Motorola Phone Portal USB Linux? - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Has anyone gotten this to work, or come close? Wifi over work really isn't an option..
Switching to phone portal gives me a srX device, none of the settings give me any type of usb interface.
I've done searching but haven't found any threads discussing USB moto phone portal for linux, i'd be willing to help figure this out.
arch/gentoo/lfs/ubuntu user.

Are you trying to use it as a Mass Storage Device under linux? Make sure you have the following working under your linux installation. Scroll down to the linux section.

No, I can mount it as storage no problem.
I want the web portal you can use with Windows. Where I can view text messages, etc from a browser.
My main work pc is linux, as are all my home PC's. I don't like the idea of using WiFi for this at home, and it's simply not an option to have WiFi running at work.
I tried installing the motorola suite under wine to no success.
If I could get the phone to be in the state it is when it's connected to a windows PC(serving that web interface), I could manually configure the usb0 interface, bridge, and connect?
any linux guys been working on this?


[View] Mac or PC will not recognize tablet via USB (is Dropbox desktop the culprit?)

I have a stock Evo View running Honeycomb 3.2.1. Interestingly, neither of my computers, both mac and pc, will detect my tablet when I connect it by USB. This worked just a few weeks ago when I moved some files onto the device. The tablet charges through USB, but I do not get the notification option to use as USB storage. Within "settings > connect to pc" I've tried a number of configurations (default configuration type = disk drive, charge only) and I have also tried checking and unchecking "ask me about USB connection type whenever I connect my tablet to a PC." Nothing new happened.
Additionally, on the mac, I have the Android File Transfer app installed. When I open that i get a notification that says "No Android Device Found"
Coincidentally, I recently installed the Dropbox desktop beta for Mac which automatically detects pictures on a camera and uploads them to Dropbox. When I connected my device, Dropbox checked my device for pictures because it recognizes it as a camera. I instantly got a system error message saying that my device was not ejected properly. However, the mac never detected my device as a drive. Following that, I tried to connect to my PC and all it does is charge. My PC also does not detect my tablet as a drive. I'm thinking the new dropbox desktop client may have been the culprit for breaking my usb connection between my tablet and mac.
Has anyone else experience this problem? If not, is there a way to rebuild my usb connection between my tablet, mac, and pc?
well i would try uninstalling dropbox
Also in Settings/Applications/Development/Usb debugging should be checked.
Thanks. Appreciate the advice.
I did uninstall dropbox, on the View and on the Mac. That didn't help.
USB Debugging was checked. I can see my device in fastboot and adb. However, neither Mac nor PC will detect my tablet and allow me to mount as a hard drive.
I did a factory data reset and that worked. Both computers will recognize the View and I am receiving the notification "charge only, hard disk, htc sync, etc." again.
I wanted to break the usb connection again to confirm that it was in fact either dropbox's android beta, desktop beta, or a combination of the two. I am fairly certain that something broke the first time around because the desktop beta was able to scan my device for photos without my permission to mount the View as a hard disk. But now I'm having trouble proving this since I haven't been able to break the connection again.

[Q] wifi file transfer from windows xp to android

Yes, I did search. I didn't find what I was looking for.
I have a Samsung Galaxy 5 player running gingerbread. I'm trying to access files on it from my WinXP box via wifi. This seems like it should be a very common thing to do, but I simply can't find it. If I plug it into a usb port, I can access the drives. Can this be done via wifi?
Again, I want to access the android from the PC. Not the other way around.
Thanks for any help.
Three possible solutions pop into my mind (I guess there are many more):
1) Use a ftp server on the phone and access the files using that.
2) Use AirDroid or a similar app. It will give you wireless access to your phone's file.
3) This includes something that you said you didn't necessarily want to do but should also work: Use an app such as ES File Explorer and connect to your Windows XP PC via network. You can share a folder over the network (with write access) and then you can copy files from your android to your pc. But I guess that is the least ideal solution of the above.
I hope that the apps mentioned above are available for your device and that a method works.
Thanks, Fabur. I'm sure one of them will work.
The reason that "android -> pc" isn't an option is that much of the time, I'm using it as a wifi camera to monitor what my dogs are doing elsewhere in the house. But it would be nice to be able to access the files on the player from my pc.

View/Control Android device from PC (without ROOT)

Hi all. What I need is a way to control Android device (s) from PC via Wi-Fi. I found a lot of apps (and Desktop programs) to do it, but I didn't found a way to View OR control the Android device WITHOUT ROOT. I work on the company which asked me to find a way to do this without root with their Android devices. After googling a lot I started to think that where is no way to do this, because either way I need to root them . Is it true or maybe there is somewhere an app which could do this? It doesn't care if it's paid or not.
I have downloaded and tester these apps:
MyMobiler - Doesn't work because when I restart Android device, app doesn't start WiFi, just keyboard mode only. I need that when the app starts it should run itself and start WiFi automatically.
VMLite VNC Server - Don't know why but it didn't worked for me. Just cannot start server from the browser.
Thank you for any responses and appreciate any help.
What error messages do you get from vmlite vnc server? Make sure you enable USB debugging. We have tens of thousands of users using our app, and your device should work.
Well, actually now I tried to launch VMLite VNC one more time and IT WORKED (don't know how, because earlier I tried it and I was unable to enter to VNC Viewer in the Browser). So yeah, in this case it works perfectly now, but I just realized, that I have no way of connected more Android devices. Because what I need to do is to connect multiple Android devices to computer with USB (as I understand it's required for the first time) and when use it with WiFi. For now I see that I only capable of connecting single Android device with desktop program and everytime I want to connect to Android deice from computer, I need to connect it via USB (where is no way to save Android devices to use it any time I want to via WiFi). Or am I wrong? And it is a problem because in my company all Android devices are far away from each other. Anyway, thank your for such an awesome app, I really don't know how it is capable of connecting to my Android device WITHOUT ROOT (because I found like 10 apps, read a lot of forums, and every solution was with ROOTED devices, I am very interseting of the actual app functionality), but thank you.
You can connect to multiple devices using multiple USB cables. There is a drop down list to display devices, and you choose one by one to start the server. Alternatively, you can write some scripts to auto start the vnc servers.
There are quite some testing companies using our app this way to automate regression tests.
Alternatively, you can write some scripts to auto start the vnc servers.
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Can I get more information about it? Thank you.
Basically you can automate the starting process using adb command:
adb shell "am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.vmlite.vncserver/.MainActivity"
adb shell /data/data/com.vmlite.vncserver/files/vmlitevncserver
Deimantas007 said:
Can I get more information about it? Thank you.
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Thank you for this script (it's very cool, I didn't know this kind of stuff before), but it requires USB connection as well.
I googled a few things and found this app - ADB Wireless (no-root) on Google Play Store. Basically it connects ADB via WiFi and I don't need no USB cable and connection with it. But VMLite Android App Controller program on my Desktop doesn't recognize it (it requires USB connection). Can I actually connect Android device with PC with this method or I am missing something and there is no way of doing it with this method? Thank you (I promise, this is the last question from me, no more dumb questions).
I don't think it will work for you. You mentioned your android device will reboot, right?
If your device gets rebooted, you will have to use a USB connection to a PC. the ADB wireless app has same requirement.
Steps to get it working: (from ADB Wireless app page)
1. Enable USB Debugging on your phone.
2. Connect your phone via usb cable to your PC.
3. Run adb tcpip 5555.
4. Run ADB Wireless (no root).
5. Connect to the IP address.
Deimantas007 said:
Thank you for this script (it's very cool, I didn't know this kind of stuff before), but it requires USB connection as well.
I googled a few things and found this app - ADB Wireless (no-root) on Google Play Store. Basically it connects ADB via WiFi and I don't need no USB cable and connection with it. But VMLite Android App Controller program on my Desktop doesn't recognize it (it requires USB connection). Can I actually connect Android device with PC with this method or I am missing something and there is no way of doing it with this method? Thank you (I promise, this is the last question from me, no more dumb questions).
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huisinro said:
I don't think it will work for you. You mentioned your android device will reboot, right?
If your device gets rebooted, you will have to use a USB connection to a PC. the ADB wireless app has same requirement.
Steps to get it working: (from ADB Wireless app page)
1. Enable USB Debugging on your phone.
2. Connect your phone via usb cable to your PC.
3. Run adb tcpip 5555.
4. Run ADB Wireless (no root).
5. Connect to the IP address.
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What's right. It needs to connect my phone via USB. But I thought that maybe there is a way to automate this process, I mean maybe there is a solution to TURN DEBUGGING MODE between phone and pc programs via WiFi connection (not USB) and communicate with VMLite VNC Server program on startup. Either way, again, thank you for your software (app). I will say to my boss that we need to stay where we are at the moment. It's just awesome to have an app which doesn't require ROOT.

port forwarding to RasPI

I have Raspberry PI (there simply runs ARM linux - Raspbian) and need to access it via ssh and http in my local network. I have tried some tether application, but it does not help since there is NAT.
I have tried some port forward apps, I have set ports but still not able to connect to this port. Do I need to change anything on my RasPI?
I have thought that I need some interface on RasPI, but there is no (sth like usb0). I have tried to connect firstly with easytether and then portforward, but still no success.
Any advice?
Thank you.

access apple files from android

I'm trying to access a share on a Mac from Android. The share is on a FAT32 external drive, and I can browse/access it from another Mac and from a PC. But when I try to connect from Android, I get an error on the username/password (same user/pass as I'm using from other Mac and from PC). This happens with both ES File Explorer and AndSMB. I've tried both checking and unchecking the "Windows File Sharing" checkbox on the Mac, using anonymous, and two different userids (one a login user, the other a "sharing-only" user). The Android tablet (Galaxy Note 12.2 running CyanogenMod 12.1/Android 5.1.1) can access Windows shares but I need to get to some stuff on the Mac. My phone (stock GS6) is the same--can access Windows and my router's USB share but not the Mac.
I'd like to use SMB instead of something like file transfer because I want to stream video from my Mac to my kids' android tablets on a long airplane flight.
Searching didn't turn up anything useful so I'd appreciate pointers to threads where this has been discussed.

