[Q] Flashing MiniCM7 Pro v20 by paul - Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 Mini

currently in miniCm7 pro v16 with CWM kindly help me on how to flash to v20.. any steps will do.. And is it ok to flash it using CWM not CWM

guys, I've never flashed my X10 mini pro ... I would not bricked your phone ... This ROM is really stable? How to run on X10 mini pro?
Because it's really beautiful .... I would love to use it ...
Can anyone tell me how it goes and if I should switch from the original to this?
please help me...


MobiAudit in X10 Mini Pro - How to?

Hi guys
I have a problem with an app, MobiAudit, when i try to install it from Market, it says that my Mini Pro is not compatible Is there a away to go around it? I´m using CM7 Pro V21 from PaulXXX. Do you guys have any ideas about how to install it and working with it please?
Thank you so much
Best regards

[Q] Arrow [X10 Mini Pro] Stock Bootlogo animation

Hi everyone.
Anyone knows where can I download the Stock bootlogo|animation from Sony Ericsson X10 mini Pro?
Thanks a lot.
here u are;p
do u know how instal it?
yes, I have made some myself, wish to mix some part from the stock one.
Thanks a lot!

[Q] Unable to install Multiboot on X10 Mini

Hello! I have CM7 installed on my xperia x10 mini. When i was browsing through the forum i saw that is possible to multiboot roms on one phone. So i wanted to give it i try. I downloaded the CWM multiboot zip and i tried to install it through CWM Recovery but i had no luck. I could not install it. Does anyone knows what to do and how to install CWM multiboot zip? Any step by steps? Thanks!!!
for what i understand, X10 series, (X10 mini, X10 mini pro) do not support multiboot, only xperia mini and xperia mini pro (newer generations). but please someone correct me if i'm wrong...
Maniac-Hunter said:
for what i understand, X10 series, (X10 mini, X10 mini pro) do not support multiboot, only xperia mini and xperia mini pro (newer generations). but please someone correct me if i'm wrong...
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Thx for your reply! I was asking this only because i saw a picture of xperia x10 that looks the same as mine,and i have x10 mini E10i. And on those pics you can clearly see a multiboot option.
dariom007 said:
Hello! I have CM7 installed on my xperia x10 mini. When i was browsing through the forum i saw that is possible to multiboot roms on one phone. So i wanted to give it i try. I downloaded the CWM multiboot zip and i tried to install it through CWM Recovery but i had no luck. I could not install it. Does anyone knows what to do and how to install CWM multiboot zip? Any step by steps? Thanks!!!
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hmm first it was toally risk and u want more space on ur memory card than ur memory card must be a above class 6
My card is class 10

[Q] gp roms for x10 mini pro

Thank's a lot for your site,
Any way,
Trying to install a GB new rom in my son's old x10 mini pro cellphone
I CAN'T find any file from the links in the forums.
Maybe they are old and so removed from the servers.
Could you please suggest me any link for
GinTonic.SE v2.5.1
MiniCM7Pro - V21 + Lite Versions
And if you have to suggest
any other
thank you, once again
in advance.
I recomend GingerDX :good:

[Q] Xperia x10 mini (e10i) won't boot to recovery

Hi Guys! I'm newbie HERE!
I have a BIG problem to my Xperia x10 mini (e10i)
After I flashed Naa Kernel 7 months ago, and Flashed a Custom rom (JBMP)
Yesterday, I restart my PHONE because it HANG after the Naa kernel logo appeared it's stock from it!
Then I restart again to boot on recovery but did'nt work i also TRIED couple of TIMes but it is stock on it.
How can i FIX this? Can u Teach me how to flash again an another kernel?
HElp me pls ADvance tnx sorry for my BAD ENGLISH I am A FILIPINO

