[Q] Which kernel is the best? - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II SGH-I777

Please forgive me if this is not the appropriate place for this question.
There are quite a few kernels floating around. Which kernel is best in terms of stability, performance and most importantly, battery life? At the moment, I am not too interested in flashing my ROM to CM7 or Cognition.
Thank you in advance.

tboooe said:
Please forgive me if this is not the appropriate place for this question.
There are quite a few kernels floating around. Which kernel is best in terms of stability, performance and most importantly, battery life? At the moment, I am not too interested in flashing my ROM to CM7 or Cognition.
Thank you in advance.
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There are only three custom kernels available right now. Only two of them actually boot. (Netchip's is nonfunctional) Your choices are codeworkx's stock kernel and mine.
Codeworkx's is primarily a reference kernel at this point - as far as I know it's a straight Samsung source build. It's missing a few performance and stability fixes (interestingly enough, even ones that codeworkx himself backported.) to my knowledge.
Stability and battery life are my primary design goals with my kernel. The only reason it even has OC is because that was low-hanging fruit and was a popular feature. If you don't overclock it should be stable. You may even want to try the Experimental 10/09 release as it's been good so far for everyone that has tried it except for one report of issues with overclocking - but that could just have been bad luck or a hot room. If you don't overclock it should be stable, and if it's not, keep the 10/09 non-experimental build on your SD card to flash from CWM.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk

Thank you entropy! Do you mind if I ask what kind of battery improvements you are getting over the standard kernel? I am currently rooted with the CW kernel.

Any progress with BLN on either Kernel at all?

tboooe said:
Thank you entropy! Do you mind if I ask what kind of battery improvements you are getting over the standard kernel? I am currently rooted with the CW kernel.
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Most of them should be small. codeworkx's backport of the cpuidle fixes helps in certain cases of extreme unusual drain, but usually it's just a small improvement.
Mostly just small improvements and better handling of some odd "corner case" drain situations.
clumsywob said:
Any progress with BLN on either Kernel at all?
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Last time I tried to implement it, CPU deep sleep was inhibited when the light was on.
I'll give another go at it in a few weeks... At least it didn't crash like it did on the Infuse. I've been sick lately, AND the past week was a major development sprint, I am taking it slow for a bit so people can beat on what's there, especially the experimental release, which seems solid so far.

Entropy512 said:
Most of them should be small. codeworkx's backport of the cpuidle fixes helps in certain cases of extreme unusual drain, but usually it's just a small improvement.
Mostly just small improvements and better handling of some odd "corner case" drain situations.
Last time I tried to implement it, CPU deep sleep was inhibited when the light was on.
I'll give another go at it in a few weeks... At least it didn't crash like it did on the Infuse. I've been sick lately, AND the past week was a major development sprint, I am taking it slow for a bit so people can beat on what's there, especially the experimental release, which seems solid so far.
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Awesome, sounds like an improvement! Hope you feel better! Hopefully someone gets BLN or something similar working soon. I know it's minor, but I just can't understand why Samsung didn't implement that from the beginning or at least give us a LED for notifications.
Off topic, is there a fix out for the call logs to only show "calls" instead of calls and texts?


[Kernel] StupidFast v1.2.3 (UV Test / No Voodoo)

This is an undervolt test version of my new StupidFast Kernel v1.2.3. This is a TEST release (NO VOODOO). This kernel aims to be fast, compatible, stable, and have good battery life. It is based on my StupidFast v1.0.36.
Changes since 1.2.2:
Fix for the 0.5-1.0 second pause/lag opening apps/drawer
Scheduling Tweaks
I/O Tweaks
Changes since 1.1.23:
Stock 1ghz @ 1225mV
Changes since 1.1.14:
Tweaked minfree settings
tweaked io scheduler
more compiler flags for cortex/hummingbird cpu
tweaked wifi scan interval to help with battery life
Changes since 1.0.36:
removed custom boot animation to trim size.
using kernel jhash3 instead of jhash2.
optimized compiler flags for the hummingbird cpu.
changed some kernel scheduling timings.
BLN disabled by default (configurable with [url=http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=823922]this app[/url])
You will see that the custom boot animation was removed. It's okay. If you already have v1.0.36, 1.1.4 or 1.1.23 installed on your phone, the animation will stay. If you're new to my kernels with v1.2.3, your old boot animation will be there.
I'm not seeing any lag on the phone. Gallery opens pretty much instantly. Settings->Applications->Manage opens pretty much instantly. Launcher Pro+ pretty much instantly appears when the phone starts up.
Testers could NOT find any audio problems with this kernel using the media player in JT's Clean ROM. I've tested Youtube and Pandora and have had no audio issues. Also, we couldn't find any issues with USB mount/unmount, settings changes, etc.
As always, if you find a bug or what you think might be a bug, let me know. This is NOT the final stable release of the 1.2 kernel. Stay tuned to #samsung-fascinate on FreeNode or @geeknik on Twitter!
saps from #samsung-fascinate said that v1.0.36 was "far and away the fastest real world kernels I've ever seen, period"
If you like my kernel, show me some love. Donate today!
Thanks to saps, jt1134 my beta testers and the kind folks that donated cash to the cause! Keep fighting the good fight!
sweet. dowlloading now.
Downloading also.
I like your kernels, but I just noticed I am getting a super weird output in ADB when I try using that. I also have superdark ROM so it could be either one.
Ok, I just rebooted and checked again and all is running fine with 1.2.2 in recovery, but not in running android system, must mean its the rom.
Downloading now.. went with full full wipe with jts clean, and still getting popping, on asop player, double twist, pandora
Besides the battery life which is supposed to be increased, is there any other benefit to UV ???? Longer processor life, runs cooler, etc.
What are the drawbacks, if any ???? Does performance take a big hit, etc.
I'm asking more in general terms. Obviously I will observe first hand with this kernel, which I'm downloading now.
mexiken said:
Besides the battery life which is supposed to be increased I assume, is there any other benefit to UV ???? Longer processor life, runs cooler, etc.
What are the drawbacks, if any ???? Does performance take a big hit, etc.
I'm asking more in general terms. Obviously I will observe first hand with this kernel, which I'm downloading now.
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In theory, as I know computer not cell phone, UV will allow it to run cooler, which does mean last longer (but is that really a problem?) and use less juice while still being as fast as before. If it runs stable you will not see a performance hit and it will better with the battery. It will just freeze your phone if its too low and requires more juice, really no harm can be done, overvolting is more dangerous as that burns up cpus, but you overvolt to make the higher frequency stable. Simple overclocking principals apply, you want the lowest voltage for your cpu frequency.
spyd3r05 said:
Downloading now.. went with full full wipe with jts clean, and still getting popping, on asop player, double twist, pandora
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are you upping the CPU to 200mhz to run those? I am doing that and its just fine, although I never had a popping problem at 100mhz either. I just set the min to 200 because that cleans up a little bit of the lag too.
Possibly related, every once and a while my phone will just decide to press a soft key on its own, what is that? (that causes a slight skip in the music when I am playing it)
destroyerbmx said:
are you upping the CPU to 200mhz to run those? I am doing that and its just fine, although I never had a popping problem at 100mhz either. I just set the min to 200 because that cleans up a little bit of the lag too.
Possibly related, every once and a while my phone will just decide to press a soft key on its own, what is that? (that causes a slight skip in the music when I am playing it)
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see if listening to it while hooked to power recreates the problem... i noticed for me atleast its only when plugged in...
I have it up to USB and its not skipping or popping right now, I am also using mixzing
v1.2.2 is the least fastest of all the geeknik kernels for me. There is 1 almost 2 second pause loading and exiting apps unless it was already in memory.
Still faster then everyone elses kernel. And so far battery life looks to be way better on this one but I haven't had it long enough to say for sure.
Nothing has changed on my audio popping issues so I am still using SetCPU at 200min still. I am short 6 hours of battery life like this by my best guestimate... which isn't a big concern for me- just reporting for those who need to make it thru a day without a charger nearby.
Never had any FC's with USB.
Touchwiz/JT's Super Clean ROM
And a thank you to geeknik for all your efforts! love how your pumping these out!
Kernal runs great! No unwanted sounds from the stock music player in jt's rom. USB works just fine. Thanks for your hard work!
are you using setcpu? if so that helped me fix it bumping min to 200... any one else having the problem might try that...
Interestingly enough, this kernel does seem a touch slower than the 1.2.23 regular voltage kernel. Hangs just the slightest bit when firing up and exiting dolphin browser and xda app. Still, appears to be MUCH better with battery life, as the previous geeknik kernels were ravaging my battery.
Definite progress but not quite perfect imho. Still thanks for all your work geeknik, you're killing it with these.
Also fyi, running custom blackhole, with sns and lp
Sent from my StupidFast Fascinate using XDA App
This kernel is running fairly smooth, like the other 2. I can deal with the extra 0.5 second delay when first opening an app, as long as BLN is optional and battery life is extended. Thank you very much for taking the time to come up with these kernels for us. Other kernel providers tend to make their products less accessible for us XDA users, but you take the stress out of the search. Thank you again.
Thank you very much for taking the time to come up with these kernels for us. Other kernel providers tend to make their products less accessible for us XDA users said:
This is because these development forums are filled with junk threads, nobody taking the time to read a Lil bit. Its getting worse and devs leave because of it. Not the devs fault at all. Just a point to make: )
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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Can someone explain how to get bln. I saw a post about it but can't find it or I'm over looking it like an idiot
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
zachsx said:
Can someone explain how to get bln. I saw a post about it but can't find it or I'm over looking it like an idiot
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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Re-read the first post of this thread, there's a link to how to enable/disable bln
The uv kernel is a winner of course. I test these kernels for geeknik before he throws them up for the masses. Not just running quadrant [although I do that too] but going thru the real phone stuff itself. The manage applications load, replacing new dock shortcuts, gallery, apps and stuff everything we actually want to see improve with.
I for one never had battery issues with previous stupidfast kernels but I know some did, same this music crackling. It seems to me most of you that do are either running blackhold or deodexed rom though and quite humbly I'd look their for your culprit moreso than the kernel. If there was a music skipping issue from the kernel itself it would manifest itself across the boards but it doesnt.
Anyway, battery life is going to be stellar trust me, under light-moderate use Im only using like 2% per hour here swyping 8-10 texts per hour here, very good indeed
Hey Saps- I see ya on all the forums and your contributions have really helped me out...
That being said I keep seeing an overlook of real world usage in these testings. Can you guys test beyond stock apps? I mean checking stock should be the first thing you do obviously but how many people use the stock music player or the stock browser, etc? I am betting most the people that have the knowledge enough to test these kernels and ROMs aren't using stock functionality and apps.
Please test this kernel with the PowerAMP or Music PlayerPro music apps before writing off the issue.
Use Dolphin to check the internet, etc. Use K-9 to check email, etc.. ya know- use the popular apps during testing also if you could?
Audio cracking, FC's with the USB settings, and I even heard mention of live wallpapers having issues. These reports coming from 3 reported different ROMs.
How are you missing this?
I myself have had great success with battery life on the Stupid Fast kernels. Better then stock kernel for sure. But I've been having to run my battery faster by using my workaround to avoid the music crackling.
JT's Super Clean ROM using TouchWiz
Just suggestions so we can all get on the same page and enjoy these badass mods.
P.S. What ROM are you using during testing of this kernel? I'll gladly switch to fix the issues

[KERNEL] The FrankenKernel - Voodoo Lagfix, Sound, more fixes + OC for DJ05/DL09

So I finally got the 10 posts I need to post here and for my first post I would like to ask, when are we getting Froyo for the Fascinate? I have been waiting for so long and I would like to say that I am starting to get tiJUST KIDDING
Against the backdrop of an imminent 2.2 release, I would like to share these kernels I haxed (read: kanged) together, because nobody else did and I was lazy. Based upon jt1134's recent kernel with the Voodoo sound patch that those of us with decent headphones have been having such a ball with these days, I integrated some fixes from the codebases of some of the very talented devs who are working on this phone.
Included in all of these are the Voodoo lagfix, Voodoo sound, and SirGatez's USB fix for the phone being recognized as a CD drive (also used by Adrynalyne).
Additionally, these kernels include SirGatez's fix to disable the VZW battery check, allowing batteries for the other Galaxy S phones as well as third-party batteries to charge on the Fascinate. Although it looks like for the vast majority of us with the OEM battery, nothing has changed and everything will continue to work as it has, this is untested. While the $6 battery I got from Hong Kong for the i9000 appears to charge fine, I haven't tested charging it very much yet and I must disclaim ALL RESPONSIBILITY should there be some issue with overcharging or batteries exploding. Again, this is only a concern if you are not using a Samsung-branded battery for the Fascinate. Well, the full battery popup works with the Chinese battery I have, and the phone is no longer charging it. Probably means that the fix is good for everyone with no battery explosions. Hooray! I still disclaim ALL RESPONSIBILITY as indicated above
As with all of the kernels based on jt1134's codebase, also included is the new red Voodoo-aware Clockworkmod Recovery. BLN is supported as well.
All in all, I am really happy that all these fixes from near and far work (well, AFAIK) together. I can't think of any fix/tweak that is missing, except for some of the more hardcore things like changing around the task scheduler and memory settings that don't affect day-to-day functionality of the phone as much, but are implemented by some of the real devs out there.
Update 1/31/2011: So as people have been discovering, the 7-step OC is causing some weird problems as far as call signals dropping out and various instability issues for some people, but perhaps not for others. I have spoken to SirGatez about the issue and it is a known issue with timings and such that largely boils down to faulty Samsung code (instead of waiting for a reply when using I2C to talk to peripherals as should be the case, Samsung likes to just shove more data down the pipe, or something like that). Luckily SirGatez seems to know his **** and has almost fixed the issue already in his codebase. As it turns out, although he is on a slightly newer codebase than pretty much everyone else still building DJ05/DL09 kernels (Linux as opposed to 2.26.9, IIRC), the fact that the exact same issues showed up in my kernel and his with the 7-step OC helps him narrow his search considerably. Glad it helped, SirGatez.
For the moment, I would not recommend flashing an OC kernel - I've gone back to 1GHz myself because of the problems. I will see if his fixes are amenable to inclusion into my source tree with the view of releasing a new batch of kernels at some point in the near future.
Frankenkernel download links: (Voodoo only!)
1000MHz, 100% stock (standard) voltage settings: dropbox
1000MHz, Adrynalyne's more aggressive undervolt settings: dropbox
1200MHz, SirGatez's regular 7-speed OC settings: dropbox
1200MHz, SirGatez's undervolted OC settings: dropbox
It bears repeating that I take no responsibility for breaking anything. That said, it should all work fine, but here is an Odin package to go back to an earlier Adrynalyne-built Voodoo kernel + recovery if something breaks working on your phone. I believe this is Test6 from his current thread. dropbox This should also be useful for your after-Odin-to-stock hijinx, if you know what you're doing.
All credit should go not to me, codestealing kanger that I am, but to jt1134, Adrynalyne, SirGatez, and the other devs and users who I either stole code from, have asked lots of annoying noob questions to, or have flashed and tested my kernel. Especially SirGatez, who is apparently a decent dev, but has been toiling away in obscurity. Thanks for getting my $6 battery working, man, come say hi to the rest of us on IRC!
"included in all of these are the Voodoo lagfix, Voodoo sound, and SirGatez's USB fix for the phone being recognized as a CD drive (also used by Adrynalyne)."
Thank you!!!
Cool stuff, thanks. I look forward to trying some of these out and seeing how they run.
quick question.
If I wanted to flash the 1200 MHz UV kernel over my current kernel (adrynalyne's 1/21 UV voodoo), would I have to do any additional steps? I mean, it should be as easy as booting into red cwm and flashing it, right? I just want to be 100% sure.
tripacer99 said:
quick question.
If I wanted to flash the 1200 MHz undervolted kernel over my current kernel (adrynalyne's 1/21 UV voodoo), would I have to do any additional steps? I mean, it should be as easy as booting into red cwm and flashing it, right? I just want to be 100% sure.
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Yes u can just flash it
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
So far, very nice! I flashed the iv/ 1200 and its running smooth!
I really like the hack for the batteries. I use a couple on Hong Kongers and it was always a pain the rear to pull them out and charge separate.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
tapout27 said:
Yes u can just flash it
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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btw, the 1200 UV kernel is running great and smooth! Voodoo sound is nice addition too.
Is the uv 1200 kernel also a 7 slot?
Also, if not already done can you upgrade this to BLN 2.3+? It adds blinking capability in BLN control and the newest blinky.
Sent from my SCH-I500
n0yd said:
Is the uv 1200 kernel also a 7 slot?
Also, if not already done can you upgrade this to BLN 2.3+? It adds blinking capability in BLN control and the newest blinky.
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Yes, it's a 7-slot.
I'm not sure if it's BLN 2.3+ but I just tested on Blinky. It says the enhanced BLN is not found but blinks fine when I test it. Does that mean it's not 2.3+?
SirGatez is definitely an interesting character. Seems to be in his own little world, doing his thing.
Using adrenalyns kernel, seems to have broke gps on mine. Using super clean. 4 Dl09 with the Dl09 modem.
i know / read that the voodoo sound fix does wonders for the headphone jack listening... however, what about for bluetooth media? (not calls, but actual streaming mp3's over bluetooth to a stereo... which sucks and I want it to sound better ).
anyone that has tried it and can respond, thanks.
dnoyeb said:
i know / read that the voodoo sound fix does wonders for the headphone jack listening... however, what about for bluetooth media? (not calls, but actual streaming mp3's over bluetooth to a stereo... which sucks and I want it to sound better ).
anyone that has tried it and can respond, thanks.
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This was the First thing I tried as I only use bluetooth headphones with my fascinate. And i can tell you that voodoo sound does nothing about the Bluetooth Audio.
I flashed this last night and was loving the battery life, but today I discovered that I couldn't make phone calls - when I click on the call button a box pops up that says I have no service. I flashed back to one of adrynalyne's test kernels and now it works. Just thought I'd let you know - other than that it was great tho, thank you!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Flashed the 1200 SV Kernel last night and I've been running great with no obvious glitches. GPS, phone calls, battery life all look good! Thanks!
Flashed this yesterday on top of Superh 09. Runs great with setCPU processor runs a lot cooler. Thanks!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Whitepaint said:
This was the First thing I tried as I only use bluetooth headphones with my fascinate. And i can tell you that voodoo sound does nothing about the Bluetooth Audio.
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Bluetooth is something that will be looked into. Go find the sound thread in the i9000 forum to see planned features and keep track of development.
I've posted these details in SirGatez thread for his kernel, thought I'd share them here since it's also applicable.
When using your kernel with SirGatez' OC settings, the CPU throttling is really high, it likes to spend times at higher clock rates when at rest. My remedy to it was setting a minimum processor speed of 200 MHz, then the at rest throttling was SUPER TAME, giving the greatest resting battery life I've ever experienced with no performance issues at all.
BUT, sadly your kernel shares the exact same "No Service" bug that SirGatez' does, causing erratic loss of service that has to be waited out, Airplane Mode switch is frozen at this time. This sadly had me have to give up the 7-slot kernel. Otherwise, great experience.
CrushD said:
I've posted these details in SirGatez thread for his kernel, thought I'd share them here since it's also applicable.
When using your kernel with SirGatez' OC settings, the CPU throttling is really high, it likes to spend times at higher clock rates when at rest. My remedy to it was setting a minimum processor speed of 200 MHz, then the at rest throttling was SUPER TAME, giving the greatest resting battery life I've ever experienced with no performance issues at all.
BUT, sadly your kernel shares the exact same "No Service" bug that SirGatez' does, causing erratic loss of service that has to be waited out, Airplane Mode switch is frozen at this time. This sadly had me have to give up the 7-slot kernel. Otherwise, great experience.
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That's what I had - a "No Service" bug. Glad I am not alone on this one, I was really puzzled when I saw that pop up!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
I want to flash the 1200 kernel but I was wondering if there is a significant difference between the regular and uv

What is the best kernel for battery life?

I have used ninphos 2.04 and 2.05 and alot of chainfires kernels (kg2 kf2,kg3 and more)
I have noticed alot of diffrence regaring batterylife....between each one...I THINK chainfires gives best battery so far and ninphos 2.04 alot better battery than 2.05 (maybe its the BLN support that uses more battery even if BLN is not used)
So now I want a thread were you recomend the best kernels for batterylife!
So what is the your opinion?
Does a kernel really have something to do with battery life?
The kernel ought to be one of the major 'invisible' factors. It is always active, and has an impact of the timing of everything else that happens on the phone. Particularly if there are bugs which have a detrimental impact on battery, the kernel might expose or hide them. That's not to say that the best kernel will necessarily give best battery life.
I don't think it's BLN if not used.
I did some tests and when the lights are not flashy-flashy the phone enters deepsleep as supposed to and my battery life hasn't gone done noticabely, if you don't use BLN at all there isn't even the BLN service running in the back, so even less to worry about.
Ninphetamin is aimed at performance IIRC, so that could really make a difference, CF-Root is pretty much stock kernel + some initramfs mods, so should give same results as a stock kernel.
HellcatDroid said:
I don't think it's BLN if not used.
I did some tests and when the lights are not flashy-flashy the phone enters deepsleep as supposed to and my battery life hasn't gone done noticabely, if you don't use BLN at all there isn't even the BLN service running in the back, so even less to worry about.
Ninphetamin is aimed at performance IIRC, so that could really make a difference, CF-Root is pretty much stock kernel + some initramfs mods, so should give same results as a stock kernel.
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Maybe you are right, but I experience better battery in 2.04 than 2.05.
Anybody have tried speedmods kernel? Does it have good battery compared to CF-Roots kernel?
tshoulihane said:
The kernel ought to be one of the major 'invisible' factors. It is always active, and has an impact of the timing of everything else that happens on the phone. Particularly if there are bugs which have a detrimental impact on battery, the kernel might expose or hide them. That's not to say that the best kernel will necessarily give best battery life.
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Imo I think you are correct since the Kernel is the base for everything while Android is running.
Thus, you better flash to a stable/faster kernel in order to achieve better battery performance ?
I really don't have any experience with the Kernels out there, only flashed to Chainfire CF-root, though I would love to hear opinions about ppl that used few different kernels and tell their thoughts about it.
ShivaShidapu said:
Imo I think you are correct since the Kernel is the base for everything while Android is running.
Thus, you better flash to a stable/faster kernel in order to achieve better battery performance ?
I really don't have any experience with the Kernels out there, only flashed to Chainfire CF-root, though I would love to hear opinions about ppl that used few different kernels and tell their thoughts about it.
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I wrote a little bit in my OP, but I write again, ninpho is really good, very fast and pretty stable...CF-root I see is better battery and more stable but a little slower...
those two I have tried...anybody that have tried others are welcome especially speedmod kernel as I'm thinking about flashing it
tshoulihane said:
The kernel ought to be one of the major 'invisible' factors. It is always active, and has an impact of the timing of everything else that happens on the phone. Particularly if there are bugs which have a detrimental impact on battery, the kernel might expose or hide them. That's not to say that the best kernel will necessarily give best battery life.
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Thanks for your reply mister.
I have a question going on in my mind as this is about kernel, well I also was rooted with CF kernel but lately I flashed Ninphetamine 2.0.5 kernel, only to use BLN, and I have root too, now afaIk, I can't have two kernels at a time, so may I know how I have root still when I've flashed with Ninphetmanine kernel and I have both BLN and Root altogether?
Pardon me if it's a stupid and so called 'noob' query but I'd really like to know this.
different kernel does different things.But if your phone has already been rooted,I thought root will stay in your system,after your flash N kernel,you can use BLN with root.
That's what I think,maybe is not true
I've tried several kernel. one of my favorite is ninpo 2.0.5. battery life look good and it run faster.. angelom kernel also good but i've got issues on angelom 16 and 18.. phone run hot when using WiFi.. but angelom give me the best battery life when it come to idle.. but drain fast when i'm surfing..
will try speedMod kernel.. could some one give me some review on this kernel?
Thanks in advanced..
Hi, I am a noob so please help us out?
Flashed my SGS2 (first time android phone)with CF Kernal KG1 to get root, and bloatfreezer to freeze Samsung and Optus crap as per lists on XDA. Rather than getting better battery life I have noticed a quick drain on the battery. Namely Android OS which uses about 50% overnight.
Is this normal? what can be done?
I dont see much of a difference between CF-Root kernel, speedmod, and ninpethaine 2.0.2 - 2.0.5. Except speedmod doesnt allow CPU monitoring, overclocking and undervolting.
removed 10 char
10 charr
I did try speed mod and honestly, I feel ninpo give better life than speedmod. Well it could just be me but I just tested it at average usage...So, yeah...
zzkonzz said:
Hi, I am a noob so please help us out?
Flashed my SGS2 (first time android phone)with CF Kernal KG1 to get root, and bloatfreezer to freeze Samsung and Optus crap as per lists on XDA. Rather than getting better battery life I have noticed a quick drain on the battery. Namely Android OS which uses about 50% overnight.
Is this normal? what can be done?
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Well honestly, if I remember clearly, there is an OS bug currently. However, why don't you try on other such as KG6 or KG3?
Also, did you install anything middle of the way? Could be an app or something?
how do i install ninphetamine 2.0.5 on Litening Rom 5.0 ?
chiggah said:
how do i install ninphetamine 2.0.5 on Litening Rom 5.0 ?
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Via Odin I think. Select the .tar under PDA.

[Q] How's kitkat?

How is everyone liking the KitKat Roms?
I'm thinking of upgrading because I'm getting pretty bad battery life with AJK 4.9 and Supernexus 2.0 (Android 4.1.2). I just got a new battery for my phone and that's when I realized that it wasn't my battery that was the problem.
My phone's charging port broke recently. Like, the innards of the port make a snap sound and fell out. So I have no USB functions on my phone any more so if my phone bricks mid update, I'm SOL. Also I am swapping batteries out half way through the day because my phone consumes power too fast.
So, any recommendations on KitKat kernels? Roms? I looked at RenderBroken's but I'm not sure if he's in the process of putting a new one up or what. The only downloads on his sight for the i777 kernels were in the "Old Builds" folder.
Also, doesn't holding the power button and both volume buttons boot into recovery? Because it's only going into Odin.
Preferences on ROM's?
Thanks in advance!
I'm sorry, I have a difficult time believing AJK kernel is the reason behind your battery woes. That kernel is very likely the most stable, tweakable, battery-friendly kernel ever made for our device, so if you are getting bad results with that... well, nothing else is going to improve matters.
A few things: stay in your current setup and run Better Battery Stats and Wakelock Detector. Between those two free apps you'll be able to see EXACTLY what's causing your problems.
KK roms take a bit more toll on the battery, and require a lot of tweaking to get things under control, due to the framework changes Google made. If you're worried about battery life you may be better off staying on JB until you discover the real cause of your battery problems.
SteveMurphy said:
I'm sorry, I have a difficult time believing AJK kernel is the reason behind your battery woes. That kernel is very likely the most stable, tweakable, battery-friendly kernel ever made for our device, so if you are getting bad results with that... well, nothing else is going to improve matters.
A few things: stay in your current setup and run Better Battery Stats and Wakelock Detector. Between those two free apps you'll be able to see EXACTLY what's causing your problems.
KK roms take a bit more toll on the battery, and require a lot of tweaking to get things under control, due to the framework changes Google made. If you're worried about battery life you may be better off staying on JB until you discover the real cause of your battery problems.
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I'm not worried about battery life so much as I just want to get through most of my day without having to swap batteries (which are brand new mind you). I updated to SuperNexus 3.0 so we'll see if there's any improvement of battery life.
What do you think about KitKat so far though?
vex390 said:
I'm not worried about battery life so much as I just want to get through most of my day without having to swap batteries (which are brand new mind you). I updated to SuperNexus 3.0 so we'll see if there's any improvement of battery life.
What do you think about KitKat so far though?
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I would advise you to stay off of Supernexus roms; they've long been abandoned and 3.0 especially was buggy. Try Renders' CM builds if you're wanting supported stable builds, or look in the ported section. Overall KK has performed great for me.
SteveMurphy said:
I would advise you to stay off of Supernexus roms; they've long been abandoned and 3.0 especially was buggy. Try Renders' CM builds if you're wanting supported stable builds, or look in the ported section. Overall KK has performed great for me.
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Ahhh but that means I have to switch kernels because I'm using AOSP. What about Render's 4.4 kernel? I looked at his thread but the link to the download only shows old versions. Are there any other 4.4 kernels working?
No, his kernels are great, you have nothing to worry about. Just make sure you thoroughly read what's required to make the jump to KK before you attempt it.

[Q] how can i add smartass v2 governour and sio scheduler to padawan jb v4 rom?

Im new here and Ive been lurking around in the forums. I just installed jb v4 on my note i717. Any idea on how I can get the smartassv2 govenour and the sio scheduler? I dont have any of those and Id really like to have more battery life. And if not is there a kernel I can flash to have it and thats compatible with my rom? Im using trickster mod btw, Thanks!!
bluebeanie said:
Im new here and Ive been lurking around in the forums. I just installed jb v4 on my note i717. Any idea on how I can get the smartassv2 govenour and the sio scheduler? I dont have any of those and Id really like to have more battery life. And if not is there a kernel I can flash to have it and thats compatible with my rom? Im using trickster mod btw, Thanks!!
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I have already directed you to the only alternate kernel that is going to work with Padawan. I am definitely no developer, but it would take a lot of effort just to extract those little options, not to mention the permission of the developer, and it would then most likely have to be installed into another kernel that could be compatible with Padawan.
I am not sure what it is that you are so intent on having those options for, I am sure you have your reasons. not sure that anything else is going to give you better battery life on a 4.1.2 rom. it seems with the progression from 4.0 through 4.4, the battery life is going to diminish a bit with every evolvement.
can I suggest maybe you try Black Jelly. the different rom may provide you that option. if not, Blownfuse has an alternate kernel list in that OP which was designed specifically for that rom.
good luck
captemo said:
I have already directed you to the only alternate kernel that is going to work with Padawan. I am definitely no developer, but it would take a lot of effort just to extract those little options, not to mention the permission of the developer, and it would then most likely have to be installed into another kernel that could be compatible with Padawan.
I am not sure what it is that you are so intent on having those options for, I am sure you have your reasons. not sure that anything else is going to give you better battery life on a 4.1.2 rom. it seems with the progression from 4.0 through 4.4, the battery life is going to diminish a bit with every evolvement.
can I suggest maybe you try Black Jelly. the different rom may provide you that option. if not, Blownfuse has an alternate kernel list in that OP which was designed specifically for that rom.
good luck
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Ok. I had posted this before I asked you. But what do you recommend? Should i go back to ics? Im more about battery life but features are nice to.
bluebeanie said:
Ok. I had posted this before I asked you. But what do you recommend? Should i go back to ics? Im more about battery life but features are nice to.
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My friend, its your phone. Out side of the governer and scheduler, battery life is the only feature you are bringing up. What kind of user are you?
Heavy video streamer
Big time gamer
Lots of music
Facebook addict
Various roms are going to provide various results. And no 2 devices are going to react the same. I know, folks have said this before, so sorry to repeat.
For what is may be worth, here is my rundown
4.O ICS ... most stable but may be lacking in some features
4.1.2 JB ... touchwiz based, the most stable JB your going to get
4.2.1 JB ... more features evolving into, but most unstable. Some able to control with alternate kernel. Battery life dwindling.
4.3 JB ... increased smoothness and improved stability. Still able to control with an alternate kernel to a certain extent. To me it started to become like medication. The phone seemed to build up a tolerance and stability would decrease. Decreased battery life.
4.4 KK .... did not have a problem with stability, but battery life has really suffered as is the complaint of many.
No rom is going to be 100% perfect. It is more of what can you tolerate for an inadequacy.
I love my music, I FB quite often, I'm on XDA several time a day and I have been catching a few minutes of Youtube.
My phone ran ORGASMIC on Padawan and I did enjoy Hellybean also. To me, battery is like gasoline, nobody is getting any better than me. Everybody pays the same at the pump. You can always get a Ravpower battery 2700 from Amazon for $8 and many swear it increase battery life immensely.
Wow, did I go on and on or what?
So what kind of user are you?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I527 using xda app-developers app
captemo said:
My friend, its your phone. Out side of the governer and scheduler, battery life is the only feature you are bringing up. What kind of user are you?
Heavy video streamer
Big time gamer
Lots of music
Facebook addict
Various roms are going to provide various results. And no 2 devices are going to react the same. I know, folks have said this before, so sorry to repeat.
For what is may be worth, here is my rundown
4.O ICS ... most stable but may be lacking in some features
4.1.2 JB ... touchwiz based, the most stable JB your going to get
4.2.1 JB ... more features evolving into, but most unstable. Some able to control with alternate kernel. Battery life dwindling.
4.3 JB ... increased smoothness and improved stability. Still able to control with an alternate kernel to a certain extent. To me it started to become like medication. The phone seemed to build up a tolerance and stability would decrease. Decreased battery life.
4.4 KK .... did not have a problem with stability, but battery life has really suffered as is the complaint of many.
No rom is going to be 100% perfect. It is more of what can you tolerate for an inadequacy.
I love my music, I FB quite often, I'm on XDA several time a day and I have been catching a few minutes of Youtube.
My phone ran ORGASMIC on Padawan and I did enjoy Hellybean also. To me, battery is like gasoline, nobody is getting any better than me. Everybody pays the same at the pump. You can always get a Ravpower battery 2700 from Amazon for $8 and many swear it increase battery life immensely.
Wow, did I go on and on or what?
So what kind of user are you?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I527 using xda app-developers app
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Pretty much the same as you hah. All I care about is my music, facebook, with rededit and a glass of milk
bluebeanie said:
Pretty much the same as you hah. All I care about is my music, facebook, with rededit and a glass of milk
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I would just take a few for a test drive then. if you had a problem with Padawan and random reboots, then my guess is you either had a bad download or your not flashing clean. a dirty flash is going to leave some straggling files from previous rom which are most likely going to conflict.
but try some different roms and let them settle. give them a couple days. if its not going to work for you, try the next.
one rom just wouldn't run on my phone and that was Carbon Rom. I tried several different versions, with and without alternate kernels. always clean. many swear by it and love it, that's why I kept trying it, but it just did not like my phone. no biggie, plenty to choose from.
don't take this the wrong way, but if you the only one suffering from a side effect, than it is most likely user error. there are many glitches throughout all roms and they are usually well documented in that thread.
refer back to my last post in Padawan. again, my flashing process may be overkill, but you cant get much cleaner than that
if a battery gets me through the day, I am good
keep us posted
captemo said:
I would just take a few for a test drive then. if you had a problem with Padawan and random reboots, then my guess is you either had a bad download or your not flashing clean. a dirty flash is going to leave some straggling files from previous rom which are most likely going to conflict.
but try some different roms and let them settle. give them a couple days. if its not going to work for you, try the next.
one rom just wouldn't run on my phone and that was Carbon Rom. I tried several different versions, with and without alternate kernels. always clean. many swear by it and love it, that's why I kept trying it, but it just did not like my phone. no biggie, plenty to choose from.
don't take this the wrong way, but if you the only one suffering from a side effect, than it is most likely user error. there are many glitches throughout all roms and they are usually well documented in that thread.
refer back to my last post in Padawan. again, my flashing process may be overkill, but you cant get much cleaner than that
if a battery gets me through the day, I am good
keep us posted
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Hey man. Just giving you an update. It turns out I had a bad battery. The middle of the battery was enlarging, I have no idea why. I got a new one and everything's working much better now. Have you heard of anything like that before?
bluebeanie said:
Hey man. Just giving you an update. It turns out I had a bad battery. The middle of the battery was enlarging, I have no idea why. I got a new one and everything's working much better now. Have you heard of anything like that before?
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Very common at about the 10 to 12 month mark. Battery starts to swell. You can get stronger battery for $8 on amazon.
Glad everything is working better, still want to stay clean though.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I527 using xda app-developers app

