xloud, mobile bravia, fps upcap, dlna, known bugs? - XPERIA X10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

are there any known bugs with these add-ons that correlate or would describe the problems im having? i installed these nearly all at once so i can't tell which caused what. (bad practice i know) i no longer have my stock power control widget available. it disappeared from my widget options and i have sufficient space on the screen to add it. also, swype is no longer working says "Open of EnglishUK failed!" i've tried re-enabling it, selecting/unselecting input methods, uninstalling and re-installing to no avail. when i go to settings>language & keyboard settings>swype settings the "Language" option at the top is grayed out and wont let me select any options. simple reboot doesnt work either. these two problems occurred after i updated xrecovery to the GBready version, installed xLoud, Mobile Bravia Engine and FPS Uncap. i know my two problems could be seen as separate issues but they literally happened right after adding what i mentioned. im using the newest beta version of swype so its up to date, and i can't imagine how i could have lost my stock power controls. i dont like widgetsoid...it wont enable my gps and it doesnt move to the top of one of my desktops for some reason, even though i have space. help!
to recap, this is what i have installed. Gingerbread 2.3.3 stock rom, rooted, xrecovery 0.3GBReady, xLoud, Mobile Bravia, DLNA Media server and fps uncap.

ok, i dont know what happened to swype but i managed to fix it. this is what i did:
Go to Settings -> Language & Keyboard and UNCHECK Swype.
Go to Settings -> Applications -> Swype Press CLEAR DATA. Then press UNINSTALL.
Go to Settings -> Applications -> SwypeInstaller Press CLEAR DATA. Then press UNINSTALL.
Force Stop every process I can without making the system unusable in Settings -> Applications -> Running (tab)
Install the Swype again.
still dont know where my power control is!

The power grid disappearence is because of XLoud. The only way to get it back is to reflash your phone.
Good luck.


[Q] -SOLVED- Work around twlauncher crash loop w/o wipe?

--twlauncher crash problem solved, see below. Feel free to answer general question though
Hi all!
Ran into a problem with my Galaxy S that I'd be really greatful if you could help me with.
Is there some way of accessing the phone from my PC via USB and changing settings?
I have been running my system without problem for a while. Haven't made a backup though, stupid #%ยค as I am. When I was using the (stock) Internet browser I tried to add a (mobile) web page to the Start panel (or whatever it is called). Since then I get the error message "The application Start (process com.sec.android.app.twlauncher) has stopped unexpectedly." Gives option to "Force Close". Whenever I do, the error comes back after a few seconds if I am at the default screen and don't quickly go into the phone or sms app. Basically, I can't do anything that my Ericsson T10 couldn't do in 1999...
I think all of my "start screens" were already filled with apps, that there wasn't room for another, and this might be the problem that causes the twlauncher crash loop.
THE QUESTION (again, in context):
So, is there some way of accessing the phone from my PC via USB and changing settings? During my searching I've come to believe that two possible solutions might be to clear twlauncher's settings or to set another launcher as default, but in the current state I can't get to the settings neither from the started phone or from the Darky recovery console.
I know I could just wipe and reinstall everything but that feels like nuking a mosquito...and it's so tedious... If there is some smoother way to get at the problem that would be nice. Also I'm curious if it can be done, and I'm probably not alone.
Samsung Galaxy S (GT I9000)
Android 2.2.1
Darkys' ROM v9.4 Extreme edition
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated, thanks a lot!
Ok folks, I am happy again!
It seems things fix themselves for me if I only write a thorough post on some forum...
I went to android market with my PC, logged in with my google account (where I had apparently added my phone before) and downloaded another launcher (ADW) to replace my crashed twlauncher. After that I fiddled some more with the phone - obviously turned off network mode from the power menu (the menu that you get when holding the power button 3 sec). And then I wrote the above post.
Just now I was going to make a phone call (which was about the only thing working, remember?) but the screen had gone all black except from the status bar at the top, which didn't respond when I tried to pull its menu down. Brought up the power menu. At first it didn't respond to my touch but after a while it agreed to turn on network mode for me. Then ADW downloaded and installed itself. I still couldn't pull down the status bar menu to click on the "Download complete" icon and launch ADW that way, but I pressed the Home button and got a menu asking "Complete this task with:" and some choices. I ticked the box "always use this program" and selected ADW. Now, ADW started and I am back on track! No wipe or reinstall needed!
SO, short version solution to twlauncher crash loop: log into your Android market account from a PC, search for "launcher" and install one of your choice, then wait for the phone to download and install it. Then press Home, tick "Always use this program to complete this task" and select your new launcher!
Yeah, that solved my problem with Tw.launcher but if anyone has an answer to the question in the thread - is there a way to log into the phone from a PC to change settings - feel free to share your knowledge!
Addition - resetting twlauncher to be able to use Kies
Ok, after installing another launcher as described above, proceed with the following to prevent twlauncher from crashing in the future. You will need to this do if you want to connect with your computer using Kies, since Kies apparently cannot connect to other launchers (such as GO launcher or ADW).
1. Open Settings | Applications | Manage Applications.
2. Go to the tab "All" and scroll down and tap on twlauncher (or maybe it is called something else, on mine it is "Start" - check the twlauncher crash message to get it, or follow the instructions below under "Another way..." to find it in the Home button menu. You still need to complete the whole procedure to get it running though).
3. Tap the "Clear data" button. This clears your settings, i.e. the app shortcuts that you put on your start screens.
In my case I believe the twlauncher crash was due to adding one more shortcut to an already full app drawer, so when I cleared the settings I can use twlauncher again.
Now you can use the Home Swithcher app to launch twlauncher if you want to use Kies, and when you are done you can use Home Switcher again to switch back if you prefer the other launcher you installed.
Another way to get back to twlauncher if you don't have Home Switcher, is to go to Settings | Applications | Manage Applications, find your current launcher (e.g. GO launcher or ADW) and tap the "Clear default" button. Then (when you have exited back to the start screen) if you press the Home button, you will be asked which launcher you would like to use to complete the task. Select twlauncher (or "Start" whatever it's called). After you're done with Kies you can switch back the same way if you don't want to use twlauncher as default.
maratonic said:
Ok, after installing another launcher as described above, proceed with the following to prevent twlauncher from crashing in the future. You will need to this do if you want to connect with your computer using Kies, since Kies apparently cannot connect to other launchers (such as GO launcher or ADW).
1. Open Settings | Applications | Manage Applications.
2. Go to the tab "All" and scroll down and tap on twlauncher (or maybe it is called something else, on mine it is "Start" - check the twlauncher crash message to get it, or follow the instructions below under "Another way..." to find it in the Home button menu. You still need to complete the whole procedure to get it running though).
3. Tap the "Clear data" button. This clears your settings, i.e. the app shortcuts that you put on your start screens.
In my case I believe the twlauncher crash was due to adding one more shortcut to an already full app drawer, so when I cleared the settings I can use twlauncher again.
Now you can use the Home Swithcher app to launch twlauncher if you want to use Kies, and when you are done you can use Home Switcher again to switch back if you prefer the other launcher you installed.
Another way to get back to twlauncher if you don't have Home Switcher, is to go to Settings | Applications | Manage Applications, find your current launcher (e.g. GO launcher or ADW) and tap the "Clear default" button. Then (when you have exited back to the start screen) if you press the Home button, you will be asked which launcher you would like to use to complete the task. Select twlauncher (or "Start" whatever it's called). After you're done with Kies you can switch back the same way if you don't want to use twlauncher as default.
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Such a great thread and no one else has added anything else to it I'm dealing with this crap atm and it is even worst. Holding power doesn't pop up the power menu. Cant access settings. I can bring the notification bar down and turn on wifi but it doesnt actuallly connect to my wifi so I can't do the remote app installation from the web store. I really don't want to do a factory reset.
as was asked here, is there a way to clear the data of the TWLAUNCHER app by using my pc and usb connection to the phone? I'm able to turn on usb storage and access it. Halp!

Remove vlingo double tap on ICS without root

Taken from another forum.
FINALLY! Remove Vlingo / Voice Command without root (ICS Only)
That's right. And it's so stupidly easy you'll be kicking yourself. I still am.
> Firstly, you'll need to install Go Launcher. Search on the Play Store for it.
> Then, when you've installed it, go into the app drawer and press and hold the 'Voice Command' icon (the blue one).
> It will shake with a red cross next to it, click to uninstall and follow the prompts.
> That's it. Gone. You can uninstall Go Launcher at this point if you want.
There doesn't seem to be a way to install it again, unless a factory reset brings it back (but that's no loss, i've been close to chucking my phone out of the window because of that thing keep popping up)
Also, this does only seems to work with ICS. My wife has a newer GT-I9100G S2 which is still on gingerbread (O2 UK) and this trick doesn't work.
You can also disable any system app (with or without root) on ICS.
Settings --> Apps --> All --> Find System App --> Force Stop and / or Disable.
If you need it later, enable it. Job done.
You can also just switch motion in system menu off.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Thanks it's pure gold, i was seconds form installing coustom firmware to get rid of vlingo, like every 4 click on the home button activated vlingo :S, but now it's all good
Indeed I am kicking myself ha ha ha
Brilliant and thank you . . . .Vlindingodoobedaa has gone for good.

[Q] Viper 2.1.1 - hidden apps randomly reappear / no cursor keys on HTC soft-keyboard

Hi there,
actually almost since the beginning with Viper 2.1.1 I have a few very strange annoyances:
1) when I hide a few apps inside the app-drawer they seem to be hidden first ... but after a while (not even a reboot needed) a couple of those randomly reappear in the app-drawer instead of staying hidden. the reappearing apps not even needed to be started inbetween. some stay hidden, but at least half of them just keep popping back <- i use the "hide app" feature to clean my drawer from those apps that i put on my homescreens separately already.
2) somewhere in the Viper settings there was the option to enable/disable the arrow-keys on the std onscreen keyboard. it just doesn't seem to have any persistant effect for me?! - neither enabled or disabled ... in 90% of all apps (needing keyboard input) the arrow keys are just NOT there even when enabled. only a very few apps like the build-in webbrowser seem to allow the cursor keys to be seen.
thanks for your help :fingers-crossed:
... not even anyone any idea on this?
sry to bump ... but no one any ideas on this? :angel:
I too am wondering about the arrow keys not showing up in anything other than stock apps like Internet, Messaging, etc. I don't remember if they showed up in other apps when I was stock. It would be nice to have since I tend to use them a lot when they are available.
For the un-hiding apps in the app drawer, I don't think I've experienced that. I just hid a few then rebooted, they were all still hidden. I will keep an eye on it to see if they unhide. I am on the latest version, Viper 2.2.0.
Do you ever get random reboots?
thanks for checking ... random reebots? i don't think so ... appart maybe from 2 unexpected ones in 2 months or so
They are all still hidden after a day. You could try flashing 2.2.0.
might depend also on other factors. i have like 100 apps installed xD ... and 60'ish hidden (as they are in folders on the different home-screens) ... so i prefer to have them hidden in the drawer. as for viper2.20 ... it needs a _full wipe_ and that's more hassle then i'm currently intending to spend so i'm gonna wait for the next big update with JB i think (or the Infernal+ maybe, if they get the cam working).

[ROM] Bluetooth Tether ROM for Omate TrueSmart 1.1.1 [2014-04-25]

Changes for 1.1.1:
-Fix issues with being unable to reconnect after a disconnect -- no more needing to reboot after a disconnect
-Fix issue where the check box needed to connect to another device would not show up sometimes
-Fixed a blank toast message that was trying to report a disconnect, now shows a proper error message
-Updated boot logo to one with the teamwin text
1.1.1 is currently only being released as a patch to apply on top of an existing 1.0.0 install.
If you are already running 1.0.0, simply install the update zip. No wiping is needed for the update.
If you don't have my ROM installed right now, you will need to factory reset, install both the 1.0.0 zip followed by the 1.1.1 zip.
There is only one update zip for all models.
We need someone who has a 1GB/8GB/2100MHz model to contact us and supply a boot image from this model of device so that we can offer a properly working boot.img.
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
What this ROM does not have:
-Gestures for back and menu do not work out of he box (there's an Xposed module that you can install to enable them that is free in the Play Store or another app that does not need Xposed documented further down in this post)
-Status bar does not hide itself
-Home + Power does not take a screenshot (Xposed can add screenshot options to the power menu)
-No companion mode that lets you receive calls, texts -- use SWApp Link free in the Play Store for this
-AGPS assistance data doesn't download by default. Use GPS Status and Toolbox to download it instead. GPS is confirmed working.
-Camera is rotated 90 degrees
-If you open the camera app and press the button to use the non-existant front facing camera, the app will FC. You will have to clear app data on the camera app to use the camera again.
-Many APNs are not included. You might have to add yours manually. This is a tethering ROM, not intended to be used with a SIM card.
-Some of the numbers on the stock dialer are not accessible - may be able to fix this with xposed and change the app's dpi.
What this ROM does have that stock Omate does not:
-Fully working native Bluetooth tethering to your phone including push notifications
-Fully working settings app including the ability to delete and change account settings
-Already has EnSec and build prop tweaks
This is built using some MTK 6572 source for a different device. As such some things will be a lot different and that is the reason that items like the gestures for back and menu do not work.
You do not have to start with a stock ROM. This ROM will completely replace your existing system and boot/kernel.
Download the correct zip for your device. If you don't see your model listed, contact us and DO NOT install:
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
Install TWRP if you haven't and make a backup of your existing System, Data, and Boot
Factory reset
Install zip and reboot. First boot will take longer than usual
On first boot you will see the Welcome screen. Tap in the 4 corners of the app itself (not including the status bar) in a clockwise fashion (see here).
On your phone, turn on Bluetooth, enable Bluetooth tethering, and make your phone visible for pairing
On the watch, open settings. If you don't have a SIM card in the watch, go to more and check the box for airplane mode.
Turn on Bluetooth, find and pair with your phone.
Click on the Settings icon to the right of your phone's name (this is on the watch) Tap on Internet access.
You will probably want to install Xposed:
You'll probably want to download All in one gestures from the Play Store.
Open Xposed Installer in app drawer, tap on Frameworks. Tap Install/Update. Grant root rights.
Still in Xposed, hit Ok after the install is done. Press the back button (icon in the upper left will also go back). Click on Modules. Check the box for GravityBox and All in one gestures (and probably any other modules).
Still in Xposed, hit back, Frameworks. Scroll down and reboot. Click Okay.
After reboot, open app drawer and find GravityBox, scroll down to Power tweaks. Check the top box for Advanced reboot menu and the box for Screenshot.
Open the All in one gestures app. Tap on the Swipe tab. Enable it. Scroll down to Left Area and tap on it. Choose Menu. Scroll down and tap on Right Area and choose Back.
Click on the All in one gestures icon in the upper left to slide open the menu. Tap on Transparency & Color. Slide the second slider all the way to the left to get rid of the glowing icons on the left and right.
You now have screen shot capability and have restored the stock gestures.
Press and hold power. Press Reboot. Press Reboot. Press OK.
Other recommended apps:
PNF or Push Notifications Fixer - You can use this app to change the frequency that the watch pings Google. When your phone changes connections (e.g. mobile network to Wi-Fi) the framework notifies all apps including apps like Hangouts that the connection has changed so that those apps can reconnect and get push notifications. Unfortunately your phone will not tell your watch when connections change. This app will help you start getting push notifications sooner after a connection change.
GMD Gesture Control - The free version can add a back button gesture. You'll have to buy the paid version to get the menu gesture back.
If you install Xposed framework, you can install this free module called All in one gestures and tweak it to enable gestures for the back and menu buttons.
Bluetooth tethering had to be slowed down quite a bit to prevent the driver from crashing. We've slowed it down by setting the tcp buffer sizes really low. You can change the values of net.tcp.buffersize.bt to tweak it if you like. The crash seems to be kernel level or maybe even chip / hardware level.
Bluetooth on MTK is somewhat unstable. If it disconnects due to a driver crash, you may have to reboot the device to get Bluetooth working again. With version 1.1.1, you can probably just reconnect without having to reboot.
I am very busy. I probably won't have time to provide much support for this ROM. I don't owe you anything. If you don't like this ROM, I'll refund your full purchase price of free.
Special thanks to @Lokifish Marz @AdamOutler @toastcfh and @kuronosan
Omg! It works great!
Word up!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Dees!!! Ur da man!
eat dat MTK!
Exactly where do I install the zip drive and do I extract it to the same folder as bt-rom?
syounger64 said:
Exactly where do I install the zip drive and do I extract it to the same folder as bt-rom?
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don't extract it.
move it into the watch. boot in recovery mode and install zip.
make sure you have a backup of your system if things go sour.
Can anybody please tell me what is the bettary life if i use it moderately ?
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
juanflight said:
don't extract it.
move it into the watch. boot in recovery mode and install zip.
make sure you have a backup of your system if things go sour.
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Thanks but after installing goomanager. It says denied supers request. How do I fix that? How do u boot in recovery mode if my power button isn't doing anything when I press it? When I want to back up of my system is that done via goomanager or supersu?
Sorry for all these questions as I'm not familiar with this process.
Dees_Troy said:
I don't owe you anything. If you don't like this ROM, I'll refund your full purchase price of free.
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Haha, love it!
You are a great dev Dees. It's people like you that make this place what it is, a haven for tech lovers. Great job!
First thing I did was install myglass app and try and connect it to glass and it still crashes. Oh well hopefully we are going to get something good out of the source release. Thanks Dee's for all you do.
Sigh.... after reading this I got up to install the patch. The watch slipped off my wrist and fell on the floor. The metal clamp came off but I was able to put it back on then found out the power button wasn't working. I don't know if it was the result of the fall but while I was looking at supersu I might have hit on something and the watch rebooted then got stuck until the battery drained out. Is it possible that the power button was disabled?
WOW, so I get mt watches on a Thursday and the best ROM yet comes out on Friday? I couldn't be more excited .. Awesome!
Not that I wont be installing this , just a quick question.. @Dees_Troy what version on the standard android mail client is included in this rom? I havent been able to get my watch logged into exchange. this is a big deal for me as I need to calendar to sync my appointments. Email and contacts from exchange on my watch are not that big a deal for me but the appointments are. Thanks and looking forward to checking out your efforts..
I use gravitybox to enable the navigation bar @60% on stock rom, but can't get it enabled with this rom. is it completely pulled from the framework or is there some other trick to enable the navbar?
Installation aborted
While attempting to install this ROM, I keep receiving the 'Installation aborted' message in recovery. I'm running Loki's setup on my 1/8/1900mhz Omate. Also, when I plug my watch in to my laptop with USB debugging mode on I cannot execute any adb command prompts.
I don't know if the two are related...but I'm sure it is something I screwed up.
Any thoughts?
After install I am having apn issues. On Loki's operative I can get H+ data but only Edge with this. Any suggestions? GoPhone APN settings are correct and have also tried the Att one too.
Everything else seems great so far. Testing BT with Glass next. Will update the post afterwards.
edit#1- I can successfully pair Glass as a headset and also bluetooth tether data. MyGlass does not force close but will not connect when it sees the device.
edit#2- APN settings are borked for HSPA+....
unable to use for internet access
when i check the box to enable internet access, nothing happens.
I am using 1/8/1900 TS
Cheers! This makes some libraries like AllJoyn works!
H3ll0w0rld08 said:
when i check the box to enable internet access, nothing happens.
I am using 1/8/1900 TS
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samething happens on mine!

Stuck in Ultra Power Saving Mode.

I've been using nova launcher for months and finally uninstalled the stock S launcher. Today, I went to put my phone into ultra power saving mode and now I cannot exit it. If I get a notification, I can switch to that app and get into system settings, but I cannot exit ultra power saving mode. Without a notification, I can't even turn the screen off. The home button does nothing (no launcher) and the UPSM toggle is missing from the notification window.
So, my question is- does anyone have the stock APK for the Samsung launcher -OR- know an ADB command or some other way to get out of UPSM?
You didn't say whether you looked at the full quick settings palette or just the selected tiles subset? You should find the power saving tile on the full palette. Also does the phone exit UPSM when you fully charge the phone battery?
If that doesn't work, then just download the firmware for your phone and you can extract the stock launcher with winrar.
fffft said:
You didn't say whether you looked at the full quick settings palette or just the selected tiles subset? You should find the power saving tile on the full palette. Also does the phone exit UPSM when you fully charge the phone battery?
If that doesn't work, then just download the firmware for your phone and you can extract the stock launcher with winrar.
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There are no settings tiles. After I get a notification, I can pull down the notification screen (not before) and hit the gear to get the settings page. In there, there's only wifi, bluetooth, airplane mode, mobile networks, location, sound, and brightness. There's no way to get rid of UPSM.
Fully charging it didn't work. Fully discharging it didn't work. Wiping cache and dalvik didn't work.
Can you provide a link to the file in question? I'm not entirely clear on your terminology. I thought the firmware was just for the radio and such while the rom had the program files?
Kayden96 said:
There are no settings tiles. After I get a notification, I can pull down the notification screen (not before) and hit the gear to get the settings page. In there, there's only wifi, bluetooth, airplane mode, mobile networks, location, sound, and brightness. There's no way to get rid of UPSM.
Fully charging it didn't work. Fully discharging it didn't work. Wiping cache and dalvik didn't work.
Can you provide a link to the file in question? I'm not entirely clear on your terminology. I thought the firmware was just for the radio and such while the rom had the program files?
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Have you rebooted? Usually does it for me.
I tried taking the battery out, restoring my SYSTEM backup from a few months ago, upgrading to a newer version of the stock rom, and nothing works.
Everything I've tried ends up with the phone going back into UPSM with no way to leave it.
Kayden96 said:
I tried taking the battery out, restoring my SYSTEM backup from a few months ago, upgrading to a newer version of the stock rom, and nothing works.
Everything I've tried ends up with the phone going back into UPSM with no way to leave it.
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If you are using TWRP there is a file manager under advanced. Use that to navigate to the /system/app directory and rename "Emergency" apk to have .back appended to the end after the .apk. This will "hide" it from the system and should disable it. Btw the name of the apk has Emergency in it i don't recall the exact name of it though.
Kayden96 said:
Can you provide a link to the file in question?
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No we can't. And the reason that we can't is that you didn't provide any details about your phone. The firmware is different for every model of S5 and carrier. We don't know if you have a 900T, 900F, 900A or some other S5 version. We can't see your phone and can do little unless you provide extensive details.
Simply go to a firmware site like sammobile, click on firmware and enter the model number of your phone. Or do a search of this forum. Then use the Odin program to write that firmware (factory software) to your phone.
I'm having the same issue on a Verizon S5. Under /system in twrp I don't see anything. Tried chmod but didn't help. Any suggestions?
Apps Drawer
Same thing happened to me. Mine was stuck in between normal and Ultra. I was able to go to my apps drawer, clicked on the gear/settings, found Power then disabled Ultra Power Saving mode there.
I had same issue and I SOLVED it.
No disable option in the notification drawer. Gear 'setting' option (in the notification drawer) only display few setting options (no disable ultra saving mode).
I solve the issue by holding down the HOME button to trigger Google NOW app. In the search bar of Google NOW app, I clicked the microphone button and said "OPEN SETTINGS". This will open the full version of setting window. If you scroll down, you will see the 'POWER SAVING MODE', click it and you will see the disable "ULTRA POWER SAVING MODE" option.
It's a unusual way but it worked.
I also faced the same issue while running Action Launcher 3. Google Now wasn't working for me, so the way I solved it is:
- press and hold the menu button (capacitive button on the left) and select "Manage Apps"
- from the three dots on the top right corner select "Reset app preferences"
- reboot
- pressing the home button showed up "TouchWiz Home", which then allowed me to select "Disable Ultra Power Savings mode"
I have they same problem with S5 LTE+ on Android 4.4.4. (I hate this ****ing bad Samsung Software!!!!) The above two posts unfortunatly don't work for me because Google Now is not working and Home Button does nothing.
I will try to launch settings due adb if I find a PC to do this (Unfortunatly I'm on holiday at the moment)
Were you able to figure this out? Facing the same issue on my friends phone. Can't believe Samsung would takeover the phone like this.
kussface said:
Were you able to figure this out? Facing the same issue on my friends phone. Can't believe Samsung would takeover the phone like this.
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Best I remember, it had something to do with disabling the stock launcher and I ended up reflashing.
thug_life_inc brought me to my personal solution. I had the problem with the Google Now Launcher. And there is the possibility to go to the app info by placing an app on the home screen, but not dropping it there, but above it (you know the area where you can access app info / delete the app).
That brought me to the settings page for the google app where i could delete the standard launching options.
I had very low battery (maybe 3 or 2%) and then i activated the ultra power saving mode. After a while, the phone battery died, so I recharged it. The problem now is that I got stucked in UPSM. Everything is black and white, I have no acces at any of my apps and the settings is incomplete, I mean I don`t find the "disable UPSM" function. I also cannot factory reset the phone, same reason, I only have acces to wi-fi, bluetooth, volume, brightness and location.
Thank you!!!!
Strykes_Daniel said:
thug_life_inc brought me to my personal solution. I had the problem with the Google Now Launcher. And there is the possibility to go to the app info by placing an app on the home screen, but not dropping it there, but above it (you know the area where you can access app info / delete the app).
That brought me to the settings page for the google app where i could delete the standard launching options.
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Thank you! It worked for me!
I tried multiple methods include using microphone to trigger Google Now but still nothing in Settings. The idea is trigger the Launcher Picker. here are some notes
Wish I new this sooner, wasted a whole day figuring it out. This fix is way easier
The easy fix - just open the app drawer, drag the google app to app info and drop, clear defaults , when prompted choose you service providers origional default launcher
parislawrence said:
The easy fix - just open the app drawer, drag the google app to app info and drop, clear defaults , when prompted choose you service providers origional default launcher
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That is not possible .. in UPSM there is no app drawer or any apps settings.

