Any E3D user buy a touchpad! - HTC EVO 3D

Any other Evo 3d users get a touchpad apparently most of teamwin bought one, and now myn was given one to dev in! and maybe even -viperboy-

I got one. I hadn't heard about all of those devs getting them tho.....that's awesome. I hope we can get some real mods happening on webOS now. I'm hoping viperboy is still going to get a Transformer tho, then he will be deving on all 3 of my devices.
I'm also hoping google is looking into buying webOS. Could you imagine how sick it would be to have cards and widgets on the same homescreens? Also to have the functionality of Android with the sleekness and eye candy of webOS.

Clay333 said:
I got one. I hadn't heard about all of those devs getting them tho.....that's awesome. I hope we can get some real mods happening on webOS now. I'm hoping viperboy is still going to get a Transformer tho, then he will be deving on all 3 of my devices.
I'm also hoping google is looking into buying webOS. Could you imagine how sick it would be to have cards and widgets on the same homescreens? Also to have the functionality of Android with the sleekness and eye candy of webOS.
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That would be awesome but I'm sure if google buys them they wouldn't support webos just integrate it to android and I'm sure the android devs who bought it so they can dev for it once android gets ported to it i doubt they will dev for webos. Anyways you can follow people on twitter if you have one thats were i got all my info!
and viperboy does have a transformer!

Got one here, it's pretty nice considering the lack of apps. Hope they can port honeycomb on this beast.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App

I tried my hardest to get one..what a good buy..and the reviews on it seemed positive...they sold out quick and I couldn't get one ..ppl were buying 4-5 of them...I wish I found out earlier on Saturday

Yeah me too, haven't been able to get one.

I got one, gingerbread is more realistic at this point honeycomb isn't open source yet so it will be way harder to get working if it does happen.
But I am up for it, I would rather see the dalvik ported so I can still run webOS
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

I got a 32. Check Barnes and noble. They had some this morning.
Can't wait to rip webos off it and fill it with Android!

i wanted one.. but couldn't get one all sites oos or jammed by the time im there.

Stood in line at best buy and got one
Sent by Logo the turtle

To the people who got one- when did you get it? Sat, sun? When did you find out about the sale...bc i didn't find out.till Saturday night and it was too late..I'm so disappointed bc even if android never gets ported it will be worth every penny..**** I doubt they.could.produce them for that guys are lucky..I.saw a few POP up on Craigslist for like 150+

got one

Where can I get one? Anybody please!
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App

Apparently sometime this week they are sending the rest out from HP warehouses
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

firmbiz94 said:
To the people who got one- when did you get it? Sat, sun? When did you find out about the sale...bc i didn't find out.till Saturday night and it was too late..I'm so disappointed bc even if android never gets ported it will be worth every penny..**** I doubt they.could.produce them for that guys are lucky..I.saw a few POP up on Craigslist for like 150+
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Keep an eye on Rootzwiki.....people are always updating a certain thread with websites that have them currently on sale....that how I ordered mine lqstnight
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

I did. Had a 32gb already. Bought three more. Waiting for the pre3 to go on psycho sale. If it does I'm swapping to att to use it.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App

Want to sell one?
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App

ordered mine from costcentral anyone else buy one from there?
hoping i get it soon.

Saw the sale on a few sites Saturday night and got to best buy ten minutes before it opened on Sunday. The line was about 25 deep and they passed out tickets/vouchers good for 1 touchpad.
firmbiz94 said:
To the people who got one- when did you get it? Sat, sun? When did you find out about the sale...bc i didn't find out.till Saturday night and it was too late..I'm so disappointed bc even if android never gets ported it will be worth every penny..**** I doubt they.could.produce them for that guys are lucky..I.saw a few POP up on Craigslist for like 150+
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Sent by Logo the turtle

I heard pc Richard was supposed to get more this week
Sent by Logo the turtle


Black Friday

So who took advantage of this? I personally got myself two ASUS tablets, One for me, one for the lady for Christmas. :] And I only got into one fight. But....I'll never go out at midnight again. Nightmare. Anyway. Hope you guys scored some killer deals. The tablet cost me $250
I usually wait til after Christmas... Better deals
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
My gf and I bought a Kinect and gonna hit up BB for some games today...
Nice KT. We bought one too. Legit deal for it too!
Sent from my Photon via XDA
I got a 250GB Xbox for $200. They ram out of the holiday bundles and these ones were supposed to ring up at $299. I guess I got lucky. I'm thinking about getting a Kinect. Not really sure if I want one though.
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk
With the Xoom 2 coming out around holidays the Xoom 1 should see a huge price drop. I'm going to try to score one they should be between 199.99-250.00. What made me laugh the most about black Friday is apple supposedly thinks they're actually participating by knocking off only 100 bucks off computers. I bought my MacBook pro in June for like 1400 bucks; yeah a 100 bucks off is really a deal :rolls eyes:
Apple is a joke
Sent from my Photon via XDA
I worked black friday on zero sleep
My gf had to work today too, poor thing has to do it all again tomorrow..
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
Got my Photon at midnight for $0.96 from Sam's Club with an upgrade. Baddest deal for a MoPho I could find. It'll be here Tuesday, I'm so excited!
ArchangelRenzoku said:
Got my Photon at midnight for $0.96 from Sam's Club with an upgrade. Baddest deal for a MoPho I could find. It'll be here Tuesday, I'm so excited!
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Awesome Man. Congrats!
Sent from my Photon via XDA
Jeez what a steal..kinda wish i had waited a few months...nah. Lol!
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
ArchangelRenzoku said:
Got my Photon at midnight for $0.96 from Sam's Club with an upgrade. Baddest deal for a MoPho I could find. It'll be here Tuesday, I'm so excited!
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Wow what s sweet deal man. Congrats
Bahaha, thanks! The price was the biggest reason I chose the Photon over the EpicTouch. Coulda got the ET with a free BluRay player from BestBuy too lol, but I was like, dude I live in a trailer in the boonies with no TV so what am I gonna do with a bluray player???
I could use that signal boost everyone is bragging about too. I'm gonna save up and get the dock too.
My GF has an epic touch 4G and its trash. The radio is **** and the phone isn't that impressive. God I hate Samsung phones...
Coming from the Epic I'm inclined to agree with you. I don't think it's all bad, but the lack of Samsung support coupled with having to search for developer apps and roms to fix problems affecting basic operations is a big turndown. The only saving-grace it had over the Photon was the damn keyboard, but that didn't even hold me back anymore after I saw what un-impressive features GB brought to it. They didn't even bother fixing problems we've had since EB13 and we're on EI22 now...!
I got lucky as hell today. Went into bestbuy around noon today to pick up a nook tablet and found that $250 Asus tablet instead. Last one they had and it was buried under a couple nooks. Lol what luck. Wanted one of these for a while now

Who is getting a Transformer Prime?

Don't flame me... I actually have a valid point (to me anyway) for asking this.
The reason I am asking is because I'm pretty sure I am going to be getting one so I am curious as to which developers from the 3D will be getting one. I think the developers we have here are some of the best around and it would be awesome if some of the devs around here are getting it. I would hope that the dev community on the first quad core tablet would be awesome but ya never know.
Sent from my ICS lovin 3D!!!
If I've helped you in any way... hit the "Thanks" button.
i would trade my Touchpad for one
lyon21 said:
Don't flame me... I actually have a valid point (to me anyway) for asking this.
The reason I am asking is because I'm pretty sure I am going to be getting one so I am curious as to which developers from the 3D will be getting one. I think the developers we have here are some of the best around and it would be awesome if some of the devs around here are getting it. I would hope that the dev community on the first quad core tablet would be awesome but ya never know.
Sent from my ICS lovin 3D!!!
If I've helped you in any way... hit the "Thanks" button.
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Well I got the og transformer! Update to ics hopefully on the 12 of this month!
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D using xda premium
Same here I to have a tranformer I hope to ics
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
<--- refuses to spend more than $300 on any tablet. Better off with a laptop beyond that price point.
ummduh said:
<--- refuses to spend more than $300 on any tablet. Better off with a laptop beyond that price point.
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Not really
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
bloodrain954 said:
Not really
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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this... tablets are the ****.. i got a touchpad...
i heard many bad things about the Prime... check over in the forum... bunch of hardware/software problems i would love to buy one but it took me 5 different evo 3d's before i found one that i could live with and it has a dead pixel
i cant wait till development starts pushing out ICS roms in the touchpad forum rather than Gingerbread.... but then again... its only 3 people that i know of doing any development for the touchpad
No. I bought into the hype of the original Transformer, and returned it right at my 14-day mark. The TouchPad suits me just fine. For the price I paid, it's an unbeatable deal.
I was going to get a Prime until I heard about all the problems. In the meantime I have a piece of crap Streak 7 to tide me over. I decided my next tablet is going to have true stylus support (like the Note/Flyer types, only 7-10" with at least a dual-core processor). That is partly because I do write out notes every day in my line of work. Probably 7" would be best so I could hold it in one hand while writing with the other...but I digress...
I have the prime and I can say it is easily the best tablet on the market
I already have mine with no issues at all. Viperboy already has a root/unroot tool available, but ICS is coming on the 12th anyways. The tablet has great battery life and is unbelievably smooth in just about everything it does.
kungpu said:
I already have mine with no issues at all. Viperboy already has a root/unroot tool available, but ICS is coming on the 12th anyways. The tablet has great battery life and is unbelievably smooth in just about everything it does.
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A buddy of mine has one also. I have played with it and the thing is badass! I think the only way I wont get a Prime is if HTC or someone comes out with a S4 tablet in the same price range. The qualcomm chip is freaking amazing!
Bear gri11z said:
this... tablets are the ****.. i got a touchpad...
i heard many bad things about the Prime... check over in the forum... bunch of hardware/software problems i would love to buy one but it took me 5 different evo 3d's before i found one that i could live with and it has a dead pixel
i cant wait till development starts pushing out ICS roms in the touchpad forum rather than Gingerbread.... but then again... its only 3 people that i know of doing any development for the touchpad
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I have an acer iconia a500 tablet. I do like it, don't get me wrong. But It's not worth more than the $300 we bought it for. It's just a gadget, plain and simple. If your going to drop $500, $600 you might as well get a laptop, but that of course is just my opinion.
I've got my Prime coming on Monday. Can't wait!
i'll be getting one as soon as i can. finally get to upgrade from my ipad (so laggy, so, so, laggy)
dkdude36 said:
i'll be getting one as soon as i can. finally get to upgrade from my ipad (so laggy, so, so, laggy)
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One would think from talking with iFans that this is not even possible.
I bought an iPad2 just beforeXmas and it sucks volume has problems I'm looking to take it back and shop for a prime
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
I bought an iPad 2 for the parents and have been messing around with it. iOS bores the crap out of me.
clankfu said:
I bought an iPad 2 for the parents and have been messing around with it. iOS bores the crap out of me.
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Exactly, I describe iOS as a glorified app drawer.
ExploreMN said:
One would think from talking with iFans that this is not even possible.
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it's definitely possible. the ipad just can't do much. i bought it to use as a laptop at school. guess what i dont use it for

Just bought a TP, should be coming in a week.

Got it for about $175, the box is opened but the device is still new. Would you guys consider this a good deal? I already have a Kindle Fire so I don't really need a tablet but the size is really what interests me. I'm excited to finally get my hands on a touchpad though, it's going to be like Christmas all over again.
As long as you put cm7 / cm9 on it, yea totally.
Sent from my Touchpad using tapatalk
DangKid said:
Got it for about $175, the box is opened but the device is still new. Would you guys consider this a good deal? I already have a Kindle Fire so I don't really need a tablet but the size is really what interests me. I'm excited to finally get my hands on a touchpad though, it's going to be like Christmas all over again.
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Got mines about a month ago for 190 so yes id say you got a good deal. You will love it, I came from a nook color running ICS and i havent touched it since my TP arrived.
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using XDA
rsalinas1 said:
Got mines about a month ago for 190 so yes id say you got a good deal. You will love it, I came from a nook color running ICS and i havent touched it since my TP arrived.
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using XDA
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same as you, coming from a nook color. TBH, I hardly ever used the nook, but I love my touchpad. The screen size is so much better for pretty much everything.
Love mine too. WebOs just works and Android is pretty cool. Drop another couple bucks and score the Touchstone charger.
Did you get the 16GB or the 32GB version? If you got the 32 then $175 is a great deal. If you got the 16GB version then thats about the right price. As far as it being a good Tablet, its awesome. For one, as I'm sure you know, it can dual boot Android and webOS. webOS itself is awesome but the app catalog doesnt compare to the Play Store. You will be happy with it I'm sure.
Just scored one for 150. I woulda payed 175 tho
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
I paid 220 for my 32 gig + a nice poetic leather case and charger.
You got a pretty good deal. Just be sure to put cm9 on it asap!
That's a pretty good deal for a TP.
It was a 16gb tablet. It's going to have to go back though since it was described to be new but turns out it had been used before.
Sent from my Samsung Infuse 4G
DangKid said:
It was a 16gb tablet. It's going to have to go back though since it was described to be new but turns out it had been used before.
Sent from my Samsung Infuse 4G
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Is something wrong with it other than just the fact that its used?
jsgraphicart said:
Is something wrong with it other than just the fact that its used?
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Didn't mean to thank you but i can't unthank on mobile so keep it. Not really, theres a small chip on the corner and the mic echoes during Bluetooth calls but it's annoying having bought a product that should be new be actually used. Purple should know better than to falsely advertise something.
Sent from my Samsung Infuse 4G
DangKid said:
Didn't mean to thank you but i can't unthank on mobile so keep it. Not really, theres a small chip on the corner and the mic echoes during Bluetooth calls but it's annoying having bought a product that should be new be actually used. Purple should know better than to falsely advertise something.
Sent from my Samsung Infuse 4G
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rather than going thru all that, why not just have him refund you like $30 or something for it being used.
You're going to go thru all the trouble of returning for a refund and getting another one and there's nothing really wrong with it.
Was trying to do get a partial back but they were offering way too low for me. But they just sent another offer after I escalated with Ebay. Well take the amount and keep the touchpad. Can't wait to get Android on this once it's officially been cleared up.
Sent from my Samsung Infuse 4G
I got mine 16 gig with dr dre head beats for 180.
DangKid said:
Got it for about $175, the box is opened but the device is still new. Would you guys consider this a good deal? I already have a Kindle Fire so I don't really need a tablet but the size is really what interests me. I'm excited to finally get my hands on a touchpad though, it's going to be like Christmas all over again.
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You won't be able to put it down once you get CM9 or AOKP on it. Definitely try out Arch Linux or Ubuntu too.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I spent £150 on my 16GB touchpad and I have no regrets.
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using XDA
MikeyCriggz said:
You won't be able to put it down once you get CM9 or AOKP on it. Definitely try out Arch Linux or Ubuntu too.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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Unless CM9 lets his battery die. Then he will have no choice but to put down the big paperweight it turned it into.
Just bought mine, £155 for 32gb with the touchstone. Im so looking forward to it! Missed out on the fire sale last year, but I had an Asus Transformer at the time. I'm really looking forward to having a play with the HP!!
monkmeister901 said:
Just bought mine, £155 for 32gb with the touchstone. Im so looking forward to it! Missed out on the fire sale last year, but I had an Asus Transformer at the time. I'm really looking forward to having a play with the HP!!
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What did you think of the transformer?

The Waiting Room - Off-Topic Chat

While we're waiting for our phones, I thought I would start a thread where we could just talk without worrying about going off-topic. If you want to talk about how other phones compare to the Evo, rant about rotten fruit and the vegetables that use them, etc, than this is the place.
Just please remember that all of the forum rules still apply here though.
New EVO LTE feature just announced!
I just received my EVO LTE today, It seems that it was shipped with the new stealth invisibility feature enabled by default...Nice feature, huh?
Vinchenzop said:
Considering Google just got the go ahead to buy Motorola (and it's patents)...this could get interesting.
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Now that is going to be awesome!!
Is there any writer, reporter here in XDA to start a petition or something so we can ALL sign. Don't you guys think it would be a great IDEA to voice it out our opinions? I am just thinking how big XDA network is, Dev's who started from here still on Android now have there own site can always get the word to them as well..
Can someone call this Guys already
johnmclin said:
I just received my EVO LTE today, It seems that it was shipped with the new stealth invisibility feature enabled by default...Nice feature, huh?
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Hey off topic but what kind of case is that?? I've been searching for a clear one to no avail!
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Clear case
fhnguyen said:
Hey off topic but what kind of case is that?? I've been searching for a clear one to no avail!
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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Should look something like this but even better if it ever arrives.
alchemist316 said:
Yup more than Exxon, google has about half the spending cash as apple
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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You're crazy.
Exxxon, Shell are the biggest companies in the world by revenue.
I saw this posted on AC. Thought it might lighten the mood.
Sent using my EVO 4G LTE locked inside the U.S. Customs hold in the Port of Los Angeles.
mrshades812 said:
I saw this posted on AC. Thought it might lighten the mood.
Sent using my EVO 4G LTE locked inside the U.S. Customs hold in the Port of Los Angeles.
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Lol nice video..
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
exSD said:
You're crazy.
Exxxon, Shell are the biggest companies in the world by revenue.
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Click to collapse apple is near half trillion total market cap
A little factoid.
Smartphone adoption fastest in the US than any other device in history
Disregard - wrong package
Just wanted to say a quick hey to my fellow EVO enthusiasts! This is my first of hopefully many posts in the LTE forum. Coming from the OG EVO. I've rooted, unrooted, rooted again, flashed crashed and bashed. Really looking forward to this new phone! Here's hoping good news on Monday! See ya soon!
Started this thread "2nd January 2012, 02:14 AM"......The Force is with you xHausx!
Did anybody see last nights NASCAR race with the fourteen million signs saying EVO 4G LTE....pissed me off lol
Gordon Ramsay said:
Did anybody see last nights NASCAR race with the fourteen million signs saying EVO 4G LTE....pissed me off lol
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saw it. watch them all here every week. What I thought was funnier was the phone they were using in the Speed social media center(social garage) was the Samsung Epic 4G Touch...least thats what it looked like when R. Wood was showing off the Nascar app....Found it real interesting they didn't give him an EVOLTE to use....esp if they had a ton of signage for it...
Gordon Ramsay said:
Did anybody see last nights NASCAR race with the fourteen million signs saying EVO 4G LTE....pissed me off lol
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Yes I did and yes it was everywhere. Last year they were showing off the EVO 3d to all the drivers and even the announcers had them. its also in the best buy ad this morning. I bet a lot of people go there and are pissed when its not
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
rdub4nd said:
Just wanted to say a quick hey to my fellow EVO enthusiasts! This is my first of hopefully many posts in the LTE forum. Coming from the OG EVO. I've rooted, unrooted, rooted again, flashed crashed and bashed. Really looking forward to this new phone! Here's hoping good news on Monday! See ya soon!
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sgt. slaughter said:
Started this thread "2nd January 2012, 02:14 AM"......The Force is with you xHausx!
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lol, I've been preparing for this moment for a long time
My ex old lady used to always say she thought I was psychic afterall, or was it psycho.. don't remember
I've been having problems with my OG Evo for like a month now. I didn't know about the charge dock problems even though I'm always here flashing new roms. I was anxiously waiting for the new one and then all of this happened. For a while, I was seriously considering cancelling my order but then I realized that that would be a win for Apple and I could not contribute to their gain. I decided to wait patiently for my phone.
In terms of the patent I think its BS, and this is coming from a software engineer. I don't want to go deep into that discussion but working with code is a whole different ballgame.
In terms of the whole GS3 vs. EvoLTE vs. iPhone5 thing, I think both the GS3 and the EvoLTE are good phones. I don't know much about the iphone5 specs yet. What I can say is that apple products are not that unarguably better overall for them to have so much money and crazy fanboys right now.
The best apple product was the iPod by far. It revolutionized the industry. Everything else from there has come off branding. You can argue about the OG iPhone and iPad being nice too but that feels like a century ago. Like I said, everything else is marketing. Its funny people buying expensive macs just to log in to facebook and serious customers run parallel half of the time to use windows programs.
Right now, we have competition and we have android developers working their a** off to get a small share of the pie and that's why I can't cancel my order. After I read this, I was shocked by how this blind fanaticism is hurting the industry around the world. I don't wanna be a part of that. Like I said, some Apple products are great, but they are not unarguably so ahead of the curve for them to be squashing everyone that easy. My two cents...
see this...
now go back off topic....
david279 said:
see this...
now go back off topic....
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Awesome I guess, but who cares thats not off topic man!
Lets continue the talk about Nascar ... Yes I saw all the branding and yes it ticked me off..
Now watching the New cars at Indy, wow they are funny looking. I can't get used to them. They do go fast though, unless of course your car has a Lotus motor in it... those suck. Chevy is dominating! YES!

New phone

Hello people of XDA,
I have had my tbolt since release date and always loved it and never had any problems with it, the 2 years is up and I don't know what to do, I want to get a new phone but there's none that a really want, I'm still playing the waiting game for fully working ics on tbolt but, I'm sick of waiting, what do u people think I should, get a new phone, or wait to see what HTC suprises Verizon with?
Sent from my ADR6400L using xda premium
Shop around for what you're interested in.
I personally still love my tbolt and am not really interested in anything else yet either.
If you have unlimited data, I would stick with the tbolt for right now. Things should get more interesting once ICS is released and we get some new ROMs.
Sent from my ADR6400L using xda premium
RBarnett09 said:
Shop around for what you're interested in.
I personally still love my tbolt and am not really interested in anything else yet either.
If you have unlimited data, I would stick with the tbolt for right now. Things should get more interesting once ICS is released and we get some new ROMs.
Sent from my ADR6400L using xda premium
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I'm gonna wait a little while, I still love my tbolt and have no problems keeping it but I'm really interested in what HTC will give Verizon next since sprint just got the stunning new evo, with a 4.7 inch screen and the dual core snapdragon processer, I hope we get something that good.
Sent from my ADR6400L using xda premium
True man. We will see.
My buddy has the HTC One X and that phone is pretty awesome. If only those things had a place for an SD card... and if Verizon carried them, of course. Lol.
Hopefully we get something good.
Sent from my ADR6400L using xda premium
hopefully, HOPEFULLY!
How is 2 years up when the Thunderbolt came out March of 2011?
geoff5093 said:
How is 2 years up when the Thunderbolt came out March of 2011?
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oh wow i thought it had been 2 years haha, anyways i originally had the droid x on release date and my mom had got an incredible, eventually she got bored of it and got the new iphone, so i received the tbolt from her, it has been at least a year i've had it, she got rid of it pretty quickly. But my contract is up so i was asking u guys what u think i should do but, i think i have made my decision at this point and im gonna buy the HTC Droid Incredible 4G LTE tomorrow!

