Idk if this is real or just a launcher but its supposed to be the nexus prime and it looks cool I wants.
It's real Thizzle. It was posted not to long ago in this thread.
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Dam didn't even see that OOPS the launcher looks so sexy I hope sprint adapts to this phone
thizzlemania91 said:
Dam didn't even see that OOPS the launcher looks so sexy I hope sprint adapts to this phone
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That's probably not going to happen. I think Verizon has first dibs.
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Looks like they announced the Runnymede which is going to be called the HTC Bass. The Specs are up on their website, which include...
"HTC Announced the Bass, which is supposed to be HTC's "Superphone". A huge 4.65 inch LCD screen that plays back video at 1080p. It will have an 8 megapixel "improved" camera and a 2 megapixel front facing camera. It will have beats audio and will play 3D.
The processor is 1.5Ghz QualComm Snapdragon Processor. There is 1 GB of RAM as well as 8 GB of internal storage and a 32 GB class 4 SD card. It will be running Android 2.3 Gingerbread with HTC Sense 3.5."
More details can be found at the HTC website.
This looks amazing! I'm checking the HTC website right now.
EDIT: Nothing about it on the HTC website. Links? To article and HTC page?
EDIT: Nvm... you're that guy...
If im not mistaking, isn't this the same guy that tried to get people to update their Hboot to 1.50?
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r0cky0790 said:
If im not mistaking, isn't this the same guy that tried to get people to update their Hboot to 1.50?
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If I can remember correctly, yes he was. Why is he not banned yet?
yousefak said:
If I can remember correctly, yes he was. Why is he not banned yet?
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He probably was. He obviously has a new account.
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r0cky0790 said:
He probably was. He obviously has a new account.
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Yea, at 480 x 800 thanks.
When will they list the spyware in the specs... Hmmm?
Why do people do this [email protected]&t lol
Evo 3D in full Affect
Who do we pm to get him banned?
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
I guess when you are raised by horrible parents that likely raped you at all hours of the day... You tend to lash out at the well adjusted people...
Seriously IP ban this guy for christ sake...
He be trollin
Just wanted to let everyone know... I watched Yogi Bear in 3D last night and was completely blown away! If you get a chance to watch it... Do it. I have seen quite a few 3D movies on this phone and that one had the BEST 3D effects that I have ever seen! I actually ducked when Yogi shot a rubber band at the screen. I think it was even better than Avatar!
Just thought I would let everyone to know in case you guys hadn't seen it.
Sent by my Supercharged dual core from the 3rd Dimension
Better than Avatar in 3D?
While not.the biggest fan of Avatar itself. The 3D is pretty damned impressive.. those are big words there, bucko.
....and yogi bear?!. Come on..... You were high weren't you. Admit it!! Lol
I'll admit I was high when I saw it, it was pretty stupid. The 3D effects were definitely cool, though.
felacio said:
Better than Avatar in 3D?
While not.the biggest fan of Avatar itself. The 3D is pretty damned impressive.. those are big words there, bucko.
....and yogi bear?!. Come on..... You were high weren't you. Admit it!! Lol
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Swear to God. I was completely sober. I thought the movie was "ok" but the 3D effects were the BEST I have ever seen and I have about 25 3D movies. Have not seen all of them but quite a few.
Being on this CM got me missing my 3D feature.
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r0cky0790 said:
Being on this CM got me missing my 3D feature.
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Don't do it rocky, lol. I didn't last a day homie.
Sent from the CMheaven powered 3d
jayharper08 said:
Don't do it rocky, lol. I didn't last a day homie.
Sent from the CMheaven powered 3d
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Lol, you read my mind Jay.
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Not to start a debate in an unrelated thread but... I just don't see the joy in CM7.. sure it's faster and you have more free RAM, but.. can you tell the difference?
I'd rather have 3D, working 4G, completely working BT and a front cam that works totally. too many broken stuff for me.
Where to find 3d movies
Is there a place to find these 3d movies for download?
felacio said:
Not to start a debate in an unrelated thread but... I just don't see the joy in CM7.. sure it's faster and you have more free RAM, but.. can you tell the difference?
I'd rather have 3D, working 4G, completely working BT and a front cam that works totally. too many broken stuff for me.
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Felacio, my boy, what up?
I once said the very same thing you did at one time. Then I tried it, actually tried it, for a week. I will never go back to sense. Speed, customization, light, I mean I could go on all night, lol.
Sent from the CMheaven powered 3d
jayharper08 said:
Felacio, my boy, what up?
I once said the very same thing you did at one time. Then I tried it, actually tried it, for a week. I will never go back to sense. Speed, customization, light, I mean I could go on all night, lol.
Sent from the CMheaven powered 3d
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Oh I know. I ran Deck on my OG Evo exclusively for months. I loved the customization and such and battery life..
..but that was after 4G was implemented. I have pretty good 4G coverage in my area so, removing that from the phone just didn't make sense for me.
Right now, I know how to edit smali and xml files to "fix" the auto-brightness, theme it to my standards and such. so Sense, until 4G and probably 4D is implemented into CM, will do me fine.
felacio said:
Oh I know. I ran Deck on my OG Evo exclusively for months. I loved the customization and such and battery life..
..but that was after 4G was implemented. I have pretty good 4G coverage in my area so, removing that from the phone just didn't make sense for me.
Right now, I know how to edit smali and xml files to "fix" the auto-brightness, theme it to my standards and such. so Sense, until 4G and probably 4D is implemented into CM, will do me fine.
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I can't explain CM enough dude. & I really wont because I don't want to portray myself as a fanboy. I'm in the heart of a terrific 4G area also, but the other things CM provides gives this phone the true meaning of android.
BTW, 3D/4G coming real soon.
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lyon21 said:
Just wanted to let everyone know... I watched Yogi Bear in 3D last night and was completely blown away! If you get a chance to watch it... Do it. I have seen quite a few 3D movies on this phone and that one had the BEST 3D effects that I have ever seen! I actually ducked when Yogi shot a rubber band at the screen. I think it was even better than Avatar!
Just thought I would let everyone to know in case you guys hadn't seen it.
Sent by my Supercharged dual core from the 3rd Dimension
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What app did you use to convert it to 3D?
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
lyon21 said:
I watched Yogi Bear
that one had the BEST 3D effects that I have ever seen!
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I saw it on 3D TV. Can say: stereoscopic effects are not the best, rather medium.
Panoramic views are taken in 2D and 3D characters are put over it.
Looks appreciable, but not excellent.
envioustitan08 said:
What app did you use to convert it to 3D?
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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Sorry. I didn't covert it, a friend of mine did.
Sent by my Supercharged dual core from the 3rd Dimension
lyon21 said:
Sorry. I didn't covert it, a friend of mine did.
Sent by my Supercharged dual core from the 3rd Dimension
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Can you upload and post please?
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Sick Flix has been shut down and no longer hosts 3D media !!
lyon21 said:
Swear to God. I was completely sober. I thought the movie was "ok" but the 3D effects were the BEST I have ever seen and I have about 25 3D movies. Have not seen all of them but quite a few.
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I heard sick flix got shut down??? REMASTERED SICK FLIX COMING TO forums.?????.com VERY SOON 320Kbps Dolby Digital audio and 3D auto-on with onscreen 5.1 dolby AND 3D toggle...... Remastered are just that
its back up but maybe going through some BIG changes, only time will tell i guess, awesome site tho!!!
franky_402 said:
I heard sick flix got shut down??? REMASTERED SICK FLIX COMING TO forums.?????.com VERY SOON 320Kbps Dolby Digital audio and 3D auto-on with onscreen 5.1 dolby AND 3D toggle...... Remastered are just that
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Also... I heard that it could possibly become completely legitimate?!
Sent by my Supercharged dual core from the 3rd Dimension
How does the dual core on the evo 3d works ? Does it only run one core? Help I want to learn, thx for ur help in advance.....
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using XDA Premium App
Yes, the 3D has a Asynchronous dual core processor which is designed to use only one core until it gets a little stress. That's when the second core kicks in to help out.
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However freeza has helped me get both core running which you can do with a little editing. Check my post in qna about it
Sent from the deep South in Ga
Alot of developers probably already know this, but this is an article for the people who need to see it set in stone.
Detailed review on the new HTC Sensation XE & Beats Audio by Engadget.
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Lol dam they went all out on dre and his beats haha.
Favorite line " you can achieve better sound from the original sensation by downloading a third party app" haha were you at dre.
this is for the sensation xe not evo 3d doesn't prove anything *troll* lol jk i knew beats was nothing but a marketing scheme!
they intentionally make htc enchancer sound like **** and make beats sound normal to fool u people
I just happened to run across this article and I said damn, get em' Endgadget. I was going to post this in that other thread but I was like "F" it. Fanboys will bury that link so quick. Also, I didn't believe the hype when the phone was 1st announced anyway. It just happened to quick you know.
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We all know how engadget likes HTC products so much.
Via My HTC Evo 3D On The Now Network From Sprint.
Rydah805 said:
We all know how engadget likes HTC products so much.
Via My HTC Evo 3D On The Now Network From Sprint.
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True, and I did take that into account but they really didn't bash the phone it was more of them deciding beats being a gimmick after doing a series of test. These guys from endgadget even went out if their way to get a specialist in sound qaulity or some **** like that to really expose the whole situation.
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dfskevinohyeah said:
this is for the sensation xe not evo 3d doesn't prove anything *troll* lol jk i knew beats was nothing but a marketing scheme!
they intentionally make htc enchancer sound like **** and make beats sound normal to fool u people
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Dude, you almost caught the wrath.
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Maybe now people will stop asking for it and just use Dspmanager.
Not likely haha
I don't find it that funny since HTC did spend a lot of money on the Beats nonsense...wait nvm its even funnier now xD.
Bamba1260 said:
Maybe now people will stop asking for it and just use Dspmanager.
Not likely haha
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Not likely is right bro. People are still going to want what they want. Even if Dr Dre walked up to them and said "The Beats Audio addition to HTC phones really doesn't do ****".
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I don't really believe what Engadget says. Remember their review of the EVO 3D? It almost put me off buying one. And my exerience with Evo 3D is far from what they put on their review.
I have never used a Beats earphones before so I don't know how good or bad they are. For me it is Shure SE535 all the way!!
dfskevinohyeah said:
i knew beats was nothing but a marketing scheme!
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How is it a marketing scheme? You get a pair of high quality headphones when you buy the phone
As for the EQ stuff: Have you ever had a high end audio product? Because my car stereo and my high end home audio system have way more EQ options than the products they replaced. They're just options to fine tune the audio, which is a GOOD THING
What did you really think it the Beats EQ settings did? Unlocked a secret hidden high quality sound chip in every HTC phone?..
EGOvoruhk said:
What did you really think it the Beats EQ settings did? Unlocked a secret hidden high quality sound chip in every HTC phone?..
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Well obviously most people do. & also, HTC seems to stand on the claim you mentioned above as well. But its now written that its nothing DSP Manager can't do that Beats can.
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Bet if it was on the SGSII they would of given it a more positive review. or hell if it was on the iPhone4s they would of acted like it was the holy grail of audio. lol
r0cky0790 said:
Not likely is right bro. People are still going to want what they want. Even if Dr Dre walked up to them and said "The Beats Audio addition to HTC phones really doesn't do ****".
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Dre ever walked up to me I'd kiss his ring. Dude is the Godfather.
Cm7 Evo 3D
chefdave12118 said:
Dre ever walked up to me I'd kiss his ring. Dude is the Godfather.
Cm7 Evo 3D
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I would tell him that I always preferred Ice T.
He's not "all that" *shrug*
felacio said:
I would tell him that I always preferred Ice T.
He's not "all that" *shrug*
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Oh no you didn't!
My wife hates XDA
felacio said:
I would tell him that I always preferred Ice T.
He's not "all that" *shrug*
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Lol haha
I'm more of an Ice Cube man myself
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Pac or Biggie?
Pac hands down... ain't even close.
My wife hates XDA
Is it just me or am I the only that noticed that with the G+ app we can now join huddles from are Evo 3D's, being able to use the front and back camera!? If you did know, please don't respond. If you didnt, sh1t just got real!
"DU4L C0R3 SH00T3R"┌П┐[◣_◢]┌П┐ iTz_r0cky!
Yeah, that was an update a few weeks ago... I'd be more excited if I actually knew someone who used g+ though
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
I guess that shows how much I've dropped the ball on staying in tune with android.
"DU4L C0R3 SH00T3R"┌П┐[◣_◢]┌П┐ iTz_r0cky!