[Q] Old PC games to Android - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Are there any PC games ported over to Android?
Such as System Shock 2 for example.
Or new emulators.

Take a look at this thread

Thanks a lot!


[Q] Android equivalent to apple's iphone\ipad games controller

Hello ,
is anybody know if there's an android answer to apple's ipad\iphone games apps controller .
I wonder if there are games that can be controlled from the phone
and be displayed on the computer's screen.
thanx .

Unreal 3 games port on Android

I was wondering if anybody knows a way to run unreal 3 pc games on android...and a way to export them? I think that most of the files are identical on pc xbox ps3 and android so we will need them and an apk to do the other job.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Actually no, the files are not identical. I have done quite a bit of tinkering on both PC and console Unreal 3 games. The console resources are all optmized and packed according to the target platform, to make loading faster and enable streaming load on platforms with low RAM(eg consoles). Also even you got around that(no public SDK available that can convert to/from the console specific formats(and i'm guessing that includes android) you would need to find a way to handle all the different scripting commands and platform specific functions.
Very interesting.
DEV_Geek said:
I was wondering if anybody knows a way to run unreal 3 pc games on android...and a way to export them? I think that most of the files are identical on pc xbox ps3 and android so we will need them and an apk to do the other job.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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it is possible if you have source code of game & in-depth knowledge of game development on android & PC but it will be very hard to port an HD heavy graphics PC game on android and you have too many programming barriers to port PC game to android like codes for C++ of pc may not properly work on Android NDK or you may have to write the full java source code instead of C++ for android
so 20% chances are there to port
press thanks if i hepl you
Life is Strange, isn't it?
I noticed that Life is Strange is on the Unreal Engine, I asked the developers on Twitter to port it, I don't see how it isn't possible.
We can play every single TellTale Game on Android, Goat Simulator, Slender, and even Call of Duty and Turbo Dismount. Saying it's impossible is stupid. If the game was literally built on an engine that can have a selection to Android just like that, how is it impossible? Not to mention San Andreas is possible? GTA III? It's literally stupid to say it's impossible, and one day I'll be a game developer and figure it out myself.

Any GameBoyAdvance emulators compatible with PC emulators?

Are there any Game Boy Advance emulators on Android which create saves compatible with any GBA emulators for PC?
I would like to take my games on the go, but also be able to pay them on the PC at home, and move them back to the phone whenever I need to.
Also, as far as I know there are no emulators for Android which support things like pokemon trading, link cable, etc. but it IS possible on the PC.

[REQ] Port opensource linux fps game to android

sorry if i posted this in wrong place but i am not sure at all where i should post this so mods, move this if needed.
So i found this cool game:
And i tried it. It was really cool game and because it has been made for linux(and too for windows and many others) so it could be probably possible to port to android and it isn't laggy game because just mid graphics it doesn't lag on 10 years old computer(i have so old computer)
Also if someone will make this i hope keyboard support stays, but of course it stays???

Is it possible to emulate WP games on android

So I just switched to android and found out that my favorite game wasnt on play store:crying:
Then I started to search the internet for any kinda WP emulators, but I got nothing. Then I tryed to find ports... nothing.
The game im talking is Dragon's blade 1 and 2. Its my all time fav roleplaying game.
Is there ANY WAY to emulate or port this game on android?
minigreen said:
Is there ANY WAY to emulate or port this game on android?
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How is this even helpful?
Nope, no way to emulate anything from Windows Phone to Android

