[APP] Glance - Vibrant Themes and Apps

I saw this app drop on the Market tonight. Basically, it will start up your phone's screen if when you receive a notification. Thought some others might enjoy it.

Doesn't TouchWiz SMS do that already?

Handcent permits this functionality, with or without a pop-up that displays the message and a reply box.

I think this is also meant for notifications that aren't text messages...


[Q] Message Content in notification bar

Before any one chews my head off, I have searched the site and Google and a can’t find an answer
I am trying to see if there is way to stop my IM messages (Whatsapp,skype, google talk) from displaying the message content in the notification bar.
When I receive sensitive information I don’t want any part of the message to be displayed in the notification bar. I only want to notified that I have a new message
I have tried turning off the notifications on the notification bar but then I never know when I have a new message.
Handcent does this brilliantly with text message but I can’t seem to find a way to turn it off for Instant messages
Can anyone help?
Guess there isn't an app for everything
If there isn't a setting in the individual app then I am not sure its possible...at least in a simple way.
Contact the app developers.....for SMS I know handcent has the option to turn off the text in the notification bar.
Yes, there aren't any settings in the individual apps. Damn, So no solution then
anyway, thanks for taking the time to reply.

Texting Issues (Messages, Handcent, GOSMS)

I have used the stock SMS program, Handcent, and GOSMS. All three are great, however this is my issue. Whenever I receive a message, via Handcent or GOSMS, I get the notification (in the status bar as well as a pop up notification). However at random times, the message I received does not appear in the message thread, when ever I get into my inbox. I will try to describe it as clear as possible. For example, I receive a text from Bob, I get the notification w/ a popup window. The message says "whats up?!" and I quick reply. But when i go into the inbox to view my thread with Bob, his most recent message to me does not show up, but my reply to him does. I have tried turning off the pop up notifications, same thing happens. I get the status bar notification, but when i open my inbox, no message appears. IT IS DRIVING ME CRAZY. I hope someone has experienced this. Thanks in advance.

Possible to quick reply to SMS from Notification tray?

Hey all,
Spent a lot of time on iOS. Really trying to make the transition to android and the one thing I really miss is the lockinfo / bitesms combo from cydia.
With this I was able to view all pending SMS / Emails on the lockscreen and also reply to SMS with a popup but only AFTER clicking on the notification.
What I'm looking for is the functionality to receive SMS, see the notification in the top bar, bull the tray down, click the SMS, get a quick reply popup to compose and send the message, collapse the tray and go back to what I was doing.
As of now I have to use the notification to open the messaging app or use a different messaging app altogether (handscent, Chomp), all of which seem to popup at the receipt of the message or not pop up at all.
tawheed12 said:
Hey all,
Spent a lot of time on iOS. Really trying to make the transition to android and the one thing I really miss is the lockinfo / bitesms combo from cydia.
With this I was able to view all pending SMS / Emails on the lockscreen and also reply to SMS with a popup but only AFTER clicking on the notification.
What I'm looking for is the functionality to receive SMS, see the notification in the top bar, bull the tray down, click the SMS, get a quick reply popup to compose and send the message, collapse the tray and go back to what I was doing.
As of now I have to use the notification to open the messaging app or use a different messaging app altogether (handscent, Chomp), all of which seem to popup at the receipt of the message or not pop up at all.
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Give GoSMS Pro a shot, not exactly what you've described, but it does use pop-ups that appear in front of the currently running app and allow you to quickly reply then go back to the previous app.
Idk if miui is out for s3 but that rom has a similar feature that i loved built in ..
Sent From My Sensation Running Aokp.
madmattoz said:
Give GoSMS Pro a shot, not exactly what you've described, but it does use pop-ups that appear in front of the currently running app and allow you to quickly reply then go back to the previous app.
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Got GoSMS already and have been using it since earlier today. You're right that it's close but what I'd like is have the SMS pop up in the notification area and reply to it using a quickreply window when I get to it instead of it flashing up in front of me while I'm doing something. Also, as soon as you use a custom SMS app it no longer allows for the use of the raise to call motion - which I find is actually fairly useful!
tawheed12 said:
Got GoSMS already and have been using it since earlier today. You're right that it's close but what I'd like is have the SMS pop up in the notification area and reply to it using a quickreply window when I get to it instead of it flashing up in front of me while I'm doing something. Also, as soon as you use a custom SMS app it no longer allows for the use of the raise to call motion - which I find is actually fairly useful!
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Wait for Jellybean. Shouldn't be too long now. :good:
Miui is the way to go ..
Sent From My Sexy Sensation Running Aokp.
tawheed12 said:
Hey all,
Spent a lot of time on iOS. Really trying to make the transition to android and the one thing I really miss is the lockinfo / bitesms combo from cydia.
With this I was able to view all pending SMS / Emails on the lockscreen and also reply to SMS with a popup but only AFTER clicking on the notification.
What I'm looking for is the functionality to receive SMS, see the notification in the top bar, bull the tray down, click the SMS, get a quick reply popup to compose and send the message, collapse the tray and go back to what I was doing.
As of now I have to use the notification to open the messaging app or use a different messaging app altogether (handscent, Chomp), all of which seem to popup at the receipt of the message or not pop up at all.
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honestly I miss BiteSMS too for my iphone 4... I hate Apple though.
Try SMS popup, it's the closest thing for me so far and you can change LED notification and contacts ringtone, make sure to disable the system messaging system so there wont be any conflict. Give me a heads up if you find anything better.

Any great SMS apps out there?

I've already tried a variety of SMS apps such as GoSMS, Handcent and ChompSMS. I'm looking for one now that can handle group chats, MMS, and emoji. GoSMS is too bloated with unneeded features, Handcent is kind of ugly and Chomp hasn't supported group chat for me very well. I'd stick with the stock messaging app, but I hate motoblur and after the OTA update to Jellybean, I seem to be stuck with that until a root exploit is developed.
Input appreciated!
I am searching for an app that opens the screen every time I recieve an message. I already tried "SMS popup" but the app is very buggy, I always get double messages and it interfere with viber. I dont want to press the power button everytime I get an notification or message, it is quite annoying
i use chomp sms with emoji add on, it's fine i guess. What i still want is an app that incorporates the emoji keyboard, has pop-up notificatiions when i receive a message, and handles group messages like the iphone(i know, im sorry for mentioning it) anything like that?
HandCent SMS
Handcent SMS
Go sms
Been using Go SMS for the last week or so. I like it. It gives a lot of flexibility and customization. As well as doing a pop up notification for new messages
I ended up finding a themed mms.apk and pushed it to /system/app and changed permissions to make it work with the ROM I am currently running. I prefer the Google Stock mms.apk to Verizon's Motoblur anyday. I just thought that Chomp was too simple and Handcent/GoSMS were too crowded with unnecessary features. Thanks for all the input!
I've actually tried some of the most common ones, like Go SMS, Pansi and so on - but the one I like the most is Chomp!
Only the paid version is ad-free - but it really is worth the money! Simple SMS app, with alot of customizing - and no slow-down extras (I'm looking at you, go-sms). And it does support full emoji, including the new ones with only one button.
Try it - I was amazed : )
(oh - and the pop-ups can be enabled in settings btw... )
I must be one of the few that hate pop-up messages
No - I actually really HATE those pop-ups myself - So I've deactivated them in Chomp!
Sliding messaging, give it a try: https://play.google.com/store/apps/...EsImNvbS5rbGlua2VyLmFuZHJvaWQubWVzc2FnaW5nIl0.
Sent from my MOTOROLA RAZR using xda premium
Does handcent have pop up notifications?
romdroid. said:
I am searching for an app that opens the screen every time I recieve an message. I already tried "SMS popup" but the app is very buggy, I always get double messages and it interfere with viber. I dont want to press the power button everytime I get an notification or message, it is quite annoying
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Have you tried SMS Flash?
minuteZERO said:
Does handcent have pop up notifications?
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Yes and you can turn them off in settings.
I can recomend Handcent SMS.
Does anyone know if there is someway to modify the stock sms app so when everytime u get a message the phone unlocks and u can reply? I know there is sms popup and I have been using it for a very long time now but the app is very buggy. I get duplicate messages all the time so its very unstable. I like the stock sms app but everytime I receive a message I need to unlock the phone and drag down the notification bar. Any other suggestions?
Weldoxx said:
Yes and you can turn them off in settings.
I can recomend Handcent SMS.
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I have been using Handcent for a few years now, my only consistent complaint has been that it runs like it is a huge program and has slowdowns.
romdroid. said:
Does anyone know if there is someway to modify the stock sms app so when everytime u get a message the phone unlocks and u can reply? I know there is sms popup and I have been using it for a very long time now but the app is very buggy. I get duplicate messages all the time so its very unstable. I like the stock sms app but everytime I receive a message I need to unlock the phone and drag down the notification bar. Any other suggestions?
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Use circle widget from razr m/i..the sms shown on the clock and u can reply by tapping the clock...its useful widget I think.
Sent from my razr.....
demonshouter said:
Use circle widget from razr m/i..the sms shown on the clock and u can reply by tapping the clock...its useful widget I think.
Sent from my razr.....
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Is there a way to only install circle widget and I wonder if its compatible with nova launcher prime?

Actionable SMS notification.

So I watching WWDC 2014 yesterday and really liked the Actionable Notification for SMS (dont care about other apps). IMO, its an essential part of phone and I really liked this feature. Anyways, for months now I been trying to find a popup quick reply app that lets me quick reply from lockscreen on my Nexus 5 running CM11. Some stuff I found was SMS popup which didnt work to good on handling multiple messages. I used EvolveSMS for a long time since it would unlock the screen to show you the popup sms and once you hit send it would bring you back to lock screen. However I was looking for something like ChompSMS where it did that but it gave me option to customize my popup menu, I have to option to open, close, reply, delete etc (I can customize buttons) for my popup screen. Plus I can swipe from one message to another if multiple are popping up at the same time. However I was more in line of something Apple introduced, simple and yet elegant, just sms straight from notification bar, pull down and type.
Anything like that?

