[Q] Block a prank caller - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello guys,
some (dickhead) has taken it upon him/herself to call me 12 times over the last 12 hours, mostly in the middle of the night... and left 5 blank voice mail messages.
I want to block this person from calling me, but ORANGE UK say the SGS2 does not have this capability. Any of you know if the SGS2/android can do this?

There should be a blacklist setting. Settings> Call> Call rejection> Blacklists. Hope this helps.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App

Blacklist hadn't worked 4 me, and I've been trying since May:-(

fredphoesh said:
Hello guys,
some (dickhead) has taken it upon him/herself to call me 12 times over the last 12 hours, mostly in the middle of the night... and left 5 blank voice mail messages.
I want to block this person from calling me, but ORANGE UK say the SGS2 does not have this capability. Any of you know if the SGS2/android can do this?
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If you have his/her number then you can block it through the blacklist setting. If you do not have his number (ie anonymous caller) then you should file a complaint with the police. I don't know how the laws in your country operate but here the police and justice department have the power to get caller logs from the service providers so they can see who it is and then take action.

there's a root app that might help too - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1051274

Thanks all you guys for your suggestions...
This morning the person called again, so I texted them to say I would call the police if they texted or called me once again. I also set the block on my phone and have not heard another peep from them... so am not sure it is the block or the threat of police that shut them up.
god what incredible idiots some people are!
Tx again,

What I do when I get unwanted calls (marketing cr*p on the landline despite being registered with TPS...) is play some really weird music - I have *a lot* of really weird stuff but my absolute favourite for that purpose is Diamanda Galas "wild women with steak knives (the homocidal love song for solo scream)" guaranteed that they won't call again ... I suggest leaving the room while the track is playing.
Edit: before anyone who checks out that track thinks that I am a complete lunatic, I'd like to add that all of her music isn't quite like that...

I usually just breathe heavily down the phone at them.. or set up a scheduled SMS to send to them every 30 mins

I would never suggest or condone posting their number on public forums and letting the masses decide whether to anonymously call them or not. I have never done that with scammers that tried to rig my ebay auctions.

Hahaha that's a good one! Will keep this in mind
Sent from Samsung Galaxy S2 ->XDA Premium App

Strange usually when it's a blank caller they bar their number.
some cu*t done the same to me a few years back, every time the phone rang i cranked up the techno and put the phone to it, it did catch a few people out but whoever it was never rang agaib

who pranks people with their caller id on! would u prank on private!!
if someone pranks me at night ill prank than in the morning that sure will piss them off.

onbacardi said:
who pranks people with their caller id on! would u prank on private!!
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Someone who's using a stolen a phone maybe? Either that or someone who's simply really stupid
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App

Fred, it was me! Heheheheheeeeee


First call XDA wont connect?

Have u encountred calling but the xda wont respond.....after pressing the redial it will make a call......is there a solution for this? :lol:
Trying ROM upgrading
ARZLEB said:
Trying ROM upgrading
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I did. still the same problem
same here.... and i have the latest updates to
Why are we let down. Such a great device but so many flaws.
I guess that's what happens when you use micro$oft products. Imagine being in a position where you had to design extra outlays of yours business. We would call it expanding yes? Well no, Mr Gates, uses these extra M$ arms of his business to shrink his huge profits. Why, because he keeps getting threatened with splitting the company into smaller seperate peices...
Just imagine being that minted !! !!
Are you sure it's the 'First Call'?
Are you sure this happens on the 'first' call? Can you try dialing a busy number? (Try calling a landline with the phone off-hook)
When I try calling a busy number, the xda ends the call without any response. (i.e. 'Call Ended')
Call the Help Line
I had the same problem, the reason in my case was that I'd gone over the limit of £100, Call the help line (Number on Bill) and ask them to up the limit...

Stolen phone - PLEASE HELP!

My phone was stolen in Chicago, I currently live in NYC. Basically the person who stole my phone accidently uploaded her images to my facebook mobile account. I have an Android Vibrant phone rooted with Teamwhiskeys Rom. I was wondering if there was a way I could get in touch with the phone. Tmobile and the chicago police cannot do anything for me but, Android Market can still send Apps from the Browser to the phone itself. I can download apps straight to the phone right now.
I need a GPS / text service app or some way to message the person.
Can you guys help me out?
Thank you.
Installing software to it won't help, as you can't then run the software. Even remote installing something like WaveSecure to it won't help, because you can't set it up remotely.
Plus, why do you think the thief cares about you trying to contact them? Your phone is gone, dude. Replace it, and next time install some security software right away.
well I did buy a new phone, I'm just pissed that the person uploaded photos to my account. So now I'm installing about 1000 apps on the phone via Market. Hoping it downloads, freezing her phone, and making her wipe it... not knowing that my phone needs odin to go back to stock. If I cant have my phone, no one can..
and there are some apps that can help... Check out Plan B
Well an obvious way to message the person would be to send yourself a text message. There are many websites that allow you to do that.
Dude, my heart goes out to you.. I always think about the possibility of my phone getting into the wrong hands. I'm sorry I can't help you except by saying..so sorry.. However you have helped me in rethinking putting some type of security software on my phone. Something to locate the phone as well as destroy personal info. Sorry, but thanks..
Try to install the app "Plan B" from market.android.com
Hope that the old saying comes true and what comes around goes around and bites her in the rear end for you!!
Sorry to hear about your phone. Since I've rooted my phone I hadn't given much thought to security, but after reading your post I'm going to the market right now.
EVO 4G-VirusROM RC 6-Launcher Pro
yup maybe plan B also those facebook picture should have an isp tag and could be tracked
That sucks dude. Definitely try the remote wipe thing.
Going to be getting the app to remote wipe my phone for sure.
I think some phones when they take pictures have the location embedded somehow.
If she took a picture of herself or friends post it on a blog and ask people to identify her.
Other thing to do is just text her.
I haven't seen an app on the droid market quite as good as SmartProtect that I used to use on my HD2 with WinMo. Basically you registered your SIM and after it is stollen and someone puts in their own sim it would then txt GPS coords to a number or several numbers of your choosing. It would also send you the new # and had many remote control options that could be sent via special SMS commands. Along with all of this you could also have it wipe contacts and/or directories on your SD. If anyone knows of something similar I am all ears after reading this thread.. it can happen. On a side note watch this video.. its awesome! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4oB28ksiIo
Thanks everyone, I appreciate all of you responding. I was thinking of getting 4chan to make her a internet sensation but decided to cut my loses and just wait for good ol karma to kick in.
I did learn a good lesson out of this, protect your phone, get good security software and please, keep your phone safe in your pocket while you are severely drunk.
<3 you all.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
Well, if she uploaded HER pictures to YOUR account. Just send those pictures to the cops or spread it across the internet.
Spread your IMEI number on various marketplaces across the net, not sure if the facility is available in the US, but here if we tell the cops that our phone is stolen they block the IMEI no. because of which that phone is just a brick, so your loss, but at least it's not the thieves gain !
And yes, next time if the phone is expensive and you have shady characters around you do consider insurance and security apps as suggested by everyone else.
johan12330 said:
Try to install the app "Plan B" from market.android.com
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Plan B...lol. That's also the name of the morning after pill if a chick thinks she got knocked up.
Sent from my "TriggerHappy" Vibrant!

[Q] How can I be able to call my wife again?

Hello, fellow GS2 users! I am in need of help. Unfortunatly, I am unable to call my wife's number anymore (which is a real shame). I am on Cognition 1.30, so I figured I'd restore to the previous cognition where things were fully functioning (1.20). Same thing. I'm not talking about the call going straight to voicemail, as it would do if the recieving end were turned off. When I make an attempt, I hear about a milisecond of the *call in progress* tone, but it then instantly disconnects. I can call other people just fine. It says 'call forwarding activated' or whatever, but it's always said that. Any tips / suggestions? Thanks!
Work out how you did it and post the info, you could make a fortune with this
I would pay
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Maybe someone doesn't want to take your calls?..
I had same thing in that when I called my friend it would ring for a split second then cut off, he changed his rom and I was able to call no probs..so maybe it isn't your end that's the problem?!..
Did your wife activate call-forwarding on her phone ? Maybe she redirected all incoming calls to a non-existent number ?
Her phone is kinda wonky... its an x10. I need to put a new ROM on it.
It does sound like the problem is at her end. Check to see if she's accidentally black-listed you, or "accidentally" black-listed you
Xephrey said:
Her phone is kinda wonky... its an x10. I need to put a new ROM on it.
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Or get a new wife who would actually pick up the phone and reply ?
Sp1tfire said:
Or get a new wife who would actually pick up the phone and reply ?
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Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
Try whistling. They are supposed to get you a sammich when that happens.
But yeah, on a serious note;
Try seeing if she's accidentally blacklisted you. And try seeing if the problem exists ONLY between your phones;
(Try calling another number from YOUR phone, try getting another number to call HER, try calling YOUR number from HER phone, and all other permutations and combinations until you get to know where the problem lies)
Thank you all. This thread has been awesome.
try checking if u had install any call blocker or droidwall that can blacklisted some numbers/id
if not do lemme know how you manage to do that so i can have good excuse not to call my wifey when i'm out with friends cycling !
I flashed a new ROM on her phone, which ended up fixing the issue, but a few days later, the same thing started happening.
Can you check whether your number is in her rejected number list?
I'd suggest checking if she blacklisted you.
Seriously, 39482049348 replies with the same suggestion and people are still replying saying the same . Including me, yay!
How does one go about checking that?

sms not reading out names or text

Hi all.
First off a great site here. I am new to android (well not strictly true I did have the Desire when it very first came out and I hated it sold it after a week) Any way I am now converted to Android from Iphone. So I am a complete and utter noob
I have got the the S2 and what a phone, never miss a phone call or antenna problems on this puppy.
So my problem is when I get a text msg it only reads out the number of the person and does not read the actual txt. When I get phone calls it tells me who is ringing. This is a problem for me as I want this for when I am driving. Please help.
I have not rooted my phone yet as I said I am a complete noob. Does not look as easy as jailbreak.
Thank you very much. Look forward to your response and no doubt I'll get told off for reposting but I have looked now for 3 days
This phone can do this? I would like to know how to set this up.. I would love for the phone to tell me who is calling...please tell me how to do this...I am new to the Droid as well...came from BB...
roided said:
Hi all.
First off a great site here. I am new to android (well not strictly true I did have the Desire when it very first came out and I hated it sold it after a week) Any way I am now converted to Android from Iphone. So I am a complete and utter noob
I have got the the S2 and what a phone, never miss a phone call or antenna problems on this puppy.
So my problem is when I get a text msg it only reads out the number of the person and does not read the actual txt. When I get phone calls it tells me who is ringing. This is a problem for me as I want this for when I am driving. Please help.
I have not rooted my phone yet as I said I am a complete noob. Does not look as easy as jailbreak.
Thank you very much. Look forward to your response and no doubt I'll get told off for reposting but I have looked now for 3 days
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Homeuser66 said:
This phone can do this? I would like to know how to set this up.. I would love for the phone to tell me who is calling...please tell me how to do this...I am new to the Droid as well...came from BB...
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Double press/tap HOME key to bring ON Voice Talk.
Turn ON Driving Mode.
Hit the MENU button --> Settings -->Scroll down --> Voice Talk Settings --> "TICK" Show body of message.
I suppose that should solve your problem
(It sometimes takes a while to read out the message depending on your connection..so plz be a lil patient Cheers)
Not really the same thing. There should be a way in android to have it announce who is calling or just texted you without leaving in driving mode constantly. Symbian used to have this,but I don't believe Android does.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
lgkahn said:
Not really the same thing. There should be a way in android to have it announce who is calling or just texted you without leaving in driving mode constantly. Symbian used to have this,but I don't believe Android does.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
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I just use Tasker for this, though some would balk at spending on an app worth 5 dollars for a phone worth a hundred times that =)

[Q] Call Quality DNA

I'm hoping it's something I'm missing in the set up or some minor other issue but after I finally got the DNA activated I made two calls.
Both calls were choppy on both ends of the call. This phone has gotten stellar reviews on reception quality. Volume and clarity.
I'm being told that the listener hears only bits and pieces of my voice and I hear the same from them.
All my other phones worked fine from my house where I made the calls.
Any thoughts on this from you guys on what might be happening?
Could something be defective on my DNA? Or does this sometimes happen with new out of the box phones?
ScreenSpace said:
I'm hoping it's something I'm missing in the set up or some minor other issue but after I finally got the DNA activated I made two calls.
Both calls were choppy on both ends of the call. This phone has gotten stellar reviews on reception quality. Volume and clarity.
I'm being told that the listener hears only bits and pieces of my voice and I hear the same from them.
All my other phones worked fine from my house where I made the calls.
Any thoughts on this from you guys on what might be happening?
Could something be defective on my DNA? Or does this sometimes happen with new out of the box phones?
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Definitely sounds defective. Sound quality on mine is stellar!
I have to concur.... I've made about a dozen calls so far, and I have had no problems with quality at all.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
If worse comes to worse (I'm hoping this is going to correct itself) can I return it to a local Verizon store for an exchange or do I have to ship it back to Verizon?
I'm going to try the store first on Friday (and I'd rather be shot then to do it on Black Friday).
Are you guys suggesting that this is probably a bad set?
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Questions go in Q&A
Thread moved
Thank you for your cooperation
Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
I'm sure you can exchange in store even if you ordered online. Also, for what it's worth, my call quality has been very, very good. In fact, the clarity, at least on my end, has been noticeably better than the last couple phones I've had so if yours is really that bad when under ideal circumstances, that sounds like it might be a unique issue with your phone.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW
I don't want to leave this post without a follow up.
Yesterday when I (finally) activated my DNA: I then made two new voice calls.
As I stated above the calls were choppy and very bad on both ends.
I waited until this morning and made some more voice calls. Even from the same location.
All calls have been clear, audio R9, and more or less perfect.
I had forgotten that about five years ago also on a new cell phone: I had this same issue when activating and calling for the first time.
Nobody could hear me clearly and I could not hear them. The next day and forever after all was fine.
I am not a mobile device geek but I'm sure there is a deep dark explanation for this anomaly.
My son told me that I don't need to know what was happening yesterday but that today is what counts.
I still wonder.
The end result of this problem is that I did have a defective DNA device after all!
It did not fix itself, as I alluded to above.
The Verizon store gave me a new DNA and all is now good.
So.....for anyone interested, it is possible to receive a defective hardware (reception/radio/speaker/whatever) issue with this set.
At Verizon right now seeing if they give me an exchange on my DNA
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
.torrented said:
At Verizon right now seeing if they give me an exchange on my DNA
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Tell them that a new device should correct it. It did for me.
"Device type guys" might love the challenge of sitting around waiting for a future HTC update fix.
Just get a new set.....and walk away.
They wouldn't exchange it they couldn't get it to replicate the problem.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
.torrented said:
They wouldn't exchange it they couldn't get it to replicate the problem.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
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The problem is a fact!
Fortunately the employees at my store know me and know that I do not imagine issues.
A new DNA phone (for me) eliminated the problem.
When making calls you will hear the person you are speaking to clear as a bell.
But they are hearing your voice in the following manner:
1. Your voice fades in and out.
2. Some of your words are chopped out.
3. You sound to them like you are talking in a "tunnel".
Call Verizon and tell them that other buyers have successfully returned this set and the new one issued had no problems.
Get a new phone and don't settle for a HDC update.
Yes....some calls are fine. But I don't want "some" calls to be fine!
I want every call to be great on a new phone.
ScreenSpace said:
The problem is a fact!
Fortunately the employees at my store know me and know that I do not imagine issues.
A new DNA phone (for me) eliminated the problem.
When making calls you will hear the person you are speaking to clear as a bell.
But they are hearing your voice in the following manner:
1. Your voice fades in and out.
2. Some of your words are chopped out.
3. You sound to them like you are talking in a "tunnel".
Call Verizon and tell them that other buyers have successfully returned this set and the new one issued had no problems.
Get a new phone and don't settle for a HDC update.
Yes....some calls are fine. But I don't want "some" calls to be fine!
I want every call to be great on a new phone.
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Yeah I told them other people were having call quality issues and were exchanging them. They told me if I could get it to do it again to bring it back so we'll see how it goes
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
I'm not having any issues at all with call quality, but I have noticed that my touchscreen isn't nearly as sensitive as my Rezound was. I am constantly getting missed letters when typing on keyboard or having to double tap 3 or 4 times before my screen zooms. I'm thinking this is also a hardware issue and will likely try to get it swapped out soon. Has anyone else had sensitivity problems?
I need help... I keep getting told that the phone quality on the other end is just terrible that the other person just cant hear me at all. (That I sound like im in a tunnel and far away from my phone) I need to figure out a way to record the proof so i can take it to a verizon and get an exchange. Can someone or anybody give me any suggestions? I need help really bad.
go under phone settings and make sure voice privacy or any other sound cancelling settings are not turned on. Those really screw up call quality for me.
nrfitchett4 said:
go under phone settings and make sure voice privacy or any other sound cancelling settings are not turned on. Those really screw up call quality for me.
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I think you might be right... tomorrow when i can call someone i will see if that was what was causing my problem... can you tell me or someone tell me what that setting even does? i never did figure it out
nrfitchett4 said:
go under phone settings and make sure voice privacy or any other sound cancelling settings are not turned on. Those really screw up call quality for me.
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The store turned off my "voice privacy". That did not fix the problem.
They gave me a new phone and it works flawlessly with excellent voice quality.
.torrented said:
I think you might be right... tomorrow when i can call someone i will see if that was what was causing my problem... can you tell me or someone tell me what that setting even does? i never did figure it out
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Tell the store you want a new phone! Call them from another location and speak to the manager. Ask him or her how well they can hear you.
My phone was so bad that every call I made the receiving party noticed it dramatically.
Send me a PM and I'll identify the store or you can ship the phone directly to Verizon within your 14 day period for a replacement set.
Your phone is defective and it's not going to change.
ScreenSpace said:
The store turned off my "voice privacy". That did not fix the problem.
They gave me a new phone and it works flawlessly with excellent voice quality.
Tell the store you want a new phone! Call them from another location and speak to the manager. Ask him or her how well they can hear you.
My phone was so bad that every call I made the receiving party noticed it dramatically.
Send me a PM and I'll identify the store or you can ship the phone directly to Verizon within your 14 day period for a replacement set.
Your phone is defective and it's not going to change.
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To me it almost seems like a distance thing. If I call people that are in the same house as me it seems to be working ok but for some reason making longer distance calls is where the problem is... I'm being told that I sound super muffeled and very distant. When I switch over to my speakerphone Mic they can hear me with no problem
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
I know this is a double post but I found a dead pixel so screw it I'm exchanging it
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium

