"A minimalist, lightweight and super-stable AOSP ROM"
Oxygen is now fully supported for Nexus One. Download official ROM from http://download.oxygen.im/roms/
Due to family and work commitments, updates to my modded version will be few and far between, if any. Hope you enjoyed the ride as much as I did. And thanks for the thanks!
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Hi all,
I wanted to try a super-stable and bloat-free ROM for my N1, but couldn't find any in this forum that suited all my requirements. I finally found one on the Desire forum, called Oxygen. But it didn't have any version for Nexus One.
So after some (initially futile) efforts on github, this is my personal port of Oxygen for Desire, a minimalist, lightweight and super-stable AOSP ROM by AdamG
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Oxygen is an AOSP source built ROM (ie. not a mod of any sense based ROM), it's minimal, it's superfast and mostly bugfree.
The original Oxygen is not a mod/port of any other HTC/CyanogenMod or any other ROM and may not be to everyones liking, since it's minimalistic and basic. I'll only be porting changes made to the original Oxygen source code, but I'm open to ideas and suggestions for functional improvements to the N1 version.
(Requests for bloatware like custom lockscreens, live wallpaper, etc. will not be entertained)
√ Android v2.3.7 (GWK74) built from AOSP
√ Custom SVS kernel for N1 ported from thalamus Linux kernel v2.6.35.14 - with optional AVS version
√ Minimal Google apps
√ Superuser
√ Busybox
Additional features
√ Adhoc wifi network support
√ Advanced power menu with reboot options
√ Customizable overclock settings
√ Customizable status bar power widget
√ Download any file type
√ Screenshot
√ FM Radio
√ DSP Manager
√ Long press back to kill mod
√ Modified Launcher2 with quick uninstall
√ Optional battery percentage
√ SIP calling over 3G
√ Track change with volume buttons
√ Trackball Wake & Unlock
√ MVPS hosts file to block ads, banners, etc.
√ FLAC audio support
√ LED Notifications (ported from CM7)
√ Quiet hours (ported from CM7)
√ Render Effect (ported from CM7)
√ Various other tweaks and features
FINAL Gingerbread release?
OxygeN1mod-2011.12.10 (BUGFIX release)
√ Fixed battery drain issue
√ Stable built-in AVS kernel
Please refer to 3rd post below for full changelog.
! A wipe is required when first flashing OxygenN1mod, however, unless otherwise stated, no wipe is needed to upgrade between versions !
Download rom-oxygeN1mod-XXX.zip (and optional AVS kernel-oxygeN1zed-XXX.zip) to your sdcard
Boot into ClockworkMod/AmonRA Recovery through whatever method you choose (ROM Manager, Power + Volume Down, ADB etc...)
Back up your existing installation
[First flash only] Use the trackball to select Wipe Data & Cache. (Or use my customized format zip HERE)
Install rom-oxygeN1mod-XXX.zip (and then optional AVS kernel-oxygeN1zed-XXX.zip)
Wait for the installation to finish
Select Reboot and you're all set
FAQs, Known Issues & How to Report Problems
Please refer to 2nd post below.
! I'm not responsible for any damage what-so-ever done to your phone, as with any ROM, you accept this risk. !
√ http://bit.ly/OxygeN1mod
I do this for fun and this is mostly the work of AdamG and the rest of the Oxygen team so I won't accept donations. But if you wish to show your appreciation, then please donate to either the charity of AdamG's choice (or my choice) below ...
√ Donate via Cancer Research UK (AdamG's choice)
√ Support UNICEF's work for children in need (My choice)
A big thanks to the following people ...
adamg-xda / thalamus / renan- / schiznik
Additional thanks also goes to the following people who have made Oxygen (and OxygeN1mod) possible.
Google, Cyanogenmod Team & everybody who has contributed in any to the awesomeness that is Android
FAQs, Issues & How To Report Problems
Q: Is there Arabic support?
A: Follow instructions from http://blog.devasque.com/?page_id=11 (thanks to ultra99)
Q: I'm having issues with the Market place force closing. Is anyone else experiencing this?
A: Try changing language/locale to something else and then back to your own. Then try to open Market again.
Q: Does this ROM come with built-in Apps-to-SD-EXT?
A: No, you must use a 3rd party solution (search for Dark Tremor, D2Whatever, S2E, etc). Reflash it everytime you flash a new ROM update. If you wish to use dark tremor apps2sd, you can try my customized (ext4-only) version HERE
Q: The lag is really bad on this rom when I flash data2sd
A: Flash libsqlite.so tweak by iinga and convert sd-ext partition from EXT3 to EXT4. (thanks to Treatcon)
Q: My bootloader and radio versions are different. Could this be the cause of my flashing problems?
A: No. It's usually a simple issue of zip file corruption. Always compare checksums first when you face any flashing problems.
Q: Can you add XXXXXX feature?
A: Maybe, but not if I consider it bloatware, and only if it does not compromise overall stability.
Q: Can I use a custom kernel?
A: No, since most custom kernels are made for/from CM-kernel, which is incompatible with this ROM. The built-in kernel is already fully optimized. But for those who wish to test dynamic undervolting, there's an AVS version to flash separately. (Warning: will NOT be as stable as the built-in kernel)
Some users have experienced phone freezes when using Tasker. Details HERE (thanks to Royan)
If you're phone freezes/reboots while using the AVS kernel, that means it can't handle dynamic undervolting and/or the constant voltage scaling. Stick to the built-in non-AVS kernel.
One incident of user having problems with bluetooth, details here. I don't use bluetooth handsfree devices so have not been able to experience (nor fix) the problem, if any.
How To Report Problems
For those having problems with market, video, 3G, wifi, reboots, freezes, etc ... please do a full wipe (use my format zip HERE) and then reinstall WITHOUT any extra scripts/optimizations.
If problem still occurs after a full wipe and reinstallation, then please capture BOTH logcat and dmesg/last_kmsg AFTER the problem occurs, using the following method ...
1. Start terminal emulator session
2. > su
3. # dmesg > /sdcard/dmesg.txt
For reboot/freeze problem, replace Step 3 above with
3. # cat /proc/last_kmsg > /sdcard/last_kmsg.txt
4. # logcat > /sdcard/logcat.txt
5. Wait ~1 minute then exit terminal emulator
6. Paste contents of resultant txt files to pastebin.com
7. Post pastebin URLs here in this thread for diagnosis
In other words, help me to help you. Clairvoyancy and telepathy are a couple of skills that I don't possess ... yet ;P
+ Fixed battery drain issue
+ Stable built-in AVS kernel
+ Using a new custom built-in kernel
---- AVS as default (stable enough to discontinue SVS support)
---- Added new Qualcomm camera driver from CodeAurora/CM
+ Multiple additions to framework and other repos to accommodate new camera driver in kernel
---- All features in Camera app now available & functioning
+ Able to use other CM-based kernels (tested with stock cm-kernel & knzo's CM+ v0.5)[/strike]
OxygeN1mod-2011.11.23 (BUGFIX release)
+ Updated OxygeN1zed kernels (built-in SVS and optional AVS)
---- Added autogroup scheduling feature
---- Fixes for lightsensor
+ Modified auto-brightness logic to use less cpu cycles
+ Fixed video recording on Camera app
+ Updated OxygeN1zed kernels (built-in SVS and optional AVS)
---- Compiled with latest gcc-4.7.0 experimental toolchain
---- Fixes for bluetooth and interactive governor
+ Gapps: Updated to latest stable version
+ New Launcher2 with new options and enhancements
+ Better controls for brightness & sound in status bar power widget
+ Dark themed Notifications & Power Widget Buttons
+ Swipe-to-clear notifications
+ Option to turn off volume button music controls
+ Audiopolicymanager fixes for mic issues
+ Decreased bootup time
+ Improved lock screen animation
+ Added FileManager app from CM
+ Many other fixes and optimizations just too lazy to write down
OxygeN1mod-2011.11.08 (BUGFIX Release)
+ FM: Added missing FM Radio app and required libs
+ Updated built-in SVS kernel and optional AVS kernel
---- Compiled with updated gcc-4.7.0 experimental toolchain
---- Misc fixes and optimizations
+ Skia: Added 3x speed-up patch by jserv
+ Spareparts: Implemented persistence for font-size change
+ Settings: Fixed battery history FC in Spareparts
+ Other stuff just too lazy to write down ...
+ Updated built-in SVS kernel and optional AVS kernel
---- Added ext4 performance patch by Eric Sandeen
---- Added Lazy cpufreq governor by [email protected]
+ Fixed missing APN list
+ Rebased OxygeN1zed kernel source to thalamus-
---- Reset standby and power collapse freq from 128MHz to 245MHz for stability
---- Added additional overclock freqs 1152MHz & 1190MHz
---- Default freq range 245MHz to 998MHz
+ Updated sources to fetch from new official AOSP repo
+ Changed default font to Roboto from ICS
+ Updated latest APNs from CM
+ Updated built-in SVS kernel and optional AVS kernel
---- Cpufreq: Optimized ondemand scheduler
+ ENG instead of USER build
---- Development.apk
---- Spareparts.apk
---- Term.apk
---- Misc binaries in /bin and /xbin
+ Lockscreen: Always show battery status
+ Bluetooth: Misc fixes
+ Email: Use repo from CyanogenMod
+ FM: Use repo from CodeAurora
+ Updated built-in SVS kernel and optional AVS kernel
+ Updated to Android 2.3.7 GWK74
+ Updated Google Apps to v2.3.7
+ Updated Superuser to v3.0
+ Display: Added render effect
+ RIL: Removed some GPRS & 3G customizations (back to stock)
+ App: Added VoiceDialer
+ Updated built-in SVS kernel and optional AVS kernel
---- Touchscreen: enabled duplicate touch filter to reduce load on cpu & battery
---- CPUFreq: Set wait_for_irq to 245MHz since jumping to high freq from 128MHz is not allowed
+ Dialer: Modified vibrate on touch instead of release
+ Statusbar: Added translucent notification shade background
+ Statusbar: Added MIUI-like battery indicator
+ Statusbar: Compact carrier label as default
+ Market: Reverted to old market, and allow market autoupdater to handle OTA updates
+ Lockscreen: Centered all lockscreen elements
+ DSPManager: Added new 6 band equalizer
+ Updated built-in SVS kernel & wifi driver
+ Updated optional AVS kernel
+ Increased vibration intensity for notifications
+ Built Mms app using CM7 repo
+ Updated GAPPS to GRK39C
+ Updated MVPS hosts file
+ Updated prebuilt kernel to oxygeN1zed #20110906
---- Fixed screen brightness issue when unlocking
---- Updated SmartassV2 using Erasmux's recommended settings
---- Included all overclock cpu frequencies (1036, 1075)
---- Misc fixes and optimizations
+ Added missing overlay for multi-color trackball LED
+ Moved all notifications to Sound settings
+ Added Quiet hours feature (ported from CM)
----> Settings > Sound > Quiet hours
+ Updated prebuilt kernel to thalamusN1mod #20110902
---- Updated Cpufreq governors
---- Updated CFS Scheduler
---- Updated RCU and added TinyRCU-PREEMPT
---- Updated bcm4329 WiFi driver
---- Westwood+ as default TCP congestion control algorithm
---- Added new SmartassV2 governor by Erasmux
---- Misc other fixes and optimizations
+ Fixed LED notifications (from CM7)
+ Fixed wifi problem with infinite DHCP leases
+ Updated kernel to thalamusN1mod #20110825
+ Updated Market to version 3.1.3
+ Fixed Launcher2, now restarts on theme change
+ Added trackball unlock
----> Settings > Display > Trackball unlock
+ Added FLAC audio support
+ Added optional black background for Messaging app
+ Added Camera from CM
+ Added long-press Contact info to share number/email/address
+ Added copyAll feature to framework
+ Modified autobrightness increase delay to 2 secs to avoid flickering
+ Updated prebuilt thalamusN1mod kernel to #20110821
---- Rebased to longterm-stable
---- Added battery calibration support
+ Added missing languages (ur_PK fa_IR es_ES ka_GE zh_HK)
+ Added feature "long press volume up to start music playback"
+ Added support for S2E Apps2SD
---- Added additional init.d startup scripts
---- Added e2fsck and tune2fs binaries
+ Added option for 180 degree rotation
----> Settings > Display > Rotate 180 degrees
+ Added auto-select-all for date/time/number picker
+ Updated prebuilt thalamusN1mod kernel (built with latest 4.7.0 toolchain)
+ Fixed Pan&Zoom touchscreen feature for Gallery
+ Allowed SIP over non-wifi connections
+ Removed TrackballAlert app (including framework patches)
+ Added built-in LED Notifications (ported from CM7)
----> Settings > Display > LED Notifications
+ Added option to Hide Clock from statusbar
----> Settings > Status bar > Hide the clock
+ Updated prebuilt custom thalamusN1mod kernel (disabled AVS for better stability)
+ Added lilHermit's TrackballAlert app (including patches direct to framework source)
+ Added MVPS hosts file to block ads, banners, etc.
+ First release
This seems interesting. A couple AOSP roms nowadays. Won't be long when start asking for further modifications, additional features, etc.
I believe Sibere's Data2ext script will work?
Thanks for the efforts...always saw Oxygen to be so popular back in the desire forums.
I'm using Dark Tremor beta without problems so far, so Sibere's Data2EXT should be good to go.
Does Trackball-Alert work with a built-in option are do we have to install a 3re-parta app?
Is there Arabic support?
coool, great work.. keep it up!
Cm7theme.apk it's inside or work ?
bunnahabhain said:
Does Trackball-Alert work with a built-in option are do we have to install a 3re-parta app?
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LED notifications not built-in, yet. I'm looking at how to work it in without too much bloat. I haven't tried it, but hear that Trackball Alert is a possible option for now. Let us know how it turns out for you.
ultra99 said:
Is there Arabic support?
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clustered said:
coool, great work.. keep it up!
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Lultima said:
Cm7theme.apk it's inside or work ?
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Theme Manager is included and built using Tmobile's source.
Looks super.
Is there support for multiple languages? ( turkish )
Thanks cheeky. But I meant are the letters disconnected when typing/reading Arabic words?
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
ferfecir said:
Is there support for multiple languages? ( turkish )
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ultra99 said:
Thanks cheeky. But I meant are the letters disconnected when typing/reading Arabic words?
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AFAIK, there's no fix for that yet from Google. Sample below ...
I was able get Arabic working on this rom.
I followed this site: http://blog.devasque.com/?page_id=11
All credits to madmack!
ultra99 said:
I was able get Arabic working on this rom.
I followed this site: http://blog.devasque.com/?page_id=11
All credits to madmack!
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Good for you! But this patch actually replaces the existing framework, and will probably break other built-in framework features (such as DSP libs, notification power widgets, battery percentage, trackball wake, volume button music control, etc). Please try out the various features available in settings and let me know which are broken.
love it . thanks for porting it to N1 !!
ch33kybutt said:
Good for you! But this patch actually replaces the existing framework, and will probably break other built-in framework features (such as DSP libs, notification power widgets, battery percentage, trackball wake, volume button music control, etc). Please try out the various features available in settings and let me know which are broken.
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All of these features you mentioned work no problem. However, Arabic letters are still disconnected in gmail and browser.
Might have to look further into this. Can't you take anything related to Arabic from CM7 as it has it correctly?
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Comparing the features list of Oxygen for the Desire and your OxygeN1mod, could you please clarify if Apps2SD comes pre-installed on OxygeN1mod or does it need to be installed separately. If it is a separate install, would you entertain the idea of creating separate builds with and without Apps2SD for those who would like it to work "out of the box." Thanks in advance!
market crashes
tozymil said:
market crashes
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change the language to anything other than english, open market, let it load for a couple of minutes, then exist, change language back to english, open market again.
Presenting LeeDrOiD 3D
S-Off & a Custom recovery required
Huge thanks to Alpharevx+unrevoked for acheving S-Off
Android 2.3.4 - GingerBread & Sense 3.0... No gimmick's, no bull****..
Just a Sensational Android experience from a very experienced developer
With thanks to: ChainsDD l snq- l Scar45 | Baadnwz | damo | Team RC | m-deejay | klquicksall | Alpharevx & Unrevoked | rmk40 | SteelH | Breinholst | j4n87 | daniels7 | Prateek | Scabes | ShowP-1984
Huge thanks to j4n87 & daniels7 for the creation of LeeDrOiD Tweaks
Official Support Links:
» Chat live now or join #LeeDrOiD-Roms on Freenode (irc.handhelds.org)
What you get!
Bases on official HTC Shooteru RUU 1.20.401.2
LeeDrOiD Shooter V5.4
Max OC 1.89GHz! (Standard config 1.51GHz)*
Adjusted CPU_VDD range 700mV_Min - 1400mV_Max (adjustable via system tuner)*
SmartassV2 CPU governor as default (384Mhz-1512MHz)
CIFS & OpenVPN Support
Masses of cleanups additions & changes see My GitHub for the full change log!
LeeDrOiD Tweaks V4.0.1 (Thanks to the Awsome j4n87 & daniels7)
For a full list of "LeeDrOiD Tweaks" features visit j4n87 & daniels7 HERE
Recompressed & ZipAligned entire ROM
Rooted with the latest Superuser & binary
Added init.d support
Added Bash & Nano support
Added Busybox
Added Adreno220 GPU configuration
Added zipalign on boot
Lots of default config changes & cleanups
Battery life improvments
Added battery recalibration script
Added ext4 filesystem tuneups
Lots of speed tweaks and tuneups
SD Card transfer speeds increased
Added more agressive low menory killer config (home eliminated)
Added advanced power menu
Fixed keyboard open/close animations
Added signature check hack (RC Team)
Added CRT Screen on/off animation
Added super extended quick settings pulldown
Added transparent notif pulldown
Added stock % battery
Removed SurfaceFlinger alpha channel limitation
Forced GPI UI Rendering
Increased UI animation speeds
Added FlyIn Animations as default
Enabled 3D home toggle in settings
Exposed additional browser settings & up to 15 tabs
Added Backuip/restore & secure box to MMS/SMS
Added beats audio mod
Enables HDR, Panorama & Zoom in camera
Added huge custom locales list
OpenVPN Support - Tun included in the stock kernel
Enabled larger MMS sizes
Updated Android Market V3.1.3
Added Stock Gingerbread keyboard
Added screen calibration
Added Spare parts with fixed battery history
Added Rom Manager (ShooterU not fully supported yet)
Added Titanium Backup
Added ES File explorer
Added AdFree & Updated Hosts
Added Optional Launcher2
Added Jbed
All preinstalled apps updated
Added LeeDrOiD Bios Bootanimation (needs a few tweaks)
Removed - Bloat
Custom LeeDrOiD Locales & Language support
Supported Languages: English, Czech, German, Espanol, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Norwegian, Korean, Greek, Turkish, Swedish, Danish, Portuguese, Finnish, Thai, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Croatian & More
Too much to list - see the change logs
Final- Change Log
LeeDrOiD_3D_V5.4 2nd April FINAL GB ROM
Included LeeDrOiD_Shooter Kernel_V5.4 2nd April - FINAL GB KERNEL
Full Kernel change log >>> HERE @GitHub <<<
Added dynamic LED brightness
Unlimited notifacation LED duration
Lowered LED Voltages to save more power
Fixed Camera/screen color inversion issues
Enabled USB OTG support
Rebase - removed fb:display changes (not required)
Updated 2 Phase ondemand from Pyramin 3.0 source
GPU OC code & scaling cleaned up and reworked
Zero memory and more efficiency in mm/percpu.c:cpu_mem_alloc()
fs: lower vfs_cache_pressure 100->25
Updated LagFree Governor
lower instantaneous bandwidth demand to save more battery in MSM/Devices
Tripple buffering in Display and HDMI
More config/code cleanups
JOES RCU Backported from 2.6.38
More Power managment updates
DMA updates via CAF
SMD updates via CAF
Video enc/dec updates via CAF
Numerous sched updates to improve performance
Fixed proximity/light sensor wake identified in previous test kernel
Re enabled MSM idle stats
Enabled large TCP initial buffer
Disabled "No Suspend"
Accelerate last non-dyntick-idle CPU's grace periods
Default MIN CPU Speed dropped to 192Mhz
use the git implementation of SHA-1
Improved boot times
CRC32 updates via CAF
SCM Fixups via CAF
Deep sleep fixed
Compass fixed
------------Rom Changes---------------
Added Aroma installer!! Huge thanks to Amarullz
All items marked with * are optional and selectable on install
*Optional Orange UK Signal boost/WiFi calling selectable in Aroma
*Optional X Loud Audio Engine (thanks to Nutzy & XxXPachaXxX)
*Optional Stock HTC keyboard
*Optional Remove Dancing droid
*Optional stock HTC Camera
*Optional HTC No Beats htc music app
*Optional RTL Language pack
*Optional AGPS fix thanks to crypted
*Optional stock HTC boot animations
*Optional boot sound removal
*Option to remove HTC Locations, Stocks, Flickr & Watch
*Optional HTC Sense removal option
*Optional Samsung EGL Drivers
Removed "Amaze" from the camera, mirror and album name strings
Fixed system tuner init.d settings (System left RW until boot complete)
Removed useless battery calibration script
Fixed Keyboard with arrows size issues
Updated Market to Google Play store
Enabled 20 tabs in browser
Enabled UBS storage (OTG) in settings
Added additional info to "About"
Included spiderman, NFS Shift & Sims 3 stock lib's
Brand new Tweaks UI - Huge thanks to J4n87!!
Reworked ScrollingCache code (100% Disabled)
Several system cleanups & misc tweaks
Default wallpaper corrected
All pre-installed applications updated
System Recompressed & ZipAligned
Improved overall Speed & Stability
OLD - Change Logs
[B]LeeDrOiD_Shooter Kernel_V5.3.8 11thMarch - FINAL [/B]
Full change log [B][URL="https://github.com/LeeDroid-/Shooter-2.6.35-MR/commits/master"]>>> HERE @GitHub <<<[/URL][/B]
[*]Tweaked and tuned 2PhaseOnDemand governor as default (Modified to save power)
[*]GPU OC code & scaling cleaned up and reworked
[*]Zero memory and more efficiency in mm/percpu.c::pcpu_mem_alloc()
[*]fs: lower vfs_cache_pressure 100->25
[*]Updated LagFree Governor
[*]lower instantaneous bandwidth demand to save more battery in MSM/Devices
[*]Tripple buffering in Display and HDMI
[*]More config/code cleanups
[B]LeeDrOiD_Shooter Kernel_V5.3.5 2nd March[/B]
Full change log [B][URL="https://github.com/LeeDroid-/Shooter-2.6.35-MR/commits/master"]>>> HERE @GitHub <<<[/URL][/B]
[*]2PhaseOnDemand governor as default (Modified to save power)
[*]JOES RCU Backported from 2.6.38
[*]GPU OC code & scaling cleaned up
[*]CFS Sched autogroup V2
[*]More Power managment updates
[*]DMA updates via CAF
[*]SMD updates via CAF
[*]Video enc/dec updates via CAF
[*]Numerous sched updates to improve performance
[*]Fixed proximity/light sensor wake identified in previous test kernel
[B]LeeDrOiD_Shooter Kernel_V5.3.2 24th February[/B]
Full change log [B][URL="https://github.com/LeeDroid-/Shooter-2.6.35-MR/commits/master"]>>> HERE @GitHub <<<[/URL][/B]
[*]Interactive governor as default
[*]Max OC 1.89GHz (CPU0 only - CPU1 max 1.51GHz)
[*]Fixed headset controls
[*]Reduced power consumption
[*]New ACPU table
[*]Both CPU's undervolted
[*]Reduced screen power consumption
[*]RPC, Marimba & Pmem updates from Ruby source
[*]File system improvments
[*]Wireless improvments
[*]I have kept the changelog brief.. look at gitgub an you swill see why ;)
[B]LeeDrOiD_Shooter Kernel_V4.2.1 16th February[/B]
Full change log [B][URL="https://github.com/LeeDroid-/Shooter-2.6.35-MR/commits/master"]>>> HERE @GitHub <<<[/URL][/B]
[*]Default IO sched VR
[*]Re enabled MSM idle stats
[*]Enabled large TCP initial buffer
[*]Disabled "No Suspend"
[*]Accelerate last non-dyntick-idle CPU's grace periods
[*]Enabled RCU Fast No HZ
[*]Default MIN CPU Speed dropped to 192Mhz
[*]use the git implementation of SHA-1
[*]Improved boot times
[*]CRC32 updates via CAF
[*]DMA Fixups via CAF
[*]SCM Fixups via CAF
[*]Deep sleep fixed
[*]Fixed Pounty mod compatability again :rolleyes:
[B]LeeDrOiD_Shooter Kernel_V4.1.0 15th February[/B] - Changelog V3.8.0 > V4.1.0
Full change log [B][URL="https://github.com/LeeDroid-/Shooter-2.6.35-MR/commits/master"]>>> HERE @GitHub <<<[/URL][/B]
[*]Reworked ACPU table
[*]Reworked CPU voltages
[*]Increased CPU 1 max speeds
[*]Lowered WiFi voltages
[*]Lowered virtual key voltages (20mV > 2mV )
[*]Increased GPU 3D Max clock speed
[*]Tuned Interactive & Ondemand governors
[*]mmc: core: Prevent too long response times for suspend
[*]Reset cpufreq permissions
[*]thermal: tsens: Add suspend/resume
[*]printk: Don't allow cpu to get console lock during hotplugging
[*]Battery/Charging driver updates from HTC Ruby source
[*]Fixed Ponury Gesture compatability
[*]Fixed Compass & G Sensor
[*]More configuration cleanups
[B]LeeDrOiD_3D_V5.3.0 14th February[/B]
[*]LeeDrOiD Shooter Kernel V3.8.0 -
[*]Automated process group scheduling (CONFIG_SCHED_AUTOGROUP)
[*]CPU-based alignment handling
[*]Disabled lots of debugging routines
[*]Disabled Kmemleak detector
[*]Disabled numerous tracers
[*]Kernel should be more efficient
[*]Random reboots fixed
[*]Screen wake on incoming call fixed (Tested several times)
[*]Disabled Scrolling Cache (Smooter UI)
[*]Improved HUGE locales (Languages)
[*]Removed final HTC/Google usage loggers (libs)
[*]Removed htc_edblogd
[*]Recompressed & Zipaligned entire system
[*]All pre-installed applications updated
[*]Improved stability
[*]Improved battery life (Please recalibrate)
[*]Improved speed
[B] LeeDrOiD_3D_V5.2.1 25th January [/B]
[*]Added LeeDrOiD Tweaks V4.0.1! (Thanks to the Awsome j4n87 & daniels7)
[*]For a full list of [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1334871"]"LeeDrOiD Tweaks" features visit j4n87 & daniels7 HERE[/URL]
[*]Enabled Beats audio via Speaker out
[*][B]LeeDrOiD_3D_V5.2.0 - 25th January[/B]
[*]New Kernel - LeeDrOiD Shooter V3.6.0 -*
[*]Tuned LagFree Governor*
[*]Enabled Advanced Power Management Emulation*
[*]Timpani codec updates (CAF)*
[*]Fixed MHL to HDMI
[*]And lots more!
[*]For the full kernel change-log, visit [url]https://github.com/LeeDroid-/Shooter-2.6.35-MR[/url]
[*]Beats audio 100% Fixed!
[*]Thermald deamon thresholds reworked (Thanks to dmih for the info)
[*]Fixed CPU FREQ Skipping to max freq
[*]Random reboots 100% Fixed!
[*]Fixed black screen on incoming call (I Hope:) )
[*]Fixed sysctl
[*]Browser & connectivity optimizations
[*]Updated Google Maps V6.1.1
[*]Updated Google Quick search
[*]Updated Twitter
[*]Upodated Rom Manager
[*]Re-added CIFS Manager
[B]LeeDrOiD_3D_V5.1.0 [/B] - 9th January
[LIST] * = Kernel
[*]New Kernel - LeeDrOiD Shooter V3.5.0 -*
[*]Updated audio drivers from muliple sources (Chad.Goodman, HTC(Rezound) & Faux123)
[*]Add a new API - pm8901_preload_dVdd - CAF (reduced voltage fluctuations @boot time)*
[*]Adjusted voltage constraints 700mV > 1450mV*
[*]Increased GPU Memory allocation
[*]Tuned interactive governor (Some more)*
[*]Interactive governor set as default*
[*]Reverted PM Wakelock patch (black screen on incoming call should be fixed, testing required)*
[*]Additional minor config changes *
[*]overall speed @ stability increased as a result of the above changes*
[*]Allow flashlight to operate @ %10 power*
[*]Tweaked RSSI thresholds for longer range WiFi (98dB min)*
[*]Lowered voltages for timpani and eMMC (Author - faux123, Cherry-picked from Show-p1984)*
[*]Adjust read ahead buffer (increased min & max)*
[*]cpufreq: interactive: fix possible Division by zero.*
[*]Removed all CIQ(Chad.Goodman)*
[*]lots of code cleanups*
[*]Lots of CPU code updates & fixups
[*]Added LagFree Governor (Thanks to Ziggy)
[*]Modified mpdecision for full dual core support!
[*]Fixed stutters in audio playback
[*]Added Beats audio! (Music options - HTC Sound Enhancer or Beats Audio)
[*]Added Beats Notify
[*]Audio/Beats configuration files from RunnyMede ICS
[*]Added LeeDrOiD Tweaks V4! (Thanks to the Awsome j4n87 & daniels7) [url]http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1334871[/url]
[*]-New awesome UI by daniels7
[*]-Autosync quicksetting
[*]-Reworked recent apps toggle: If activated it is shown always, if deactivated still toggable by longpress
[*]-Miui Batterybar with different height color
[*]-Show/hide battery, show battery text with dynamic colors
[*]-Color picker for clock
[*]-Toggle am/pm
[*]-Signal Tweaks: 6 different static colors for wifi/signal bars/data, 2 DYNAMIC color sets for wifi/signal bars, hide data/signal bars
[*]-Menu unlock works now with sense lockscreen!
[*]-Show/hide date in notification pulldown, toggle to center it, toggle to show clock instead of date!!
[*]-Toggle items on lockscreen on/off (carrier/clock/date)
[*]-Included ics animations
[*]-Reworked autobrighnes values
[*]-screen on quicksetting longpress works now
[*]-fixed empty statusbartext on initial install
[*]-wrong text when disconnecting usb storage
[*]And lots more!
[B]LeeDrOiD_3D_V5.0.0 1st January 2012![/B]
[LIST] * = Kernel
[*]New Kernel - LeeDrOiD Shooter V3.2.0 -
[*]Removed CIQ*
[*]Added BCM bluetooth "Low power mode" (Ziggy & Chad.Goodman)*
[*]Lots of compression updates & Fixes*
[*]Optimized build passing -02's*
[*]Added CleanCache*
[*]sched_fair: lower granularity*
[*]FIX: irq_time - CAF*
[*]Reworked ACPU Table*
[*]Cleaner CPU Freq scaling*
[*]Max OC 1.94GHz! (Standard config 1.51GHz)*
[*]Adjusted CPU_VDD range 700mV_Min - 1400mV_Max (adjustable via system tuner)*
[*]Tuned Smartass governor for new ACPU Table*
[*]Fixed ext4 disk write performance regression*
[*]Lots of config & Debugging cleanups*
[*]CIFS & TUN Modules are now built in
[*]All new Bootanimation for 2012 (Hope you dont miss the Bios :D )
[*]Removed Notes & Dice
[*]Reworked tweaks scripts
[*]Caches cleaned @Boot
[*]SQlite3 database vacum @Boot
[*]Force pm SetInstallLocation = 1 @Boot
[*]Fixed HTC IME (Arrows in all modes)
[*]CPU Freq stats mBuffer increased 256 > 1024bytes
[*]Incresed MAX_SPEEDS = 20 > 100 (New CPU table has 56 freqs!)
[*]Fixed DRM Engine & HTC Watch
[*]Reworked low memory killer levels
[*]Dalvik VM Tuneups & JIT
[*]Removed remaining HTC Loggers
[*]Added lots of additional locales/language options
[*]Improved battry life!
[*]Huge XML & System Cleanups
[*]Updated AdFree Hosts
[*]Updated SuperUser & Binary
[*]Android Market V3.4.4
[*]All pre-installed applications updated
[B]LeeDrOiD_3D_V4.0.0 [/B]
[*]Integrated LeeDrOiD Tweaks V3.0.1 (Thanks to the Awsome j4n87 & daniels7)
[*]For a full list of [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1334871"]"LeeDrOiD Tweaks" features visit j4n87 & daniels7 HERE[/URL]
[*]Several "LeeDrOiD Tweaks" Rom specific tweaks
[*]Additional audio enhancments (Partial Beats - Headphones only.. More to follow!)
[*]Fixed single audio channel issue
[*]HTC IME (Keyboard) with arrows
[*]New Fancy IME in/out Animation
[*]Added Amaze Cam 1920x1080 V0.11 (thanks to bio)
[*]Implemented permissions Script (Perms fixed at boot time)
[*]Added Transparent App Drawer & Personalize menu
[*]Reverted to FlyIn Transition Animations
[*]Entiresystem recomressed & Zipaligned for optimal performance
[*]All Pre installed applications updated
[*]Added Android Market V3.4.4
[*]And lots more!
[B]LeeDrOiD_3D_V3.0.0 - 8th December 2011[/B]
[*]New Kernel LeeDrOiD Shooter V3.0.0 [*][URL="https://github.com/LeeDroid-/Shooter-2.6.35-MR/commits/master"]Changelog - GIT[/URL]
[*]Reworked and cleaned up ACPU Table
[*]Default governor Ondemand @ 384MHz-1512MHz
[*]Huge code & Configuration cleanups
[*]Added official beats audio drivers from Sensation XE source
[*]Increased readahead buffer sizes
[*]VM Tweaks
[*]SMP & WakeLock fixups/improvments
[*]Random reboots fixed!
[*]Added LeeDrOiD Tweaks V2.0.0 [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1334871"](Thanks to the Awsome j4n87 & daniels7)[/URL]
[*]Tweaks - Custom lockscreen Sense, Honeycomb or Android
[*]Tweaks - Choose which buttons wake the device
[*]Tweaks - Hold vol up or down to skip tracks
[*]Tweaks - Custom carrier caption
[*]Tweaks - Customize quick settings
[*]Tweaks - Hide recent apps
[*]Tweaks - Sense - toggle unlock anim, paginated app drawer,
smooth rosie selection, custom personalize button, 5 column app drawer
[*]Tweaks - Toggle screen on/off CRT animation
[*]Tweaks - Key backlight options
[*]Full HTC beats Support
[*]LeeDrOiD welcome on language selection
[*]Updated BootAnimation to fit Evo 3D
[*]Added Ice Cream Sandwitch animations (Android 4.0)
[*]Reverted to stock lock ring for now
[*]Fixed display issues on serveral widgets
[*][B]Added dancing droid incoming call screen[B]
[*]Added Sony Bravia Engine
[*]Lots of system opimizations
[*]Faster application loading times
[*]Added support for Orange UK WiFi calling [URL="http://leedroid.ftp.rshost.eu/share/SignalBoost.apk"](Just install THIS apk)[/URL]
[*]Removed HTC Loggers
[*]Updated Google Maps
[*]Updated Android Market
[*]Updated Adobe Flash Player
[*]Updated all custom pre-installed apps
[*]And more that I forgot! :-/
[B]LeeDrOiD_3D_V2.0.0 [/B]
[*]Reworked CPU Configuration
[*]Added CIFS Support & manager
[*]Added optional SmartAss CPU Governor
[*]Fixed Super extended quick settings
[*]Fixed minor graphical glitches
[*]Fixed several android related security flaws
[*]Disabled scroll by page in app drawer
[*]Several system cleanups
[B]LeeDrOiD 3D V1.0 - 2nd September[/B]
[*]Initial release
4EXT Recovery is highly recommended for use with Aroma
Download the app via the market.
If you are using CWM, button navigation is required
Now Available VIA Rom Manager
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ROM Download links
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>> Please note, 1st boot may take up to 10 minutes as every application in /data will be ZipAligned, the time it takes depends on how many applications you have installed.. DO NOT PULL THE BATTERY <<
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LeeDrOiD 3D V5.4 -Final GB (torrent)
LeeDrOiD 3D V5.4 Final GB (FTP)
Hosting Thanks to
Kernel Download links
Now using the anykernel updater & flashable via CWM
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LeeDrOiD Shooter - GSM Kernel V5.4 Final GB - 5090b6b491421c2b68bc73371def2699
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Selectable in Aroma!
User Banners!
Any "ZipModder" can deodex and root a stock rom, Its the developers that make the difference
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Reserved for me..
And another just incase
LeeDrOiD Tweaks
Proudly presenting LeeDrOiD Tweaks by XDA Recognised Developer j4n87
LeeDrOiD Tweaks F.A.Q
F.A.Q for hTc EVO 3D LeeDrOiD
Q1: How do I flash this ROM?
Assuming you have S-Off, and have installed recovery – Reboot the phone into recovery (Vol Down + Power [In power off mode] and select recovery. Select “Install with Zip from SD Card” – Select the ROM from your SD and press power – Confirm and you are good to go.*
Q 2 A. What is S-OFF or Recovery?
A detailed explanation on how to is here.
Q 2 B. HTC Unlock method S-0n
A detailed explaination on how to do this is splended explained by Recognized Developer Monx here
Q 3: Which radio should I use?
This is a trick question. According to many users over the years, they have recommended to change the radio only if you are facing troubles with the current one that you are using. Radio is a very very very location specific thing. So, what works for me, may not work for you. Generally, Lee will put in the recommended radio in the first post.
Q 4: Is the radio included in the ROM? How do I flash?:
Yes its included, but as explained under Q3, it´s individual and who may be good for me may not be good for you.
Have a look and try out for yourself, but only if your not satisfied with your current radio.
Easiest steps to flash a radio is (assuming you have sdk and HTC Drivers and are SOFF)
- Put the radio PG86img.zip in the folder where fastboot is under sdk\tools
- Turn off your phone and and reboot into Bootloader and select fastboot, connect the phone to the pc - now you show see Fastboot USB on the phone.*
- Goto command prompt on your pc. Goto the folder with Fastboot.
- Type*fastboot flash radio radio.img*and watch it write the new radio.
Senior Developer gu1dry has made a list over available PG86img.zip radio, have a look here
Q 5: Right or recommended order of flashing?
Wipe>ROM>Reboot> Radio.
Q 6: Should I use a task killer on the LeeDrOiD ROM?
Checkthis and decide for yourself. "Lee would say NO".
Q7: Backup? What is that?
Its always a good idea to back up all of your data and settings before flashing a new rom with a full wipe. Best app available is Titanium Back up(included in the ROM)
The best way to back up the contacts is to sync it via HTC Sync, via your gmail or export them to you SD card using the "People" application.
Q 8: Is Nandroid and Titanium backup the same thing? How do I manage backups?
No, Nandroid backs up each and every individal partitions and stores them as .img files, Titanium backs up applications and user data. A Nandroid backup is done via the recovery menu and makes an exact image of your device in its current state.
Q 9: On what occasion will I lose my data (apps, contacts etc)?
Only when you apply the full wipe or the super wipe (see next question, A3). When you just flash a rom or a .zip from recovery, it will not wipe anything unless otherwise mentioned.
Q 10: I was on stock (or another rom from another cook) and I flashed LeeDrOiD ROM, now I am having some problems.
1. Try rebooting the Phone and see if it makes a difference.
2. Reboot into recovery and clear cache and dalvik, reboot the phone and clear data of the apps causing problem.
3. If nothing else works, then use the Full Wipe from the first post above or “SUPERWIPE”. Beware: A superwipe/ full wipe will erase EVERYTHING on the phone.
Q 11: How do I flash Full wipe or Superwipe (Get SUPERWIPE here)
and what does it erase?
Copy the .zip to the SD Card and flash it via recovery. DO NOT REBOOT once it is done, flash the ROM straight after. The full wipe will erase data, cache, system and format the partitions to EXT4. Superwipe will erase data, cache, system, boot and system files on SD card (EXT4 again).
Q 12: The screen is not very responsive and is lagging.
Let the phone settle down a bit after you unlock it. It generally needs a few seconds to kick up the CPU. Some discussions on the screen responsiveness and a market app here.
Q 13: The market is not installing anything. Gives error.
Reboot into recovery and select “clear cache partition”. And under settings - applications - Manage applications - under the Market app < Clear Data>.
Q14: I don’t like the CRT on and off animations, what can I do to disable these?
Look what LeeDrOiD has to say.! INCLUDED IN THE LATEST VERSION
Q15: My battery is draining heavily*.
When you first flash a ROM this is what happens. Give it atleast one full charge cycle and it should come back to normal. If required, reboot into recovery and clear battery stats. It is advisable to do so on 100%. Here is the*battery caliberationapp from the market. You can try this.
UPDATE; Battery Caliberation is now included in the rom!!!
Q16: Should I run the phone battery to zero percent, and what if it does??
Absolutely not! Both the current recoveries are giving problems while pulling the battery up from zero percent. If the phones dies off due to battery being zero, look here, might help.
Q 17: I am getting random lines across my screen on some widgets.
This is a fairly common problem, see here. A quick fix is to remove the widget and re-apply it or to use a different skin.
Q 18: MMS Problem? Picture size small?
Please check your APN settings. Or check outShroomster's. It has worked for a fair few people. Also, try the patch from here
Q 19: Some games that use the motion/G sensor are not working as they should.
Re-Calibrate your Gsensor – Settings – Display – Gsensor Callibration
Q 20: My wifi calling is not working (TMOUS).
Apply the wifi calling patch from the OP
Q21: I dont like the animations. Dont want them.
Go to spare parts, and disable all animations OR go to settings - display - animations.
Q22: How do I disable or change the boot sound?
A: You will need to a root explorer to do this. On your phone, using the root explorer, navigate to data\local. Rename the file android_audio.mp3 and reboot.. Viola - No more boot sound. To change, rename the one you want as the boot sound to andoid_audio.mp3 and place it in data\local folder. Or go to LeeDrOiD Tweaks\bootanimation sound.
Q 23: And the bootanimation?
Data\Local again. Replace the bootanimation.zip file with the one you want. The new file must be named bootanimation.zip.
Q 24: Can I modify frequencies using SetCPU?
Avoid set cpu at this stage. It is causing much troubles. The app needs to be updated for dual core usage.
Q 25: GPS Problems?
Try*faster fix app*from the market. Has helped a few members.
Q 26: SuperUser Force closes.
Goto Setting - Application - Manage Application - Super user - Clear Data. And, go to Super user application and click the right most icon on the top of the application (top right corner) and re-update the binaries. Also, go to settings and disable logging, its a bug in su3.
Q 27: The Evo restarts itself?
Check what*snowblinddHYPERLINK "http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=16667093&postcount=3834"*has to say. Wiping sense data from settings - application - manage applications.
Q 28: How do I get the 2 way call recorder to work?
Install the apk and activate it. First time, call your Evo from another phone and answer your Evo, it will record. Now on, it will record all outgoing and incoming calls.. Now on, it will record all outgoing and incoming calls.
Q 29: How to play a 3D movie on Evo 3D
Press menu button, when You play a 3D movie and select 3D
Feel free to PM me if something else should be added.
Look under Evo 3D General Thread aswell http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1096
I also recomend that You are looking under Lee´s 1st post in this Thread.
Jailbreaking and rooting could soon become illegal again, unless you act now.
Back in July of 2010 the US government ruled that jailbreaking and rooting weren’t a crime as long as the intention behind them isn’t circumventing copyright.
The ruling is set to expire soon and unless renewed, jailbreaking and rooting of smartphones will become illegal once again.
An organization called the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) has issued a petition that anyone can sign – the idea is to get enough objective opinions in favor of renewing the ruling. The EFF also wants to add tablets to the agreement.
You can find all the details on the source link below. Keep in mind that signing up to renew the agreement closes on February 10.
Whether jailbreaking is legal or illegal may not matter much to the end user, but not voting for legalization would surely put all the hard-working devs outside the law.
Let the flashing begin!
(I've been anxiously awaiting your ROM!)
Turge said:
Let the flashing begin!
(I've been anxiously awaiting your ROM!)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
its been a long few days! 32% uploaded
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using XDA App
Nice to see you here LeeDroid They placed the evo3D on your device map then?
In meanwhile I 'm molesting the refresh button
Your rom looks interesting, I will give it a shot. Is there any chance you will include a Rogers sms hard fix in your future updates?
i see from the screenshots that the lock ring is modded, can u provide a stock ring mod as add-on?
tomanlam said:
i see from the screenshots that the lock ring is modded, is that true?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
il throw a stock lockring patch up
Ny default ring is
XAnub1sX said:
Your rom looks interesting, I will give it a shot. Is there any chance you will include a Rogers sms hard fix in your future updates?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Will endevour to meet all requirments as always
LeeDroid said:
Will endevour to meet all requirments as always
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sounds Great!
Ftp upload is nearly complete, stock lock ring ready to rock..
Sent from my s-off HTC sensation running LeeDrOiD Sensational
Links are live all! enjoy
Time for some sleep, nearly 3am
aghodsi said:
Nice to see you here LeeDroid They placed the evo3D on your device map then?
In meanwhile I 'm molesting the refresh button
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Haahaa.. yeh, I managed to get my hands on one
molesting over, its up
Appreciating all your work and endeavours! Testing the ROM.....NOW!
Wow! It's LeeDroid!
I have been using your ROMs with my DHD! They are great! Hope you can bring over the greatness to Evo3D too!
Hi all!
We are here to present you the
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This team is proud to present you our new Project, its called «4Seasons»
Its called this way to celebrate one Italian Musician that is appreciated all over the world: Antonio Vivaldi
So this rom will start with the Stock Samsung theme, but it will come in bundle with 4 Themes (one for Season)
Each theme will be carachterized by a strong inspiration to each season and will have a special bootsound track directly from the beautiful works from Vivaldi's «Quattro Stagioni»
The ItalianCustomStyle team is composed of:
Well so Let's start with the rom!!
DOWNLOAD 4Seasons ICStyle 2.0 New Release
Sorry but the actual themes are NOT COMPATIBLE with the ICS release,
Zoule is readapting and reworking the themes, please be carefull!
Fix the colors, and The Animated Reveal..
In addition, we will have an attenuation of the animation of the curtain, that when there are notifications,
remain hidden from the small panel of notifications.
Fixed the annoying writing clear.
Download Fix 4Seasons 2.0
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Changelog v2.0
Added mod to have 5 icons in the dock, and in the screens, the launcher Thank Petsasj
Upgraded kernel to Abyss pluss 3.1 final
Several minor bugs fixed
Ics theme thanks BigBang
Added transitions ics
Added fix for the silence of the camera system with the volume turned down.
Jkey-13.4.1 with new features
Adedd Polar Office
Reveal-animated notifications
App for download youtube
Changelog v1.1
Upgraded kernel to Abyss pluss 3.0 final
Several minor bugs fixed
Fixed iussue with Cpu settings
Fixed iussue with HomeDoubleclick settings
Removed OfflineVoicecommands (take it from extras! better explanation in later posts )
Added Screenshot butto in power prompt by default
Added barcode scanner app (goes in combo with the OTA Updates to have easly new repositories )
Optimized memory managment for faster performance
New themes with WAY lower installation time and reliability
NEW Ringtones for every season!! They are included in themes A joy for your ears!
Changelog v1.0
-Based on the latest official firmware 2.3.6 WIPE
-Theme Original Stock
-Jkay 13.2 Included
-Jkay preactivated
-NEW Tw 4.5 English By Fr4ggor
-CRT Old-TV Fix
-GPU Browser NO Lag no Over scroll + User agent
-Added the Mod-Battery with incremental rate of 1%
-Delete the sound notifications full charge and minimum charge battery
-GPS Quick-Fix
-All Framework DEODEXED zipaligned and optimized PNG and has been compressed to save space
-Mms.apk no MMS auto-conversion -200 contacts per SMS - fixed received time thanks to (muveszur)
-Added the Mod rom to improve the bitrate audio / video
-Romoved the Wifi-sharing
- Added VOIP for Wifi
- Added multilingual T9 Dictionaries
- Camera Stock is better NOW on 2.3.6
-Improved Audio
-Updated hosts to eliminate advertising and web apps
-Phone.apk CallRec integrated (No Auto Rotation + No Increasing Tone ) FULL Screen image
-Full Screen Image in Call
-Ringtones ICS
-Notification ICS
-New Market 3.3.1
-Bootanimation ItalianCustomStyle
-Video and Audio Gtalk Front Camera 2.3.6
-New Titanium Backup app
-New Gtalk app 1.3
-EmailWidget trasparent
-Added CWM app
-Removed some apk samsung
-Swipe Multilenguages
-Ram Scrip added
-Included app_process and system_server from Android 2.3.7 (improves scrolling)
-Build.prop tweaks
-OTA Updates and extras
-App removed flashable with this ZIP
-Daemon OC And Settings
-Dualcore Scripts (Voltage Control support)
-Added Extra settings for customize:
-Transition speed
-Application Installing place
-Home button Double Click Action
The ROm comes in bundle with the NEW Abyss Plus 2.1 by Angelom
After this post, I And all the team-mates will explain you all the Extra stuffs and Will make all you clear about Kernel, Mods and will guide you with screenshots and videos!
1- Kernel
2- Voice Commands and CPU
3- Extras, Mods OTA Updates
4- work in progress
5- Downloads ROM & Themes
6- Info & News
Paul Modaco
XDA:DevDB Information
Vivaldi 4Seasons ICStyle 2.0, a ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S II
Italian_Custom_Style, aeroxdefocu, Angelom, Guidox79, 89luca89
ROM OS Version: 4.0.x Ice Cream Sandwich
ROM Kernel: Linux 2.3.x
Based On: AOKP
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 2.0
Stable Release Date: 2012-02-02
Created 2013-06-27
Last Updated 2013-07-01
AbyssPlus kernel 3.1
Added Voodoo Louder Compatibility
More cpu governor changes, removed obsolete governors
Added idle_notifier support
Added bfqv3r1 (thanks to Tegrak)
GPU modifications: mali 3-step
Changed Configuration
Others little fix
All functions of AbyssPlus 3.0 kernel
AbyssPlus Kernel 3.1 Sources:
AbyssPlus kernel 3.0
Changed to new workqueue implementation
Updated patches for ARM topology
Enabled Sched_mc
Enabled AFTR CPU idle mode
Enabled cleancache
SIO i/o scheduler default
Some cpu governor modifications
vmscan: prevent background aging of anon page in no swap system
Added in cpuidle :extend cpuidle and menu governor to handle dynamic states
Some unnecessary code cleanups and tweaks
Abyss Plus 3.0 Kernel Sources
Sources Abyss
Abyss Kernel 2.1
Updated kernel to Samsung Update3 Source
Updated some files based on for battery improvement
Add CW Recovery for ota updater compatibility
Frequency range:
Cpu governor: Ondemand, ondemandx, Interactive, interactivex, Performance, Conservative, Smartass, Smartass2, Lagfree, Luizactive, Lazy, Savagedzen, powersave
Revisited every governor
I/O Scheduler: BFQ v3, CFQ, Deadline, Sio, VR, noop
Added tweak for screen sharpness
Lowered frequency bus voltages
patch inserted MM
Added compatibility with Tegrak Touchmove (to adjust the touch)
Modified support for video recording up to 100fps (watch the recording at 100 fps still does not work for limitations due to the Roms)
Tegrak 2nd Core support
cgroup: Introduce timer slack subsystem
Adding RCU Classic
ib: introduce some memory copy macros and functions
Hard-enabled Float
Added conversion RCU
Increase ext4 disk write performance
memcg fix
Add tweak by IntersectRaven
Fixed the problem with orbot
Added USB Tethering
Enabled BT BT_Wake logs for debugging
Adding CleanCache
Fixed fuel alert wakelocks
backport new 3.0 kernel block driver
Added possibility to insert Custom Boot Logo
(Sd in creating a folder called logo.jpg into the logo and copy, format 480×800, before flashing the kernel)
Disabled Frame pint
Added battery calibration
Added auto-backup efs directory in / data / .Abyss
Removed iowait-is-busy-tunable code
Added Samplig down factor tunable queues
Minimum sampling rate set to 10ms
Enabled fast start on Ondemand
Optimized Jhash 3
Modified wireless: fixed memory leak in case of failure of dhd_bus_init
Modified TCP
SLUB: Order slub_max set to 0
Modified workqueue
EMMC put to sleep before the suspension
Added low-power idle notifier
Add patch CK2
ARM optimized algorithm RWSEM
Fixed wrap timers to 4,294 sec.
MALI-400 GPU Disabled State Tracking
Removed Sync in workqueue wakelock
Faster access to cgroupfs
Increase battery life and performance
All kernel functions old Abyss
AbyssPluss 2.1 kernel Sources:
I'm here to explain you some mods I (and other team-mates) did for this great work
Thoose I'm presenting to you are the ALL-New port of MOTOROLA VOICE COMMANDS:
As you read they are COMPLETELY OFFLINE (instead of the full online Samsung and Google)
They will be pratical, Multilingual and have a Great feature, they can be adapted you can simply adapt them to your pronunciation, dialet and so on, so will be ALWAYS responsitive
Supports 37 Launguages
You can then set up them to pop up with the Home DOuble-Click that you can see in the /settings/4seasons Extras/Home Button DoubleClick
Those ALL NEW Cpu scripts are revised from the one I did time ago, now they PERFECTLY Support GS2!
In fact you have REALLY The second core ONLINE:
The phone will be ALWAYS Smooth like oil whatever you're doing
THIS Will also set 2 profiles of UnderVolt depending on the screen state (on/off)
BU this time the daemon supports the changing of this values
The Daemon SUPPORTS VOLTAGE CONTROL Just install it from the market!! And you're done!
The Cpu Daemon (Virtous OC) is also another thing that in this rom is foundamental to take advantage of ALL The juice the great AbyssPlus kernel can give to you!
Bt default you will have this configuration
Screen off:
But you can go DOWN to 25mhz for min and 100mhz for max, I DO NOT RECOMMEND GO LOWER (can cause problem of wake with calls and music for example)
long battery life is all here!!
Screen on:
Here the (when the screen is on) we want the best performance for you, in speed and fluidity!
So we can take advantage of the whole 1.2ghz samsung gave us!
With the CPU Settings ( settings-> 4seasons Extra -> CPU Settings)
You can set up and also OVERCLOCK to 1536mhz! To have blazing fast performances! (not needed to be honest...but a good sport ahaha)
Also the OndemandX Governor is built to give Better scaling performances than the Ondemand, keeping the Great battery saving but having always BEST Performance!
The app is really simple to use and intuitive, and you (after Tap Apply) have only to screen off phone and then screen on to make the changes effective...Remember that!
1.Change application install location,You can choose where to install your applications,internal SD,Internal Memory or Automatic mode
2.Choose speed of animations in indivudal Wondows,This is very useful if you want to speed up or slow down our animations
3.Same to Windows animation,but choose a translation animation
4.Compatibility Mode,run older app ...
5.Home double button,Choose app if you want on this button...thanks c3k....
But not compatible with samsung voice commands...
6.CPU setting included Deamod controll to set your CPU (explained it by 89luca89 in previous post)
7.With this app,you see battery used,status information and statics on Battery
In this rom are included OTA app...With this app you can download new rom, install new themes, download all the mods available in it ..
it's all very simple, once configured, to find the extras, just select what you want to install, you download, then you click on install now and the phone will restart and everything will install automatically...
If you click on theme, also have the opportunity to preview what it will install through the screenshots
This is a FULL screen mod,With this mod, you can put your photos in full screen of a contact ....
You will have a default image that is in the first photo, you can change it simply by going to contacts, select what you want and add the photos you want ...
the images speak for themselves, do not add anything more
1.in YOUTUBE app,are included possibility to download video,in the original app this option was not possible
2.this is a manage TW4.5,very good app,you can download themes, widgets, and stay current with all updates TW4, by Frogg0r
3.you have possibility select User Agent on stock Browser,Android or Desktop
4.this is a famous mod by Jkay,a good guide to configure this app are on this LINK
Video By Ferranza
DOWNLOAD 4Seasons ICStyle 2.0 New Releasehttp://www.italiancustomstyle.com/H...ontent/ICSteam/Extra/4Seasons_ICStyle_2.0.zip
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It is recommended NOT to use Internet Explorer to download, Thanks
Download Autumn
Download Summer
Download Winter
Download Spring
DOWNLOAD 4Seasons ICStyle 2.0 New Releasehttp://www.italiancustomstyle.com/H...ontent/ICSteam/Extra/4Seasons_ICStyle_2.0.zip
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It is recommended NOT to use Internet Explorer to download, Thanks
Sorry but the actual themes are NOT COMPATIBLE with the ICS release, Zoule is readapting and reworking the themes, please be carefull!
Official Blog ItalianCustomStyle
Download Autumn
Download Summer
Download Spring
Download Winter
Official Blog ItalianCustomStyle
woooow Sounds Great waiting for Download Links
Love the name "4seasons" I love Vivaldi
I am actually the first viewer in this thread . Just waited for you guys to reserve the posts;-) .
Just some things 1. This is too good to be true!
2. What will happen with the other rooms you guys develop?
Does this rom same as the foxhound 2.8? The change log quite similar or it's better?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Change the changelog guys....KK5 is 2.3.6 not 2.3.5 just a little pointer...
-Based on the latest official firmware 2.3.5 WIPE
looks realy good, but can you explain this line: Camera Stock is better NOW on 2.3.5 ?
edit: when download links will be online?
edit2: I got it now. Any comments on camera improvements?
It's 2.3.6 not 2.3.5
Looks like just foxhound rom with different theme and comes from another developer..
Just my opinion.. btw looks great
What do you mean by you have added overglow?
chinhe said:
Looks like just foxhound rom with different theme and comes from another developer..
Just my opinion.. btw looks great
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Well raffaele is part of the team...
Vahidmoby said:
woooow Sounds Great waiting for Download Links
Love the name "4seasons" I love Vivaldi
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Well so when you install one of the 4 season theme...
Check the bootsound!!
_JKay_ said:
What do you mean by you have added overglow?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Heh sorry it was a typo, cause it was added (the glow) back when there was bounce overscroll, now th glow is samsung default...
Where are the download links, Luca?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Ho guy,just two words,nice job
sileshnair said:
Where are the download links, Luca?
Hello links for downloading are in the post of biondo99
Inviato dal mio GT-I9100 usando Tapatalk
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Click to collapse
based on HTC Source 1.29.1540.3 Developer Edition
-) YOU need to provide me the following information, otherwise I´m not able to help:
-) On wich ROM you are
-) Wich Kernel and wich modules did you flash
-) ALWAYS provide a last_kmsg AND a logcat (you dont know how to do that ? Use google or search here in this forum, its posted nearly everywhere)
-) posts like "XYZ feature on ROM XYZ does not work" will be ignored (what should i do with that information ???)
- initial release
- Fixed audio routing issue with voice calls [phone's earpiece amplification fixed, htc left out a good chop from its released kernel sources]
- Added NTFS (read/write) support
- All in one installer - script by [user=1118681]@he_stheone64[/user] (thanks !)
- Added init.d support (thanks [user=3828647]@torxx[/user] !)
- teaMSeven version - cooperation of n3ocort3x and tbalden
- cleaned up synaptics_3k driver
- linaro optimized
- adding performance installer with 192mhz underclock (thanks pingpong)
- CIFS enabled
- added Votlage Control
- Enabled system write
- Disabled perf lock
-added XZ compression
-fixed Voltage Control
-fixed sticking of frequencies
-linaro -o3 optimizations (before it was -o2)
-enabled interactive governor
-updated interactive governor to MAKO baseline and CAF updates (thx kozmikkick)
-updated ondemand governor to CAF baseline (thx kozmikkick)
-added wheatley governor
-added SIO I/O Sched
- added Sweep2Wake to variants
- slighty stronger vibration for Wake and Sleep events (so you will really notice accidental wakes)
- tweak deadline io scheduler for more performance
- added fsync on/off support (on by default, check sysfs)
- added ROW I/O scheduler
- added BFQ v6 scheduler
- added USB fast charge option (off by default, check sysfs)
- added smartmax governor (thanks MaxWen!)
- fixed longtap Logo sleep for S2W and H2W modes
- added Blinking Buttons notification feature (idea and first implementation by [email protected])
- added 324 MHz freq and removed unused 192 MHz
- more freqs below 378 MHz will follow, still ironing out some bugs
- fastcharge retested (trickstermod works)
- added new way to register longtap Logo2Wake / Logo2Sleep - you can leave your finger on the Logo now, and it will wake/sleep on long tap. More convenient and intuitive.
-updated Aroma installer with changelogs and version number
-added lowfreqs (135MHz, 162MHZ, 216MHz, 270MHz)
-added highfreqs (1836MHz, 1890MHz, 1944MHz, 1980MHz)
-added new thermal implementation
-fix laggy boot for PVS_2 Devices (and below)
-disabled PNP manager (fixes freq sticking)
HOME2Wake and HTCLogo2Sleep:
- What is HOME2Wake -> It's a bit similar to Sweep2Wake, but instead of swiping through the capacitive buttons, you have to push the Home button instead, to wake the device from sleep. Then press HTC logo to switch screen off. At times it takes 2 consecutive presses when the phone is in deepsleep. Still testing this stuff.
HOME2Wake and HTCLogoMenu:
HOME -> wakes phone
HTC Logo -> Menu button mapping
HTCLogo long tap -> screen off
V3.8, no GPU and NO CPU OC YET
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
0. go into Recovery
0.1 DO A NANDROID backup if you didnt already -- if anything goes cheesy, restore your backup
1. flash All-In-One installer zip (aroma menus will ask for options)
2. reboot
Configuration of HOME2WAKE/HTCLogo behavior
You can select the Variant you want in the Aroma installer, and also select a mod to Disable on-screen three-dot menu button (useful if you use HTCLogo2Menu configuration)
Possible variants you can select in installer (recovery):
- Stock (no wake, no menu, no sleep button)
- Home2Wake + HTCLogo2Menu and long tap HTCLogo2Sleep
- Home2Wake + HTCLogo2Sleep with long tap
- Home2Wake + HTCLogo2Sleep with short tap
- HTCLogo2Menu
- Home2Wake
- HTCLogo2Wake + HTCLogo2Sleep with long tap
- HTCLogo2Wake + HTCLogo2Sleep with short tap
- HTCLogo2Wake + HTCLogo2Menu and long tap HTCLogo2Sleep
- Sweep2Wake + HTCLogo2Sleep with long tap
- Sweep2Wake + HTCLogo2Sleep with short tap
- Sweep2Wake + HTCLogo2Menu (will give you long tap HTCLogo2Sleep)
About development of this kernel:
This is the exact copy of tbalden´s kernel from his original thread, with all his h2w and htc logo stuff integrated + OC / UV / LINARO /GPU / SCHEDS / GOVERNORS / ETC...
In the future i will add stuff and keep in sync with tbalden. I´m more then proud to work with such an aweseome dev together. I dont have the device yet, so its really improtant to provide me logs, kmsg, etc if u run into trouble. But also when i get the device, its important to provide me such stuff. I will do my best to get the most out of our HTC ONE´s
-) I am not responsible for bricked devices
-) you do this on your own will
-) If you flash this, your warranty will be void
@pinpong for letting me know for what the hex values are thx
Stable Edition for Sense with Android 4.1.2
This part contains the non-OC/UV version, compiled with standard GCC 4.6
This edition is for the users who only want the usability features and no speed,voltage or other cpu gpu related changes. It's safe to install it for the average non tweaker users.
- Compiled from HTCDev source
- Fixed audio routing issue with voice calls [phone's earpiece amplification fixed, htc left out a good chop from its released kernel sources]
- Adds support for more USB OTG devices than official HTC kernel - (pls test if you think your DSL etc and report - only works if your phone's charged above 30%!) - PS3 controller wont work, htc's bluetooth stack is a no-go
- Added CIFS (windows share filesystem mount support, use CIFS manager)
- Added NTFS (read/write) support
- All in one installer - script by @he_stheone64 (thanks !)
- Added init.d support (thanks @torxx !)
- H2W/L2W/L2M/S2W
- blinking buttons (button light notification) - be aware that only blinks on notification if phone's not charging, and when screen is not on
- Based on latest kernel source: 1.29.1540.3 Developer Edition
- Tested on 1.28.401.7 (please report your Build number if differs), international One (m7, from UK)
Known issues:
- None
- Aroma installer sometimes exits in the setup process, try again till success, progress slowly between pages, count to 3 before pressing Next
- 1.28 International edition based ROMs, and 1.29 (1.29.1540.3) developer edition based ROMs, updates up to 1.29.401.5, 1.29.xxx.13
!Doesnt work on Sprint HTC One variant, as it's CDMA, not GSM!
4.0.0 Stable All-In-One installer zip (flash from recovery) - kernel and modules and keylayout and working camera firmware
teaMseven-sense-kernel-v4.0.0-stable-full_installer.zip: http://d-h.st/br9
Use CWM or another AROMA compatible recovery. You can select all stuff from Menus, no need for additional flashing. If you get stuck, or exits to Recovery menu, try again. Should work! (Aroma is sometimes a bit flaky, but it works, preferably press Next buttons in installer a bit slower, that way it's more stable)
Version 4.0.0-stable (.16 base) - June-4-2013
Version 3.9.2-stable (codename: 'the next big thing') - May-4-2013
- Added BlinkingButtons feature - architectural idea and first implementation by tbalden
Version 3.9.1-stable - May-3-2013
- fixes Long tap sleep for S2W and H2W modes
Version 3.9-stable - May-3-2013
- added new way to register longtap Logo2Wake / Logo2Sleep - you can leave your finger on the Logo now, and it will wake/sleep on long tap. More convenient and intuitive for me. Hope you'll like it!
- removed 192Mhz step
Version 3.8-stable - May-1-2013
- added Sweep2Wake to variants
- slighty stronger vibration for Wake and Sleep events (so you will really notice accidental wakes)
- xz compression
- added 192Mhz step (set it in one of the usual system tuner apps, stable enough,so i added it to Stable Edition)
- fixed frequencies to stick - (thx showp-1984)
Older versions:
teaMseven-sense-kernel-v3.9.2-stable-full_installer.zip: http://d-h.st/MwG
teaMseven-sense-kernel-v3.9.1-stable-full_installer.zip: http://d-h.st/jU5
teaMseven-sense-kernel-v3.9-stable-full_installer.zip: http://d-h.st/WSv
teaMseven-sense-kernel-v3.8-stable-full_installer.zip: http://d-h.st/xvQ
teaMseven-sense-kernel-v3.7-full_installer.zip: http://d-h.st/f0t
tbaldens-sense-kernel-v3.6-full_installer.zip: http://d-h.st/uSB
tbaldens-sense-kernel-v3.5-full_installer.zip: http://d-h.st/WQy
tbaldens-sense-kernel-v3.4-full_installer.zip: http://d-h.st/FHA
Configuration variants, additional flashables (using init.d): http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=40672557&postcount=211
tbaldens-sense-kernel-v3.2-full_installer.zip: http://d-h.st/3FV
tbaldens-sense-kernel-v3-full_installer.zip: http://d-h.st/S35
Unified boot.img with switches (2.0): http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=40631815&postcount=133
Camera Flashable fix for v3.0 + ROM versions 1.29.xxx.12 and 1.29.xxx.13 here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1908030&d=1366810966 - you NEED this flashed from recovery, if you're on a rom based on those versions, so camera will work
http://d-h.st/SIE - Base version 1.0 (not with HOME2Wake)
http://d-h.st/4ZM - HOME2Wake & HTCLogo2Sleep version 1.1, test version, might need two taps when it deepsleeps, Push HTC logo for screen off
http://d-h.st/JkK - HOME2Wake & HTCLogoMenu version 1.1 (if you want HTC Logo as Menu button)
modules installer 1.1 (flashable from recovery), only for 2.0 version and below, for Wifi and kernel modules + HTCLogoMenu button, not needed for 3.0+ http://d-h.st/7Iq
0. go into Recovery
0.1 DO A NANDROID backup if you didnt already -- if anything goes cheesy, restore your backup
1. flash All-In-One installer zip (aroma menus will ask for options)
2. reboot
You can select the Variant you want in the Aroma installer, and also select a mod to Disable on-screen three-dot menu button (useful if you use HTCLogo2Menu configuration)
Possible variants you can select in installer (recovery):
- Stock (no wake, no menu, no sleep button)
- Home2Wake + HTCLogo2Menu (will give you long tap HTCLogo2Sleep)
- Home2Wake + HTCLogo2Sleep with long tap
- Home2Wake + HTCLogo2Sleep with short tap
- HTCLogo2Menu
- Home2Wake
- HTCLogo2Wake + HTCLogo2Sleep with long tap
- HTCLogo2Wake + HTCLogo2Sleep with short tap
- HTCLogo2Wake + HTCLogo2Menu (will give you long tap HTCLogo2Sleep)
- Sweep2Wake
- Sweep2Wake + HTCLogo2Sleep with long tap
- Sweep2Wake + HTCLogo2Sleep with short tap
- Sweep2Wake + HTCLogo2Menu (will give you long tap HTCLogo2Sleep)
https://github.com/TeaMSeven/android_kernel_htc_m7-sense - master and performance branch
Additional resources
Cifs manager: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ws.plattner.cifsmanager&hl=en
and another one for me
U guys got me teamSeven't...
one'ed using Graptar's Hammer.... by the sons of Waran
I will try and report
Gesendet von meinem HTC One mit Tapatalk 2
biohaufen said:
I will try and report
Gesendet von meinem HTC One mit Tapatalk 2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I thought u quited testing ?? good u are back :victory:
Up and running
UV works
192 MHz works
Set max clock reset after screen off
HTC powersaver no clock change
Thanks mates
one'ed using Graptar's Hammer.... by the sons of Waran
Just flashed aroma went well no crashing will test any ideas for a good voltage or just leave at 900 any advice would be good thanks
Yes I were back to stock for a few days. But after a while I were bored :/
Gesendet von meinem HTC One mit Tapatalk 2
Good to see you two together
Great to see you work together. Hopefully I can test your little baby soon
Sent with a JellyBlack HTC One X
I think that OC doesn't work. (max clock is still 1.72 GHz). Logo for menu does work really good, will test UV later...
Gesendet von meinem HTC One mit Tapatalk 2
biohaufen said:
I think that OC doesn't work. (max clock is still 1.72 GHz). Logo for menu does work really good, will test UV later...
Gesendet von meinem HTC One mit Tapatalk 2
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Click to collapse
i dont think theres overclocking yet, or underclocking. Would like to see underclocking though.
Home to wake and logo to sleep works.
Trying to get u.ndervolting to work though. fauxclock vc doesnt work, worked with flar's kernel. VC doesnt work atm.
VC is working, but changing CPU clock isn't. (I think it would be better to set CPU clock etc. in Aroma, because the apps doesn't work well atm)
Kernel seems to be really fast
Gesendet von meinem HTC One mit Tapatalk 2
deagleone said:
Up and running
UV works
192 MHz works
Set max clock reset after screen off
HTC powersaver no clock change
Thanks mates
one'ed using Graptar's Hammer.... by the sons of Waran
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Click to collapse
yeah... I have to look into that tomorrow... thanks for reporting !
jaythenut said:
Just flashed aroma went well no crashing will test any ideas for a good voltage or just leave at 900 any advice would be good thanks
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Click to collapse
I too would like to see others' UV settings. As a start, I just used trickster to set a -50mV UV across the board. It seems to be stable. Made it through various benchmarks.
Edit: ended up taking an additional 25mV off the top two frequencies. Still running great.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2
expertzero1 said:
i dont think theres overclocking yet, or underclocking. Would like to see underclocking though.
Home to wake and logo to sleep works.
Trying to get u.ndervolting to work though. fauxclock vc doesnt work, worked with flar's kernel. VC doesnt work atm.
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Click to collapse
i dont know much about all this still learning but i think underclocking is working set mine to 192m
jaythenut said:
i dont know much about all this still learning but i think underclocking is working set mine to 192m
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yep 192mhz is available in the performance edition.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2
tbalden said:
Yep 192mhz is available in the performance edition.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2
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Click to collapse
Does OC work or it resets itself?
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
【HOT!】【ROM】【4.2/4.3/4.4】【KitKAT】✪ eRRo Ultra ✪【Super Fast and Smoothest】 ♛16/04/14♛
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
@__________[email protected]
NOW in ULTRA ! ! !
@__________[email protected]
NOt only for MDPI, Now, URUSHI (raY) build is up!!!
i've made for Ray user because we are on OnE Discussion
( XDA Developers > Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini, Mini Pro, Active, Ray, Live with Walkman )
_____ dont forget to read notes and installation instructions _____
What is eRRo rOM? sure like error?? lol :laugh: . NOt funny, eRRo rOM is ROM which is based on Android system version 4.2.2 jellybean UNOFFICIAL CM10.1 LX :good: . Why the name is eRRo? because on eRRo rOM it has error process when installation!!. Dafuq. By the way its not real error. It just FEATURE on this rom that which is not owned by another roms . That error does not effect any apps and system service . (has been fixed )My goal on eRRo ROM is to make a SUPER LIGHTWEIGHT AND SMOOTH ROM. Beside of that, eRRo rom has too many scripts and tweaks. So, this rom is VERY FAST.GOOD FOR GAMING.MULTITASKING.DAILY-USE.BATTERY FRIENDLY and more... feel with urself! ...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
- Fake error (yeah) fixed
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
-Random reboot?? NO! with lupus and my rom on my mango its very stable
- Super LightWeight Rom (only 90Mb) on lightest version
- Automatic Brightness
- Keyboard Layout
- Wifi AP
- Bluetooth
- FM Radio (see on NOTE)
- Camera
- XBooster (for BIG free up RAM usage) no need it again, has been added better RAM Managements
- Torch
- Accelerometer
- USB On To Go (OTG/MTP) as default
- USB Mass Storage (if you want to change it, go to settings-storage-tap options button- USB computer connection)
- Add camera features
- and more. All everything works
- Found bug? just tell me
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
- Performance tweaks
- Hardware acceleration enabled
- Graphics tweaks
- Power saving
- Sdcard tweak
- zRam tweaks at 60mb
- Increase Photo and Recording quality (include jpg quality)
- Reduce Boot Time
- Better Flashlight and Camera flash quality
- Internet connections tweaks
- Scrolling more fast
- pp0 interface tweak
- Init.d support (include init.d tweaks)
- Governor Ondemand as default (include governor ondemand tweaks)
- and more (u can tell me)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
16/04/2014[BIG UPDATE!!] Ultra version :
- Updated to Jelly Bean 4.4.2 (Latest cm11 changes)
- Updated kernel to 3.4.82
- Updated zRAM from kernel 3.14
- Updated to Android 4.4.2_r2
- Updated audio HAL (various updates/bugfixes)
- Updated adreno GPU libs from Galaxy S3 (d2lte)
- Updated BFQ io scheduler
- Updated wpa_supplicant/hostapd for KitKat from TI
- Updated exFAT kernel driver
- Updated powersave: max 768MHz, balanced: min 122MHz
- Enabled Sony apps in market
- Enabled ION for everything except camera
- Enabled VSYNC (aka Project Butter)
- Enabled Qualcomm bionic optimizations
- Enabled CWM SD card partitioning settings
- Enabled qcom LPA (Low Power Audio)
- Enabled back camera mic
- Enabled low_ram prop by default
- Enabled hid-sony kernel driver for PS3 controller
- Disabled KSM by default to improve performance
- Prevent All Tweaks and Script to improve performances
- New kernel based on kk_2.7-stable CAF branch
- Corrected device name/manufacturer
- Use display-caf/media-caf instead of display-legacy/media-legacy
- Slim size 145Mb
- Added option to enable High End graphic effects in performance settings
- Beta #1 pls report if any issue
Working list :
-RIL 2G & 3G
-Proximity sensor
-Ambient Light sensor (including automatic brightness)
-Vibrator (including vibrator intensity tuning)
-Button & keyboard leds (including brightness adjustment)
-Notification led (including soft dim effect)
-Physical keyboard
-Hardware keys
-SD card
-USB: Mass storage
-USB tethering
-Video recording
-Panorama mode in Camera
-Bluetooth music
-Bluetooth calling
-Bluetooth tethering
-Offline charging
-Overclocking (up to 1.4GHz)
-CWM recovery
Bugs : FM radio
15/10/13Ultimate v2 :
- Latest update CM 10.2
- Kernel updated to 3.4.65
- Removed Focal.apk
- Default IO changed into CFQ
- Support for vibrator intensity tuning
- Improved power management and wifi
- Fix Keyboard on LatinIME
- Switch launcher for more slim and stable
other's LX changes :
Fixed variable button/keyboard brightness
Fixed google update service battery drain (cm patch)
Disabled touchscreen undervolt on anzu
Fixed USB OTG support
Fixed OpenVPN support
Improved wifi
Undervolt wifi for better battery performance
Updated bma250 (accelerometer) kernel driver from fuji 3.4 kernel
Updated apds9702 (proximity) kernel driver from fuji 3.4 kernel
Lower cpu usage a bit when screen is on
Switch from LZ4 to LZO compression for kernel & ramdisk
Updated wifi driver & firmware to latest officially supported by TI
Updated all proprietaries from 4.1.B.0.587
CWM sdcard format
LZO updates
wpa_supplicant updates
netd updates
wifi hotspot updates
wifi calibration updates
Power management updates
Possible fix for DSPManager loss of effects
Configure power management in recovery: ondemand & 1ghz cpu clock
Testing hardware acceleration optimization for low mem devices
Camera: Enabled video stabilization
Camera: Enable 864x480 video recording (will show as 720p in the app)
Camera: Enable image stabilization & disable scene detection in HDR mode
Camera: Metering mode support
08/09/2013Ultimate version :
- Updated to Jelly Bean 4.3 (Latest cm10.2 changes)
- Updated kernel to 3.4.59
- Fix Panorama Camera
- Fix All Camera applications issue!!
- Face unlock fixed
- Preview image fixed without app hacks!
- Fix widget problems
- Set default brightness to 10% (people who want lower can still change it in auto brightness settings)
- Broken button & keyboard backlight brightness adjustment (only on/off works, no variable brightness)
- Beta release
08/08/13Hepta v2 :
- Fix boot issue (fixed)
- Correct some mistakes in framework
- More Lightweights only 90Mb
- Add Many tweak's and script's :
zRam now enabled by default at 60Mb
Add dnsmasq tweak
Add Rambooster
Improve Ram Management's
Vm tweaks
Network tweaks
Init.d tweaks
Sdcard speed impoved
Zipalin all apk's
Minfree tweak , and other's..
06/08/2013Hepta version :
- Latest CM10.1
LX changes :
Updated kernel to 3.4.55
More SELinux changes (still disabled)
Recovery: Update wipe data option confirmation
Recovery: Add sdparted option to partition in ext4 fstype
Power management updates
Auto detect sdcard fstype & partition in recovery
Initial SELinux policy
liblights: don't apply gamma curve to backlight
Update auto brightness levels
Lowmemorykiller: revert fuji update, revert nAa 3.0.31 lmk, use plain CAF 3.4 lmk
recovery: Add power off & reboot to bootloader mode in advanced menu
- Add performance superb tweak
- Add service tweak
- Add HDR feature on camera
- Add radio missing files
- Battery more save
- Fix some connection issue
- Fix correction on build prop
- New camera lib's
- New radio lib's
- Incrased volume in-call
- Boot time more quick
- Disabled button light
- Add enabled logcat line? (not tested)
- Support screen orientation 180 degree
- Support screen orientation 270 degree
- Add lockscreen tweak
- Add some new undetifined tweak's
- Enabled hw_accel
- Changed min scale of CPU to 249Mhz ( i think it more stable )
- Changed max scale of CPU to 1Ghz ( i think it more stable )
- Changed governor to ondemand ( i think it more smooth )
21/07/2013Heksa version (More Perfect!!) :
- More Lightweights
- Removed Matte+ (if u want to propha looks, download it on second post)
- Back to One stocK CM10.1 theme installed
- Free Lockscreen easY mod (just tap "eRRo" and drag anywhere you want to unlock)
- Add default clock app
- Add default alarm
- Frame Per Seconds Improved unlimited
- Add default stopwatch
- Changed all default icons to CM 10.1 style
- EHRPD Support
- Fix for crop on keyboard layout
- More Net speed tweaks
- Sensor sleep control
- Re-enable USB debugging notification
- Noise Cancellation Off
- Add more streaming tweak
- Increase smooth speed to 300
- Removed "Stop the phone from waking up when pressing the volume key"
- Enable Hardware 3D
- Battery More efiicient
- Touch Tweaked
- Tweaked all of Apk's to more slim
- Add 3D performance11/07/2013Penta version (Bugs fix) :
- What is on Peta eRRo (new) version? / changed some apps (12/07/2013) :
* Fix add some tweaks on mango
* Changed Opera Mini to light stock browser (many ppl want this and more fast)
* Changed Launcher to ZeamLauncher (only 388kb a lot of more STABLE and SMOOTH with nice options)
* Change keyboard to more lightweight (but, it will crash ur zu keyboard -> see on INSTALL INSTRUCTION or NOTE to fix it
* Add Live Wallpapers (ppl want this)
- Include : Black Hole, Bubbles, Holo Spiral, Nexus, Phase Beam, and Water
* Fix for double camera and clock apps
* Fix Landscape widget Lock Clock
* Landscappe mode on app drawer the icon is more big
* More Lightweight!!
- Only 97Mb.
_____________________________below is old penta
- Fix fake error
- Fix Root permissions while installing
- Fix bluetooth headset on phone (for music not yet) pls someones help our to fix this
- Fix take along time while reboot to recovery (now less than 30's)
- Add some customization text while install process
- Dual recovery?!
*If you want go to TWRP recovery, restart recovery from power menu
*If you want go to CWM recovery, turn off phone, turn on, then press back
- Improve more data speeds on 3G
- Stop the phone from waking up when pressing the volume key
- Removed some useless apps
- Updated Terminal Emulator to 1.0.53 with HD icon (dont update for keep hd icon)
- Optimized init.d scripts
- Changed browser to opera mini (want stock browser? on dev files page )
- Changed CMFileManager to File Explorer
- Always starting apps before lockscreen for fast apps drawing
- Better Ram managements (will keep your free ram automatically and good for multitasking, also enabled ram tweaks at hard gaming)
- More lightweights (108Mb size of ROM)
Attention :
kiss your mom and happy ramadan . Dont forget, forgive to each others
Buta version (Performance Strike!!) :
- FIX Increase the volume steps in-call
- Smooth and clearly display and graphics (pure)
- Smoothness MOD, include memory tweaks :
*Foreground app
*Visible app
*Perceptible app
*Heavy weight app
*Secondary server
*Backup app
*Home app
*Hidden app
*Content provider
*Empty app
- Improved performance
- System Tweaks
- Add more init.d tweaks (28 of total)
- Changed laucher to Xperia launcher (more smooth and feel the original)
- Fix Boost widget to free up more RAM
- Changed clock at 1.4 Ghz as default (still smooth and nice battery life)
- Changed governor to ondemand as default (u can change it with cpu control or app setcpu)
- improvement on read database process
- Fast and smooth scrolling improvements
- Ram booster
- Entropy for more fast improvements
- Minfree tweak
- Libncurses tweak
- More Lighweights :
*only 132Mb of ROM size (4.2.2 jB)
*172Mb free space on /system (without installing addons such as gapps,etc..)
*363Mb free space on internal storage
Propha version (new looks) :
- What is on Propha 1.1 (03/07/2013) :
* fix unable to load on view changelog
* fix stop phone problem
- Disable USB Debugging icon from Status Bar. (Just the Icon, debugging remains enabled.)
- Disable Boot Animation (fast boot but BLANK SCREEN)
- Themed pack MattePlus (as default)
- Fix toogle torch (tested on my mango)
- Remove many useless apps from system/app
- Less more space on /system (156Mb of ROM size)
- Improve data speeds
- Modified HD icons
- Changed launcher to ADW Launcher (to set default icon)
- When u receive a massages, the sms notification on status bar will flickering . nice
29/06/2013Eta version :
- Changed root explorer to CMFileManager
- Changed default wallpaper
- Modified lockscreen handle normal with more glow effect
- Updated Accelerometer
- Increased Media on Http
- Increased More Streaming Performance
25/06/2013- Meta version (first Build Release)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
- Rooted
- Unlocked Bootloader (sorry for stock)
- ClockWorkMod Recovery v6 or higher (include in kernel)
- ICS firmware 4.1.B.0.587
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS :
on Ray, installation step such as on Legacy Xperia
1. Download Kernel and ROM ( BOTH link's on Second Post )
2. Flash the kernel
3. Go to CWM recovery
4. do a Full Wipe
5. Choose zip from sdcard (please wait until installations is completed)
6. Then, dont forget to Wipe cache and dalvik cache
7. Restart system via recovery
8. Until u reach desktop, REBOOT AGAIN so wifi will work at all
Flash Light GappS by Me (on second post) -> only play store and google service. The original gapps is 90Mb
enjoY !
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
optional but its will less ur /system space :
( downloads on second post)
- Install gapps (full?)
- Sony Xperia UXP theme
- Apps addons (up to you)
- more coming . . .
Credits to :
- @mikeioannina for Unofficial CM10.1
- wedgess
- Androguide.fr
- Harshraj
- Hunfatal
- RonaldValles and Kamarush
- Gandhar
- -Harsh-
- dathe
- elelinux
- paxy97
- lavero.burgos
- slaid480
- andeveloper
- exit_only
- Spex
will add more if less
sorry if I can not mention one by one about what they are doing (im forget it since first )
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
N O T E :
- Removed panorama options on legacy camera (thanks to gandhar) because panorama still not work (use panorama app non official / play store or u can get it on my ADDONS)
- Radio (follow the step below) :
*if u want to open radio,
turn on bluetooth->plug headphone->radio
*if u want to exit radio
exit radio->unplug headphone->turn off bluetooth
*if u unplug headphone while on radio or turn off bluetooth before unplug headphone so,
radio will not work and will work again on next reboot.
I still keep this below step for anyones that not only in this rom if got some problems like this hope it usefull
- For some devices who got problem with accelerometer (not inverted camera only), see on attached files below (pls tell me if still inverted )
- If u got only camera inverted, go HERE
- If u got phone is stopped, pls insert your simcard
- If u want to ACTIVE DEVELOPER SETTING, you have to tap the "build number" 7 times continuously under the "About Phone" settings to activate development settings. (thanks for achinthyah)
- If Dual Speaker wont work on your coconut go HERE
- If u have root problem with lupusv8 go HERE
- For chinese user, here the chinese input text HERE
- Keyboard Xperia tm (For Fix some keyboard issue and Zu keyboard theme. Install it FIRST)
- FIX Display characters Chinese or any asian languages HERE (Many fonts installed)
- Live wallpapers doesnt work? install other launcher such as Holo Launcher HD and try with zeam launcher again
- Want default alarm and stopwatch?? flash THIS (but u will get double clock widget)
- Want to disable waking phone with volume keys? go HERE
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
XDA:DevDB Information
eRRo Ray, a ROM for the Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini, Mini Pro, Active
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Based On: CyanogenMod
___________DOWNLOAD LINK :
eRRo Ultra KitKAT 4.4.2 :
Kernel eRRo Ultra :
Gapps Minimal 4.4.2 :
other link's :
Version Jb 4.3 l ROM l Kernel I Light Gapps 4.3
Version Jb 4.2 l ROM l Kernel I Light Gapps 4.2
Optional full gapps :
jb gapps (full)
Signature :
How to install addons???
1. Download ur choosed addons files
2. Open Root Explorer
3. Move files to /system
4. Hold files (too see options)
5. [/COLOR]Set permission to rw-r--r--
6. Change owner :
- Owner -> 0-root
- Group -> 0-root
7. Reboot
donE !
Materials of addons :
List of apps on my mediafire folder. Pls click on link below :
please dont mirror! to prevent file .thx
Ainster said:
I don't know why but this rom are freaking fast and good :victory: Im using 2.3 android and i hate old and lame interface and low support so first impression are on boot time just wow more info after more tests just don't stop this amazing job :good:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
firdyRAY said:
I have to say that I am not a great fan of JB but the support service from this developer is exceptional. Good job!
I am using this Rom until this developer gives up (which I think he won't, hahaa)
I have been flashing roms and this is the first developer who gives tips and advises.
KUDOS DUDE, you deserve this. I will use your Rom and support you all the way.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
matgras said:
really nice rom, dead trigger without lag and without OC,
i have just installed it and it works flawless.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank's for support me all
if you like my project, I am not averse to a free cup of coffee
Thanks to @yonzz for screenshots
Wow bro u are from Indonesia, Proud to be INdonesian
Thanks to bringing this ROM to Urushi
Does this ROM compatible with the current Mikeioannina's 3.4 kernel?
I will try it now
And what are the difference between the gapss and gapps lite (i know it's lite version of gapps, but what are the difference?)
Downloading it
yonzz said:
Wow bro u are from Indonesia, Proud to be INdonesian
Thanks to bringing this ROM to Urushi
Does this ROM compatible with the current Mikeioannina's 3.4 kernel?
I will try it now
And what are the difference between the gapss and gapps lite (i know it's lite version of gapps, but what are the difference?)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hope your feedback and pls take some screenshot hehe
Yes you can, but it will more compatible if using this rom with kernel on above
The different on light gapps is only playstore and google service. It has more slim size. :good:
hurriX8 said:
Hope your feedback and pls take some screenshot hehe
Yes you can, but it will more compatible if using this rom with kernel on above
The different on light gapps is only playstore and google service. It has more slim size. :good:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Here are the SS.
Is it enough?
yonzz said:
Here are the SS.
Is it enough?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
you're amazing..
thanks for your usefully help..
hurriX8 said:
you're amazing..
thanks for your usefully help..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You're welcome bro. By the way, why do you make the default kernel min freq is 400 mhz, and the max is 1400mhz? I think it can make the battery drop quickly.
Sent from my Xperia Ray using xda app-developers app
yonzz said:
You're welcome bro. By the way, why do you make the default kernel min freq is 400 mhz, and the max is 1400mhz? I think it can make the battery drop quickly.
Sent from my Xperia Ray using xda app-developers app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No, with ondemand governor tweaked, it a lot more stale and more battery efficiently.
Btw u can change it on development setting by tap7x on buld number
SmartassV2 better if u want to save more battery
could u please upload a kernel and Gapps lite to other source? ican't download it from mediafire idk why :crying:
poomrapee said:
could u please upload a kernel and Gapps lite to other source? ican't download it from mediafire idk why :crying:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Here the other link :
but pls dont mirror it to prevent files
whooaaaaa it's a first 4.2.2 rom that i try video recording on instagram and it's work!!!!!!!!!!! Whole system is fast. i have a problems with adding widgets. i think it's Zeam launcher problems.
poomrapee said:
whooaaaaa it's a first 4.2.2 rom that i try video recording on instagram and it's work!!!!!!!!!!! Whole system is fast. i have a problems with adding widgets. i think it's Zeam launcher problems.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Are you sure?
That's so nice!
Please give good technical support
Hi dev, I am here to try JB again after I gave up on JB months ago.
I hope this is a good experience.
Since I'm a heavy gamer, can you tell me how should I set up my Xperia ray with this rom? What are the CPU settings and all. Thanks!
firdyRAY said:
Hi dev, I am here to try JB again after I gave up on JB months ago.
I hope this is a good experience.
Since I'm a heavy gamer, can you tell me how should I set up my Xperia ray with this rom? What are the CPU settings and all. Thanks!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm not sure about this because each people has different experiences.
For me
If u want for games, 1.6Ghz interactive sio and use swap, Kernel Same Page Merging ticked, disable surface dithering
want for daily battery efficent, 1.2Ghz smartassv2 cfq and use 2G only network mode
its my experience.
Try with other set and experiment which is match on your phone
hurriX8 said:
I'm not sure about this because each people has different experiences.
For me
If u want for games, 1.6Ghz interactive sio and use swap, Kernel Same Page Merging ticked, disable surface dithering
want for daily battery efficent, 1.2Ghz smartassv2 cfq and use 2G only network mode
its my experience.
Try with other set and experiment which is match on your phone
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Mas, kamu terlalu pantas untuk saya memahami. Hahaa.
Maybe can you PM me on step by step on how to partition sd, use swap, surface dithering and kernel same page merging.
You don't have to rush bro. I will appreciate much if you can help me.
The ROM is smooth and I haven't experienced any reboots, but I have some questions:
Is logcat disabled in this ROM?
Is it safe to have the maximum CPU frequency 1.4 GHz?
Is it OK that the average load is around 10? If I remember correctly the average load in 4.1 ROMs is about 7.
Thanks for the great work!
firdyRAY said:
Mas, kamu terlalu pantas untuk saya memahami. Hahaa.
Maybe can you PM me on step by step on how to partition sd, use swap, surface dithering and kernel same page merging.
You don't have to rush bro. I will appreciate much if you can help me.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i'll pm you.
(tunggu kang)
sigma95 said:
The ROM is smooth and I haven't experienced any reboots, but I have some questions:
Is logcat disabled in this ROM?
Is it safe to have the maximum CPU frequency 1.4 GHz?
Is it OK that the average load is around 10? If I remember correctly the average load in 4.1 ROMs is about 7.
Thanks for the great work!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
logcat is disabled on this rom. u can use search on xda how to enable it
I think it still safe but for daily i recommend use 1.2 Ghz
[5.1.1]||G/F||Tw☆Nameless☆Rom||Kernel★V7★Multi Dpi☆Light★Fast★BatteryFriendly
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Nameless Official Support Arena
Join Nameless Bugs And Fixes
I, my team nor xda will be held responsible for anything that may happen to your phone
as a result of this custom firmware/rom. You are choosing to install this yourself and thus take full responsibility for any/all risks involved.
General Features
★ Multi Dpi
★ NamelessKernel
★ Rooted
★ Zipaligned
★ Deodexed
★ Busybox
★ SuperSU
★ Android Lollipop Memory Leak Fix
★ 300 Fonts
★ Init.d Support
★ KNOX Free
★ Data/App Support
★ Multi-User Support
★ Clock Mod
★ 3Minit Battery Mod
★ Torchlight Option Mod
★ Working Private Mode
★ No Increasing Ringtone
★ Auto Call Recording Mod
★ Auto Start Management Mod
★ Maximum Status-Bar Brightness
★ External SD Card Read/Write Fix
★ Disabled Signature App Verification
★ Disabled Package Verifier As Default
★ 5 Way Reboot
★ TouchWiz Smooth Scrolling
★ Build.prop And CSC Feature Tweaks
★ All Apps In Multi-Window
★ Disabled SMS Log History In Call Logs
★ Install Older Versions Of Apps On Top Of Newer Versions
★ Improved Performance And Enhanced 3D Gaming Experience
★ Removed Knox And Security Software Version Info In About Device Screen
★ Increased Samsung Camera JPEG Image Quality Up For Normal Mode And Burst Shot To 100%
★ Enabled App Ops Permission Manager
★ All Apps Multi-Window Multi-Instance, Unlimited Multi-Window Pen-Window Pop-Up On Display Apps With Multi-Instance Mod
★ Unlimited Favourites Contacts, SMS/MMS Max Slide Count, Recipient Limit, Messages Per Thread, Max Subject Length, And Maximum Email Address Length
★ Enabled Floating Air Message, Combine And Forward Message, Chat Settings, CallBack Number, MMS Mobile Data Off, Sender Information When Forwarding Message, Message Priority/Validity, MMS Send Delivery Reports, MMS Delivery Time, Add Subject Field, Manage SD Card Messages, And Copy To SIM/Save To Draft/Reply All/Priority Level In Composing List Mods In Stock Messaging App.
★ SMS to MMS threshold increase to 999
★ Enabled Call and Message block in Settings
★ Disabled Scrolling Cache
★ Save And Restore Text Messages Using The Messaging App
★ Enabled Group Conversations In Stock Messaging App
★ Shutter sound on/off in camera settings
★ Performance And Battery Enhancements
and much more.....
Nameless Customs
Github Sources
★ Phone Mods
★ Quick Setting Panel Mods
★ Nameless Optimizer
★ Statusbar Mods Options
★ SystemUi Mods
★ Dpi Changer
★ Ad Away
★ Tw Launcher Settings
★ Backup & Restore
Change Log
Read Here ---> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=66033036&postcount=3437
Read Here ---> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=64851432&postcount=2750
Old Versions :
Read Here ----> Change Log V5
Based on latest OJ5 G based official rom
Build with new tools
All options from previous version
Fixed Private Mode # hopefully
Fixed NameLess Control toggle back ground SystemUI Fc
Fixed Adb for App Developers
Fixed Snote Issue , now Should be fine
Fixed Google TTS ## flashable zip in bloatware folder # google tts
Read More ---> Here
Based on F varient N910FOXA1COJ3
Added Dolby sounds * Your Gonna Love the sound Quality credits @Senthil360*
More Optimised
Fixed Tw Launcher MDPI font issue * dont use on 640 dpi *
Added Apps Auto Start Manager In settings
Feel The New Speed in Nameless Rom
Read More Here
In Case You Touched The Not Touchable Thing here's the steps See this post
Older Posts
910G Rom is based on N910GDTU1COH4_N910GXSA1COH4 open Australia Base
910F Rom is based on N910FXXU1COI3_N910FOXA1COI3 open Germany Base
All Mods From V1 will be working on V2 as well
That black ugly screen before the lock screen is fixed *what an head ache*
SuperSu Updated to 2.52
Gps works alot better now
Added Support For themes in tw launcher * for all 3 launcher *
Disabled Apps Verification
Few more knox **** removed
Added back UPSM Mode
Removed Few Useless Libs as bloat
V1 :
Initial Release
★Rom V7
☆Android File Host ---> Download
☆GDrive ---> Download
☆Mega ---> Download
V7 Fix Download
★ Flashable Zip Here
☆ Android File Host ---- > Download
☆ Mega ---- > Downloads
☆ Android File Host
☆ Mega
★Bootloaders , Modems , Bloatware , Apps , Flashable Mods , Working Xposed Can be found here
☆ Dropbox
☆ Google Drive
★ Special Thanks To
My family
My Team
Xda Community
Samsung For Source File
Paget96 For L Speed and being one amazing helpful person , mate thanks alot Thank The Dev Here
sawdoctor for spending his time solving my problems , your a great person bro
SuperR. for his amazing linux based kitchen
thereassaad for countless help on uncountable things
Psycho_666 for all the help regarding mods , amazing dev he is
murat25750 thanks bro for always helping me out whenever i need
tdunham for his amazing guides
remuntada78 for his lock screen clock mods and amazing work
Morningstar for internet meter
MattBooth for Ota updates
iHelp101 for insta downloader but specially being a very amazing helpful dev
daxgirl and all the member who have some how helped me in any way
kmokhtar79 n Didact for various guides
svadev For Lollipop Deodexer
Dr.Ketan For all the help here on xda , i have learnt alot from you mate
gharrington For 3 Minit Battery Mod
please pm me if i have forgotten someone
XDA: DevDB Information
Nameless Rom For Samsung Galaxy Note 4
Er. Aditya, Crimsonthunder, psyntific, Senthil360, AlexMullerSA, vbaschen
ROM OS Version: 5.1.1 Lollipop
ROM Kernel: Nameless Kernel V7
Optimizer Version: V6
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: Release 6
Stable Release Date: 2016-01-18
Setting up Nameless
Part I - How to Flash
**Place the ROM zip in your Sdcard **
1. Backup essential apps with Titanium Backup (* Do NOT backup system apps or data , the things listed in red
2. Make a nandroid backup via recovery (optional)
3.Reboot to recovery , under wipe mark , System , Data , Cache and Dalvik-cache and wipe
4. Now to update Bootloader/Modem choose the recommended one from thread and reboot your phone to download mode
5. Place the Bootloader.tar.md5 file in AP tab of Odin and unselect Auto-reboot option from left side and click on start , wait for it to complete
Once that's completed, remove the cable from phone and remove and reinsert battery , and then power on with volume up + power button to boot into recovery
6. Now from recovery flash the ROM zip ,and just wipe dalvik and cache once more
7.Now you can reboot ; You need not flash kernel or anything else because everything is bundled inside ROM
... Now the next part.....
Part II - Setting up for first time
1. Once the ROM boots up , finish the initial setup.
2. Now restore the apps from Titanium backup keeping these things in mind
* When TB asks android ID has changed ,choose keep new id
* Do not restore System Apps no matter what.
* Only restore apps that is really essential to you
*It is adviced not to restore root apps
3.The first few cycles may be bit rough due to the apps upgrade and syncing taking place , so be patient
4.After all the apps are setup , now open ROM Optimizer app and choose under Nameless Optimizer and select Go Super sayyan 6 , wait for reboot to be completed , now you will have profiles in kernel adiutor
... Next Important things to keep in mind...
Part III - Warnings and Do and Don't
** XPOSED Some modules really make your phone laggy and can affect device performance and battery , use at your own Risk
** What's Super sayyan ? - It's just a button to activate the kernel profiles and zipalign your device ,
Note : Since V5 all optimizer tweaks are activated in system by default and the button only activates the profiles
** Don't update Kernel Adiutor - The playstore version doesn't have the options required for note 4 kernels
** If you feel RAM usage is high and phone reboots , increase your LMK values
Enjoy Nameless Experience
Thanks To Our Kernel Dev Crimsonthunder
1.Based on latest linux version 3.10.93
2.Blu_plug hotplug added
3.More governors
4.Undervolting supported
5.Simple thermal driver added
6.Added Frandom support
7.Added lz4 decompression algorithm
8.More I/O Schedulers
9.Added sweep to wake/sleep
Double tap 2 wake/sleep
10.Added Kcal color control
11.Option to disable cyclic redundancy check
12.Added new powersuspend modes
13.Added Adreno Idler for qualcomm GPU's
14.Added KSM (Kernel Samepage Merging)
15.More under-the-hood optimizations and build optimizations..
Nameless Kernel V7��
- rebuild whole kernel from ground up
- Removed Blu plug
- Added msm hotplug
- Added intelli hotplug
- Added bricked hotplug
- cpu overclocking + underclocking
- GPU overclocking + underclocking
- under the hood updates
- Linux 3.10.94
- Added cgroups
Recommended settings : Choose from kernel adiutor profiles
Nameless Kernel V6 !!
Removed some more kernel logging
Small new build optimizations
Added power efficient workqueues
Some updates to colour control
Under the hood updates
Download v6
Nameless Kernel V5.5 !! ��
Toolchain updates
Linux 3.10.93 update
Fauxsound disabled because of some settings not sticking
Fixed android logger not working
Added toggle for Android logger
Added display color control
Added wake gestures
Small under the hood updates
Features :
So it's finally time, Nameless Kernel V5.0! This one will be part of Nameless ROM V3.
Changelog v5:
Fixed sdcard issue (A2SD)
Toolchain updates
Linux 3.10.92 update
Small under the hood updates
Added sound control
Disabled some more debugging
Download V5 Nameless Kernel
Old Versions
Changelog :
Added Barry Allen and Blu_Active governor
New hotplug solution Blu_Plug by engstk
Lowered GPU voltage and Frequency
Removed much debugging
CPU boost disabled
Cifs+ntfs support (untested)
Added simple thermal driver by Franciscofranco
Many small under the hood updates and optimizations
Based on COI3 sources
Linux 3.10.90
Build optimizations
Sabermod 5.2 toolchain
LZ4 Compression
Fast Charge
Dynamic Fsync
Power Suspend
Voltage Control
Selinux permissive
Many under the hood optimizations
Not many features with this new kernel version. But we're working on an more stable and perfectly working set of features for the next updates. Stay tuned.
Recommended Settings For v5 :
Everything has changed with V5
Old Versions
Recommended Settings v4.5 :
*_*_*_Kernel Auditor settings_*_*_*
- Cpu gov - Blu_activ (performance)
or Barry_Allen (balanced)
- I/o scheduler - sio
- Thermal 70 or 80°C (user preference)
Recommended Settings For Nameless Kernel V4 included in rom:
* All the best tweaks and settings are built-in within the ROM,
* Kernel and Optimizer will take care of everything..
1.CPU Governor - Interactive **
2.Cpu Hotplug - Intelliplug (turn off mpdecision)
Profile - Balanced
Cpu's boosted- 1 (better battery) or 2 (better performance)**
3.Intellithermal - On
core control - on
4.I/o scheduler -
Internal - fiops at 1024
External - fiops at 1024
Kernel Downloads :
Kernel Downloads
Other tweaks will be included in Auto-Optimizer V2
Big Thanks To These Amazing Dev's :
imoseyon ,
placiano ,
friedrich420 ,
ebiederm ,
gregkh ,
Pafcholini ,
neobuddy89 ,
faux123 ,
amluto ,
jankara ,
Yank555.lu ,
if i forgot someone please pm me
Our Kernel Sources
== The Key to unlock the true potential of your Device ==
Changelog V6 17/01/2016
*Enabled app_launch boost
*Enabled scroll and fling boost
*Added I/O Scheduler optimization across all partitions
*Added cpuctl tweaks
Most other tweaks moved to profiles :-
See here
*Much more Cleaner and meaner codes
*Removed overriding errors such as 2 hotplugs as far as I tested
*Made I/O scheduler tweaks universal ,i.e. across all partitions
*Added newer VM tweaks
*Modded cgroup memory swappiness
Profile Battery
*Reduced Music Playback frequency
*UV disabled (due to complaints of black screen of death)
*Intelliplug - Reduced Max cores online to 1
*I/O Scheduler - ROW set for all partitions
- All ROW values reworked from hp_read_quantum to read_idle_frequency
*VMdirty_writeback_centisecs set to 3000
*Changed kernel/rendom read write values
*Modded Vfs cache pressure
*VM Tweaks added
*LMK set to default
**And all other countless tweaks of V1 included
Profile Balanced
*Lionheart governor tweaked for Emotion and NL with Intelliplug
*Tripndroid used for AEL with Alucard
*CPU boost disabled
*UV removed (change if unstable)
*I/O scheduler set to ROW (fully modded)
*LMK set to Multitasking
**And all other countless tweaks of V1 included
Profile Performance
*Changed governor to blu_active
*Changed hispeed_freq
*Disabled CPU Boost
*Hotplug delay reduced by 2000ms in MSM MP_DECISION hotplug
*I/O Scheduler - Set to FIOPS for all partitions
*FIOPS read-scale increased to 5
*LMK set to balanced
*Changed Above_hi_speed_delay value as suggested by friend @Pho3n!X
Profile Gaming
*Enabled CPU boost
*Hotplug set to MSM_MPDECISION (modded)
*Enabled core control
*GPU Max frequency set at 700Mhz
*I/O Scheduler - Set to FIOPS for all partitions
*FIOPS read-scale increased to 5
*LMK set to Balanced
*Kernel read-ahead and write increased
Changelog V5 09/12/2015
*(New) Changed few stock values for whole system speed-up
*(New) Updated IO tweaks , IO scheduler tweaks and sdcard speed-up tweaks
*(New) Updated Kernel Adiutor profiles
- Added profiles for AEL kernel by friedrich420
- The RECOMMENDED profiles are made to achieve maximum SOT with best possible performance
Changelog V4 22/11/2015
*(New) Added assertive display tweaks (reduces screen drain)
*(New) Added auto-trim to Auto-Optimizer
*Kernel profiles updated for Nameless and Emotion kernel
Changelog V3 09/11/2015
Added Automatic RAM and CACHE cleaner that runs silently in background at specified time intervals
**This is the perfect script to nullify Samsung's poor RAM management and multitasking **
** Added Kernel Adiutor Profiles (New)
*Hotplug Tweaks ** updated
*I/o and entropy tweaks ** updated
*Less Aggressive RAM management updated
Changelog V2 09/12/2015
Optimizer Tweaks:- (Specialized for TW Note 4)
i) VM tweaks
ii)Added UTMS tweaks (reduces signal drain)
iii)Hotplug Tweaks **
iv)I/o and entropy tweaks **
v)Much more small tweaks
Changelog V1
NOTE : Grant root permissions when Kernel adiutor automatically opens, after you have clicked the enable optimizer via Nameless Customs app , after that it will force close and optimizer will reboot your phone and wipe dalvik and cache automatically
My sincere thanks to,
My team-mates @Er. Aditya , @Crimsonthunder , @psyntific, @AlexMullerSA @Paget96 @F4uzanOT
and all our beloved users.
Things to remember before claiming that the rom has this and that
we want you to post these details else your complaint wont be entertained
i had a randon reboot / i had a fc / i had a nuclear attack will go unnoticed
grab a log right after the mishapening and send here , if you need any help
Q : My Nova Launcher / xxx Launcher / fap fap app cannot turn on accessiblity service ?
A : Flash Svoice From Bloatware zips and your good to go
Q : I Dont See Profiles In Kernel Auditor ?
A : When Booted Just Into Nameless Customizer > Optimizer and run Super Saiyan 6 ...it will reboot and done
Q : Cant Seem To Instal V4A Devs what to do ?
A : As i Said Dont Update The Super Su , no worries if you have 2.65 either flash the provided 2.52 zip or into Super Su settings > Scroll Down to > Mount namespace sepration and tick it off and reboot
Q : I Have Alot Of Space in phone still titanium refuses to backup ?
A : Like i Said in Above Answer About the Super Su , Follow The Same Steps
Q : Xposed Downloads are in jar format ?
A: Try pc or anyother browser..Uc Browser is tested to work fine
Q : Want Stock Toggle Colors ?
A: Here Check This Post -->Here
Q : Private Mode Dsnt Works
A: Make Sure you dont have folder mount and any other busybox app working
Q : I Cannot Find The Profiles In Kernel Auditor ?
A: Did you run the optimizer ?
Q: Which Device your have F/G/T/W ?
A: 910G/F/T/W
Q: I flashed rom and i had a bootloop?
A: Have you read flashing instructions for F and G?
Are you On Latest Bootloader as said by OP ? send us a screenshot of your bootloader use phone info app from play store
Q: What Exactly did you do before the described issue occured ?
A: Depends On What You Did
Q: If its about kernel which kernel your on and did you tried any other kernel ?
A: Synpase settings totally depend on your personal tastes and can be responsible for over heat , bad battery , random reboots and much more
Q: Do You use xposed ?
A: Yes/No
What mods have you installed , recently
Q: My Device is 910F but it says 910G after installing your rom, is this a bug ?
A: No , Do you really think its a bug ...
Edit Build.prop and search ro.product.model=SM-N910G and change it to ro.product.model=SM-N910F
Q: What have you tried already to fix ?
A: You Tell us
Q: If there's a fix in forum have you tried that ?
A: Did you try that ?
i hope i dont sound rude to anyone but we cannot help anyone without clear details of the issue
Team Nameless
I assume you're uploading now? I want to try the F*** out of this lol
Wow . Wasn't expecting this so soon
Now I won't be able to sleep before you share the download link
Does this have the auto optimizer option?
Sent from my SM-N910G using Tapatalk
boostnek9 said:
I assume you're uploading now? I want to try the F*** out of this lol
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
haha soon my brother
ForceField said:
Wow . Wasn't expecting this so soon
Now I won't be able to sleep before you share the download link
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just uploading , internet where i live is a *****
srini09 said:
Does this have the auto optimizer option?
Sent from my SM-N910G using Tapatalk
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not in this version , we are working on it at the moment , 5.1.1 works too differently then 5.0.1
but when it comes you will love it more
Er. Aditya said:
not in this version , we are working on it at the moment , 5.1.1 works too differently then 5.0.1
but when it comes you will love it more
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Click to collapse
Tough question for you then.
5.0.1 with Auto Optimizer or 5.1.1 without Auto Optimizer? Which is your recommendation?
Sent from my SM-N910G using Tapatalk
Great Job Aditya... looking forward to the download link...
srini09 said:
Tough question for you then.
5.0.1 with Auto Optimizer or 5.1.1 without Auto Optimizer? Which is your recommendation?
Sent from my SM-N910G using Tapatalk
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try it yourself may be then it will be a tough decision for you as well
kanu1and said:
Great Job Aditya... looking forward to the download link...
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soon bro uploading them
If only it was possible to have a dark theme for Samsung roms......N5 themes built in are good enough, but I always find those roms to have more bugs than the usual.
kenkiller said:
If only it was possible to have a dark theme for Samsung roms......N5 themes built in are good enough, but I always find those roms to have more bugs than the usual.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
and darker themes will soon follow
srini09 said:
Tough question for you then.
5.0.1 with Auto Optimizer or 5.1.1 without Auto Optimizer? Which is your recommendation?
Sent from my SM-N910G using Tapatalk
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Click to collapse
Why dont u guys try 5.1.1 and tell us whether u need optimizer or not ? ?
Senthil360 said:
Why dont u try 5.1.1 and tell us whether u need optimizer or not ? ?
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Click to collapse
Will do ??
Sent from my SM-N910G using Tapatalk