was my most used feature!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Its in Dev section now.
netmaniack said:
Its in Dev section now.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Awesome! Thanks a lot!
Another good job from psyke!
doesn't work telephony, what baseband are u using?
i'm currently using i5500luyjp2
I´m using the one for Brazil: I5500BVJJP7
0.3 is out. Check http://goo.im/devs/psyke83/roms/galaxy5 .
netmaniack said:
0.3 is out. Check http://goo.im/devs/psyke83/roms/galaxy5 .
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Click to collapse
Just took the plunge from CM7 and updated to CM9 so far looks really good like the layout nice easy accessablility gapps works great i will be using it from now on any fc's or problems i will be informing you but o far so good really hope the camera etc get fixed in next update
*edit* getting a few fc on fb and titanium backup cannot batch restore
Screen bugs
netmaniack said:
0.3 is out. Check http://goo.im/devs/psyke83/roms/galaxy5 .
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Click to collapse
I´m getting some screen bugs on 0.3.
It´s like a memory error, a video error, when i scroll a page, the new lines come all weird, with mixed-up pixels, and nothing makes sense.
Is this happening to anyone alse?
jasconildo said:
I´m getting some screen bugs on 0.3.
It´s like a memory error, a video error, when i scroll a page, the new lines come all weird, with mixed-up pixels, and nothing makes sense.
Is this happening to anyone alse?
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Click to collapse
Use version 0.4
0.3 is really buggy.
Oh, and camera is working.
0.4 is better, fixes the bugs, but is a bit slow.
Downloading 0.5.
Thanks psyke, for the great job!
Hi ppl!
I updated from version 7 mostly because I needed the the new sip features, but in this new version 9, on Internet calls, now we don't have the option to change the user agent anymore, therefore I cannot make calls using my mobile phone account anymore ((((
Why did the Devs took of this feature from CyanogenMOD, does anyone knows??
Thank you, but it is very important for me, or else I have to go back to version 7
0.5 testing is out
brainvision said:
0.5 testing is out
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Click to collapse
Any major fixes ?
Few suggestions for psyke83
Hello psyke, I've got a suggestion for you.
To make more free space on the NAND, you could delete out "Speech Recorder" from the ROM. It's useless.
And, could you add all the languages which are in CM7 to stock keyboard?
Because now CM9's keyboard hasn't got Lithuanian-specific letters, such as ą, č, ę, ė, į, š, ų, ū and ž.
Can you include in this ROM the Mount2SD script?! (link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1342387). That is a well update script and in the CM9 porting for the Google Nexus One has a great integration in Optitions -> Performances -> MountwSD


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This ROM is powered by latest X-PLODE tweak pack:
(click me)
For Xperia mini, mini pro, walkman and active
Tested on LOCKED/UNLOCKED bootloader!
I'm not a coder/ programmer, I simply enjoy modding and learning Android
This is a >modded< [enhanced] Sony stock ROM build 4.0.2.A.0.62
It's built from square in dsixda's kitchen.
This is what I use daily as my personal ROM.
I decided to share this, although it might not satisfy everyones taste
I've put a lot of work in it, so I really hope you'll like it!
X-MoD will change your phone experience.
It's built to be used as an every day ROM.
It's smooth, fast, very battery friendly, light, stable and good lookin'
-fully customizable ROM installation
-Beats Audio
-CM9/10 ringtones
-No bloatware, removed all unnecessary apps
-ICS themed
-two additional themes red&blue flashable via CWM
-Jelly Bean default themes with many others
-Jelly Bean bootanimation
-disabled UI CPU rendering (fluid UI)
-modded google play (no restrictions)
-PNGs in APKs optimized for less size
-Undervolted and underclocked (optional)
-V6 supercharged
-High quality 10Mbps video rec & 100% jpeg quality
-Youtube HD mod (720p HD playback on wifi&3G)
-Black Xperia keyboard
-HTC_IME mod keyboard
-Xperia S callscreen (no corners)
-Xperia Go >styled< lockscreen (not the mod)
-locked bootloader support
-init.d support for locked bootloader
-skip track on long press volume button
-very fast camera focusing
-superb multitasking
-very customisable via AROMA
-many wallpapers to choose from
-fast system booting
-average 05%/h battery drain
-sysctl.conf tweaked (internet&battery tweaks)
-build.prop tweaked
-init.d scripts [X-PLODE]
-very battery efficient
-fast&smooth ROM
-Blue&Red theme (flashable via CWM)
-tested with stock, bboof, rage and xkernel
-stock kernel and Xkernel give the best battery life
[bboof kernel is stock kernel with added functionality. CWM, root, init.d support etc.]
bboof kernel: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=25499983&postcount=101
Xkernel: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1451150
When choosing to disable the 60 FPS cap, screen flickering may occur.
AROMA installer may freeze on occasions? Take out battery, and restart installation.
Solid Explorer sometimes doesn't wanna save system files?
R7 ICS theme has some know bugz. If you don't like it, flash the old theme.
Video rec lag?
some ppl report root access problems (patch and steps to solve this are at the download section)
quickpanel 2g/3g switch button not working.
Please report any bugs you find. ThanX!
Included apps:
Default apps:
-System Tuner (best system tuner around)
-Easy Browser (real fast browser)
-MX Player (video)
-QuickPic (picture gallery)
-Alarm Clock Plus (alarm app with more options)
Optional apps:
-TrackID (Sony music identification)
-MortPlayer (music)
-Adfree (get rid of all ads)
-EXdialer (MIUI like dialer)
-File Manager (file explorer)
-EsExplorer (file explorer)
-double Twist (Music player)
-ColorNote (notes widget)
-Default Sony (music player)
-mixZing (music player)
-LgCamera (advanced camera app)
-Gtalk (google talk)
-Google Quicksearch
-Fast Reboot
-Solid Explorer
-MIUI Beats Player
-Zplay (WP8 styled player)
-Easy Browser
-WP8 Contacts
-WP8 Messaging
Launchers (optional):
-Go Launcher EX (customizable, themeable, but VERY heavy)
-Holo Launcher (ICS styled Launcher)
-Sony Default Launcher[2 corners] (Default Launcher)
-Zeam Launcher (Light and fast Launcher)
-WP8 Launcher
Regarding CPU undervolt&underclock:
R5 introduces multiple CPU profiles to choose from.
Basic profiles are:
-FullSpeed: this profile sets the CPU frequency to 1GHz, no undervolting
-Balanced: this profile sets the CPU frequency to 768MHz
-SuperSave: this profile sets the CPU frequency to 652MHz
-UltraSave: this profile sets the CPU frequency to 576MHz
Scaling profiles have two governors. Sleep governer is ondemand, while awake governor depends on chosen profile.
All profiles also contain governor tweaks. Depending on profile they're tweaked to be battery saving or performance oriented.
Now, before you go nuts saying that's too low etc.
All frequencies have been extensively tested. The ROM runs SMOOTH even on 576MHz!
We all know that saving battery while operating the phone/ screen on, is very difficult. Well this comes a HUGE powersaver.
Because not all users may like this, you have the ability to choose what you want or not want
If you choose a low frequency but wish to play a game, simply open SystemTuner or go to settings> CPU Control, and set the freq to 1GHz or whatever.
The next reboot will reset the freq to your default chosen one unless you specify setting to be permanent.
I personally run the phone with UltraSave, 576MHz everyday. No gaming odc
FullSpeed and Balanced work with stock kernel.
SuperSave and UltraSave do not work because of different frequency stepping.
UV and screenstate scaling also won't work on stock kernel. Stock does not support UV and does not support additional governors.
Previous X-MoD versions:
X-MoD_R1: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?df1vf8m1riars2y
X-MoD_R2 download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ci9fw53ttnjy4cj
X-MoD_R3 download: http://www.mediafire.com/?oey52v4s4a1oybz
X-MoD_R4 download: http://www.mediafire.com/?36vdkq0t842k37p
X-MoD_R5 download: http://www.mediafire.com/?uzfqaa6q3f9mwxa
X-MoD_R6 download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ws47kd9v2va7stz
X-MoD_R6.1 download: http://www.mediafire.com//?2rkf92nbmxs1120
------X-MoD_R6.1 HoTFiX------: http://www.mediafire.com/?juoacijh89bn8yo
[Includes s97minfree init.d script with fixed minfree and adj values. If you experience any lag, lowmem,FC's, poor performance etc., flash it
You can flash it anyway after flashing R6.1]
Previous changelogs:
Changelog for R2:
-updated camera libs
-sysctl not loading corrected
-removed some init.d scripts
-resolved some bugs
-small fixes and optimizations
-updated dalvik binary
Changelog for R3:
-rebuilt in kitchen to fix some issues
-fixed busybox
-updated apps
-added X-MoD wallpapers
-Changed appearence of lockscreen to holo style
-installation possible with LOCKED bootloader
-added init.d support for locked bootloader
-holo locker is not installed by default anymore. It sits in /system/data
if you want it, install it.
-added HTC_IME mod keyboard
-some bugfixes
-some cosmetic fixes
Changelog for R4:
-added new AROMA options, you can now fully customize ROM installation!
-choose default launcher
-choose default music player
-choose between default and Xperia go style lockscreen
-new optional apps are lgcamera, double twist player, mixzing, sony default player, sony default launcher, zeam and go launcher
-hololocker, gtalk, colornote,trackid, exdialer are now optional
-choose if you want the CPU control with UC/UV installed
-remove FPS cap is now optional
-added BRAVIA V2 engine. Even better picture/video quality!
-re-styled settings
-odexed camera apk for faster app startup. Take pics in a matter of seconds!
Changelog for R5:
-new revamped ICS theme
systemUI, volume bar, progress bars, call screen has ring style decline/answer, settings etc.
-some changes in init.d scripts
-fixed MTP (Media Transfer Protocol), working fine now
-LWW button fixed
-LWW fixed reversed camera
-new camera libs retained, but with fixed autofocus in barcode scanner
very fast camera focusing
-updated some apps
-better multitasking
added -=Maximum Overdrive=- (lets you run up to 70 hidden apps instead of the default 15)
and Time Killer Killer by zeppelinrox (TimeKiller Killer bypasses the 30 minute service inactivity limit by increasing it to 24 hours)
-minfree killer tweaked to maintain a healthy amount of RAM free all the time (around 60MB)
-optional disable notification when turning data off
-changed default governor to ondemand in all cpu profiles
faster respond time and seems to be more battery saving than other governors (tested with Xkernel&bboof)
feel free to edit the script if you wanna change it
-added optional CPU profiles for performance or battery saving
FullSpeed, Balanced, SuperSave and UltraSave
-added Solid Explorer
-added stock browser
now choose between EasyBrowser&StockBrowser
-fixed all busybox issues. like the issue with Solid Explorer not able to obtain root
-added AirTouchService.apk from Xsola, and enabled floating touch in build.prop
our devices by no means support floating touch. I've implemented this because of some reports that it could enhance touch responsivity.
-removed hololocker since it has a nasty bug and prevents PIN input, thus poses a high security risk
Changelog for R6:
-reverted cam libz.... again..... -.-
autofocus was really fast, but pics where not sharp as supposed to
-added optional settings with CPU control (inspired by kobzar's Real ICS ROM)
-inactive checkbox in menus is now visible with blue borders
in R5 it was invisible on dark background
-added optional CPU profiles with screenstate scaling
meaning the phone switches to ondemand gov. when asleep, while switching to e.g smartassv2, interactivex or else while awake (depending on profile)
scripts can be edited by user for more customization
-fixed issues where apps would not open or freeze upon trying to open
-changed battery icon and at the same time it fixed the issue where battery would drop in 5% increments
-reorganized VM tweaks to fix sudden reboots and lags
-tweaked CPU governors in CPU profile scripts
-added nexus one bootanimation
choose between Jelly Bean and Nexus bootanim
-added optional Fast Reboot app
free more memory with a single tap
-added optional windows 8 launcher
-added new WP8 styled calculator
-added optional wP8 messaging
-added optional WP8 contacts
Changelog for R6.1:
this is mainly a fix.
everything remains the same except,
-removed V6 supercharger
it was causing some problems. install it on your own if you want.
-added minfree and adj settings in init.d script (s97minfree)
-vm.vfs_cache_pressure is set to 30 in s97minfree script
if you experience lag after using phone for a while, change it to a higher value or remove the line
Changelog for R7:
-added MIUI sounds
now you can choose between MIUI and CM9/10 sounds
-made X button in systemUI larger
-all apps updated
though some apps keep pushing updates, so don't be surprised if some apps still need updates
-soft buttons light cut by half for energy saving
-enabled ALS pre-boot
ALS now works during bootanim
-preconfigured some ROM settings
like disabled haptic feedback, enabled install apps from unknown sources, lower brightness etc.
-added option to disable ALS, so you can achieve max brightness
-added dynamic VM tweaks from X-PLODE in cpu scripts
maximum battery saving while screen's off, maximum performance while screen's on
-newly themed HTC_IME keyboard
-ICS theme revamped! [preview/test version]
this may not suit everyone, also there are some bugz in it so I'm providing flashable with R6 theme [DL here: http://d-h.st/j4r]
-added following optional apps
one browser, naked browser, sms popup app
-modded lockscreen to resemble ICS a little
X-MoD_LiTE version released!!
It's same as R7 except:
-This version contains no optional apps. It's a flash and use ROM.
-It supports all 4 MDPI devices and locked or unlocked bootloader.
-Very light, very fast, minimal apps installed. Choose your own apps
X-MoD_R8 uploaded
Long time ago I was working on this final update which should fix some issues I guess.
Unfortunately I lost some of my data then. So I found this zip a few days ago and I thought if anyone still uses GB and this ROM, why not upload it.
I do not work on this ROM anyomore. I uploaded this ROM zip just like I found it. I've made no changes at all.
So..... enjoy
X-MoD download link:
X-MoD_R7 download: http://d-h.st/anh
---------------> X-MoD_R8_dev.rc download: Mediafire <---------------
X-MoD_LiTE download: http://d-h.st/tla
X-MoD_R6 ICS theme download: http://d-h.st/j4r
Root access and minipro camera flash bugz fixes:
Root access issue:
If you should happen to have root acces problems, try flashing this patch: http://d-h.st/VXA [thanX to Blantosz who pointed out the solution]
Steps you can try if you're having trouble with root access:
-Install SuperSU from market
-Find and change follwing line in build.prop to be dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags=m=y
-open ROM zip, and copy /system/xbin/su to /system/bin
Do not move, just copy so it's in both places. Then try to flash the ROM.
MiniPro flash issue:
If you have Mini Pro, if flash doesn't fire when taking picture, flash this patch: http://d-h.st/3V7
R7 is going to be the final version of this ROM I think.... :-/
GB is old news now. Most ppl have moved on to ICS.
Maybe I'll make an ICS X-MoD version?
I will however try to fix any major bugz you may encounter.
So I'm still supporting this ROM, just not developing....
The new ICS like theme and the new lockscreen is thought as a present for all users of this ROM, since this is the final version.
I really hope you enjoy it! I enjoyed making it, as hard as it was. And still there are some bugz -.-
I think X-MoD as a GB ROM has come to it's optimum.
Meaning I made it the best I know, maximum battery life is achieved (one of the best among our GB ROMs I think), while retaining very high performance.
There's nothing more that can be tweaked, upgraded or enhanced for that matter. Except cosmetics maybe. It's finished finally
I wanna thank all users and ppl that helped me, and for all the support in making this ROM
Moving on!
Themes download:
Blue theme: http://www.mediafire.com/?c15fb4x9llaiauc
Red theme: http://www.mediafire.com/?wc0567vbd94fwu0
Original ICS theme: http://www.mediafire.com/?xh6tvoxwjkpgwvw
Red/blue theme Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/DS2Fe
Additional X-MoD wallpapers apk: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?geu367bd48ys462
-place xmod.zip on /sdcard
-start phone in recovery mode (CWM)
-make nandroid backup (optional, but highly recommended)
-select factory reset
-wipe system
-wipe dalvik cache
-reboot phone
-select language etc. then reboot again (reboot TWiCE)
------------------------------------------R5 screenshots------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------R7 screenshots------------------------------------------
thanX to:
orochixx for some default themes
pikachu01 for thunderbolt! init.d scripts
pallavikv for Xperia S callscreen
RockoDev for Beats Audio
Till-Kruspe for ICS theme
like-p for quickpanel
hansip87 for Camera HQ Mod
greyphil for JB bootanimation
sayhellotwoheaven for Black Xperia keyboard
Pusak Gaoq for modded google play
theos0o for youtubeHD
leolawliet for disabled CPU rendering
dsixda for ROM kitchen
puppeth13th for init.d loader
zeppelinrox for V6 supercharger
jobayer for WP8 style apps
expeacer for helping me enable installation for locked bootloader
mv_style and neroyoung for being helpful
thanx to pastillero, cevi and d-dy for R5_RC testing
MauriF for testing R6_RC and R7_RC
saqib.nazm for supporting me while making R7 (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2030659)
If I forgot to mention somebody, please let me know ​
Hi good work if you need help pm me
Sent from my SK17i using xda app-developers app
KhemaraS. said:
Hi good work if you need help pm me
Sent from my SK17i using xda app-developers app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You mean init.d?
I took some thunderbolt! scripts from pikachu01, and modified them a bit
Also supercharger script, sqlite and zipalign scripts.
iONEx said:
You mean init.d?
I took some thunderbolt! scripts from pikachu01, and modified them a bit
Also supercharger script, sqlite and zipalign scripts.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Okay i noticed that some Roms have the Same scripts like Mine thats why i asked
Sent from my SK17i using xda app-developers app
Good work but it can be 0,5 battery drain pef hour cause,that way it would hold,200h
mv_style said:
Good work but it can be 0,5 battery drain pef hour cause,that way it would hold,200h
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I tested it with BatteryDrain analyser, on Xkernel.
No extra apps, just a clean ROM installation.
Both wifi and data being off.
EDiT: It may jump a bit higher from time to time because of a wakelock. But in general, that's it.
iONEx said:
I tested it with BatteryDrain analyser, on Xkernel.
No extra apps, just a clean ROM installation.
Both wifi and data being off.
EDiT: It may jump a bit higher from time to time because of a wakelock. But in general, that's it.
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Click to collapse
that tests arent best for testing
u can take screenshots of battery for few days and that way you can see it
btw lijepo je vidit jos nekog iz hrv na forumu da radi nesto
Now available for mini, mini pro, walkman and active through AROMA installer.
My friend good job, long life to GB...
Pls i love tha blue % battery icon, can yhu share tha SystemUI pls?
Sure, just take it from the ROM
Sent from my ST15i
iONEx said:
Sure, just take it from the ROM
Sent from my ST15i
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Click to collapse
Thanks buddy but would appreciate if yhu can upload only tha SystemUI for me plesase, am on limited bandwidth!
K, but tomorrow. I'm not at my PC right now. Almost 3am here
Sent from my ST15i
iONEx said:
K, but tomorrow. I'm not at my PC right now. Almost 3am here
Sent from my ST15i
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Click to collapse
Thanks buddy. Am still waiting please!
a lot of third-party software, do not think that all the uses it
whalesplaho said:
Thanks buddy. Am still waiting please!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
here you go. round blue batt icon and ICS batt icon.
I9103 said:
a lot of third-party software, do not think that all the uses it
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's why I said it's a personal ROM, and not everone might like it.
I've included only some apps, and they all extend or enhance use experience. Let me explain some of them:
EX dialer fits into ICS theme, Easy Browser is THE fastest browser I've seen, sys tuner allows for setting up system, holo locker/ launcher also adds to ICS experience, trackID is sony app, file explorer I think is needed by users who have roorted phones.
iONEx said:
here you go. round blue batt icon and ICS batt icon.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks buddy... Gratitude!!!
But tha ICS style size is small & also no battery pngs inside drawable-mdpi folder!
whalesplaho said:
Thanks buddy... Gratitude!!!
But tha ICS style size is small & also no battery pngs inside drawable-mdpi folder!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
my mistake. icons where in framework-res.
I've uploaded just the battery icons now.
iONEx said:
my mistake. icons where in framework-res.
I've uploaded just the battery icons now.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks so much buddy.....
That's nice to see more development on GB. Thanks mate.

