New to evo3d - HTC EVO 3D

Just wanted to say hi to all evo3d user i just traded in my evo4g for the 3d time to learn an all new device lol
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Di d you root that bad boy yet? ASOP is just around the corner.

Welcome to the community. And don't take the software update. Revolutionary is safe and simple. don't do HTCs method if you haven't rooted already.

phatmanxxl said:
Di d you root that bad boy yet? ASOP is just around the corner.
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o rly... even for us GSM users?

Not rooted yet and the store did the update before i ever got it in my hands
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

Welcome, it's quite a phone you got.

tat2messiah said:
Not rooted yet and the store did the update before i ever got it in my hands
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What! I would of made them get me another one no questions asked.
My "DU4L C0R3 SH00T3R" shot you down in 3D! -Security Off-

Yea i thought about that but im not really concerned abiut it since it can still be rooted
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

welcome to the greatest thing every provided by a cell phone company.
root it. it's easy to do. and flash the cleanrom2.2 for now until you find what you want to do with it as far as themes and kernels, etc etc.
shouldnt take you any longer than 20 minutes to do.

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The three best things in life:
1. Women
2. Beer
3. Evo3d


All who received their 3D, what's the best part?!

Post all of your favorite features and new tweaks that has been improved upon from the og EVO . I still came wait for Friday!
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aray92 said:
Post all of your favorite features and new tweaks that has been improved upon from the og EVO . I still came wait for Friday!
Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk
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two words man: 3d boobies
A.Priori said:
two words man: 3d boobies
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I was making a comment to one of my coworkers today as I was exploring mine, that they need to come up with a reliable source for 3D prons
spalding1028 said:
I was making a comment to one of my coworkers today as I was exploring mine, that they need to come up with a reliable source for 3D prons
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Lmaoooo +11111
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Let's not be those stereotypical nerds who act like they have never seen boobies before or have never gotten laid.
You lot need to get out more...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
Someday you guys will realize that real boobs are in 3D, and they are much nicer than a 4.3" screen can portray.
A.Priori said:
two words man: 3d boobies
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Oh to be young again. Lmao
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mattfmartin said:
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Best part
Its fast and I like the size
spalding1028 said:
I was making a comment to one of my coworkers today as I was exploring mine, that they need to come up with a reliable source for 3D prons
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I just hope that when a reliable source for 3d pron comes out... The ONLY the female is 3d.... You wouldn't want anything else poking out at you(or flying towards you (money shot))....
That would totally ruin the 3d pron experience
Only girl girl pron in 3d
Sent from my PC36100
fmedina2 said:
Let's not be those stereotypical nerds who act like they have never seen boobies before or have never gotten laid.
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hahahaha, I was thinking the same thing. I have seen so many comments with people saying boobs or boobies. Really, has no one gotten laid yet or seen a pair?
d12bn said:
Its fast and I like the size
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Thats what she said!!!!!!
Sent from my PC36100
recieved mine yesterday i like it ... cant say one bad thing about it yet ... other than I cant stand being locked out of so many things lol where are my roots for it
metalroach said:
recieved mine yesterday i like it ... cant say one bad thing about it yet ... other than I cant stand being locked out of so many things lol where are my roots for it
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+1 ... great phone! (with or without 3d boobs)
ldominguez1986 said:
hahahaha, I was thinking the same thing. I have seen so many comments with people saying boobs or boobies. Really, has no one gotten laid yet or seen a pair?
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So once you get laid, you lose interest in boobs? God I hope I never get laid!
Technology advances for the sole purpose of getting women to show men their boobs. I hope that never changes. God Bless Boobs.
Boobs give me root
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
the phone is incredibly smooth...I didnt care about the 3d. But, I was very suprised. It is very cool. I have already set it up live my evo 4g. I can't wait to get to know the phone a little better.
3d youtube is very cool. not a lot of content yet but still very cool

I wonder where this guy is? (Youtube)

I still laugh at this, this guy is a riot lol, I wonder if he owns an EVO 3D now? Possibly the whole EVO line-up?
Warning, the following video is rated FB!
-Contains Yelling
This guy should be on all Evo commercials!!
Hilarious...and he has some valid points.
Lol. Never seen this. Ish is pretty funny.
Somebody buy that man a beer!
Best rage review ever.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
Omg this is so fracking hilarious!
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
best 8.5 mins i've spent all day lol
I had to watch it twice I couldn't stop laughing. What riot.
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itsallsubliminal said:
best 8.5 mins i've spent all day lol
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LMAO......that was good.....DEF got me **LAUGHING** me A$$ off....
Pretty damn funny!
See this phone here?!?!? I can do annnnything on this phone here!!!!!!!
I dont know how you guys find that guy remotely funny. That was a waste of time.
Lintrix said:
I dont know how you guys find that guy remotely funny. That was a waste of time.
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Same can be said on how you don't find the guy funny. Nonetheless everyone has their own sense of humor.
"I'll flash the fcuk outta any website, what you got iPhone" Lmfao classic comedy
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
same guy that did the Gears of War 3 Beta Review Rant....that one however was hilarious
lmao that was funny as hell i love videos that put down the junky ios devices esp sense ios has copied androids notification system.
Lintrix said:
I dont know how you guys find that guy remotely funny. That was a waste of time.
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You should be banned from the internet.
Find me a donate link. I will donate. HTC needs to give him a free phone of his choice.
Lintrix said:
I dont know how you guys find that guy remotely funny. That was a waste of time.
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iphone fanboy? This was worth watching.
My ''xDU4L C0R3 SH00T3Rx'' shot you down in 3D!
dirkyd3rk said:
"I'll flash the fcuk outta any website, what you got iPhone" Lmfao classic comedy
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just showed that 2 not just one but 2 iphone 4 toters and one was slackjawed the other whipped out his ipistolero and
turned his phone around saying " I got flash !!" whilst pointing at his camera ..I fell out lollerskatin'


Really Reaper? I can't believe this, what phone u getting?
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fdavila17 said:
Really Reaper? I can't believe this, what phone u getting?
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I dunno what I really wanna stick too I have a epic on the way I got off ebay 1 month old. I might stick with it for awhile seems fine with me or might snag a nexus s tho the part that sucks about the nexus is no HD filming like the epic.
I know the nexus s is easy as hell to root which in the long wrong I might swing too or just keep the epic and root it .
Dunno the 3D is not my thing fast phone looks good nice layout but not my thing. Epic is a slight downgrade not much tho the OS is alil old and what not but takes good pics and films feels good in the hands. So does the nexus s.
So im stuck in between which phone to keeep lol.
I think u on the Missing Root boat lol man good luck both are good phones, I say stick with the epic man seems better than the Nexus
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
fdavila17 said:
I think u on the Missing Root boat lol man good luck both are good phones, I say stick with the epic man seems better than the Nexus
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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i agree
U know why I say ur on that boat? Cuz I remember u was my inspiration on getting the 3d, u was like super happy with the phone, this is a big surprise lmao
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Idk if inspiration is the right word tho
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fdavila17 said:
Idk if inspiration is the right word tho
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Im still on the boat with folks I just been busy man with work and I have a baby on the way due in august so I have more important things to attend to also work is slow as hell so im doing what i can to make money .
fdavila17 said:
U know why I say ur on that boat? Cuz I remember u was my inspiration on getting the 3d, u was like super happy with the phone, this is a big surprise lmao
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Did you come from the kingdom threads from virus roms? I still venture over there and help evo users out.
reaper24 said:
Im still on the boat with folks I just been busy man with work and I have a baby on the way due in august so I have more important things to attend to also work is slow as hell so im doing what i can to make money .
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Yea man I got u, congrats on getting the baby man and I hope when u go to ur mail u get an envelope with a 30,000 dollars so u can have some extra money hahah God bless you man and the family
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reaper24 said:
Did you come from the kingdom threads from virus roms? I still venture over there and help evo users out.
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And yea I'm coming from there, I always see u helping everybody.on that thread, even without the 4g keep doing that man, and i hope we get root soon so.Virus can do.his thing
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fdavila17 said:
Yea man I got u, congrats on getting the baby man and I hope when u go to ur mail u get an envelope with a 30,000 dollars so u can have some extra money hahah God bless you man and the family
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Thanks man we are pretty excited our first one for wife and I just been getting settled in and everything lined up. I will still be on the threads helping everyone when I get the time. Thanks again man im happy your on the threads and liked virus work.
Virus does some outstanding work and rom wise when the 3D gets full root he will make some sweet roms for it I know the epic has a bunch out it will slowly move up to 2.3 soon ....
reaper24 said:
Thanks man we are pretty excited our first one for wife and I just been getting settled in and everything lined up. I will still be on the threads helping everyone when I get the time. Thanks again man im happy your on the threads and liked virus work.
Virus does some outstanding work and rom wise when the 3D gets full root he will make some sweet roms for it I know the epic has a bunch out it will slowly move up to 2.3 soon ....
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Yea and i hope when we get full root and u get ur baby and stuff, u get the 3d back!!!! Haha
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
And yea no.problem man Good luck on.everything.u do
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fdavila17 said:
And yea no.problem man Good luck on.everything.u do
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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The 3D is great the Galaxy 2 should be pretty sweet when it comes out. I think HTC will unlock the Evo 3d pretty soon after that 30 day period runs out for the launch day folks.
Im hoping root comes out soon tho lots of folks are going stock crazy and want full root. The Nexus S is 100 dollars now on sprint and so is the Evo. The Epic is 150 still.
LOL great u should get the EVO man is way better lol
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Lmao! The description says it has one spec of dust under then screen smaller than an ant's ****! LOL!
jordant2 said:
Lmao! The description says it has one spec of dust under then screen smaller than an ant's ****! LOL!
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Lmao it really is that small I wouldn't of said anything cause you cant see it unless you eye ball the phone to your face. Im too honest.
You cant see it tho was just worth saying it is so damn small you won't notice it. Im not gonna lie about anything it really is so small its the size of a ant's **** you can't see it unless you stick your eye ball down on the phone.
fdavila17 said:
LOL great u should get the EVO man is way better lol
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Was fun for me when I had one lol.
reaper24 said:
Was fun for me when I had one lol.
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Lol I know
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App

Boot manager

Just a heads up... Bootmanager for the 3d works... Its in the market for 2.99. Sorry if this has been mentioned.
Sent from 3D A.W.E.S.O.M-O
And it's awesome! Every rom I've tried has worked flawlessly (except synergy, can't get it to boot) and runs as well as it does when booting from the phone.
tapa tapa tapa
mlin said:
And it's awesome! Every rom I've tried has worked flawlessly (except synergy, can't get it to boot) and runs as well as it does when booting from the phone.
tapa tapa tapa
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I couldn't get synergy to work either irk why. But yeah, its awesomesauce! Keep rebooting back n forth... Can u install themes on the SD rom? I'm not sure how...
Sent from 3D A.W.E.S.O.M-O
I have gotten the app but haven't tried yet...can u give me an idea on how this can be worked?
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sshark said:
I have gotten the app but haven't tried yet...can u give me an idea on how this can be worked?
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here man
OK, lovin boot manager but having difficulty flashing themes to the SD roms... Any ideas peeps?
Sent from 3D A.W.E.S.O.M-O
are you guys using the stock sd card? or are you using something greater then 8gb?
Incredible. Will definitely give this a look.
eltrutgnik said:
are you guys using the stock sd card? or are you using something greater then 8gb?
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I've got a 16g class 4 and its super smooth. Got no noticeable lag...
Sent from 3D A.W.E.S.O.M-O
About to bill it to my sprint account lol
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
wow how stupid. Wont accept my payment throught sprint bill. I bought madden 12 today but for some reason this one wont go through
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
clark44 said:
wow how stupid. Wont accept my payment throught sprint bill. I bought madden 12 today but for some reason this one wont go through
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Mines won't work for either one. It's been happening for a while.
My "DU4L C0R3 SH00T3R" shot you down in 3D! -Security Off-
Might not let us buy root only apps??..??..,
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ktrotter11 said:
Might not let us buy root only apps??..??..,
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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Nah I billed RE to my sprint Bill...i think only certain companys allow carrier so many people keep talking about this app...sounds like a great price for its features....imma give it a u guys say it doesn't work for synergy...I always jump between that and Viper's biggy...imma give it a shot anyeay....good stuff fellas......hey CLARK.....goes madden?...seen that in the market yesterday, but 7 bike is kinda steep for a game (im cheap as hell...LOL)'s the overall performance with our device?
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reverepats said:
Nah I billed RE to my sprint Bill...i think only certain companys allow carrier so many people keep talking about this app...sounds like a great price for its features....imma give it a u guys say it doesn't work for synergy...I always jump between that and Viper's biggy...imma give it a shot anyeay....good stuff fellas......hey CLARK.....goes madden?...seen that in the market yesterday, but 7 bike is kinda steep for a game (im cheap as hell...LOL)'s the overall performance with our device?
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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Its ****ing amazing worth my money
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
I woke up ththis morning and it worked. This app is sick. Gonna wait till aosp roms cpme out and do a combo of cm7 sense and miui. Maybe even a port of something cool
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
I run synergy as my phone rom and have viper n aosp on sd. Definatly worth the money!!
Sent from 3D A.W.E.S.O.M-O
How do you Setup Bootmanager?
motoelliot said:
I run synergy as my phone rom and have viper n aosp on sd. Definatly worth the money!!
Sent from 3D A.W.E.S.O.M-O
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Did you partition for a2sd? If so, what partitions are you running? Thanks.
Yup. Definitely a fun app!

Phone is auto downloading cm 10 and I'm not rooted or anything

This is weird
Sent from my LTEVO
stevemoffler said:
This is weird
Sent from my LTEVO
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it is a sign from the cm10 gods that that is what you must run on your phone :fingers-crossed:
It's kinda creepy lol
Sent from my LTEVO
bog3nator said:
it is a sign from the cm10 gods that that is what you must run on your phone :fingers-crossed:
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Lol came to post this.
Either that or Sprint realizes that HTC Sense is pure garbage, and they themselves are pushing the AOSP updates to your phone.
If you have any ROM downloaders, you may have inadvertently enabled scheduled downloads. There are a few that support this feature. If you have opened then link at any time in the stock browser, the download will be triggered every time the browser reloads until you visit another site
I don't have any Rom managers on this phone tho lol, and I didn't open any cm links lol
Sent from my LTEVO
It's just the good folks at CM looking out for you. Now go unlock so you can flash it :thumbup:
via xda premium on my AOKP'd Evo LTE
Then yes its a sign, cross yourself, then your phone, then yourself with the phone in hand and after you verify the md5sum, jump ship
I don't wanna lol
Sent from my LTEVO
You should probably put a piece of tape or something over your front-facing camera. They may be watching you
Its a new form of marketing to use built in cameras, see them all the time now, they use basic face tracking to see who is looking at what advertisements, glad cellphones don't do that
I hope not cause they would see me on the toilet right now
robert90262 said:
I hope not cause they would see me on the toilet right now
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Sent from the euphoric state of my mind
Who's "they"?
You know... THEM.
The aliens
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Well they haven't made me download anything else lately lol
Sent from my LTEVO
They will soon .
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Go donate to CM. They had your back.
via xda premium on my AOKP'd Evo LTE

