[q] call problem - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys,
My device cant receive calls from certain ppl. like some ppl can call me and i can pick up, but some the phone just doesnt ring but in the Call Log i can see he dialed, with an icon of a small A at the low right corner of a sign like this :
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any idea?

You might have added them under Block List somehow.
Check under, Settings- Call- Call rejection.


CAn this be removed...

When i receive a new sms or have a miss call i get this
on my home screen
And in upper corner start sign
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Can it be removed?
settings menu all settings sounds and notifications notifications change dropdown to message: new message and untick show in screen.
the start sign is your start button, not sure how to remove it, tho im sure you can thru the registry.

[Q] [help] unfamiliar icon appear

There are unfamiliar icon appear on my phone after my brother play with it
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did someone know what it is + how to disable it

Go to your Dialer, then "Menu", then turn off the earpiece boost. I forgot what its called, i dont have that option in ICS.
Yep, it's the Hearing Aid function.
Settings/Call or Phone
I think the "Hearing Aid" option is under Accessibility
Thanks guys.

Email Notification

I have disable the notification on all of my account.....Email-->more-->disable notification. I even put the sound to silence. .....I still get notification on every email received. Annoying. Any1 know the solutions to disable this WITHOUT disabling normal text messages?
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Click on it and click stop.
-Once you go NOTE, you'd say 4 inches a Joke

[Q] Number gets replaced

I have this weird issue on my CM13 Galaxy S3.
Everytome I call or text a certain number it gets replaced with another number.
It doesn't matter whether I select it from my phonebook or type it in myself.
I don't have any idea what this 'new' number is, and I don't have it anywhere in my phonebook or in the contact.
It looks like this in the dialer:
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Any ideas?

Facebook Notification Alert: Standard Data Charges

Dear, Android Users.
Every time I open Facebook Chat trying to send voice clips or viewing Videos the alert notification keep popping up every time: Standard Data Charges. It's very inconvenient and annoying. Can somebody tell me how to get rid of it forever?
Best Regards,
This is so annoying!!!! I want to hear an answer for this as well!!!
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No one care, I guess ??

