[Q] Inbuilt Memory shortage - Viewsonic ViewPad 7 & Variants

Sorry not a high tech question but would appreciate some help
Re. my viewpad 7
Seems to be constantly short of inbuilt memory.
(should be 512mb)
was down to zero today though have not addded anything for a while.
Clearing cache and history via browser took it back up to 8 mb but already with an hours use down to 6mb again.
Have moved everything that Apps manager allows over to the (16GB) SD card, which still has lots of space.
Neither of the "File Explorer" or "Settings/SD card and phone storage" routes let me actually see what's in phone memory.
Pad is "as bought" re rom's etc
Would appreciate any help.

It's got 512mb total, which is split over different partitions.
You are running out of space on the /data partition, try uninstalling some apps, or use an app like apps2sd to move some to your sd card.

Thanks for quick response but have tried deleting a few apps and have already moved everything that can be moved onto sd card
have downloaded a couple of versions of app2sd apps 2sd etc but they do not offer any more suggestions on apps that can be moved as I say I have aready moved all that seem moveable
It does seem that it's some sort of data thats the problem but I can't see into the inbuilt memory to see what data it is or from what app

It is stupid Android. When you move apps to SD, than still some (usualy bigger) parts is still in internal memory. When you move apps to SD, than info about occupied space is valid only for occupied space on SD by the apps. If you want to know how big is the application than you have to move back to internal memory, than info is correct.
Also some updating of system apss can consume very big space of internal memory. For example Aldiko can occupy 6MB !!!!

The problem is, when you install a new app either from Android Market, Amazon App Store or anywhere else, the system retains the .apk install file somewhere in memory. I'm yet to find where those files are stored.
You can use a file manager like Astro File manager to see all the files on your viewpad 7's internal memory however, manipulating those files is a bit trickier. I thought I found them in a \sys\data directory or something like that but the system refuses to let me delete them.
Does anyone know for certain where these .apk files are stored. I've deleted/moved everything I can and am down to the apps that I need on the unit. If I have to delete more, then there is no sense having a small form-factor tablet. The space that is being used is far above the applications that I have installed so there has to be garbage files somewhere that need cleaned up.


Space issues with Omarket

Hi guys,
i downloaded a few apps using the Omarket app and i don't know where it stores the downloaded .cab s
Therefore, all my free space just "disapeared".
I read somewhere that one must find the Omarket folder where it stores but the cab, but i searched all the folders in my phone and no sign of it.
Please help me, i don't want to format my phone again.
Ah, i also uninstalled the Omarket app and there were no changes in the free space.
It loads the cabs into the \cache folder where omarket is stored. The folder is erased when you close the application, so if you just want to recover the cabs, you need to use a file explorer to move them out of that folder while the application is still running.
actually, i want to remove them... but i cant find where they are stored
aparently they are stored somewhere, simply "eating" my free space
I assume you installed the programs you downloaded through Openmarket? Where did you install them? Into device memory? Because that's what really uses up your storage. Openmarket definitely deletes the dowloaded .cabs when you close it after a download. But that does not change the fact that the installed apps need storage space when installed. I would check how much memory the corresponding folder in your device memory uses. Depending on the language of your phone it's called "Program Files" "Programme"...
If it's indeed the mere size of all the installed software in your device memory that uses up all it's capacitiy I recommend you moving some programs onto your storage card.

Memory Full problem!Please take a look..

Hey there guys...
To start with i have my S3 two days now and i absolutely love this phone...:')
But,after installing lots of games my internal memory has gone full and i can't download any data in-game because i have low storage space...
My external sd on the other hand is around 10gb free but when i try to move the data to the same folder on the external the data isn't identified by the game and it asks me to download again?
It has become really frustrating,it seems i can't do anything about it...
Any suggestions to try?
As the system now uses unified storage all apps will remain on internal memory; moving the data alone to an external SD card will have no use without altering the application to look for that location for its data. i.e. in the GS2 you had a move to SD option since the phone was partitioned. With the S3 however this option is not there which means that when an application is downloaded all of its information needs to be stored on the internal storage. When the "Move to SD" option was selected within the S2 or prior phones, it informs the application that its new location is within x folder rather than the folder it was originally downloaded too. Since this option is no longer there then the application has no way of being told where its new location is.
Maybe move to SD could be an add-on with a mod/hack but I am not sure if this is possible. Maybe check with a developer?
Have you got a prior Android phone? Maybe install the application on to it; use the "Move to SD" option and see if that will allow it? It's just a suggestion; if you don't have a different Android phone I can try it for you.
Edit: Just tried it; the phone itself doesn't even check for applications stored within an external SD. Sorry man - the only way around it would be a mod/custom/hack (if possible).
T__ said:
As the system now uses unified storage all apps will remain on internal memory; moving the data alone to an external SD card will have no use without altering the application to look for that location for its data. i.e. in the GS2 you had a move to SD option since the phone was partitioned. With the S3 however this option is not there which means that when an application is downloaded all of its information needs to be stored on the internal storage. When the "Move to SD" option was selected within the S2 or prior phones, it informs the application that its new location is within x folder rather than the folder it was originally downloaded too. Since this option is no longer there then the application has no way of being told where its new location is.
Maybe move to SD could be an add-on with a mod/hack but I am not sure if this is possible. Maybe check with a developer?
Have you got a prior Android phone? Maybe install the application on to it; use the "Move to SD" option and see if that will allow it? It's just a suggestion; if you don't have a different Android phone I can try it for you.
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Thank's for the answer...
In my galaxy s 1 i had no problem having the games data on the sd card,i havent moved and application to the sd but i had the data on sd and everything worked great...now...i don't get it....:/
nfsmw_gr said:
Thank's for the answer...
In my galaxy s 1 i had no problem having the games data on the sd card,i havent moved and application to the sd but i had the data on sd and everything worked great...now...i don't get it....:/
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I did check for you; the S3 physically doesn't look for application data in the external SD (I edited original post after testing few things).. There probably are ways around it as mentioned but you would need to speak with developers for further insight.
If worst comes to worst application developers may have to implement a look in x location first, if no data found, look "here" in to their applications.
As the phone is unified storage you can store applications in the full ~12GB storage space (All the ones I have, have roughly 11.3GB after OS and all is on it) so have you used the phones storage itself for only applications; and the SD for media etc?
I am interested to know how you have managed to fill at least 11GB of space with applications; how many do you have? How is the performance of the phone with this many applications on it? Any lag navigating (I know there shouldn't be with quad core processor - but it's interesting to know if hundreds of applications cause lag between screen scrolling).
You can use an app called directory bind to link the game data on the SD to a mounting point on the internal SD. Search for it and you'll find it, not sure if I got it here or the play store.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Yup, there's directory topic on forum, as well as working 'gl to sd' app in play store. It is not just for gameloft games.
Sent from my SGH-I747M
Thank you all guys!!
Well i filled it with lots of games that's why i don't have much space available!
No the phone is flying,it doesn't lag at all!
I use Dragon Ics rom and Siyah Kernel...no oc....
I'll try directory bind and post back soon!
To put applications on the sdcard, you could use symlinking (confirmed this works myself).
Install the application, then go to /data/app and move the apk file to your sdcard (/mnt/extSdCard) or inside a folder on your sdcard.
Then type ln -s /mnt/extSdCard/your-apk.apk /data/app/your-apk.apk

[Q] Using FolderMount to clear internal space - please help!

Hi, I'm a total noob to Android phones, I admit it. I just got my first smartphone, and it's an old one - an HTC Aria. Thanks to a lot of info here in XDA-developers, I got it rooted with clockwork mod and am using the Cyanogen ROM with Android 2.3 (Gingerbread).
Well, it's such an old phone, I see that it only has ~185 mb internal storage. I added an 8GB SD card. Even though I move my apps to external storage, I can see that the data didn't get moved and is still quickly eating up all the phone's internal storage. I'm trying to use Madmack's "FolderMount" but am having trouble figuring it out. I think it might be an understanding of Android file/folder structure (I have very little). I'm considering buying the "pro" version (if it works for me), just so I can move the whole data folder at once and free up my internal memory again.
Here's my efforts at testing to see if it works. I'm trying to move the data from the "Plague, Inc." game to the external card (the app is already on the external card). So, when I choose source, it automatically starts me in the /mnt/sdcard/ but doesn't allow me to go "up" to any further root folders of that. So I found in the "Android" folder the "data" folder. I tried to FolderMount that but it gave me the error about the non-Pro version. So I tried the "com.miniclip.plagueinc" folder (knowing that it's currently using 15MB of data) and then using an app called SDCardManager (which I understand is supposed to make it easier for me to access my SD Card, like Windows Explorer or something), I made a folder with this path "/mnt/sdcard/foldermount" I think it should be the right path because it's also where my "android.tether" folder is that I know I created myself.
Anyway, when I pair those two folders in FolderMount, it copies stuff over, and the pin looks green, but it shows my internal memory hasn't changed, still almost entirely full. So what do I do to clear it up? I think my problem is in my understanding of the Android's file structure. I think on "source", I should be able to access some folder before "/mnt/sdcard", but I can't get there. Please give this noob help from anyone who can! Thanks!
Can anyone help me with this? Particularly the developer, madmack? I really need to find a way to move the app data to the external memory so I can clear up space. Even if someone could help me understand the file structure better, that'd be helpful. Thanks!

[Q] [CM 10.1] Link2SD and internal SD

Hi there, noob speaking... (at least in terms of Android)
Let's start with the fact that I bought rooted phone with Cyanogenmod alredy installed which is my 1st Android device. That way I omitted few steps of learning how to root, how to flash it, etc. not to mention that I'm not a Linux guy, so even the way system handles folders and files is new for me. As the problem is more phone-related than system-related I'm posting it here, on XDA.
I'm trying to learn how to partition an "internal SD card" to make it work with Link2SD. I've found lots of tutorials how to do this with an external memory card, but there is not much info about doing the same with internal storage. I've found a tutorial for a diffrent phone, but I'm worried that droid devices seem to be very diffrent and simply retyping everything without understanding what I'm actually doing may cause more harm than good.
My biggest objection is the fact that I'm alredy using my internal SD and beside various media files (photos, music, etc.) there are lots of system, or app related stuff there. There are folders like .android_secure which as I guess store app-related files (or even parts of apps that I moved to SD with build-in feature). If this was Windows, I'd simply back up everything, format it, partition into "general storage" and "app memory" and put backed up files back directly onto new partition only worrying to keep correct letters assigned to new partitions. I'm preety sure that doing same in Android (by copying everything to PC and back to phone) would not work because all those permisions, or am I wrong?
Anyway - Any advice how to do this?
Additional question is related to accessing whole phone memory via PC connected by USB. I know that Android phones are made with security in mind and "system" partition is hidden when connecting USB, but there should be some other way than browsing everything from some phone apps with root permissions. I'd really like to browse my phone both for educational reasons and to check what really takes up space on my "system storage". I'm suspecting that some app went crazy eating lots of space, because once every time I uninstalled something my storage after few minutes was again at 20mb level and it continiued for some time.
BTW: Is there any reason why having about 200mb empty space for apps is not enough to install or update some small applications, while other install even when just 100mb is left?
-How to partition internal SD to make it work with link2sd while there are some system/app files on internal SD alredy?
-How to browse "system memory" from PC via USB?
-Why some apps don't install when there is still 200mb+ free space?

Can't save new files even though I have free space.

I own a Nokia 6, never rooted, 8.1.0 with the latest security patch installed (1 August 2018).
I have 32 GB internal shared storage and 64 GB microSD card installed. Be it a good or bad idea, I have formatted the card as internal storage, and migrated data to it using options available in Android settings, no third party shenanigans.
When I look at apps' details, those that have the option to choose storage signify that they are on sdcard.
Now, to the problem: I approached about half of used space on the sdcard, that's a bit over 32 GB, and I'm closing in on about half on the internal shared storage, that's about 13.4 GB used at the moment.
However, even though it would look like I have lots of unused space left, the phone started to act as if I don't have any. But... Not always. Let me elaborate.
I can't make a picture or record video, all I get is: "there was a problem with saving your photo or video."
I can't download files using a browser. It instantly fails.
I can't install apps from Google Play Store like "Google" and many others, however, I can install some other apps, seemingly at random (but if it fails, of keeps failing).
I can - because I just did - download security patches from settings/system updates....
From the above I speculate without any specific Android knowledge that:
- the internal shared storage isn't a single partition spanning the whole of built-in memory but rather is partitioned into multiple... Well, parts, therefore:
- there's probably a /system, /data and /user partition (forgive the layman guesswork on the names). There's probably also a /swap like in *nix? Then again, I guess not because that would probably slowly kill internal storage flash memory...
Anyway, from the above I gather that the simplistic reporting on how much internal storage I used doesn't let me know that I might have ran out of space on one of those discrete partitions.
That might explain why some apps I can install (they can be installed in external storage, so they do) and some I can't (they need to be on internal storage for whatever reason).
I have tried looking at the app info to maybe move apps to SD card but any and all I check either don't have the option or they already are on SD.
I tried deleting files and removing apps with various results:
- some files I just can't remove, even though they don't appear to be in use (still, maybe they have handles open, I don't know how to check for that apart of forcing suspected apps close)
- some apps (HERE Maps) left a considerable amount of junk in Android/data after themselves, and none of my file managers seem to be able to delete these files.
- some files and apps deleted just fine and the used space indicator did reflect that, however...
I still can't save a photo or video, or download a file, and apps still either install or not, just like before.
That got me thinking that there may be a problem with file/directory permissions for some bizarre reason.
I'm stumped. I'm on the go, visiting Milan tomorrow and I won't be able to take a single photo. Not that Nokia 6 has a great camera, but it's there and I can't use it when I need it.
A little bump
So, am I truly sentenced to factory reset?
Hidden Android dialer codes don't work at all... I think I'm out of options here.
Update: So I did end up doing the factory reset. Afterward, my phone started to work fine, with the exception of the microSD card that always showed up in the notification area as needing of attention. I tried formatting it as portable, and it would supposedly work if you went by the final "success" message, but it wouldn't change anything, and it would still not show up in file manager. The notification about it needing to be set up would still be there, no matter how many times I tried.
So I took the card out and connected it to a PC - tried formatting it, deleting and recreating all partitions, wiping it out, all supposedly would work in partition managers, but after the things were all done, it wouldn't reflect on the actual card.
Seems like it was dying already.... Fortunately, I had a 32GB card to spare, got it into the phone. Worked on the first try.
So that's all folks, my 64GB microSD card died on me, and that's the reason of all the anguish above. Now you know.

