[Q] 4G Icon mod?? - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have been looking at blur-res.apk, moto-res.apk and framework-res.apk, I can't seem to find where the HSPA+ icon is to be replaced with 4G icon
All i want to do is make it look like 4G to make my self feel better. anyone has any idea which other files I can look at to get that icon changed?

It's in systemui.apk

You have no idea how many hours I been looking for that!! thanks dude!

Haha, no problem brother.

Make it 5G while you're at it. Just for the lulz

Haha, but there where no premade icons for it, 4G icons were actually in the apk itself, I just replaced them over the 3g ones respectively, works flawless!

I guess I own you guys a result confirmation

morrislee said:
I guess I own you guys a result confirmation
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Not really. Rest of us know we are not really on 4G, and don't feel the need to epeen!
Assimilated via WinBorg 4G

Hey how did you replace the icon to 4g
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium


[Q] One click 4G toggle widget

Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think there is yet a widget that will toggle LTE on and off with one click. I'm not asking for one, I'm curious about what makes this difficult to do. I'm sure if it were a simple thing someone would have done it already.
There is one already. Don't know where it's at.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
My mistake, thanks.
ddgarcia05 said:
There is one already. Don't know where it's at.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
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I have not heard of one, do you remember where you saw a 4G toggle widget for the TBolt at?
ddgarcia05 said:
There is one already. Don't know where it's at.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
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I have not heard of one, do you remember where you saw a 4G toggle widget for the TBolt at?
jj3699 said:
I have not heard of one, do you remember where you saw a 4G toggle widget for the TBolt at?
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AndIRC made one: https://market.android.com/details?id=net.andirc.lteonfoff
It's called LTE OnOFF TeamAndIRC.
nerozehl said:
AndIRC made one: https://market.android.com/details?id=net.andirc.lteonfoff
It's called LTE OnOFF TeamAndIRC.
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That definitely isnt a toggle widget, its just a shortcut to the phone info.
mbh87 said:
That definitely isnt a toggle widget, its just a shortcut to the phone info.
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Ack. You're certainly right. My apologies. But I suppose that app would be better than nothing at all!
mbh87 said:
That definitely isnt a toggle widget, its just a shortcut to the phone info.
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+1 but nerozehl thanks anyway
I don't know what u guys r talk n bout it absolutely is a toggle u can choose to: turn off radio completely or set to auto or 3g only or 3g/4g or 4g only or even 1x. It's pretty great. Much more than JUST info.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
CleveRuse said:
I don't know what u guys r talk n bout it absolutely is a toggle: turn off radio completely or to 3g only or 3g/4g or 4g only or even 1x. It's pretty great. Much more than JUST info
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
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You are missing the keyword, WIDGET, as you can place it on your homescreen and toggle it without going into the settings.
Like I said, its def. not a widget. Crap, that would be more convenient. I'll try to pay more attn.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
There is one included on power widget add-on 4 virusROM but its only 4g on-off not 3g/4g n I couldn't get it to turn back on but must be a way. Definately turned off tho. Or do u mean for 3g/4g?
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
I meant one that will toggle between 4G and 3G, I haven't seen a widget that will do a one touch switch between 4G and 3G.
I was wondering this too. Is there some limitation to it? Did htc not include an api to switch 4G on and off? I believe there's WIMAX 4G widgets and tasker can turn WIMAX 4G on and off, what's different about LTE? The fact that WIMAX is a wifi standard while LTE is is GSM and verizon 3G is cdma?
Viper Daimao said:
I was wondering this too. Is there some limitation to it? Did htc not include an api to switch 4G on and off? I believe there's WIMAX 4G widgets and tasker can turn WIMAX 4G on and off, what's different about LTE? The fact that WIMAX is a wifi standard while LTE is is GSM and verizon 3G is cdma?
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No they did not because there is no reason to.
Sprint uses 4G more like a hotspot. You enable it, it searches for a 4G signal then connects you to one. If it doesn't find one it gets re disabled.
On our phones, the phone is constantly searching for a 4G signal so when you go to a 3G zone from 4G it automatically switches. I understand you guys are probably worried about battery life which does take a hit from using this in that case you are kind of SOL until someone finds something.
Set your phone to CDMA Auto (PRL) seems to use less battery, and connects to LTE when available with no issues. Found that tip here in one of the forum posts. I'm rooted, but still running stock. Waiting for Inherits from Chingy.
Sent from my TBolt using XDA Premium App
Gingeritis. Autocorrect fail.
Sent from my TBolt using XDA Premium App
I'm working on a widget for it. I found the file/java class it calls to you when switch between lte/auto (inside settings.apk after you decompile it). Just need to code a simple widget interface button for it and toggle between LTE and EVDO. I have finals this week, but at worse, I'll have time this weekend.
I've never made a widget before, but it gives me a chance to learn by making one that's useful. Learn by experience is the best kind of learning imho
ILMF said:
Set your phone to CDMA Auto (PRL) seems to use less battery, and connects to LTE when available with no issues. Found that tip here in one of the forum posts. I'm rooted, but still running stock. Waiting for Inherits from Chingy.
Sent from my TBolt using XDA Premium App
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This is incorrect.
Oklahoma delenda est

Can I use any of my EVO 4G themes ?

I have few cool custom things from my EVO 4G, like my enGadget news ticker with clear background, can I just throw that file on the SD/Card of the EVO-3D, it will that not work ?
Sent from my EVO 4G "Myn's RS 5"
If its a modified service.jar or any framework file no...
If its a modified ApK I'd wait till we have root and a nandriod backup of some sort before you do it
sent from anything but an iPhone
Zorachus said:
I have few cool custom things from my EVO 4G, like my enGadget news ticker with clear background, can I just throw that file on the SD/Card of the EVO-3D, it will that not work ?
Sent from my EVO 4G "Myn's RS 5"
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no different sense ui
Things can always be taylored to fit the damb thing.
Sent From My HTC Evo 4G Using Tapatalk On The Now Network From Sprint.

Display 1x ??

Does the EVO 3d and sense 3.0 have the same issue as the evo 4g where it doesn't display 1x and it always displays 3g?
Sometimes I notice that I have 5 bars of signal and it displays 3g but my speeds are like 1x speed.
DarkManX4lf said:
Does the EVO 3d and sense 3.0 have the same issue as the evo 4g where it doesn't display 1x and it always displays 3g?
Sometimes I notice that I have 5 bars of signal and it displays 3g but my speeds are like 1x speed.
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Yes. It shows only 3G icon. I think the problem is in AndroidPolicy.jar, but could be wrong. A custom ROM will fix this issue.
I was wondering why I've never seen 1x. Saw it for 2 years on my Pre in crappy signal areas.
Yeah I remember using a custom ROM on the EVO 4G like cyanogen but you would think HTC would fix this by now in their sense launcher.
DarkManX4lf said:
Yeah I remember using a custom ROM on the EVO 4G like cyanogen but you would think HTC would fix this by now in their sense launcher.
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Fix? Lol I think that is by design. Requested by Sprint. HTC devs were forced to comply. At least that is my thought on the topic.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
issafram said:
Fix? Lol I think that is by design. Requested by Sprint. HTC devs were forced to comply. At least that is my thought on the topic.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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Haha, that might be true, but wouldnt that be like...not sure how to put it into proper terms....lieing to our faces.....basically saying regardless where you go, you are always on 3g.
The only time that I've seen it say 1x or something other than 3g is when it was roaming.
If course its a blatent move by Sprint to trick us. The irony is that 3G in most areas isn't much faster than 1x at the moment.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
ramiss said:
If course its a blatent move by Sprint to trick us. The irony is that 3G in most areas isn't much faster than 1x at the moment.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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You're holding it wrong. Seriously though, its why I love CM. Tells me whats up.... HTC is making us wait way too long for the unlocked bootloader.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Yes, it does and will show 1x but i only see it when i send a txt message.
Use a signal widget to display your true mode at the given time.
There is a mod for the EVO that you can edit the phones file and make it display 1x when you do have 1x. Not sure if it will work with the 3vo but I know it works for other HTC phones besides the EVO, might be worth a try. I'll probably try it tomorrow and let you know. Heres the link

[Q] 4G

So has anyone found a way to enable 4G on the vibrants?
not gonna happen. our radio physically can't (wasn't built to) handle that speed.
I have two friends one with a galaxy 4g the other with a infuse 4g and my vibrant is faster than both of them. They both get around 2.5 down and 1 up. I rountinly get 3.5-6 down and 1.5-3 up on my vib......im good with vib...then again their phones are stock so maybe their not being utilized to full potential
Thanks for the quick reply guys.
geoffcorey said:
not gonna happen. our radio physically can't (wasn't built to) handle that speed.
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well i saw on the internet that they sell the replacement 4g module for the vibrant 4G. you think changing that might help us get 4G?
cwalker0906 said:
I have two friends one with a galaxy 4g the other with a infuse 4g and my vibrant is faster than both of them. They both get around 2.5 down and 1 up. I rountinly get 3.5-6 down and 1.5-3 up on my vib......im good with vib...then again their phones are stock so maybe their not being utilized to full potential
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What rom are you using??
The best you can get is 3.5 G, our vibrant not capable of 4 G
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
how do you get that?
Ram1500 said:
how do you get that?
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3.5g has been lumped into normal 3g. 3.5g is the speeds at about 3mbps and up. And you automatically get that when in the range of a tower that supports that speed.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
oh okay i understand now. im surprised no one has made a mod to recieve 4G
Ram1500 said:
oh okay i understand now. im surprised no one has made a mod to recieve 4G
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No one has made a mod because the 4g modem is a surface mount device, and more than likely isn't anywhere near the same shape nor will it likely be the same pinout as the vibrant 3g modem.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
okay guess it'll have to stay like that. thanks for the reply
Ram1500 said:
Thanks for the quick reply guys.
well i saw on the internet that they sell the replacement 4g module for the vibrant 4G. you think changing that might help us get 4G?
What rom are you using??
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On multiple roms...toxic...tard....did u try the build prop tweaks in dev.forum...they do work
no but for that ill have to be rooted right?
Ram1500 said:
no but for that ill have to be rooted right?
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Yes...when i first got here i was scared to break my phone and even confused with terminology....but it was the best thing i did. The stock version does not even come close to tapping into the potential of this phone...just read and read again...watch some tutorials and take the jump...you wont be disappointed...besides this phone is almost impossible to completely brick.....good luck
4G,is joke.
tmobile does not have 4g, that is fake.
only 3g
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk

New Google Search??

Anyone know if theres a way to get the new google voice search to work on the evo lte...looks pretty sweet but couldnt find anything on it...thanks
Even if anyone could just post the current apk from their system/app/ or data/app/ folder. I really want the real Search app on CM9. It's the only thing missing, IMHO. Aside from that one thing missing, this is nearly flawless. I'm very surprised, since we don't have a real CM9 kernel yet due to lack of source. (Hint hint, HTC)
Tapatalked from my shiny new HTC Evo LTE
RegnierD said:
Even if anyone could just post the current apk from their system/app/ or data/app/ folder. I really want the real Search app on CM9. It's the only thing missing, IMHO. Aside from that one thing missing, this is nearly flawless. I'm very surprised, since we don't have a real CM9 kernel yet due to lack of source. (Hint hint, HTC)
Tapatalked from my shiny new HTC Evo LTE
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here is the original Google search pulled
I think he's talking about the new google now voice search included in jellybean.
I can't find much information about it either.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
if the jellybean voice assistant apk/apks work on ICS, I will poop myself :cyclops: anyone tried to extract them from a JB phone and slap them on XDA?
Almost guys!
Sent From My HTC Evo 4G LTE, On The Now Network From Sprint!
Rydah805 said:
Almost guys!
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Almost what?
For the Jelly Bean search.
Sent From My HTC Evo 4G LTE, On The Now Network From Sprint!
Rydah805 said:
For the Jelly Bean search.
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Sweet! The best part of JB!
I have it working on my device now.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
b-reezy said:
I have it working on my device now.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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Sharing is careing
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
b-reezy said:
I have it working on my device now.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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All of it? I got Google Now just working only on the search and only by typing, has a network error, and no voice search.
But like he said sharing is caring if you already have everything working
Sent from my HTC ONE X using xda app-developers app
Same here, except I don't have the network error. The current one is already posted.
Works quite decent. Voice search within Google Now does not work. This is kinda buggy, actually to the point that I may revert and wait til more progress is made. Have fun.
Sent From My HTC Evo 4G LTE, On The Now Network From Sprint!
Rydah805 said:
Same here, except I don't have the network error. The current one is already posted.
Works quite decent. Voice search within Google Now does not work. This is kinda buggy, actually to the point that I may revert and wait til more progress is made. Have fun.
Sent From My HTC Evo 4G LTE, On The Now Network From Sprint!
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Yes! Ok thabks, I downloaded that file earlier today but never had the chance to give it a try, because I had to go to work. But thanks for verifying that it works
Sent from my microwave
I'd download the one that's in the O.P. there are several versions, that have different results. The one by Theoso is the one you want.
Sent From My HTC Evo 4G LTE, On The Now Network From Sprint!
Rydah805 said:
I'd download the one that's in the O.P. there are several versions, that have different results. The one by Theoso is the one you want.
Sent From My HTC Evo 4G LTE, On The Now Network From Sprint!
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Ya that's the one I got. Works but voice doesn't ( I know that's an issue), also sometimes a little slow
Sent from my microwave
Could someone post the apk? There's many linked.
Sent from my EVO 4G LTE
Ok... I found the latest one. It works except for voice search and it can be a little slow.
Sent from my EVO 4G LTE

