HELP! Strange Graphics bug! - Optimus One, P500, V General

Running the latest openOptimus. I get a strange graphics bug in any HD game, in Raging Thunder the cars look like concrete, in Fifa 2010 the field looks like made out of orange and yellow plastic! On CM7 the games work fine, but I dont like it as I have the new baseband and the Data dosent work! That's why I use openOptimus!
Why do I get this graphics bug? Can I fix it?

downgrade your baseband and you are fine - from this point u can use every rom.

How to do it? I'm a noob...

Please use the forum search in P500 dev section, there are a lot of posts about how to do that

I just can't make it work! How do I know that I have the old/new baseband? I did it with both programs (LGPD) and I still have graphics bug, and CM7 won't have GSM and Data without fix!

UL7RA said:
Running the latest openOptimus. I get a strange graphics bug in any HD game, in Raging Thunder the cars look like concrete, in Fifa 2010 the field looks like made out of orange and yellow plastic! On CM7 the games work fine, but I dont like it as I have the new baseband and the Data dosent work! That's why I use openOptimus!
Why do I get this graphics bug? Can I fix it?
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Only one of the versions make cars in raging thunder look like concrete.try using RT 2 version 1.0.4 or 1.0.8.

On CM7 there is no bug with the same .apk. Fifa is the same...


[suggestion] Make Angry Birds work smoother

I have a suggestion to make Angry Birds don't laggish anymore.
I had read more forums and topics about Angry Birds lags on low-end devices. [like our Tattoo]
And now i have some tips to make angry birds just a bit, bit faster. [See at the end of topic]
Okay. I saw there are patched angry birds 1.3.5.[thread HERE] But there are ONE problem. When i wan't to play it, screen is not compatible with out QVGA. It's maked only for HVGA i think. [you can download patched AB HERE]
I asked a question to Rovio and i write to make it good for low-end devices.
There will be a lite version special for low-end phones, and then won't be a problems with lags and grapfics.
You can OC your Tattoo on 710 and 633 Mhz. And set to performace.
Save Angry birds on internal memory!
Kill ALL tasks.
Get RAM booster to incrase your ram [about 1mb]
Play it with lock-unlock method.
Thanks for all replies.
I got answer. Check 1st post.
It is compatible, on Froyo and Gingerbread you can use lock and unlock technique.. Is there a way to decompile game files?
Yeah. It is .
Maybe there are some pro's to make patch? it would be awesome/.
I used some APK tools to decompile it and now I'm trying to do some stuff, also removing unnecessary stuff because normal AB build has 12mb =O
Probably I'll fail but anyway after all Rovio did say they will make light version
Angry Birds Lite Beta is out I noticed on market .. Tho it doesnt matter cause i switched to Optimus in meantime...
it worked for me
i installed yesterday gingerbird on my tattoo and to my surprise angry birds is now working for me
i love this game
I don't see it do you need patched market? I'm running NfinityGB 0.7
Sent from my HTC Tattoo using XDA App
I don't understand.. Are we still waiting for the lite version or is it out already?
I use version 1.5.1 (in my signature ) and there is an option to turn off backgrounds that speeds it up a lot.
Where can I download the game, which can run quietly in the tattoo?
its working on my tattoo with gingerbeard but not so smoth
but it´s okay
With the latest update, if you disable the background and sound, and overclock cpu, it works very smoothly on nFinity rom
I've rooted tattoo to 2.3.3 and A.B. work without any problems
Hi i have htc tattoo and my ab from market is too laggy.i saw psychedelický 135 but old .. is there any idea. To fix it? I have froyo
well seems that with the latest cyanoger is a quite better!
Im using CM7 RC 4.1 on my Tattoo Angry birds are runing just fine
When I overclock it works fine, but without it sucks. The whole game is **** on a htc tattoo.
PS: I dont know any game running perfect on a tattoo
kejd said:
Im using CM7 RC 4.1 on my Tattoo Angry birds are runing just fine
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same for me
Angry birds RIO is come out you can play it without lock/unlock screen metod.and it's quitly smooth...
Sent from my HTC click using XDA Premium App

[Q] Problem with Games on GB Rom's

hi Guys i changed my Rom in this month 3-4 time.
but always have same problem,
games like Planet VS Zombie
final strike & ...
i cant play games that need time to load
in load time its go back to home screen without any error message.
sorry for my bad english.
i tried Roms like :
GingerDX 10-13
GingerXperia 2.3.5
for sure your games will crash cause the games you were running does not support our X8 specs.
You´ll need ARMv6 versions of this games.
There´s an own thread with games for the X8/other phones with ARMv6 on blackdroid (just google it!).
I can´t give you anything because I only play NFS and Doodle Jump on the X8.
jkrauser2 said:
for sure your games will crash cause the games you were running does not support our X8 specs.
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codfreak said:
You´ll need ARMv6 versions of this games.
There´s an own thread with games for the X8/other phones with ARMv6 on blackdroid (just google it!).
I can´t give you anything because I only play NFS and Doodle Jump on the X8.
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no man i played this games befor on my phone in older rom's like Froyobread.
this problem is new
also i cant install titanium backup new version's just can install version 3.6
Why do you refuse to use FroyoBread? It supports most games. As for GingerBread, just wait till there is new kernel.
Same here. With older Rom I could play Nfs shift and now with Ginger Roms i cant. In froyobread can play many games
arikos said:
Same here. With older Rom I could play Nfs shift and now with Ginger Roms i cant. In froyobread can play many games
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I play SHIFT with my'll just have to install the newer version of it. Mine is v1.07. Works like a charm.

Backstab HD 1.0.4 Has green textures?

i purchased Bakstab HD for my galaxy S2 off of the Gameloft Android site, it said it was available for my device, they sent me a link via sms, clicked the link then downloaded Backstab HD.
When i goto play however, i have green textures as opposed 2 fire, blood and explosions?
does anyone else have this issue on the Galaxy S2? wasnt available in the android market so i got it off gameloft site... maybe its not properly optimized?
I had that too, but it fixed itself after rebooting if I recall correctly
ohh ok, i rebooted and still green?
what firmware are u on?
works without green textures for me, im on Miui 1.10.28 (upgrading in 1.11.4 in about 20 min) and syah 2.1 kernel
I can play fine using chainfire3d set to powerVR.
rembrandtlnx said:
works without green textures for me, im on Miui 1.10.28 (upgrading in 1.11.4 in about 20 min) and syah 2.1 kernel
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hmmm, maybe it just doesnt work for stock roms??

[Q] ICS Errors

I have updated to ICS 4.0.3 the official XXLPQ and after update everything looks great but some of my games are not working .The y just start working and after i play some minutes they just crash and says The game has stopped working... And sth else. In some games my save progres is not saved..So i just play and after i turn off the game it starts from the begining not in the moment i left it... Are these some bugs of ICS or are just game Bugs ?
Considering you don't specify any actual games, how do you expect useful responses?
Delete and reinstall, the old game data probably isnt working with 4.0.3 because u were playing those games on the old rom
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
oinkylicious said:
Considering you don't specify any actual games, how do you expect useful responses?
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this problem is not only in one game but in some games..This is the reason i didnt specify the game.. This are some of the games that dont work correctly or crashed . Dream Heights,Asphalt 6,NOVA 2,Gangstar 2 etc...
Well, three of them are Gameloft games. Have you contacted them?
gazi9695 said:
this problem is not only in one game but in some games..This is the reason i didnt specify the game.. This are some of the games that dont work correctly or crashed . Dream Heights,Asphalt 6,NOVA 2,Gangstar 2 etc...
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Some of these games are currently incompatible with ICS. I don't play many games, But I've been lucky all the ones I do are working fine, like Temple Run's great. So is stickcricket.
is any ones gallery constantly crashing when trying to set a wallpaper ? it annoys the hell out of me
Hi im new
Im having same problem with fast five and backstab

Does Modern Combat 4 lags for you ?

Hey everyone,
I want to know does MC4 is laggy on your device when playing Multiplayer ?i checked My FPS using FPS Meter from Playstore and i am getting about 30-55Fps average on all maps but whenever i shoot an enemy game starting to lag. I noticed during shooting an enemy FPS drops to 18-25. Which is laggy for an FPS game. On MC3 i always get constant 60FPS no matter how many players are playing.
Does it work for you smoothly (i mean 50-60Fps?)
samething here but..
Chairmansaab said:
Hey everyone,
I want to know does MC4 is laggy on your device when playing Multiplayer ?i checked My FPS using FPS Meter from Playstore and i am getting about 30-55Fps average on all maps but whenever i shoot an enemy game starting to lag. I noticed during shooting an enemy FPS drops to 18-25. Which is laggy for an FPS game. On MC3 i always get constant 60FPS no matter how many players are playing.
Does it work for you smoothly (i mean 50-60Fps?)
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same thing for me but i just flash the rom CyanogenMod 10.1 for sgs2 and now its much better, there is still
lags and drop fps , but its much better then it was!
try it and i hope that gameloft will release update soon for this game to optimize fps.
Does single player work flawlessly for you? Last time i checked the leak version, it still lagged sometimes..not tried the released version yet
aviral1990 said:
Does single player work flawlessly for you? Last time i checked the leak version, it still lagged sometimes..not tried the released version yet
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Nope, FPS drops there too ! I am wondering if iPhone 4S can play this game then why Galaxy S2 can't ?
I guess gameloft doesn't care about android ? Fck!
@SundayHD cyanogenmod 10.1 ? I tried but it still there is fps drops
Its not much better than my current rom.
look check rom v6 with dark knnight kernel you can play it very great but remember dont move the game to sd card and do full wipe( before install this rom!
Chairmansaab said:
Nope, FPS drops there too ! I am wondering if iPhone 4S can play this game then why Galaxy S2 can't ?
I guess gameloft doesn't care about android ? Fck!
@SundayHD cyanogenmod 10.1 ? I tried but it still there is fps drops
Its not much better than my current rom.
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I found "new" way to run it smoothly, I have to say that I payed for this app but right now im running it from other
apk and files (not the orginal from gameloft), this is because i found apk of this game that run's the game in lowest graphics!
the graphic is still fine and the game run's much better
search "MC4.LowestGraphics1.0.1.apk" in google. to run it u should download data files to, but any data files
you have should be fine, and this apk will run the game in lowest graphics for you.
Hope its help
Turn off all unused programs
And try to flash dorimax kernel...
Merry christmas and Happy new year
I m using xxlsj with philz kernel I didnt get lag
You should also try to flash XXLSJ on you r s2 then it will stop lagging said:
I m using xxlsj with philz kernel I didnt get lag
You should also try to flash XXLSJ on you r s2 then it will stop lagging
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used xxlsj for a while, and it lags. using right now cm10.1 nightlies works like a charm.
sundayhd said:
same thing for me but i just flash the rom CyanogenMod 10.1 for sgs2 and now its much better, there is still
lags and drop fps , but its much better then it was!
try it and i hope that gameloft will release update soon for this game to optimize fps.
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It sure as hell helps! On my s3 now at a constant 60fps. I don't care for the lower graphics. The only problem is that I can't seem to play online with this install =(
Fulfen said:
used xxlsj for a while, and it lags. using right now cm10.1 nightlies works like a charm.
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Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Fulfen said:
used xxlsj for a while, and it lags. using right now cm10.1 nightlies works like a charm.
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which CM 10.1 rom are you referring to?
sundayhd said:
I found "new" way to run it smoothly, I have to say that I payed for this app but right now im running it from other
apk and files (not the orginal from gameloft), this is because i found apk of this game that run's the game in lowest graphics!
the graphic is still fine and the game run's much better
search "MC4.LowestGraphics1.0.1.apk" in google. to run it u should download data files to, but any data files
you have should be fine, and this apk will run the game in lowest graphics for you.
Hope its help
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You don't need to use pirate apks, you can do it userself too with this tool Link
Just download additional mods package .zip file by hamdir and place it it mods folder and run the apk modder and select Graphics mode 0(lowestgraphics).
Running with this mod for past 8 days, Buttery smooth !
Has anyone tried with the latest update? If so, does it run better with the high effects, enough to be smoothly playable?
(NOVA 3 as well?)
Does this game still lag on new 1.1 update meltdown?
It always happens with the first builds of game from gameloft, wait for a few updates, mail them, put comment, and they will probably fix it.

