[HOW TO] DISABLE (not delete) DOWN ANIMATION for sense framework. - HTC EVO 3D

Ok, so this is pretty simple. Some devs have deleted their down animation, but the system still calls for it, so you're left with about an 8 second delay. Also, some ROMs have their own, but somehow it still had the delay. I think I have a fix for both. I just tested this with the d3rps, all confirm the disable works.
Using a root file explorer, navigate to:
system/customize/CID/default.xml and open it with a text editor. You could also pull it with adb and open with NotePad. Go toward the end of the file and where it says:
blahblahblah just edit out the blahblahblah. Now when you reboot it won't even call for animation, ths solving the delay issue people keep complaining about. Done.
Now for the delay even with animation, I believe (only a hunch) its because the down anim is built incorrectly. I have one I grabbed I think from the sensation forum, and when I use it, it works properly with no delay. But when I use other created down anims, they work but there's still that delay. Here's the zip. If anyone wants to use it as a template for their own down anim, I think it will solve the delay afterward.
Happy flashing

He shoots, he scores. Conformed working.
-- Sent from my 3D Shooter --

Sorry to be dense, but what is down animation?


[Q] harder questions on theming

Okay, so i've been playing around with theming for 2 months and i've just about figured it all out, except for one thing.... the VZW banner on the lock screen for the D2 doesnt seem to give two ****s what i put in any of the keyguard .xmls that is supposed to control the layout and keeps on just being white...
im running fission 2.5.7 and i've tried everything that is supposed to do the lockscreen on the xml side (as far as i know) including the colors.xml in the values folder(more on this issue later)... so i started poking around .jar files in the framework but unfortunately i have little understanding still of .smali files because im still on the baby steps side of coding beyond the beginners html stuff i learned in the 6th grade ('99) and i could use some help/pointers toward i should be looking for.
i noticed mentions of wakelock (or something like it, its 2am and im mentally fried right now) in one of the smali files in a telephony folder in framework.jar but im just not sure if it is even close to the right thing because it may just be the phone doing something to the cdma radio on wakeup....
I'm open to try any suggestion you guys are willing to throw at me because finishing this project is important to me.
every guide i have been able to find so far just mentions line 7 and 8 of the .xmls in layout, if you find another idea besides that already posted send those too...
ALSO, when i edit colors.xml and then compile and push framework-res.apk to the phone i get 2 results depending on what i do
1) move the file that values folders gets turned into into the original framework-res.apk and get a boot look
2) use the newly compiled framework-res.apk (in whole) and lose the functionality of lockscreen selection app...
any idea on how to make this work would also be awesome
may end up having to work with the devs in the chatroom on this issue (im sure) but its also somethign i want to do so i can change the text colors of sound on/off (along with a couple other default text colors)

BIOS Boot Animation

Found this somewhere on xda, can't remember who made it, but it works for our phone. I slowed down the frame rate so it's not instantly over.
1. Download attached.
2. I use root explorer to change /system permissions. However you want to do it is fine.
3. Go to command prompt.
4. Type:
adb push c:\wherever you saved this file to\BIOS.zip /system/customize/resources/bootanimation.zip
5. Reboot phone. Enjoy.
I know it says "HTC Desire." I'm too lazy to go in and fix all the pngs. If anyone else would like to take the time to do that, go for it. I will not ask for any credit. If you want to change the framerate, open desc.txt and edit the third number to whatever you want. I set it to "3" cuz that's what works best on my phone.
Sweet I may give it a try. slightly related what I would like to see is an animation of the Android guy dressed in a Samuri Worrier outfit taking out a Samuri sword and slicing an apple in half at an angle. Sadly I know nothing about creating animation .
Telion007 said:
Sweet I may give it a try. slightly related what I would like to see is an animation of the Android guy dressed in a Samuri Worrier outfit taking out a Samuri sword and slicing an apple in half at an angle. Sadly I know nothing about creating animation .
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I made a step by step how-to for boot animations, it is one page back.
Also, this thread should probably be merged with it.
You're right. Can a mod move it for me? Sorry.
I tried to update this, but all I get is a black screen. Anyone wanna give it go? LOL
Oh I've been using the BIOS bootanimation no problem for a couple weeks.
Attached is the one I'm using. It's designed for the EVO Shift
It's from the same thread. The guy added the Shift's BIOS animation, and that's when I picked it up.
Extract it to get the bootanimation.zip that's inside. Run the adb commands that OP posted in this thread and voila. Easy as that.
Original Thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=648555

[Q] Custom Boot Animations

I am sorry if this is a noobish question or there is an easy answer, but I was looking at customizing my phone a bit and I saw the part about making your own splash screens (which is awesome), but I was wondering how to make custom boot animations - what tools I would need, type of files, etc. I thought there would have been a thread somewhere in the Themes & Apps section but I could not find it, and doing Google search leads me to just people posting their own custom animations.
Is there a thread someone can direct me to that has this sort of information? Any help would be appreciated - thanks!
Bump - does anybody know? Also, the boot noise for the BAMF Sense 3.0 RC3 does not work, another reason why I want a new one, ha.
Have you opened one of the bootanimation.zips? What file types are in there?
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
A PNG image and a series of JPG images that make the animation, but I was wondering if there was a program that took an animation to make it into a series of JPGs, or if there were certain requirements/specifics in terms of how to make a boot animation.
+1 on this whole post, I attemted last night to make my first animation, and if it is just the tedious task of re-saving the same picture over and over again with just minor changes on each one to create the animation, than ok, so be it.
It just seems that with some of the very cool animations there are, for example the boot animation to the new BAMF 3.0 has moving clouds in the background, that seems like it would be pretty hard to do manually moving the clouds a little bit for each frame.
It would seem pretty obvious to anyone that extracted the bootanimation.zip how the animation works, just more speaking on the creation of each of those frames.
Would be nice if someone with experience with this chimed on and offered some help.
Thank's in advance.
Does seem pretty tedious manually moving and saving them as you said but I'm guessing that's what they do.
Probably wouldn't take that long if you had everything on layers in photoshop and you could just move layers themselves.
Alternatively, if you already have a video, I'm sure there's a way to convert that to a series of png's as well.
Ok I'm on the phone so giving a tutorial is out of the question. All you really need is patience and a goal.
First download Gimp for editing. Forget PhotoShop all together unless your rich.
Download the following scripts or plugins.
Background overlay
Save all layers
GAP (video editor for Gimp)
Google the hell out of what you want. Chances are someone allready has done what you want.
Read, read, read (time to not be lazy, what ever your doing you can find some direction at least with some good internet research)
Google "editing Android boot animations".
Create images (JPG or PNG) in the same aspect ratio of 480x800.
JPG images will be significantly smaller in file size
PNG images will have a much better quality
Sent from my thunderstick
Use GAP to convert an existing video to images frame for frame.
Very useful if you find a good video.
Sent from my thunderstick
I actually do have Photoshop, do you know how I can use that instead of Gimp/GAP? Also, I am sort of confused at how you take an existing video and turn it into something you can use as a boot animation... I found this link (http://www.machackpc.com/how-to-changecreate-your-boot-animation-for-droid/) but I am sort of confused by it and wish I could find someplace with simpler instructions.
I just use others. I used the Call of Android animation and the mw2 style on my incredible, and I just edited the files to use the same ones on my thunderbolt.
Message delivered via my BAMF Thunderbolt
Ok, did a little research last night and today and tried a bunch of different programs for converting animations to a series of .png files and finally settled on one. I tried some free one's some trials and this is probably the best one I found so far.
Xilisoft Ultimate video converter. I was able to load an .avi, (or many other supported formats.) Program made it very easy using the "clip" feature to select out a section of the video I wanted, then converted that "clip" to a series of .png files. I was able to easily select the length of times between the extracted images "less time will obviously give you a smoother animation but require more pictures", also I could manually input the size of the outputted files (to match our phone's resolution).
I have only played with it a little bit but so far seems to be pretty good.
Also I have one other program I have been playing with to help with this. Jasc animation studio, which works with paint shop pro, has a pretty cool feature, which lets you copy into the clipboard all of your extracted image .png's, then "paste" them into animation studio as a new animation, you can then watch them from there, or load any indivual frame into paint shop pro. You can also save the clips as an animated gif. Very easy to make changes to individual frames and see the result's without having to flash to your phone.
Hope this helps.
Wow! Awesome, thanks, this is perfect and in great detail - what about sound? If the video has sound, will I try hope it gets synced with the series of .png images? And what else would I need for the bootanimation.zip folder? Will I need a .txt like when I change the splash screens?

{How-To} Animated Status Bar Pull Down

Hello hello everyone. I recently picked up this Atrix and thought I would mess around with it a bit. I searched the forums here a couple of times and didn't see anything about the animated pull downs so thought I would whip one up for you to enjoy. If you haven't heard of this modification, it's it exactly how it sounds... When you slide down the notification / status bar screen the animation will start and will cycle through on repeat. Imagine it kind of like the looping part of the boot animation playing on the screen. I am not the creator of this modification. It was first presented here: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-themes/151983-animated-status-bar-pulldown-gb-roms.html So special thanks to Alastrionia!
Instructions for Windows users... (Linux users: You should be able to follow along, as the idea is the same in both)
Things you will need:
The knowledge that whatever you do with this information is YOUR responsibility and not mine, nor the creators / developers of the mod and / or rom.
Basics -
Working computer.
Animation / Idea for making your own animation.
Computer Programs -
Java: http://www.java.com/en/download/chrome.jsp?locale=en
Apk Manager: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=695701
Command Prompt: Start Menu > Search/Run box > Type: CMD > Hit Enter
Text Editor (Suggested - Notepad++: http://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v5.9.3.html)*
Archive Managing program (ie WinZip, WinRar, 7zip) (Suggested - 7zip: http://www.7-zip.org/download.html)*
Image Manipulation program - (whether it be Photoshop, Paint.Net, or GIMP we'll refer to it as PIMP for short from now on)
(Suggested - Dark Silent GIMP: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9903887/PCApps/Dark_Gimp.rar)*
If wanting to make one with images from a video you will also need -
A Video (if you are wanting to use one from, say, www.youtube.com then you would copy/paste that web address to a site like www.savevid.com Hit Download, Run Java Applet and select size/quality)
Video Editor (Suggested - iWiSoft Free Video Converter: http://www.iwisoft.com/videoconverter/)*
Apks -
SystemUI.apk (rom.zip > system > app > SystemUI.apk)
framework-res.apk (rom.zip > system > framework > framework-res.apk)
moto-res.apk (rom.zip > system > framework > moto-res.apk)
blur-res.apk (rom.zip > system > framework > blur-res.apk)
Move apks to the "other" folder in the Apk Manager.
(Let's say my Apk Manager folder is on my Desktop and I have renamed it ApkManager.)
The path to move the apks to would be:
Change directories to the "other" folder which you moved the apks to. In Command Prompt:
cd C:\Users\es0tericcha0s\Desktop\ApkManager\other
Enter these 3 commands:
java -jar apktool.jar if framework.res.apk <Enter>
java -jar apktool.jar if moto-res.apk <Enter>
java -jar apktool.jar if blur-res.apk <Enter>
Place SystemUI.apk in the Apk Manager place-apk-here-for-modding folder.
Double Click the Script.
Choose 22.
Choose the number of SystemUI and hit Enter.
Choose 9 for Decompile.
Naviage to Apk Manager > projects > SystemUI > res > drawable hdpi > status_bar_background_animationX.png and open your PIMP.
Edit to your heart's delight.
Common Question:
How big does the image need to be? - The screen size is 540 px x 960 px. However, I didn't even think to check this as I am used to 480 x 854 from my last few phones, and it looks fine... Your results may vary.
What kind of animation should I do? - Only you can answer that! If you are having trouble of thinking of ideas, browse the forums and see if you can't find some ideas. Search www.youtube.com for a cool video. Play with some creating some logos. Only limitation is your imagination.
After editing images...
Navigate to Apk Manager > projects > SystemUI > res > drawable > status_bar_background_animation.xml and open with your Text Editor. Here you will be able to adjust for the amount of images you want and the speed of the image changes. You can just go from 1 - "X" number sequentially or you can have the images go 1-2-3-4-5-6-5-4-3-2 etc. depending on the style of animation or if you are trying to keep the image number down.
Save xml.
Common questions:
How many images can I have? - I'm not sure. The one I made has 31 and there have been no issues whatsoever. The original Droid would not like many on most roms, but the difference in power and speed of the two are vast, as I am sure you are aware of. With the amount of RAM / processing power, I'm sure you could easily have 50 or more.
What duration should I change the animation to? - Again, this really depends on what you are going for. How the animation looks, how many images you have, etc. I did not change mine for the default "200" Trial and error ftw!
After that... (it really does not matter what order you do these in, but this might help you the first time or two to have a set path)
Navigate to Apk Manager > projects > SystemUI > res > layout > status_bar_tracking.xml and open with Text Editor.
Find -
Change to -
Save xml.
{Now I wanted to try and keep both the transparent color and the animation but I could not figure out how to do a double attribute. If you know what that is, and have ideas on how to implement in this case, lemme know please.}
-What that means to the layperson is that I am not sure how to control the transparency quite yet.-
After you have edited your images and xml and saved all of them go back to the script for Apk Manager and choose 11 to compile. After it finishes it will ask you if it is a system apk (Y/N). "Y" + Enter. It will ask you if you want to keep blah blah blah (Y/N). "Y" + Enter.
Go to the "keep" folder in Apk Manager > keep and delete the "res" folder and the resources.arsc file (this is the lazy way ).
Go back to the Apk Manager script and hit Enter.
The apk will be completed and named unsignedSystemUI.apk and you will find it in the "place-here-for-modding" folder. Even though it says unsigned, it is signed and you will not need to do anything else to it beyond renaming it to SystemUI.apk. This new finished SystemUI.apk will be added to a flashable zip file in this format (open zip as archive to not break the signature):
flashable.zip > system > app > replace previous SystemUI.apk
Place this on your SD card and install via ClockworkMod Recovery. You will not need to wipe data or cache for this.
The example that I have made is themed for the Alien Rom (green version) built by developer kennethpenn and showcased here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1186537 - So the rest of the thanks go to him as I like the rom and it inspired me to make this in the first place.
It is the Alien text from his thread that each letter fades in 1 at a time after each other and then it glows and fades away, then repeats. Nothing crazy, just wanted something that went with the rom that would not be offensive to anyone. It's a good base to use since I have already have all of the fixes there that you could edit to your liking. If you would prefer the stock images vs. the green Alien theme from the rom, then find the SystemUI.apk of the rom you are using and open both the stock SystemUI and the flashable zip as archives and replace the images of all but the status_bar_background_animationX.pngs.
Sorry if this seems crazy difficult, but I just wanted to be thorough so even relatively new people can at least see how it is made. If you need help, hit me up on Talk with my screen name. Enjoy!
*I receive no form of compensation for these recommendations. I merely suggest them as they are free, have a fair amount of support, and work well enough for me.*
I made a how to on this a while back,
Haha. Nice. I searched the forum three different ways and didn't find anything. Ah well. There's still a new animated pull down for Alien rom users.
Oh - That and XDA has the thread suggestion box when you first go to post a new thread title too, and it wasn't there. XDA needs to partner with Google for the search engine algorithm. Heh
I just flashed this using Romracer unlocked CWM over top of Alien 4 w/theme. It worked beautifully.
Here is screenshot
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Thanks for the screenshot. I was trying to take some video earlier, but couldn't get it to work right...
es0tericcha0s said:
Thanks for the screenshot. I was trying to take some video earlier, but couldn't get it to work right...
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It definitely took a bunch of shots to get it just right.
es0tericcha0s said:
Thanks for the screenshot. I was trying to take some video earlier, but couldn't get it to work right...
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Any chance you could make one that has Android on it.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
You can also use the ultimate online theme kitchen to add an animated pull down. They have several on there already.
Sent from my 2.3.4 Atrix with an unlocked bootloader!
coldfusionb said:
Any chance you could make one that has Android on it.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
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I could be persuaded... What color text do you want? Do you want it to just have the letters fade in and glow like the Alien text? Lemme know and I'll see what I can do.
es0tericcha0s said:
I could be persuaded... What color text do you want? Do you want it to just have the letters fade in and glow like the Alien text? Lemme know and I'll see what I can do.
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I would love to have it GB green and fade in. I think that will go with more roms. Thanks
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
Excellent work! I got this working perfectly on my ATRIX. Built it myself following your instructions instead of copying and pasting, just to make sure I got it right. However, I tried porting to my captivate themes and it just sits at the first animation.png. Its a gb 2.3.4 rom that uses systemui.apk, the modded systemui.apk recompiled perfectly, I made the shade_bg.png transparent, as well as status_bar_background_.png just for good measure, but no animation. Pulled it down several times, all animations are on, tried rebooting, tried reflashing, and its not working. I literally did everything the exact same way on both devices, works on ATRIX but not cappy. Weird.... Anyone have any ideas to help me out?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
10tonhammr said:
Excellent work! I got this working perfectly on my ATRIX. Built it myself following your instructions instead of copying and pasting, just to make sure I got it right. However, I tried porting to my captivate themes and it just sits at the first animation.png. Its a gb 2.3.4 rom that uses systemui.apk, the modded systemui.apk recompiled perfectly, I made the shade_bg.png transparent, as well as status_bar_background_.png just for good measure, but no animation. Pulled it down several times, all animations are on, tried rebooting, tried reflashing, and its not working. I literally did everything the exact same way on both devices, works on ATRIX but not cappy. Weird.... Anyone have any ideas to help me out?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
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Thanks! I tried to be super thorough to make it as painless as possible for you. I know it sucks to have to piece together everything through a bunch of threads (not a knock against the author of the other thread, as I was unaware when I first posted). As far as for the Captivate, my first thought is that if it is a TouchWiz based rom, then you will also need to make the same adjustment in the TWFramework (I think) in the /system/framework/TWFramework.apk That or whatever the main TouchWiz apk is in framework. I had a Fascinate for a brief period of time and it had something or other to do with that. Hope that helps!
es0tericcha0s said:
Thanks! I tried to be super thorough to make it as painless as possible for you. I know it sucks to have to piece together everything through a bunch of threads (not a knock against the author of the other thread, as I was unaware when I first posted). As far as for the Captivate, my first thought is that if it is a TouchWiz based rom, then you will also need to make the same adjustment in the TWFramework (I think) in the /system/framework/TWFramework.apk That or whatever the main TouchWiz apk is in framework. I had a Fascinate for a brief period of time and it had something or other to do with that. Hope that helps!
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Thanks for the reply. I'll definitely look into it, but the twframework-res.apk was rendered almost obsolete and useless in the gb builds. Everything status bar related was moved to the sysui.apk. Having said that, it will of course turn out to be the problem. Thanks again, and ill report back.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
One of my friend's pointed out a couple of other potential culprits could be image size and / or timing on the animations. Have to remember that the Atrix will be able to play larger animations much more smoothly than the Captivate could (not that it isn't a nice phone, but still single vs dual core...). Just in case the TouchWiz stuff doesn't pan out...
es0tericcha0s said:
One of my friend's pointed out a couple of other potential culprits could be image size and / or timing on the animations. Have to remember that the Atrix will be able to play larger animations much more smoothly than the Captivate could (not that it isn't a nice phone, but still single vs dual core...). Just in case the TouchWiz stuff doesn't pan out...
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Yea, the TW stuff did not pan out. I tried tweaking the anim speed, to no avail. The one I'm using is only 9 frames and played perfectly on my atrix, so I'll try tweaking the image sizes. Thanks for the ideas. Its driving me nuts, lol. WORK, DAMN YOU, WORK!!
I tried making a 30+ frame animation back when I first starting messing with this and it caused SystemUI to FC so I think there is a limit, but I don't know what it is. Ive got 15 frames working fine.
9 images, sounds familiar.
The ALIEN animation is 31 images, and I haven't had any issues with that one. It's not large though since it is a semi transparent background and just text. If you want, I could take a look at what you are working on and see if I don't see something that might be tweaked?
es0tericcha0s said:
The ALIEN animation is 31 images, and I haven't had any issues with that one. It's not large though since it is a semi transparent background and just text. If you want, I could take a look at what you are working on and see if I don't see something that might be tweaked?
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Thanks guys, but I think I found the problem. Reviewing the stat bar tracking.xml code at work D) and there is some missing code that appears in the ATRIX sysui.apk and not in the cappy version. Ill be testing tonight and report back.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
Hey there guys. Sorry, but I have already moved on to another phone, so can't really do much more to help with this one. The Atrix was meant to be my next phone, but shortly after purchasing my first GSM phone, I learned that that version of the phone is not completely compatible with the HSPA+ bands of T-Mo so I sold it to get a LG G2x. I wish you all luck with modding your phone and if you do have specific questions, I will be more than willing to try and provide assistance, but I will no longer have the time to make more stuff for the phone such as the "Android" pull down I was working before. Good luck and good night.

[Q] Can I get some help changing a boot animation?

I'm running Chubbz-Gruesome's Sense 4.1, It's a lovely ROM and the boot animation is cool because it was clearly build from scratch, But there are much better one's that I'd love to be running on my daily driver.
I've done the file explorer and it failed and made my phone spaz out and I had to reflash the rom, that sucked...
I really want to change it. It's the only thing bothering me with the rom.
Just checked a suggested threah, should I have to rename it to the same thing after I put it in?
ALRIGHT! Figured it out, It has to be named the same thing as the original on your rom.
Good to know that you resolved it.
Have you tried the 3D Boot Animation? It's pretty cool.
DjDom said:
Good to know that you resolved it.
Have you tried the 3D Boot Animation? It's pretty cool.
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I've ran it from Paranoid android and another one, I think MIUI and it is awesome, Once I found out how to do it i SWEAR I've changed it to 15 different one's I've upzipped my entire "ROM list" which is a real folder on my C drive haha. I have around 30 roms I keep them all. For things like this.
I have a few more questions, I'm trying to find a downanimation
I wanna take an bootanimation and rename is to down and see if it'll work... Think it will?? Does anyone have any education in this area? Or maybe editing a bootanimation to make it shorter and turning it into a downanimation, I wanna take the one from "Jelly-Belly" it's the nexus thing, which is awesome, and use it as my down. Hope it'll work.
NEXT QUESTION, The rom I'm running had a .mp3 in the folder with the bootanimation, It was some transformery sound, I deleted it haha, BUT! Can I find a sound snippet of something I want, Name it the same thing, and then reboot and enjoy my awesome booy animation along with my awesome sound!!! Please tell me I can!!!
Can't_Live_Without_My_Evo said:
I've ran it from Paranoid android and another one, I think MIUI and it is awesome, Once I found out how to do it i SWEAR I've changed it to 15 different one's I've upzipped my entire "ROM list" which is a real folder on my C drive haha. I have around 30 roms I keep them all. For things like this.
I have a few more questions, I'm trying to find a downanimation
I wanna take an bootanimation and rename is to down and see if it'll work... Think it will?? Does anyone have any education in this area? Or maybe editing a bootanimation to make it shorter and turning it into a downanimation, I wanna take the one from "Jelly-Belly" it's the nexus thing, which is awesome, and use it as my down. Hope it'll work.
NEXT QUESTION, The rom I'm running had a .mp3 in the folder with the bootanimation, It was some transformery sound, I deleted it haha, BUT! Can I find a sound snippet of something I want, Name it the same thing, and then reboot and enjoy my awesome booy animation along with my awesome sound!!! Please tell me I can!!!
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Success With the sound, Coolest phone boot EVER!! haha, Now if I only had a downanimation, Mine is just a black screen for about 5 seconds.
Can I go even further to put sound on my downanimation once I get there? I wouldn't know what to name it is the only problem there if it is doable.
Can't_Live_Without_My_Evo said:
Success With the sound, Coolest phone boot EVER!! haha, Now if I only had a downanimation, Mine is just a black screen for about 5 seconds.
Can I go even further to put sound on my downanimation once I get there? I wouldn't know what to name it is the only problem there if it is doable.
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Here is an idea, instead of renaming the files every time, I just put all the files where I want them.
There should be a file called default.xml in the /system/customize/CID/ directory. Open this with a text editor and you can find the sections for boot animation and shutdown animation. Here you can just insert the names and locations of the files you want to launch for bootup or shutdown.
Hope this helps.
sonza said:
Here is an idea, instead of renaming the files every time, I just put all the files where I want them.
There should be a file called default.xml in the /system/customize/CID/ directory. Open this with a text editor and you can find the sections for boot animation and shutdown animation. Here you can just insert the names and locations of the files you want to launch for bootup or shutdown.
Hope this helps.
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So you're talking about this portion of the xml right?
<BootAnimation animation="/data/local/bootanimation.zip" audio="/data/local/htc_boot.mp3" />
<ShutdownAnimation image_png="/system/customize/resource/hTC_downanimation.zip" image="" fps="10" />
So theoreticly I can add audio="/data/local/htc_boot_2.mp3"/> between downanimation.zip" and image ""fps="10"/>
And if can I change the downanimations name to simply "downanimation.zip" and then put a custom there named simply "downanimation.zip" would that work? or does it need to be hTC_downanimation?
venom tweaks you can change boot
whythekanging said:
venom tweaks you can change boot
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Can you flash Venom tweaks over any rom? I'm running a rom with Nocturnal Tweaks, I'm not sure if you can have more than one That'd be cool though.
And I've changed my boot, Trying to change my down, And add sound to the down.

