[REQ] Getting RUU for 3G Flyer - HTC Flyer, EVO View 4G

Mod, please delete this thread, thanks.


[Q] Camera.apk

Am not to sure if this has been discussed ive searched this forum..no luck
can someone please post a camera.apk and an album.apk to help the stock amaze 4g owners still chained to mobilicity wind and telus
something we can use a file explorer to install

[Q] Gingerbread kernel zip file?

does anyone know if we can flash a kernel through bootloader with a PH85IMG file? i really need to know this asap i can not use my phone and it continues looping . also if so can anyone share a link please
tmobile htc amaze
edit Fixed

[Q] MODS Close Thread please...

Figured it out....thanks OMJ....

[REQ] Blur_Version.672.180.291.XT910.AmericaMovil.en.01

As thread title said, anyone got OTA of Blur_Version.672.180.291.XT910.AmericaMovil.en.01 please share with me.

Looking for this Wifi Widget

Hi All,
Not sure if this is the correct section for asking about this, if it's not kindly move it to the correct section.
Anyways, I'm looking for the Wifi Widget as the one in the attached image, I used to have it but I lost it after formatting the phone and I can't seem to find the installer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated... Thank you !

