[Q] accurate app that monitors mA drain - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

is there an accurate battery monitoring app that works on the motorola atrix for mA amounts while the battery drains? and the reason I ask if there is one that is accurate, because I have tried using currentwidget, its shows no data for mA, but displays % and the mV. I am in the process of trying battery monitor widget now, but after going on almost to the end of 2 days, I don't believe it's actually accurate. While my phone is not being used and screen off it's lowest standby reading was draining between 15-22mA, losing about 1% of battery every 30mins or so according to the history readout.
im running cm7 beta, faux .2.0 1.3 kernel, radio n_01.77.30p, it's an unlocked motorola atrix from bell that im using on rogers. tegrapart d00

Nothing will give you an "accurate" mA reading unless you can tell the actual mAh capacity of YOUR battery rather than what the battery is rated at. Any app that reports mA is going to be calculating it according to the mAh you say the battery is (again, already inaccurate) and how quickly the battery level percentage is dropping. There is no mA reading that it can just report, its just guessing from given data.
For Battery Monitor Widget though, 15-22mA on standby is weird, I've used that app for months and it has always said 5mA discharge for standby situations. Did you tell the app your battery's mAh rating or is it still whatever the default value is?

its still default i guess, i went to calibration tab, the total max and min are empty
the other fields below say
max: 4205mV min: 3164mV
stored: 1880maH total: 1880maH
measured: pro version only...(that one is obvious...lol)

Your battery should be rated 1930maH unless you are using a non stock battery.

Wirmpolter said:
its still default i guess, i went to calibration tab, the total max and min are empty
the other fields below say
max: 4205mV min: 3164mV
stored: 1880maH total: 1880maH
measured: pro version only...(that one is obvious...lol)
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mV != mAh
mV measurement used in the BatteryCalibration app doesn't show your battery capacity. It can only be used as a reference point to when your battery is at 100%. (for 100% it should be around 4200mV).


Hurricane: Measure and compare your battery capacity - easy, foolproof, comparable

A lot of problems are related to old batteries and when buying new ones you don't know how "new" they are and if the keep their promise.
Worry no longer, with just
your device
your battery (or more)
and a spreadsheet (optional)
you can take control of the facts.
The method is descibed in this generic thread.
There you also find the files you need and some apetizers to start.
Method specific discussions go there please!
Please report here in this forum only the results of your measurements in the following format:
Battery type (Producer + Model)
Battery serial number
nominal capacity (in mAh)
your device (it should only be Hurricane here!)
rundown time to 10% capacity with the standardized conditions as descibed in the generic thread
attach the file if you like, but I will not collect them
My current drain measurement for the Hurricane is:
full lit display: 88 mA
dim display: 80 mA
display on, but no backlight: 60 mA (!!)
Let me start with my data:
Type Battery Serial Battery Capacity [mAh] PBA File 10% time [s]
Samsung-ST26A 5yex149f000725 1050 Hurricane battery-data-1265006544.csv 30202
Sanyo ST26C at3a359w000642 1150 Hurricane battery-data-1264765063.csv 40567
Sanyo ST26C at3a359y001882 1150 Hurricane battery-data-1264865986.csv 42281
Sanyo ST26C at3a35cm000832 1150 Hurricane battery-data-1264926866.csv 40097
Sanyo ST26C at3a35am000417 1150 Hurricane battery-data-1264809237.csv 37302
I must tell you that the Hurricane discharge graph is the worst I have seen for all my measurements. Down to 60% it is roughly linear, but you are cheated as the 60% is in reality much less and the remaining % are eaten very fast!

Speed mod kernel

I was wondering if the speed mod kernel for the international galaxy s is compatible with the Samsung vibrant
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Any Kernel recommended for a stock Froyo Vibrant?
I need good battery life and CWM
mozXegX said:
Any Kernel recommended for a stock Froyo Vibrant?
I need good battery life and CWM
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any should work i think, overstock always had decent battery for me or try bali uv
Try this. If you get any crashes, reduce all millivolts back -25 each until it's perfectly stable.
Bali-X 1.2 found here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1043947
Get SetCPU off the Market and use these settings:
Conservative Governor
100 - 1200 frequency
1200 at -25mv
1000 at -50mv
800 at -75mv
400 at -125mv
200 at -150mv
100 at -175mv
Screen Off Profile of 100 - 800 Conservative
If you want to tweak out a little more energy savings, though at the cost of some performance, you can set the typical frequency to 100 - 1000, or even 100 - 800.
Be sure to calibrate your battery (charge to 100%, unplug, re-plug, charge to 100%, unplug, re-plug, charge to 100%, unplug, replug, charge to 100%, then either delete the batterystats setting with Root Explorer, or use the Battery Calibration mod from the market once you're done bump charging, but don't bump charge too many times, as it's not healthy for the battery in the long term.) after installing Bali X and setting the voltage tweaks.
Still, the best battery saver of all has to do with your display, as it uses far more juice than anything else. Since it's an AMOLED display, lighter colors burn more juice than darker colors. Use a dark themes for your commonly used programs like Googles http://www.blackle.com/ as well as your messenger, and use black wallpaper.

overclocking/underclocking with liberty to increase battery life?

any help????
my wife's battery life is so bad
I use set cpu and turn down the speed when the screen is off. My battery performance is almost equal to what I used to get from the Droid1. It'll last me all day with moderate usage,
I use SetCPU as well but I am a little more aggressive.
ScreenOff = 300Mhz
Less than 50% Batt = 800Mhz
Less than 25% Batt = 600 Mhz
I also have it set to throttle down to 800Mhz when temp goes above 50C but thats not really about Battery Life.
You really don't notice the lowered CPU at all. Especially during phone calls or TXTing.
I think the real savings is in the screen off. My guess is the stock automatic scaling is not doing a good enough job on it's own when the phone is sleeping. and most of our battery life was being blown away in standby.
With those settings I have been able to go almost a day and a half on a charge with moderate use where before even light use would only get me 6-8 hours.
And that is with a BP6 not a 7!
With those settings as your battery goes lower the longer it will take to drain. It really was remarkable.
Computer Dreams said:
any help????
my wife's battery life is so bad
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Disable WiFi or BlueTooth ..

Battery Life + temps survey

Hello all you xda-ers!
Please post information about the following aspects of your current device, in as much detail as possible:
Battery Life
CPU clock
Charger power
This survey will hopefully enable new owners like myself to determine whether or not we received a bad egg. Also, it will offer some info about how different ROMs, kernels, chargers and CPU clocks impact the Battery Life and Temps, two very contentious issues (I think?) with this device.
Awesome, lets do this
Battery Life: Newish device but VERY short - with moderate/heavy usage about 4 hours!
Temperature: 30C out of my pocket, but quickly shoots up to 40C+ after some usage
CPU: 1.5Ghz
Rom: Leedroid
Kernel: Default Leedroid kernel
Charger Power: Stock 5V 1A
Also put is whether GSM or cdma
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA
Mikrunny using included anthrax kernel running at 1.5ghz. When not in use its around 77° F. The maximum I've seen when playing games is around 97° F. I'm on cdma btw.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
Battery Life: Great. Anywhere from 16-24 hours with "light" usage, 6-10 with "moderate," and 4-6 with "heavy."
Temperature: 18C out of my pocket, average 30C, 40C after some usage
CPU: 1.2Ghz but it scales down according to battery life.
Tech: CDMA
Rom: Mine
Kernel: Currently using Anthrax Alpha RLS 9, but same temps with Stock kernel.
Charger Power: Stock 5V 1A
Who the hell rated this 1 star?
Battery Life: Pretty good. It lasts a whole day with light-medium usage (3-4 hours screen on, no games or anything).
Temperature: I think I have a phone that overheats no matter what, since it's in the top right and happens during light usage. The battery never really gets hot.
CPU clock: 1.2Ghz
ROM: ViperROM Redline RC2
Kernel: Stock? Whatever comes with the ROM im using
Charger power: Stock charger, through USB
Just got it up to 104° F playing Final Fantasy lol
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
yousefak said:
Who the hell rated this 1 star?
Battery Life: Pretty good. It lasts a whole day with light-medium usage (3-4 hours screen on, no games or anything).
Temperature: I think I have a phone that overheats no matter what, since it's in the top right and happens during light usage. The battery never really gets hot.
CPU clock: 1.2Ghz
ROM: ViperROM Redline RC2
Kernel: Stock? Whatever comes with the ROM im using
Charger power: Stock charger, through USB
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That's what I want to know. I had to boost it back up.
freeza said:
Battery Life: Great. Anywhere from 16-24 hours with "light" usage, 6-10 with "moderate," and 4-6 with "heavy."
Temperature: 18C out of my pocket, average 30C, 40C after some usage
CPU: 1.2Ghz but it scales down according to battery life.
Tech: CDMA
Rom: Mine
Kernel: Currently using Anthrax Alpha RLS 9, but same temps with Stock kernel.
Charger Power: Stock 5V 1A
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it's nice being an insider sometimes... lulz..
same here. running inbreded ROM with rls09 alpha 7 anthrax kernel. i am at 70 perfect with a pretty decent amount of use on 10 hours now. clocked at 1.67
Battery Life: "Light" Usage, When I say "light" I mean L-I-G-H-T, like a text every once in a while, but that's about it - 30-48 hours
My personal "Normal" Usage 12-16 hours
"Medium/Moderate/Night Life " Usage: 6-10 hours
"Heavy/Drunk" Usage 3-5 Hours.
Temperature: Idk, cool when it's not doing anything, but it gets really warm when I'm doin stuff
CPU clock: Stock
ROM: ZR3D 1.5
Kernel: Stock
Charger power: A/C Stock
Seidio 1900
•Battery Life= Light use 30hrs or more .. Just texts and handful of phone calls.
Moderate use 6hr to 10hrs. Games,texts,calls,So on
Heavy use 4hr to 5hr. Helps to keep the brightness turned down alot..
•Temperature=Piss warm nothing hot just room temp
•CPU clock= Stock
•ROM= My own
•Charger power=Stock
Unknownforce said:
Battery Life: "Light" Usage, When I say "light" I mean L-I-G-H-T, like a text every once in a while, but that's about it - 30-48 hours
My personal "Normal" Usage 12-16 hours
"Medium/Moderate/Night Life " Usage: 6-10 hours
"Heavy/Drunk" Usage 3-5 Hours.
Temperature: Idk, cool when it's not doing anything, but it gets really warm when I'm doin stuff
CPU clock: Stock
ROM: ZR3D 1.5
Kernel: Stock
Charger power: A/C Stock
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reaper24 said:
Seidio 1900
•Battery Life= Light use 30hrs or more .. Just texts and handful of phone calls.
Moderate use 6hr to 10hrs. Games,texts,calls,So on
Heavy use 4hr to 5hr. Helps to keep the brightness turned down alot..
•Temperature=Piss warm nothing hot just room temp
•CPU clock= Stock
•ROM= My own
•Charger power=Stock
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Finally, some realistic battery life results. I get so tired of reading unrealistic battery life results from people but these are about on par with mine and pretty much everyone's EVO 3D if the terms "light" "moderate" and "heavy" were used loosely and/or like we're doing
freeza said:
Finally, some realistic battery life results. I get so tired of reading unrealistic battery life results from people but these are about on par with mine and pretty much everyone's EVO 3D if the terms "light" "moderate" and "heavy" were used loosely and/or like we're doing
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I agree lol. I seen some odd ones ... Like someone snuck in with a 3500 mha battery saying they get 3 to 2 days heavy use but say they are using a stock battery lol.. I bumped the raiting up on the thread too lol..

dripping current from screen

i start webbing the net and set the brightness to half sun [30% or 40%]
and got that leakage
2% of battery for one min of webbing very high
i played a bit with the brightness and it went down
i test it at power saving gov'
0% bright = 150 mA
100% bright = 350mA
very abnormal no ?
here pics with battery drain
using global FW
suil's sense4.1 rom
the transistor of the screen is not functional well ?
350 mA is pretty low actually, although I measure with Battery Monitor Widget by 3c.
Can you get GSAM Battery Monitor and post the results?
Sent from my HTC Rezound using Tapatalk 2
thx for reply i did the same test now
and still got 2% for min even on 0% bright
It's not screen, it's CPU using much current. Flash custom kernel and limit cpu max freq. and you will see much better battery life. I managed to have 6hrs of display on time while reading with same rom and funky kernel and cpu set to 500Mhz max in airplane mode

