[Q] How to change system sounds (camera shutter / battery low etc) - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Is there an option to change any system sound other than startup sound (etc/PowerOn.wav) ? If yes - How ?
I'm interested in changing:
- battery sounds (low, charging, charger connected/disconnected, batt full)
- camera sounds (shutter / focus)
- slide sound (unlock) - if possible to set such.
- wifi connection established/lost sound - if possible to set such.
- usb connected/disconnected sound
- gps fixed/lost sound
- bt connected/disconnected sound
PS. I'm using CF-ROOT v4.1 kernel if it does matter. I could write couple of shell scripts to do all stuff I want but how to make them run on those events?
Just love to customise everything

go to system/media/audio using rootexplorer.. you'll find most of the notifications there, ogg files i believe

That would then require you to match the file length with whatever you want to replace it with renaming new file as old one in the same format .

JJEgan said:
That would then require you to match the file length with whatever you want to replace it with renaming new file as old one in the same format .
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I don't think the file length matters, it just has to be in the correct ogg format (sampling rate, and bit rate) and the same filename as the one you are replacing.

ogg file?
How do you create an ogg file? I am interested in doing this as well. Are their programs you can download from the internet to convert or do you just name the file .ogg?

I think it works with .wav as well.. At least that worked for me in boot anim sound.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

Sorry for hijacking the thread abit, but if i only would want to silence these sound, i only need to rename/remove the files? Or will that create problems?

Nah just rename the file..
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk


Creating A Wav Ringtone

Good morring
Today i am trying to make my own ringtones in wav format,i am using cool edit pro 2.0 and all is going well HOWEVER when i save the cropped mp3 files as wav a 10 second clip is saving at around 2mb. Can i make the final wav smaller somehow?????
Hi there
WAV is the standard format for PC Audio (as AVI is for video) -and can come in a variety of bit rates but 16 Bit/ 44.1 Khz is CD quality, unfortunately the high bit rate means that you eat up a lot of storage (there is a calculation but I can't remember it - something like 10Mb a minute ??)
To get the file size smaller you need to lower the sample rate to something like 8 bit/22Khz.
But I'm guessing that the ring tone is a piece of music or something, due to the file size, and there's no way you'll be able to reduce the size without suffering degradation. For things like "rings" and "bleeps" you wouldn't have to worry...
Basically the very thing that enables you to compress a WAV and make it still sound good is MP3 compression, but we aren't allowed to use them............... :x
Surely someone could hack it tho? It occurs to me that a more 'microsoft' solution would be to support WMA for ringtones..
What actually plays them back? If only it were Mediaplayer eh?
So are you saying there is NO way to do what im asking????
like spence posted then you can make your wav files smaller by lowering the samplerate and the bit resolution
samplerate deside what the higest frequence being played is
because of nyquist rule you have to sample with 2 times the higest frequence you will be playign so
if you lower the frequense to 22Khz then 11Khz will be the higest frequence it will play
when it's a ring tone to a phone which speaker is not really THX then 11Khz is ok
the bit from 8 to 16 deside how big a difference there is between amplitude og the samples
i sugest that you mess around with the file lowering sample rate and or the bit resolution and compare them by quality and size
what piece of software would you suggest doing this with?
is there away to make the .wav file (ringtone) louder without making the volume louder on the phone?
sound forge
are good programs too mess around with sound (I'm poet and i dident even know it )
and yes you can raise the volume in the file
using cool edit pro i have done what you suggested with regard to quality however the end result (the size of the wav) does not change
try changeing the sample from stereo to mono as well, I have seen massive reductions when useing just mono which is perfectly good for a ringtone, I have a 22 second wav with 16000 Mono 16bit and it sounds fine and is only 692 Kb
you may be missing something I think - these actions should make the file smaller, they have to.. You need to aim for "convert sample rate" which will be in Edit somewhere..
Failing that send me the wav file and I'll sort it for you
I use Wavelab personally - I'm into audio processing/editing big style..
Yeah think i must but in saying that using sound forge 6 seems to have helped as i now have a 28second cip at just 1.1 meg (where as before it was 5.5meg) but im sure there is a way to SQUEEZ it a little smaller
make sure it's
and make sure it's 11Khz (you could try to see how it sounds if you make it lower ?)
make sure it's mono as in joinet stereo
why such a long clip anyway ?
i think it can repeat somehow like if you have a clip where you yell
"the phones ringing einstein" should it not play that over and over again ?
posted this before, but here goes again... two really nice free tools for doing all the audio you ever want:
Audacity - you can apply filters, reducing noise, increasing decreasing bass or amplification
www.dbpoweramp.com - great tool, allows you to change almost any audio format to any audio format. Plus allows you to save wav files in any bit rate/frequency, thereby reducing size (quality) to suit your need.
hope this helps.
Even easier - use Winamp. It has a diskwriter plugin (in the output preferences) which can be configured to push out good quality SMALL audio. I've manged to get a whole song as a ringtone in just 2.5mb

Themes and Apps

....for the ViewPad!
bootanimation for viewpad7
Since there is nothing listed here so far, ill just post my stuff here.
I've created a custom bootanimation.zip based on the dr who title sequence and tweaked it so i would run well on my viewpad.
Images are ripped from youtube video, so i can only take credit for converting and resizing them. to reduce size and speed up loading time i've reduced the images to 400x240 and stretched them out using desc.txt in the zip.
Install the bootanimation.zip using adb push bootanimation.zip /data/local/
I've also included a replacement boot sound to go with the animation. My viewpad 7 runs DearDeer.ogg from /system/media/audio/notifications/DearDeer.ogg as it's bootup sound. The only way I've found to change that is replace the file with something else of the same title.
Wow loove the boot animation!
Whats the procedure for creating it etc, I tried to edit the standard one off mine, I edit a few frames with ''stolen from ''+my address and re-saved the frames, rezipped, copied back into the phone, and it just skips my edited frames...
Whats the specific file format and what did you save the frames with/as ?
Not exactly sure what you mean, but when rezipping, have you set the compression to store ? if you compress the images in the zip they wont load.
My procedure:
1. downloaded youtube video from dr who title sequence in mp4 format.
2. Used Quicktime Pro to cut and export the video to a BMP image sequence.
3. Used Irfanview to resize the pictures to 400x240 and 256 colours to reduce size.
4. used Irfanview to convert the BMP to PNG
5. used pngout to further compress the PNG files for smallest file size
6. Downloaded a custom bootanimation.zip and replaced the png files inside.
7. Edited desc.txt in the bootanimation.zip for correct screensize
Amalgation said:
Not exactly sure what you mean, but when rezipping, have you set the compression to store ?
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+1 nice & good start, going to try it out once DW get home as it's hers now to use.
Anyone got customized & business-like ringtones (Mp3 format?) to share - non.copyrighted ones, please - the stock ones included sounded subdued and not distinctive - not that we've planning to use it as an oversized smartphone.
Amalgation said:
Since there is nothing listed here so far, ill just post my stuff here.
I've created a custom bootanimation.zip based on the dr who title sequence and tweaked it so i would run well on my viewpad.
Images are ripped from youtube video, so i can only take credit for converting and resizing them. to reduce size and speed up loading time i've reduced the images to 400x240 and stretched them out using desc.txt in the zip.
Install the bootanimation.zip using adb push bootanimation.zip /data/local/
I've also included a replacement boot sound to go with the animation. My viewpad 7 runs DearDeer.ogg from /system/media/audio/notifications/DearDeer.ogg as it's bootup sound. The only way I've found to change that is replace the file with something else of the same title.
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Good job man it works like a charm really like the animation
did anybody tried Netflix on viewpad?
ueshada said:
did anybody tried Netflix on viewpad?
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I try but very slow, the audio and video not syncronized
ueshada said:
did anybody tried Netflix on viewpad?
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Netflix works perfectly on the Viewpad 7e.
Sent from my SPH D700 using XDA App
Cyanogen Mod 9.2. I like my Ice Cream!
Works really cool but it takes for ever to start.
Can you explain better the desc.txt ?


This is the HTCCamera.apk and media_profile.xml from This Thread What I did is added the other features thanks to SteelH's guide here. The Guide says you have to edit "DisplayServicer.smali" which isn't right, it's actually "DisplayDevice.smali". Also needed to edit the .line in order to get it to work with the 15K Camera... AnyWhoo....
Built from 2.3.4 HTCCamera.apk, which fixed green tint issues.
I *think* it will still have the 0% compression and higher quality as well. in the flashable zip (yes, flashable zip added too!) I added the modified media_profile.xml....I'm hoping that is all that is really needed to increase quality. testing is needed, leave feedback with any findings please!
What's it do?:
Based on "CameraMOD 3D" by ErosizeD which already offered:
Higher quality 15mbps Video recording for 480p and 720p.
0% JPG Compression for better picture detail.
Panorama Option
What I added:
Upped Front Camera to 2mp
Added ISO 1250 option.
HDR Added
Scene Selection. (Close up, Night, Snowy, etc. etc.)
Known bugs:
Toggling Shutter sound in menu doesn't do anything. Sound doesn't work either way.
Dunno why, they are there. Just won't work. *shrug*
So, that is what I did instead of sleep... if anyone notices any more bugs let me know and I'll pretend I know how to fix them. haha!
Install Instructions:
unzip folder to desktop (or on phone using AndroZip or something.)
Move HTCCamera.apk to /System/app/ using Root Explorer or similar. OR, ADB push HTCCamera.apk to /system/app (before doing this, backup your current Camera app...PLEASE!)
fix permissions. ( rw-r--r-- )
move Media_profile.xml to /system/etc (backup first) or ADB push.
fix permissions ( rw-r--r-- )
Just flash attached zip!
Older version.(NON-Flashable.)
Link: Older, non-flashable Camera
sounds great can't wait to try it thanks
trying it now will report back soon, thanks for your work.
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using XDA App
I like this, it is nice to be able to increase the quality of the front Camera because I actually do a lot of video calling. I also noticed that it flips my front Camera back right side up. I can't wait until someone unlocks full 1080P ability because i know it in here somewhere and I remember using a EVO 3D Camera app on my OG EVO that had the setting for 1080P. Nice job and keep it up.
would any care to make a flashable zip for this? id love to have but i always mess up when it comes to pushing things via adb(idk why lol)
Camera shutter sound works, you must be missing the ogg file. Its in sys/media/audio/ui....camera_click.ogg. Thanks for the mod works great, hope that helps you out. Here's a link to the ogg file, just drop in that directory and reboot.
I used Root Explorer no problem. Just make sure you fix Permissions accordingly.
jeffsanace said:
Camera shutter sound works, you must be missing the ogg file. Its in sys/media/audio/ui....camera_click.ogg. Thanks for the mod works great, hope that helps you out. Here's a link to the ogg file, just drop in that directory and reboot.
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Really? In SYS/media/audio/UI ? And not SYSTEM/media/audio/UI ?
Because that is where all my camera sounds are, in system and they aren't playing.
felacio said:
Really? In SYS/media/audio/UI ? And not SYSTEM/media/audio/UI ?
Because that is where all my camera sounds are, in system and they aren't playing.
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That's right I should have spelled it out, don't know what else it could be. Mines working just fine with this mod, maybe another mod that removes it.
Sent from my Bad Seed customized tablet!
The ogg sound files are also inside of the camera APk, well at least they are in htccamera.apk
Whats up Steel? Yes, I just used this mod myself(with the files posted) and everything is working including shutter sound. Any ideas as to why its not working for others?
No clue really. The mod simply disables forcing the sound on, which puts the on/off toggle back in the menu.
I would love to find out how he set JPEG compression to 0, I've been looking for that for days now.
SteelH said:
No clue really. The mod simply disables forcing the sound on, which puts the on/off toggle back in the menu.
I would love to find out how he set JPEG compression to 0, I've been looking for that for days now.
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I try not to fool too much with the camera myself. It's a little above me to be honest, that's why I love all your tutorials. LOL
SteelH said:
No clue really. The mod simply disables forcing the sound on, which puts the on/off toggle back in the menu.
I would love to find out how he set JPEG compression to 0, I've been looking for that for days now.
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Honestly... no clue. that was all the original CameraMOD 3D. I just added the other features. lol I'm new to all this if you can't tell.
I saw the sounds in the APK. they ain't working for me. glad they are for others. odd...
i've successfully installed this camera mod but when i've tried to use the panorama mode, i got a force close error. any ideas? thanks
bOkz said:
i've successfully installed this camera mod but when i've tried to use the panorama mode, i got a force close error. any ideas? thanks
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Not sure man. I just used it without issue. No force close for me
Did you remember the permissions? Only thing I can think of. What rom are you using?
Btw: 73 downloads but 2 thanks? Ouch guys
kenny111008 said:
would any care to make a flashable zip for this? id love to have but i always mess up when it comes to pushing things via adb(idk why lol)
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In the morning I'll see about making a flashable.
Is this compatible with the High Rom 3D and the GSM version (not the CDMA) ?
Thanx guys.
kitarolivier said:
Is this compatible with the High Rom 3D and the GSM version (not the CDMA) ?
Thanx guys.
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I really.wouldn't see why not. Do a backup and both files and give it a shot. The worse it would do (I believe) is not show up or force close. But honestly. I don't see why it wouldn't just work.
felacio said:
I really.wouldn't see why not. Do a backup and both files and give it a shot. The worse it would do (I believe) is not show up or force close. But honestly. I don't see why it wouldn't just work.
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Doesn't work on GSM version. FC, such a shame.

[Q]how to port the camera app from one ROM to another ?

here is my problem
i was using wanam lite v 6.4 XMC2 ROM , its camera has a function that disable the shot sound.
today i changed to Android revolution HD as it is updated to XMC3, but its camera is not capable of disable shot sound.
i tried , that extract the camera from wanam ROM and replace in /system/app , but after reboot still the same ...
so ...i really don't get it ...
any idea please ?
no, may be i am not made myself clear.
there is a setting in WANAM's camera , something like "disable/enblae camera shot sound" or something like that.
i extract and replaced the APK file from WANAM's ROM to ARHD , but it doesn't have this setting...
Just use the Roms original camera, follow the path I showed, add .bak to the relevant sound file.....no more sound
slaphead20 said:
Just use the Roms original camera, follow the path I showed, add .bak to the relevant sound file.....no more sound
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Thanks but with all due respect, your way is not completely accurate...
As matter fact it still needs to edit the APK file to kill the sound completely.
But I just wanna have a control of sound...
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
It may well be that the sound is enabled/disabled via a script, simulating roughly what I suggested?
slaphead20 said:
It may well be that the sound is enabled/disabled via a script, simulating roughly what I suggested?
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If I remembered it correct, the shot sound file is contained within the camera APK file, not in the /system/media/audio/ui.
What I want is quick and instant way to control the sound of shot although set phone in silent or vibration mode can do it, but it is just my obsession...
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
qtwrk said:
If I remembered it correct, the shot sound file is contained within the camera APK file, not in the /system/media/audio/ui.
What I want is quick and instant way to control the sound of shot although set phone in silent or vibration mode can do it, but it is just my obsession...
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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The shutter sound is in /system/media/audio/ui/.
Install this for the option to disable shutter sounds
It's working for me on the latest Wanamlite rom so it should work for others

How to improve sound and make the ear piece speaker to work

Dear friends
This is my first post so please be easy on me.in snapdragon processor based hand sets the sound profiles are situated in system-etc-mixerpath_xml. where as in exynos octa core(G900h) the sound files are situated in system-etc-default_gain.conf. so use root explorer and open in text editor and where ever you see speaker or ear piece or headset and add 1 or 2 digits. don't add more than that. for eg. if it is 126 then make it 128. that"s it. after that save and exit then reboot. that's all. enjoy the good sound.
caution- please dont increase the values more than 3 otherwise u will screw your speaker.thank you
Hi, can i send you my mixerpath.xml so you can do it, there too many things to change not sure what.
sniperwolf64 said:
Hi, can i send you my mixerpath.xml so you can do it, there too many things to change not sure what.
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change the values under earpiece and speaker in all parameters. eg. if it is 32 make it 33.if it is 118 make it 120.like that.thanks
don't forget to save your original file, may be
Envoyé de mon SM-G900F
Where in the file are the lines we need to edit?
Can you post the general area of the lines and maybe mark red which values need editing?
today night will post in detail.thanks
where is that file again? sorry noob here.
ayurmouli said:
Dear friends
This is my first post so please be easy on me.in snapdragon processor based hand sets the sound profiles are situated in system-etc-mixerpath_xml. where as in exynos octa core(G900h) the sound files are situated in system-etc-default_gain.conf. so use root explorer and open in text editor and where ever you see speaker or ear piece or headset and add 1 or 2 digits. don't add more than that. for eg. if it is 126 then make it 128. that"s it. after that save and exit then reboot. that's all. enjoy the good sound.
caution- please dont increase the values more than 3 otherwise u will screw your speaker.thank you
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Bro i think sound will improve if u use headphone path in speaker path also, like here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2902915
langeveld024 said:
Bro i think sound will improve if u use headphone path in speaker path also, like here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2902915
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u are correct.thank you sir
ayurmouli said:
u are correct.thank you sir
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It's cool bro, hope ur enjoy :thumbup:

