[Q] Cycling GPS Turn-by-Turn Nav. - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Is there a good app that gives Turn-by-Turn Cycling Navigation on Android? I know that you can get directions on Google Maps but it doesn't provide Navigation like they do for driving, walking, & public transit. I've been googling all over the place trying to find an app that actually works and have not come across anything. Does anyone know of a good one?

If you're riding in the streets, just use any other carnav, right? Clearly sometimes depending upon the circumstances you'll have to be aware of road rules or safety and there are times one must do a P turn rather than a left turn, but you just assess that as you go along.
Curious how you're doing this... Headphones? (Hopefully not!) Handlebar mount?
As for if you're riding in bike paths, offroad, etc, there are apps out there which you can record a path and they can direct you on that path. I could do some searching, I know I saw at least one out there that'll direct you down a known route. Keep in mind that you'll be creating these routes yourself as they're typically intended as breadcrumbs.. ie: Getting back out of a hike or such.
A bit of googling and I found this: http://www.appbrain.com/app/bike-hub-cycle-journey-planner/com.bikehub.journeyplanner but some of the comments say it HAS to leave the screen on in order to keep working... Derp. And might be UK only, although they say they rely on OSM so it's very possible it works elsewhere. Yeah, seems to be, I keep getting "Destination too far away"... Aha, because it uses a "cyclestreets.net" as its routing engine, which is UK-only. Poo.
This one you can plan on the web and get turn by turn, but from what I'm reading it does not do online maps so you need to preload them? Might have to look into it some more.. https://market.android.com/details?id=com.trimble.outdoors.gpsapp.android

Thanks khaytsus for looking that up for me but unfortunately those apps are not what I'm looking for and I have tried them before making my post.
To be a bit more clear though, I am looking to keep my phone in my pocket or arm band, have only one speaker in my ear (like a bluetooth earpiece) to tell me the instructions for each turn and have the phone vibrate as well.
The closest I found was bike-hub but you are right that it is just UK because I was unable to map out any route when searching thru the app.
I would prefer to have it more GPS like so I don't have to map it out on the PC beforehand and do not want to really use the regular GPS apps because even walking directions (though they avoid going on highways) they do not follow bike trails (which may be quicker than following side roads).
If you can't find it or someone else then I can look more but I'm starting to think there is not one currently for the US market

I hope now that this is in Android Q&A that someone will find/develop this

I guess I'm the only one interested in this


"Dude Where's My Car" for WinMo 3-12-09

The other day I was at a football game where I had to park on a golf course far from the stadium and ended up wandering around for 20 minutes trying to locate the car afterward.
I knew that the iPhone had an app called "Dude, Where's My Car?" which let someone use GPS to tag a specific location and then later use Google Maps to guide them back to the GPS mark, but when I did some searching I couldn't find a WinMo version. So I made one.
This version isn't as sexy as the iPhone app, but it's free, and you can store up to 3 different locations and even name them if you'd like. When you want to locate one, you just click the respective Find button and you will be provided an arrow or compass direction (N, NW, S, SW, E, SE, W, NE) and approximate distance to your destination which will change as you continue to move.
I did some testing and got rid of whatever bugs I could find and everything seems to work. Since I find it useful to have, I wanted to pass it on to the community in case they might be interested as well.
If you find any problems with it, let me know, otherwise enjoy.
I finally got around to adding arrow guidance to accompany compass directions for finding a destination. The arrows are a bit finicky, but its partially due to the quality of the gps fix and the amount of fluctuation in the coordinates it gets. I find that the best way to work with it is to travel in one direction for a short distance steadily until a steady arrow appears. Once that happens, turn in the direction of the arrow and keep walking in the direction it had indicated until it changes to reflect the direction you turned. I.e. if you are walking straight and right arrow appears, turn right and keep walking straight until the right arrow changes to an up arrow.
I also updated the source code package for anyone interested in modifying the code. As before, I just ask that you keep its open nature going (GNU style) and if you post a new version of the software with arrows, or a better GPS interface (that uses triangulation as an option), etc. that you link the new software back to this thread and you let me know about it so I can check it out
As requested, I have attached the source code for the project developed with Visual Studio 08. It's not super clean since I put it together kind of rapidly, but it is decently commented. Anyone is welcome to modify this code and use it for your own personal development. Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions.
Attached a screenshot from my visual studio emulator. It should look the same as on the phone but with longer decimal values for the GPS coords.
Also attached the .cab files for the .NET framework that people were having issues with. I don't know if those will resolve the problems or not, but I developed the phone using the 3.5 compact framework. If you have that, a GPS chip on your phone, and WinMo 6 it should work for you.
Downloading, will try it and give you some feedback.
I'll try this out later. The compass feature is nice, something that nuePark doesn't have.
Thanks for pointing me to nuePark. I wish I had located it when I first did my searching, but then I wouldn't have created this. It looks like I unintentionally covered some peoples' requests for naming and multiple locations. Good times.
theres also an app called wm mini gps, or something along those lines. it will let you set a point, then navigate back to it later.
just my 2 cents
you can also do this in google maps.
The WM Mini GPS looks pretty cool. Google maps is ok, but only if you save it as a favorite. Not very good for temp stuff, and I'm not sure you can add a mark based on your current location (vs an address, which I know you can). I guess this app fuses the functionality and adds flexibility with naming and multiple spots. Thanks for pointing out both options.
bug in progam
smrtdrmmr thanx for the program but the prob is
immediately upon install my lil scroll wheel thingy (dont laugh) stop functioning normally instead of scrolling while browsing it activated the call volume function just like I had tapped the lil speaker icon....
That's really strange. It definitely didn't do that for me and I had to install/uninstall several times during the testing process. The installer is a generic project type based on the directions I got from MSDN. You might have some conflicting settings or something. Anyone else experience this?
This nice little utility works great on my Tilt. I'm gonna move this thread to Development and Hacking so it can have greater exposure for other devices.
Tried it yesterday and it worked great!
Any way to get an arrow / graphic that works similar to a compass would, or is it just easier to have the words: SW / S...etc.
Thanks again!
I got the following error message once I tried to run it:
at Microsoft.AGL.Common.MISC.HandleAr()
at System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase._SetInfo()
at _System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase.set_MaxLength()
at GParkS.GParkS.InitializeComponent()
at GParkS.GParkS..ctor()
at GParkS.Program.Main()
I am running a custom wm6.1 rom with netcf 3.5
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download and text
scotcha12345 said:
Tried it yesterday and it worked great!
Any way to get an arrow / graphic that works similar to a compass would, or is it just easier to have the words: SW / S...etc.
Thanks again!
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I thought about using an arrow that rotates around, but because the phone's orientation can change relative to the compass direction I thought it might be kind of confusing (I.e. it points left so you turn left and start walking but it keeps pointing left because it wants you to travel West and you have rotated the phone).
It would be possible for me to track the direction that someone is traveling and adjust the arrow accordingly, but again, phone orientation could vary and it's just more complicated to deal with. The compass directions are fixed so it keeps things simple and generic no matter what way you are pointing your phone.
fredcatsmommy said:
I got the following error message once I tried to run it:
at Microsoft.AGL.Common.MISC.HandleAr()
at System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase._SetInfo()
at _System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase.set_MaxLength()
at GParkS.GParkS.InitializeComponent()
at GParkS.GParkS..ctor()
at GParkS.Program.Main()
I am running a custom wm6.1 rom with netcf 3.5
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I haven't seen this before either so I did a little research and dug up this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/archive/index.php/t-405749.html which then links here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=2430410&postcount=390 I am not sure if this corresponds with my app or not, but you could check your registry setting and see if your problem matches the one described in the thread.
smrtdrmmr said:
I haven't seen this before either so I did a little research and dug up this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/archive/index.php/t-405749.html which then links here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=2430410&postcount=390 I am not sure if this corresponds with my app or not, but you could check your registry setting and see if your problem matches the one described in the thread.
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will do. thanks
fredcatsmommy said:
will do. thanks
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that wasn't the problem; my registry was fine.
doesn`t work for me too. I have net fram 3.5 and i get a window with a german text, somthing like: there is a error that can`t be displayed because i have not installed "NETCFv35Messages.DE.wm.cab" ?
I press okay, the app started and i first tried to change for miles to kilometers, now the app crashes completly with a unexpected error (no luck today)
Hope this helps you finding the Bugs.
smrtdrmmr said:
The other day I was at a football game where I had to park on a golf course far from the stadium and ended up wandering around for 20 minutes trying to locate the car afterward.
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Parking at the Rose Bowl sucks, huh. You get used to it after a few trips. Now I just need a phone with gps
Any hope of getting some screen shots of this?

Fooled again by Nokia?

Ok so. I've been really wanting so much to like this new Nokia Lumia 920. I've had been waiting to get rid of this IPhone 4 because I remember the days of my brick HTC Tilt and how customizable Windows 6 phones were. So far, I'm am disappointed. It isn't that I hate the phone. It is just that I expected more. I was expecting a lot out of this phone and it has not met the high standard that I (they) set for it.
The first major complaint is the camera. Are we being fooled into thinking it is that much better in low light. Yes, from what I've seen in reviews, it is better, but in my own experience, it isn't that much greater (I have tried auto and night mode). Am I too used to SLR pictures? The camera was supposed to be a big selling point! We have already been fooled once by Nokia about their "Pure View." (http: // articles.latimes.com/2012/sep/06/business/la-fi-tn-nokia-fake-ad-20120906) I wonder if all of this is just a scam. Now it seems that Nokia is owning up to more camera flaws (http: // pocketnow.com/2012/11/05/nokia-lumia-920-camera-fix). I really hope that this isn't a hardware issue and that they fix it right and not try any tricks. It isn't that the pictures/videos I take are bad, but they aren't that much greater(if they are greater) than the competition. Duped?
Battery life: I just switched from an IPhone 4 with no 4G LTE so i'm unaware of the battery consumption of 4G LTE but I have noticed that the battery sure does drain a lot quicker. I'm used to being able to go a couple of days without having to charge. I have noticed ways of getting the phone to last longer. Ff you run Nokia Drive beta, the GPS stays on in the background even when it is closed (you will notice a target at the top status bar remains on). You can turn the background option off, or you have to restart your phone to turn off the GPS and it can consume your battery. Yes, this should be an easy fix, but think about all the people that have to deal with this. Also there is not way to switch off 4G LTE.
Limited voice commands: I'm a big user of the voice commands to play my music. One of the first things I've noticed about this phone is that there are no voice commands from the touch and hold windows button that allow you to play your music. I get it that you can get the "Hey DJ" app and use voice commands for music, but why didn't they just integrate this into the OS so that I don't have to unlock my screen, and tap a few places. Isn't the point of voice commands so that you don't have to look at the screen.
Here are some other small complaints (Maybe some XDA developers could help cook up some changes.... I have paypal ).
No separate volume for ringer and music.
Internet explorer is limited when you search through Google
It is easy to accidentally press the back or the search when using the phone with one hand and reaching across the screen.
No apparent way that I have found to get the Nokia Drive Beta to repeat the last spoken direction.
No seeking option in visual voice mail. You have to listen to the whole thing all over again to get to one point in the voicemail.
Bottom line. This phone seems rushed and unpolished. I got it that some of these issues are OS issues, but come on! Am I expecting too much or isn't this the phone that Nokia was making such a large deal about? 10 more days to give this a try before my return policy expires. Come on Nokia and Microsoft. Change my mind!
Camera taking blurry pictures is a SW issue, as you probably know from having read about it, which hopefully theyll have sorted out fast in an SW update. The nighttime pictures Ive taken are very nice, though, so I dont know whats going on there.
Battery for me is fine, Ive only had my phone for a day, so I cant really say much, but the way its worked so far it seems about the same as my SGS3 in that department. Which is quite good. But of course, I need more time for that.
Voice commands I never was a big user of, since I feel like a moron walking around yelling commands in english (especially when Im in a non-english speaking country). But Im sure its annoying.
Volume thing I agree on, that should be an easy fix for MS to make, really.
Not sure what you mean by "limited" when searching through Google?
The accidental pressing is much like on the SGS3, really. Just a habitual thing, youll get used to handling the phone so you eventually dont mispress.
Iunno, I have a single real annoyance and that is wordwrapping in IE10.
i'm not sure what you were expecting from the camera, but the low light shots are some of the best i've ever taken with a smartphone. and i've had my share of smartphones (this year i've probably had between 8-10 different handsets from various oem's) the daytime shots are a little bit soft, but on par with some of the better smarphone camera's i've used, and it's something that is completely possible to fix via firmware updates (as in, it's not a hardware flaw, but rather a software one)
battery is pretty good for me, on par with my SGS3, it's so much better than my 4s on iOS6 though. there are a couple quirks that are causing the battery to drain rapidly, but people haven't been able to point the blame completely yet. some people have had google accounts getting stuck on syncing constantly and that is killing the battery and the only solution for now is a hard reset. it's an odd issue since it wasn't present in wp7.x and afaik the method wp8 uses to sync is the same as before. it's something that will most likely be fixed via software updates as well
limited voice commands are something that wp8 has the ability to deal with but i'm also bummed they didn't add more voice controls to the built in apps. music in general seems like a really rushed revamp in wp8 which is surprising since the zune software was quite well done in 7.x and was also a major feature which i liked a lot about windows phone. they're changing a bunch of stuff though so it's something that will probably be updated over time. personally i don't like voice commands outside of when i'm driving because i feel like it's faster to just use my fingers, but i understand your disappointment.
volume is something i agree on as well, why microsoft hasn't figured out this is something people have been wanting since 7.0 is beyond me, it really seems like a pretty simple change to make, especially when one is rewriting the entire OS.
accidental pressing is something that will lessen with muscle memory, i always have a lot of issues with button presses and a lot of typos when switching phones, but after a couple weeks you learn to do it a lot less.
i remember getting drive to repeat the last direction, but for the life of me right now i can't figure out what i did. if i figure it out, i'll post it.
the OS isn't for everyone, but for people who like the curated user experience a semi-closed system provides, but don't like apple's 1 handset philosophy it's a good platform.
i admit, i get bored sometimes and end up going to android, but almost always, after about a month of whatever the latest and greatest android handset, i always come back to windows phone. once you figure out your workflow on it, it's really the most efficient and fluid mobile OS out there.
Slai said:
Not sure what you mean by "limited" when searching through Google?
Iunno, I have a single real annoyance and that is wordwrapping in IE10.
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Word wrapping is exactly what I mean when I say searching through Google is limited. If you use IE and search through google, at the top of the page, you get a: "This page adapted for your browser comes from...." If you search through through the built in Bing search, you don't get the word wrap. You get the actual page. This is very lame and I think its Microsoft's way of getting us to use Bing instead of google.
Also if you just enter the URL, there is no text wrapping.
Okay? Ive set Google as my default search engine in IE10, and while word wrapping doesnt seem to exist and double-tap to zoom isnt really working perfectly, I havent seen a big change from searching with google and searching with bing or just using a bookmark or directly typing in the url :s ?
vangj said:
Word wrapping is exactly what I mean when I say searching through Google is limited. If you use IE and search through google, at the top of the page, you get a: "This page adapted for your browser comes from...." If you search through through the built in Bing search, you don't get the word wrap. You get the actual page. This is very lame and I think its Microsoft's way of getting us to use Bing instead of google.
Also if you just enter the URL, there is no text wrapping.
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This will happen if you have the 'defaul view' as desktop, if you select 'mobile' they will display fine, it is annoying, what I did was install the Google app and I just use that for my search and browsing.
Slai said:
Okay? Ive set Google as my default search engine in IE10, and while word wrapping doesnt seem to exist and double-tap to zoom isnt really working perfectly, I havent seen a big change from searching with google and searching with bing or just using a bookmark or directly typing in the url :s ?
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Ok so it does text wrap well if you choose the mobile option for internet explore. I for one do not like the mobile version and chose to set my settings to desktop (sorry still a newbie so i can't post links)
ht tp://postimage.org/image/w6w5t09ml/
If you set your IE settings to desktop and search with Google, you get a funky altered website that looks like this at the top.
ht tp://postimage.org/image/j1gnmwfr1/
It seems like the phone is sending to Google that it wants to still be a mobile phone. When you search with Bing you don't get this option. If you search with Google in Desktop mode, you can scroll to the bottom to get to the desktop site but it can be a hassle.
ht tp://postimage.org/image/5zuyx1rct/
Like I said, I like the desktop mode because I can zoom in and out and make great use of this huge screen.
Hoping google releases Chrome.
Yeah normally I like using desktop mode myself, but my most visited website works really well in its mobile form, so I figured "what the hell".
Would be interesting to see Chrome for WP8. I dont see why not, it is available for W8.
vangj said:
If you set your IE settings to desktop and search with Google, you get a funky altered website that looks like this at the top.
It seems like the phone is sending to Google that it wants to still be a mobile phone. When you search with Bing you don't get this option.
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If you look at the URL of the page in your sample image, the URL is one on Google.com. It seems that Google recognized that you're on a phone and gave you a search results page that contains modified URLs that point back to Google itself (not to xda-developers.com) and that Google then proxied it for you, reformatting things to fit your phone.
Your complaint seems to be with Google for forcing you in to a "mobilized" view. Unless Google can't tell which "website preference" you're set to (mobile or desktop). I don't know how that preference gets conveyed in HTTP requests. Sorry.
vangj said:
Also there is not way to switch off 4G LTE.
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My Rogers variant has the "max speed" option to shut off LTE. The AT&T one doesn't seem to have that... so this is an AT&T issue, not a Nokia one. And if AT&T is doing this on Windows Phone, I'd assume they are customizing their Android phones similarly, no? (I have no experience with Android.)
vangj said:
Limited voice commands: I'm a big user of the voice commands to play my music. One of the first things I've noticed about this phone is that there are no voice commands from the touch and hold windows button that allow you to play your music. I get it that you can get the "Hey DJ" app and use voice commands for music, but why didn't they just integrate this into the OS so that I don't have to unlock my screen, and tap a few places. Isn't the point of voice commands so that you don't have to look at the screen.
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This is an OS issue, so not too much to do with Nokia. The voice commands in WP8 are extensible. That means 3rd party developers can easily create apps that support it. I think Urbanspoon, Hey DJ and Audible are already out and support voice commands (meaning you can launch the apps by long pressing the windows button).
I expect a lot more apps will add that feature because it's so easy to implement. That makes the lack of voice commands for the built in apps really strange.
EShy said:
This is an OS issue, so not too much to do with Nokia. The voice commands in WP8 are extensible. That means 3rd party developers can easily create apps that support it. I think Urbanspoon, Hey DJ and Audible are already out and support voice commands (meaning you can launch the apps by long pressing the windows button).
I expect a lot more apps will add that feature because it's so easy to implement. That makes the lack of voice commands for the built in apps really strange.
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Uhm, you could always launch ANY app with your voice, even on WP7.
Those new apps support voice commands for other things. For example, from your start screen you might be able to say, "Urbanspoon, find nearby burgers" and it'll launch and go straight to finding burger restaurants around you. I have no clue what their apps actually support, but I know that it's possible to make an app that does that!

viktorgino's HeadUnit Desktop

Hi guys!
I'm working on a Car PC software and I'm looking for contributors. You can find the project on github: https://github.com/viktorgino/headunit-desktop
More about the project:
HeadUnit Desktop is a based free and open source software that is intended to be run on computers built into cars. This software is currently under active development and lot of the features are experimental. As of now there are three main features:
Media player with a media library and media scanner
Android Auto™ client
DAB radio (integrating welle.io)
Proposed features:
FM radio
CAN bus sniffer with a customizable profile for each car.
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Some screenshots of the GUI: http://imgur.com/a/pnrpy
And a screen recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26EYhQuH-Xs
I'm using the C++ and Qt for this project, the front end is QML.
If you are interested in helping with this project, then PM me here, hit me up on Gitter https://gitter.im/headunit-desktop or drop me an email on [email protected]
Pretty excited about this, wish I could help
very interesting project today I try it on my p9 lite. any help files regarding steering wheel controls and buttons?
This is exactly the type of experience that I was looking for, something that allows AA but also maintains AM/FM radio so this can be used as a replacement to the current stereo.
I've been trying to get this installed, but running into some issues in the instructions.
I have the PI all setup, and now following the instructions here:
I'm stuck on this step:
After you’ve installed Qt add the lib folder its installed in to the library load path, the bin folder to your PATH and the lib/pkgconfig folder to the pkg-config path.
I'm not really sure what it's telling me to do here or how to do it.
Can anyone help?
So i got this up and running, this has a lot of potential.
Hopefully development of it can continue soon.
I have a few questions I'm hoping someone can answer.
Questions on current build
1. How is the progress for the FM radio going? Do you know what hardware requirements will be to use AM/FM?
This was the biggest draw to me, to allow me to use this as a replacement to a standard head unit.
2. With Android Audio, when I push the button to go into AA mode. When I plug my phone in, nothing happens? I have AA installed on my phone and it works on other devices.
3. I have a red box at the bottom of the screen that says 'no valid device found use Null device instead.'
What is this trying to tell me? Message is there regardless if phone is plugged in or not.
4. How do you enable the bluetooth so it can connect to the phone contacts etc?
Features I would like to see:
1. Customization navigation bar.
This will be going in an older car, with old fashion lever type heater controls, so I really don't need the climate control button on the screen. Be nice to be able to swap that out for something else.
Also I don't think DAB radio is available in the US, so that would be another one that I would like to remove. Any plans on HD radio for those in the US?
2. Will this support wireless AA at some point?
3. Suppress the Pi Login/Password screen on boot. It seems if you wait about 20 seconds it skips over it automatically. Would be nice in the settings if there was a way to turn that on/off.
So I think this is almost exactly what I have been looking for as a carpc setup, but I had a couple of questions/suggestions. It would be great if you could customize the "action menu" on the right to open other apps that are installed on the system. Like chrisfromwa said above, I have an older car and have no need for the A/C controls, but would I do have an aftermarket fuel injection system and have tuning software currently running on my Raspberry Pi that I would like to be able to open from the "desktop" environment. Also, while I realize that you can do mapping through Android Auto, it would be great if you could launch a navigation system that is installed on the Pi itself like Navit. That way I could have fully offline maps and navigation via a USB GPS dongle and not have to worry about my phone having a signal to have mapping info.
Ultimately I'm really just looking for a "launcher" of sorts that can do FM radio, navigation, and open my tuning app, but that has a nice interface that is easy to use in a car with the 7" touchscreen I have. This is one of the most promising I have seen and would love it if it could launch other apps from the main screen.
i would like to ask a question, and please know that i mean ABSOLUTELY no disrespect by this, but why build one? I ask because there are many head units that are double din, touchscreen, can play darn near every file known to man, have android auto, can interface easily with your car itself, much less the steering wheel controls (cheap interface built with the molex plugs needed for plug-n-play use. Again, i mean no disrespect as i tried doing this a few years back. I gave up because to do it properly, i found that i would have to pretty much rewrite the kernel so that it could idle when necessary and go into full-on ready in seconds vs a full boot every time. Creating an output section thats worth a damn would also prove to be expensive, which is what inexorably led me back to the pioneers, kenwoods etc etc etc of the world. I guess if youre wanting full, unrestricted access to what android has to offer while driving, that would explain it then. But you can also achieve this with some automated processes in your phone to lie to the deck and tell it that youre not moving etc etc. Anyways, just curious of your reasoning for doing this
Youdoofus said:
i would like to ask a question, and please know that i mean ABSOLUTELY no disrespect by this, but why build one? I ask because there are many head units that are double din, touchscreen, can play darn near every file known to man, have android auto, can interface easily with your car itself, much less the steering wheel controls (cheap interface built with the molex plugs needed for plug-n-play use. Again, i mean no disrespect as i tried doing this a few years back. I gave up because to do it properly, i found that i would have to pretty much rewrite the kernel so that it could idle when necessary and go into full-on ready in seconds vs a full boot every time. Creating an output section thats worth a damn would also prove to be expensive, which is what inexorably led me back to the pioneers, kenwoods etc etc etc of the world. I guess if youre wanting full, unrestricted access to what android has to offer while driving, that would explain it then. But you can also achieve this with some automated processes in your phone to lie to the deck and tell it that youre not moving etc etc. Anyways, just curious of your reasoning for doing this
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I've built my own and after you see so many people having issues with their official head units, it is nice to know that you have the control and aren't at the mercy of a car manufacturer or company. Also, I can use it to play retro games and more. Plus I have a unique dashboard that I have helped design in some ways. Honestly I've tried this project and while it was heading in a good direction there wasn't enough for me to use it as it is currently. I have something else and don't have to pay for like Openauto pro. It's called OpenDash and while it functions as is, it is continuously adding functionality and customizations that you can't find in anything commercial.
talon_dgnr8 said:
I've built my own and after you see so many people having issues with their official head units, it is nice to know that you have the control and aren't at the mercy of a car manufacturer or company. Also, I can use it to play retro games and more. Plus I have a unique dashboard that I have helped design in some ways. Honestly I've tried this project and while it was heading in a good direction there wasn't enough for me to use it as it is currently. I have something else and don't have to pay for like Openauto pro. It's called OpenDash and while it functions as is, it is continuously adding functionality and customizations that you can't find in anything commercial.
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Right on. What model car?

[APP] Standalone navigation app for Wear OS!

I made a standalone navigation app for Wear OS! Here's the link to the app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.co.onibaku.standalonewearmap
Here's the full description on the app so you can get a glance at the features:
Users can type in a location, or long press on the map to input a destination. They can choose to travel via walking, cycling or car.
The app will navigate the user from their current location to the destination using turn-by-turn navigation. Each step is highlighted on the path, with text to show you what action to take, and how long until you reach that step. The map rotates along with the device, so will follow the forward-facing direction of the watch.
The app only needs an internet connection for the initial retrieval of the directions. After that, it solely relies on GPS until the user arrives at the destination.
This (obviously) only works on watches that have GPS.
If you have any suggestions at all, I'd love to know them.
The next feature I plan to implement is importing a GPX file in from Google Drive, so you can navigate a more unorthodox/scenic route, which would suits cyclists. I initially developed this for when I go cycling, as we don't usually want to take the fastest route somewhere.
Let me know if there any burning features that are needed in this, and I'll do my best to deliver. This is a small side-project, so I don't have too much time to work on it, but I find it quite useful personally, and I hope others will, too.
Someone suggested I release a demo version so people can try it and see if they wish to buy it. I have released one here
It only has the dropped pin functionality, and only allows walking as a navigation mode. The zoom is also locked.
Gentatsu said:
I made a standalone navigation app for Wear OS! Here's the link to the app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.co.onibaku.standalonewearmap
Here's the full description on the app so you can get a glance at the features:
Users can type in a location, or long press on the map to input a destination. They can choose to travel via walking, cycling or car.
The app will navigate the user from their current location to the destination using turn-by-turn navigation. Each step is highlighted on the path, with text to show you what action to take, and how long until you reach that step. The map rotates along with the device, so will follow the forward-facing direction of the watch.
The app only needs an internet connection for the initial retrieval of the directions. After that, it solely relies on GPS until the user arrives at the destination.
This (obviously) only works on watches that have GPS.
If you have any suggestions at all, I'd love to know them.
The next feature I plan to implement is importing a GPX file in from Google Drive, so you can navigate a more unorthodox/scenic route, which would suits cyclists. I initially developed this for when I go cycling, as we don't usually want to take the fastest route somewhere.
Let me know if there any burning features that are needed in this, and I'll do my best to deliver. This is a small side-project, so I don't have too much time to work on it, but I find it quite useful personally, and I hope others will, too.
Someone suggested I release a demo version so people can try it and see if they wish to buy it. I have released one here
It only has the dropped pin functionality, and only allows walking as a navigation mode. The zoom is also locked.
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This is looking really good. I want true standalone navigation on my Huawei Watch 2 4G. It has a sim so loads the route standalone and seems to be able to do everything expected...i'm trying the demo version now.
One question though...unless i'm missing something..how do you exit the app? I'm currently having to force close it.
(And as a side note have you checked out the Wear OS app Ghostracer? You can import a gpx file and follow your progress on a map on the watch. Maps are downloadable to the watch, although ive never tried that. My watch has a sim so updates the map as im riding using the watches data. Heavy on the battery though.)
ruggs1234 said:
This is looking really good. I want true standalone navigation on my Huawei Watch 2 4G. It has a sim so loads the route standalone and seems to be able to do everything expected...i'm trying the demo version now.
One question though...unless i'm missing something..how do you exit the app? I'm currently having to force close it.
(And as a side note have you checked out the Wear OS app Ghostracer? You can import a gpx file and follow your progress on a map on the watch. Maps are downloadable to the watch, although ive never tried that. My watch has a sim so updates the map as im riding using the watches data. Heavy on the battery though.)
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I had not realised that the app does not cease to use GPS whilst it is in sleep mode, so I have added a button to exit the app properly when you drag down. I've just released it now.
I have had a look at it, but it doesn't seem to work unless you have an android phone. I am currently looking into offline maps and importing GPX files. Do you know if it does that via the android app, and how it imports it? I was looking to use Google drive, as that seems to be the only viable storage solution supported on Wear atm.
Gentatsu said:
I had not realised that the app does not cease to use GPS whilst it is in sleep mode, so I have added a button to exit the app properly when you drag down. I've just released it now.
I have had a look at it, but it doesn't seem to work unless you have an android phone. I am currently looking into offline maps and importing GPX files. Do you know if it does that via the android app, and how it imports it? I was looking to use Google drive, as that seems to be the only viable storage solution supported on Wear atm.
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Thankyou for the exit button, works great. Having tested the demo app i'm happy, and I will purchase. One further comment, the battery drain is heavy, as expected. Any chance of an ambient mode while the map is running to save battery? I may be pushing my luck, but I can only ask!
Ghostracer does indeed need a companion Android app on the phone. The gpx file is loaded into the app on the phone (using a file manager) then passed to the Ghostracer app on the watch. Maps are treated the same, but I just use the data from my sim in the watch to load maps as I ride when needed. You can follow a gpx route standalone on the watch in a similar way to following the route on your app. I am not connected to Ghostracer in any way, I just think its a wonderful app for cyclists and runners (within the watches battery limitations). And the free version allows you to test all its features. It might not be right for you, but it was worth a mention based on what you said earlier. (And the map screen has an ambient mode.... )
ruggs1234 said:
Thankyou for the exit button, works great. Having tested the demo app i'm happy, and I will purchase. One further comment, the battery drain is heavy, as expected. Any chance of an ambient mode while the map is running to save battery? I may be pushing my luck, but I can only ask!
Ghostracer does indeed need a companion Android app on the phone. The gpx file is loaded into the app on the phone (using a file manager) then passed to the Ghostracer app on the watch. Maps are treated the same, but I just use the data from my sim in the watch to load maps as I ride when needed. You can follow a gpx route standalone on the watch in a similar way to following the route on your app. I am not connected to Ghostracer in any way, I just think its a wonderful app for cyclists and runners (within the watches battery limitations). And the free version allows you to test all its features. It might not be right for you, but it was worth a mention based on what you said earlier. (And the map screen has an ambient mode.... )
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Great . I did play around with the ambient mode, but it was just the same as the standard google maps ambient mode. It takes away the turn-by-turn, location, and path. If I could persist these, and set the GPS to update every 30 secs - 1 minute, I'd probably keep it, but I'm not sure how. I'd like to stick in options to set the GPS update frequency, or have the screen turn back on only for upcoming turns.
That's really cool! That's essentially what I would have liked on my watch but standalone. I really don't like the idea that you HAVE to use a companion app, especially when it's not available for iOS. I know they're competing watches, but I love the price point of android watches compared to Apple's, and their features shouldn't pale in comparison by way of hardware.
How does their ambient map work, if you don't mind me asking? I'd like to look into it. What does their paid version allow you to do? I only had a paid version before someone mentioned to put the free one on, just to give people a flavour of it. I tried to emphasise the main bit, which was the turn-by-turn navigation. The search and other transportation modes were secondary.
Cheers for the feedback and suggestions, though! I really do appreciate it! Let me know if there's anything else you'd like.
Gentatsu said:
Great . I did play around with the ambient mode, but it was just the same as the standard google maps ambient mode. It takes away the turn-by-turn, location, and path. If I could persist these, and set the GPS to update every 30 secs - 1 minute, I'd probably keep it, but I'm not sure how. I'd like to stick in options to set the GPS update frequency, or have the screen turn back on only for upcoming turns.
That's really cool! That's essentially what I would have liked on my watch but standalone. I really don't like the idea that you HAVE to use a companion app, especially when it's not available for iOS. I know they're competing watches, but I love the price point of android watches compared to Apple's, and their features shouldn't pale in comparison by way of hardware.
How does their ambient map work, if you don't mind me asking? I'd like to look into it. What does their paid version allow you to do? I only had a paid version before someone mentioned to put the free one on, just to give people a flavour of it. I tried to emphasise the main bit, which was the turn-by-turn navigation. The search and other transportation modes were secondary.
Cheers for the feedback and suggestions, though! I really do appreciate it! Let me know if there's anything else you'd like.
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Ghostracers ambient map is black background with white markings until you lift your wrist...but that might not work when using your app while driving (watch off the wrist?).
I've now purchased your app (Google made that hard work!)...all still good. One question...when I zoom the map in the map un-zooms straight back. Any way to make the zoom stick?
ruggs1234 said:
Ghostracers ambient map is black background with white markings until you lift your wrist...but that might not work when using your app while driving (watch off the wrist?).
I've now purchased your app (Google made that hard work!)...all still good. One question...when I zoom the map in the map un-zooms straight back. Any way to make the zoom stick?
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Do the markings include the path/trail? I've used the black background one before, and the building outlines are (kinda) white. Yeah, I do have my watch affixed to my handlebars on my bicycle.
Great - Thanks! It's much appreciated! How come it was hard work, if you don't mind me asking? Ah, yep. That was one of the first things I forgot to change! I completely forgot about it! I've made it so that if you zoom/pan, it'll stick unless you press the "my location" button again.
Huawei watch 2 built-in GPS not working anymore
ruggs1234 said:
Thankyou for the exit button, works great. Having tested the demo app i'm happy, and I will purchase. One further comment, the battery drain is heavy, as expected. Any chance of an ambient mode while the map is running to save battery? I may be pushing my luck, but I can only ask!
Ghostracer does indeed need a companion Android app on the phone. The gpx file is loaded into the app on the phone (using a file manager) then passed to the Ghostracer app on the watch. Maps are treated the same, but I just use the data from my sim in the watch to load maps as I ride when needed. You can follow a gpx route standalone on the watch in a similar way to following the route on your app. I am not connected to Ghostracer in any way, I just think its a wonderful app for cyclists and runners (within the watches battery limitations). And the free version allows you to test all its features. It might not be right for you, but it was worth a mention based on what you said earlier. (And the map screen has an ambient mode.... )
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Hi ruggs1234, it was a long time since you wrote your experience with this app. I downloaded the demo today and I tested it. Looks like since last Google's update, the huawei watch 2 doesn't use its built-in standalone GPS. Please, would you mind to check whether you are having this problem now? The only way I got it work was by connecting the watch to a phone through Bluetooth.
Kind regards, Angel
angelrc96 said:
Hi ruggs1234, it was a long time since you wrote your experience with this app. I downloaded the demo today and I tested it. Looks like since last Google's update, the huawei watch 2 doesn't use its built-in standalone GPS. Please, would you mind to check whether you are having this problem now? The only way I got it work was by connecting the watch to a phone through Bluetooth.
Kind regards, Angel
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Hello Angel,
The app still works ok on my watch, I tested it yesterday.
With my phone switched OFF I use my watches inbuilt sim to start the route (the app needs data to download the initial route, it can use the connected mobile but mine was switched off). I then switch off the sim in my watch and follow the route using only the gps in the watch. The app worked as it always has.
HOWEVER, my watch isn't running the latest version of Wear OS (it's running Wear OS 2.0, Home app 2.16). I never update anything Google if i'm not forced too, their updates often break more things than they fix. Everything I use on the watch works great and i'd like it to stay that way....
well, I gave it a test (full paid version) - TicWatch 3 Pro 4g/LTE (all up to date). It doesn't work. All tested in standalone mode (no phone involved).
- app crashes when there is no GPS fix (GPS is on, but no fix yet)
- when I set an route to navigate (pin or search) it just endlessly shows progress circle and nothing else happens (GPS on with fix, LTE on and working)
BR, Doman.
I installed the Demo version on my ticwatch 3 pro gps (updated everything to current versions and no modifications (yet))
App is starting, map is not showing, just the gps location button on the left and a white/grey screen. I can pin a location on the white screen and its actually getting a location next to me and tries to route there - but without any map showing.
Any app for Gear S3 ?

[App request] HUD GPS Map app

I'm running a stock Moto G7 Power (Android Pie) (no root)
I'm looking for an app that offers a mirrored interface for a cheap reflective HUD gadget with something like Google Maps' driving mode (it shows a map, with my location on it, and [here's where apps like HUDWAY Go and most of what I've found falter] it needs to show street names of the upcoming streets, not just the one I'm on).
I have weird use case, I know, but I'm not looking for turn-by-turn navigation. I'm making a lot of residential stops so that's mostly not even an option (I haven't seen an app that can handle 50 residential stops well [and I don't want to go into why various approaches won't work unsolicited (eg only putting some of them in, futzing around with the routing, etc., if you really feel the need, I can explain of course)]).
I'm tempted to put in a request to an open source app like OSMAnd for the feature, since adding it to a map view can be bodged with `SetRotationY(180)` pretty easily, and for a proper dev, adding a setting menu entry for it would also be pretty easy (an elegant solution would probably take a few hours) or even just forking it and doing the bodge job myself. I figured I'd ask first if anyone knew of an easier or off the shelf solution.

