[Q] Flashing to stock, what do I need to know? - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm flashing to stock, what do I need to know before getting started? I am coming from an Atrix that was previously on rooted OTA updated gingerbread firmware.
I finally rooted my atrix because I really wanted the new swype beta. I got carried away freezing and uninstalling apps in titanium backup and now I'm getting a constantly recurring force close dialog that comes back up too fast to even click a button to get into the system folder and completely remove it. So basically i have to return to stock. A hard reset didn't help obviously.
I have a lot of experience flashing roms and rooting my old samsung captivate but I never messed with rooting or flashing on the atrix because of all this talk about locked bootloaders which sounded kind of scary.
Anyway, I'm following mobiletechvideo's (connexion's) video on youbtube on how to flash to stock which is titled "Motorola Atrix (How To Use RSD-Lite). Basically, I have the drivers installed, I have rds lite 5.0 installed, and I know how to get into RSD mode at boot. Is it really this simple?
Anyway, I guess what I'm asking is where are mistakes commonly made? What do I need to watch out for? Sorry for ranting, but I just want to be really cautious, I can't risk hard bricking this phone. It seems sometimes as if no matter how well prepared you are, there is a bit of info that you can miss which could really screw things up.
I am downloading the most recent firmware on this list. Is this what I need, or do I need something for the bootloaders too. I am assuming that I do not need to worry about unlocked bootloaders since I am staying on gingerbread and not upgrading, correct?


[Q] So many questions about Atrix/OTA/CWM etc.

Hey guys
I´m new here at xda-developers and I have a lot of questions about the atrix and android.
I just bought the atrix and this is my first android smartphone. I´ve SIM unlocked it and rooted it using SuperOneClick.
I´ve read the Q & A thread and it was quite enlightening.
But I still have many questions regarding both the atrix and android:
1. A few days ago, my atrix downloaded the new Motorola atrix updates. If I install this update, will I lose my root permission? Is this update the so called OTA? The update number is 4.1.57.
2. Could you guys give me some tips about how to save more battery life etc?
3. Some apps keep popping even after I killed them with the task killer. Some of them are useless for me. Is there any way to block them? And what about Motorola bloatware? I hate that blur stuff…
4. What does these abbreviations mean? OTA, SBF, ATT, CWM.
5. I want to install gingerBlur on my device, but on those tutorials there is always a mentioning about a OTA 1.8.7 that I gotta backup. Where do I find it?
6. If I install gingerBlur, this custom ROM will consume more or less memory from my device? Sometimes I feel some "lag" on some apps...
7. Could u tell me some must have games for atrix? I already have angry birds, battleheart, 3ktd… I really like tower defense games.
Thank you very much and sorry for so many questions. Oh…and sorry about my English.
Thanks again
1. Yes..you will lose root if you upgrade. You can still however attain root afterwards using some of the methods found in the Development forum. I'm surprised SuperOneClick worked for you tbh..
As for your other questions..OTA means Over The Air (regarding updates etc)..SBF is a term regarding system files (something lime that ) ATT means At&t (the carrier)..CWM is Clockwork Mod which is a recovery tool.
Gingerblur would consume less memory..as it has removed alot of the factory bloat that would've come with the device. This would probably most definately help with any "lag" you might be experiencing.
There are many threads on how to conserve battery life. A simple search will yield you lots of results (google ftw)
For games..most of it is personal preference. There is a new Pinball HD specifically designed for the Tegra 2 chip..as well as a new jetski game that looks pretty sick. Pocketlegends is also a cool game if you like MMO style games (think World of Warcraft).
Rickroller said:
1. Yes..you will lose root if you upgrade. You can still however attain root afterwards using some of the methods found in the Development forum. I'm surprised SuperOneClick worked for you tbh..
As for your other questions..OTA means Over The Air (regarding updates etc)..SBF is a term regarding system files (something lime that ) ATT means At&t (the carrier)..CWM is Clockwork Mod which is a recovery tool.
Gingerblur would consume less memory..as it has removed alot of the factory bloat that would've come with the device. This would probably most definately help with any "lag" you might be experiencing.
There are many threads on how to conserve battery life. A simple search will yield you lots of results (google ftw)
For games..most of it is personal preference. There is a new Pinball HD specifically designed for the Tegra 2 chip..as well as a new jetski game that looks pretty sick. Pocketlegends is also a cool game if you like MMO style games (think World of Warcraft).
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Thank you very much Rick
About the battery life I already did some google search before, but always the same thing. I thought that I could find anything different here
I rooted my device with SuperOneClick it worked pretty well. Is it an old tool to root the atrix? Is there a new one? In the superOneClick, it can use psneuter and Gingerbreak....well...it worked for me
So OTA is those updates that keep popping for me I want to install gingerBlur, so i gotta update to 1.5.7 and then 1.8.(something) or I can install it right away?
If I want to reset my settings to default factory, will I need that OTA??
Rubb said:
Hey guys
I´m new here at xda-developers and I have a lot of questions about the atrix and android.
I just bought the atrix and this is my first android smartphone. I´ve SIM unlocked it and rooted it using SuperOneClick.
I´ve read the Q & A thread and it was quite enlightening.
But I still have many questions regarding both the atrix and android:
1. A few days ago, my atrix downloaded the new Motorola atrix updates. If I install this update, will I lose my root permission? Is this update the so called OTA? The update number is 4.1.57.
2. Could you guys give me some tips about how to save more battery life etc?
3. Some apps keep popping even after I killed them with the task killer. Some of them are useless for me. Is there any way to block them? And what about Motorola bloatware? I hate that blur stuff…
4. What does these abbreviations mean? OTA, SBF, ATT, CWM.
5. I want to install gingerBlur on my device, but on those tutorials there is always a mentioning about a OTA 1.8.7 that I gotta backup. Where do I find it?
6. If I install gingerBlur, this custom ROM will consume more or less memory from my device? Sometimes I feel some "lag" on some apps...
7. Could u tell me some must have games for atrix? I already have angry birds, battleheart, 3ktd… I really like tower defense games.
Thank you very much and sorry for so many questions. Oh…and sorry about my English.
Thanks again
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1) Thats one of the OTA updates, but not the most recent. You will loose your root with any OTA update, but so far you can always get it back using Gingerbreak.
2)Turn off bluetooth, wifi, data, gps, etc. if your not using them. I have everything but wifi turned off at all times unless I"m using one of them and I have between 40-60% at the end of the day. Also, either have your brightness turned down or use auto brightness. Manually setting it high will drain the battery faster when the screen is on.
3)Dont use task killers. Android does not work like Windows, and those applications are not slowing anything down or eating your battery. By killing them your interfering with Android's internal memory management. Unfortunately the motoblur stuff cant be fully disabled, but parts of it can be hidden with the existing psudoroms like Gingerblur.
4)OTA, SBF, ATT, CWM. - OTA is Over The Air (update). Any official motorola update that gets pushed is an OTA. SBF - not sure what it stands for, but its the file format for Motorola's updates. Usually you can download one on a computer and flash it over USB if you arent getting it over the air, and they can be used as a last resort if you brick your phone. ATT - AT&T, the carrier for the Atrix in the United States. Some roms and tweeks are only compatible with AT&T model phones. CWM - ClockworkMod, software that allows for the installation of roms. CWM is device specific, so only use an Atrix CWM on the Atrix.
5) http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1063618
6) Either the same or slightly less. So far roms are little more than themes because of the locked bootloader. I say slightly less because some, like Gingerblur, remove SOME of the bloatware.
7) As I dont really play games much, I'm unable to answer this. Sorry.
Hope that helps
Jotokun said:
1) Thats one of the OTA updates, but not the most recent. You will loose your root with any OTA update, but so far you can always get it back using Gingerbreak.
2)Turn off bluetooth, wifi, data, gps, etc. if your not using them. I have everything but wifi turned off at all times unless I"m using one of them and I have between 40-60% at the end of the day. Also, either have your brightness turned down or use auto brightness. Manually setting it high will drain the battery faster when the screen is on.
3)Dont use task killers. Android does not work like Windows, and those applications are not slowing anything down or eating your battery. By killing them your interfering with Android's internal memory management. Unfortunately the motoblur stuff cant be fully disabled, but parts of it can be hidden with the existing psudoroms like Gingerblur.
4)OTA, SBF, ATT, CWM. - OTA is Over The Air (update). Any official motorola update that gets pushed is an OTA. SBF - not sure what it stands for, but its the file format for Motorola's updates. Usually you can download one on a computer and flash it over USB if you arent getting it over the air, and they can be used as a last resort if you brick your phone. ATT - AT&T, the carrier for the Atrix in the United States. Some roms and tweeks are only compatible with AT&T model phones. CWM - ClockworkMod, software that allows for the installation of roms. CWM is device specific, so only use an Atrix CWM on the Atrix.
5) http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1063618
6) Either the same or slightly less. So far roms are little more than themes because of the locked bootloader. I say slightly less because some, like Gingerblur, remove SOME of the bloatware.
7) As I dont really play games much, I'm unable to answer this. Sorry.
Hope that helps
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Yay! thank you very much
I´m not lost anymore Now I´m confident enough to try installing gingerblur
ty ^^
Another thing...
what should I do if something goes wrong when I install gingerBlur? I´ve read that I gotta flash sbf 1.8.3. Does it mean that I gotta install the update 1.8.3 to make the atrix stock default?
How do I do that?
I'm not trying to sound ignorant, but if all of this it's so confusing I would highly recommend not messing with it unless you're confident you can fix things if they go wrong. Which at this state you are not.
With that said... An SBF is not an update file as mentioned, it is a full system restore image. Not sure what it stands for... Maybe System Backup File???
If something goes wrong you can use an sbf to restore the phone to the factory default of the sbf version number.
Before installing gingerblur you want to be sure you are on the latest version of atrix software, then run gingerbreak to root. Then install CWM to get custom recovery and flash gingerblur from your sd card in CWM. all of this is explained in the development section.
lostinbeta said:
I'm not trying to sound ignorant, but if all of this it's so confusing I would highly recommend not messing with it unless you're confident you can fix things if they go wrong. Which at this state you are not.
With that said... An SBF is not an update file as mentioned, it is a full system restore image. Not sure what it stands for... Maybe System Backup File???
If something goes wrong you can use an sbf to restore the phone to the factory default of the sbf version number.
Before installing gingerblur you want to be sure you are on the latest version of atrix software, then run gingerbreak to root. Then install CWM to get custom recovery and flash gingerblur from your sd card in CWM. all of this is explained in the development section.
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Hey lostinbeta, u didn´t sound ignorant at all
I didn´t install the gingerblur yet as I´m trying to learn what I should do in case something goes wrong
That's where you would check the thread in the dev section about flashing an sbf file to restore back to factory default. You will have to make sure an sbf is available for your phone though. So like I'm with at&t so I can only flash the sbf for the at&t atrix otherwise I will lose functionality of my phone. Or possibly brick it, im not sure
lostinbeta said:
That's where you would check the thread in the dev section about flashing an sbf file to restore back to factory default. You will have to make sure an sbf is available for your phone though. So like I'm with at&t so I can only flash the sbf for the at&t atrix otherwise I will lose functionality of my phone. Or possibly brick it, im not sure
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My atrix is from AT&T so I guess the sbf commonly available is from AT&T. I will make sure that the sbf I will use is definitely the one from AT&T.
I will check the thread about restoring the atrix to factory default
Thanks a lot
EDIT: not ROM related...can I use mp3 sounds as SMS alert sound and can I use different mp3 sound for my contacts?
I´m looking for it as I write this but no success
Reading through this thread, if you can't follow all the instructions fed to you on a silver spoon, and can't/won't/don't read all the appropriate information in the many threads which tell you how to do everything you are trying/want to do, then you either need to keep your phone stock, or go trade it for an iPhone!
Not trying to be a ****, but next you will want someone to change your daiper/nappy!
Mp3s as SMS tones I'm not sure. I think you can with an SMS replacement app like chomp. I've really never tried as I've had no need to since my phone is on silent 95% of the day because of work.
Individual mp3s for contacts you just have to edit your contact and choose ' more details' and it's towards the bottom. You can use ringdroid to make custom cuts or just put the file in the ringtones folder under 'sdcard' not 'sdcard-ext'.
CaelanT said:
Reading through this thread, if you can't follow all the instructions fed to you on a silver spoon, and can't/won't/don't read all the appropriate information in the many threads which tell you how to do everything you are trying/want to do, then you either need to keep your phone stock, or go trade it for an iPhone!
Not trying to be a ****, but next you will want someone to change your daiper/nappy!
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Rofl... Sorry this is amusing and true.
I don't mind helping, I'm not really much help anywhere else on this forum as I still just have basic knowledge about this stuff.

You guys are confusing

Please don't be angry. I am severely confused over this whole update thing. With the bootloader, and the leaked rom, and the official ota rom.....good lord it's like my mind is trying to hump a doorknob.
Anyway... I have 2.2.2, rooted (although by which method, I cannot remember). I do not have any mods. I have side-loading enabled. I have tethering enabled.
What is the safest way, in plain english, to update to the newest version? I don't know what SBF means, I don't know what CWM means, I don't know what RSD means.
All I want as an end result is a rooted version of the latest, OTA update with an unlocked bootloader.
Please help the ignorant
Edit: I guess I should tell you that I'm in the US on an ATT atrix.
You may want to confirm with someone with more experience, but this worked for me (rooted 1.8.3, OTA 2.5.91), I'm too damn new to even post the link ... pm me I guess hah
k4zyn said:
Please don't be angry. I am severely confused over this whole update thing. With the bootloader, and the leaked rom, and the official ota rom.....good lord it's like my mind is trying to hump a doorknob.
Anyway... I have 2.2.2, rooted (although by which method, I cannot remember). I do not have any mods. I have side-loading enabled. I have tethering enabled.
What is the safest way, in plain english, to update to the newest version? I don't know what SBF means, I don't know what CWM means, I don't know what RSD means.
All I want as an end result is a rooted version of the latest, OTA update with an unlocked bootloader.
Please help the ignorant
Edit: I guess I should tell you that I'm in the US on an ATT atrix.
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if you do the over the air update you will not have an unlocked bootloader unless you do it before there are custom roms that are just as good and stable as the official ones that will root unlock your bootloader and upgrade if you want to do all of this follow my guide here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1179506
Just to enlighten things a bit...
a SBF (i believe it stands for system binary file?) is a file that contains an official (made by the manufacturer) ROM for a cellphone. The entire operating system and kernel.
RSD (a.k.a. RSDlite) is a software designed by motorola, to use on your computer to install these SBFs on a cellphone via USB connection.
CWM is a piece of software for your phone that is accessible during boot, before the OS loads.
- After installed, to use it, you have to turn on the phone holding both the power button and the volume down buttons. The phone screen will show "fastboot". That's only one option in a series of options that you can scroll through using the "volume down" button, and that you select using the "volume up" button. Scrolling down, you'll find the option "Android Recovery", which will access whatever CWM you put in place.
- It's function is to allow the installation of ROMs and Kernels. Its basically a simpler alternative to RSD, requiring no pc to function.
And to update your device, first you must install RSDlite on your computer, and install the Pudding SBF on your phone using it. After that, You have to install Tenfar's CWM on your phone. Then you'll choose one of the avaiable ROMs (there's the stock one posted up by kennethpenn, a version of the stock one with a few upgrades, and several customized ones), which you will install using CWM.
The detailed steps are on the NOOB GUIDES fixed post on one of the Atrix's foruns, but I beleive those explanations shall make that road a little less bumpier.
Simple answer
Hi I'd just like to add my 2 cents from the update experience.
If you are rooted prior to the update, installing the official update of gingerbread from Motorola will make you lose root privileges-plain and simple.
In my case unlike you I did not have sideloading enabled. That was the only difference in your situation and mine. So that's a question for a Senior member to answer.
If I were you, I'd just go ahead and update regardless. This forum has a lot of information in resurrection of the bricked phones in the 1% chance that it may happen. 99% you will update to the gingerbready awesomeness.
Another piece of advice is that after exploring a lot of features of the stock rom, i felt that the launcher is the Achilles heel of motoblur or blur UI as they call it now. Try using adw launcher?. It's fast and fantastic. Completely customizable.
This ends my 0.02$.
The way to get unconfused is through education. Find a couple of hours and a pen/paper.
Read the wiki here.
Watch the videos here.
Take notes and follow up in the threads, if you have questions.
kind of a noob myself, but find everything pretty simple. This is an awesome ROM with what you are looking for.
So I need an SD card ey? Hmm. Ok, well, thanks for the info.
I thought we had a wiki somewhere. Oh wait! We DO!
I have a very similar problem on the lines of i have no idea what the hell is going on and what ppl are saying...!!
But what a bigger problem is is that i have a Orange UK version phone, tho i dont use Orange network... and apparently everything is for ATT phones... so im not sure if any of these things are even compatible with my phone...!?! im running froyo 2.2.2 and want to somehow get onto 2.3.4 but just dont know how...?!?!?!

[Q] bricked once..let's not do it again. 4.1.83 @ 2.2.2

I bricked one Atrix already a few weeks ago, and have since gotten another...(don't wanna think about it)..
I had toyed with unlocking it, and 'rooted' using the gingerbreak method. I was then, bored, one day and installed CWM paid version(Since I had it on my Nexus One, and it popped up under 'my apps'). Out of curiosity I installed the bootloader via CWM, thinking it would fail before it broke anything..wrong.. It froze after a reboot, but after taking the battery out and back in came back up. Didn't think any more about it, and figured i'd finish the unlocking/flashing part some other time..
Meanwhile the annoying pending system update kept going off, and I inadvertently clicked download... it downloaded, so I figured might as well install and not worry about roms since with root I was able to use the google adhoc wifi apk, which is what I care about most. The install was stuck in an infinite loop. It would 'fail to load RSD', if you took the battery out it boot to android then reboot automatically for system update over and over. I tried using the RSD lite program at this point to flash back to stock rom, and ended up hard bricked...
So, forgive me for being a complete noob as I never had an issue with my nexus one. I am at 4.1.83, android 2.2.2. and baseband 1.7.15.. Which of the many tutorials and post should I follow? How safe are they? Did I brick because I had a partial 2.3.x install, and flashed back to a pre 2.3 base? I've read many post, but definitely a bit gun shy of bricking another Atrix. The phone keeps bugging me to update, and I keep hitting 'cancel'.
I'd like to unlock the boot loader for custom roms.
I'm also a heavy linux user, majority of tutorials seem to only imply windows with RSD lite? can this not be done with adb, and fastboot via linux?
I would personally go HERE Read through the entire post, then read it again. And go with the ATT 2.3.4 pudding+root
That of course is after reading and re-reading THIS post! (also linked in the post above mine.
Just my opinion.. and make sure you read and nkow what to expect!
xploited said:
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That references 4.5.91 and unless I missed it, doesn't explicitly state it's backwards compatible with 4.1.83 and 2.2.2. is it?
Should I update first, to be at those levels and just know not to flash to an earlier build(pre 2.3.4/4.5.91)?
jmorgan6 said:
That references 4.5.91 and unless I missed it, doesn't explicitly state it's backwards compatible with 4.1.83 and 2.2.2. is it?
Should I update first, to be at those levels and just know not to flash to an earlier build(pre 2.3.4/4.5.91)?
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Nope, don't update. It's safer to unlock BL while you are still at 4.1.83, you just need to download the correct unlock file from the pudding thread.
Otherwise the unlocking steps are exactly the same.
The easiest steps to unlocking are here:
From there you can flash CWM in one minute.
From there you can flash any rom via CWM in two minutes.
Good luck and don't do anything stupid.

[Q] Install Alien on AT&T 2.3.6

i was originally on at&t 2.3.6 firmware, after rooted it and unlock the bootloader i decided to install the "DarkSide" rom on prefinal version and it worked fine (minor bugs), but my question is that if i decide to install the latest version of alien (which i have heard the version in minor of 2.3.6), could cause me any kind of brick???
i am really new on all of this and i don't want to screw anything
Thanks in Advance.
If you've unlocked the bootloader, it shouldn't have a problem. I say shouldn't because there's always a small chance that something can happen. But to be honest, bricks usually happen when users don't follow instructions or read warnings, at least in my experience.
First rule of thumb when end user hacking or softmodding any device, be it a game system or phone, always read instructions all the way through before and during the process. This will minimize the chance of bricking.
If you're not comfortable with taking the risk, then maybe you shouldn't have unlocked the bootloader. I just hope that you realize your phone's warranty is shot, and there's no going back.
Sorry, I'm not trying to sound rude. I just want you to realize that if it bricks, you're responsible, and nobody else is. But it shouldn't brick if you follow directions carefully, and make sure you're installing the correct version, be it Bell or AT&T. Also make sure, in general for any rom, that you don't install a version with high-performance mods, like overclocking to 1.45ghz. This is not to be done lightly, as it can lead to burning up your phone, if not taken care of properly. Again, read warnings.
It is recommended to perform a backup of apps, contacts, SMS or whatever before doing anything. This can help when testing a new rom, as there may be something you end up not liking about the rom, and redoing the whole setup process can get tiring. I recommend TiBu (Titanium Backup) for apps and Super Backup for SMS, contacts, and Call logs. These are available in the market, and they work across different roms. TiBu Pro costs about $5 though, but it's the second best $5 spent on the market, next to PowerAmp. ( ) It will be invaluable to you. The free version does not support batch restore (and backup I think, batch means multiples at a time)
I wish you luck, and I hope this helps. If you skipped parts of this (I understand why, loooong), I warned you.
Take care,
So, if i wanted to install Alien or NottachTrix1.2.5 rom is nesesary that i need to get back to 2.3.6 at&t stock firmware???, i am currently on darkside rom, my atrix was rooted and unlocked when i was on 2.3.6 new version of at&t
I really want to test Alien or NottachTrix rom, Any help would be truly appreciated
this is a bit off but could you link me to the directions you used to unlock the BL for 2.3.6? >.<
ianwardell said:
this is a bit off but could you link me to the directions you used to unlock the BL for 2.3.6? >.<
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Sorry about the late answer
I just follow this video
well, i can not post a link because i have less than 8 messages but the exact name on youtube is "How to Unlock the Bootloader for Atrix 4G Running GB 2.3.4 and 2.3.6 4.5.141"
i know that it says that is for atrix at&t 2.3.4 but it worked for my virgin atrix 2.3.6 at&t, i recomend to watch the video 3-5 times before trying, just follow step by step very carefully and when in your phone says that:
"Failed to boot, error 0x1000"
"No OS found"
i just restarted the same program but in option 3, it will automatically follow the next step
Remember, this is not a guide of any kind, just sharing my personal experience, this is what i used
Virgin Atrix 4G AT&T 2.3.6 4.5.141 firmware
Windows 7 64-bits
and the software that is on the video, please tell me how it goes for you, remember ask all your questions before doing it

[Q] Deleted important system files on Droid RAZR

Ok I see that there are a couple of similar threads to this and I apologize in advance but I'm not sure exactly how to correctly interpret some of the answers on those threads...so I'm gonna start my own and see who can help lol. Once again I'm sorry if this new thread is considered obsolete by some or all.
I have a Motorola droid razr. Not the maxx just the standard razr. When I got my phone I started looking into rooting it after seeing one of my friends with a rooted thunderbolt. I successfully rooted my razr after doing a lot of research. I installed Titanium (not pro) and undelete. I'm fairly certain that I made a backup of everything on my phone shortly after installing Titanium Backup. Well through the course of tinkering around with my phone a bit I deleted certain files here and there that I considered useless or annoying to me that they were on my phone in the first place. Well when the upgrade to jellybean came out I tried to do a software update. It finishes, reboots my phone, then says the update was unsuccessful.
After some research I have realized that I probably deleted something that was important (lol yeah I'm an idiot) and so it wont let me update the software because of that. I realize that I could use titanium to restore those files but I have NO idea what files I deleted that were important. And I'm not all that comfortable with TB to just mess with it freely. TB has been something that I have used very little because I know I could probably cause some serious damage to my phone with it haha. I haven't done a factory reset because I know already that it wouldn't bring those files back.
If anyone can help me I would really appreciate it. I'm not a very technical person so I probably shouldn't have rooted in the first place but I tried my hardest to do the research first. Thanks in advance for the help everyone
vetchemh3 said:
Ok I see that there are a couple of similar threads to this and I apologize in advance but I'm not sure exactly how to correctly interpret some of the answers on those threads...so I'm gonna start my own and see who can help lol. Once again I'm sorry if this new thread is considered obsolete by some or all.
I have a Motorola droid razr. Not the maxx just the standard razr. When I got my phone I started looking into rooting it after seeing one of my friends with a rooted thunderbolt. I successfully rooted my razr after doing a lot of research. I installed Titanium (not pro) and undelete. I'm fairly certain that I made a backup of everything on my phone shortly after installing Titanium Backup. Well through the course of tinkering around with my phone a bit I deleted certain files here and there that I considered useless or annoying to me that they were on my phone in the first place. Well when the upgrade to jellybean came out I tried to do a software update. It finishes, reboots my phone, then says the update was unsuccessful.
After some research I have realized that I probably deleted something that was important (lol yeah I'm an idiot) and so it wont let me update the software because of that. I realize that I could use titanium to restore those files but I have NO idea what files I deleted that were important. And I'm not all that comfortable with TB to just mess with it freely. TB has been something that I have used very little because I know I could probably cause some serious damage to my phone with it haha. I haven't done a factory reset because I know already that it wouldn't bring those files back.
If anyone can help me I would really appreciate it. I'm not a very technical person so I probably shouldn't have rooted in the first place but I tried my hardest to do the research first. Thanks in advance for the help everyone
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So does anyone have any suggestions??
im not sure about this particular phone but search for the SBF file for your phone model and how to use RSDLite. this is how to restore Motorola phones.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
It's never a good idea to do an OTA update over a rooted phone.
You should just download a rooted stock ROM from the dev forum (a 4.1 ROM) and flash it via your recovery (flash the zip file) or another custom ROM, they have some good ones!
OR I would just flash stock THEN do the OTA update, because whatever rooting method you used (I don't have that phone so I'm not sure) probably replaced your kernel with an insecure one or your system.img so you're failing the OTA update.
orangekid said:
It's never a good idea to do an OTA update over a rooted phone.
You should just download a rooted stock ROM from the dev forum (a 4.1 ROM) and flash it via your recovery (flash the zip file) or another custom ROM, they have some good ones!
OR I would just flash stock THEN do the OTA update, because whatever rooting method you used (I don't have that phone so I'm not sure) probably replaced your kernel with an insecure one or your system.img so you're failing the OTA update.
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this is a good point. i would only do the SBF if you can't get into custom recovery.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
OP I moved you, here into your device forum Q&A for more visibility from actual users for your device. Thank you.
just try to flash a stock ROM using RSD, and then take the OTA update.
Sent from Motorola Razr XT910 With beatsaudio™ on ICS 4.0.4
gregeorgeraldo said:
just try to flash a stock ROM using RSD, and then take the OTA update.
Sent from Motorola Razr XT910 With beatsaudio™ on ICS 4.0.4
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Ok I'm not gonna lie that sounds like a different language to me haha. I know I probably shouldn't have done all this without really knowing exactly what i was doing but I'm sure im not the first lol. What exactly is RSD and when I flash the razr stock ROM will it erase anything I already have save on my phone? Sorry I'm not the most intelligent when it comes to stuff like this haha
gregeorgeraldo said:
just try to flash a stock ROM using RSD, and then take the OTA update.
Sent from Motorola Razr XT910 With beatsaudio™ on ICS 4.0.4
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Is this a good source and video that might explain this to me a little better? I havent posted 10 times so i cant use the link but its a video on youtube called How to use fastboot files to return Droid Razr back to Android 2.3.5! It's the first vid that comes up. has about 9,300 views and was posted 7 months ago. I think my RAZR was on ice cream sandwich (not gingerbread) but it should be the same i guess? Thanks in advance everyone
The reason I suggest just flashing a custom ROM thru your recovery is once you RSD stock then do the OTA you're just going to want to root again and maybe flash a better custom ROM.
Just flash a CM10 ROM from the dev forum and see how you like it, it's jellybean with tons more options that the stock ROM.
orangekid said:
The reason I suggest just flashing a custom ROM thru your recovery is once you RSD stock then do the OTA you're just going to want to root again and maybe flash a better custom ROM.
Just flash a CM10 ROM from the dev forum and see how you like it, it's jellybean with tons more options that the stock ROM.
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The main issue i'm having is that after i rooted my phone flashing custom roms was pretty much the only aspect i didnt get into, so i'm not comfortable in the least with doing it. So just flashing a new rom might be a little strange for me. If i flash the stock rom will i lose everything i have? Like all my apps and pictures and info? And will it unroot my phone?? And if that video i posted above will work should i just try it that way?
I'm sorry to keep posting but I'm just trying to get some specific answers and I feel like if my thread falls too far down it will be forgotten lol. But that video title that I posted...does anyone know if that could be a viable solution? And if it isn't could someone explain. To me how to flash the stock rom so i can upgrade to ics. I don't think the razr has jellybean yet if I'm not mistaken
It sounds like you might be missing some of the stock apps. I had a similar problem while following the same upgrade path as you. I have a Verizon XT912 (standard RAZR) I'm lookin for a link to send you that helped with the issue...but basically there are several apps that would seem non-essential like Slacker radio or NFL Mobile that seem to have caused people trouble. If your update is failing at 30% or somewhere in the middle, this might be the problem. If this sounds like it could be it, Ill try and find the post that helped me find what I was missing.
watch your phone during the update, make sure its not actually cancelling and booting normally because of this error.
Do you know what version you were on before things happened? GB or ICS? You always use this utility just to start over and get back to stock. You could do like people are saying and get the files but this is easier. There is a version for either GB or ICS. Just need to get into AP Fast Boot mode and follow the directions. Also assume this is the Cdma phone? Here is something similar.
I would just start all over and flash.Make sure if you can that your phone is charged before starting.
blueis300 said:
Do you know what version you were on before things happened? GB or ICS? You always use this utility just to start over and get back to stock. You could do like people are saying and get the files but this is easier. There is a version for either GB or ICS. Just need to get into AP Fast Boot mode and follow the directions. Also assume this is the Cdma phone? Here is something similar.
I would just start all over and flash.Make sure if you can that your phone is charged before starting.
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I'm on gingerbread 2.3.6. So i can just go to the bootloader menu and use AP fast boot to do what? I'm a little confused lol sorry
So does anyone have any explanation? The only reason i'm so desperate is because i'm planning on potentially selling my razr for the note 2 and i cant do that if its unable to perform this update/missing apps/etc.. lol. please help

