[Q] New HTC Watch, Lockscreen, & Widget Update? - HTC EVO 3D

... Not sure if this had already been spoken about.. I got an update just now @ 11:30pm notice from HTC OTA update.. It says it has new HTC Watch, HTC Lockscreen and HTC Widget Updates.. It doesnt say version number, although it says to restart after updating the Lockscreen and Widget..
Is this safe? Has anyone else got this or installed safely? I have latest XRON Collabo ROM installed.. thought i was pretty much up to date..
I found out details on the updates.. lol hit the details button on OTA Update Alert pop-up..
It says:
HTC Watch is v1.0
HTC Lockscreen v3.0.2116312755.84456
HTC Widget v3.0.2116312749.89476

It isn't new, and yea they are safe to install. They are there to fix the phone lockscreen problem and the Watch license problem.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

DDiaz007 said:
It isn't new, and yea they are safe to install. They are there to fix the phone lockscreen problem and the Watch license problem.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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ohh.. okay then.. just playin it safe. lol
Thanks bro.

drewski83 said:
ohh.. okay then.. just playin it safe. lol
Thanks bro.
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Yea its cool. I'm in need of those updates right now lol. The ROM I have is missing the phone on the lockscreen.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

ddiaz007 said:
yea its cool. I'm in need of those updates right now lol. The rom i have is missing the phone on the lockscreen.
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ohh is that what i see everyone asking about on certain roms? Talking about the phone icon disappearing on the lockscreen? If so, someone should somehow pull the updates off and zip em up for us. That would be very useful fix for everyone! If someone already hasn't made one..

drewski83 said:
ohh is that what i see everyone asking about on certain roms? Talking about the phone icon disappearing on the lockscreen? If so, someone should somehow pull the updates off and zip em up for us. That would be very useful fix for everyone! If someone already hasn't made one..
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I don't think anyone has made one yet. I'm waiting for the dev to post an update zip.
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ddiaz007 said:
i don't think anyone has made one yet. I'm waiting for the dev to post an update zip.
Sent from my pg86100 using xda app
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ahh okay. Yeah would definitely be useful for everyone having that problem. I havent ran into it yet, though. Thankfully lol

drewski83 said:
ahh okay. Yeah would definitely be useful for everyone having that problem. I havent ran into it yet, though. Thankfully lol
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Yea most ROMs should have the update implemented already.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

does anyone have this update that they can upload for me its running very slow for me 3hrs for 1.9mb thanks

mongoose107 said:
does anyone have this update that they can upload for me its running very slow for me 3hrs for 1.9mb thanks
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Yeah bro, check out development section n find xron ROM thread.. 2nd post they have a few links. Last one is OTA_Update.zip. wipe dalvik n flash. Worked like charm for me on ShowdownROM.
:Sent from my pimped OC'd EVO 3D:

drewski83 said:
Yeah bro, check out development section n find xron ROM thread.. 2nd post they have a few links. Last one is OTA_Update.zip. wipe dalvik n flash. Worked like charm for me on ShowdownROM.
:Sent from my pimped OC'd EVO 3D:
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Thanks and also hit thanks!

mongoose107 said:
Thanks and also hit thanks!
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Glad I could help!
:Sent from my pimped OC'd EVO 3D:


An even newer market v3.0.27

It's pretty much the same just a few bugfixes...
ssojyeti2 said:
It's pretty much the same just a few bugfixes...
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thanks ! seems a bit quicker
When do you think the new markets are going to get pushed to our phones by Google. Anyone have any speculations?
Thx for the link.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Seems to respond a little faster. Ty
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D
Now my Marketplace doesn't work period.
Wow this is fast! Everything pops up almost instantly! Thanks!
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
ssojyeti2 said:
It's pretty much the same just a few bugfixes...
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Nice find, thanks, going to load in a min.
Thank u for the link it seems faster and i can tell the bugs where fixed
sent from the Affliction EVO 3d
Thank you working good. I'll hit your thanks for that
Lol I still haven't got the last one...
joehunni said:
Lol I still haven't got the last one...
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me neither
Thanks for the find
Sent from my wack ass non-rooted 3d using XDA App
This is newer than the last Newest marketplace that was leaked?? Because the posted 1 is the same build number as the 1 that I have installed from a couple of weeks ago!! Hmmm...
Edit : Looks like my marketplace updated itself To the newest version by itself sweet!!
sent from the 3D Gods
I miss the "just in" apps section
Sent from my MB525 using XDA App
Holy fxck! I want the rest of my Google apps in this flavor... It's kind of Windows Phone-ish but it's freaking fast and looks good too! Thank you for this find man.
I still haven't received the initial update either. Is there any downside to side-loading it via that file as opposed to waiting for the official update?
clankfu said:
I still haven't received the initial update either. Is there any downside to side-loading it via that file as opposed to waiting for the official update?
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10 char
zone23 said:
When do you think the new markets are going to get pushed to our phones by Google. Anyone have any speculations?
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I work for Sprint, and a customer came in with a Transform that had the new Market. I said "You downloaded the new app huh?" And she was bewildered, she said it was just different one day. So it is being pushed slowly?
Censura_Umbra said:
I work for Sprint, and a customer came in with a Transform that had the new Market. I said "You downloaded the new app huh?" And she was bewildered, she said it was just different one day. So it is being pushed slowly?
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My Transformer came out of the box with the new market. Bought it on Sunday.

8-24-11 {ROM} Ti-X E3D V3 deodexed with hotspot unlocked

I add the next version info before i release it just so people know what will be changing next update. PLEASE everyone stop PMing, Posting comments about why you cant download the latest update. This is being posted on every rom I make on every site I use Not just here.
If your phone dies I'm not responsible.
If it runs off with ur daughter or wife cause its GingerBread and it knows its a pimp its not on me.
Maybe you should of asked it how to be so pimp like and try to follow its teachings.
Thanks to PreLudeDrew for getting this working. My First roms were having issues so Im using his update script and binary.
This is a stock ODEXed rom nothing more so no photos needed
Toast, PreLudeDrew, BigRustDog thanks for the great support.
Most of you don't like wiping your phone to install roms. But when it comes to that its best to just bite the bullet and get a clean install.
I will try to make roms so that you can just install on top and just clear dalvic cache.
I'm at V2 right now so if I go to 2.1 it can be installed on top with just a clear of cache and dalvic but if I do V3 then its best to wipe the phone as I have done something big for a change.​
Launcher Pro
ADW Launcher
Sense is removed
V3 coming later
Ti-X E3D V2.2
test for arabic 2nd test
Ti-X E3D V2.1
better font
V2 340MB
Ti-X E3D V2
Cutting Deodexed again due to wifi hop spot unlocked
uped the dalvic cache to test out caching.
deciding on making this as a base for other users to go off of that has updated everything.
reboot options
Ti-X E3D V1 DE-ODEXED with HotSpot unlocked
Ti-X E3D V1 ODEXED HotSpot not unlocked here yet
Stock Rom with OPTs
google talk 1.3 with video for 3g
apps up to date as on the 25th of july
Everything should be
nothing should be
For arabic support follow this thread
Follow the directions and all shall be good.
Keep apps updated for each release.
1 -
igotroot said:
Can you please post the MD5 sum so we can verify a good download ?
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2 -
vboyz103 said:
Thanks dc13 for the ROM, can you attach some screenshots please??
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This is a stock rom thats all. All that I change is added more cache for us, and optimized the apps to work better for us.
3 -
lyon21 said:
This is great. This will basically be a stock rom that is quicker and more optimized? Is that correct?
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jzmjr said:
Do i have to wipe or can I flash over stock?
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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I recommend you wipe everything if not you might get issues.
raymond4 said:
Will this work on cloclworkmod recovery?
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Yes it will work on any recovery we have.
thanks man, hopefully will the the s-off already!!! i miss playing with my phone hehe
Thanks for this! Can't wait to flash things to my phone again!
dc13 said:
If you want to talk smack dont do it here just makes you like 5yo.
I add the next version info before i release it just so people know what will be changing next update. PLEASE everyone stop PMing, Posting comments about why you cant download the latest update. This is being posted on every rom I make on every site I use Not just here.
If your phone dies I'm not responsible.
If it runs off with ur daughter or wife cause its GingerBread and it knows its a pimp its not on me.
Maybe you should of asked it how to be so pimp like and try to follow its teachings.
Here is my first rom in a few weeks that I did by my self. thought it was time to do something as a base. Nothing has been changed looks wise its fully STOCK. I will be adding things to it. This is a updated base for any user or dev. just give thanks where its needed. If things are changed it will be in the CHANGE LOG. as I make fixes to keep notes I will update my change log cause my work takes a bit..
Stock Rom with OPTs
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Cool... Nice to see some positive things starting around the E3D.
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sdezrilov said:
Cool... Nice to see some positive things starting around the E3D.
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+1000 Positive has definitely been lacking here.
zone23 said:
Question, how do you know everything is working when you couldn't flash it? Just asking relax....
I've actually had mine done for weeks but haven't posted it because I cant test it. It is available on my website though.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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Awesome to see you have something going as well. These boards are gonna blow up once we get what we've been hoping for.
It's weird not flashing every other day
vayman said:
Thanks for this! Can't wait to flash things to my phone again!
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Sent from my 3vo
norm12 said:
It's weird not flashing every other day
Sent from my 3vo
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True That... I Miss Flashing ......
norm12 said:
It's weird not flashing every other day
Sent from my 3vo
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I know right, since I had to sell back my HeroC to Sprint (damn I miss that phone ) to be able to afford my 3D I haven't flashed anything to a phone in over a month. It's actually been fun though using sense again, and I'm definitely content in waiting until we get S-OFF/perm root. The wait will make it that much better.
compressed photos and movies.
then made the CPU not have to work as hard with the apps, zipaligned, and thats that.
will do more work.
woot nice to see some roms
can't wait for S-off and custom recovery
Heeeeey DC! Loved your Moment ROMS. Welcome!
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Can you please post the MD5 sum so we can verify a good download ?
Thanks dc13 for the ROM, can you attach some screenshots please??
vboyz103 said:
Thanks dc13 for the ROM, can you attach some screenshots please??
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It's a stock ROM so it will look exactly the same.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
If anything at least its a good sign we got some talented guys working on our phones already..thanks op
This is great. This will basically be a stock rom that is quicker and more optimized? Is that correct?
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
firmbiz94 said:
If anything at least its a good sign we got some talented guys working on our phones already..thanks op
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Really can't wait, soo excited to play...
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
lyon21 said:
This is great. This will basically be a stock rom that is quicker and more optimized? Is that correct?
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Thanks for the upload man... I appreciate it... And have no clue why but it seems like people can't post ANYTHING anymore without 10 people *****ing about something... I remember when these forums were ALOT more community friendly... Keep up the good work... The more we all help, the better we all will become...

[Q] Any beta testers out there?

Anyone down to test the newest ROM being put together by myself and tehbeetus? I'll update the OP with a link if I get enough responses.
It's as AOSP as it gets, ~500MB of RAM free continuously, stock AOSP lockscreen, stock AOSP icons, super sleek and fast. It's awesome so far.
We're just looking for some beta testers right now. Built from the Nexus S 4G dump and from my other ROM. The ROM is running fine, just need others to report back on any issues they get before we release this into the wild for good.
EDIT: Here's the beta.
I am a beta tester, may I join?
DDiaz007 said:
I am a beta tester, may I join?
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Yeah for sure, we're just looking for people to post back or PM us on bugs, FC's, the works. Complain as much as you want and we'll try to listen haha.
I can give you an email if you want. I'm beta testing klquicksalls kernel and hopefully someone else's rom. I have multiple phones.
DDiaz007 said:
I can give you an email if you want. I'm beta testing klquicksalls kernel and hopefully someone else's rom. I have multiple phones.
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Damn. Lol that's awesome. I'll PM you the link for the ROM, tell me whatcha think.
Ill give it a go empiire.
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jayharper08 said:
Ill give it a go empiire.
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Here you go: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NLR25TVZ
Thank you good sir.
empiire said:
Here you go: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NLR25TVZ
Thank you good sir.
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Damn, you ever sleep? Oh to be 17 again!
I'm dl now. Any issues you already know about so we don't rehash them? Any specific features need tested?
Sent from my phone
Ill beta test for ya. Love me some AOSP!
i also would beta test for u
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
is gapps included?
i will give it go for you later today once i am home and on WiFi.. been wanting to test this phone on something aospish..
Couldn't get a screen shot, but flashing failed for me. Re downloading
Sent from my phone
ianoob said:
Couldn't get a screen shot, but flashing failed for me. Re downloading
Sent from my phone
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In case you didn't know, full wipe (user data, cache, dalvik) is required, otherwise it might not work at all.
I'd backup those wimax keys too.
For anyone still wondering just grab the megaupload link on page 1 and that's all you need.
jayharper08 said:
Damn, you ever sleep? Oh to be 17 again!
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I sleep from 6AM to 2PM usually lol. I'm a night person in case you couldn't tell.
I'll be a tester!!
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
I'll take her for a spin!
Sent from my SPH-P100 using XDA Premium App
Thanks guys! Just grab the megaupload link posted and let me know how things go.
is there any feedback yet? just really excited beta testers lol
and i downloaded the file and its 272mb... is that right?

Update OTA_Shooter_S_Sprint_WWE_2.08.651.3-2.08.651.2_release_2201598na37g8l1af4e904

Here you guys go. Just downloaded it a few sec ago.
New Update just came guys! Pulled this off my phone this morning. Figure its our security update but i have no clue yet as i have yet to even dig into it. wanted to put it up soon as i got it for the devs to take a crack at and see what it all has for us.
This is NOT a ROM. DO NOT FLASH. This is for the DEVS.
sgt. slaughter said:
Here you guys go. Just downloaded it a few sec ago.
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Good Job.. thanks..
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jetbluebob said:
Good Job.. thanks..
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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Is this another new update?
Is this a rooted stock Rom or just the latest update?
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
only 9mb? what is this? Where is the info
This is the Security update that removes the spyware.
Sent from my Evo 3D via Tapatalk
Just flash over current ROM?
I think ill have treve look at it first LOL
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XsMagical said:
only 9mb? what is this? Where is the info
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my bad forgot how flash happy ppl get here. This was pulled this morning off my phone. Its the new OTA update Sprint/HTC pushed out today for us. Figure its about the same as the Sensation got before but haven't gone through it at all yet.
This is for the Devs to add to their ROMs as I pulled this off my phone this morning.
so now they are removing CIQ? thats odd, oh well, thanks for the post. I shall check it out
Hope somebody makes this flashable. Don't want a whole Rom update for a few file changes.
Via My HTC Evo 3D On The Now Network From Sprint.
XsMagical said:
so now they are removing CIQ? thats odd, oh well, thanks for the post. I shall check it out
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dunno haven't looked into it yet myself. i assume its along the lines of the sensation update they got weeks ago, but dunno. And likely Treve will have the answer before most get a chance to look at it.
Hell i haven't even looked at all the files that were included in the OTA zip myself. I saw there was an OTA update for today and went ahead and downloaded it to post up for the devs.
Also remember if its still in there it might not be a big deal. The big issue with it all before was the fact that anyone could create an app and pull very important information off peoples phones b/c HTC/Sprint/whoever didn't secure everything well. Also they didn't have the "opt out" stuff working correctly or at all.
They could have at least fixed the missing mirror app, and the shutter sound in the camera. Were the only HTC phone that they removed those from.
Via My HTC Evo 3D On The Now Network From Sprint.
Rydah805 said:
They could have at least fixed the missing mirror app, and the shutter sound in the camera. Were the only HTC phone that they.removed those from.
Via My HTC Evo 3D On The Now Network From Sprint.
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Totally agree! They didn't even fix the photo widget frame that's all white... how lazy!!!
kwheaties said:
Totally agree! They didn't even fix the photo widget frame that's all white... how lazy!!!
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Lol have to agree been what a good month probably and it took that whole time to make a 9mb file lol.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
Can I flash this over a custom ROM?
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bleichtman said:
Can I flash this over a custom ROM?
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Re read the first post or just read it said IT'S NOT TO FLASH FOR DEVELOPERS ONLY...
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
bleichtman said:
Can I flash this over a custom ROM?
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Read the OP?? lol
Id wait to hear from a dev on this OTA update, bud.
A: don't flash this. B: stop complaining about what is/is not included in it.
i know for sure it doesnt fix the camera/mirror, or photo frame widget. i ran the update on my girlfriends 3vo

[Request] inverted aosp/aokp message bubbles

Maybe some like the ones in the link? I'm not sure if I could just flash them because they're for the Gnex.
But if anyone feels like doing it.. Could you convert the xperia and the one on the last Page called inverted Holo?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
blestsol said:
Maybe some like the ones in the link? I'm not sure if I could just flash them because they're for the Gnex.
But if anyone feels like doing it.. Could you convert the xperia and the one on the last Page called inverted Holo?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
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we may be able to just install them im not sure
yojoe600 said:
we may be able to just install them im not sure
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You going to test it? Lol
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blestsol said:
You going to test it? Lol
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I think I just might be mad enough too, or crazy enough..... Whats the worst that can happen....bootloop? lol
dalvear88 said:
I think I just might be mad enough too, or crazy enough..... Whats the worst that can happen....bootloop? lol
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Took me too long to get boot manager to work. I refuse to test it lol
blestsol said:
Took me too long to get boot manager to work. I refuse to test it lol
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Boot manager was a breeze for me, just hope that uh....I dont kill my little buddy with tryihng this....lol
dalvear88 said:
Boot manager was a breeze for me, just hope that uh....I dont kill my little buddy with tryihng this....lol
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I really want to see if it works though! The worst that can happen is a force close or boot loop.
Sent from my HTC Rezound whilst blazing on AOKP!
If I've helped please hit the thanks button!
They work fine, im using the xperia style
Sent from my SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
Anyone get one of these to work with a rom through boot manager?
Never mind got that and all the other inverted apps but gtalk to work.
Link to other apps?
Sent from my Dinc... I mean Rezound
These are the ones I've been using
Works fine, except gtalk. Just force closes.

