[Q] Android finger tracking/heatmap app (request) - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi people, what's up?
I want to do some research for a class in my school about the most common gestures made while we're using android phones and etc. Do any of you know any app that could do that for me? It basically needs to track finger movement continuously and store it somewhat, like a heatmap for example.
I've looking for it at the market and all over the internet, there are a bunch of information about how I can implement it at my app but what I need is tracking and recording these movements across all the apps, including the homescreen and etc.
As it's for a student research, the cheaper as possible, please!
Thanks for everything, and sorry for my bad english. You guys rocks!

I'd be interested in this as well. I'm an user experience designer. There are a couple of eye tracking solutions for mobile devices using Tobii Studio but they are upwards of 20k, plus it's for tracking eyes and not fingers.
Inspire 4G - CM 7.1 Nightly - TalonACE

Nice to know there are other people on this boat. I'm a digital design high school student with a great focus on user experience as well!
Let me know if you have any news about this. Eye tracking are pretty common because it's used a lot in feedback studies but it amazes me the difficulty to find something touch-related, this kind of interaction is so hyped nowadays..

common floor retina
Guys you can go through "common floor retina" over internet or on YouTube may be it can help you.


Visible Body Medical App on Android

Hi everyone Noob here,
Just wondering if anyone has tried the now famous Visible body app on Android that was just released in the Amazon market place a few weeks ago.
I'm thinking of getting it, but I've been so disappointed with medical/anatomy applications on android platforms that I'm skeptical. I've tried others: Blausen 3d, anartica, etc.....non have reached there potential. Visible body is ranked the best app for ipad etc....
My device: samsung galaxy tablet 10.1 rooted
By the way if you're a medical profession/student with an android tablet a must have is touchscreentune app with a Adonit Jot Pro Stylus. It truley makes your tablet useful in the hospital
jzachari12 said:
Hi everyone Noob here,
Just wondering if anyone has tried the now famous Visible body app on Android that was just released in the Amazon market place a few weeks ago.
I'm thinking of getting it, but I've been so disappointed with medical/anatomy applications on android platforms that I'm skeptical. I've tried others: Blausen 3d, anartica, etc.....non have reached there potential. Visible body is ranked the best app for ipad etc....
My device: samsung galaxy tablet 10.1 rooted
By the way if you're a medical profession/student with an android tablet a must have is touchscreentune app with a Adonit Jot Pro Stylus. It truley makes your tablet useful in the hospital
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It looks just like Google Body, which is free. Have you tried it out?
Visible Body, Zygote Body, Biodigital Human
Looks like zygote body (formerly google body) but there are alot of differences.. I went ahead and got Visible body from the amazon marketplace for my galaxy tablet 10.1. At first I was hesitant because I assumed it would probably be optimized more for the Kindle Fire than a larger tablet, but the app still works great. I really don't get why they don't include the app in google play... perhaps they will soon.. The app runs smoothly throughout. The app is simply classified according to organ system and location with the use of thumbnails to search. One can also simply click on a specific body part and choose othere areas to make transparant or hide all together. The layout is the best I've seen of all the human body apps i've tried thus far. Although there was some lag when bringing up some body sections, the lag tendency seemed to increase only in body sections that included more than 2 organ systems in a given thumbnail.. For example if I choose a coronal slice of the abdomen that includes elements of the digestive tract (stomach, intestine, pancreas), skeletal vertebrae, nervous system and parts of the blood vasculature, the app seems to have more trouble loading the various systems together and slows down when you try to zoom, rotate or select certain body parts. However this is only a small quibble as the app seems to work faster the longer I'm analyzing particular section (perhaps this is only a loading issue).
As far as human anatomy/physiology apps in general go, visible body is the most well rounded out of the 3 I consider legitimate....the other two being zygote body (google) and biodigital human (both which are free and webbased). The biggest advantage of visible body is speed. Since it is a fully downloaded app, all the information is in the system so no need for internet connection/browser issues. The rendering and layering effects are best this way and most areas of the body are included. Zygote body is very slow to load even in a webgl/html5 supported browser like google chrome. Biodigital human was moderately faster but still lagged in speed in comparison to visible body. I want to include that I was able to find a very early version of google body on some obscure website which included the entire application. It worked great, fast and very accurate. Unfortunately it only included the female anatomy with barely any labels.
One issue I have with all 3 apps are detalied information. Granted, me being a medical student, I'm more detail oriented than some who want to use the app just as a reference.
Google/zygote body is the worst in this aspect. If you visit their website, type in a search for the human eye and you will know what I mean. It will lead you to the general area of the eye and bring up "eye lashes" You would think that with an organ as profound as the eye there would at least be a label for. One benefit of google's system is the search function, but with few body parts labeled and no reference information included, the app seems more like an unfinished digital version of a cadaver in anatomy class that I have to pin myself.
Biodigital human is probably the most complete our of the three in terms of level of detail and references (Using the eye example again ) I was excited to see that when I search the human eye, the app was so detailed as to include the different areas of the eye including the lens, vitreous, iris, and each selection brought up a list of related disease specific to that area, as well as a link to some internet rescourse (mostly wikipedia). It's graphical detail was also the most complete. For example, a search of the human retina showed details of even the central retinal veins and arteries drawn in on the retina within the graphics of the retina itself. This is something that zygote body, and even visible body are no where close to. I was actually looking forward to using this app above all, but sadly it only works only on desktop (the version I tried) or on a tablet with an advanced browser like google chrome beta (haven't tried myself) on Ice Cream Sandwich. The app requires web gl/html5 and advanced graphics to work and no current android browser on honeycomb tablet supports it's advanced graphics (I tried Opera....no luck)
So for now Visible Body it is and I'm not disappointed, Biodigital Human, when it becomes available on android as a regular app is my next must have. sorry for being so long, but nobody seems to go into detail about medical apps on the internet (besides imedical apps....which they focus too much on ipad related applications)

What is a Nexus Q?

First of all, I know what a Q is as I was watching the presentation. My actual question is, what Google wants the NQ be? It seems like another expensive experiment initiated by them and to ask everyone the jump, contribute and to work out a solution. The only difference between this time and Google TV is that this thing is beautiful on its own and people will be relative less picky regarding its function.
The fiction that ElGoog is offering is extremely limited and its accompanying hardware is too much of an overkill to only serve this function. Could this be the first step of GoogleTV's sneaky penetration to stylish households or the first piece of puzzle of the grand [email protected] initiative?
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2
I think that the big idea behind the Q, is the ability to share the control with everyone around it, what i think is pretty cool
dj_ghosie said:
First of all, I know what a Q is as I was watching the presentation. My actual question is, what Google wants the NQ be? It seems like another expensive experiment initiated by them and to ask everyone the jump, contribute and to work out a solution. The only difference between this time and Google TV is that this thing is beautiful on its own and people will be relative less picky regarding its function.
The fiction that ElGoog is offering is extremely limited and its accompanying hardware is too much of an overkill to only serve this function. Could this be the first step of GoogleTV's sneaky penetration to stylish households or the first piece of puzzle of the grand [email protected] initiative?
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2
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I received a Nexus Q at Google IO, and personally, it's not a piece of equipment that I would purchase with my own money. It seems like it does too little for too much.
The concept, however, is very cool. The fact that you can just stream from all of your friends' libraries is exciting. When cloud based media storage becomes the absolute norm, Nexus Q will probably take a more indispensable niche in people's households. Until then, it seems slightly ahead of its time.
I think the answer to your last question is yes; I can definitely see Google making more advances to Androidify more electronics and traditional furniture.
Does it works via NFC?
Mrozik1990 said:
Does it works via NFC?
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Only to initialize the communications, ie, shake hands. Further communication is through wifi from your phone to the Q(either wifi or ethernet).

Plunder the chest get rid of the rest!!

I am a long time follower of XDA with many devices that I've rooted etc., I am an old fart compared to the fellers building these roms and such and have no ability to pick coding up I'm sorry to say. The question that has been asked a million times in other forum's that seam to go nowhere is that; can some one build a ROM that disables all radios except for WiFi, Bluetooth, Ir, GPS and NFC? Essentially I would like to build an ultimate pmp. Getting rid of all system apps that are part of phone,messaging, and sprint related bloatware.
Ideally I would invest in someone building Roms from one or pieces of all of these devices so as to distribute among all XDA forums
Calyx M:Android based
Astell&Kern AK Jr ;Android based
Cowon Plenue 1; Android based
You may ask yourself why? well because I am a ui junkie and need a designated high quality mp 3 player that last 120 hrs on one charge lol I used to love my Zune HD and yes I know there are apps that can partially simulate the Zune experience, they fall short of recreating it as a whole. I have five inactive devices sitting in front of me and this project is very important, as I plan on gifting these devices to kids that don't have much in the way of things to call their own. Music brings the world together lets help make a Universal ROM that can do its part to accomplish that goal?!
Thanks to anyone willing to read. I hope to hear from any developers out there that have the can do attitude I need.

Daydreaw View with Google Pixel XL - For local film/series watching only

Hi Gyus,
I have just invested in this rigg to better énjoy my locally series and Movie watching, I am not interested in VR stuff,youtube, Netflix or games(so far), just wanted it for relaxing and watching Movies and series in the evenings liing down.
I am using Google Pixel XL for the smartphone and the Daydreaw View.
The best app I have found so far is VRTV Free, (Watching only localy material)
I must say that I am a Little dispaointed so far with the overal experience, (A "Little"), didnt expect that much of a smart phone solution but it was still a lot of Money spent and i hoped for more.
Perhaps there are settings or solutions that could improve the experience that you guys could help me with, I will list my convcerns in PRIORITY order.
1) The screendoor: Is there ANYTHING to do to improve of this as I see it as a disaster? It is is just so much visable pixles I cant ignore them. Reminds me of my first projector 20+ years ago
2) Picture resolutionsolution seems low, anything to boost this?
3) The fact that I have to have my head in a certain angle to get the best focus, are there any solution for that? (Not a huge problem)
Let me also say that I got the phone and Daydreaw view today so the "noob" factor is still there.
I rather not buy Another phone now when I bought this but ifAnother heat set would help I would consider it.
I Appreciate all answers and help on theres questions as I have spent a fortune on the rigg (With obiously not enough enough research behínd it)
Looking formward for constructive feedback!!
All the best,

Individual HUD - How to reverse the display horizontally at android smartphones

I know, I´m not the first, whos asking, but I believe, somebody here in this forum can DO it!
There is a BIG need for a possibility to reverse/flip/mirror the display of android-smartphones & tablets horizontally – no matter which app is running.
People like their own, individual HUD!
Especial tablets are perfect for this – no matter what kind of information people like to see or what kind of navigation software they use.
Good commercial HUD are very expensive, are fixed in 1 car and it is NOT possible to be free what you see.
All HUD-Apps, commercial as well, are the same. Okay, they are free or cheap, but they do NOT show what people like to see or integrate navigation someone like and so on.
Especial tablets are big enough to show navigation but other things as well like speed, or …
Someone here at this board can make it and would be (as far as I know) worldwide the first!
Many people would love and use and donate this innovation.
Please tell me you got it ...
Best regards from Germany …

