[Q] Custom Boot Animation - Exporting Issues - Motorola Photon 4G

I have created a new custom boot animation that I plan on sharing out with the crowd, however I am having issues with the animation playing during start up. I know I have the desc.txt correct as well as the naming conventions. I have tried both png and jpg sequences and to no avail.
I am zipping them up with WinRar as bootanimation.zip w/ "Store" and the compression (no compression).
I have tried all kinds of settings on these files and they just won't display and I am tired of beating my head on the keyboard. The only thing I can think of is that it has something to do with the image files themselves. I am exporting them out of After Effects as PNG sequences as well as jpg sequences and have gotten it to start running and then it just stops once it hits a certain frame. Is there any specifics that I am missing as far as settings on jpg or pngs? Is there anything special about exporting them from After Effects?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. It shouldn't be this damn difficult, but it's always the easy crap that gives the most trouble.

Awesome, 68 views and not one response.
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk

Can you upload the zip file I can try to take a look.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium

It can be downloaded there. Thanks.
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk

see if this one works for you(ran it through optimizer to make it a little smaller too).
remove it from the photon-bootanimation.zip and rename it if need be and put it where it goes

dased14 said:
see if this one works for you(ran it through optimizer to make it a little smaller too).
remove it from the photon-bootanimation.zip and rename it if need be and put it where it goes
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Holy crap it worked. What app did you use to optimize these files? (link) And were there any specific settings you used?
I swear it had to be something embedded within the file itself. I had exported from AfterEffects and then tried re-saving them using Fireworks and Photoshop with a bunch of different settings and file types, but nothing worked. I even went as far as tinkering with permissions on the files and set them all to 777. Imagine the frustration.
Thanks a ton, I greatly appreciate it. I'm going to share this one (with proper credit to your help) and I also pitched you a donation.

pIxiLatEd said:
Holy crap it worked. What app did you use to optimize these files? (link) And were there any specific settings you used?
I swear it had to be something embedded within the file itself. I had exported from AfterEffects and then tried re-saving them using Fireworks and Photoshop with a bunch of different settings and file types, but nothing worked. I even went as far as tinkering with permissions on the files and set them all to 777. Imagine the frustration.
Thanks a ton, I greatly appreciate it. I'm going to share this one (with proper credit to your help) and I also pitched you a donation.
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Thank you for that.
And I will send you the optimizer files later(away from pc and really easy to use if your going to use pngs) as for why it didnt work is at the last line of your desc you need to hit enter (so your last line is blank after the last line of code)open the one I made in notepad++ to see what i'm talking about. I'll pm you a few tips later if you want? Thanks again for donation(saving for more phones and tabs to learn on)

wow, I knew it had to be something stupid. Any addl info you can toss my way would be appreciated. Thanks again and feel free to PM anytime.

pIxiLatEd said:
wow, I knew it had to be something stupid. Any addl info you can toss my way would be appreciated. Thanks again and feel free to PM anytime.
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Glad someone was able to help and that you were able to get it to work! It looks slick!

Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk

Great job and the help and gesture of future help is what its all about.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium


[Q] My Framework Edits = Force Closes

I'll try to provide as much detail as possible. I am no expert (probably obvious) at theming, but I'm interested in learning. So I decided to try my hand at adding an accurate battery to Eugene373's Ginger Clone R2. Here's what I did:
1. Decompiled the framework-res.apk using the Android Theming & Tweaking v2 Alpha5 tool. This resulted in missing chunk errors with the quick_panel_list_stroke_01.9.png, status_bar_background.9.png, and status_bar_close_on.9.png.
2. I grabbed the 3 9patch files from a stock JK6 rom to replace the corrupted ones.
3. I replaced the battery icons, stat_sys_battery.xml, and stat_sys_battery_charge.xml with the ones neccessary for the mod.
4. I recompiled the apk with the same tool.
Now the battery mod works, so I doubt any of those files caused the issue, but I did notice two things. First, the file is now almost a full meg smaller than before. Second, the directory structure inside the new framework-res.apk is completely different than previously. Eugene's framework has a "-v4" extention at the end of all the drawable directories (ex: drawable-hdpi-v4 instead of drawable-hdpi).
I have a feeling that there's some fundamental difference between my compilation and Eugene's, but I had no errors at all when compiling the apk. I've tried to find the answer without bothering anyone, but all my searches have resulted in no answers. Hopefully someone out there can help with this.
TLDR version: What the heck is the difference between drawable-hdpi and drawable-hdpi-v4 (and similar directories) and is this the cause of my force closes?
Shameless bump
any one have the answer to this?
i cant find much but this help some http://forum.androidcentral.com/fascinate-roms-hacks/45526-framework-res-apk-utility.html
roscoenr said:
i cant find much but this help some http://forum.androidcentral.com/fascinate-roms-hacks/45526-framework-res-apk-utility.html
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I have to say this guy seems to have the answer. I was unable to build a working framework at all until using this guy's app. Thank you very much for bringing it to my attention!
MWBehr said:
I have to say this guy seems to have the answer. I was unable to build a working framework at all until using this guy's app. Thank you very much for bringing it to my attention!
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Your welcome I just hope it works I'm the same problems have not tried this to much
Sent from my unrEVOked using xda app
roscoenr said:
Your welcome I just hope it works I'm the same problems have not tried this to much
Sent from my unrEVOked using xda app
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Well I had to manually add the "-v4" extensions to his .bat, but it really seems to be working well. Apparently it's all about packaging the new .apk, but then copying over all the new images, xmls, etc. to the original apk. Whatever it is he's doing, I applaud him for it I was just about to give up framework edits before you found this. Thanks again!
I'm glad it works cause I was in the same boat
Sent from my unrEVOked using xda app

[Q] - Windows Animation Speed?

Does anyone know how to speed up the window animation speed in the ROM without using Spare Parts? How to cook it into the ROM?
scrosler said:
Does anyone know how to speed up the window animation speed in the ROM without using Spare Parts? How to cook it into the ROM?
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Great question. The quickest method which came to mind was to use look at the Spare Parst app source code and find how its controlling the window animation speed.
I purely speculate, there are two ways of controling window animation speed.
1) modifying a setting in a preference file in /data.
2) setting something in the android system via java.
Unfortunately the master source would be android.git.kernel.org (specifically http://android.git.kernel.org/?p=platform/development.git;a=tree;f=apps/SpareParts;hb=HEAD ) but the server is still offline. I'm not able to quickly find the Spare Parts app source code through google searching. If somebody does have a link to the online source code for Spare Parts, I'd be interested in taking a look and seeing how it works!
The only semi helpful link I could find is an older XDA thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/archive/index.php/t-708774.html . Unfortunatley it appears he has taken his github files offline so I wasn't able to find the Spare Parts java source code.
Sorry for not having a specific answer but hopefully the ideas provide a lil more guidance!
joeykrim said:
Great question. The quickest method which came to mind was to use look at the Spare Parst app source code and find how its controlling the window animation speed.
I purely speculate, there are two ways of controling window animation speed.
1)modifying a setting in a preference file in /data.
2) setting something in the android system via java.
Unfortunately the master source would be android.git.kernel.org (specifically http://android.git.kernel.org/?p=platform/development.git;a=tree;f=apps/SpareParts;hb=HEAD )but the server is still offline. I'm not able to quickly find the Spare Parts app source code through google searching. If somebody does have a link to the online source code for Spare Parts, I'd be interested in taking a look and seeing how it works!
The only semi helpful link I could find is an older XDA thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/archive/index.php/t-708774.html . Unfortunatley it appears he has taken his github files offline so I wasn't able to find the Spare Parts java source code.
Sorry for not having a specific answer but hopefully the ideas provide a lil more guidance!
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Thanks for looking into this. I will post back if I find anything but as of now I havent found squat.
scrosler said:
Does anyone know how to speed up the window animation speed in the ROM without using Spare Parts? How to cook it into the ROM?
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Add (or edit that number..higher=faster) this line in the build.prop:
(MAKE SURE there's still a blank line at the end of all your build.prop tweaks, or it won't "take".)
<<bringing it since 2010>>
mazook98 said:
Add (or edit that number..higher=faster) this line in the build.prop:
(MAKE SURE there's still a blank line at the end of all your build.prop tweaks, or it won't "take".)
<<bringing it since 2010>>
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Thanks man!
Is there a max?
Gonna try 300 now...
scrosler said:
Thanks man!
Is there a max?
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Lol... It gets wonky over 110 in most roms.. In fact, 100 is at the high range. Most chef's that add this usually come in about 90, but I've never had issues with 100.
LMK how it works for you.
<<bringing it since 2010>>
mazook98 said:
Lol... It gets wonky over 110 in most roms.. In fact, 100 is at the high range. Most chef's that add this usually come in about 90, but I've never had issues with 100.
LMK how it works for you.
<<bringing it since 2010>>
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Yea, I was rocking 100... But... When I changed it up to 200 nothing changed. Gonna drop down very low to test theory.
Something that SpareParts+ is doing is making it haul ass. Much faster than what it is now.
Changed to 50 and see no difference. Hmmm.....
Are you clearing Dalvik in between changes? (If, that is, you're in one of your awesome deodexed roms?)
I think all your apps are opted in relation to build.prop guidelines, so that would be needed.
<<bringing it since 2010>>
mazook98 said:
Add (or edit that number..higher=faster) this line in the build.prop:
(MAKE SURE there's still a blank line at the end of all your build.prop tweaks, or it won't "take".)
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scrosler said:
Changed to 50 and see no difference. Hmmm.....
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wasn't much information provided on what this build.prop line edit actually does or how android implements the number values. so researched this setting - windowsmgr.max_events_per_sec.
first found an older thread on XDA about it. they claim you can adjust the value after boot but it won't change anything until after a reboot. i.e. setprop *should* work on changing the value, but won't have any impact. seems have to edit/save actual build.prop and restart.
also they state 55 is the default value and the android framework doesnt recognize values under 35.
they also say: "That value does not affect the framerate, but how many touch events are reported to the apps; this saves some cpu if the user keeps touching the screen." all this information is taken from this thread - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=813309
read on another forum post, "To enable better scrolling speed through lists, I changed windowsmgr. max_events_per_sec=55 to windowsmgr.max_events_per_sec=60. Scrolling through the app drawer and contacts and any lists really is now smoother. " - http://androidforums.com/droid-x-all-things-root/164447-mod-lots-build-prop-edits.html
not able to find anything from google/android developers to reference as an "official" source .. maybe a grep through aosp code could reveal where android reads and implements this build.prop setting change.
hopefully some of that information helps sheds a bit more light on this "tweak", i.e. default value, range, areas it will impact, etc.
After reading your post I would believe this is not the golden egg I am looking for. Im going to decompile SpartParts+ and see what, if anything I can find by poking around.
mazook98 said:
Are you clearing Dalvik in between changes? (If, that is, you're in one of your awesome deodexed roms?)
I think all your apps are opted in relation to build.prop guidelines, so that would be needed.
<<bringing it since 2010>>
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No, I didnt clear cache but I can try... Cant hurt, right? I just dont think this the correct mod... But what the heck/.... Lets see if clearing any thnig helps.
Nope, nothing.
scrosler said:
After reading your post I would believe this is not the golden egg I am looking for. Im going to decompile SpartParts+ and see what, if anything I can find by poking around.
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first approach which comes to mind: i'd prob grep through there looking for any strings regarding window animation speed. i forget what it is called in the real app, but that is probably a great starting point. then start back tracing the code .. i don't deal much with smali but i'm sure you'll be able to trace it down.
keep us updated!
scrosler said:
Nope, nothing.
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Sorry to sidetrack you Scott!
I "thought" I knew what I was talking about...
Good luck in the effort, bro.
(and I'll also stop editing that line into every single build.prop I see, lol.)
Thanks for the work.
<<bringing it since 2010>>
joeykrim said:
first approach which comes to mind: i'd prob grep through there looking for any strings regarding window animation speed. i forget what it is called in the real app, but that is probably a great starting point. then start back tracing the code .. i don't deal much with smali but i'm sure you'll be able to trace it down.
keep us updated!
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That was my plan of attack.. somewhat.. Lets see how complicated the code is in this... iM hoping its using an echo command or something similar... Because the speed change sticks after a reboot so wouldn't that indicate its writing to a file?
mazook98 said:
Sorry to sidetrack you Scott!
I "thought" I knew what I was talking about...
Good luck in the effort, bro.
(and I'll also stop editing that line into every single build.prop I see, lol.)
Thanks for the work.
<<bringing it since 2010>>
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Its all good man. Atleast you tried.
scrosler said:
That was my plan of attack.. somewhat.. Lets see how complicated the code is in this... iM hoping its using an echo command or something similar... Because the speed change sticks after a reboot so wouldn't that indicate its writing to a file?
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yea, i would agree. wish i had taken a look at the spare parts source code when it was posted on the android aosp site!
i doubt its using echo to send a value to a sysfs file generated by the kernel. my guess would be to a data settings file on the /data partition. at least thats what i'd hope as that would be easy to duplicate!
if you want to post up the smali files, i can try and take a look through. yay for java being so easy to reverse!
joeykrim said:
yea, i would agree. wish i had taken a look at the spare parts source code when it was posted on the android aosp site!
i doubt its using echo to send a value to a sysfs file generated by the kernel. my guess would be to a data settings file on the /data partition. at least thats what i'd hope as that would be easy to duplicate!
if you want to post up the smali files, i can try and take a look through. yay for java being so easy to reverse!
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Related dumb (awesome) geek joke:
Q: Why do all Java developers wear glasses?
A: Because they can't C#.
(ba dump bump).
<<I first learned about binary from Pac Man>>
Ill drop you a pm for this when I get home. It is NOT the build prop edit posted earlier. That has ZERO to do with animation speed.
SteelH said:
Ill drop you a pm for this when I get home. It is NOT the build prop edit posted earlier. That has ZERO to do with animation speed.
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Thanks man! As always your tutorials make my ROM! They are unbeatable!

MMS Size Issue

I was wondering if there is a compression fix and mms size limit fix for the 3vo around. I did a search but could not find anything.
Basically, I do not want pictures compressed unless they are over a certain size (maybe 2 mb), and also I would actually like to be able to send a video via mms.
I 2nd this. It's pretty annoying!
I am guessing a fix that works on the EVO would work as well. I believe the size limits can be changes by editing a certain XML file, but I am in no way an expert.
Some ROMs like mine have the MMS compression disabled and bumped up MMS sizes. In the themes and apps section there is a guide to smali edit some files to get it working.
私のEVO 3Dから送信される。
Here is the thread if you wish to do it yourself: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1232952
msimindlessmsi2 said:
I was wondering if there is a compression fix and mms size limit fix for the 3vo around. I did a search but could not find anything.
Basically, I do not want pictures compressed unless they are over a certain size (maybe 2 mb), and also I would actually like to be able to send a video via mms.
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You searching skills are severely lacking.... as dastin1015 pointed out my how-to, the thread title has the words mms and compression in it. very easy to find.
I also want MMS compression removed. Yes I also searched and found Team Exposed method on removing this but then again, I don't know how to use ADB. This means I have to learn it just a bit, then i have to install the files, learn how to pull the framework, find SMS apk and blah blah blah!!! As you can tell I've attempted to do it myself but it just seems like too much work just to remove the MMS compression. Lets not be harsh in this post, some of us are just not great at this. If someone can help to at least make this easier on us (Team Expose method not exactly rookie friendly) I'd appreciate it allot. Thank you XDA community.
IrvFTW said:
I also want MMS compression removed. Yes I also searched and found Team Exposed method on removing this but then again, I don't know how to use ADB. This means I have to learn it just a bit, then i have to install the files, learn how to pull the framework, find SMS apk and blah blah blah!!! As you can tell I've attempted to do it myself but it just seems like too much work just to remove the MMS compression. Lets not be harsh in this post, some of us are just not great at this. If someone can help to at least make this easier on us (Team Expose method not exactly rookie friendly) I'd appreciate it allot. Thank you XDA community.
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It may not be rookie (noob) friendly, but it is the only way to get MMS compression, unless you use a ROM that already has the compression disabled.
The team exposed method has you modifying the MMS.apk or whatever doesn't it? Wish there was a flashable method where it would replace it with the modified version. I am currently in school learning to program, and once I'm done I think I'll focus on learning Android development.
Sent from my 3D using InfectedRom Eternity.
msimindlessmsi2 said:
The team exposed method has you modifying the MMS.apk or whatever doesn't it? Wish there was a flashable method where it would replace it with the modified version. I am currently in school learning to program, and once I'm done I think I'll focus on learning Android development.
Sent from my 3D using InfectedRom Eternity.
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I'm pretty sure that you can edit the apk and then throw it in a zip with the right directories and flash it.
If there's extra steps, I'm unaware of them, I haven't begun looking into building flashable zips yet, lol.
Sent from my PG8610000 using XDA App
dastin1015 said:
It may not be rookie (noob) friendly, but it is the only way to get MMS compression, unless you use a ROM that already has the compression disabled.
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Yeah, but still... Is it possible for someone to share their modified SMS apk with us and we'd just install it using root explorer? If not, can someone, If its not too much trouble, at least make a guide? I really like the ROM I'm currently in (Olympus HD) and I would like to keep it as it is (besides the MMS compression of course).
I am surprised more people don't ask for this, and that it is not a standard for all custom roms. If anyone does happen to make a flashable version, please also raise the MMS limits while you are at it.
I would much rather not needing to reflash to fix this issue, so if you are a bored dev and do this I will paypal you 10 bucks.
Sent from my 3D using InfectedRom Eternity.
msimindlessmsi2 said:
I am surprised more people don't ask for this, and that it is not a standard for all custom roms. If anyone does happen to make a flashable version, please also raise the MMS limits while you are at it.
I would much rather not needing to reflash to fix this issue, so if you are a bored dev and do this I will paypal you 10 bucks.
Sent from my 3D using InfectedRom Eternity.
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I'm going to be doing smali editing in the morning anyways. Give me the Mms.apk from system/app and the default.xml from system/customize/MNS from your ROM and I'll make you a flashable version to remove MMS compression for whatever ROM you're using.
Just tell me what values you want for MMS sizes. If you don't specify I'll do my default of 500K, 1M and 2M.
私のEVO 3Dから送信される。
Isn't 500K, 1mb, and 2mb the defaults? I'm not sure why there are three numbers though lol. As soon as I get to a computer I will upload them.
Sent from my 3D using InfectedRom Eternity.
msimindlessmsi2 said:
Isn't 500K, 1mb, and 2mb the defaults? I'm not sure why there are three numbers though lol. As soon as I get to a computer I will upload them.
Sent from my 3D using InfectedRom Eternity.
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No, 300-500-1m. I'm not sure about the exact on 300, but stock is 1mb.
I've just unlocked mms compression and bumped mms size to 2mb for odexed roms if anybody is interested. I guess i can deodex if needed.
Via My HTC Evo 3D On The Now Network From Sprint.
I am odexed running the rom below.
Sent from my 3D using InfectedRom Eternity.
Here is a flashable zip for the stock MMS (deodexed) with compression removed.
I have set the sizes to 1M, 2M, and 5M. Also added in my other MMS mods. Enjoy.
SteelH said:
Here is a flashable zip for the stock MMS (deodexed) with compression removed.
I have set the sizes to 1M, 2M, and 5M. Also added in my other MMS mods. Enjoy.
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link is broken.
would anyone like to share the zip if they have it??

Q Wallpapers from Zedge something odd?

Quick question anyone using zedge to get wallpapers for the evo 3d? Why when you download the JPG and you run a virus scanner on it shows there is 2 files. Tho there is only one JPG.
I use zedge and will have to check this out now thanks for the heads up
patrao_n said:
I use zedge and will have to check this out now thanks for the heads up
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Ya im trying to figure out why that is. You download a JPG you want then when you scan it or scan it be4 downloading it shows it having two files. As far as I know a JPG is one file unless there is something hidden in it.
I work at Zedge and asked the main developer about the issue.
We do not download 2 files and we're not sure why you find two files.
If you are using the recovery tool in-app and we can't find any information about one of the pictures we make a new file so we don't have to try again later. But that is only after you use the recovery-tool.
Keep us updated if you find out something more
- Zedge.net
It could be that it downloads the main jpg then crops it to fit our screen thus creating two files. I like and use zedge, great app.
. Trash files
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Condottieri said:
I work at Zedge and asked the main developer about the issue.
We do not download 2 files and we're not sure why you find two files.
If you are using the recovery tool in-app and we can't find any information about one of the pictures we make a new file so we don't have to try again later. But that is only after you use the recovery-tool.
Keep us updated if you find out something more
- Zedge.net
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I'll take a pic of it . I was downloading them to my pc and noticed my AntiVirus showed the jpg having two files I thought that was weird. I was using the Microsoft AntiVirus program I always scan before downloading and opening files.
I just thought it was a odd thing . I know jpgs can contain viruses the file from zedge was clean no virus found just weird it has two files. Thanks again for lookin into it.
It's clean its a issue with windows sayin it has two files. Booted into fedora Linux and went into depth of the file all is clean no issues . Anyways thanks again.

[MOD]HTCLinkifyDispatcher Fix - Oudated. See OP for Steal25's thread.

Edit: This fix is defunct as of the current OTA. For a working version of this software (Thanks Steal25!) check out the thread here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1947686
I'll be requesting this thread be closed at this point, though I'll leave the files for anyone still on older software versions. It's served it's purpose. Thanks everyone!
Original post:
There are a number of build.prop edits out there for various fixes. One such edit gives back the ability to make a choice of what program you want for a specific action. This was removed by HTC due to Apple claiming a patent infringement of patent #5,946,647. This patent is what caused the Evo 4G LTE to be stuck in customs.
Due to the nature of build.prop files containing many areas that can be tweaked, ROM devs tend to make different tweaks between ROM's. Until now this could have caused issues.
This script makes a backup of your current build.prop, and then EDITS IT IN PLACE.
What does this mean? It means you can flash THIS file on ANY ROM on this phone and it will not mess up any tweaks your specific ROM dev has put in place.
Why is this important? There are a number of build.props edited with this fix (and others)...some of them are from the stock ROM and some are from various other custom ROMs. Simply copying one over your current build.prop could lose you important optimizations, or custom fixes your dev has set up. By flashing this script you keep those customizations and still get the benefit of having your choices back.
To tell if this edit worked for you, check in settings. If the app associations menu option is gone, then it worked.
You will need to clear defaults for specific programs in order to have a choice pop up.
If you have selected Chrome for your default browser in app associations, you will need to go to menu/settings/apps/downloaded/Chrome/clear defaults.
The next time you tap a URL you will have a choice of which browser to use.
Thanks to iconeo for the original thread found here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1693809
Thanks to Steal25 for the actual build.prop edits.
I am including two zip files. The first one will make the build.prop change to allow you to choose your own defaults.
The second one (HTCLinkify-revert.zip) will allow you to put your build.prop back to its default.
There are other build.prop edits out there and I will be creating ROM agnostic flashable zips for those as well.
Please let me know if there are any issues with this flash.
Edit: I have uploaded a new zip that should work with the latest OTA.
nice man
so people can flash this and still keep their tweaks
loving the support this phone is getting
flex360 said:
nice man
so people can flash this and still keep their tweaks
loving the support this phone is getting
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Yep, exactly. For people that have a hard time editing build.prop on their own, this will do the trick.
Plus it's the easiest way to re-implement the fix if your ROM dev updates the ROM but doesn't include it by default.
So I'm guessing you can only use this if your phone is rooted right ?
Sent from my Xoom using xda premium
So I'm guessing you can only use this if your phone is rooted right ?
Sent from my Xoom using xda premium
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You can only manually edit the build.prop if you're rooted to begin with, so even if you choose not to do it this way, you'll still need root to make the change yourself.
To flash the zip requires root and unlocked bootloader since you need a custom recovery to flash zips.
Made a correction to the first post. It was Steal25 who came up with the original build.prop edit, not SteelH. Sorry Steal25!
Mines ready fixed by me. But still, thanks mass for this.
Edit: thinking about this makes me realize just how bad apple effd HTC. I mean, if I was one of the vast majority of users who dont root and just buy a phone and leave it how it is, I would honestly probably return this device and buy something different. And that would be hard because i love HTC and this device. But, removing the 'complete action using' dialog is just not something I could live with. Apple really, really, screwed HTC... and end users. :screwy:
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
It's fantastic, thanks man.
I've been following this issue, and it seems the build.prop fix also works for other HTC ICS phones. I assume this flashable zip would work for those phones as well, correct? Since it's editing in place, seems like it should work for all (One X, One S, Amaze 4G, etc.).
thanks, was looking for this mod
oryan_dunn said:
I've been following this issue, and it seems the build.prop fix also works for other HTC ICS phones. I assume this flashable zip would work for those phones as well, correct? Since it's editing in place, seems like it should work for all (One X, One S, Amaze 4G, etc.).
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It should, yes. However I only had an Evo 3D and an Evo 4g LTE to test on, so I can't support other phones.
But as long as build.prop is in /system and contains the line ro.da1.enable=true this script should work.
Again though I can't test, so you're on your own.
Edit: One thing though: You'll need a modified updater-script. Right now I have 2 versions of this zip, one for Shooter (Evo3D) and one for Jewel (E4GLTE).
You'll need to modify the line at the top of updater-script to your own phone's model:
getprop("ro.product.device") == "shooter"
Replace "shooter" with "jewel" for the E4GLTE for example. Or you could simply remove the line. Should work fine without it.
Ok, I may be asking a lot...
But I'm not familiar with editing the script lines,
Could you possibly either make a zip with the jewel edit in place?
Sent from my LtEvo using XDA
KaptainRandom said:
Ok, I may be asking a lot...
But I'm not familiar with editing the script lines,
Could you possibly either make a zip with the jewel edit in place?
Sent from my LtEvo using XDA
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This one already has jewel. If you want it for another device I can make a quick update for you, just let me know the device name. Or if you want to test it without the device check line I'll pull that for you and you can test it that way.
Many thanks for this. Although i was able to modify fue build prop myself, i did have a hard time. Everytime i edited the build prop with root browser it made a copy of itself . Confusing stuff. Finally sorted it with SM mánager.
Anyways this is much easier for someone with my skills
Thank you
corcgaigh said:
Many thanks for this. Although i was able to modify fue build prop myself, i did have a hard time. Everytime i edited the build prop with root browser it made a copy of itself . Confusing stuff. Finally sorted it with SM mánager.
Anyways this is much easier for someone with my skills
Thank you
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Not a problem. It will come in handy later if your ROM dev makes an update. Just flash and go.
This worked flawlessly for me. It's SO nice to have the features back that I was used to on previous devices. Thanks!
OstrichSak said:
This worked flawlessly for me. It's SO nice to have the features back that I was used to on previous devices. Thanks!
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Glad it did the trick for you.
smw6180 said:
Glad it did the trick for you.
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No, thank you!
Will we ever be able to long press pics in the browser and have the menu come up with share with (list of programs)
It works now!
Sent from my EVO using xda premium

