[ROM] Latest Orange Rom FRENCH - Touch2 ROM Development

As requested by PM by someone, here is the latest Orange ROM (FRENCH) for HTC MEGA, featuring new SPL 1.34.
Release Date : December 28, 2010
CRC32: 027C44CD
MD5: C64D5AA99CCF57F53C5F630E6CD309C4
SHA-1: D10995D9DA54E41ED7E7C9E676E3197D0DDD010F

What about the release date? Thanks.

December 28, 2010



Well...........many good ROMs but no longer update INDEX thread. So i make it myself.
1. [ROM][NEO][AROMA][.587]OptiMax1.1|Fast|Smooth|Stable| Last edited by MrTapa; 23rd October 2012
2. {NEO/NEO V}[DEVELOPMENT] - CM10 - FreeXperia Project Last edited by FXP; 14th October 2012
3. [ROM] Xperia Ultimate HD™ ROM | « 2.0 | « OTA | « AROMA | «Beautiful | xUpdated | Last edited by jader13254; 24th October 2012
4. [ROM][PORT][ICS][MIUI4] MIUI Australia v2.10.12 for Xperia Neo L Last edited by b00tbu9; 26.10.2012 [BETA]
5. [AOKP][JB] Xperia Neo - KangXperiaProject - [BUILD 4] Last edited by mikegapinski; 9th October 2012
6. {NEO/NEO V}[DEVELOPMENT] - CM9.1 - FreeXperia Project Last edited by FXP; 30th September 2012
7. (Roms&Kernel)4.1.2-V6.5-PAC-ROM 16/10 Last edited by kormatoes; 24th October 2012
8. [ROM][PORT][NEO L]Paranoid Android v3 Based on CM9 Last edited by kunalasrani; 18th October 2012
9. [ROM].587[NEO/V]19/10/2012|ThSEGA V8|4.0.4|AROMA|--OTA UPDATE 1 RELEASED-- Last edited by TheGreatSega; 20th October 2012
10. [ROM][ARC/S/PRO/NEO/V/L/RAY][.587]JELLY SANDWICH 7.2.1 Daily Fix[20 October] Last edited by maxio1998; 25.10.2012
11. CM9-Neo L [Kernel][ROM] Based CM9.1[updated-05-10-2012] Last edited by b00tbu9; 11th October 2012
12. [ROM][GB] [2.3.7] X-GAMER [V1.6] [BL Lock-Unlock] [Neo/NeoV/Arc/ArcS/Pro] Last edited by OmenHTX; 7th October 2012
13. [ROM][GB\ICS][20/Oct/12] MIUI2 \ MIUI4 NEO Aroma [2.4.20 \ 2.10.19 Multi-Lang] Last edited by MaxWorks; 21.10.2012
14. [ROM][ICS 4.0.4][Neo/Neo-V] SK-CZ XPERIA TEAM-Fast and Stable,LOCKED/UNLOCKED BL Last edited by steveboss; 25.10.2012
15. [ROM][PA JB:CM10:Hybrid][13/10]PARANOID ANDROID JB [v2.15][Smooth&Stable][Now Works] Last edited by Dev Jaskirat; 13th October 2012
16. [Port][Neo/V/L][.587]Jelly sandwich 6.2.5[Fastest! Super Modded!][04/10] Last edited by Dev Jaskirat; 14th October 2012
17. [ROM][Neo/V] SOS ROM v1.4 (Based on Official Neo ICS 4.0.4) Last edited by t3chg33k; 14th September 2012
18. [ROM][ICS/GB][30/Sep/12] Original Xperia S Rom for Neo [v5.0/v9.3] Last edited by MaxWorks; 9th October 2012
19. [PORT] MIUI V4 Jelly bean by sdk16420 Last edited by sdk16420; 24th October 2012
20. [ROM][GB][10/Oct/12] King's ROM X-Clean [.62 based/X-Clean] Last edited by AlenKing; 10th October 2012
21. [PORT][ICS][AOKP] Neo L [10/10/2012] Last edited by b00tbu9; 13th October 2012
22. [ROM][Neo] TeamXperia | ICS-Tweaked [21/08][4.0.4] V3.6 | .587 Base & Updating soon!! Last edited by festa20; 22nd August 2012
23. [ROM] [Neo-NeoV] [ICS 4.0.4] JJ's HYBRID ROM v3.3b (HotUpdate) ROM Control | 12 Aug | Last edited by jjdoctor; 12th August 2012
24. [GB][2.3.4][BL Lock/Unlock] T0X1C ROM V8 Last edited by Mikolaj612; 3rd October 2012
25. [ROM 4.1.1] AOSP JB - Polish Blood Project (MT15i) Nightly3 08/15/2012 Last edited by ZduneX25; 15th August 2012
26. [ROM]Xperia Ice Cream Pureness[Build 13][ICS 4.0.4][Neo][09.27][LOCKED/UNLOKED BL] Last edited by ThilinaC; 28th September 2012
27. [PORT][xFast][Neo/V][Locked/Unlocked]Xperia ICS & JB Remix [[26/9]][Build3] Last edited by Dev Jaskirat; 2nd October 2012
28. [ROM][ICS][01/Oct/12] King's ROM[.587 based/v3 PERFECT] Last edited by AlenKing; 26.10.2012
29. [ROM][MIUIV4 2.8.3 For Lock/Unlock][Xperia S Home,Keyboard & On Screen Button] Last edited by randi_mahage; 4th August 2012
30. [ROM] Neo |Team Xperia/SE.TWEAKED| V1.0 |23/02/12| Last edited by festa20; 8th April 2012
31. [ROM] Xperia Neo 4.0.3 (4.1.A.0.562) Hong Kong leaked Last edited by ThilinaC; 12th April 2012
32. {NEO/NEOV}[DEVELOPMENT] -FXP130- CM7.2.0 - FreeXperia Project Last edited by FXP; 22nd July 2012
33. [Rom][ICS 4.0.4][18/08]KA22 Ice Cream Sony [discontinued] Last edited by krabappel2548; 6th September 2012
34. [NEO] Semc Debrand Engine | V2.0 | FreeXperia Project | 6.0.A.3.62 *Updated* Last edited by Achotjan; 25th April 2012
35. [ROM] -= NEO Turbo =- | High Quality & Performance | BEST + Fast | FINAL | 9.4.2012 Last edited by javad0111; 9th April 2012
36. [NEO/ NEO V ] [ROM] PARANOID_HYBRID v3 -UPDATE SOON JB Last edited by music.soul; 1st July 2012
37. [NEO] Semc Debrand Engine | V2.0 | FreeXperia Project | 6.0.A.3.62 *Updated* Last edited by Achotjan; 25th April 2012
38. [ROM] -= NEO Turbo =- | High Quality & Performance | BEST + Fast | FINAL | 9.4.2012 Last edited by javad0111; 9th April 2012
39. [ROM][Neo] TeamXperia | LeWa Os 2.3.7 | Full Port [17/05] V1.1 | Speed & Eyecandy Last edited by waynekirby; 17th May 201
40. [ROM][ICS]XPERIAnce v1 STOCK Based Last edited by geri268; 26th August 2012
41. [ROM][ICS 4.0.4][27-Jun] Spacious, smooth and light ICS {More mods added} Last edited by shardul_seth; 2nd July 2012
42. [ROM][ICS]Xperia Ice Bean 4.0.4+ [NEO / NEO V] Last edited by MaxWorks; 4th August 2012
43. [ROM][Neo/V][LockBoot][4.0.4] MooDeD ICS 90.5 [ROMControl3.2][MooDeD90.5][XtremeFasT] Last edited by randi_mahage; 18th July 2012
44. [ROM][MT11i/MT15i][4.0.3]MooDeD ICS 60.0~ AROMA Installer ~ BEATS & ThunderBolT Speed Last edited by ChaosFirZen; 25th April 2012
45. [ROM][GB 2.3.4][30 June] codename_ei8ht [this is the final version] Last edited by emannxperia; 30th June 2012
46. [ROM][NEO] eLeCtRo-lewaOS v1 Last edited by electrash; 19th June 2012
47. [ROM] MIUI Clean and Fast Edition Multilanguage 09.Apr Last edited by taaviu; 9th April 2012
48. [ROM][Neo/Neo V](links updated)Tweaked ICS 4.04 with AROMA Installer[FW:431][19/6/12] Last edited by vikramam; 21st June 2012
49. [ROM 2.3.7] MoKee OS v03 beta - ASIS (MT15i) Last edited by ZduneX25; 28th May 2012
1.[GB][2.3.4][BL Lock/Unlock] T0X1C ROM V8 Last edited by Mikolaj612; 3rd October 2012
2. [ROM][ARC/S/PRO/NEO/V/L/RAY][.587]JELLY SANDWICH 7.2.1 Daily Fix[20 October] Last edited by maxio1998; 25.10.2012
3. (Port-Rom) JB 4.1.2..PAC-ROM-V6 Last edited by bulook00; 19th October 2012
4. [ROM].587[NEO/V]19/10/2012|ThSEGA V8|4.0.4|AROMA|--OTA UPDATE 1 RELEASED-- Last edited by TheGreatSega; 20th October 2012
5. [ROM]Xperia Ice Cream Pureness[Build 13][ICS 4.0.4][NeoV][09.27][LOCKED/UNLOKED BL] Last edited by ThilinaC; 28th September 2012
6. [ROM] Xperia Ultimate HD™ ROM | « 2.0.1 | « OTA | « AROMA | «Beautiful | xUpdated | « Last edited by jader13254; 24th October 2012
7. [ROM][ICS 4.0.4 - 587][02 Okt] I-Scream 13 [test version is out] Last edited by emannxperia; 2nd October 2012
8. [ROM][GB 2.3.4][16 Okt] codename 9.2 update pack [lock/unlock bootloader] Last edited by emannxperia; 17th October 2012
9. [ROM][PA JB:CM10:Hybrid][9/10]PARANOID ANDROID JB [v2.15][Smooth & Stable] Last edited by Dev Jaskirat; 13th October 2012
10. [Port][Neo/V/L][.587]Jelly sandwich 6.2.5[Fastest! Super Modded!][04/10] Last edited by Dev Jaskirat; 4th October 2012
11. [ROM 2.3.7] Joy OS v1.2.2 - ASIS (MT11i) Last edited by ZduneX25; 3rd June 2012
12. [ROM][ICS/GB][30/Sep/12] Original Xperia S Rom for NeoV [v5.0/v9.3] Last edited by MaxWorks; 9th October 2012
13.[PORT][xFast][Neo/V][Locked/Unlocked]Xperia ICS & JB Remix [[26/9]][Build3] Last edited by Dev Jaskirat; 2nd October 2012
14. [ROM] [GB] [2.3.4] XPeriaULtra v2.0 **UPDATE** Last edited by hminhhoai85; 24th October 2012
15. [ROM][GB\ICS][20/Oct/12] MIUI2 \ MIUI4 NEO V Aroma [2.4.20 \ 2.10.19 Multi-Lang] Last edited by MaxWorks; 21st October 2012
16. [PORT] [4.1.2] MIUI V4.1 Jelly Bean [LOCKED][CM10 based] Last edited by sdk16420; 24th October 2012
17. [ROM][ICS]CyB's Rom v1.2 - Online Kitchen Beta [21/10/12] Last edited by svprm; 21st October 2012
18. [AOKP][JB] Xperia Neo V - KangXperiaProject - [BUILD 4] Last edited by mikegapinski; 9th October 2012
19. [Rom][GB 2.3.7][20/09]Lewa os EVE-5[Neo V][Extreme Smooth] Last edited by cyanidekiller; 20th September 2012
20. MIUIv4 (ICS) EN 2.10.19 NeoV/Neo Last edited by ZduneX25; 20th October 2012
21. [ROM 4.1.1] AOSP JB - Polish Blood Project (MT11i) Nightly3 08/15/2012 Last edited by ZduneX25; 15th August 2012
22. [ROM] MIUI Clean and Fast Edition Multilanguage 09.Apr Last edited by taaviu; 10th April 2012 ALSO Zdunex25 made later update!!!
23. [ROM] Official Sony ICS 4.1.A.0.562 for Neo V Nordic-1253-1755
24. [ROM][PORT][NEO/V] Xperia Ultimate HD™ ROM | «1.0 | «High Quality | «AROMA |« Last edited by diestarbucks; 13th October 2012
25. [AOKP][JB] Xperia Neo V - build 3 (Full Work!) Last edited by AntiBillOS; 29th September 2012
26. [ROM] AOSP 4.0.3 ICS BETA FINAL FIX | Fast and Clean [LINK FIXED] Last edited by aimcr7; 24th April 2012
27. [ROM][21-07-2012] TermaRomGR v2 [Android 2.3.4] Last edited by termagazis; 22nd July 2012
28. [ROM][Neo/V][GB] [Not maintained] Spacious, smooth, light 0.62 [06-Apr-12] Last edited by shardul_seth; 29th June 2012
29. [NEO/ NEO V ] [ROM] PARANOID_HYBRID v3 -NO UPDATES Last edited by music.soul; 8th August 2012
30. [ROM][GB 2.3.4][LOCK BOOTLOADER][28 May] codename_L7 [MT11i/MT15i] Last edited by emannxperia; 28th May 2012
31. [ROM] Neo V |Team Xperia/SE.TWEAKED| V1.0 |24/02/12| Last edited by festa20; 8th April 2012
32. [ROM][NEOV][UNLOCKED BL] Nova v 2.5 By Soup Team! Last edited by teogoku; 16th August 2012
33. [ROM] Xperia Pureness v7.1 for Suave Kernel [ICS 4.0.4] [Neo V] [Updated: 10/08/12] Last edited by livesourav; 10th August 2012
34. [NEO V] Semc Debrand Engine | V2.0 | FreeXperia Project | 6.0.A.3.62 *Updated* Last edited by Achotjan; 25th April 2012
35. [ROM][MIUIV4 2.8.3 For Lock/Unlock][Xperia S Home,Keyboard & On Screen Button] Last edited by randi_mahage; 4th August 2012
36. [ROM][ICS]Xperia Ice Bean 4.0.4+ [NEO / NEO V] Last edited by MaxWorks; 4th August 2012
37. [ROM][Neo/V][LockBoot][4.0.4] MooDeD ICS 90.5 [ROMControl3.2][MooDeD90.5][XtremeFasT] Last edited by randi_mahage; 18th July 2012
38. [ROM][Neo/Neo V]Tweaked ICS 4.0(4shared link added) [FW:431][19/6/12] Last edited by vikramam; 21st June 2012
39. [ROM] TEAM Stock @Xperia 2011 [04-02-2011] Last edited by pvyParts; 7th March 2012
40. [ROM][NEO][ICS}MooDeD ICS ROM v2.0[HD-Gaming][HD-Experience][xUltimate 50.0]1.6Ghz Last edited by ChaosFirZen; 30th March 2012
Many good ROMs and many good developers. But there is tooo many rom's for xperia devices it think
I will update tomorrow this thread and add more roms. New rom builders please PM me if you want get to into list. Sorry if im forgot someone......AND rom developers PLEAS update yours threads to locate more effienci. "rom name, base/GB/ICS/JB, 2.3.x/4.0.x/4.1.x, LAST UPDATE DATE!"​
Great list thanks man
Sent from my Xperia neo using xda app-developers app
kormatoes said:
Only number 7
Lol he he
thanks for include
Sent from my Xperia neo using xda app-developers app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Dont worry...its not TOP50.
Composed all randomly.
Please use neo v thread for my port, thanks.
Via Mobile
Can you leave a line between two links?
It gets very irritating to use from phone
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
DeathCzar said:
Can you leave a line between two links?
It gets very irritating to use from phone?
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No problem mate. Any good ideas are welcome
Sent from my MT15i using Tapatalk 2
Thank you so much taaviu...this is really handy:good:
UPDATED ROMS 26.10.2012
1. 3. 4. 7. 10. 14. 19. 28.- Xperia NEO
ADDED Xperia NEO V thread roms!
Now complete list ROMs!
Thanks for this..
Nice list.... Mate!
That's great !wow! number of Roms already!
Thanks for this
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
please add for the neo l also.. nice thread btw
adoy41 said:
please add for the neo l also.. nice thread btw
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thx. Indeed: i will update soon whole thread and there is already roms for NEO/NeoV/NeoL.
But i make thread more understandable...what rom goes what phone. Its not easy to check all almost 100rom updates and refresh thread, but i do it later
Um another tip/idea:
If you have time, you can classify them and make them collapseable like jb roms: click to open.
Under that neo/v/l
Or maybe make 3 sections for neo/v/l and then calssify them.
But I'd say use the first one coz if there is only 1 thread for two or more devices, it'll save u a lot of time when updating the OP.
I know it is a time consuming thing. But it is just an idea. I like the thread how it is right now.
But if you can do it, then that'll be more than awesome.
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
Thanx. I'll try to do my best . How I can do this collapse menu thing ...didn't find it?
Sent from my Xperia hallon using Tapatalk 2
taaviu said:
Thanx. I'll try to do my best . How I can do this collapse menu thing ...didn't find it?
Sent from my Xperia hallon using Tapatalk 2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Then show me how to make them things to ,
Sent from my Xoom using xda app-developers app
taaviu said:
Thanx. I'll try to do my best . How I can do this collapse menu thing ...didn't find it?
Sent from my Xperia hallon using Tapatalk 2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Use tags like this:
place content here
I meant make it a dropdown menu kind of thing.
Hide tag for dropdown thing.
Put the word hide in two square brackets [ ] and when you want to end put /hide in two square brackets again.
You'll get the button like above.
taaviu said:
Thanx. I'll try to do my best . How I can do this collapse menu thing ...didn't find it?
Sent from my Xperia hallon using Tapatalk 2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Use spoiler
That makes the thread short and sweet and avoids too much clogging up ..
One can click that and see what he needs...
It can be done
By using "hide" tag
Just type hide in [] like this ------
[/ hide]
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
Well....updating thread monday. Thanx.
Sent from my Xperia hallon using Tapatalk 2

[ROM] CyanogenMod 10.1 - WILD FOR THE NIGHT - June 21, 2013 - Sprint/Virgin Mobile

| CyanogenMod 10.1 - Android 4.2.2 - Jellybean |
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#include <std_disclaimer.h>
* Your warranty is now likely void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* spontaneous combustion, or any other host of cosmic penalties
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If you ask any questions that are answered in the first two posts your question will be ignored. If you don't search prior to posting you will be ignored. If you don't read you will be ignored. If you've done all that and still don't have an answer then feel free to ask your question. It's that simple.
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Built from CM source
Google Now
Qualcomm JB libs & firmware
Video playback
Audio playback
Do NOT use superwipes
Any HBOOT lower than 1.57
Very latest 4ext recovery
Have latest Sprint firmware installed.
Wipe everything except sdcards if coming from any ROM except CM10
Wipe cache and dalvik-cache and after boot wipe data on clock if flashing new version from previous installation of CM10
Wipe cache and dalvik-cache if flashing new version from previous installation of CM10.1
Flash ROM
Flash GAPPS (If new installation or coming from CM10)
To enable Developer Options and Performance go to Settings, About Phone and repeatedly press Build Number.
If you use ADB read this: PSA by CM
If you use reboot to recovery read this: PSA by CM
Regarding new Superuser: PSA by CM
First and foremost my girlfriend Monica for supporting me and encouraging me along the way as well as being the best girlfriend I could ask for!
Everyone who contributes to CM as this is based on their hard work!
NineInchNails for being an awesome dev partner, moral support and friend!
Albinoman887 for being an awesome dev partner and friend!
NV-LTE for being an awesome dev partner and for the OP banner!
Evervolv for a lot of their work which helped majorly in the production of this ROM!
Preludedrew for his support and mentoring!
Chad Goodman for the help and support along the way as well as his awesome Anthrax kernels!
BigWillyG for his awesome Buttered Toast kernel where I pull kernel updates from!
All my supporters!
Donation Link
WiMAX log cleaner: http://d-h.st/mhH (Thanks to ramjet73!)
Bootloop fix: http://d-h.st/LGm (Thanks to ramjet73!)
GPS Fix: Here (Thanks to xthedakmanx!)
VVM Fix: Here (Thanks to g60madman!) [Flash it, reboot, open voicemail with 3G, let it provision, then flash once more]
Kernel source for GPL
Kernel: https://github.com/Team-Hydra/android_kernel_htc_msm8660
Repo: https://github.com/Team-Hydra
$ ./arm-eabi-gcc --version
arm-eabi-gcc (GCC) 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease)
Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
The name of this ROM comes from a song off of A$AP Rocky's newest album LONG.LIVE.A$AP.
| Jun. 21, 2013 |
Kernel: Linux 3.0.74-80
CM upstream: Here
| May 1, 2013 |
Remove device headers in favor of kernel headers
Update WiMAX log cleaner
Update display and media legacy repos
Fix video playback
Kernel: reduce default clock speed, Linux 3.0.74, partial rotator update to jb_chocolate, update display code, update vidc, add QCOM crypto engine, VR IOSCHED, add sync framework
CM upstream: Here
| Apr. 17, 2013 |
Switch to CAF audio with complete VoIP fix
Update display legacy
Update media legacy
Match headers to kernel
Kernel: Linux 3.0.73, update genlock, update vidc, update GPU,
CM upstream: Here
| Apr. 8, 2013 |
Switch to legacy audio
Update display legacy
Update media legacy
Quick emoji button
Match device headers to kernel
Update optimization flags
Build WiMAX log cleaner into ROM
Update notification light arrays
Enabled navbar, but off by default (Enable by switching the 1 value to 0 for qemu.hw.mainkeys)
Reduce WiFi scan interval
goo.im support
Cell Broadcast Receiver
Kernel: Update Bluetooth, iommu, kgsl, vidc, and audio drivers, add MHL GPIO's, remove cmdline, new CPU/GPU OC implementation, add SIO IO scheduler, Linux 3.0.70, Linux 3.0.71, Linux 3.0.72, USB OTG/HOST MODE support, thermald, mpdecision, PM_FAST when screen off, frandom
CM upstream: Here
| Mar. 23, 2013 |
Improved video playback
Update media codecs and player
CM upstream: Here
| Mar. 22, 2013 |
VoIP fix
Kernel: Linux 3.0.70
CM upstream: Here
| Mar. 16, 2013 |
Fix s2w in call
Camera updates
Half press camera focus
DSP update (shootervm)
Increase touchscreen calibration
Kernel: Linux 3.0.67, Linux 3.0.68, Linux 3.0.69
CM upstream: Here
| Mar. 8, 2013 |
Add missing HBOOT assert
CM upstream: Here
| Feb. 26, 2013 |
Add HBOOT assert
CM upstream: Here
| Feb. 22, 2013 |
Software HDR: Details
Add auto-focus permission
Kernel: Linux 3.0.66
CM upstream: Here
| Feb. 15, 2013 |
Android 4.2.2
Kernel: Linux 3.0.64, Linux 3.0.65, add and make ROW scheduler default
CM upstream: Here
| Feb. 8, 2013 |
Audio update
Support for Virgin Mobile MMS (Separate from MMS fix)
Half press camera button to focus
Move dalvik cache to data
Bionic optimizations
Scorpion optimizations
Kernel: Linux 3.0.62, Linux 3.0.63, allow only unicast packets when screen is off
CM upstream: Here
| Jan. 30, 2013 |
Adjust tether regrex
Qualcomm audio variant
Kernel: Linux 3.0.61
CM upstream: Here
| Jan. 23, 2013 |
Custom lockscreen wallpaper
Hide Sprint VM text messages
Better data stability
Kernel: Overclocking and s2w
CM upstream: Here
| Jan. 19, 2013 |
Audio playback fix
Fix Voice Dialer
Lots of audio updates
Fix quick settings button pushed off screen
Fix brightness
Kernel: Linux 3.0.60
CM upstream: Here
| Jan. 13, 2013 |
Initial release
CM upstream: Here
| Jun. 21, 2013 |
Sprint ROM: http://tinyw.in/78rE
Mirror: http://d-h.st/G0i
md5sum: 4d277014ea19f1ed9f8972c071082ca6
Virgin Mobile ROM: http://tinyw.in/SFms
Mirror: http://d-h.st/KBQ
md5sum: 4423ddb4192bfaa46d8c69fb071e96da
| May 1, 2013 |
Sprint ROM: http://tinyw.in/BeRI
md5sum: 5357cba02bad7e13568c6d70e9f095c0
Virgin Mobile ROM: http://tinyw.in/P4kc
md5sum: 2a506a7cced25906e8d3bf4970ab6b59
| Apr. 17, 2013 |
Sprint ROM: http://tinyw.in/9KEa
md5sum: ed636118bd4f5adec56872fe7abe7847
Virgin Mobile ROM: http://tinyw.in/nQzZ
md5sum: 520e51a7f01c6effb0e0eb8f65d4515b
| Apr. 8, 2013 |
Sprint ROM: http://tinyw.in/XVKv
md5sum: 94667123ffccec430fb7a39f760472bd
Virgin Mobile ROM: http://tinyw.in/Wo2F
md5sum: 09bf56e5852f5a5d4b61d8d14bab42ed
| Mar. 23, 2013 |
Sprint ROM: http://d-h.st/WO8
md5sum: 1c4228c959e34e09a60e270c17f0bf26
Virgin Mobile ROM: http://d-h.st/Mh6
md5sum: 3fa953717d34a9ba3a5c85839c1aecf0
| Mar. 22, 2013 |
Sprint ROM: http://d-h.st/DrD
md5sum: 02517d8b5b1c91d682c4b470752b5047
Virgin Mobile ROM: http://d-h.st/CcK
md5sum: f59c38611c5082831ef4d46b1390a81e
| Mar. 16, 2013 |
Sprint ROM: http://d-h.st/mig
md5sum: 20e47ea9436b1f0627fb749153cb4c36
Virgin Mobile ROM: http://d-h.st/mCA
md5sum: 2f90542ef3ae5b329561552f64c64be3
| Mar. 8, 2013 |
Sprint ROM: http://d-h.st/ImQ
md5sum: 30db4364bfea6477135f85514f762ced
Virgin Mobile ROM: http://d-h.st/iVJ
md5sum: c6db546796983ca1652f3137c388e8ef
| Feb 26, 2013 |
Sprint ROM: http://d-h.st/VLh
md5sum: 25840886a7595a8754f1e5345cb723a7
Virgin Mobile ROM: http://d-h.st/SN1
md5sum: ed30ec0f015a1d3739d8ab85b8f35fbe
| Feb. 22, 2013 |
Sprint ROM: http://d-h.st/rds
md5sum: 341585fb97d9e362aae43d749defbe18
Virgin Mobile ROM: http://d-h.st/2by
md5sum: 98b566b12beea3a89486e49fa131a6d1
| Feb. 15, 2013 |
Sprint ROM: http://d-h.st/94g
md5sum: fc2354efe7d5e9a514092ed6c9d0f63b
Virgin Mobile ROM: http://d-h.st/X4T
md5sum: 012d28325bce9288e976658027df41b7
| Feb. 8, 2013 |
Sprint ROM: http://d-h.st/U2Y
md5sum: 45cbfdc82e0cc6ffd1b24e82d0062ff9
Virgin Mobile ROM: http://d-h.st/DES
md5sum: daf160e89af6618ee10d070e0d4e77f2
| Jan. 30, 2013 |
Sprint ROM: http://d-h.st/uH8
md5sum: 8d338503a5ea66a89b715b1ddab05b5e
Virgin Mobile ROM: http://d-h.st/Qvb
md5sum: 78e9adc86a489575e70166354de5a1dd
| Jan. 23, 2013 |
Sprint ROM: http://d-h.st/SRF
md5sum: 683ffa2fce593575b34fcab8c7505351
Virgin Mobile ROM: http://d-h.st/T0k
md5sum: 7c1d6167d3c247761bda9816787da8e0
| Jan. 19, 2013 |
Sprint ROM: http://d-h.st/EkK
md5sum: ae91a2054ea1d915ef1b57b3b2dd4714
Virgin Mobile ROM: http://d-h.st/bMq
md5sum: 35bfba47ba4b6bf312726438b1c1689d
| Jan. 13, 2013 |
ROM: http://d-h.st/TtO
md5sum: ec68e236829407f182a512f48b71a815
Sent from my Evo 3D CDMA using Tapatalk 2
Welcome to the 4.2 club! :good:
Boom shakalakalakalakala
Awwww yeah! I'm comin' on over once camera is working!! WOOOHOO!!
No developer options?
I couldn't find them anywhere in the system settings when I went to turn on debug and stay awake.
Edit: NVM, I found the secret handshake.
off course you pick A$APbest album out now
on topic
man you never stop amazing me
ramjet73 said:
No developer options?
I couldn't find them anywhere in the system settings when I went to turn on debug and stay awake.
Edit: NVM, I found the secret handshake.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It's in the OP.
Flashalot said:
off course you pick A$APbest album out now
on topic
man you never stop amazing me
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
A$AP is the trillest!
NO WAY!!! :victory:
Dastin for president
dastin1015 said:
It's in the OP.
A$AP is the trillest!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Wild for the night, for get(nice edit) being polite lol
downloading now will this work with anthrax in need my poison fix
Flashalot said:
Wild for the night, for get(nice edit) being polite lol
downloading now will this work with anthrax in need my poison fix
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I don't use 3rd party kernels so I don't know. I just make my kernel work with the ROM.
Oh yes! I knew this had to happen eventually. Downloading now
Job well done! Noticed that brightness can not be adjusted from high unless I'm doing something wrong. Other than that this is awesome!
Sent from my Evo 3D CDMA using XDA Premium HD app
This is gunna be good!
Man, this ROM is smooth as butter. I suggest that if you're on Evervolv to come on over here if you don't need the camera. I'm lovin' it! Just like McDonalds...
I'm hungry now..
I'm giving this a shot now.
The last 2 roms I've tried to flash have not worked for me. Maybe this one will be the charm.
landonh12 said:
Man, this ROM is smooth as butter. I suggest that if you're on Evervolv to come on over here if you don't need the camera. I'm lovin' it! Just like McDonalds...
I'm hungry now..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Lot of Evervolv work in this ROM so give preludedrew and Evervolv props!

[ROM][SM-T325][6.0.1_r61]UnofficialTemasek v11 [29 August 2016]

Hi Guys,
Made a Port Firmware [SM-T320] UNOFFICIAL Resurrection Remix for SM-T325.
Link to ROM: https://yadi.sk/d/ICRFP2WitSrgK
Update v11: https://yadi.sk/d/qZ_q_CsiueKgi
Link to original: http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-tab-pro-12-10-8/development/rom-temaseks-unofficial-build-t3127767
New version (V11) uploaded.
See first post for download link...

[ONLY FOR DEVELOPERS] Exynos 7420 decrypted Oreo 8.0 Firmware from Google Drive

Is it from A8 2016..
Model SM-A810S
Version Android 8.0.0 - Build date Tue, 10 Jul 2018 - Security Patch Level 2018-06-01
Product code SKC
Download: https://goo.gl/gKHPPu
Waiting anciously for your great work!!!
new link please :crying:
will this work on resurrection remix 7 for s6?
Broken link
Thread closed!

[OnePlus Nord][ROM][OTA][Oxygen OS] Repo of Oxygen OS Builds

As OnePlus doesn't always provide download links for all of their OxygenOS ROMs & OTA update zips, we've created an index to put the links in one post so that they're easy to find.
Note: This is not a support thread for issues you may have with OxygenOS ROMs. If you need help installing or updating, feel free to ask here. If you have any other issues, please ask in another thread.
For the sake of simplicity, only signed flashable (full) zips are listed. These are recovery-flashable zips of the full ROM that won't overwrite your data partition unless mentioned otherwise. They can be flashed via local update in Settings --> System --> System Updates or TWRP recovery.
Packages with build tag AC01DA are intended for the following variant:
AC2001: India
Packages with build tag AC01BA are intended for the following variant:
AC2003: EU
Packages with build tag AC01AA are intended for the following variant:
AC2003: Hong-Kong (reference post)
If anyone wish to crossflash their device to a regional ROM different than the one present out the box, I advise they take backup of their /persist partition beforehand by using dd if=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/persist of=/sdcard/persist.img (you must have root access, which is not something I'm going to explain here) and moving it to their computer/cloud. This was an issue on the OnePlus 8 and 8 Pro and I prefer putting this warning until someone can confirm if this issue is also present on this device.
Signed flashable zips
AC01AA Global
10.5.2: NordOxygen_14.O.04_GLO_004_2007170037
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=8889791610682904748
MD5: 80b196f7d56eee1f51f01333a51ef57a
10.5.3: NordOxygen_14.O.05_GLO_005_2007312151
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=8889791610682921064
MD5: 91cb5115963595a42623ada9b473a11b
10.5.4: NordOxygen_14.O.06_GLO_006_2008050222
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=8889791610682921065
MD5: 473584c10da7f9fc38c8878015d103a1
10.5.5: NordOxygen_14.O.07_GLO_007_2008180221
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=8889791610682921732
MD5: 8a9007c61d06893509f12aec0bb39b16
10.5.6: NordOxygen_14.O.08_GLO_008_2008221847
Mirror: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=8889791610682926048
MD5: b07b0c6278bf21cdf091e7ba384f1cec
10.5.7: NordOxygen_14.O.09_GLO_009_2009010244
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=8889791610682932118
MD5: 17c7d89baf2c9edcc08d5185685c5032
10.5.8: NordOxygen_14.O.10_GLO_010_2009260504
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=8889791610682949329
MD5: 5b606a84f4a317f52a317e0ecc428cac
10.5.9: NordOxygen_14.O.11_GLO_011_2010232026
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=10763459528675575148
MD5: 93df7d7a7f520d3068493a78b1053fb2
10.5.10: NordOxygen_14.O.12_GLO_012_2012212243
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=17248734326145709940
MD5: 8431da45312b5b868570f5403bacc97d
10.5.11: NordOxygen_14.O.13_GLO_013_2102040620
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=2188818919693773213
MD5: 15fd4ca2a744e0d24fc46d93f27630cc NordOxygen_14.O.17_GLO_0170_2102241630
MD5: 062bee4199f507934d1411521183e341 NordOxygen_14.O.18_GLO_0180_2103100429
MD5: 45033d8ee905ad7d07026befe0e27ff6 NordOxygen_14.O.19_GLO_0190_2103130307
MD5: fff145772188b48fc38d50576159f93f NordOxygen_14.O.20_GLO_0200_2105191554
MD5: cc9f387afc999a7a7b034c03456adcec NordOxygen_14.O.21_GLO_0210_2107031751
MD5: 497fbb2fdfea7dfd6dccc220d19af26e NordOxygen_14.O.22_GLO_0220_2108131852
MD5: 0e0dd9aada96e95959ffa633ec3d3f7d NordOxygen_14.O.23_GLO_0230_2110142343
MD5: 1ca0af9bdb3210130efeeab66114090a NordOxygen_14.O.24_GLO_0240_2112031600
MD5: 4bc370222064f7d5a6e71b942e38eb8b NordOxygen_14.O.25_GLO_0250_2201171943
MD5: e366c01104e03a5dc9063742959feb5c NordOxygen_14.O.26_GLO_0260_2202231415
MD5: 5c687db1dc07355116728dd02c72071c NordOxygen_14.O.27_GLO_0270_2203101735
MD5: d33772142ffd39a784ed890becd8ff67
AC2003_11_F.11 (delivered to OOS 11 users): AC2003_11.F.11_2110_202205021357
MD5: 42cf4d6f48879241e98038fc6ca44ae7
AC2003_11_F.12: AC2003_11.F.12_2120_202206020213
MD5: 9f0a980a01059cbff65daf350f312655
AC2003_11_F.13: AC2003_11.F.13_2130_202207212034
MD5: e5a69af40f9158a687480b7551b37375
AC2003_11_F.14: AC2003_11.F.14_2140_202208011851
MD5: 50ff7ffb18492d7fb3487a2695e240a0
AC2003_11_F.15: AC2003_11.F.15_2150_202209211801
MD5: 04e826280b3cbc3b2ebd67f1ebe17361
AC2003_11_F.16: AC2003_11.F.16_2160_202210202032
MD5: 7d513272958afa29546a99f98098d6c9
AC2003_11_F.17: AC2003_11.F.17_2170_202212061030
MD5: 6754ab131baa9497ec40b09995ae9d24
AC2003_11_F.18: AC2003_11.F.18_2180_202301092043
MD5: b115f174fe306a51a6d7ac6349f5f2b1
AC2003_11_F.19: AC2003_11.F.19_2190_202303171635
MD5: aa7f1b529afced7ef9aeed789863847f
AC2003_11_F.20: AC2003_11.F.20_2200_202305082243
MD5: 8ad45c77d3cf5cf6837b77c13a58233d
AC01BA Europe
10.5.2: NordOxygen_14.E.04_GLO_004_2007170000
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=8889791610682901289
MD5: 64d29076b1a0a460f10c2b56cc9eb282
10.5.3: NordOxygen_14.E.05_GLO_005_2007312152
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=8889791610682921095
MD5: 712c36233d3c00d3d2e437834fe76d6f
10.5.4: NordOxygen_14.E.06_GLO_006_2008050225
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=8889791610682921067
MD5: a2f22dd2efd7ab48ca1faab80c28dd6f
10.5.5: NordOxygen_14.E.07_GLO_007_2008180221
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=8889791610682921731
MD5: 43a1e0ffe156722e061a2a176cd50da1
10.5.6: NordOxygen_14.E.08_GLO_008_2008221859
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=8889791610682926044
MD5: b84aa8948361da4e1ee0db6950b35e2a
10.5.7: NordOxygen_14.E.09_GLO_009_2009010243
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=8889791610682932116
MD5: 6882ae99bd7d0c64f5453a508eec3d24
10.5.8: NordOxygen_14.E.10_GLO_010_2009260459
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=8889791610682949881
MD5: 44b5f5b37d06cd232669809b20d417cc
10.5.9: NordOxygen_14.E.11_GLO_011_2010232003
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=10763459528675575146
MD5: f26f2c5e037acb24bc28c15eeb5b1b5e
10.5.10: NordOxygen_14.E.12_GLO_012_2012212225
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=17248734326145709930
MD5: 3a7759c1fc54885cf7d39b8269085343
10.5.11: NordOxygen_14.E.13_GLO_013_2102040307
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=2188818919693773296
MD5: d4a673152109e7d5249207b0e0dd4357 NordOxygen_14.E.17_GLO_0170_2102101644
MD5: 095d70c4a5988d861cc5343fe046b795 NordOxygen_14.E.18_GLO_0180_2103112026
MD5: 5374f188c7b023735bf7f42897cbfef9 NordOxygen_14.E.19_GLO_0190_2103130306
MD5: ab82cedd30e9f96fe858a217c8d91fe4 NordOxygen_14.E.20_GLO_0200_2105191553
MD5: 29fb965a37b1ece88fe3d20dfa31c608 NordOxygen_14.E.21_GLO_0210_2107031752
MD5: 178434b6628b0e8e5392f28749d80a80 NordOxygen_14.E.22_GLO_0220_2108131837
MD5: 1bd823aa5ed79857c73393bb6a439322 NordOxygen_14.E.23_GLO_0230_2110142343
MD5: 726e574b4bbe2e647116734713d00d66 NordOxygen_14.E.24_GLO_0240_2112031600
MD5: 88e94467cb50fbd3b639fe24a004fed3 NordOxygen_14.E.25_GLO_0250_2201171943
MD5: d9d23e797bd3c3a9ee62976305be38cc NordOxygen_14.E.26_GLO_0260_2202221915
MD5: c00397ee8f6e17e24290948dfe71ffe6 NordOxygen_14.E.27_GLO_0270_2203101738
MD5: da95ac33b423a93893bec7a8dd5a8d41 NordOxygen_14.E.28_GLO_0280_2205252248
MD5: 4ab6746a2a583a23184839655a98172d
AC2003_11_F.12 (delivered to OOS 11 users): AC2003_11.F.12_2120_202206020213
MD5: 11f9dc68348917b68e95a0f4d9723af9
AC2003_11_F.13: AC2003_11.F.13_2130_202207212034
MD5: 5a2fa9cd81e05de7065017ab6b298875
AC2003_11_F.14: AC2003_11.F.14_2140_202208011851
MD5: 12108a5dfc3bcd0086a97f1d8b60b113
AC2003_11_F.15: AC2003_11.F.15_2150_202209211801
MD5: 664A1590852545C0630A4F5379FAD5FC
AC2003_11_F.16: AC2003_11.F.16_2160_202210202032
MD5: 1a69b554d0313324d08ffbb912bd81ba
AC2003_11_F.17: AC2003_11.F.17_2170_202212061030
MD5: 78c4798135226679c524b685d6756262
AC2003_11_F.18: AC2003_11.F.18_2180_202301092043
MD5: 265ecc2bef75710c03b98f1557f34e28
AC2003_11_F.19: AC2003_11.F.19_2190_202303171635
MD5: 91c1117e84dcaf9a0529a8a1caabd41a
AC2003_11_F.20: AC2003_11.F.20_2200_202305082243
MD5: efa5575f985c99adde7d7251969830ea
AC01DA India
10.5.2: NordOxygen_14.I.04_GLO_004_2007170032
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=8889791610682901288
MD5: 0e10c782ea79ee49b5d4254d0948afa4
10.5.3: NordOxygen_14.I.05_GLO_005_2007312150
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=8889791610682921061
MD5: acd1b5ae224c34fabf63f79bcfde87fe
10.5.4: NordOxygen_14.I.06_GLO_006_2008050222
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=8889791610682921062
MD5: feed1f7ad7983f9b388d43b295dcb25c
10.5.5: NordOxygen_14.I.07_GLO_007_2008180229
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=8889791610682921737
MD5: 4666995fce08a10bc743cd552fd9cf36
10.5.6: NordOxygen_14.I.08_GLO_008_2008221920
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=8889791610682926049
MD5: 31d2b4ce87b1580a54fd01e47c38a1ae
10.5.7: NordOxygen_14.I.09_GLO_009_2009010241
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=8889791610682932126
MD5: d33acc7d2ef5b1d240ca2dd9255496c6
10.5.8: NordOxygen_14.I.10_GLO_010_2009260428
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=8889791610682949330
MD5: 50fe72a73ebde987effae931d65e80a1
10.5.9: NordOxygen_14.I.11_GLO_011_2010232007
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=10763459528675575149
MD5: 60bd7ce6b31bb49bc250103ddaf605c0
10.5.10: NordOxygen_14.I.12_GLO_012_2012212232
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=17248734326145709937
MD5: 607c5fd395734c3221b7135dea85b278
10.5.11: NordOxygen_14.I.13_GLO_013_2102040316
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=2188818919693773303
MD5: 3670bff07bcf6383c10c92900de99eac NordOxygen_14.I.17_GLO_0170_2102101644
MD5: 21b67094a5a555121bb995366e32405a NordOxygen_14.I.18_GLO_0180_2103100429
MD5: eb44982a34d55063795c7cd35370a40e NordOxygen_14.I.19_GLO_0190_2103130305
MD5: 79f936d6f4e4445e9854784eb835d707 NordOxygen_14.I.20_GLO_0200_2105191553
MD5: 5e60e85c7b1a55830cdf37ea85baa796 NordOxygen_14.I.21_GLO_0210_2107040151
MD5: 6037cceb819b78fb91c00b6fed2714fd NordOxygen_14.I.22_GLO_0220_2108131953
MD5: bcfbda6cf48297152b817e06e2b9ac2a NordOxygen_14.I.23_GLO_0230_2110142343
MD5: 09c8b3411a18ec92436190ee6c7e31f0 NordOxygen_14.I.24_GLO_0240_2112032112
MD5: be7bdba113380c4f2c3b30c665ec1d01 NordOxygen_14.I.25_GLO_0250_2201171943
MD5: 289f501a27f849fdb053a1000a9ac030 NordOxygen_14.I.26_GLO_0260_2202231510
MD5: 34ede550429f6b9f3b20665a10698846 (Build given by OTA system): NordOxygen_14.I.27_GLO_0270_2203101734
MD5: ef3a660020376af2a0f6fb3a58ffe828 (Build present on support website as of April 12th 2022): NordOxygen_14.I.27_GLO_0270_2203231033
MD5: 21a12741ae535d750c24e2677b19ca20
AC2001_11_F.11 (delivered to OOS 11 users): AC2001_11.F.11_2110_202205021358
MD5: 16cad40de1493f44c55384e8ffca7670
AC2001_11_F.11: AC2001_11.F.11_2110_202205021358
MD5: ecd2123f7eeaab0d861e1f8c81a36ff6
AC2001_11_F.12 (delivered to OOS 11 users): AC2001_11.F.12_2120_202205280349
MD5: adf6d4a95658ae52d6d0c6d500866736
AC2001_11_F.12: AC2001_11.F.12_2120_202205280349
MD5: 7ebd9129494f411be7a4f6e70fcb5852
AC2001_11_F.13: AC2001_11.F.13_2130_202207212033
MD5: 5952fb5e3a9d3e253c59a438ead5bc2b
AC2001_11_F.14: AC2001_11.F.14_2140_202208011852
MD5: 831dc8b58cce6263778802d200b96821
AC2001_11_F.15 (delivered to OOS 11 users): AC2001_11.F.15_2150_202209211802
MD5: b010800c5ddea11cefd8f46071d84390
AC2001_11_F.15: AC2001_11.F.15_2150_202209211802
MD5: e1d30a52c944b262058b706eb6b12681
AC2001_11_F.16 (delivered to OOS 11 users): AC2001_11.F.16_2160_202210202031
MD5: 81fcd9fa9a936377b81c42adb14a4e68
AC2001_11_F.16: AC2001_11.F.16_2160_202210202031
MD5: a8af111920158bafcda3979856e4bd52
AC2001_11_F.17: AC2001_11.F.17_2170_202212052308
MD5: 0dfaefb21d9cdb439126327bbd59b512
AC2001_11_F.18: AC2001_11.F.18_2180_202301092042
MD5: 53417db5cd091d603b7cee2404eaddc3
AC2001_11_F.19: AC2001_11.F.19_2190_202303171634
MD5: 18cf0ee6be3481e548462227ca614bc4
AC2001_11_F.20: AC2001_11.F.20_2200_202305171528
MD5: a7fccff19e4fcc63be1d053404287290
Signed flashable zips (Open Beta)
Global Open Beta
Open Beta 1: NordOxygen_14.X.01_GLO_0010_2012282129
MD5: c63fa35e3b25bc5aea6714536f0cdc32
Open Beta 2: NordOxygen_14.X.03_GLO_0030_2101181835
MD5: 19c900ec649541cf13f7d5cbe082d469
Open Beta 3: NordOxygen_14.X.05_GLO_0050_2101292335
MD5: e161daf9720ffff03358239bc827f7fe
Open Beta 4: NordOxygen_14.X.07_GLO_0070_2103011940
MD5: 4f9a5cc4ac5819e8cbedd376eb741666
Open Beta 5: NordOxygen_14.X.09_GLO_0090_2104202054
MD5: c684a16dbff11818628d5cb004afd3d6
Open Beta 6: NordOxygen_14.X.11_GLO_0110_2108251357
MD5: 2f0f689c6b92d16a202eb0ca178193af
European Open Beta
Open Beta 1: NordOxygen_14.X.01_GLO_0010_2012282054
MD5: 6984eabae39873c8941e2581876582ef
Open Beta 2: NordOxygen_14.X.02_GLO_0020_2101181833
MD5: ad27ff793b59f009d2291775ee1a299c
Open Beta 3: NordOxygen_14.X.04_GLO_0040_2101300043
MD5: e48c2dffa046144701729d5910251890
Open Beta 4: NordOxygen_14.X.06_GLO_0060_2103011945
MD5: feffb045162e7fa3fc295e298d35c33f
Open Beta 5: NordOxygen_14.X.08_GLO_0080_2104202056
MD5: 8ecff8f5e88d1cf4d32a905542052157
Open Beta 6: NordOxygen_14.X.10_GLO_0100_2108251357
MD5: f0e877131c273f311f8df1b6e3709187
Indian Open Beta
Open Beta 1: NordOxygen_14.W.01_GLO_0010_2012282101
MD5: ced20593b8ab0620dbfa85c33ed4ff04
Open Beta 2: NordOxygen_14.W.02_GLO_0020_2101142302
MD5: cdd67293baf04d36b35cb2ba741048c8
Open Beta 3: NordOxygen_14.W.03_GLO_0030_2101292335
MD5: 86aeb1599f5bc0dc305d274151205623
Open Beta 4: NordOxygen_14.W.04_GLO_0040_2103012053
MD5: f508c76cb530cf39970f22cad7c53a6c
Open Beta 5: NordOxygen_14.W.05_GLO_0050_2104202054
MD5: 1b9a4f0fb0a8fcdf4b6598c70bc17dc2
Open Beta 6: NordOxygen_14.W.06_GLO_0060_2108251806
MD5: bc1066bd0f182eb0f79dc7ee3b92102b
OxygenOS 12 Open Beta 1: AC2001_11.F.09_2090_202203301700
MD5: 3a8b4829b7b2fd54fedc6c1ee5d4a601
OxygenOS 12 Open Beta 2: AC2001_11.F.10_2100_202204111449
MD5: 595aea6657a2125f6b01bf6daa4f20ff
Downgrade zips (will wipe your data)
AC01AA Global
10.5.10: NordOxygen_14.O.12_GLO_012_2012212243
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=17248734326145709947
MD5: 2bb43c35db4be049d689061bf92b66aa NordOxygen_14.O.22_GLO_0220_2108131852
MD5: 98892aeccc003fbd160d9164dba4807a NordOxygen_14.O.25_GLO_0250_2201171943
MD5: 5b23ddd7b37507cbe3e0e653e360762e
AC01BA Europe
10.5.10: NordOxygen_14.E.12_GLO_012_2012212225
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=17248734326145711860
MD5: 2c9150ab044418d22eb43ecabb7c4bcd NordOxygen_14.E.22_GLO_0220_2108131837
MD5: 06f70285e4e4d46cfb1e92833c257eb5 NordOxygen_14.E.25_GLO_0250_2201171943
MD5: 3fed664162195271c4bb73a2797fda77
AC01DA India
10.5.10: NordOxygen_14.I.12_GLO_012_2012212232
Mirror: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=17248734326145709948
MD5: f326680c8034f181e1817976eef75f14 NordOxygen_14.I.22_GLO_0220_2108131953
MD5: 06a99e67133e6e497998c3fa38a9cd26 NordOxygen_14.I.25_GLO_0250_2201171943
MD5: 8224de9c05f994053412363c77015647
Reserved # 1
Reserved # 2
Reserved # 3
Builds mirroring will be done later, waiting that I got a local copy of the files. 10.5.2 files have been mirrored as of July 27th 2020.
You can extract stock boot.img using payload dumper (Windows, Linux).
@Titokhan for the template and for being a friend
@headsh0t95 for being a friend and making Oxygen Updater
OnePlus for the device and OS
Added 10.5.3 links, OP will be updated properly with MD5 and mirrors in two weeks as I'm not home and with limited Internet access
Some alt links, in case someone needs them. Hosted at the Internet Archive.
European variant:
- NordOxygen_14_OTA_005_all_2007312152_7894e1e.zip
- MD5: 712c36233d3c00d3d2e437834fe76d6f
Indian variant:
- NordOxygen_14_OTA_005_all_2007312150_7832c5.zip
- MD5: acd1b5ae224c34fabf63f79bcfde87fe
is it possible to also include the rom of the "AC01AA" vairant?
10.5.4.AC01AA update is available for my mobile.. is there a way to capture the update link so that the OTA zip can be obtained?
iamelton said:
is it possible to also include the rom of the "AC01AA" vairant?
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Click to collapse
It was hard to find info about it until I saw https://forums.oneplus.com/threads/...ming-to-europe-heres-how-to-order-it.1267904/ as OnePlus made its marketting so that only India and Europe were mentioned, could you confirm that your device model number is AC2001 as well? That's what OP live chat support claimed but I don't trust them much since I taught them they were selling this device in Hong Kong as well.
India (oneplus.in), Hong Kong
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Click to collapse
Also added 10.5.4 Indian build link.
Some_Random_Username said:
It was hard to find info about it until I saw https://forums.oneplus.com/threads/...ming-to-europe-heres-how-to-order-it.1267904/ as OnePlus made its marketting so that only India and Europe were mentioned, could you confirm that your device model number is AC2001 as well? That's what OP live chat support claimed but I don't trust them much since I taught them they were selling this device in Hong Kong as well.
Also added 10.5.4 Indian build link.
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Click to collapse
you are right to *not* trust the live chat support guys..
my model was purchased in Hong Kong with model number "AC2003" and build tag "AC01AA"
and thx for the 10.5.4 package for my model.. now going to proceed to rooting.. :good:
[edit: screen capture added]
iamelton said:
yes you are right to *not* trust the live chat support guys..
my model was purchased in Hong Kong with model number "AC2003" and build tag "AC01AA"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Did you get it from OnePlus themselves?
Some_Random_Username said:
Did you get it from OnePlus themselves?
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Click to collapse
yes directly from OnePlus hk site..
Awesome thread! 10.5.3.AC01BA is being rolled out now too.
Here's an official link: https://oxygenos.oneplus.net/NordOxygen_14_OTA_005_all_2007312152_20a156749d734823.zip
MD5: 712c36233d3c00d3d2e437834fe76d6f
Edit: I did an oopsie, 10.5.4 is being rolled out and I was mistaken in the link, will update if I get 10.5.4 though.
Edit edit: https://otafsg1.h2os.com/patch/amaz...NordOxygen_14_OTA_006_all_2008050222_30ae.zip this is linked as the 10.5.4 OTA zip, I have yet to confirm it is though.
Last edit: Turns out I'm a dummy and this version was already posted. thanks for the helpful thread tho!
ASTDEv3 said:
Edit edit: https://otafsg1.h2os.com/patch/amaz...NordOxygen_14_OTA_006_all_2008050222_30ae.zip this is linked as the 10.5.4 OTA zip, I have yet to confirm it is though,
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
this is the Global 10.5.4 version, and is already included in OP..
iamelton said:
this is the Global 10.5.4 version, and is already included in OP..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
My bad, I must've missed it in my eagerness, thanks for pointing it out
Added 10.5.4 EU link
I was able to switch from EU to Global with local update without wipe of data. I was hoping to get the EQ settings but unfortunately it's still not present
What are the differences between EU, India and global?
Less bloat (EU) more bloat (Global) more and more bloat (India)

