[Q] Problems with Seven Beta and GS II - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II SGH-I777

One of the reasons why I go Android over other OSs is due to Seven's support for an enterprise email app that works with a desktop redirector that works with Outlook. It works really well, and what it does is enable me not to need a BlackBerry for work. I can access personal and work email/calendars/etc., on one device w/o having to deal with corporate IT.
Unfortunately, the GS II comes with Media Hub, which as it turns out, was built by Seven. And it appears to have the same package ID as the email app that I use to access my work email & calendar! As a result, when I try to install the Seven app, it asks me if I want to upgrade the Media Hub. That's just not going to work. So, now I'm w/o one of the most important features of my smartphone.
Unfortunately, I cannot unload Media Hub. Any other ideas? Any other alternatives to Seven for corp. email w/desktop redirector?
Any info appreciated.
PS - I think that if I really wanted to, I could root the phone and uninstall the media hub. I'd just rather not have to do that if I don't have to.

I'm a complete noob at any apk stuff but could you pull the download of seven and recompile it yourself so it doesn't have the same id?
Just peeing in the wind...
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I'm not saying you should do this but if you want, if you root your phone you could remove media hub
In fact it is one of the many apps I deleted in order to debloat my phone.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App


Accessing files from workstation via Web

Is there any apps out there for the Galaxy Tab 10.1 that work like Motocast or Zumocast? I've got the remote desktop app Splashtop setup, but was wondering if there is a simpler app that allowed you to access files on my work computer via the web?
Check out Ubuntu One, works with windows.
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Have you try TeamViewer. No issue with firewall
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keeseckb said:
Is there any apps out there for the Galaxy Tab 10.1 that work like Motocast or Zumocast? I've got the remote desktop app Splashtop setup, but was wondering if there is a simpler app that allowed you to access files on my work computer via the web?
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So, you just want to access files from your work computer on your tab? If that's all, most file managers are able to access shared files over LAN/WAN (I use it all the time for music/pictures/stuff computer).
Teamviewer is just another remote desktop app. Ubuntu one is just a cloud service. And I need to access my files anywhere, not just when i'm on a LAN/wan. The problem with a cloud service is th I have thousands pdf's, spreadsheets, and photos on my workstation and uploading them all a cloud and them having to keep updating that cloud daily is not feasible.
Motocast works flawless in that anywhere you have web access you can access a PC that is on and running the client in the background. Just wondering if there is an app like that that works for the Samsung galaxy tab 10.1...
You could set a FTP server (I recommend SFTP for security) on your workstation and use an app like AndFTP.
try Pocket Cloud
Dropbox is simplest solution. Put your files in Dropbox and they are everywhere.
keeseckb said:
Teamviewer is just another remote desktop app. Ubuntu one is just a cloud service. And I need to access my files anywhere, not just when i'm on a LAN/wan. The problem with a cloud service is th I have thousands pdf's, spreadsheets, and photos on my workstation and uploading them all a cloud and them having to keep updating that cloud daily is not feasible.
Motocast works flawless in that anywhere you have web access you can access a PC that is on and running the client in the background. Just wondering if there is an app like that that works for the Samsung galaxy tab 10.1...
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Just thought I'd mention, WAN is wide area network (aka internet), not WLAN (wireless LAN).
So using shares (or FTP/SFTP) you can easily access all your files, you can even mount them so that tab sees them as "local" (useful for quite some apps that don't support network shares).
keeseckb said:
Teamviewer is just another remote desktop app. Ubuntu one is just a cloud service. And I need to access my files anywhere, not just when i'm on a LAN/wan. The problem with a cloud service is th I have thousands pdf's, spreadsheets, and photos on my workstation and uploading them all a cloud and them having to keep updating that cloud daily is not feasible.
Motocast works flawless in that anywhere you have web access you can access a PC that is on and running the client in the background. Just wondering if there is an app like that that works for the Samsung galaxy tab 10.1...
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You 'just' create a folder and 'just' drop your files there. How hard is that? Dropbox is not something physical that you have to do anything to it daily. Their is no hard labor involved. You definitely need paid service for thousands and thousands of your files. Just like that.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Another option that helped me was pocketcloud explore. Because you have the pocketCloud remote desktop but this is a separate app that will let you just access, view, and download all your files. It's 1 of the closest things motocast I could find.

remote dekstop app?

is there an app out there that lets you remote into your computer and transfer files over? i've used teamviewer in the past for just remote connection , but it has stopped working for me. it may be a firewall issue or something i just haven't found yet but i wanted to see what others where using.
jknakes said:
is there an app out there that lets you remote into your computer and transfer files over? i've used teamviewer in the past for just remote connection , but it has stopped working for me. it may be a firewall issue or something i just haven't found yet but i wanted to see what others where using.
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If you are just after files then consider setting up an FTP server.
Proxying isn't necessary if you intend to authenticate directly with the FTP server but I have my server only respond to internal addresses and therefore have to tunnel in and then proxy the requests through the tunnel.
To accomplish this I setup a proxy on the phone (proxydroid) a ssh tunnel (connectbot) and a ftp client (andftp). I'd like to find a client that has its own socks5 proxy so I would not have to use proxydroid.
thanks i'll try out the pocket cloud one. i don't have the knowledge to set up an ftp server. actually now that i think about it i don't really need to transfer any files anyway. but being able to kick off downloads on my desktop was nice to have when i had it working. thanks guys.
I paid for the Splashtop app. I like it so far. I am able to use the native screen resolution on my pc and everything seems to work fine. Give it a try.
I second Splashtop if you are looking for a remote desktop app. The only thing is right now they are moving to Splashtop 2 and last I checked the android app for it isn't out yet but Everything still works.
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I got splashtop for free from amazon app store when they had it for the free app of the day. Not rubbing it in but just throwing it out there for the ones not familiar.
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I use LogMeIn Ignition. It works really well, even over a so-so connection It's pricy, but I believe they give you a 1 month trial.
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for work use, on an exchange server, the stock exchange Email app allows you to access shares over CIFS if you know the address to the share, allows me to browse and download anything on our company intranet

No extra folders on exchange, while Asus Transformer shows them

I have an Asus Transformer running ICS and a Samsung Galaxy SIII with (one of) the latest leaks (DLI5).
On both devices I have installed the same Exchange account which connects to my Zarafa server.
On both devices my mail is working and also Agenda.
But on my Asus I can see all folders that are configured inside my INBOX, but on my Samsung I can only see the standard ones (inbox, concepts, outbox & sent items).
Is this something that will change or something I can change with a mod?
I'm also on dli5 and the standard app is working fine for me.
Go into your mail, press inbox on top - in the drop down menu - you go down to the last item called all folders
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
I have about 20 folders that are shown then on my Asus, but they don't appear when I follow the procedure you wrote and I already knew.
How many custom folders are shown on your Samsung?
I can of course install a third party application like Moxier, but there has to be a way to get my Samsung to do what it should.
I wish I knew which part exactly is to blame for this behavior.
BTW Asus has also a total different look and feel for its mail application, but this might be because it's a tablet.
I have 10 or so folders in my outlook account and they are all present on my Samsung
- my work uses a MS exchange server
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Thanks for the info.
This has been bothering me for a long time. Because I'm not using a genuine exchange server, but this Linux replacement I didn't post anything before.
Because it's working as it should on my Asus I did make this post.
I'm now running the latest Samsung leak, which is a 4.2.1 android version. It's fixed now....
Finally I can see all the subfolders of my inbox. If I have an opportunity to test an old build I will check if it's not my Zarafa (or rather Zpush) that had a fix for this...
Anyhow.... it's working finally!!

Xbox Music Pass

I have the Xbox Music pass and have been able to download music for offline play on my Windows 8 PC and Surface RT.
However I am unable to do anything except stream from my Lumina 920. My Microsoft account shows the 920 as an authorized device.
Anyone have any ideas or gotten this to work?
ogar1978 said:
I have the Xbox Music pass and have been able to download music for offline play on my Windows 8 PC and Surface RT.
However I am unable to do anything except stream from my Lumina 920. My Microsoft account shows the 920 as an authorized device.
Anyone have any ideas or gotten this to work?
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First thing I would ask, is your Xbox music account linked to the Microsoft account used for login on the phone?
When I go to the Xbox Music Store on the phone, all I see are options to download. Tap the song, it asks if I want to download, I hit download, and I'm done.
Yes all devices are linked and verified on the account website.
I am able to download individually but my tablet and PC stay synced
and will automatically download or remove songs. I should not have
to select each song to download on the phone.
ogar1978 said:
Yes all devices are linked and verified on the account website.
I am able to download individually but my tablet and PC stay synced
and will automatically download or remove songs. I should not have
to select each song to download on the phone.
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I guess what I meant was, when you setup your phone, did you use the same Login as on the other devices....that is associated with Xbox music?
The actions you describe indicate the account on the phone is not the same one used on your xbox music.
For myself, I am noticing strange things with my accounts. I am seeing the correct things, I can download, but, things like playlists do not have the correct number of songs. Owned CD's are not visible on the phone, even though they sync with Xbox music, The entire music experience, though XBOX music is inconsistent.
I just hard reset my device. I added no music. I simply used xbox music. It should make available to me, everything that is currently synced in the Xbox Music Cloud. My playlist lists 83 songs. On my laptop that same playlist is 303 songs. My laptop includes the new CD, RED, by Taylor Swift. I ripped it to the laptop. It is not included in XBOX Music Cloud for some reason. Hence, it is NOT available on my Phone.
So, even though your situation appears to be an account setup issue, I would not for a second, think it could not be just issues with the new XBOX syncing scenarios. This situation also existed early on with WP7 and Zune too.
I picked up the 920 this weekend and I too haven't been able to figure out how to connect my 920 to my Windows 8 Pro.
I'm trying to sync up and download my music to 920 from my music library - thinking the same as I did with the Zune client and WP7.x. I tried downloading the Windows Phone App for Desktop beta but it will not install. After I download it, at the install dialog, after the Help make Windows Phone app better, the install does nothing. The Install button is grayed out.
I thought hat using the desktop app would allow me to download my music but no luck.
Sorry for "hi-jacking" this thread but I'd like to know how to resolve this (adding music to my 920 in "bulk").
kimck99 said:
I picked up the 920 this weekend and I too haven't been able to figure out how to connect my 920 to my Windows 8 Pro.
I'm trying to sync up and download my music to 920 from my music library - thinking the same as I did with the Zune client and WP7.x. I tried downloading the Windows Phone App for Desktop beta but it will not install. After I download it, at the install dialog, after the Help make Windows Phone app better, the install does nothing. The Install button is grayed out.
I thought hat using the desktop app would allow me to download my music but no luck.
Sorry for "hi-jacking" this thread but I'd like to know how to resolve this (adding music to my 920 in "bulk").
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It should work.
The tool isn't in beta anymore...it was released last week. Make sure you have the correct one. The tool is not as graceful as the Zune tool, and should only move existing music to your wp8.
alodar1 said:
It should work.
The tool isn't in beta anymore...it was released last week. Make sure you have the correct one. The tool is not as graceful as the Zune tool, and should only move existing music to your wp8.
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Thanks for the reply. You know, I didn't think about the Windows Phone app from the Store. I am so used to the classic desktop app (like the Zune client), I forgot about the "Store" app.
With that said, when I plug in my 920, I get a "Your phone is having troubles" error message. I tried powering off, changing cables, ports, etc. but nothing.
Any suggestions?
This issue seems to be widespread and I assume MS will pick it up/fix it soon.
Have been reading about this exact Issue on a lot of news sites.
pencilcase said:
This issue seems to be widespread and I assume MS will pick it up/fix it soon.
Have been reading about this exact Issue on a lot of news sites.
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I guess it's good to know that it's just not me. I tried checking Microsoft Community site for answers but no luck.
kimck99 said:
I guess it's good to know that it's just not me. I tried checking Microsoft Community site for answers but no luck.
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Also keep in mind, that various news sites often report the same thing. I've not seen or heard of this issue.
Consider this. Do a back up of your device, then hard reset it. Try again. People not hard resetting their devices out of box, do have a higher rate of failure than those that don't.
Plus, with backup in place, its not really that much of PITA to get back up running.
---------- Post added at 03:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:07 PM ----------
kimck99 said:
I guess it's good to know that it's just not me. I tried checking Microsoft Community site for answers but no luck.
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Sorry, there is 1 more thing to try with this.
Try going to xbox.com...or any Microsoft account site, and simply, change your password. See if that does not help.
I recall this recall I did indeed see this message on my phone. But not only on my phone, but every place xbox related that I happened to looking at...I was doing a lot of XBOX Music reading. I connected to chat...eventually, they told me to change my password and immediately all the messages on all the sites went away, and I was able to connect.
Here's the issue...your WP8 device must be set up using your zune/xbox live ID as the default in order for "seamless" use and more importantly downloading of music etc. You can add your other live accts after and have you email/contacts etc...but you can't use another live ID for the default and have XBox/zune working with downloads. This is the same issue on W8 however on the W8, you can work around it by using a local acct and let Xbox/zune log in as your subscription acct. For WP8 though, there is no such workaround.
This plagued me in WP7 and is still here in 8. Don't ask me why I can't just "change my xbox/zune liveid and still have my history/purchases." MS really needs to resolve this but until then...this is the reality and above is how to get it to work with xbox/zune and have your other liveids all on the same device.
Hope thus helps!
Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
baliles said:
Here's the issue...your WP8 device must be set up using your zune/xbox live ID as the default in order for "seamless" use and more importantly downloading of music etc. You can add your other live accts after and have you email/contacts etc...but you can't use another live ID for the default and have XBox/zune working with downloads. This is the same issue on W8 however on the W8, you can work around it by using a local acct and let Xbox/zune log in as your subscription acct. For WP8 though, there is no such workaround.
This plagued me in WP7 and is still here in 8. Don't ask me why I can't just "change my xbox/zune liveid and still have my history/purchases." MS really needs to resolve this but until then...this is the reality and above is how to get it to work with xbox/zune and have your other liveids all on the same device.
Hope thus helps!
Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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Thanks for the input. However, I am using my primary Microsoft Account (formerly Live ID) on my phone that is the same as on my PC and Xbox.
baliles said:
This plagued me in WP7 and is still here in 8. Don't ask me why I can't just "change my xbox/zune liveid and still have my history/purchases." MS really needs to resolve this but until then...this is the reality and above is how to get it to work with xbox/zune and have your other liveids all on the same device.
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How's this different from other competing phones? Android, you have to log in with a specific account to get the goodies. I believe the same with Apple.
Since the premise of primary login, linked screens and services is what Microsoft is trying to achieve, allowing an alternative to accessing these services on a device...doesn't make sense to me. But that's just my opinion.
Here is how the problem presented itself for me.
Lumia 900 for about a year now. Over 1000 songs downloaded via zune pass (not purchased). My PC is windows 7. Sync all my songs between my pc and my lumia 900. Bought lumia 920. Plugged it in, downloaded new windows phone app for my pc. It did sync all my music from my Zune app on my pc to the new windows phone app on my pc. Then i proceeded to sync all my music to my shiny new lumia 920. All my music that I had now will not play on my 920 because of the DRM message.
All music that I ***PURCHASED*** works just fine because i purchased the DRM rights as opposed to "renting" them w/ my zune pass subscription.
Music that i have downloaded directly to my new lumia 920 from the xbox music store will play perfectly fine. Issue is w/ old content from my pc.
Funny you mentioned the album Red. Was in my mustang using sync having my friend play with phone. She picked Red but it only did a 30 second clip. Double checked with other artists and am good. Then I remembered not all artists or maybe albums have a license for streaming. It has always been this way. I am not seeing all 26 gb of songs yet showing up on my 920 so don't know if it is still synching content.

Gear S Replacement

I'm really discouraged by the fact I'm locked down on this TIZEN crap. Today I shattered my phone, and could have really used the email app 'cloud magic' (my default mail app) so I could limp mode until I got a new phone. I needed to look at some past emails, no way to do this because the cloud magic app isn't available on tizen.
neither is my viper smart start app.
So, it's either time to replace with mainstream, or hack this thing.
What options do I have ?
pdxrealtor said:
I'm really discouraged by the fact I'm locked down on this TIZEN crap. Today I shattered my phone, and could have really used the email app 'cloud magic' (my default mail app) so I could limp mode until I got a new phone. I needed to look at some past emails, no way to do this because the cloud magic app isn't available on tizen.
neither is my viper smart start app.
So, it's either time to replace with mainstream, or hack this thing.
What options do I have ?
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I use Opera browser on my watch to check out my Gmail.
Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1 using Tapatalk
Thanks. I did the same thing in that pinch of a moment, but it was cumbersome.
I'd still like to know if 1) I can hack the watch so it can utilize android wear or 2) what android wear watches have the ability to receive texts/emails when host phone is off.

