[Q] Emulated WIFI connection - is it possible? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi there,
I have an interesting (in my opinion) topic for my university bachelor work (dunno how to call that correctly in english) - I wanna make an android app which should be able to command PC applications which support OSC (open sound control) messages via wifi. Like tons of apps that are already on the market, but they support only MIDI messages.
Problem is...my droid phone got stolen
So i know there is some kinda Android environment emulator in AndroidSDK, but, does it support wifi connection emulation somehow? Is the development of such thing possible in this way?


advice on Hero capabilities

Hello (& excuses for my poor English!),
I'm having a though time deciding to buy or not the Hero. This is what I need, is it possible in the Hero?:
- running Debian with Gnome and/or KDE? (I've read in the G1 is possible) - this is very important
- interface/programming the acelerometer and GPS from Debian, once installed
- is its AGPS able to run in autonomous mode (that is, with no cell coverage)?
- quality of sound playback?
- running Fringe or Skype or simmilar over GPRS data?
Many thanks for any advice!
i have started a gnome desktop successfully via a vnc viewer on my laptop. but it took the desktop for ages to load. after a few more ages firefox was loaded, but closed again as soon as i clicked the main menu. lxde works at a "usable" speed, and i am working on start the gde of xubuntu (xfce) right now. for the other questions no idea. i think neither skype nor fringe is available, for IM i like nimbuzz the best. no voip calls via skype, if you mean that.

Q - App query/request/suggestion

Ive tried to look at how to create such a thing but im stumped at the first hurdle to be hoest.
Are there or is there anything available or under developemtn to control wifi enabled lighting that is not phillips HUE?
I have Easybulb lights at home which use an iphone/android app to control them. Currently im using my work tablet (android) orthe Mrs' iPad.
some kind developer has made a windows app (non windows 8) which is pretty good for my pc and my windows tablet, but i cant seem to get anythign on my phone to do the job.
'Apparently'.... all the coding is available online for what is needed - it needs to send UDP data to an ip address of the wifi bridge via a GUI.
any suggestions are most welcomed?

[Q] Offline Voice Recognition - Android 4.4.3

I am coming from Windows Phone and everything went smoothly during the transition. However, I miss some useful functionalities I had with WP that I really miss on Android, like offline voice recognition and SMS reading.
I was using voice recognition in my car (where data connection is bad and unstable from which it is necessary to have this functionnality offline), I was saying "call [NAME]" and it triggered the phone call with confirmation of the command.
I would like to do the same thing with my Nexus 5 but I didn't find a way to do it. I downloaded the language pack for my language (French) in the parameters.
Is it possible?
Anorther point is the reading of the SMS (texts). When a headset (wire or bluetooth) was connected to my WP, my phone was able to read aloud the content.
Same question: is it possible with Android?
No idea?

[Q] Desktop Software for Phone management with SMS communicator?

Hi guys
I'm not 100% sure if this is the right forum area, please pardon me if it isn't.
I'm coming from Symbian OS (Nokia) and using their NOKIA OVI SUITE/PC SUITE for YEARS and it's been terrific. obviously this is the end of the road for it since Nokia/MS is not giving their desktop software much attention.. now i've migrated to Android and I needed an alternative to Nokia PC Suite..
Yes i've googled and searched and found a lot of so called alternatives. but i wanted to save time instead of installing all these options and testing em for myself.. (and i have tested a few already)
What I need is something like Nokia PC Suite w/c are:
1) very good at phonebook and SMS management (Sedning/receiving)
2) can connect both via USB or WIRELESS (bluetooth preferred)
3) Has a real DESKTOP software, not limited due to being browser based (like a lot of the options out there)
4) NOT CLOUD-DEPENDENT .. offline capable
A lot of options i've tried such as AirDroid falls short of at least 1 of the above requirements ..the only Software i tried that came pretty close to what i really want is MoboRobo .. but it has some short comings like unable to send multi-part sms (the software splits it up) and it needs to scan QR everytime i want to connect wirelessly (not automatic/remembering the last connection)
So i'm continuing the hunt and hopefully some of ya'll more experienced android users can shorten the journey for me.
Thanks everyone..
hmm i guess im stuck w/ moborobo

[Q] Android PUSH service monitoring

Hello i'm new to the nadorid world but this is bassically what i'm stuck with:
i know that andorid devices use a TCP conection to mobile-gtalk.l.google.com or mtalk.google.com on port 5228 this is continuos conection to recive incoming push data and if other data i do not know.
Emulators like andy do a conection to that url and por from the Oracleheadless virtual box they use to run android. Bluestacks connect to it from the exe file HD-Networking.exe.
This bring me to an interesting point bassically a client app can be created on a computer to recive incoming push from our devices too with. i tried to see what is the protocol or how to do this but i have not found any documentation on the subject the closes thing to any like that is this post that is veru old i canĀ“t post links yet but just google for faking-the-green-robot-part-1 )
i want to know if any of you guys know or have an idea of how to monitor the push channel of a phone or emulator to learn the protocol and implement it on an app or if there is a place i can look to learn that.
i want to create something similar to bluestack runnign natively for specif android app but i need to be able to recive push notifications in some way.
if only way is using a virtual box i'm open to it but also i do not know how to read the notification from it.
thanks in advance.

