[Q] Stock Telus Fas.... Apps2SD? - Fascinate Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Just wondering somthing, when I go to App Management and look at the tab for Apps which are installed on SD memory, on the bottom is shows the Internel 16GB memory stats.
It shows I have 9GB free of 13GB. When I check under the tab for the apps installed on the phone memory, it shows I have 1GB of 1.8GB free.
When I move an app from the 1.8GB phone memory to the SD Memory (Apps2SD) the app gets moved to my 4GB MicroSD Card.
If I remove the MicroSD card from the phone, I can't move the apps, it says I don't have enough free memory. I've been reading, and appearently you can only install to the externel MicroSD.
Is there a way I could change this and make the app install too the 16GB Memory, can I change mount points, partition my 16GB internel Memory, anything?
When I was using the GalaxyMTD nightlys it would put the app on the internel 16GB memory. So I know it is possible to do, but I don't know how to do it.


Internal Memory

I'm just wondering how much internal memory do you guys have left? I have the T-Mob 1024mb but after WinMo, Android, and some apps, all I'm left with is about 75mb. Does that sound about right to you guys?
How do you guys with the 512mb version manage to run both winmo and Android?? I'm using Energy Titanium, which is very light and small already. I'm surprised Android and my apps take up so much.
android runs off the sd card not the internal memory
there is a total of 576MB of ram on the phone plus a 1GB ROM plus a 16GB storage card. You should install apps to the storage card instead of the phone to save space.
Richy99 said:
android runs off the sd card not the internal memory
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When I go into Settings>SD & Phone storage> Under Internal phone storage, it lists 82.47MB, this number changes as I delete and installs apps.
anhyeuemmaimai said:
there is a total of 576MB of ram on the phone plus a 1GB ROM plus a 16GB storage card. You should install apps to the storage card instead of the phone to save space.
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How do you install apps to the sd card? When I download an app from market, it just automatically installs and I'm given a choice to choose either the internal phone storage or sd card.
tap on SD card as that is your external storage and then proceede with the installation

[Q] Internal SD, External SD and app2SD questions

I seem to have trouble grasping the concept of Internal and external SD memory.
I purchased a 16GB microSD card with the hopes that I can move most of my apps to that card but when I use app2sd I always get the "Failed to move application, not enough memory" error.
When I check the free space it shows more than 13GB on both the internal memory and also on the microSD card.
Since my gtablet has 16GB of "internal" storage already, what's microSD card good for?
Shouldn't I be able to move apps to either internal or external SD storage or am I just not understanding how this all works?
Can someone explain to me in Layman's terms what I need to do?
Thanks !!
PS: I just now accidentally reformatted my internal SD card so I will have to start from scratch anyways ;-)
Frogbone said:
I seem to have trouble grasping the concept of Internal and external SD memory.
I purchased a 16GB microSD card with the hopes that I can move most of my apps to that card but when I use app2sd I always get the "Failed to move application, not enough memory" error.
When I check the free space it shows more than 13GB on both the internal memory and also on the microSD card.
Since my gtablet has 16GB of "internal" storage already, what's microSD card good for?
Shouldn't I be able to move apps to either internal or external SD storage or am I just not understanding how this all works?
Can someone explain to me in Layman's terms what I need to do?
Thanks !!
PS: I just now accidentally reformatted my internal SD card so I will have to start from scratch anyways ;-)
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From what I understand, app2sd functionality is built into Froyo & beyond. No need for a separate app.
In laymans terms, your 16GB internal sd is split in 2, 2GB for apps & 14 gb for data.I have 88 apps installed & it is only using 492MB of the 2GB. Apps install to the 2GB area, but the (and the system) use the 14 GB data area for storage. You can also use this space for dat/files storage as well.
The external microsd slot is generally used by you for data storage. You can use it for what ever you like. I use mine to store copies of different roms/nvflash, movies/video/pictures & music transferred from the PC.

corby I5500 how to increase the internal memory

hi everyone. i would like to you if i can change the internal memory of the I5500 samsung.
i have only 187 mega, i need more space. i don't know why but android don't consider my sd card as the internal memory.
if i move my apps to the sd card i still need more space.
do you know some trick to change the size of the memory ?
thank you very much
Uninstall some pre-installed apps
Sent from my R800i using XDA App
cause your internal memory it's not the same as the SD card for android.
if you want more space, deleting stock apps that you won't use can give you back some Mb... more space only 2.2+ with moving apps to SD
or u can use app2sd or s2e, that use a partition of the sd card like internal memory.
For example I have 4gb sd card, that has 1gb ext4 (it is used for internal memory) and 3gb fat (that it's used for files and data)
But for do this u can have a cooked rom like cyano or mad-rom
Istur said:
or u can use app2sd or s2e, that use a partition of the sd card like internal memory.
For example I have 4gb sd card, that has 1gb ext4 (it is used for internal memory) and 3gb fat (that it's used for files and data)
But for do this u can have a cooked rom like cyano or mad-rom
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How can i do that???

[Q] Extending memory? (USB Storage)

I have a 16GB micro SD in my S2 and it's nearly empty. I only bought it because I thought it could extend the internal memory (USB Storage) so I can move more apps to SD card.
So far, I've found Link2SD, which is sh*t. Is there any way I can join the internal storage with my SD card to extend it? Can it be done using Directory Bind?
PS please don't give me something which has a limit of 1GB. 1GB is nothing for me
i360* said:
I have a 16GB micro SD in my S2 and it's nearly empty. I only bought it because I thought it could extend the internal memory (USB Storage) so I can move more apps to SD card.
So far, I've found Link2SD, which is sh*t. Is there any way I can join the internal storage with my SD card to extend it? Can it be done using Directory Bind?
PS please don't give me something which has a limit of 1GB. 1GB is nothing for me
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have u tried 'Apps2sd' form stores if not try the same and see, also if ur phone is rooted u can use 'Gemini app manager' and see
That app will only move the app from internal memory to USB storage. Not external memory card

L9 storage question internal/external

I have installed MIUI on my L9, and 16gb sdcard.
I see very strange thing. When i use memory of my External sdcard and try to download/delete something from here (ex. apk 40mb) my INTERNAL memory gets more free space.
This is normal?
I didnt see divide of types of files on EXTERNAL memory card in options of memory. Only see this with internal card.
Dunno what is this but have problems with installing or downloading somehing items on external card, becouse internal card think i download to internal memory.
sorry for my bad eng.
please help, i cant install bigger programs, even backup from external card is see in memory of internal card.
My phone in internal memory have only 500-600mb storage busy, but phone "think" and show me i have only 700mb from 2.5gb of fre space becouse other files on external memory phone thinking is on internal.
how can fix this??
before have samsung/motorola/htc phones and didnt have this problems...

