[Q] How to remove the software update notification in the lower bar - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I was on touchwiz uekmb rom and then downloaded the uekme update, but because I was rooted and deoxed, I didn't install it. Later I flashed task650's kme rom, and so I am updated, yet each time I turn on the tab I get a notification, even though I select "later" and then "never" when it asks me whether I would like to install and when I'd like to be notified. If I select "7 days" then I am left with a eye-sore update mark on the notification bar. Is there anyway to totally disable this update notification??

i'm having the same problem. Choose "none" option will not help either. It will pop up again. Is there a way to permanent disable the update?

sic_lic1o1 said:
i'm having the same problem. Choose "none" option will not help either. It will pop up again. Is there a way to permanent disable the update?
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I'm having this same problem and its very annoying. Anyone found an answer for this? Thanks in advance.

Same problem here. There has to be a way to delete the update data that was previously downloaded so that popup won't appear anymore. Haven't been able to locate it.

Okay, I found an answer that works for me. I flashed Task650's ROM before I downloaded the update. when i select "NONE" on the reminder it removes it from the notification bar. Obviously this is limited to this particular ROM (or maybe others I'm unaware of) since this solution doesn't appear to work for sic_lic101. just my 2 cents.

anyone found an easier/faster way to disable those notifications yet?

Batmantis82 said:
anyone found an easier/faster way to disable those notifications yet?
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Dude this thread is really old in terms of where development of tasks ROM is now. So sadly I don't know what to say except update, I've not seen this issue for the newer ROMs but could be wrong.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app

I have updated to Overcome v2.3.0 but am still experiencing that problem.

I'd search the overcome thread first and if you can't find an answer there, post the question there. It'll get responded to quicker and most likely correctly. If you can't post in the development section. I'd post a new thread asking this question in the Q&A section telling why you posted it there and not in the overcome ROM thread. I think you'll get more, faster, and better replies.
Sorry I can't be of any help with direct solutions, only suggestions on getting better help.
I don't have the experience with the overcome ROM you probably really need.
I guess if you have more patience than me, you can just wait and see what you can get from here. Since its been bumped maybe someone with knowledge of this issue will spot it and come help.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app

Thank you benzoman for your reply and advice. It is much appreciated. I will give that a try

Batmantis82 said:
Thank you benzoman for your reply and advice. It is much appreciated. I will give that a try
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You're welcome... I was really hoping I didn't come across as being rude.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app


[Q] Back button in stock browser refreshes page

Is anyone having an issue with the stock browser where on some web pages the back button just refreshes the page and in order to actually go back a page you have to double, tripple, or even quadruple click it? This happens with both the task bar back button as well as the quick control back button.
This happened on all the roms that I have tried, currently running Task650's in Paris (loving it!) and I am not a fan of the Dolphin Browser, does anyone know of a fix?
found a fix I the developer forum!
Thanks for the link been looking for an answer and I dont have enough posts to ask Task on his page, any idea why the delete button isn't working right?
catfewd said:
found a fix I the developer forum!
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Thank you! I've been looking for a fix for this for ages and haven't been able to use the right keywords to get there.
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irishtexmex said:
Thank you! I've been looking for a fix for this for ages and haven't been able to use the right keywords to get there.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1 (P7510) using XDA Premium App
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haha, same here, i wrecked my brain trying to google it and then finally found it by accident

[Q] SMS Notification - CM9

Hello, I am running the newest nightly build 03/26/12 of CM9 for my i777 and I cannot seem to understand why my screen doesn't wake when I get an SMS message. I have asked in the ported thread, but I haven't got a response. Hopefully somebody can help me out. Thank you.
shoestar said:
Hello, I am running the newest nightly build 03/26/12 of CM9 for my i777 and I cannot seem to understand why my screen doesn't wake when I get an SMS message. I have asked in the ported thread, but I haven't got a response. Hopefully somebody can help me out. Thank you.
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stock SMS app may not natively. Best bet is to grab an alternative from play store like "handcent" or "go".
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-4
Eh, I guess I will wait for a fix or find another ROM. I am quite fond of the stock messaging app.
shoestar said:
Eh, I guess I will wait for a fix or find another ROM. I am quite fond of the stock messaging app.
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I hear ya.. have you tried hand cent? HIGHLY customizable. You can make it look HOWEVER you want with, seriously. Also like I said, stock messeging app may not wake the phone up natively. You could be waiting for a fix that isn't need or gonna happen. Also, play store MIGHT have an app to wake phone upon notification..
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-4

[Q] SMS limit

I'm a youth pastor and send texts to around 80 students about events and things we are doing. I send mass texts to them quite often and the most annoying thing I've run into is the SMS hour limit. I can't remember if it's 100 or 160 but either way after I surpass that number within an hour (only two mass texts to my students) I then see a popup warning after every individual text. I then have to manually click yes after each warning or my messages never send. I found this thread but it doesn't seem to work...
Any suggestions?
WeWearFedoras said:
Any suggestions?
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Google Voice supports mass sms
Wow I had no idea there was a limit and I text a lot. Is this carrier specific I wonder?
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
Mass texting is not the problem. There is a setting embedded in the Android OS that makes a warning popup after you reach a certain number of texts PER HOUR. It is not carrier specific it is within the Android OS settings. any other ideas?
Hmmmmm. Very interesting. I don't have the slightest clue.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk
Can you post the screenshot?
And which rom you are running.
I'll screenshot the next time it happens. I'm always running the most current version of tasks' AOKP ROM.
WeWearFedoras said:
I'll screenshot the next time it happens. I'm always running the most current version of tasks' AOKP ROM.
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if its a system popup, there must be some way to bypass it....
jdbeitz said:
if its a system popup, there must be some way to bypass it....
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If you read the thread I linked in my OP it seems that it is a system warning and not carrier or ROM based.
WeWearFedoras said:
If you read the thread I linked in my OP it seems that it is a system warning and not carrier or ROM based.
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I read it, i was just stating that it must be reachable either in the framework.jar or somewhere else in the system files.
jdbeitz said:
I read it, i was just stating that it must be reachable either in the framework.jar or somewhere else in the system files.
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Didn't mean to suggest you hadn't read the link but just commenting about where I got the info that it seems like a system file somewhere.
Hmmm what about if yer using the straight talk or something and not a carrier like att I don't know how that stuff works? U know what I mean the pay by use stuff?
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
I found a few things on Google for you.
Here's the link I found it at. But I have no way of testing.
Here is a drop box link I made for you if you want to try. Hope this helps in some way
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
What the heck did you Google? I looked everywhere and couldn't find that lol. I installed the app and disabled the limit...I'll test it tomorrow and let everyone know how it works...thanks!!
Looks like it may be a go sms message... have you tried using the stock sms app?
WeWearFedoras said:
What the heck did you Google? I looked everywhere and couldn't find that lol. I installed the app and disabled the limit...I'll test it tomorrow and let everyone know how it works...thanks!!
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SMS limit remover lol. Since the play store no longer had it
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
Actually elite SMS screwed up my phone. It rebooted right after install and reset many of my ROM settings and completely disabled my home button. Had to do a full wipe/reinstall to fix everything... any ideas what happened?
WeWearFedoras said:
Actually elite SMS screwed up my phone. It rebooted right after install and reset many of my ROM settings and completely disabled my home button. Had to do a full wipe/reinstall to fix everything... any ideas what happened?
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Have you just tried the normal, stock SMS app?
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk
As far as I know I can't text groups larger than 10 with the stock messaging app... unless I'm missing something?

[Q] How2 prevent samsung galaxy s3 jelly bean 4.3 update

Hello friends..
I appreciate having a place to ask this question. Verizon pushed out the jelly bean 4.3 update.. I have done a delay but how can i stop it, delete the updater and make it never ask again? I am nit an expert with phones, thiugh i a, a geek for many decades! So a n00b here.. I am hoping to find something out today as i dont see how i can stop it. There was no way to get rid of the screen without delaying.. And now i am afraid i am messed up. I finally got wireless working, and i dont really want any of the new enhancements. When i upgraded to ice cream well.. That took forever to fix. Lol
Thanks for your help.
Smiles your way... And much appreciation,
I disabled software update under application manager and have not been asked to update since.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using xda app-developers app
What application do you disable
I have gone throu all the applications, but not sure whichine to disable.. Nor am i sure you make it disable.. There is nit an option to disable..that i see.
There are so many applications, and which exact one? I am not sure.
Thanks for your information. Sorry i cant figure out how to do it!
Smiles to all.
It's called "software update". I have the Canadian version of the phone so it may be slightly different but it worked for me. Or if you get a notification to update, press and hold the notification then swipe down to expand it, it should say "app info". Click on "app info" then disable.
Sent from my SGH-I747M using xda app-developers app
Option to disable greyed
gc84245 said:
It's called "software update". I have the Canadian version of the phone so it may be slightly different but it worked for me. Or if you get a notification to update, press and hold the notification then swipe down to expand it, it should say "app info". Click on "app info" then disable.
Sent from my SGH-I747M using xda app-developers app
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Hello... Thank you so much for writing. I did what you said, and the only option was to force stop. Disable was greyed. So i force stopped.. There is a clear cache button too. Not sure if i should clear the cache... Wy dont they want us to have a choice when or if to update!.?
Oh, on my handset it is called SDM
Is there anything else I can do? I really do appreciate your assistance...
Thank you... Smiles your way.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help, on my phone there is the option to disable so I don't know what else to do. Maybe try unchecking "show notifications" from the same "app info" screen?
Sent from my Nexus 10 using xda app-developers app
gc84245 said:
Sorry I couldn't be of more help, on my phone there is the option to disable so I don't know what else to do. Maybe try unchecking "show notifications" from the same "app info" screen?
Sent from my Nexus 10 using xda app-developers app
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I really appreciate your information and time. I wonder why they have so many differences for the software. Do you know If i clear the cache will it delete thhe downloaded update? I worry if i take off the notification.. Will it just install without telling me? You have been a big help. Smiles your way.

Liquid smooth v3.1 ***solved***

Dunno if this has been mentioned or not I rarely have time to read through all the posts sorry. I've been using this ROM about a week and its great, I love it. I've flashed pollutions patch, issue I'm having is when I'm on home screen or lock screen the wallpaper disappears and I get these crazy lines that flash across the screen. It's impossible to take an ss cause every time I try it goes away and the wallpaper reappears. I thought my screen was going funky at first so I reflashed padawan and it didn't happen. Do I need to reflash pollutions? Is this considered the "screen flicker"? Has anyone else had this issue? I've only had my note for about 2 months and between two jobs I don't get much forum surfing in (my lady hates me being on the phone) any help is greatly appreciated!!!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA Free mobile app
EDIT:: I've noticed it happens almost everytime I touch the screen while its locked. I had my coworker take pictures with his phone I'll upload as soon as he send them to me lol
First pic is my wallpaper 2nd & 3rd are the crazy lines, 4th is build info. Thanks again guys!
***solution*** conflicting lines in the build.prop removed conflict and all is well. Thanks to "rsfinsrq"
Solved, admin please remove. Or close whatever's easier
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA Free mobile app
Muhff said:
Solved, admin please remove. Or close whatever's easier
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA Free mobile app
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How did you solve this?
MoronDroid said:
How did you solve this?
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in the build.prop there's multiples of the same item with different values. Just go through and double check everything in your build.prop, I'm not entirely sure what causes it. Bad luck i guess lol. Feel free to PM me with any other questions. Sorry it took so long to answer
Muhff said:
in the build.prop there's multiples of the same item with different values. Just go through and double check everything in your build.prop, I'm not entirely sure what causes it. Bad luck i guess lol. Feel free to PM me with any other questions. Sorry it took so long to answer
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I have encountered the exact issue, and it is driving me nuts...Sometimes it would hang as well.
What did you do to the build.prop to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
bb320 said:
I have encountered the exact issue, and it is driving me nuts...Sometimes it would hang as well.
What did you do to the build.prop to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
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I read through it top to bottom and removed any conflicting entries. There was only 2-5 not a big deal but enough to tweak out the system. For example, two entries of the same thing but one says "mm.enable.smoothstreaming=true" and the following says "mm.enable.smoothstreaming=false" just remove one or the other. Not saying that's one of them I just grabbed a random entry from my build.prop

